SpaceCoast MultiSport

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SpaceCoast MultiSport Providing well-deserved exposure for the multisport athletes of Brevard County, FL VOLUME 1 * ISSUE 1 * AUGUST 2011 * SPACECOASTMULTISPORT.COM

DONNER’S DOMINANCE CONTINUES Grabs repeat victory at Space Coast Triathlon ]


The break is over. Thanks for letting us know how much you missed the (mostly) day-­‐to-­‐day coverage of Brevard’s incredible multisport athletes at If you’ve visited or lived anywhere else -­‐ besides maybe Boulder or San Diego -­‐ then you know how cool it is to have the community and weather we have here. So, we’re back to covering that coolness and hope you will help us with ideas, photos, stories and opinions. We are also playing around with different ways to present on-­‐line content. We’re wondering if this eZine format is too cumbersome to be timely? What are your thoughts? We’d love to hear from you!





When Kaitlin Shiver made the tough decision to leave the Gator cross-­‐country team at the end of her junior year to pursue a triathlon career, you just knew good things were coming for the now 21-­‐year-­‐old Satellite Beach resident! And indeed they have. In addition to winning the USA Triathlon Collegiate National Championship earlier this year, the peppy Gator physical therapy doctoral candidate and Iiancee of Ironman Ed Donner, is also sitting on top of the women’s Iield in the prestigious and monied USAT Elite Race Series. And, if that’s not enough, Shiver was recently selected by USAT to be part of their Project 2016 team. The purpose of Project 2016 is to “provide administrative, performance and Iinancial support structure ... with the realistic goal of representing the USA at the 2016 games.” Kaitlin’s thoughts for the upcoming whirlwind? “Over the next Iive years I hope to continue to accomplish triathlon-­‐related goals and complete the doctorate of physical therapy program at UF while of course being the best wife-­‐from-­‐a-­‐ distance I can be!” We don’t know anyone who could do it better!

GO KAITLIN! battle_of_bridges



Donna Davis, 1st 30-34

John Davis, 1st 30-34

TWO-TIMING DONNER! Ed Donner’s a two-­‐timer. No, he’s not stepping out on Kaitlin Shiver, his delightful =iancée. I n s t e a d t h e 3 4 -­‐ y e a r -­‐ o l d Melbourne wealth manager became the two-­‐time winner of the Space Coast Triathlon in Melbourne Beach on July 31 as he broke the tape in =ifty-­‐two minutes and 21 seconds. “I came back hoping to repeat last year,” he said of the event that offers a quarter-­‐mile ocean swim; a 10-­‐mile out-­‐and-­‐back bike sprint along A1A and a 3-­‐mile run. “I wanted to sharpen up the long stuff I’ve been doing. I’m in m y l a s t t h r e e w e e k s o f

p re p a ra t i o n fo r ( I ro n m a n ) Louisville.” Although local of=icials forced race organizers to move the run from neighborhood pavement to the soft sands becoming sloppy by the Atlantic Ocean’s incoming tide, Donner still managed to beat last year’s time by 26 seconds. “I’m a better swimmer this year,” he said. “I swim with Kaitlin and B.J. (Graham) and I’m actually making the intervals. My rest isn’t as long (as theirs) but I’m making the main long sets and the shorter intervals. I couldn’t do that last year.” Donner has not only been putting in between 15 to 20,000 yards a week in the pool but he also

Lisa Saturday, Masters

Matt Mahoney1st Fat Tire (#280, top podium) Ed Donner goes for the repeat win at the 2011 Space Coast Triathlon in Melbourne Beach on July 31.



Jerry Bird, 1st 55-59

Overall Female Winners left to right: Jessica Weidenbauer, 3rd; Jessica Crate, 1st, Mary Lindsey Bateman, second.

works out on his Halo swim trainer in his home gym to improve his technique. The reward of his focused swim effort gave him the third fastest swim in the =ield plus plenty of energy left to crank the fastest bike split of the day – 23:45 – or 25.3 miles per hour. While dodging the occasional wave, Donner then averaged 7:08 per mile on the run to maintain his lead and take his second course win.

Orlando’s Steve Orellana, 24, followed 1:24 behind Donner, taking second in 53:45. Gerard Hubbard, 25 and also from Orlando, took third in 54:13. In the ladies’ race, elite runner Jessica Crate proved equally d e a d l y t o h e r m u l t i s p o r t competition as she is during road races. The 26-­‐year-­‐old Satellite Beach athlete stormed the line in 55:22, good enough for seventh overall in the =ield of 237 =inishers. (Story continues next page)

Jen Lepper, 1st 25-29

Dave Farrell, 2nd 60-64 Duathlon

FASTEST RACE SPLITS SWIM: Colby Mack: 5:25; Angel Wong, 6:19 BIKE: Ed Donner: 23:45/25.3mph; Jessia Crate: 26:10/22.9mph Run: John Davis: 20:07/6:42/mile; Jessica Crate: 20:11, 6:43/mile


Willy Moolenaar 1st 70-74 Duathlon


$XJXVW ‡ D P 9LHUD )ORULGD This year’s football themed race will kick off at the Avenue of Viera based out of the Pizza Gallery and Grill courtyard. Show support for your favorite football team! Random giveaway of NFL Football tickets (any Florida team) plus one hotel night stay for two! Q Support your Favorite Football Team on Race Day Q Awesome Pizza and Football Awards Q Special Award for the Most Supported Team! Q Zippy the Gecko Mascot to lead the Kids’ Run Q Tailgate Party after race catered by Pizza Gallery & Grill! Q Benefits Suntree/Viera Youth Football & Cheerleading League and WEGO Ministries

 Crate  also  =inished  more  than  eight  minutes  ahead  of  second  place  =inisher,  35-­â€?year-­â€?old  Mary  Lindsey  Bateman,  who  =inished  in  1 : 0 3 : 4 2 .  M e l b o u r n e ’ s  Jessica  Wiedenbauer,  28,  earned  third  with  her  1:05:10.  While  the  triathletes  began  their  swim,  close  to  70  duathletes  lined  up  for  the  start  of  their  race  that  included  a  one-­â€?mile  run;  10-­â€?mile  bike  and  3-­â€?mile  run.  Port  St.  Lucie’s  Augie  Sanz  took  the  top  duathlon  spot  in  57:07.   Finishing  =irst  in  the  ladies  race  and  second  overall  was  Lisa  Buohler.  The  44-­â€?year-­â€?old  certi=ied  =itness  trainer  and  sports  performance  nutritionist  from  Lehigh  Acres  =inished  second  in  the  40-­â€?44  age  group  at  the  USA  Triathlon  N a t i o n a l  D u a t h l o n  Championships  in  April.  If  there  had  been  an  award  given  for  Good  Deeds,  Cocoa’s  Michelle  Smurl  would  have  earned  i t .  T h e  4 3 -­â€? y e a r -­â€? o l d Â

D i r e c t o r  o f  A n i m a l  P r o g r a m s  a n d  C o n s e r va t i o n  fo r  t h e  B reva rd  Z o o  s to p p e d  during  the  second  run  to  direct  fellow  competitors  around  a  mama  sea  turtle  lumbering  her  way  back  to  the  ocean.  In  spite  of  the  time  lost  to  help  a  fellow  creature,  Smurl  took  the  top  female  Master’s  award  with  her  1:10:49  =inish.  Congratulations  to  all  of  B r e v a r d ’ s  m u l t i s p o r t  athletes  and  volunteers.  Complete  results  and  photos  are  are  available  at  S p e c i a l  t h a n k s  t o  M e l b o u r n e ’ s  C a t h y  Chapman  for  capturing  and  sharing  all  of  the  great  r a c e  p h o t o s  t h a t  accompany  this  article!    Coming  up  next  in  local  multisport  is  the  Salty  Dog  Kids’  Duathlon  on  Oct.  1,  followed  the  next  day  by  the  Battle  of  the  Bridges  O l y m p i c  a n d  S p r i t -­â€? Distance  Triathlons.  See  ads  on  pages  xx  and  xx!

Did you know that when you participate in any of the Running Zone Foundation events, you are also giving back to our local community? Proceeds from all Foundation events are donated right back to our community through charitable and other non-profit organizations. During the 2010-11 season alone, the Foundation donated close to $45K. Check Facebook to see how you are helping the Foundation help all of us. THANK YOU!


6th Annual “Running on Island Time” 5K Race/Walk A/$/VK$&!?%P%$/!F/415!;1+,/.5! [%)%3!OOOT,.11)T74&\]U!@74!.74/!%$@74.+K7$! B+3#4,+5N!;#&#)3!^_3>N!^_YY!`9a_!;F! Ybc_!8743>!<7#43/$+5!=+4UO+5N!F/44%W!()*+$,! !! 2011 - 2012 SCR Runner of the Year (ROY) Kick-off Race •  !"#$%&'($)"*+,$$"-./01234/$546$%47438$

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Walker ‫܆‬ Runner ‫܆‬ 8+./9!:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::!

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Chalmers nails ninth in Tour de l’Abitibi Stage 7 victory seals the deal

Lauderdale-­‐based cycling team, zMotion. “He’s racing at a higher level this year,” said Chalmers dad, Tony. “Grant Potter (a former Pan American gold medalist) is their captain and he is very committed to the team.” “They have a training camp in Mt. Dora and Jos has had to learn to race differently. He is the only Junior on the Pro 1/2 team and is racing to team orders, not just for himself.” Chalmers was a wiser and stronger rider when he returned to Abitibi-­‐Temiscamingue region of Quebec last month as part of the six-­‐member US southeast regional team sponsored by Waste Management. The six-­‐day, seven stage, 367 mile hammer fest offered =ive road races, one circuit event and an individual time-­‐trial. Each stage returned the riders to the Merritt Island’s Jos Chalmers stands proudly on the top of the podium after host town of Amos where throngs winning the seventh and Iinal stage of Canada’s Tour de l’Abitibi. Left, in second, is of spectators welcomed them in Alexey Vermeulen and right, in third, is an unhappy looking USA National Team with cheers. rider, Alex Darville. The race is considered the ‘Tour de France’ for Junior riders. Two of those stages were particularly instrumental in Last year, in spite of the fact that National Team riders from the vaulting Chalmers onto the radar he was one of Florida’s fastest United States, France, New o f s p o n s o r s a n d p r o / Junior cyclists, Jos Chalmers rode Zealand, Japan and Canada as well development team coaches who the Tour de l’Abitibi like some as regional and pro team invitees are searching for potential future wide-­‐eyed innocent. from places as far away and as Olympian or Tour de France “I went in with the mindset that I hard to pronounce as Kazakhstan. champions. wasn’t as good as the others and “This year my con=idence was up The =irst came during the 12.4K would just try to hang on to their and went into the race thinking ‘I t i m e t r i a l o f s t a g e t h r e e . wheels,” said Chalmers, who can compete in this’,” he said. “I Averaging 30 mph, Chalmers =inished deep in the results of the didn’t want to be one hanging onto =inished =ifteenth overall and well Canadian event that is often wheels. I wanted to be one to ahead of four of the six USA referred to as “the Tour de France” instigate the attacks.” National Team riders. That for the world’s elite Junior cyclists. Part of the success has come from performance also pushed him On July 24, the 17-­‐year-­‐old rising the con=idence and discipline into the top twenty of the General Holy Trinity senior =inished ninth earned from riding with the Fort Classi=ication. 9 overall in the =ield stacked with

- especially when some one hollers was thrilled to get second place in the out ‘come on, Anne’. That type of 50-59 age group. The  crowning  moment  occurred  meters  to  go  he  said  â€˜Jos,  it’s  all  generous encouragement makes me during  the  =inal  stage,  an  88.7K  ON you’.â€? TAKING TWO 2010 grit my teeth and push harder. route  that  ended  with  the  riders    Chalmers  didn’t  realize  that  he  To be associated with such an im- OVERALL FEMALE WINS peddling  =ive  5.4K  laps  around  had  actually  won  the  stage  until  he  pressive group ofAathletes Lucky! just happened to run downtown  mos. and friends had  gone  Iaround  a  nearby  corner  is a pleasure and a privilege. well on those days when speedsters  Jos  Chalmers  describes  how  it  and  started  shifting  down. like Jessica(Crate) down: RACES   â€œThen  it  hit  me  tweren’t hat,  Oh,  competmy  God,  I  MOSTwent  MEMORABLE ing. These local events were  â€œOn  the  way  in  there  were  a  few  had  just  won  the  stage,â€?  he  parsaid.  â€œIt  I have always enjoyed the Down- ticularly gratifying, especially the little  breaks  and  then  a  big  one  but  was  very  humbling.â€? townnothing  Melbourne 5k in men Coconut which raised stuck,â€?  he  which said.  â€œWith    After  d5k iscovering  that  money his  win  for had  and women run separate races and so library, Melbourne three  laps  to  go  there  were  =ive  our also  vaulted  him  into  Beach’s the  top  little ten,  have guys  up  the  road  the opportunity toasupport each nd  I  attacked  to  treasure Chalmers  quick  to  credit  trovewas  for bibliophiles. other.bridge  The high-energy atmosphere up  but  then  they  stopped  others. CURRENT helped me last year to run a 5k PR working.â€?  â€œI  was  GOALS pretty  thankful  for  my  RI 6KH ZRQ WKH GLYLVLRQ Break minutes in the 5Kof  this  â€œI  didn’t  wait.  I  shot  around  them  team,â€?  he  20said.  â€œI  owe  a  lot  my  E\ DOPRVW VL[ PLQXWHV DQG ZDV WK season or, more realistically, beat my and  Alexey  (Vermeulen,  the  17-­â€?18  position  to  them,  especially  David  IHPDOH RYHUDOO RXW RI ZRPHQ LQ 2011  Junior  National  champion)  3% Goodman  from  the  go.  He  helped  followed.  It  was  just  the  two  of  us.  me  While get  across  some  of  Mike the  bigger  the race.) I was injured, began I  thought  the  the others  would  bring  teaching break-­â€?a-­â€?ways.â€? And of course zoo races (The me how to swim freestyle. us  back  the  gap  stayed  and  I’d   like  This  week,  Chalmers  life  goes  Running Zone but  Foundation Race to attempt a sprint triathlon then  increased  to  about  20  to  22  back  to  a  different  sort  of  Series annual 3K event at the Brevard sometime next year. normalcy.   It  is  one  that  includes  Zoo. seconds.â€? ) and the Space Coast half-maraADVICE TO his  OTHER AARP-ELIGIBLE  â€œThere  was  a  three  second  time  keeping  grade  point  average  thon are always great fun. bonus  on  the  ine  with  two  laps  to  high  during  senior  year  ATHLETES JUSThis  STARTING OUTat  Holy  My fourth race l(ever) was a go  and  I  got  it.  There  was  money  Trinty;  working  a  few  hours  each  half-marathon in Poughkeepsie which For openers ‘don’t take running on  one  to  go  so  I  put  my  head  week  at  In=inity  Bike  Shop;  I entered at the very last minute. I too seriously.’ Relax and have fun. down  and  went  as  hard  as  I  hanging  out  with  his  family  and  started off slowly, chatting and enjoyout and enjoy with other possibly  could.  Alexey  had  told  me  Go friends  and,  running of  course,  the  ing the I gradually picked Making a acommitment to in  fall the  foliage. break  that  if  I  made  it  to  the  people. occasional  race  round  the  state.  XS P\ SDFH DQG Ă€QLVKHG LQ , line  the  stage  was  mine.  With  100  meet a chum a for a run and a chat

Come join Running Zone for their FREE Thursday night fun run/walk! Athletes of all abilities leave the store at 6 p.m. to walk or run approximately three miles - most of it through beautiful and shady Wickham Park. Make sure to stick around on the last Thursday of each month for FREE pizza and fun give-a-ways!

will get you out the door when you least feel like training.   â€œI  have  a  split  lifestyle,â€?  he  People say ‘ oh I couldn’t do laughed.  â€œI  do  have  my  racing  ZKDW \RX GR¡ \HW ZKHQ , Ă€UVW VWDUWHG which  is  my  =irst  priority  but  then  I’d run a half mile and be exhausted. I  like  to  come  back  here  and  hang  ,W WDNHV WLPH WR EXLOG XS \RXU Ă€WQHVV out  with  my  buddies.  It  keeps  me  but it is well the effort and mentally  into  worth cycling.â€? dedication. Improvement may come LQ Ă€WV DQG VWDUWV EXW DV ORQJ DV \RX persevere it will come. I was told that after you start running, you have just ten years in which to improve. A valid axiom or one more mental shackle? Time will tell. Set an an achievable goal and enjoy the challenge. 'XULQJ \RXU Ă€UVW UDFHV LW¡V JUHDW to have an experienced runner by your side, offering guidance and encouragement. I was lucky enough Chalmers  hits  the  line  for  the  to  victory  in  have thethe  sage advice of Tom Ward Iinal  stage  of  the  Tour  (another Running Zone race team de  l’Abitibi. member from Melbourne Beach)  The  Holy  Trinity  senior  plans  to  who attend  calm college  after  at graduating  would me down the start and while  continuing  to  advance  his  give me tips such as ‘slow down, cycling  skills  and  ranking. you’re out too fast’.  The  going dual  US/British  citizen  is  So lace ‘em up, come join us, considering  academic  and  athletic  s c htogether o l a r s h i p  we o pmight p o r t ujust n i t i eshow s  a t  the and different  l ocations. young whippersnappers a thing or two!

E^_m mh kb`am3 Khg :[^e% K^g^ =ngg ![hmmhf"% Kh[bg A^kgZg]^s% =Zo^ A^kgZg]^s% Kh[^km >kb\dlhg% OZe^ldZ F\=hgZe] Zg] Cbf L\aZ^__^k ^gchr ibssZ Zg] _ng Zm Knggbg` Shg^ l Mankl]Zr gb`am _ng kng(pZed


The SIZZLES Rock n’ Roll in Providence At least it wasn’t hot. When Tracy ‘T-­‐Sizzle’ Simso and Andy ‘D-­‐Sizzle’ Dutra signed up for the Rock ‘nl’ Roll Providence Half-­‐Marathon, they were hoping they’d get a break from the soul-­‐sucking, sole-­‐ melting summer heat. What they did get during the Aug. 7 race were driving rains that dropped an inch on the town within two hours, 24 mph wind gusts that turned spectator umbrellas inside-­‐out and some hills that seemed to expand upon sight. Oh, the temperatures did hover around a lovely 65 degrees. The Melbourne duo stuck together throughout the race, crossing the Iinish line together in one-­‐hour, thirty-­‐two minutes and 48 seconds. Although a bit off of what they wanted, both were happy as T-­‐Siz took 17th OA in the ladies race and Iirst in the 35-­‐39 division. Andy Iinish in the top 100 OA and both of his parents completed their Iirst-­‐ever half-­‐marathon walk.





August 28 - November 27 (Race day!) 2011 Half-Marathon Race Medal

2011 Marathon Race Medal

Running Zone Foundation and Coaches Bernie Sher and Barry Birdwell have teamed up to offer the

Health First Health Plans 13-week Training Camp to prepare both beginner and experienced athletes to run or run/walk the Space Coast Half-Marathon in Cocoa Village on Nov. 27. Read all about the beautiful Space Coast course and generous race amenities at


Whether your goal is to complete your FIRST or FASTEST half-marathon (13.1-mile race), this camp is for YOU and includes: O Daily

on-line training schedules. and Sunday morning coached group sessions. O Running Zone ‘Get Out and Run’ goodie bags. O Fluids provided at all group workouts O Fitness, fun and group camaraderie.

O Various

workshops with guest speakers discussing topics including: - Running Zone Shoe Clinic - Injury Prevention - Nutrition - Mental Training

O Mid-week

Sunday morning camp workouts&will be held at 6:30 a.m. at Oars and Paddles Park, Indian Harbour Beach and at River- front Park in Cocoa Village. The first group workouts are Sunday, August 28. Thursday evening camp workouts will be held at 6:00 p.m. at Running Zone. Entry Fees: The cost of the Space Coast Half-Marathon Training Camp is $75.00 for Health First Health Plans members and $100 for non-members. See reverse side for entry form.

94$:.(--&/%%*425 Find out more at our informational kickoff meetings. During this period you will learn more about the program, meet your coaches, pick up camp materials and get answers to all your questions. Join us for one of the following at 6:30 p.m. on: Monday, August 22: Melbourne Pro Health & Fitness Healthplex Tuesday, August 23: Merritt Island Pro Health & Fitness Healthplex Thursday, August 25: Viera Pro Health & Fitness Healthplex

;,#)*&<--== For more information contact Running Zone at 321-751-8890.



&77(,8*9',:*"3)7; Bernie Sher

Bernie Sher

Head Coach Bernie Sher has been coaching runners and triathletes since 1995 and is certified by both RRCA and USAT. Bernie didn’t begin racing until age 40 and understands how to manage the physical and emotional effects of age. His knowledge with balancing workouts, rest, attitude and nutrition has allowed him to run multiple marathons including a personal best of 2:58 at Boston. He has also won numerous triathlon championships at all distances including a fifth place age group finish at the Ironman World Championships in Kona, HI. He will teach you how to bring the best out of yourself. Learn more about Coach Bernie at

Barry Birdwell

Barry Birdwell

Barry is a perpetual student of the best and most accomplished endurance experts. For eight years he has been merging this passion with his engineering and business background. Whether it is RUN or RUN/WALK, WALK or WALK/RUN, Barry develops realistic programs suited to you as an individual. He has completed 12 full marathons and many more half marathons. He is an expert at setting achievable goals and preparing you mentally with race day strategies.


2$$.3."#,4+('5,6*'1 O

Log on to and search for Space Coast Half Marathon training camp.


Fill out the official entry form below and either mail to or drop off at Running Zone, 3696 N. Wickham Road, Melbourne, FL 32935.


Checks should be made payable to Running Zone.

Name __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City ____________________________________________________________________ State _____________________ Zip _________________________ Phone (Home) _______________________________ (Cell) ________________________________ Email address _________________________________ Sex:



Date of Birth ____/____/____ Age _____

Health First Health Plans member?



INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED ENTRY FORMS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED In consideration of my entry being accepted, I intend to be legally bound, and hereby for myself, my heirs, and executors, waive all rights and claims for damages which may hereafter accrue to me against the sponsors, officials, volunteers, and supporters of this training program and any representatives, successors, or assigns for any and all damages or injuries which may be sustained and suffered by me in consideration of my association with an entry or participation in the Space Coast Half Marathon Training Program. If I should suffer injury or illness, I authorize the officials of the race to use their discretion to have me transported to a medical facility, and I take full financial and legal responsibility for this action. I attest and verify that I am physically fit and have my physician’s permission to participate in this race. I hereby grant full permission to any and all of the foregoing to use any photographs, videotapes, or any other record of this event for any purpose of the event whatsoever. I have read the above release and understand that it presents a risk of physical injury, knowing this I am entering this event at my own risk.

_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature / Signature of Parent (if participant is under 18 yrs)



Bridge-to-Bridge Craziness More than two-dozen conquer 3.75-mile swim

F i r s t -­ t i m e B r i d g e -­ t o -­ B r i d g e participants Freddi Woodford, left, and Kevin Cornwell.

The colorful =lotilla gliding past their docks must have been a jaw-­‐ dropping sight for the residents who live on the west side of Riverside Drive. Suntanned kayakers and graceful stand-­‐up p a d d l e r s w e r e p r o v i d i n g hydration and encouragement for t h e m o r e t h a n t w o -­‐ d o z e n swimmers participating in the July 17 Bridge-­‐to-­‐Bridge Swim. The 3.75-­‐mile route between the Eau Gallie and Melbourne causeways began in 1997 when Vero Beaches Dave Underill and Melbourne Beaches Marshall Reeves were training for the Ironman World Championships in Kona. But it didn’t end there. For all but “one or two years” since that maiden dip, Underill has made an annual date with the Indian River Lagoon. “It is a cool thing to cross over one of the causeways and look at the other one,” said the 52-­‐year-­‐ old optometrist who also offers private Caribbean charters on hi s 4 0-­‐ fo o t C a t a ma ra n h e appropriately christened ‘Island Girl’. “It is intimidating but you feel like you’ve accomplished something. Every time I see

water I want to swim across it.” Most years, it was just Underill and either Reeves and/or one or t wo o t h e r s wh o m a d e t h e southerly voyage that often provided the additional challenge of gusty headwinds and heavy chop. “My funniest memory is of swimming with Mark -­‐ I can’t remember his last name -­‐ and one of his friends,” Underill re=lected. “We were on the sandbar a mile away from the =inish and a storm came in from the south with three-­‐foot chop. “I told Mark I

Bridge-to-Bridge Founder, Dave Underill, digging life aboard his 40’ catamaran, ‘Island Girl’.


was going to keep going and took off.” “I =inished and then Mark =inished behind me. He said ‘I’m so glad to see you. After you dove in the water I saw a big splash and thought a shark ate you’. I said ‘so you thought a shark ate me and you kept swimming?’” In 2008, Underill thought it might be fun to have some more company so he began spreading the word about the swim plus an added rumor that there would be post-­‐swim pina coladas for the =inishers.

Photographer Rob Downey was one of the dozen or so who =irst showed up in 2008. “Although I am a slow swimmer, the idea of swimming from causeway to causeway was intriguing to me,” said the 61-­‐year-­‐old =ive-­‐time All-­‐ American triathlete from Melbourne Village. While the number of swimmers stayed about the same in 2009 and 2010, women showed up for the =irst time last year. “We had three show up and when we were driving everyone back to the start, I found out one of them was Kaitlin Shiver,” said Underill. “A couple of months later she won the (USA Triathlon) National Championship.” This year’s event had some of the best weather remembered plus a record turnout that included a good mix of men and women, Kona studs and casual swimmers, athletes training for a speci=ic events and others testing their own limits. “I’m the type of guy who likes to overcome a challenge and swimming is a challenge,” said Melbourne’s Kevin Cornwell, who just started swimming before his =irst-­‐ever triathlon last year. “I failed miserably on that =irst tri swim so I began taking lessons at Pro Health.” He also began open-­‐water training with the Tropical Trail crew on Thursday evenings who use Downey’s mom’s dock as their base. “We began to double the length of our swim from turning back north at Mather’s Bridge to swimming to the end of Dragon Point and back,” said the 24-­‐ year-­‐old Cornwell, who has dropped his quarter-­‐ mile open water swim split from 17 minutes to less than 6:30 this past year. With his much-­‐improved abilities, Corwell =inished the Bridge-­‐to-­‐Bridge in two hours and 10 minutes. “I was proud, but it was almost anticlimactic,” he said. “There were many times where those training swims were harder than the Bridge-­‐to-­‐Bridge because of the wind and chop.” Indian Harbour Beaches Freddi Woodford was one of this year’s eight women who =inished the distance. “I did it for fun,” said the 50-­‐year-­‐old mother of two who had been swimming since childhood and is seen almost daily ripping through the water at the 25-­‐yard pool in Gleason Park. “I enjoy open


water swimming much better than the pool but it is usually easier to swim in the pool.” Woodford’s husband, who kayaked behind her, left her “seemingly alone in the middle of the river” when he went back to offer assistance to a swimmer behind them. “I was behind the fastest swimmers and ahead of the slower swimmers,” she said. “I saw this guy a little ahead of me so I caught up with him.’ He turned out to be Dave (Underill). We ended up working together and pushing each other to the =inish (1:42). As everyone else =inished, Underill hooked up his blender to the generator he had brought and began whipping up the promised pina coladas. “We went through =ive blenders by 10 a.m.,” he laughed. “Really though, no one drank too much. It was more of a few sips to celebrate.” Underill plans to continue the event next year and hopes others will overcome their hesitancy to join in. He also offers sage advice for those of us who may be putting off some of our bucket list challenges. “I don’t think people should ever wait on things,” he said. “They might not ever come around again. Check out this video of the start of the event, courtesy of Kelly Palace. Palace is a USA Masters Swimming national age-­‐group champion and co-­‐ owner of Palace Properties, who sponsored the =irst-­‐ever Bridge-­‐to-­‐Bridge t-­‐shirts for participants.

A HUGE CONGRATS to all who completed the 2011 Bridge-­‐to-­‐Bridge 3.75-­‐mile swim including Tristan Beller, Kevin Cornwell, Rob Downey, B.J. Graham, Stephanie Grif=ith, Todd Hagan, Laszlo Kosa, Scott Krasney, Jen Lepper, Colby Mack, Jim Mankowski, Pam Maxwell, Stephan Naoumoff, April Noke, Anne O’Conner-­‐Smith, Mike Smith Wayne Ocker, Matt Outlaw, Mark Palace, Jeff Perry, Kaitlin Shiver, Mike Tuttle, Dave Underill, Zoe Underill, Freddi Woodford.


Benefiting Ronald McDonald House Charities® of Central Florida


6-9 Yrs. 400M RUN-2 MILE BIKE-800M RUN


10-12 Yrs. 800M RUN-4 MILE BIKE-1 MILE RUN TIMETABLE: Tuesday, Sept. 27th -Friday, Sept. 30th 10:00 am – 6:30 pm Packet Pickup & Registration at Running Zone across from Wickham BCC Pavilion


Saturday, October 1st – Eau Gallie Civic Center (Between Highland Ave. and Pineapple Ave.) 6:30 am Late Packet Pickup – Check In/Marking 7:20 am 6-9 Yrs. Pre Race Instructions 7:30 am 6-9 Yrs. START! 10-12 Yrs. START To Follow end of 6-9 Yr. olds




Send completed entry form with fee to: Make check payable to: Running Zone Running Zone, 3696 N. Wickham Road, Melbourne, FL 32935


Name_______________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________ City ______________________ State _______ Zip __________ Phone (daytime) __________________ Email address _____________________________ Sex: ! Male ! Female Date of Birth _____/_____/_____ Age on Race Day _____ USAT Membership # ______________________________(Need copy to obtain race packet) Please check shirt size: Sizes:

!Youth Med !Youth Lg !Adult Small !Adult Med !Adult Lg

INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED ENTRY FORMS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED In consideration of my entry being accepted, I intend to be legally bound, and hereby for myself, my heirs, and executors, waive all rights and claims for damages which may hereafter accrue to me against the sponsors, officials, volunteers, and supporters of this race and any representatives, successors, or assigns for any and all damages or injuries which may be sustained and suffered by me in consideration of my association with an entry or participation in the Running Zone Foundation event. If I should suffer injury or illness, I authorize the officials of the race to use their discretion to have me transported to a medical facility, and I take full financial and legal responsibility for this action. I attest and verify that I am physically fit and have my physician’s permission to participate in this race. I hereby grant full permission to any and all of the foregoing to use any photographs, videotapes, or any other record of this event for any purpose of the event whatsoever. I have read the above release and understand that it presents a risk of physical injury, knowing this I am entering this event at my own risk. ________________________________ SIGNATURE

____________________________________________ SIGNATURE OF PARENT FOR THOSE UNDER 18


__________ DATE


Let’s get ready for the Salty Dog Duathlon “Your Best Tri for Kids Duathlon Clinic�

U.S.A.T. certified coaches Transition practice from run to bike & bike to run Tips on how to have a fun and fast race How to stay hydrated and healthy Free Pizza Free to those registered for Salty Dog kids duathlon Free bike check Saturday September 24th 1-4pm Infinity Bike shop

Thursday, September 28th 6-7p.m. Brevard Community College South parking lot Wickham road across from the Running Zone (The kids can practice while parents run the fun run) Meet for free pizza after at Running Zone What to bring: Bike, helmet, running and or biking shoes, water bottle Your Best Tri for Kids Duathlon Clinic OFFICIAL ENTRY FORM Mail in or in person to Running Zone, 3680 N. Wickham Road. Melbourne, Fl. Name_______________________________Address ________________________________________ City ______________________ State _______ Zip __________Phone (daytime) __________________ Email addres____________________ Sex: Male Female

Date of Birth _____/_____/_____ Age _____

INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED ENTRY FORMS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED In consideration of my entry being accepted, I intend to be legally bound, and hereby for myself, my heirs, and executors, waive all rights and "+ (,1 %.0 # , &$1 5'("' , 7 '$0$ %2$0 ""03$ 2. ,$ & (-12 2'$ 1/.-1.01 .%:"( +1 4.+3-2$$01 -# 13//.02$01 .% 2'(1 0 "$ -# -7 representatives, successors, or assigns for any and all damages or injuries which may be sustained and suffered by me in consideration of my 11."( 2(.- 5(2' - $-207 .0 / 02("(/ 2(.- (- 2'$ .30 $12 0( %.0 (#1 3 2'.- +(-(" % 1'.3+# 13%%$0 (-)307 .0 (++-$11 32'.0(8$ 2'$ .%:"( +1 .% 2'$ "+(-(" 2. 31$ 2'$(0 #(1"0$2(.- 2. ' 4$ ,$ 20 -1/.02$# 2. ,$#(" + % "(+(27 -# 2 *$ %3++ :- -"( + -# +$& + 0$1/.-1(!(+(27 %.0 2'(1 "2(.- 22$12 -# 4$0(%7 2' 2 , /'71(" ++7 :2 -# ' 4$ ,7 /'71("( -91 /$0,(11(.- 2. / 02("(/ 2$ (- 2'(1 "+(-(" '$0$!7 &0 -2 %3++ /$0,(11(.- 2. -7 .% the foregoing to use any photographs, videotapes, or any other record of this event for any purpose of the event whatsoever. I have read the above release and understand that it presents a risk of physical injury, knowing this I am entering this event at my own risk, _________________________ __________________________ __________________ Name or Participant Signature of Parent Date


GETTING SOCIAL WITH SPACE COAST RUNNERS Space Coast Runners, one of Florida’s oldest and largest running clubs, held their first 2010-11 social on July 16 at the Pizza Gallery and Grill in Viera. More than 90 runners and walkers showed up to enjoy the treat-laden buffet; drink a cool beverage and see what their friends looked like without sweaty hair and athletic gear. The first race of the SCR Runner of the Year Series

kicks off on Aug. 20 with the Running on Island Time 5K on Merritt Island. It is a great race and this year they are also giving awards in the male and female walker categories! Check out the race ad in this eZine on page xx. For complete information about Space Coast Runners and their Runner of the Year Series, log on to their new, and much improved website Barbara Krause & Lisa Petrillo

Dave & Robin Hernandez

Tristan Webbe, Carol Ball & Cyndi Bergs

Bill & Nancy Buonanni, Christy Zieres & Marty Winkel


Loran Serwin

Christy Zieres, Linda Cowart, Robin Hernandez, Bernie Sher, Rick Suarez, Patti Sponsler, Susize Koontz

George Mcafee & Molly Kirk

Joan & Bob Meadows

Susie Koontz, Rachel White & Marlene White

Nancy Wingo & Rick Foresteire

Bernie Sher & Bill Buonanni




!! "#$%&'"()*+,-*! A Titusville Racing Series Event!


Distances vary from 100 yds to ! mile. Children are divided into age appropriate groups and distances. All children will receive a ribbon for participation.


Top 3 Male/Female Overall Top Male/Female Masters Top 3 Male/Female finishers in 15 age groups Ribbons to all Kids¶ Races participants


All 5K & 10K participants will receive a race shirt and refreshments. Shirts are not guaranteed for day of race registration. All participants will be eligible for door prizes.


Building 418, 418 Pine Street, Titusville, FL 32796. For more information contact Race Director, Sarah Guttery,


Saturday, August 27, 2011 5K Run/Walk: 7:30 a.m. 10K Run/Walk: 7:30 a.m. .LGV¶ 5DFHV 8:30 a.m.


For more information go to:

If you would like to help the Student Ministry of Building 418 raise additional funds, please encourage your friends and family to sponsor your race. Simply pick up a sponsorship form from the Building 418 office or request one at:


Make checks payable to: ³Building 418´

Walk, run, mail completed entry form to: Get Up & Go Sarah Guttery 4261 Pondapple Dr Titusville, FL 32796


Entry fees are nonrefundable $25 Adults $15 Students .LGV¶ 5DFHV DUH )UHH


Race packets may be picked up race day morning. Race day check-in starts at 6 am




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QUICK SPLITS Maybe a Siesta after Siesta Beach? The sultry and scenic July 23 Siesta Beach Triathlon offered

participants a sprint tri (.25/12.4/3.1); a standard Olympic-­‐ distance tri (.93/24.8/6.2) and a sprint duathlon (1/12.4/3.1) on one of west Florida’s most beautiful venues. Brevard was well represented on the podiums in each of the events by members of the River Road Gang training through for Ironman Augusta 70.3 and other local athletes looking for personal bests. Proving that transition times really do matter, Melbourne Village former mayor Rob Downey and Chris Miller from Satellite Beach duked it out for the top spot in the 60-­‐64 division. Although Miller’s swim and bike splits were faster than the Iive-­‐time All-­‐ American’s, Downey’s transition splits allowed him to beat Miller on to the run course. Once there, however, the game was over as Downey’s Ileet feet coughed up a 23:53 5K on the hard-­‐packed sands, more than three minutes faster than Miller’s 27-­‐Ilat. Downey’s total Iinish time of 1:09:21 was Brevard’s fastest sprint tri split and good enough for 1st in his division and 20th OA Some of the River Road Gang ladies get ready to start one of their ‘train through’ races to help i n t h e I i e l d o f 2 7 6 prepare for Ironman Augusta 70.3 Left to right are Iinishers! Molly Kirk, Kelly Hunter, Debbie Rescott, Christy Congrats to local Siesta Zieres and Cyndi Bergs. Photo courtesy Kelly Beach sprint triathlon Hunter. Winishers Garry Branch, Satellite Beach, 1:20:16; Rob Downey, Melbourne Village, 1st 60-­‐64, 1:09:21; Jeff Hedrick, Viera, 1st Clydesdale 40+, 1:12:19; Molly Kirk, Viera, 3rd 45-­‐49, 1:21:13; Sean Klingler, Indialantic, 2nd 40-­‐44, 1:10:23; Chris Miller, Satellite Beach, 2nd 60-­‐64, 1:12:27; Loran Serwin, Merritt Island, 1st 55-­‐59, 1:15:00; Jennifer Therrian, Cocoa, 1:33:50; Robin Williams, Merritt Island, 2nd 50-­‐54, 1:21:58; Teresa Williams, Merritt Island, 1:26:40. Congrats to local Siesta Beach Olympic-­distance triathlon Winishers Cyndi Bergs, Merritt Island, 3:16:21; Kelly Hunter, Cocoa, 2:57:18; Andre Perez, Melbourne, 2:27:32; Debbie Rescott, Merritt Island, 3:07:19; Christy Chris Miller and Rob Downey pose Zieres, 2nd 50-­‐54, 2:54:37. Congrats, also, to Siesta Beach duathlon Winisher, Dorothy Wells, who won after taking the top spots in the 60-­64 age division. Photo courtesy Rob the 50-­‐54 age group in 1:27:41. Downey. Complete race results are available at


Two to go! Hawaii is the 48th state for Marlene White.

No, the Cocoa Beach account executive has not fallen short on her history. Instead when the mother-­‐of-­‐three crossed the June 26 Iinish line of the Kona Marathon, she checked off state number 48 in her quest to earn the 50 States marathon moniker. White was accompanied by her massage and physical therapist husband, Dick, and 12-­‐year-­‐old daughter Rachel who ran the 10K that the event also offered. The race was the Iirst of that distance for Rachel who has been running since toddlerhood and has gotten quite the lesson in geography from her travels with her parents. Marlene plans to nail #50 on Dec. 10 at the Rehoboth Reach Marathon in 2011 Kona Marathon champion, Delaware and Dick will follow soon after with his own 50th at a Rock-­‐n-­‐Roll Justin Gillette, is Wlanked by event early next year -­‐ Iitting for a hard-­‐core Aerosmith fan who once got to chat with Steven Tyler by chance and meet the rocker’s family at Disney World. Marlene, left, and Rachel White.

It’s fun to win at the Y-­M-­C-­A!

The July 30 Titusville YMCA triathlon proved a banner day for the Buonanni family of Merritt Island. As proud parents and Ironman Iinishers Nancy and Bill watched, son Marc, 22, took the win of the super sprint race in 25 minutes and 35 seconds. A few minutes later, their daughter, Katie, 20, completed her Iirst-­‐ ever multisport event as well. Since its inception several years ago, the race has birthed many a newbie into multisport due to its super family-­‐friendly distances and atmosphere. The race offers a 100-­‐yard pool swim, a 4-­‐mile bike and a 1.7-­‐mile run or walk, great for Iirst-­‐timers and challenging for those who have been in the sport awhile as to do well, precise and lightening-­‐fast transitions are required as well as a lung-­‐busting romp in the anaerobic zone. Congrats to all who raced and volunteered. Marc Buonanni is all smiles as he Complete results at wins the Titusville YMCA Tri.

Hurts so good!

No wonder it hurts! Jacksonville’s annual and sadistic Tour de Pain challenged athletes to three races in less than 24 hours. At 7 p.m. on August 5, more than 1,100 walkers and runners fought the heat and hard-­‐packed sands of Jacksonville Beach on the out-­‐and-­‐back four-­‐mile course. Twelve hours later, most of the athletes returned for the 5K course on pavement and then returned again at 4:30 p.m. to run a sizzling mile on a two-­‐loop course in downtown Jacksonville. The 973 Iinishers who survived all three events received a special medal for their efforts and a gigantic post-­‐race party at Jacksonville Landings. Congratulations to local runners, Cocoa’s Danny Barrett, who completed the Danny Barrett checks out the Tour three races with a total time of Iifty-­‐Iive minutes and 34 seconds and Cocoa Beaches Randy Newcity whose three-­‐race time totaled 1:26:31. de Pain race shirt. Complete results available at 23

Run (in the) Forest, Run! In spite of Orlando’s 104 degree heat index on Aug. 5, about 100 athletes showed up at Moss Park for the 6:45 p.m. start of the Forest Run 10K and/or 5K. Those who completed both events were eligible for special ‘Distance Dare’ awards. The mostly off-­‐road event offered a two-­‐loop 10K through the spindly Florida forest, followed by the one-­‐loop 5K that started at 8 p.m. The slower 5K runners had the extra challenge of navigating through the woods in the dark. Oh, and they ran out of water on the course, as well. Race organizers Epic Marketing (formerly known as Buttar – a rose (or onion) by any other name…) put the same event on the following morning where they drew 115 for the 10K and 135 for the 5K. Local speedsters Brian Kessler and Matt Mahoney each took the top spots in both of their races (Kessler, 50-­‐54; Matt Mahoney, who Winished the Forest Run Mahoney, 55-­‐59) with Kessler =inishing 3rd OA in the Distance Dare on Aug. 6 is now in Colorado Distance Dare. preparing for the Leadville 100 Trail Run -­ see Congrats to all of Brevard’s =inishers including: Friday 10K pink box below! Winishers Daryl Gilbert, 2nd 55-­‐59, 1:03:33; Christina Russell, 1st 30-­‐34, 57:15; Kurt Russell, 51:29; Sara Sharpe, 1:03:04; Mark Schuster, 3rd 35-­‐39, 1:05:15. Friday 5K Winishers Daryl Gilbert, 3rd 55-­‐59, 35:24; Christina Russell, 29:03; Kurt Russell, 28:06; Sara Sharpe, 35:27; Mark Schuster, 38:50. Distance Dare Top Ten Winishers Christina Russell, 5th female and Sara Sharpe 6th female. Saturday 10K Winishers Jo Connell, 1st 45-­‐49, 1:00:27; Ryan Hieronymus, 3rd 30-­‐34, 51:45; Brian Kessler, 1st 50-­‐54, 44:26; Tegan Litt, 1:09:04; Matt Mahoney, 1st 55-­‐59, 44:47; Joshua Maitlen, 1:07:08; Rebecca Maitlen, 1:16:18; Joan Meadows, 1st 50-­‐54, 57:44; William Munsey, 2nd 25-­‐29, 58:17; Sarah Pressley, 1:04:58; Doug Schulthess, 3rd 55-­‐59, 1:00:08; Traci Stif=ler, 1:09:04; Patricia Tierney, 2nd 45-­‐49, 1:00:48. Saturday 5K =inishers Kevin Calahan, 1st 20-­‐24, 22:55; Roberta Chaildin, 39:18; Ryan Hieronymus, 51:45; Brian Kessler, 1st 50-­‐54, 22:06; Matt Mahoney, 1st 55-­‐59, 22:47; Joan Meadows, 1st 50-­‐54, 30:01; William Munsey, 2nd 25-­‐29, 30:06; Patrick Pressley, 34:29; Sarah Pressley, 36:13; Doug Schulthess, 42:38. Distance Dare Top Ten Winishers: Brian Kessler, 3rd Male; Matt Mahoney, 4th Male; Joan Meadows, 8th Female.

WORTH FOLLOWING RIGHT NOW: Check out ultra-marathoner Matt Mahoney on FB or Twitter for his inspiring and often humorous posts as he acclimates for the Leadville 100 Trail Run on August 21-22. The storied out-and-back course along forest trails and mountain roads is not for the faint of heart or lungs. The lowest point is 9,200 feet above sea level. Highest point? Hope Point at 12,600. At least the weather is cooler there. GO You can learn more about this race at MATT!


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