Spiritual Lounge E-Magazine October 2011

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Issue : Oct 2011

Vol : XVI

Price : `. (FREE)



Oct 2011

Dear Readers, Every soul is in reality a ball of pure energy. Due to natural forces and those of karmic, this ball gets a cover that hides its true nature and thus lays hidden the true perception. When an individual gains a piece of information, which may not be correct in reality, the cover remains intact. When the information received is correct, automatically a piece of cover blows away and instantly the information is not only understood but accepted as well. In other words the soul is like a pond of pure water and plenty of bubbles cover it. You cannot fathom the pureness that lies below in the beginning; but when a correct piece of information that the soul recognizes is felt, instantly that particular bubble will bust revealing water below. When in time more and more correct information is understood its corresponding bubble bursts and sooner the clear water of the pond gets visible. There comes a time when only few bubbles remain and with one sweep of ultimate knowledge all the bubbles bursts in an instant freeing the entire pond of its cover and revealing the pure water. This is what happens to a soul, it shines forth when the cover gets painstakingly discarded bit by bit initially and then the remaining cover dissipates in an instant! Sounds familiar like playing a bubbles game? What is then a correct piece of information? Your soul will recognize it automatically when it's known or understood. Thus keep gaining knowledge and insights which will lead you to the correct path of travel. Trust your soul, it can never go wrong! Connect with us anytime at: spirituallounge@live.com or +919619629092 We are also on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_283087087154&ap=1

Thank you,

Dhara Kothari Cover page Photo : Petra Jordan Copyrights: All rights reserved SPIRITUAL LOUNGE EMAGAZINE Š 2010-2011 2


Oct 2011

Editorial Page 2

Spiritual Lounge Advisory Board Page 4

Leading with Spirituality Leading with Purpose Dr. Amit Nagpal Page 5

Compression teachings within Kundalini By Master Chrism Page 6-7 Fundamentals of Reality Management. By Master Zen Page 8-11

The rationale behind love and life‌. - Mohit Soni Page 12

Stress what can we do about it? By Linzi Martin Page 21

Book Corner Gayatri Pagdi Page 22 WOMEN IN YOGA Page 37

JORDAN Compiled by Dhara Kothari Page 13-20 The Modes of Prakriti By Myra Godfrey Page 35-36

Nataliya Bukhanova Paintings Page 38-40

Music Review Page 40

Legend of the Nomad By Alex Mero Page 23-34

Event Page 41

Edited by Dhara Kothari. Published by Moksa Publishers for Spiritual Lounge. Designed by Biren Shah. Email: spirituallounge@live.com. Cell: +91-9619629092 / +91-9757274289 3

Advisory Board Members

Oct 2011

Spiritual Lounge Advisory Board

Dhara Kothari Co-Founder Biren Shah Co-Founder Maya Shahani Chairperson of Sage Foundation VP of Global Dialogue Foundation R. P. Jain Director of MLBD

Spiritual Lounge E-Magazine Board

Gayatri Pagdi

Dr. Amit Nagpal Master Chrism

Linzi Martin Mohit Soni

Yvette Soler

Myra Godfrey

Dheeraj Bhoma


Alex Mero

Leading with Spirituality - Amit Nagpal

Oct 2011

Leading with Spirituality - Leading with Purpose hat is the purpose of business? How does a leader contribute to the purpose of the organization? These are two very critical questions and the answers are not easy. How narrow or broad the purpose of the leader is; equally narrow or broad is the purpose of the organization which he/she leads.

which focuses on quick bucks and the short term, hence following the spiritual route is very challenging and difficult. But then all the good things in life come at a high cost. We all have a mission or purpose in life. The day we discover our deepest passion and relate it to a social cause, it becomes our life's mission giving us inexhaustible energy. Dr. Ananth Raman, Chairman, Graphtex Inc, USA puts it beautifully, “I believe that everyone's life has a purpose and that that purpose must add some value. Even if it is a simple matter like soothing a fevered brow or wiping a tear from a child's eye. For this you must first set a personal example. As a business leader I must set an example which others can follow.”

Helene Ploix, CMD, Pechel Industries and Pechel Industries Partenaires, France says, “I think the purpose of the business is to create wealth to the company and to create wealth for a larger number of people without harming others. This should not be done just for yourself or for a few others, such as managers or owners. I think that the purpose of my own organization and for business in general is creating wealth for the largest numbers of people-to contribute.”

The power of purpose and mission to transform human society is tremendous. Dr. Daisaku Ikeda, Buddhist teacher says, “When people fundamentally transform their inner attitude awaken to their life's mission and bring forth their highest potential, they can change everything.”

An organization is nothing but a group of people with defined roles and structures. To bring out the peak potential of the organization; the peak potential of each individual member of the organization must be harnessed. If the potential of each employee is actualized, the organization will automatically generate the highest wealth possible which can then be used proportionately for the organization and the society. The leader plays a crucial role in creating such a culture right from the top, a culture which brings out the best in people (the divine in them) by empowering them and helping them achieve their best potential.

Spiritual Guru, Nithya Shanti rightly says, “God does not call the qualified. God qualifies those who follow their calling.” But the process of discovering our purpose and calling is difficult and time consuming. But once we discover our purpose in life and align it with the purpose of the organization, life becomes really worth living, each day you look forward to and the whole experience is beautiful and joyful. Dr. Daisaku Ikeda says, “A life lived without purpose or value the kind in which one does not know the reason why one was born is joyless and lackluster. To just live, eat and die without any real sense of purpose surely represents a life pervaded by animals.”

Deependra Moitra, Former GM, Lucent Technologies says, “Living with a purpose is something that is very important to me. It is an issue of passion and emotion. My fundamental goal is to help others succeed, so I am willing to sacrifice a lot to do that. I help a lot of people without feeling any selfish motive. But I still have to struggle from time to time between my own self-interest and a larger purpose that I should focus on.” When we operate through our conscience, we face the regular battle of the good and the bad. Suppressing our conscience can make our job easier in the short term, but what about the long term? We live in a society

So if you are a leader and you want to lead with purpose, find your own purpose and align it with the organization's purpose. And you would be heading for a breathtaking journey. Dr. Amit Nagpal amitknagpal@gmail.com 5

Compression teachings within Kundalini - By Master Chrism

Oct 2011

Compression teachings within Kundalini undalini is an evolutionary energy that is designed for humanity's next step toward a luminous physical and spiritual expression. The Kundalini is in everyone. It is an untapped resource of divinity within us all that is waiting to be awakened and experienced. Never has the time been so right and crucial for a change of this magnitude to be explored and initiated. Kundalini is a very powerful and transformative energy located at the base of the spine within the last three vertebrae of the tailbone or coccyx, extending to the perineum. Kundalini is a natural birthright within all people but must be sought and nurtured with a physical and spiritual practice. Kundalini often, and in my experience most of the time, offers lessons within lessons within symptoms and within more symptoms. There is so much compression into a single event that the conscious mind is really only concerned about the grossly obvious when there is volumes of information being given to the person inside of these transformations. Sometimes a fearful experience will be orchestrated by the Kundalini in order to teach; it would seem a single subject yet when one looks into it and begins to understand the single subject one discovers many branches of information branching off in every direction of the one subject. The serpent issue is one such subject, as are the Tigers and the dismemberments. All of these experiences are very compressed huge amounts of information that at first can only be taken in piece by piece. Yet as a person opens and begins to expand the books of these experiences will be experienced and understood with much more memory and application of the teachings given. This is one reason why it takes so long to really know what is being given and received by the person inside of the Kundalini experience. Divinity has no limits on the amount of mundane physical based information it contains about the 6

human physical interactions inside of this universe. It is divinity giving these teachings with the use of the Kundalini, the sacred circuit, as the bridge and the doorway into these heavenly fields of knowledge. When a person receives a teaching which often takes place in the dream state I will suggest that they at first take the obvious teaching that is being given and then look beyond that teaching into a deeper meaning. As this is done the compressed knowledge can literally begin to spill into the person pouring into the mind with integrity and a substantive inter-connectiveness that defies the normal linear process of knowledge accumulation. See the initial teaching and ask the Kundalini giving it to you why this teaching is for you if you do not already know. In many cases the obvious knowledge is instantly understood. Ask it for the deeper meanings and open yourself to its teachings. Sometimes when the information pertains to an individual's activities or expressions the information may not be comfortable. In these situations I suggest that you broaden your inner reach and expand your egoless expressions and allow the teaching to be given without resistance. Take it in as much as you can with judgment or self criticism. Let it teach you the reasons why it applies to you. Kundalini doesn't ever lie to you. It will always be truthful. Your ego on the other hand will lie and lie and lie! It will tell you anything in order to take your focus off of a teaching that is being given to a person that may tell them to retrain the ego. So it is important to make these differentiations. One can do this by feeling the strength of the emotion and its quality of fear or not. These compressions of knowledge are also contained in the kriya phenomena. As the person is jerked this way or that or they are moved into a specific asana or position the information can flow into the person once that certain position is attained. Knowledge of a spiritual nature or a physical nature can be given and then as you look

Compression teachings within Kundalini - By Master Chrism

Oct 2011

closer all the bodies of expression will be given a teaching by the Kundalini as the one position is attained! Then you are moved into another position and a whole new university of information is given and so on and so forth through all of the many positions.

knowledge. These are the compression forms of information, the hidden seeds of information that become exposed on further examination. So chronicle your experience from day one and read and re-read your own words. Do this and you will see the many branches expanding out from the original tree of knowledge. It's all there for you This can quickly become overwhelming and the my friends. Kundalini will shut down the feed as the human mind can only take so much at one time. The potential is always there for this infusion of knowledge. One must merely be open to it and willing to ask and feel the question and feel the answer as well as understand it mentally. Or merely be able to go inward inside of the Kundalini phenomena and experience it in ways that are not of this dimension. This will also occur. In our practice and acquisition of knowledge in our five sense body everyday expression it is often best to connect an action or activity to the knowledge that is given. Kundalini and the amount of knowledge it has to give can be so vast and so filled with detail that we will forget huge amounts of it unless we in some way write it down or record it. So I suggest that this be done by those of you at this point or a beginning point in your Kundalini experience. Do this so that you do not forget and you will remember the salient facts and points about the subject being given. So that this information will not be forever lost. This isn't easy knowledge to come by so really make that effort! As you do this and as you read and re-read what it is you have written; your own information base will expand tremendously and your memory of the knowledge will expand as well, because you have connected an activity to the acquisition of the information reinforcing the memory Ingram retention. Do this and you will begin to experience the myriad levels of knowledge and information the Kundalini will give to the conscious physical mind. This isn't even counting that which is given from divinity as a direct feed into your five bodies of expression simultaneously. They are all given with jewels of knowledge hidden within jewels of 7

Š Chrism Chrism travels the country awakening the Kundalini in groups of people safely and with continued support throughout the many years of the Kundalini awakening experience. Chrism comes from a place of disciplined love and disciplined intention within the parameters of forgiveness, spiritual balance, service to others and spiritual evolution. Kundalini as it expresses through Chrism is the teacher. A Kundalini seminar will be held in Los Angeles, CA early Dec. 2011. For further information: 714-7093550 or burgeoningheart@yahoo.com

Fundamentals of Reality Management. - By Master Zen

Oct 2011

Fundamentals of Reality Management. Part 1 Cleaning the Basement. he gates are always open. Even if you do not see them. This article has not appeared by accident; this information, this technique, has traveled a long way to get to you, and now it appears before your eyes. This is a kind of practical magic, to appear at exactly the right time and place. In the next millisecond the Universe will change. You will become another person, the world will become another place, and you may never find your way back. But right now the vibrations of the Universe are in tune with the vibrations of your soul, and that has brought you to this page. This article was developed for you by you. You probably have no idea how that is possible. We believe that our physical entities are separate from each other and separate from the world this is a famous trick our minds play on us. As Albert Einstein said, “A human being … experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest ... a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us.” The Universe is a flow of energy and you are part of it, but your mind separates you from this flow of energy and places you within the matrix of vision, touch, taste, hearing, and smell. In other words, your body is the physical incarnation of your consciousness.

A word from the Master Zen

and the mind cannot fully enjoy this uncertainty, so the calendar becomes another source of anxiety about the future and is also used as an instrument of control. We prefer to see only the material world, since it is very simple and culturally acceptable. But what lies beyond the light spectrum our eyes can see? What is beyond what our skin can feel or our spectrum of smell, taste, and hearing? We have so many organs with which to perceive the world that we do not even ask about what lies beyond the spectrum available to us. This is particularly true when we are so distracted by the games of money, politics, family, or any other game dictated to us by society. We simply have no opportunity to breathe fully through our heart and enjoy perceiving the world in an intuitive manner. However, thanks to the Masters, we have been given an opportunity to look at our Universe in a very different, comprehensive way. Since our brain records everything it actively sees, hears, feels, and smells, our 'records-storage area' in our subconscious mind is maturing as we grow older or do more. And most of these records are emotionally charged. This emotional weight comes from suffering (that is from a good-bad duality or attachments to possessions or other people), from offenses caused by the people closest to you (a husband or child), envy of more 'successful' people (we each choose our own measure of success), etc. All of this emotional weight in your conscious and subconscious blocks the flow of energy that is, bodily energy. When the flow of energy is blocked, it leads to disease, because energy (namely, blood carrying oxygen and other useful substances) is not flowing properly and organs do not receive the oxygen and substances they need to restore themselves.

Your mind operates in dualities. It divides the Universe into good and evil, beauty and ugliness, white and black, richness and poverty. The mind also enjoys causing suffering by giving an emotional coloring to all these dualities. The feeling of possession toward material things and preoccupation with others' opinions are roots of suffering, as well. Detachment is a very powerful way to eradicate this suffering from your life. It does not mean that you will hand over all your material possessions to This is why physical treatment will not help you in the long another, but this technique will free you from this run. I endured frequent hospital stays as a child because my doctor treated my physical body, but did not cure the suffering. cause of my problem, my relationship with my mother. Time and money are You are being manipulated! a l s o a b s t r a c t s You are manipulated by glossy magazines when you see created by glamorous young creatures with photo-shopped bodies. our mind These glamour shots are setting the bar so high there is no that do not way for you to fit in. There is no love here, or even sex, only exist in the provocation. The trendy new products being promoted are Universe. always changing in order to make you unhappy because Money was you have not managed to obtain this deodorant, that a v e r y lingerie, car, or perfume. u s e f u l invention You're manipulated by TV, which shows you negative that facilitated the exchange of products of labor (say, an images from all over the world, and makes you frightened orange for an apple), but now, for most of us, money has of Mother Earth or of other people. You see a huge number become something that controls us. The calendar was also of so-called experts, with their prepaid opinions dictated invented to help mankind manage the seasons, but it has by some lobbyist group. become a source of intense stress. The future is uncertain,


Fundamentals of Reality Management. - By Master Zen

Oct 2011

your life are spent producing money. After that, you're just old garbage, allowed to remain on the planet for some time yet. But who is getting all this energy you created? And where is all the value you created going? Why Master's solution technique

You're manipulated by disaster movies with happy endings, which temporarily assuage your fears and oblige you to consume more and more. You're manipulated by so-called religion, which splinters your spirit, your mind, and your body, so that it can become the intermediary between your soul and your mind. And, you're manipulated by your community, family, and big business. You brain has been defiled for years by multi-milliondollar ad campaigns and PR managers. Most of them deliberately use images that evoke fear, envy, or pain. You are surrounded by manipulators, both inside and outside of you, demanding your attention so you have no chance to be yourself. The soul cannot find its voice and can only emerge in dreams if the mind (ego) is being manipulated by external irritants. And, the mind is always chasing false values that have been planted there by advertising professionals, experts, lobbyists, friends, parents, etc. Thus, following a dream is like following the horizon, it is always moving away from you. Occasionally you can reach some of the materialistic targets your mind has set for you. You can buy the car you have been forced to dream of or own some piece of property, but within a month or two you find that even that isn't enough and then ‌ You're 'on the road again', swirling in your endless sansar circle. Your mind has been programmed to think, 'buying this gizmo will make you happy.' Even more often, your mind has been trained to strive for labels, such as 'freedom', 'good job = high salary', 'good mom', 'good daughter', and 'do it right'. You can try to protect yourself by masking your true feelings. Look around you, most people wear masks to protect their inner world, so as not to show real emotion, and to suppress their emotions. But is this masquerade a real life? Is this life, just our existence on this planet in a human body? You're treated as cattle. Your main task is to process the energy from the sun, earth, air, food, and water and produce money. The best years of


This technique helps the subconscious eliminate the emotional roots of the most affected and taboo areas and will thus rid the physical body of energy blockages. This technique will give your body the chance to deeply relax and direct energy to your affected organs. This is a fast, cheap, and effective solution, like a medical treatment for your spiritual body, but without the need for hospitals, therapists, prescriptions, or drugs. The technique you are about to learn will teach you detachment from those who would manipulate you and detachment from caring about the possession of material objects and the opinions of others. It is at that moment that you will be able to own possessions without being a slave to them. You will appreciate an object's true nature and beauty instead of simply enjoying your ownership of it or being frustrated by your lack of ownership. It opens the gates to your energy flow and you will begin to shine as brightly as the sun. I call it true beauty. This technique will give you an opportunity to take a break from the dictates of your mind and open yourself to a higher magnificence, something beyond rational, with spiritual depth. When we make the intellect our servant, it becomes our best friend, a magician that brings our dreams to life and brings warmth and clarity to all it touches. I am giving you the three most powerful tools: 'Life', 'Love', and 'Money'. Each of these tools is based on 'open code' principles, so you can further develop the technique yourself and tailor it to your needs. It is time to start your deprogramming. This civilization is spiraling to an end and many changes are imminent. All these puppet governments, rotten financial systems, and huge inefficient corporations will be destroyed. Will that be painful for you? This is the choice I can give to you two pills: red or blue. Master of the Universe This article introduces you to a new technique, which can help you get results very quickly. The initial effects will be evident in your physical state, vision, and relationships with people, your community, and universe in just a few days. The long-term effect will require the systematic, continued, and consistent use of the technique. Imagine an iceberg; the top of the iceberg represents your consciousness (10-20%), which you can be control and manage. Most of the iceberg is found underwater, this is your Sub-Consciousness Mind (SCM), who is the real, although hidden, master of your life that can make projection of the past into the future. The values of your

Fundamentals of Reality Management. - By Master Zen past run your SCM, which operates the programs that manage most of your patterns, t h o u g h t s , feelings, and actions. Some of these patterns and programs are useful, like using a fork, but most of them are just a toxic waste dump of dead situations with all of their concomitant h u r t f u l emotional charges such as fear, anger, and other horrors which you can see, smell, and feel on this waste dump. According to Dr. Nims, the developer of the BSFF technique, any specific problem typically has between 700 and 1900 emotional roots in an adult, and somewhat fewer in children. Each of these emotional charges requires a special treatment to rid the individual of the roots of his or her problem. We suffer painful events at different times of our lives during the pre-natal and natal periods, childhood, adolescence, and as we age. Also, our previous lives leave their traces. I have seen two energy blocks vanish that were the result of violent deaths in my previous lives, and from our family karma or genetic code. The idea that you can forget something or cast aside moments of your life is an illusion. All that emotionally-charged waste is recorded in your 'SCM-hard drive', where it not only consumes energy; it also distorts how your life programs operate, by creating irrational fears and nightmares. This waste sits in your memory for years and is just waiting for the opportunity to materialize into your reality. Obviously, given the opportunity, this emotionally-charged episode will reemerge from your distant past. In this way we 'attract' our own problems. It is clear that there is no point in wasting time using this meditation technique for your spiritual development if your past problems are still unresolved. It is a well-known fact that the SCM records all the events in your life, including your thoughts, emotions, pictures, sounds, and feelings. It is our built-in supercomputer. And the SCM actually creates your universe based on your past experiences. Obviously, all emotionally negative and painful events will be avoided when creating the 'nextsecond' universe and will be eliminated from the development scenarios. This mechanism is used to create the sansar circle, and avoid the possibility of hurt. But,

Oct 2011

unfortunately, the hurt is created by the sansar circle itself, and the personality feels pain from being inside the sansar circle. The Sub-Conscious Mind also filters perceptions of the world. In essence, these perceptions are like light passing though the deep prism of an underwater iceberg to reach the conscious mind. During this trip, the light is distorted by emotional pain, judged by dualities (good/bad, god/evil), and sometimes disappears into the labyrinth of the cave of the subconscious, so the resulting matrix of your vision reflects a much distorted and negatively or positively colored picture. I estimate that usually about 80% of the information in the mind of the average person is distorted. The technique gives you a unique opportunity to intelligently and consciously clean out the waste dump, leaving behind only useful programs while eliminating hurtful traumas, offense, and all the various roots of all your current problems. The past will be nothing more than a set of mental records, lacking any emotional charge. Thus, your sansar circle will not be repeated on the next level and you can consciously choose the path to make your dreams real. The technique also can eliminate your dream's emotional charge and make it a clear intention. You will become like the Buddha, without desire, so that you can find contentment and enjoyment in your life. Your will, will also become much stronger. The technique eliminates the painful difference between your illusory perception of the world and reality. And you will enjoy reality, simply because you will not be judging good and bad, life and death; a judgment that also adds pain to your daily life. The technique will neither force the painful episodes into the deep freeze of your sub-consciousness nor erase it from your memory. You will retain the full memory, but not the emotional charge. Obviously, you will see a dramatic improvement in your memory. You will remember many different episodes from your past, but without emotional anxiety. According to Dr. Nims, the subconscious mind (SCM) is a good and faithful servant. It performs its function, which is that of running programs. The technique is an innovative development of previous solutions for the SCM, such as the Emotionally Free Technique and the Be Set Free Fast (BSFF) technique, and is a way to systematically eliminate emotional charges quickly and deeply, automatically forgiving others who created this emotional pain, and integrate the personality by using healing verbal triggers and the work of your subconscious mind. The SCM is incredibly fast and powerful tool while also being our servant. We can make it our servant by requesting that it do something for us, but our request must be very clear and detailed, otherwise our SCM will instead work on another task and eventually you will see that your problem reappears.


Fundamentals of Reality Management. - By Master Zen

Oct 2011

resistance, which could look like – Amazing technique for immediate pain relief

ŸI do not want to forgive them. ŸThose bastards hurt me. ŸI cannot release it. ŸI hate them all. ŸI will never release it. ŸThis technique cannot make me free. ŸI am hopeless, and nothing can help me.

Master's solution (www.mastersofuniverse.net) is innovative technique makes the processing of your emotional mental problems automatic by using of the Clap processor. Clap is truly a universal and powerful tool to process not only episodes from the past, but also emotional states or physical diseases.

Every phrase needs to be processed with “Clap” until you smile (or ten times, after which you should move to another phrase):

You need to start with the basic episodes and work with the most important persons for you. This re-experiencing is a very important part of the work, in order to release the energy that is hidden in the past. We begin to reexperience by compiling a list of episodes, thoroughly remembering and writing down these past episodes. So, take a sheet of paper and pen and start to write. Please write down only the facts of the episode. For example “argued with John at my birthday party”, “money was stolen from my wallet”, “I missed the flight to Hawaii”, and so on. Do not worry about the details of the episode the Sub-Consciousness Mind remembers them all every breath, every movement, and every touch.

I cannot release it – Clap I cannot release it – Clap I cannot release it – Clap Until you smile or ten times, after which, process the episode with “Clap” once again. After processing every episode connected to a particular person, you need to process the person using “Clap,” as well. For example:

Please also focus on the most highly charged and embedded episodes, those are the ones that cause you discomfort when you think about them. You do not need to remember the whole episode and relive it. Just mark it. The processor's main task is to quickly eliminate the episode's emotional charge. The charge consists of pictures, emotions, feelings, senses, and thoughts. The instruction could be read aloud or silently one time, including the phrases “Instruction for the SubConsciousness Mind” and “End of instructions.” After that, the Sub-Consciousness Mind will accept it as a guide for its actions. http://www.mastersofuniverse.net/startprocessor-clap.html

This procedure substantially enhances the relationship with that person, even if you are not in contact with him/her. After that, you can move on to the next episode until it is processed.

The process is very simple; you take the first episode from your list, focus your attention on it, and start the processors. In a practical sense, if you want to process the episode “argued with John yesterday” you focus your attention on the episode, and then recite (aloud or silently):

“Clap” is a basic, fast, and effective processor, but it does not work with the roots of material, with aspects of personality, or with beliefs or convictions. Compiling a list of episodes and processing it will bring considerable relief and you will have more energy and enthusiasm to work further.

Argued with John yesterday – Clap

You will find other MASTER's SOLUTIONS for manual and automatic processing of your problems on www.mastersofuniverse.net.

John – Clap John – Clap John – Clap Until you smile or ten times.

Argued with John yesterday – Clap Argued with John yesterday – Clap And repeat it until you smile. If you still have not smiled after ten repetitions, leave it and go to next episode from your list. Your Sub-Consciousness Mind will start to process it anyway. You can return to the episode an hour after you used “Clap” on it and examine the emotional charge. If the episode seems boring it means that the emotional charge has been eliminated or reduced. If the emotional charge has not disappeared you need to manually work on your resistance to processing the episode. Thus, you need to write down all of your


The rationale behind love and life…. - Mohit Soni

Oct 2011

The rationale behind love and life…. rnold Bennett, the 20th Century English novelist, once retorted “Your own mind is a sacred enclosure into which nothing can enter except by your permission” This statement is not merely a thought; it's a school of thought in itself. Being a psychology student, I am hardwired to see the psychic angle of every event which holds the capacity to ignite a thought in the cognitive structure of an individual. And in that regard, this statement is a thunderbolt. I learnt very early in my life that human mind is the most complex structure in the world. But the reliability and validity of this assertion was proven as I came across years of my life one by one. A simple retrospection of our life will suggest that it has always been a bumpy road. Though I accept that it never promised to be a smooth affair but the kind of challenges it throws are far more disturbing and intriguing then we would we have expected before the beginning of this journey, that is, the time when we grew attentive enough to notice that we are on a path of self realization. I can go miles describing so many aspects that hold our attitude and how they nurture insecurity within us. Let me take one such aspect, Beliefs. Going by the dictionary, it means 'acceptance by the mind that something is true or real, often underpinned by an emotional or spiritual sense of certainty'. Let me make it easy for you. Belief is nothing but the embodiment of attitude. It's an emotional tie up with your inner self. So what? How does this nurture insecurity? And what it has to do with self realization? It has!

same time love that person with all his imperfections. You can't get insecure if the love you show is not reciprocated with the same intensity as that of yours. You may eventually end up with a belief that world is like this only. It's callous and too hard to reciprocate your softness. But is that true? We can find many people who carry this burden of self generated despair which even questions their integrity and interestingly these individuals are too possessed with their grief that it starts limiting their capacity to look beyond this. My analysis would very simply claim it to be their own fault. They may have tried to arrest those joyful moments instead of enjoying them the way they were passing. We cannot accumulate love all the way. We have to let it go free. We have to let it spread all over. Love is like a perfume. It has to spread around to let us sense the sweet smell of it. If one can understand this, he may never fall victim to a wrong belief. He can never feel insecure. And ultimately this will affect his thought process. After this very experience, come what may, he will never succumb to the challenges that life may throw. Because he has a strong backing of courage, the courage that he has accumulated over the period of time by not demanding for more, instead deserving for more. His attitude is strengthened. And this attitude is reflected in all endeavors of life. Emotional tie-up with inner self is too strong to receive a jolt from some insignificant setbacks that are bound to come his way. He sees the world with a healthy perspective. He doesn't demand love. He now commands it. And that's where he refuses vulnerable beliefs to enter the sacred enclosure of his mind. That's what self realization is. Isn't it?

Actually we human beings are too naïve to accept that we only are the reason of our miseries. No one can force us to cry but only our own broken heart. And no one can break our heart other than our own attitude. This attitude is formed by belief and this belief is the by-product of growing insecurity within us. Relationship is clear. Let us observe it through one factor … Love. We love our family. We love the people who share the space around us. But the kind of demanding being we are, we keep on escalating our commitment towards that love. But that is also fine. The problem begins when we gradually start demanding the same level of commitment from our loved ones also. I agree love bears a give and take relationship. But at the same time you have to agree it's not a demand-supply relationship. If you love someone, go ahead; but at the


-Mohit Soni

Oct 2011

JORDAN - Compiled by Dhara Kothari

The Holy Land ordan or officially called as Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Is an angel shaped kingdom on the East Bank of the River Jordan! The kingdom is named after the River Jordan. The name Jordan derives from Arabic and other Semitic languages and has multiple meanings. The country borders Saudi Arabia to the east and south-east, Iraq to the north-east, Syria to the north and the West Bank and Israel to the west, sharing control of the Dead Sea. Jordan's only port is at its south-western tip, at the Gulf of Aqaba, which is shared with Israel, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia. Over half of Jordan is covered by the Arabian Desert. However, the western part of Jordan has arable land and forests. Jordan is part of the Fertile Crescent. The capital city is Amman. Present day Jordan was in the heart of the earlier civilizations which prospered in the Fertile Crescent including the Babylonian and the Canaanites. Later, Jordan became a home for several ancient kingdoms including: the kingdom of Edom, the kingdom of Moab, the kingdom of Ammon and the prominent Nabataean kingdom of Petra. However, across different eras of history, parts of the country lay under the control of some regional powers including Pharaonic Egypt during their wars with the Babylonian and the Hittites; and for discrete periods of times by Israelites who were taken under the captivity of the Babylonian, and who were later defeated by the Moabites as recorded in Mesha stele. Furthermore, and due to its strategic location in the middle of the ancient world, Jordan was also controlled by the ancient empires of Greece, the Persians, and the Romans and later by the Byzantine. Yet, the Nabataean managed to create their independent kingdom which covered most parts of modern Jordan and beyond, for some centuries, before it was taken by the still expanding Roman Empire. However, apart from Petra, the Romans maintained the prosperity of most of the ancient cities in Jordan which enjoyed a sort of city-state autonomy under the umbrella of the alliance of the Decapolis. With the decline of the Roman Empire, Jordan came to be controlled by the Ghassanid Arab kingdom. In the seventh century, and due to its proximity to Damascus, Jordan became a heartland for the Arabic


Islamic Empire and therefore secured several centuries of stability and prosperity, which allowed the coining of its current Arabic Islamic identity. In the 11th century, Jordan witnessed a phase of instability, as it became a battlefield for the Crusade wars which ended with defeat by the Ayyubids. Jordan also suffered from the Mongol attacks which were blocked by Mamluks. In 1516, it became part of the Ottoman Empire and it remained so until 1918, when the Army of the Great Arab Revolt took over, and secured the present day Jordan with the help and support of Jordan local tribes. The climate in Jordan is semi-dry in summer with average temperature in the mid 30 째C (86 째F) and relatively cold in winter averaging around 13 째C (55 째F). The western part of the country receives greater precipitation during the winter season from November to March and snowfall in Amman. The major characteristic of the climate is humid from November to March and semi dry weather for the rest of the year. With hot, dry summers and cool winters during which practically all of the precipitation occurs, in short the country has a Mediterranean-style climate. The official language is Arabic. English, though without an official status, is widely spoken throughout the country and is the de facto language of commerce and banking, as well as a co-official status in the education sector. The spoken language is Jordanian Levantine. Modern Standard Arabic and English are obligatory learnt at public and most private schools. Islam is the predominant religion in Jordan, and it is the majority religion among both Arabs and non-Arabs. It is the official religion of the country. Jordan is an advocate for religious freedom in the region and the world. Jordan also has an indigenous Christian minority. Jordan is consistently ranked as having a superior quality of life in comparison to the region and developing countries as a whole. Jordan has one of the highest standards of living in the developing world with a highly educated population with access to advance healthcare services in urban and rural areas. The literacy rate in Jordan is 93%. Jordan's education system ranks number one in the Arab World.

Oct 2011

JORDAN - Compiled by Dhara Kothari

Jordan is a modern country, a holy river and ancient culture, a timeless physical and spiritual panorama of prophets, miracles and human faith. The very name of the country Jordan retains the unique baptismal aura of a holy river and a blessed land. Visitors and citizens daily walk through the plains, valleys, hills, mountains and streams whose names were forever fixed into human consciousness by the simple deeds and the profound messages of prophets; Abraham, Moses, Lot, Aaron, Elijah, Joshua, Jesus, John the Baptist, Mohammad and others who walked this land and crossed its river during their missions on Earth. Many of the sites where they performed miracles or reached out to ordinary people are identified, excavated, protected and easily accessible to visitors. For a religious pilgrimage or touristy visit to the Holy Land of Jordan, the Bible is more than a document of faith, it is also a gazetteer and a virtual road map of ancient places, people and events associated with this serene and spiritual land. Places to see Jordan can be divided into four regions. 1. Northern Jordan. 2. King's Highway. 3. Eastern Desert and 4. Southern Desert. Northern Jordan Amman

Ammonite-era watchtower; the Citadel; the Temple of Herakles; the Byzantine Church; the Umayyad Palace; the National Archaeological Museum- Fragments of the Dead Sea Scrolls which used to be housed here have now been transferred to the new National Museum of Jordan. Ajlun Castle (also Rabadh Castle), an Islamic fortress, built during the period of the Crusades. The castle is located on the top of a mountain just outside the small city of Ajlun. The castle is an interesting maze of passages and levels, and offers a wonderful view of the surrounding area, northwestern Jordan, and off into Galilee. Irbid is a city 88 km north of Amman. Archaeological evidence reveals that Irbid has been settled since the Bronze Age. During the Roman period, Irbid was known as Arabella. The city's ancient past now lies hidden beneath modern roads and buildings. Jerash formerly known as Gerasa is the best preserved Greco –Roman city in the Middle East. The ancient city of Jerash boasts an unbroken chain of human occupation dating back more than 6500 years. Conquered by General Pompey in 63 BC, it came under roman rule, and it was one of the ten great roman cities. Jerash prospered during the 1st century BC as a result of its position on the incense and spice trade route from the Arabian Peninsula to Syria and the Mediterranean region. Pella is located in the Jordan valley some 130 km north of Amman. The site has been continuously occupied since Neolithic times. The archeologists paradise, all the archaeological layers are found in the main (Tell) of Pella. Moreover, the caves where primitive hunters lived in 250,000 years ago are settled around the site. The city is surrounded by two valleys (Jirm and Malawi) which supplied water from natural springs and rainfall. The mountains around provided protection to the city, and they had two Hellenistic fortresses.

It is not only the capital city but the largest as well. The city is generally well-appointed for the traveler, reasonably wellorganized, and the people are very friendly. Amman's roads have a reputation of being very steep and narrow in some of the underdeveloped parts of the city but now the city has state of the art highways and paved avenues. New resorts and hotels dot the city and there are many things for the traveler to see and do. Use Amman as a starting point for travels to nearby cities and settlements in Jordan. Amman is not what one would call packed with things to see, making it a great gateway to explorations further afield. Even so, the city does hold a few items of historical and cultural interest. Such as, the Roman theatre; a Roman-era Nymphaeum; an


Until the early 1920s As-Salt was the only town of any real significance in Jordan. Thanks to its good water supply and agricultural land, it had been settled since the Iron Age. It has been identified with Roman Gadaron. In the Byzantine period it had its own bishop its name (Latin- Saltus means wooded valley) is said to be the origin of the word 'sultana', from the famed sweetness of the local grapes. Little is known of the earliest history of Gadara, a hilltop site in the north-west corner of Jordan with grand views over Lake Tiberius, the Yarmouk River and the Golan Heights. Gadara was noted for its rich intellectual life and as the birthplace of several famous philosophers and poets of the ancient world. The Gadarenes also reveled in the famous hot springs in the valley below, after which, wrote Strabo, they returned to the cooler heights of the city, solacing their leisure with plays performed in the theatres.

Oct 2011

JORDAN - Compiled by Dhara Kothari King's Highway The name comes from the ancient trade route that ran right through it. Madaba

Madaba (City of Mosaic) is a small town in central Jordan located 33 km south of the capital Amman, on the King's Highway, some 10 km from Hesban (it was an important early Christian station on the pilgrims route from Jerusalem to mount Nebo via Jordan river). Madaba an ancient town with a long history of the Jordanian plateau, which was resettled by Christian Arab tribes, who came from Kerak region in 1881 A.D. Madaba, is best known as the location of the Madaba Map at St. George Churches, which was built in the 6th century. Byzantine mosaic map showing depiction of Jerusalem and parts of the Holy Land. Madaba was first mentioned in the bible as Medaba at the time of Exodus, about 1200 B.C. It is recorded among the cities of the plain in Moab conquered by the Israelites tribes. According to the Mesha (King of Moab) inscription, the town was liberated by the Moabite king around the middle of the 9th century BC. Mount Nebo

offers a fantastic view westward, with a vista that includes the Dead Sea, the West Bank, Jericho, the Jordan River, and, on a clear day, Bethlehem and Jerusalem. There are actually two peaks on Mt. Nebo, Siyagha and al-Mukhayyat. During the 6th century CE, a Byzantine monastery was constructed at Siyagha. The main mosaic, which measures three by nine meters, depicts the monastic pastime of winemaking, as well as hunters and an assortment of animals. Outside the building is an enigmatic Serpentine Cross. The figure represents the bronze serpent taken up by Moses in the desert, as well as the cross upon which Jesus was crucified. Zarqa Ma'in (biblical Belemounta), 58 km south of Amman and 120 meters below sea level, is the thermal mineral hot springs and waterfalls, where Herod the Great was said to have bathed in its medicinal water, and where people have come for thermal treatments, or simply to enjoy a hot soak, since the days of Rome. It is now being restored and rebuilt as a comprehensive spa and natural clinic providing treatment for people with skin diseases, blood circulatory problems and bone, joints, back and muscular pains. Karak

Karak City is the capital and largest city of the Karak Governorate. An ancient Crusader stronghold, it is situated on a hilltop about 1000 meters above sea level and is surrounded on three sides by a valley. Karak commands a magnificent view of the Dead Sea. A city of about 20,000 people has been built up around the castle and continues to boast a number of restored 19th century Ottoman buildings, restaurants, places to stay, and the like. The town is built on a triangular plateau, with the castle at its narrow southern tip, but it is undoubtedly Karak Castle which dominates. Dead Sea

Less than 10 kilometers west of Madaba is Mount Nebo, known as Pisgah in the Bible. It is where the Bible says Moses lived out his remaining days and viewed the Promised Land which he would never enter. Mt. Nebo


The sea is called dead because its high salinity prevents macroscopic aquatic organisms, such as fish and aquatic plants, from living in it, though minuscule quantities of bacteria and microbial fungi are present. The Dead Sea, the lowest point in the world at 394.6 m

Oct 2011

JORDAN - Compiled by Dhara Kothari (1269 ft) below sea level. It is one of the most dramatic places on Earth with its stunning natural environment equally matched by its powerful spiritual symbolism. The Jordanian east coast of the Dead Sea has evolved into a major hub of both religion and health and fitness tourism

because of which the vapor that rises from the continued evaporation surface of the sea, acts as natural filter for the potentially harmful UV-B rays. But it is still advisable to take normal precautions using sun block and adapt gradually. This quality of the Dead Sea sunlight is the real secret behind its mythological curing ability for several diseases, especially skin diseases. This is, in fact, natural phototherapy. A unique combination of climatic conditions and elements; sun, water, mud and air have been proven to offer excellent natural treatments for a range of chronic ailments including dermatological problems such as psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, psoriatic arthritis, osteoarthritis, other skin diseases, eye problems, and so on. Eastern Desert The Desert Castles

in the region. A series of good roads, excellent hotels with spa and fitness facilities as well as archaeological and spiritual discoveries make this region as enticing to today's international visitors as it was to kings, emperors, traders, prophets and pilgrimages throughout the ancient history. The climate at the Dead Sea varies depending on the season. Temperatures during the tourist season can become extremely warm, ranging from 30째C (86째F) in the spring to upwards of 40째C (104째F) in the summer. The area receives an average of 330 days of sunshine per year, with rainy days occurring only during winter, if at all. The leading attraction at the dead sea is the warm, soothing, super salty water itself, some ten times saltier than sea water and rich in chloride salts of magnesium, s o d i u m , potassium, bromine and several others. The unusually warm, incredibly buoyant and mineral rich waters have attracted visitors since ancient times, including kings like, Herod the great and the b e a u t i f u l Egyptian Queen, Cleopatra. Although the Dead Sea is very sunny, the low altitude and extra atmosphere makes the sunlight weaker,


The Desert castles consist of a number of minor castles and fortresses scattered over the desert in eastern Jordan. The castles were built between the 7th century and 8th century, under the caliphs of the Umayyad dynasty who had made Damascus their new capital in 661. The majority of the castles lie on the ancient trade routes towards Medina and Kufa. The castles are partly rebuilt from earlier remains and are partly new constructions. The function and use of the buildings are not yet determined; scholars have suggested that they might have served a variety of defensive, agricultural and/or commercial agendas. There are different theories concerning the use of the buildings, they may have been a fortress, a meeting place for Bedouins between themselves or with the Umayyad governor, badiyas (retreats for the nobles) or used as a caravanserai. Umm al-Jimal The black basalt city of Umm al-Jimal (Its name means mother of camels) lies like a dark encrustation on the flat plains of north Jordan. So many buildings still stand to two or three storeys that it looks as if it was abandoned within living memory, which was in fact about 1,200 years ago. The Nabataeans established a base here in the 1st century AD as a staging post on the trade route between Damascus and the south. With no springs or wells, the entire water supply had to be gathered in hundreds of cisterns during

Oct 2011

JORDAN - Compiled by Dhara Kothari the rainy season. After the 106 AD Roman annexation of the Nabataean kingdom, Umm al-Jimal was enlarged, becoming an important military base, with encircling walls, a new reservoir, and a hydraulic system to supply this and its other cisterns and reservoirs. But after the 749 earthquake and the Abbasid removal to Baghdad it was never rebuilt. It remained abandoned until the early 20th century, when some Druze from nearby Jabal al-Arab took up brief residence here. The modern village near the ruins dates from 1950. Umm Arrasas

Aqaba is the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan's only port city, located on the Gulf of Aqaba at the southernmost extremity of the kingdom. The Gulf of Aqaba is a world known diving area and a natural haven for scuba diving, snorkeling and scientific exploration. It offers eager divers a great chance to experience virgin coral reefs, rare marine life forms and encounters with friendly sea animals like turtles and dolphins. The Gulf's average water temperature of 23 degrees Celsius allows water-activity oriented tourist to enjoy the sea year round. The Gulf of Aqaba is renowned worldwide as a tourist's paradise overflowing with wildlife and adventure. It hosts about 110 species of soft corals, 120 species of hard corals and over 1000 species of fish. Sting and manta rays, clown, angel, butterfly and lionfish, and occasionally turtles, eels, sea cows, and dolphins are spotted amid the resort's exquisite coral reefs. The absence of stormy weather, along with the mild water currents contribute to clear waters, one of Aqaba's exceptional environmental conditions. Warm, clear waters provide a hospitable environment for the growth of corals, and favorable salinity levels provide an environment for myriad varieties of marine-life forms. Wadi Rum

It's first mentioned in the Bible as Mephaath. It was later one of the many Moabite towns that Jeremiah prophesied against. In Roman times it was Castron Mefaath, or Mefaa, and indeed the main ruins is a Roman fort the size of a small town (158 x I 39m), where a Roman garrison was based. But time and earthquakes have reduced it to a chaos of fallen stones, with some arches rising above the rubble. Four churches have been identified inside the walls, two of which have been excavated, of 6th century. Outside the northern walls the excavation of several more churches has revealed some magnificent mosaic floors of the late 6th to 8th centuries. Two kilometers north of the fort stands a tall tower, with a cross carved on three sides and a single chamber at the top. It is thought to have been a stylite's pillar of the 6th century. Near it are a small church, a three-storey building and rock-cut cisterns. Southern Desert Aqaba

Wadi Rum is a spectacularly scenic desert valley in southern Jordan, or known as the valley of the moon, because of the unique landscape that is nearly similar to that on the moon. This area of Jordan is quite isolated and largely inhospitable to settled life. The only permanent inhabitants are several thousand Bedouin nomads and villagers. There is no real infrastructure, leaving the area quite un-spoilt. Apart from the Bedouin goat hair tents, the only structures are a few concrete shops and houses and the fort headquarters of the Desert Patrol Corps. T E Lawrence (of Arabia) spent a significant amount of time here during the course of the British-inspired Arab Revolt against the Ottoman Empire during the First World War (1914-1918). Lawrence's spring: Just 2 km (1.2 miles) south-west of the village of Rum. The spring is at the top of a short scramble head for the fig tree! Although the pool itself is


Oct 2011

JORDAN - Compiled by Dhara Kothari largely unprepossessing, being a stagnant puddle, the views across the desert are truly spectacular. The Nabataean Temple: Near the rest house in Rum Village. The surrounding area is covered in Thamudic and Kufic rock art. Burdah Rock Bridge: On many tours you only view this from a distance, but it is possible to climb up to this rock bridge if you have a guide and a reasonable level of fitness. Umm Fruth Rock Bridge: A lower rock bridge which is featured on many tours and can be easily scrambled on to. Red Sand Dunes: There are various places in Wadi Rum where the white and red sands meet, but the most commonly visited is a dune sloping up alongside a jebel, a bit tough to climb up as Wadi Rum has the highest mountain in Jordan (um arbeen). Seven Pillars of Wisdom:

Although most people can only count five, this is an impressive rock formation near the Visitor's center. It is named after T E Lawrence's book, not the other way around! Jebel Khaz'ali: This narrow canyon contains numerous Nabataean rock carvings of people and animals. A journey to Wadi Rum is a journey to another world. A vast, silent place, timeless and starkly beautiful. Wadi Rum is one of Jordan's main tourist attractions being the most stunning desert escape in the World. Petra Petra the fabled rose red city, half as old as time, is a wellknown ancient Nabataean city in the south of Jordan. One of the world's most visually stunning archaeological sites, Petra (meaning the rock in Greek) is an abandoned necropolis of temples and tombs cut into towering cliffs of red, pink and orange sandstone. Primarily known as a commercial and ceremonial center


of the Nabataean culture, the region of Petra was inhabited in far greater antiquity. Archaeological excavations have revealed a rock shelter of the Upper Paleolithic period, dating around 10,000 BC, and a Neolithic village from the 7th millennium BC. While evidence of habitation during the Chalcolithic and Bronze ages has not yet been found, the region of Petra was again occupied in the early Iron Age, around 1200 BC, by the Edomite culture of the Old Testament (Edom, meaning red, is the Biblical name for this region of the Middle East). The city of Petra is situated at the beginning of Wadi Musa, meaning the Valley of Moses, and this site had long been venerated as one of the traditional sites where Moses struck the ground and the water gushed forth. The region was also revered by the Nabataeans as the sacred precinct of their god Dushara. The ruins remained hidden to most of the world until the Swiss explorer, Johann Ludwig Burckhardt, disguised as an Arab scholar, infiltrated the Bedouin-occupied city in 1812. Burckhardt's accounts of his travels inspired other Western explorers and historians to discover the ancient city further. The most famous of these was David Roberts, a Scottish artist who created a number of accurate and detailed illustrations of the city in 1839. The first real excavations of the site were in 1929 after the forming of Trans-Jordan. Since that time, Petra has become by far Jordan's largest tourist attraction. The entrance to Petra is a long, winding sandstone canyon known as the Siq. There are minor carvings spotted here and there throughout the Siq, but the most impressive

Oct 2011

JORDAN - Compiled by Dhara Kothari sights are the colorful and unusual sandstone patterns in the rock walls. There are also remains of terracotta pipes built into the sides of the canyon that were used in Roman times to carry water. Upon exiting the Siq, visitors can view the jaw-dropping grandeur of the Treasury (alKhazneh in Arabic). Be sure to note the urn atop the Treasury structure. It has been rumored that the urn contained a Pharaoh's hidden treasure, and the urn bears the bullet pock marks where Bedouin travellers throughout the years have tested the theory. Past the next bend is the outer Siq or Street of Facades, a large canyon lined with the facades of various tombs. The Monastery (ad-Deir), the largest carved monument in Petra, dates back to the 1st century AD. The interior, like that of the Treasury, is puny in comparison to the facade. The more than 800 steps up to the Monastery can take over an hour; many visitors choose to ride donkeys up to the top. The Mountain of Aaron (Jabal Haroun) is the highest peak in the area. At the top you will find a small church and the tomb of Aaron, brother of Moses. The route to the top and back will take you past the Monastery and will take 4-8 hours depending on your chosen path. Shobak

About 25 km north of Petra an imposing castle crowns a cone of rock which rises above a wild and rugged landscape. It is today named after the nearby village of Shobak; but to the Crusaders it was Crak de MontrĂŠal, the fortress of the royal mount. It was built in 1115, in the reign of Baldwin I of Jerusalem.

can be exchanged easily in banks and bureau de change. Most hotels also provide exchange facilities. American Express, Visa, Diners Club and MasterCard are accepted in hotels, restaurants and larger shops. ATMs can be found in most of the larger towns and throughout Amman. Banking hours: Sat-Thurs 0830-1500. Hours during Ramadan are 08:30-10:00, although some banks open in the afternoon. 3. Electricity: 220 volts AC, 50Hz. Round two-pin plugs are mostly used but newer buildings may have three-pin plugs. 4. Photography: It is polite to ask permission to take photographs of people and livestock; in some places photography is forbidden. 5. Handshaking is the customary form of greeting. Jordanians are proud of their Arab culture and hospitality is a matter of great importance. Visitors are made to feel very welcome and Jordanians are happy to act as hosts and guides, keen to inform tourists about their traditions and culture. Arabic coffee will normally be served continuously during social occasions. To signal that no more is wanted, slightly tilt the cup when handing it back, otherwise it will be refilled. If invited for dinner, a small gift is customarily given. Women are expected to dress modestly and beachwear must only be worn at the beach or poolside. 6. Regular taxis are abundant in most cities. They are bright yellow and are generally in good condition. All yellow taxis should be metered; however most drivers outside Amman do not use them therefore you should agree on a price before departing. If you do get picked up by an unmetered taxi, make sure you agree on the price before driving away. If you do not agree on a price you will end up paying double. Using the meter is almost always cheaper than negotiating a price so it is best to insist that the driver uses it before you depart. Keep your luggage with you; it's not uncommon for unmetered taxis to charge a ridiculous rate and then refuse to open the trunk to give you your bags back until you pay up. For day trips within 1-3 hours of Amman, a taxi is by far the easiest method of transport. When negotiating taxi rates, ask if the agreed-on rate is the total or the cost per person? Often taxi drivers will quote a low rate and then when it comes time to pay will tell you that the rate is per person. If traveling a long way try to use buses or coaches rather than taxis.

Things to remember 1. Visitors to Jordan from non-Arab countries will need a visa, easily obtainable on arrival at most border points. Passport valid for six months required by all nationalities. Most nationalities can obtain visas at any border, port or airport except the King Hussein (Allenby) Bridge, which requires a pre-issued visa. Some nationalities require visas in advance. Tourist visas generally expire after two weeks, and are easily renewed. Transit visas can only be issued at Jordanian airports/airlines and not at embassies or consulates. 2. The currency is the Jordanian dinar. Foreign currencies


7. Renting a car should be inexpensive and not too timeconsuming. Fuel prices are all fixed by the state-owned company, so don't bother looking for cheaper gas stations. 8. Jordan is very safe. There is virtually no unsafe part of Jordan except at the Iraqi border. Although the rural parts of Jordan have limited infrastructures, the fellahin (or village people) will be happy to assist you. Jordan is one of the most liberal nations in the region. Women may wear regular clothing without harassment in any part of Jordan. Western fashions are popular among young Jordanian women. However, modest clothing should be worn in

Oct 2011

JORDAN - Compiled by Dhara Kothari

religious and old historical sites. Keep in mind Jordan is a Muslim nation and western norms may not be accepted even by Jordan's western educated elite, such as public displays of affection. Jordan is not a place where homosexuality is taken as lightly as in the West. Adultery, including consensual sex between unmarried couples, is illegal and can be punished by a maximum of a 3 year jail term. 9. As in all urban areas in the world, Jordan's cities have some health concerns but also keep in mind that Jordan is a center for medical treatment in the Middle East and its world-class hospitals are respected in every part of the world. Just remember to have caution with buying food from vendors, the vendors aren't trying to hurt you but the food might be unclean. 10. Jordan is a very hospitable country to tourists and foreigners will be happy to help you if asked. Jordanians in turn will respect you and your culture if you respect theirs. Respect Islam, the dominant religion, and the King of Jordan. 11. Most of country has mobile coverage. 12. Many of the better hotels and restaurants will add a gratuity of about 10% to your bill. However, smaller establishments usually expect you to leave a tip in line with the service you received. Taxi drivers are generally not tipped, but it is customary to pay the nearest round figure to the price on the meter. 13. There are no regulations about bringing pets into Jordan, but you may be asked for a certificate of health for the animal.


Jerash-Temple of Zeus

Jordan royal couple

Jordan- roman ruins

Jordan Mujib Nature Reserve scenery



Dana Reserve 20

Stress what can we do about it?- By Linzi Martin

Oct 2011

Stress what can we do about it? n light of the up and coming UK based National Stress inhalation with the movement, at your speed. Awareness day on 2nd November, I am contributing a Lower both arms to beside the body as you exhale, coordinating short article on this vast and multi-dimensional subject. breath with movement. Aiming to have the in and out breaths of the same length. We are addicted to stress in our society. See if you can find Repeat 10 – 15 times. anyone who's not either overworked, out of work but not by design, having sleep problems or chronic health issues, financial Natural flower plant remedies concerns, relationship disharmony or too much 'stuff' cluttering up their home/work environment. And when we ask one another Bach flower remedies were created by a medical doctor in the in a polite way, 'how are you?' often the answer given is simply 1930s. They are used to help us rediscover the positive side of “fine”. ourselves and help us live an emotionally healthy life. There are 38 small bottles of flower essences, available from chemists and Yes, we may say simply “fine” but I doubt we really are with all practitioners. If you want to select the right remedies you'll need life's stresses mounting up. And bear in mind that and I've not to ask yourself how you feel about your situation, then a few even included the 'C' word (Christmas)! Stress related illness drops of the chosen remedies taken daily will lead you on a more accounts for increased time off work, low workforce morale, positive mental outlook. A good starting point is Rescue Remedy increased staff turnover and inefficient working practice. Stress (TM) often cited as a wonderful cure all and a ray of sunshine in a can adversely affect our decision making ability, how we interact bottle. with our co-workers, clients, public and may even jeopardise family and friends relationships. Clutter So much for the credit crisis, what about the stress crisis we endure. People often complain about a situation but do not feel they can do anything about it. Yes, there are helpful, beneficial, cost and time effective stress reducing activities available locally. You don't need to pay expensive consultants fees or take ages to learn new skills. Of course you may feel this is the most appropriate options for you and so don't let me put you off these routes. The medical profession recognise the stress reducing techniques offered by practising meditation. If you thought meditation was to sit cross legged, staring at a candle chanting OM, then try out the following: A simplified meditation style exercise ·Simply sit comfortably, wrapped up warm but not too hot. ·Telephone switched off (that includes mobile) and give yourself 15 minutes. Tell yourself this and have a clock nearby. ·Close your eyes, take 5 minutes to talk yourself through relaxing each part of the body, from head to feet. ·Allow your breathing to follow a natural inhalation/exhalation, remember soft face, and relax the jaw. ·Simply 'be'. Consider cluttered thoughts like passing clouds in the sky. They will simply pass away and you can let them go out of sight. ·You will be surprised when you simply know that 15 minutes has passed. Rub your palms together and place over your eyes for a moment. Open your eyes and gently brush your hands over your head and down your body. Like brushing away dust of tiredness and stress into the ground. · Healthful light aerobic exercise Chi gong (or Qi Kung) is another effective stress busting activity. There are many styles of this ancient healthful exercise, accessible to all physical abilities. A simple movement to calm the mind and body is done standing, or sitting if unable to stand. Try this:

A cluttered environment may lead to feeling stressed, swamped and unable to cope. This is an ideal time of year to De clutter by looking at what items you really need and if a good clear out can be achieved with the help of everyone in the household. There's even a local de-cluttering (clutter clearing) consultant to help you with the organising and any emotional upheaval caused. Comedy and happy hormones Have a laugh and try out an improvisational comedy workshop. This form of confidence building, public speaking and stress release is popular in many places now around the world, especially North America and the UK. Don't worry there is no audience and you do not have to be a comedian. By playing adult games you laugh and create 'happy hormones' which dispels the stress. A smile gesture Visualise a smile emanating from your heart and reflecting out to the world and back in towards yourself. By: Linzi Martin, BFRP, Cert Ed teacher, writer, Blogger, presenter and holistic health consultant Resources November 2nd is National Stress Awareness Day, in the UK, an annual event which highlights strategies and sources of help run by the International Stress Management Association UK www.isma.org.uk, www.feelgoodzone.com provides information how to reduce your stress and live a healthy life. Linzi is a qualified Bach Flower Remedy consultant. A listing of international qualified Bach Foundation practitioners can be found at www.bachcentre.com

Linzi Martin offers consultations for a healthier life and natural sleep solutions. Follow me on my blog site and Twitter: FeelGoodZone, LinkedIn Linzi Martin, Facebook page: Sleep With legs shoulder width apart, relax in this balanced standing W e l l I n s o m n i a F r e e N a t u r a l S o l u t i o n s e m a i l : posture, soft knees and face. linzimartin1988@gmail.com Breathe in and slowly raise both arms out in front up to chest height. I call this the sleep walking pose! Coordinate the


Oct 2011

Book Corner - Gayatri Pagdi

Beyond Religion: Meditations on Man's True Nature By Robert Powell

New Age Books

“What is the need for religion, for a socalled spiritual orientation in life, at all? If living is a natural function, like breathing, then why interfere? Why can we not continue in our naturally more or less hedonistic way? This would be true if our minds were still functioning in their natural ways, free of complexity, flowing with life. This assumption, as we all know, is no longer valid—if it ever was. Our minds are heavily conditioned, fragmented and d e e p i n contradiction. This conflict in the mind leads inevitably to conflict in society, and thus to chaos. So even if we opted for a simple hedonistic way of life, sooner or later this would be compromised by the ways of the mind. True religion or spirituality is nothing other than the reversal of this whole process of chaos, conflict, to a state of simplicity, naturalness, and therefore order...” Robert Powell is not difficult to understand, he's difficult to digest if you are the type that is looking for some 22


spiritual reading that is on the lighter side. He is heavy at times, and there are times when his book Beyond Religion actually drags if you are a reader like me who aspires to read every book at one go. It's impossible to keep your attention riveted. But read it in bits and pieces and you will enjoy the little slices of wisdom, introspection and practical advice. This book is a collection of his public talks, on issues like world p e a c e a n d u n i v e r s a l brotherhood from s p i r i t u a l perspective, reflections, (chapter two, which I enjoyed the most) and the initial short chapters (17 of them in part one) which deal with Maya, devotion and knowledge, teachings of J Krishnamurti and Sri Ramana Maharshi, birth and death, existence etc. This is a serious book for serious readers. I won't recommend it to everyone.

Oct 2011

Legend of the Nomad - By Alex Mero

Legend of the Nomad Chapter 7 Perfect Cohesion Comprehension - Rebellion - Destiny - Thought Comprehension Spring had just begun when Nathan arrived in San Francisco. It was a happy meeting with Nigel and Deborah. Nigel proposed that Nathan stay with him in the dormitory at Berkeley. Nathan settled in and was introduced to Nigel's housemates. In the afternoon, Deborah and Jennifer took him out to explore San Francisco. Because the streets were narrow and hilly, Nathan felt he was in a European city. It felt like home in this coastal city. Nathan was favorably surprised by the multicultural diversity of its inhabitants. Deborah told Nathan that in a couple of days he would be meeting the professor at one of his lectures. Nathan wanted to know what the lecture would be about: “About the influence of modern technology on human behavior,” Deborah answered. Deborah also told him something she had not said earlier, she told him that the professor was her stepfather. She also added that his name was Vadim, and that he originally came from Saint Petersburg, Russia. For years, Vadim had lectured in the city of his birth and had returned to live in the United States only a few years before. He had met Deborah's mother in San Francisco. Nathan met Vadim on a Monday. The professor was a large, strong man with grey hair and a full beard. He had light blue eyes and a penetrating gaze. Vadim welcomed Nathan and thanked him for accepting his invitation. Nathan found the man friendly; he told him he would talk to him after the lecture. It was a riveting lecture based on concrete examples of far-reaching changes seen today as a result of technological progress and how people can learn to deal with these changes. Several quoted assertions made Nathan think about others he had previously heard. Thus Nathan remembered the words of his father, regarding the massive connection throughout the world, when Vadim stated that the cosmos is not a plethora of separate parts, but has more to do with a moving whole of which all parts are mutually inter-dependent. Nathan was also reminded of Songo's words when Vadim spoke about how technology commands peoples' interest and keeps distracting them from their real needs. As he listened attentively to the lecture, Nathan concluded that Vadim was convinced of the existence of a higher power. According to Vadim, this power could not be explained by modern science. He called this power the perfect cohesion. Nathan knew that putting forward a conviction pertaining to the existence of a higher power was a statement that was not usually used in scientific circles. When the lecture had ended, and most people present had left the room, the professor approached Nathan. He asked if Nathan had enjoyed the lecture. Nathan replied that it was very informative, especially because the clear examples had made it easier to understand. When Vadim asked whether Nathan still had questions, Nathan used the opportunity to ask Vadim: “What motivates you to give lectures?” “Thanks to these lectures I project my vision to a larger target group because of the interest generated by the subject matter.” “How does your vision differ from that of most other scientists?”


Vadim pulled out a chair for Nathan and invited him to sit down. Then he grabbed one for himself. “Many dedicate themselves to being able to split and define everything and, using this method, they expect to explain everything. Others, me included, see their admiration for the higher order in the universe increase as they gather more knowledge.” “What do you admire in this higher order?” “The perfect cohesion, Nathan. The perfect cohesion between everything and how all things continuously intertwine!” “What do you tell those who think there is no order or consistency in the universe, but that everything is nothing more than one enormous chaos?” “I ask them to look attentively at the seasonal changes or the phases of the moon. That alone should make them recognize the eternal regularity of the universe.” “Everyone is familiar with these phenomena, but for many it does not appear to be enough for them to be able to recognize perfect cohesion.” “This is definitely true for those who only accept reason as the source of all knowledge.” “Isn't that true for most scientists?” “Many scientists, but many others do not know that reason alone can never explain the basis of the universe. They found their information on mathematical evidence and therefore can only accept knowledge that documents their logic.” Because of this conversation, Nathan better understood why many scientists had no insight into the greater whole. They had learned only to accept the existence of those things that were within the physical world. In the meantime, other people present came to exchange a few words with the professor. From the short conversations between them, Nathan noticed that it was not easy for Vadim to convince others in the scientific environment of his theories. Nathan understood Vadim was an unusual professor. He was probably one of those rare scientists who knew how necessary it was to stray from the path of general logic of the physical world to discover life's answers. When Vadim had finished talking, he invited Nathan for a bite to eat. Nathan accepted. He was already convinced he had made the right choice in traveling to San Francisco. Together they drove to one of the comfortable restaurants in the Mission District. When they finally sat down and food was served, Vadim painted him a word portrait of the city he had fallen in love with. After Saint Petersburg, which he considered his home, he had become familiar with many cities, but it was San Francisco that had stolen his heart. Vadim told him proudly that San Francisco was a port city, which had attracted people from various cultures throughout the centuries. “This is a city with an ingrained charm, always running its own course, but also a city where artists of all sorts can find followers and where movements for freedom of speech flourish.” Vadim told him that most of the charm arose from the diversity of its districts. Some were wonderful Victorian estates; others were on steep hills that had an awesome view

Oct 2011

Legend of the Nomad - By Alex Mero

listeners were experiencing life. Using this gift, Vadim knew perfectly the words he needed to use to clarify a subject. Nathan saw this as a valuable skill.

of the bay. Because of the great many hills, each district seemed to be a small city with its own character. After dinner they again discussed the subject they had started after the lecture. “You talked about all those who base their ideas on mathematical evidence and therefore only accept knowledge that substantiates their logic. How would you describe the knowledge that does not verify their logic?” “Everything that is not within the physical world.” “How do scientists approach that which cannot be experienced within the physical world?” “Many scientists say that if something exists, it must exist in a certain quantity and is therefore measurable. A problem arises when one is confronted with phenomena that cannot be measured. Phenomena that nobody doubts the existence of, but still it cannot exist within the limited world of science.” Nathan noticed that Vadim was remaining consciously vague about the phenomena that did not take place within the physical world. He talked about these phenomena without naming them concretely. Nathan could guess what he meant, but he assumed that Vadim had his reasons for not mentioning them. “How can we understand these phenomena better?” “We do not have to consult our rational logic. Each person on earth is able to experience it and therefore also understand it!” “Can some things only be understood by through the senses?” Vadim said yes, after which there was a short silence. “Does science not have to ensure a certain stability of thought?” “Nothing is stable, Nathan. What is being experienced as stable is based on what we accept as an explanation to be able to deal with the unexplainable.” Nathan connected this to what his father had explained concerning the security many of us seek. “If things cannot be stable, does that mean that they only appear to be stable?” “Indeed, and what seems to be stable is a form of energy that influences our awareness in such a way that it appears to be standing still, a little like the earth seems to be standing still to us.” Meanwhile, the hours had passed and it was late. Because of this conversation Nathan was firmly convinced that he had found an intriguing and intelligent person in Vadim. “Your view of the issues and the way you explain them is new to me and very interesting.” “Your knowledge interests me just as much. I am convinced that we will be of great significance to each other.”

The lecture became increasingly interesting, because what Vadim was saying about the human's core clarified so much to Nathan. Vadim spoke about how the human being, in reality, does not have a core that is separated from the whole. By whole, he meant the whole universe. Vadim pointed out that there was only one core. He meant that people are not without a center, only that people have no separate core. To illustrate this, Vadim explained the process taking place from fertilization onwards. He said that an embryo comes into this world without its own core. In the womb it functions for nine long months with its mother's core as its core and not with a separate core. When the infant is born, the child is given a name. By continuous repetition this child is able to identify itself with that name. Thus the child starts to see itself as an individual with its own separate core. Its environment and community will nurture a feeling within it, which produces the desire to know who it really is.

In the days that followed Nathan, together with Deborah and Nigel, attended Vadim's classes frequently. During the classes Vadim radiated warmth, humor and optimism. As a professor he was naturally respected by his students, but the hierarchy did not exclude a strong bond with them. The theme discussed was damage and pollution of the earth. The professor pointed out the danger of modern technologies and emphasized human ecological behavior. He compared the behavior of the modern human with that of a growing cancer cell dispersing throughout its host. According to Vadim, the solution lay in imposing moral and ethical standards to push scientific and technological progress in the right direction. During the classes Nathan was mainly interested in Vadim. He possessed the capacity to determine the exact level at which each of his discussion partners or

Each social system gives everyone a function, which also determines our hierarchal position. Then the danger occurs when we begin to identify ourselves with this function, and let ourselves be guided by it instead of by our own true personality. Thanks to this lecture, Nathan now better understood the mechanism of conditioning. He remembered that Pablo had spoken about how we could free ourselves of it by recognizing the thoughts from our deepest being. In this way, we can follow our most inner will. By the way Vadim explained his statements; Nathan learned how he could clearly present a difficult issue to a skeptical public. Even though, after the lecture, there were still scientists who approached Vadim because they did not completely agree with him. Nathan and Deborah noticed that their primary motivation was to explain their own theory.


A few days later, Vadim would give a lecture at a scientific conference in Houston, Texas. Vadim asked Nathan to accompany him and Deborah would also to be going. She always looked forward to such meetings. For the occasion Deborah wore a classic suit and looked very mature with her beautifully combed long blond hair. She showed absolutely no signs of being a student. Along with Nathan she met several scientists, all experts in a specific field. During the conversations it became clear to Nathan that Deborah had already learned a lot from Vadim. During his lecture Vadim discussed the different energies influencing people. He spoke about how we influence other people by means of these energies. Some passages remained with Nathan. Thus Vadim said that all that we experience as a person consists of an energy field that we can feel and can intuitively sense. He also said that we can project energy by focusing our attention in a certain direction. Vadim then explained that, at that moment, energy flows from the energy field in the direction our attention is focused. He said that in this way we can influence energy systems and can increase the tempo with which coincidences occur in our lives. Nathan understood that what Vadim was discussing concurred with what he had recently heard about how the impelling energy worked.

Oct 2011

Legend of the Nomad - By Alex Mero “I have the feeling that some of them only want to explain their own opinions,” Nathan said, “and have little interest in new visions.” “I am used to this,” Deborah said. Many people are not worried about being right, but more concerned about creating the impression that they are right. Others frequently dismiss what they do not understand, because they are afraid to have their minds changed. “How can they ever hope to discover the reality of the universe?” Nathan retorted. “As Vadim says, scientists usually have outspoken ideas, because of this they can only think hypothetically.”

including Vadim. He asked Nathan to join them for their next meeting. Later, after the visit to the Houston Convention, Deborah told Nathan Vadim had told her he had never met anyone as special as Nathan. When Deborah had asked Vadim what he had meant exactly, he had answered that Nathan had an exceptional capacity to guide others. Nathan also heard from Deborah that Vadim was one who gave very few compliments. Therefore, she said, Nathan should accept that her step-father really meant this. Nathan knew that if someone like Vadim, in such a short time, had assigned such leadership capacities to him, this merited attention. Rebellion

During the flight from Houston to San Francisco, Vadim, Nathan and Deborah had a long conversation; Vadim came to understand how profound Nathan was. When Vadim posed the question as to how Nathan had gathered so much knowledge, Nathan gave a synopsis of his experiences. Among other things, Nathan spoke about the trance experiences he had in Morocco and in Mexico. Vadim and Deborah were impressed. Nathan was curious about their opinions. A good starting point for this seemed to be the lecture Vadim had just given. “Trance enables us to experience our environment in a different way and to disconnect ourselves from our separate core,” Vadim said. “Because of this we can have experiences similar to those we had when we were still in the womb… and even earlier than that.” “How does science describe this state?” Nathan asked. “The underlying patterns of this state are on the level of energy. You must see your core as a web of energetic relations that can be manipulated. The dissolution of these energetic relations leads to a trance experience.” Nathan remembered the words of Rashid in the desert. He had also told him that everything was made up of energies, their mutual relations and that a state of trance could enable us to view the energies of the universe in a different way. When Nathan continued to ponder this topic, he also saw analogies concerning what his father had told him about how energies work, but also with what Songo and Catalina had told him. “How did you gain insight into the hidden operation of energies?” Nathan asked Vadim. “By learning to think intuitively. In this way, I have learned to see that our self-image is created by our mutual relations and that our world is not only subject to physical, but more to energetic laws.” Nathan was amazed that a known scientist had reached the same conclusion as all the others who were important in his life. Vadim also understood that true knowledge presented itself through our intuition. “How important is intuition to you?” He continued. “Because of an overflow of information we currently receive, only our intuition can guide us and create calm in our thoughts.” “That is a surprising statement for a scientist.” “My father,” Deborah interrupted, “frequently says that through the whole history of science, every great discovery contained an irrational element of creative intuition.” Vadim smiled and let the silence present his answer.

Nathan and Nigel flew together to New York. They planned to stay with Zack, Nigel's older brother, for two weeks. Zack lived in Brooklyn, an ideal base from which to explore the city. On the airplane to New York, Nigel told Nathan that Zack was an especially friendly man, but that he exhibited strange behavior. Nigel told him what had happened to his brother years ago. Zack had been an exceptional student and his grades had led him to a job with a renowned lawyer's office in New York. He worked there for several years, got married and saved his earnings. One day Zack was involved in a severe car accident. He survived, but he was in a coma for weeks. They feared for his life. When he woke up, he was not entirely himself. During the following weeks he became addicted to alcohol and, as a result, he lost his job, then his friends and finally his wife left him.

Zack was admitted to a specialized hospital in Los Angeles. There he succeeded in getting completely clean, but during his stay there something very strange happened. In the hospital Zack read all the books about Gandhi he could lay his hands on and then became convinced that he was destined to continue Gandhi's mission. Nathan listened attentively. Since then, Zack exclusively wore white clothing and he shaved his head. Each year, on the day Gandhi had died, he wore red clothing as a symbol of Gandhi's blood. In his residence all clocks were stuck at 17.00, the hour Gandhi had been murdered during his prayer gathering with the people. Zack was convinced that he had to continue Gandhi's work. Since then he tried to get poor people to start a great, nonviolent rebellion against injustice. According to him, in this way the conscience of the world would be reinforced and humanity freed from its suffering. “How does your brother see his role in this?” Nathan asked Nigel. “He now uses his experience as a lawyer,” Nigel answered, “to defend the less fortunate in our community. He did not lose any of his knowledge. For example, he visits managers and asks them to hire the unemployed or he organizes small demonstrations against injustice in the streets of New York.” “Are you worried about your brother?” Nathan wanted to know. “I don't know really what to think. I know Zack has used, or given away, almost all his money. The only thing he still possesses is his house in Brooklyn and he receives a monthly insurance premium.” Nathan listened attentively and was touched by what Nigel had told him. Once back in San Francisco, Vadim spoke of a monthly “Maybe you can help him, Nathan?” Nigel added. reunion taking place in a country house in Carmel, a coastal city south of San Francisco. Eminent scientists participated, Nathan was surprised by Nigel's remark, but just as he wanted


Oct 2011

Legend of the Nomad - By Alex Mero

“Friends I have cherished, when no one wanted to take care of them,” Zack said. “These are people existing below the poverty line, who follow him because of what they can get out of him,” said Nigel. “No, Nigel,” Zack reacted, “there you go again seeing more evil than good. They follow me because of what I represent. They know that I can lead them to the final objective.” “What final objective are you referring to?” Nathan asked. “Zack is striving for the happiness of all,” Nigel said. “Alone, that is a beautiful objective,” said Nathan, “how do you want to achieve this, Zack?” By teaching the four great principles to everyone in a peaceful manner: Do not fear failure, do not hurt any form of life, fight for the recovery of fairness and the last one, do not let your happiness be determined by material possessions. Again, Nathan recognized Gandhi's teachings in Zack's words. Not much more was discussed while they returned home. Before going to sleep, Nathan thought about everything he had experienced that day. What Nathan found remarkable about New York was the ethnic variety and the rushing liveliness. Regardless of the commotion, Nathan enjoyed this dynamic Nigel felt uncomfortable, while Nathan was amused and metropolis. became more intrigued by this character. Zack looked strange in his white clothing and he moved jerkily; but his appearance This cosmopolitan city made Nathan think of Simon's words and his behavior were in shrill contrast with his eloquence. during their stay in Germany. Cities separated by wide rivers After the meal, Zack drove through the Bronx and Queens. usually experience great mental differences. As in San Zack did not drive through the most impoverished districts by Francisco, New York was also a city with rivers flowing chance. Nathan and Nigel understood that Zack wanted to through it. Afterwards, Nathan tried to form an image of Zack. demonstrate the great contradiction between the poorest and He could not fully evaluate him, but had the feeling that he could be of importance. He hoped that the following days richest areas. “Isn't it strange, Nathan,” Zack said, “to see so much poverty in would bring him some more clarity. The next morning Zack a city that is the most important center for the American woke Nigel and Nathan up early. He maintained the same business world and where the largest stock exchange in the energy level, even though the breakfast he prepared was not to Nigel's liking. There were grains, banana muesli and Dutch rye world is located?” bread. “The contrast is indeed great,” said Nathan. “This is followed by the question, what do we do about it?” Zack The day's program included a stroll through the center of said. Manhattan. They visited the United Nations' building, several Nigel reacted immediately. art galleries, and even attended a rehearsal of a gospel “We do not have the power to change it much, Zack.” “As long as you think like that, you will indeed be unable to performance in a church. At one of the art galleries, Nathan took the opportunity to talk to the gallery manager. As he change anything,” Zack told him. “What kind of change do you want to make?” Nigel asked enthusiastically responded, Nathan promised to send him a catalogue of Sophie's works. Nathan felt more connected to reproachfully. “Something is moving,” Zack told him. “Increasingly people New York. He found it to be a city of extremes, where dreamers want change. This Saturday we will have a demonstration. Do felt at home. Here was the idea that the biggest dreams can come true, if one believed in them. This created great dynamics you want to come?” and, for many, a positive attitude that Nathan had also “What is the reason for the demonstration?” Nathan asked. “We are standing up for the rights of all those who are here experienced in San Francisco. Naturally, these cities were not illegally and work here. We demand that they get the same only about beauty. As with any progressive city, it was also a rights. Now, usually they must work much longer than legal place of disillusionment for all those who had given up during their journey or cherished unrealistic expectations. Nathan residents, for a lower wage and without job security.” linked this disillusionment with the particularly high number “Who is organizing the demonstration?” Nathan asked. “Several unions, along with some other groups,” Zack told him. of prostitutes he saw on the streets. When he remarked on this, “Zack means well,” Nigel said, “but he doesn't understand that Zack asked what Nathan thought was the cause. he is only being asked because he mobilizes many people for “How do you explain it, he said, since the simple fact is that in a city of millions, where everyone virtually speaks the same each demonstration.” “What you do not understand, Nigel, is what this is really all language, there are still so many people who are alone?” Nathan noticed that Zack, and Nigel, were asking him more about,” Zack replied defensively. questions and were curious about his opinions. He thought “Then what is it about?” Nathan asked. “I want to involve as many people as possible against the about this and decided to speak further. “I believe that the greatest deterrent is the competitive spirit injustice taking place in our community.” “Who are the people who join you in these demonstrations?” ruling the world. Most people only live to show that they are the best, the strongest and the most powerful. This fosters Nathan asked. to react there was an announcement that they were arriving in New York. Zack welcomed them upon their arrival. The physical resemblance between Nigel's brother and Gandhi was indeed remarkable. Zack was thin, shaved clean and wore small glasses. He wore a white jacket with trousers of the same color. Zack created an air of festivity by joking. When he heard that Nathan was on a tour of the world, he showed great interest. He offered to show Nathan the city so that he could get to know the real New York. Nathan accepted the invitation. That evening, Zack went to pick up his old van and parked it outside the door. Nathan and Nigel sat down. Zack had conducted himself normally; Nathan thought he was acting intelligently; although he had noticed that Zack frequently used Gandhi's expressions. First Zack drove to the large boulevards, where he showed them the highest skyscrapers amidst the hippest stores. There they got out and went into a trendy restaurant to eat. When Zack ordered his meal, he held a small lecture stating why everyone should become a vegetarian. His lecture did not shock the people present, because he made his statements with humor.


Oct 2011

Legend of the Nomad - By Alex Mero indifference, selfishness and envy.” Competition is indeed the cause of much misery that we see in this community. We live in a community where we want to be associated with people who achieve things. Those who do not perform well are considered weak and become part of the vision of great loneliness. Nigel agreed. “This urge to perform is even present within families. Strange how people do this to themselves isn't it?” Nigel asked Nathan. Nathan heard, in Nigel's voice, that he was talking about his own experience. Had he suffered because of it? Would his brother also have trouble because of too much pressure? Nathan wanted to know more about this and continued on the topic. “Increasingly high performance is expected. People not only submit themselves to this pressure, but certainly the ones they love. For example, parents have good intentions and think they are preparing their children in the best way for the life that awaits them...” Zack interrupted Nathan: “They don't know that their children should mainly be getting love… but, yes, those who do not love themselves cannot love someone else.” This confirmed what Nathan had been thinking. Nigel addressed Nathan. “You have probably already understood that our experience in this regard is not good,” Nigel said. “We can discover the true value of things from all experiences,” Nathan said. “Our behavior is not determined by our experiences, but by our expectations!” The more time Nigel and Zack spent with Nathan, the more impressed they became with his insights. Their conversations seemed to be becoming more like conversations between teacher and student. They left the bustle of the city center and went to Central Park to walk among the many horse carriages doing their rounds. Zack wanted to take Nathan to Strawberry Fields to show him the place dedicated to a famous singer who had been murdered. Once there, he showed Nathan the mosaic with the word at its center "Imagine", in remembrance of the singer and of one of his most famous songs. “He also had the courage to conquer his fear,” Zack told him. “Shouldn't everyone be as inspiring, Nathan?” “Didn't Gandhi show us that we should not look to others, but only to what we can contribute to this world?” Nathan reacted. Zack glanced at Nathan and nodded. On the way home, Nathan became increasingly aware of how strongly he had transferred his opinions. It was happening consistently without conscious effort. He had to remember Catalina's words, when she said that the period had started in which he would begin his role as a guide. Vadim had given him the same message through Deborah. As always, before going to bed, Nathan tried to remember all the day's events. Again, he asked himself where all his experiences would lead him. This question was followed by a strong feeling of courage and confidence. A feeling made clear to him by his inner voice. A voice that advised him and that became clearer over time; but today that voice sounded different! It seemed as if it was even clearer than at other times. Nathan concentrated and found that he could distinguish every word. He could understand the message in an unusually clear way, as if another person was talking to him in the room. The message he heard was: "If you always follow the road indicated, time will ensure that all your questions will have answers!" Then silence followed. These words convinced


Nathan more than ever before, that everything happening in his life had a higher meaning. Today was Friday, the day before the demonstration. Nathan and Nigel knew they would find Zack in Central Park. He always made his plans there together with his friends. When Nathan and Nigel arrived, they saw a group of people sitting on the grass. The scene resembled something from a fairytale. Zack was sitting in front of them and was explaining something. The sun shone on his white clothing. About thirty people were seated on the grass in front of him listening attentively as they were being encouraged to invite anyone they knew to become involved in the revolt. Nathan and Nigel greeted Zack and sat down on the grass at the back. They noticed immediately that there were some well off people among the people present. Some were in suits; it was probably their lunchtime. Nigel whispered to Nathan that he had been wrong in his opinion of Zack's followers. Now the group was asking questions. Zack's responses demonstrated that he was a good speaker. The questions concerned inequality in the community and how to deal with this. At first, interesting ideas were brought forward, but then the focus of attention dissipated as everyone tried to express their opinion at the same time. They were discussing the correct approach for the next day: the right words, the time and other details. Everyone was speaking at the same time and the volume increased until Zack requested silence in a loud voice. This was effective, because everyone stopped talking immediately. Zack now pointed at Nigel and Nathan. “I want to introduce someone to you,” Zack said. “The man with the blond hair is Nigel and is my younger brother.” Everyone turned and looked in the direction indicated by Zack. Nigel looked at his brother, not understanding. What was his brother doing? And what was his intention? “Nigel brought someone here,” Zack continued. “His name is Nathan.” Now all eyes were directed at Nathan who was also curious as to Zack's intentions. “Nathan travels around the world. I have not known him for very long, but I can already tell you that I have never met anyone else with as much wisdom. Even though he is still young, for me he represents an example that we might all follow.” Nathan was surprised by the compliments, but reacted serenely. He showed Zack that he was ready for whatever would be requested of him. “I have not asked him yet, but I would like to know what, in his opinion, would be the right approach in our fight against inequality and injustice. Afterwards, I would like to ask him what he thinks about the way in which we are now combating these issues.” Nathan quickly attempted to analyze what was happening. He took into account all the circumstances and thought about his next course of action. He saw a group of people before him who were waiting expectantly for his answers. He thought about Zack's possible motive in inviting him to share his opinions. He also remembered Nigel's request to help his brother. After a few seconds Nathan stood up. He walked to the front and sat down next to Zack. He laid his hand on Zack's shoulder to indicate his support and that he considered him to be a friend. Then Nathan looked at everyone and spoke s with strength. “I am happy with what I see today. I see people who have come here, driven by their powerful will. This powerful will is

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Legend of the Nomad - By Alex Mero motivating you to do the right thing. When I see people who strive for the good, I feel happy.” Nathan paused. He was surprised at his own words and noticed the impression they had on his audience. Without thinking further he continued his speech. “Because I see that many among you sincerely want to do something meaningful about injustice, I want to tell you something important.” The audience was completely silent. “Remember, and this, my friends, is something that I want to emphasize, that when it is about improving life on earth, there is something more powerful and effective than will power.” Now, everyone was curious about what it was Nathan felt needed to be emphasized. “This is insight! Insight should be the foundation of all our actions. When insight is finally anchored at the source of our thoughts and feelings, our will power will be guided by intentions that are rich with insight.” Again Nathan paused to let the meaning of his words be understood. A man in a suit asked him: “How can we verify the source of our thoughts and feelings?” “By thinking about our real motivation,” Nathan answered. “We do this by asking ourselves: What final objective are we striving to reach?” Again, Nathan paused, and this time continued energetically: “I heard how you were all talking about the correct way of going into action. Is each one of you convinced of the true reason why action must be taken?” Nathan paused. Everyone was still quiet. “You don't have to answer these questions out loud, but answer them for yourself. What does my ideal world look like? What can I do to achieve this? These are the questions that lead to deeper insight, if we are paying enough attention.” Now Nathan stood up and finished his speech strongly, interrupted by long pauses. His words affected the people present, comparable to that of a collective hypnosis. “Using this method will ensure that those, who are really striving for good, will recognize each other! They will feel a strong connection! They will be able to use their complete ingrained potential! Their actions will be as examples for us all and will engage us in gradually changing the world into a hospitable and inspiring meeting place for all.” Nathan thanked everyone and immediately walked out of the park. Nigel stood up and followed him. He walked next to him and saw that Nathan was still thinking deeply. He did not dare talk to him. It seemed as if Nathan was upset by what had just happened. Quite some time later Nigel spoke. “Both Deborah and Zack had seen this immediately!” Nathan did not react. Nigel did not give up. “You are really exceptional!” Nathan looked up because of Nigel's words, but still did not say a word. He grasped Nigel's arm to force him to stop. “I don't understand what happened there. I only remember that I was thinking a little, but what followed then… just happened… it was as if something inside me took over and formed my thoughts and words; everything.” They continued walking. Nigel was curious about something else. “Can I ask you one question?” “Believe me, Nigel, even I don't know where all this will lead!” Nigel was surprised that Nathan had guessed his question. He saw Nathan had enough to think about and knew it was better to let everything rest for the present.


Nathan asked Nigel to leave him alone for the rest of the day. Nigel went into the city to do some shopping. Nathan went to Coney Island, a sandy beach to the south of Brooklyn. Rarely had Nathan felt such a need to look at the sea and isolate himself. He went into a beach shop and asked the cashier for a bag. In the shop he took off his clothes, keeping only his shorts on, and asked the woman if he could leave his things there. The woman took the bag with a smile and put it away. Nathan walked out of the store, went onto the beach and dove into the sea. For hours he remained deep in the water. He wanted more clarity about his higher mission. Through the years he knew that his words and actions had increasingly been inspired by his 'natural element' at the source of his life. A 'natural element', which had guided him to a higher mission, which was to clarify something to humanity; a 'natural element', in which he increasingly recognized himself. That evening Nathan arrived late at the house and immediately went to sleep. The next day Zack left early. Nathan got up around midday. Nigel had prepared lunch for them. Nigel saw that Nathan had rested well. Even though he had many questions for Nathan, he contained himself. He knew that the moment would come when Nathan would indicate that he wanted to talk. After lunch, Nathan and Nigel went to see the end of the demonstration. Both were not great advocates of such events, but they went as a favor to Zack. Zack knew this and appreciated their gesture. When the demonstration finished, Nathan, Nigel and Zack walked through the streets of Manhattan. Zack thanked Nathan for his speech the day before and told him how his words had impressed everyone, including himself. It was very warm, so they decided to sit down at a sidewalk cafe. Naturally Zack and Nigel wanted to ask Nathan many questions. Zack began first by asking him what he thought would be the best approach to fighting against poverty and injustice. “Yesterday, and during the demonstration today, I thought about what you said. I agree with you that people must first ask themselves where they want to go to gain an insight into what their contribution should be.” “I'm happy to have been of help,” Nathan said. Zack was silent, as if he was gathering all his courage to speak: “Nathan, everyone who has met you personally, knows that you are capable of giving us far more guidance.” “What are you trying to tell me, Zack?” Nathan asked. “I want to ask you how I can bring this quality of more insight to people. We live in an era in which both poor and rich spend most of their time working. Whether it is about survival or the accumulation of assets, this is the sole focus of their attention.” “And, if they are not working, they seek more pleasure and pay little attention to social issues,” said Nigel in support of Zack. “Do you know the reason for this?” Nathan asked. Nigel and Zack thought about this and gave their own answers. Nigel said, “I think it is because people are too involved with themselves.” “You have just given the right answer,” Nathan said. “People must first feel content and happy then they will want to make an effort for someone else. Only when their own needs have been fulfilled, can they become more aware of the needs of others.” “It's true,” said Zack, “it is usually happy people who make the most effort for others.” “When your own life is fulfilling, you can feel more involved

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Legend of the Nomad - By Alex Mero with the people around you,” Nathan said, “and then you will naturally feel a need to participate in one form or another.” “Why happy people are more able to make an effort for others?” Nigel asked. “This is because a person can only help another when they can understand them and their needs from their own perspective. This is only possible when this person has learned to understand their own and others' needs. Without knowledge about yourself, understanding others is impossible.” “Is this the insight you were talking about yesterday?” “Both what I said yesterday and today, and what I will tell you tomorrow, will form part of the same insight.” 'If I look around,” Zack said, “at what holds most peoples' attention, it is difficult for me to understand how they will ever be able to know this. Do you still have hope, Nathan?” “Things can change rapidly,” Nathan said, “the insight from one moment can contain more value than the experience of a life time.” Destiny During the second week of their stay on the East Coast, Nathan and Nigel traveled around for a few days. During this trip Nigel became even more absorbed by Nathan's profound view of life. First they visited the beautiful historic city of Boston with its picturesque houses. Then they went to Canada where they visited Toronto, the largest city in the country, often called "the glass city" because of its high buildings. Then they drove to the French province of Quebec where they stayed in Montreal. There Nigel and Nathan found the beautiful old city fascinating. In one of the cafes in the "Vieux Quartier", Nathan and Nigel exchanged their ideas about Zack's life. This led to a conversation on a theme that captivated Nigel's attention. He wanted Nathan's opinion on the freedom each one has to choose a life path: “To what extent do we hold our destiny in our own hands?” Nathan understood the importance of this question and the value Nigel would be giving his words. “In order to know this, you must have a clear understanding of destiny on the one hand and free will on the other. Then you must correctly identify what we can choose for ourselves and what we cannot.” Nigel listening attentively: “What you want to know exactly is how far is the reach of the forces that move us and where does our role begin. We'll start with destiny first.” Nathan sipped his coffee. “What we experience as destiny, he then said, is the expression of a universal order.” “A universal order?” Nigel echoed. “Worldwide, there are very different names for this. For example, Professor Vadim calls it the perfect cohesion.” Nigel made the association with both names and then understood perfectly what Nathan meant. “According to the professor, this perfect cohesion is in every living being,” Nigel said. “This order,” Nathan continued, “includes all creative principles regulating life and evolution throughout the universe. In essence we are all one with this perfect cohesion, where we have a unique place.” “How can we recognize our unique place in the universal order?” “By using our inborn potential, such as our nature, our genetic structure, our character. Those are the expressions of our


destiny.” “Then what about free will?” Nathan took another sip from his coffee, while Nigel listened attentively. “Within this order, we each create our own life. We don't do this alone, but together with our companions from the moment we were conceived. By using, or not using, certain potentials and making certain choices, we influence each other's lives.” “Aren't these choices linked with our destiny?” “The essence of free will is the manner in which we deal with our unique place within the universal order. To fully grasp this, I will explain to you how our thinking functions.” “Amazing!” “Innumerable choices present themselves to us at any moment of the day. As you know, these choices have their consequences and therefore each choice made in the present determines our future.” “But what determines we make one choice and not another?” “When we think consciously about a choice, we always try to estimate the related consequences. Each one of us does this based on insights derived from previous experiences.” “In Central Park you spoke of the importance of finding the source of our true thoughts and feelings.” “You have a good memory. To gain insight into the way we think, we must become aware of the fact that we decide on the feelings we link to each thought.” Nigel thought for a bit. “Is each thought not already connected with certain feelings?” “It seems like this, but remember that each one of us can choose the feeling we want to link to a thought. The more we are aware of this, the more suitable our choices, and the happier we are with our actions.” Nigel thought this was a very clear answer to his question. He now took the time to think about what happened with each choice. Nathan kept quiet and watched the people walking by. He consciously let time do its work and waited until his message had reached its destination. “Now I can clearly experience the origin of our thinking,” Nigel said after a short pause, “and I better understand what is determined by destiny and what our free will is about. Now I am even more aware that our destiny depends on the extent we learn to sense things in the right way.” “You could say that we are destined to be free,” Nathan replied. Nathan and Nigel left the cafe and strolled back to their hotel. On the way, Nigel had another question. “You have given me very clear and valuable information on a subject I have been questioning all my life. Did you learn these statements or did they come to you spontaneously?” Nathan knew that Nigel wanted to discover what it was that had happened in Central Park. He answered with a smile. “Let's just say that I can easily put what I have already received into words!” After their visit to Montreal, Nathan and Nigel drove back to New York. Upon their arrival Zack asked them to accompany him the next day. He had a surprise for them. The next day they accompanied Zack to a huge covered shopping mall. It was Saturday, the busiest day of the week. Nathan and Nigel were very curious about the surprise. When they entered the shopping mall, Zack said with a certain pride: “Look for yourselves!” Nathan and Nigel looked around, but did not see anything

Legend of the Nomad - By Alex Mero Book Review - Gayatri Pagdi

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unusual. “Don't you see?” “What should we see?” Nigel asked. When Nathan looked up, he noticed there were huge photos. They were images of impoverished districts and of homeless people. Below these huge photographs quotations had been added in huge letters. Now Nigel also looked up and read the quotes: “This is New York! Today's Modern New York! This is where we live!” Nathan looked at Zack: “Did you manage to put those photos there?” “This project was created after I, together with some friends, thought about your words,” Zack answered. “We have you to thank for this,” Nathan. “What do you mean?” Nigel asked. “Nathan spoke of two questions we must ask ourselves. What does our ideal world look like and what can I do personally to achieve it. The debate we held on this inspired us to do this project and many other projects were proposed.” Nathan said nothing, he was moved by Zack's words, and he continued speaking. “These are all projects that show injustice, but we wanted to work using a creative foundation. We hope that when people see the pathetic conditions many citizens live in, they will become aware of how lucky they are. Who knows, maybe they will also take on some of the issues concerning injustice.” “How did you manage to accomplish this in so few days?” said Nigel. “It was incredible!” Zack said. “Many photographers, an advertising agency and a service company worked for free to do this. They also supported me in convincing the shopping mall management to contribute and…” Nathan went to Zack and hugged him. When they let each other go, both had tears in their eyes. “As you said,” Zack said to Nathan, “the insight of one moment can be more valuable than the experience of an entire lifetime.” “You are outstanding, Zack,” Nathan added, “You are good and fair!” After these emotional words they strolled through the shopping mall that was acting as an exhibition space for the photographs. The next morning they said goodbye to Zack at JFK Airport in New York. Zack had one last question for Nathan. “What exactly did you mean when you said that I am good and fair?” Nathan took his backpack and then laid his hand on Zack's shoulder. “You are what you think, Zack, you are authentic!” Back in San Francisco, Nathan called Deborah and Vadim to let them know he was back. Vadim immediately invited Nathan for dinner at their house in North Beach. During the meal, Nathan discussed his trip to New York. Vadim, Deborah and her mother listened attentively. After dinner Vadim suggested that Nathan stay with them for a while; a wish that was shared by Nathan, so he accepted. Vadim had to leave, but he would keep the next evening free to talk with Nathan. Nathan and Deborah sat down on the balcony. It was a hot and humid evening and the San Francisco air felt good. Deborah's mother had opened a new bottle of regional wine and brought it to the balcony. That night Deborah spoke frankly to Nathan. Maybe the wine had something to do with it.

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“When we were younger,” Deborah said, “Zack and I had a long-term relationship. I had asked Nigel not to tell you about it. I did not want it to influence your relationship with Zack.” “I understand,” Nathan said, “please continue.” “For me it was clear that Zack would be the man of my life, but when he left for New York he ended our relationship.” “Why?” “He was completely devoted to his career and thought it would be better if we went our separate ways.” “Did you ever want to see him again?” “He had asked me to forget him. I did try to, then not much later he got married.” Nathan could hear that Deborah still found this difficult. “When I heard he was in a coma, I wanted to see him. I flew to New York with Nigel and spent one night with him. He woke up a few weeks later.” “What happened when he woke up?” “When Nigel told me, I felt an intense feeling of joy.” “Did you look him up then?” “When he left the hospital, he became addicted to alcohol. He was no longer himself and it was Nigel who advised me not to fly to New York. He told me Zack argued with everybody, especially with his wife.” “Do you regret not going?” Deborah thought for a while. “I knew that it was not a good idea to see him then. Later, when he was staying in Los Angeles, I went to visit him, but nobody knows.” “Why not?” “I don't even know if Zack remembers. It was a strange day. I don't think he recognized me.” “It must have been a difficult moment for you.” “He had changed so much. He looked different with his bald head. His spoke incoherently. I could not get through to him. I think that was the saddest day of my life.” Nathan watched the beautiful sunset. He thought about Deborah's words and tried to link all the information. “What are you thinking, Nathan?” Nathan took some time to answer. “Zack has been reborn!” “Reborn?” “He had distanced himself too much from his core by how he was living then. After his accident and his drinking problems he got help from a higher power.” Deborah listened attentively. “You can compare it to a near-death experience,” Nathan continued. Deborah nodded slightly and indicated that she had already made this comparison. “If it helps at all, Deborah, today Zack is happier than ever before.” “Even happier than when we were together?” Nathan looked Deborah in the eyes. “Only now is Zack able to love you, Deborah.” When she heard those words, it was as if all the painful feelings Deborah had been holding onto from that period were suddenly released. Nathan saw the tears in her eyes. He pulled his chair next to hers and put his arm around her shoulders. “Your tears are flowing, because you can give a new meaning to what happened during that time. Let them flow; they will fill your heart with new feelings.” Deborah felt good in Nathan's arms and thought how lucky she was that he had crossed her path.

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“Thanks for what you did for me and Zack.” “It is my way of thanking you, Deborah, for your invitation. Thanks to you, I have met fantastic people in an amazing country.” Thought The next few evenings Deborah let Nathan and her father talk. Sometimes she sat with them and listened. Both men carried on long conversations about what they thought was the most important knowledge needed by modern humans. Quickly Nathan became important to preparing Vadim's speeches. Even though Vadim had great knowledge on these themes, he was becoming increasingly impressed with Nathan's clear inspirations. So much so, not one month after, he asked Nathan to do him an important favor. Vadim had been invited to a reception in Atlanta, but had also been asked to give a speech in Los Angeles on the same night. He asked Nathan if he wanted to replace him and give the speech instead. The theme would be about 'thinking', a matter they had talked about extensively over the last few days. Nathan told him he would love to give that speech and prepared himself for his first big test. The public would be made up of both known and unknown people from the literary world. The speech formed part of a seminar dedicated to inspiration. Deborah told him she would go with him. A couple of days later, Nathan asked Nigel to go with him to Los Angeles. This happened during a stroll in beautiful Yosemite Park. They were conversing; Nathan was emphasizing the importance of analyzing the true motivation for our actions. “I have spoken to various friends,” said Nigel, “about what you told me concerning destiny and free will. All my friends have been impressed.” “What was your true motivation during the conversation, Nigel?” “What do you mean?” “What was your purpose? Sharing knowledge or making an impression?” Nigel was somewhat confused by Nathan's statement. Nathan did not wait for an answer. The message was clear. “Try to free yourself from seeking approval and power; neither is able to make you happy.” Nathan intention to make Nigel think about this. He saw that he had been successful in doing so and reassured him immediately. “Don't worry; it forms part of your evolutionary process. It is important that you learn to discern the feelings that motivate you.” “Are motives also attached to feelings?” “Motives are also thoughts, they exist by themselves. As I told you earlier, we are all able to link thoughts with feelings.” “Where do thoughts come from, then?” Nathan looked at Nigel and knew at that moment that he had to ask Nigel to accompany him to the seminar in Los Angeles. “Vadim has asked me to give a speech in Los Angeles next week. I will talk about the origin of thoughts. Do you want to come?” “Very much so!” “Good, Deborah will also be coming. We will stay there the whole weekend.” “Seth's father lives in San Diego and he has frequently asked us to stay at his place. Maybe we should visit him first. Seth will certainly be happy, I will ask him first.”

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Later, Nathan prepared himself for his speech. Vadim gave him valuable advice. In a short period Nathan had been prepared to become a very capable public speaker. Seth responded enthusiastically to the invitation. Nathan, Deborah, Nigel and Seth left together on the plane to San Diego, where Seth's father was waiting for them. He was a jovial man who already knew Deborah and Nigel. He addressed Nathan and introduced himself. His name was Richard. “So you are Nathan! I've heard a lot about you and want to thank you for saving my son's life.” “Thank you for your hospitality,” Nathan answered. “About what happened in Puerto Angel, it was an experience that sharpened our insight.” “Definitely, for all of us,” Deborah emphasized. “I must say Seth has also changed,” Richard added. “He has become calmer and more thoughtful. Could this have something to do with it?” “A great change always takes place internally and then expresses itself externally,” Nathan answered. Richard did not immediately understand what Nathan meant. He had heard something about him and nodded as if he had received confirmation of what he had heard. Richard lived in a large villa with a huge garden, where there were ponds full of colorful fish and a large shell-shaped swimming pool. Seth and Nigel immediately changed into swimming gear and jumped into the pool. Nathan and Deborah sat down next to Richard in the shade of some large trees when Anna, a Spanish-speaking helper, came to ask them what they wanted to drink. When Nathan heard Anna came from Mexico, he told her he had recently been there and had travelled through a large part of the country. “I come from Guadalajara, but I haven't been there in five years. Almost all my family lives there.” Nathan could hear the woman's emotional tone of voice. He suspected that she probably could not leave or return to the city easily without problems. “You miss them?” “I miss the people,” Anna said, “I miss the country, I miss a lot.” Nathan now spoke in Spanish. “When you miss something, you have to learn to see it with your heart. Your heart takes you across all boundaries.” Anna smiled and answered in Spanish. “We say that when we feel love for someone, we will always see more than our eyes can see!” Anna went happily into the house and prepared fresh fruit juice. Richard, who also spoke Spanish, had followed the conversation. “You are very sharp, Nathan.” “When you listen to your heart, you hear what happens in someone else's heart,” Nathan added. “How do you do that?” Richard wanted to know. “By talking about inner feelings we can open pathways to inner feelings.” Richard was himself becoming impressed by Nathan. “I heard you are going to give a speech normally given by Vadim and that the public will include renowned writers.” “Maybe you would also like to come tomorrow night?” Nathan asked. “Normally I have something else planned, but I could reschedule it.” “I am certain that you won't regret it,” Deborah said. After a moment of silence, Richard proposed an idea to

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Legend of the Nomad - By Alex Mero Book Review - Gayatri Pagdi Nathan. “Nathan, I can help you make money from giving speeches.” “Thank you, Richard, but for me it's about something else.” The drinks were served in beautiful crystal glasses. “What is your motive then?” Richard wanted to know. “I am worried about humanity,” Nathan answered. There was a short silence. Everyone was drinking their fruit juice. After a while Richard spoke again. “To help humanity you need means, to acquire means you need money.” Nathan looked around again and saw how everything exuded luxury. He knew this was a sensitive subject for Richard and spoke carefully. “There is enough money in the world. What we miss is insight!” “What kind of insight are you talking about, Nathan?” “Insight into what humanity really needs!” Seth came to drink his fruit juice and ran back towards the swimming pool. “Do you look down on money, Nathan?” Richard asked. “I try to give money as little role in my life as possible.” “Do you think it wrong to enjoy wealth?” Richard asked. “It is never wrong to enjoy, as long as it is not to the disadvantage of someone else. Even though life has taught me that those who enjoy wealth the most are those who need it the least.” Again the conversation petered out. Later, Nathan would hear from Seth that these words had made his father think. “Nathan,” Richard said, “I want to ask you something. When I told you that Seth had become more thoughtful, you said that great changes first start internally and then are expressed externally. What exactly did you mean?” Deborah looked at Nathan. “Shall I answer this?” “Go ahead, Deborah!” Nathan said. “What Nathan meant, is that great changes are the visible results of our evolutionary process. Such processes start with our birth and differ from person to person, depending on the insights we have gained.” Richard nodded and the answer seemed to be enough for him. The next day they had breakfast together on the terrace. “What are your plans for today?” Richard asked. “After breakfast I want to show our guests the most beautiful places in San Diego,” Seth said, “and in the afternoon maybe we can go to the beach.”

came to him again, “The universe will always give you the strength you need.” With these words, Nathan felt his selfconfidence grow. He had known for some time that his whole life was made up of messages he would be announcing and that the whole universe would be helping him, but today every cell in his body felt truly convinced of this fact. When he came out of the water, he felt an invincible confidence. Nathan had never felt it so powerfully. Once he had returned to Richard's home, Nathan took a shower. Then he joined the others at the table. Anna had prepared a delicious seafood dish. Afterwards, everyone prepared for the drive to Los Angeles. Everyone put on his or her best clothes for this occasion. Nathan put on a sky-blue shirt and white linen trousers. The five of them climbed into the shiny black interior of Richard's car. They arrived in Los Angeles after a couple of hours drive. When they walked into the convention building, they could see that many more people were attending the seminar than expected. Even Deborah, who regularly accompanied Vadim for his lectures, was surprised at how many people were there. Because a great number of wellknown people had arrived, many journalists were there who would report on the event. Tonight there were three speakers on the program. Each would speak for half an hour with a fifteen-minute pause between. The first speaker was a famous psychologist from Chicago. The second was a philosopher from Brazil and Nathan would be the third, as replacement and on behalf of Vadim. Nathan felt calm, which surprised him. Nigel and Seth were the ones who were nervous. Deborah felt Nathan's serenity and became calm as a result. All of them sat down on a line of chairs next to each other. During his lecture, the first speaker explained how the brain worked. He adjusted the level to the public by using clear and simple concepts. After the first pause, the second speaker appeared. When he appeared on the podium, Richard was suddenly very enthusiastic. When Seth asked him why, his father answered that the speaker was an old friend who had relocated to Brazil years ago and this was a very pleasant surprise.

Nathan, Deborah and Nigel agreed with the program. After breakfast the four of them explored San Diego. At midday they took lunch in one of the many restaurants on the sea front. Afterwards they went to the beach and Nathan looked for a suitable place to have a siesta, staying true to a good custom. He was the first to fall asleep. Soon Nigel followed his example. Deborah read a book, while Seth put on headphones and listened to music. When Nathan and Nigel woke up, all of them dove into the sea. When they got out of the water, Nathan told them that they could go on home and he would follow sometime later.

The philosopher was a handsome and large dark-skinned man of forty. His name was Melvin and he suggested some very interesting clarifications concerning how human intelligence experienced reality. He indicated that we experience reality through our senses, as they occur on the surface of things. He immediately added that we must be aware that our senses also hide reality as they become apparent. Then Melvin showed how we could subdivide reality into three dimensions, two of which were reasonably known to us. According to him, many had to rediscover the third. Nathan would continue hearing this passage play in his mind word for word. Melvin sketched the first dimension as our observation of the physical world. He called it the first reality: Life, as experienced by each one of us, depending on the stage we find ourselves in our personal evolution process.

Once alone, Nathan went deep into the water to gather strength for his first big assignment as a guide. Once he was deep in the water, he fully embraced the silence and found the strength to find the right words to transfer his messages always. The unmistakable voice he had heard clearly for the first time a few days before, while in his room in San Francisco,

The second dimension contained how the way we think is influenced by our environment. In this second reality we are able to find all forms of our conscious influence, as it applies to everything. Melvin paid more attention to the third dimension. He said that this reality was the knowledge of our consciousness, the

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Legend of the Nomad - By Alex Mero Book Review - Gayatri Pagdi knowledge that brought us closer to our core. Melvin explained that this knowledge was beyond the physical world and therefore could not be found in the first dimension. It also could not be found in the second dimension, because this knowledge was at a deeper level than thoughts influenced by our environment. Melvin emphasized that we can only obtain the reality of this third dimension by ourselves. This dimension could only be accessed on a path that was not determined or indicated by our environment. Even wise advice from our environment cannot help us. However, wise advice could contribute to a greater general knowledge and even to a better knowledge of the self. Only individual practice could provide us insight into our consciousness and enable us to obtain insight into our inner needs. When they heard these last words, Nathan and Richard glanced at each other, knowing that only the day before they had talked about what people really needed. From the first words uttered by Melvin, Nathan had known that he had not simply appeared in his life but that he would also be making a large contribution. The fact that Melvin was a friend of Richard's was not a coincidence. During the pause, Richard went to look for Melvin. He found him at a table sipping a drink, while several people came over to greet him. Melvin immediately recognized Richard. Both men were very happy to see each other again. During the conversation, Richard mentioned the reason for his presence. In this way, Richard learned that at one time Melvin had met Vadim in Seattle. He had been impressed by Vadim's lecture and remembered it well. Melvin added that whoever was replacing Vadim, would certainly be worth listening to. Melvin could not believe that this was the day Nathan was to be giving his first lecture. This made him even more curious. Richard looked around to see if he could invite Nathan to their table, but just at that moment the end of the pause was announced. Melvin sat down next to Richard, in the same seat Nathan had been sitting. Meanwhile, Nathan stepped to the podium and was announced by a woman who read from a short note prepared by Vadim, who excused himself for his absence and added that the public should be proud to witness the first public lecture by someone who possessed a never before shown natural disposition for transferring messages. Nathan stood up after these words. He went to the microphone and made a joke in reaction to Vadim's words. “Thank you, Vadim, as if the pressure was not great enough!” Then Nathan looked at the public and was surprised that he did not feel stressed. Even now that he was standing at the podium, he felt as relaxed as usual. The attentive audience gave him a good feeling. He was aware that all the forces of the universe were supporting him. It could not be otherwise, than that he in this moment was predestined. He started his lecture by thanking Vadim for the opportunity to speak and for Vadim's words about him. After, Nathan informed the public that his lecture would concern the source of our motivation. He added that he had prepared this text together with Vadim. Before he continued, Nathan asked one of the film crew present if he could get a copy of the recording, after some surprise it was immediately agreed to. After this introduction there was a feeling of intense curiosity in the room. Nathan had already succeeded in getting everyone's attention. “I have heard that tonight there are writers, actors and other creative people in this room. So you are perfectly capable of

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understanding that creativity comes to us in the form of thoughts. The question is why everyone does not use these thoughts creatively, even more so if we know that every person is inclined to achieve something unique on earth. So, maybe we should first discuss the nature of thought, and then what causes us to put certain thoughts into action; or, to put it in the words of the previous speaker: 'To bring knowledge from the third dimension into the second and finally into the first'.” Nathan winked at Melvin, who in turn nodded and smiled. After, Nathan gave a detailed but clear explanation of the direction of thought. Using this, he explained how thoughts that come to us followed a fixed plan that formed the plan for the universal evolutionary process. Nathan discussed the universal order several times. Nathan also spoke about the importance of making distinctions between thoughts having a constructive force and thoughts having a destructive force. Learning to make this distinction helps us to see how to build or break down energy, not only within ourselves but also within others. Nathan also noted that when we are able to recognize constructive thoughts and learn how to use them creatively, we can make things visible that had, until that time, remained hidden. Nathan ended by making his public aware of the privileged position they had of disseminating new thoughts throughout the world. He emphasized the opportunities this offered and the responsibility this entailed. When Nathan finished speaking, a short period of silence ensued. Slowly his words settled in the crowd. The applause started slowly, but strengthened and kept on for some time. Everyone gave him a standing ovation. Full of admiration, Melvin and the first speaker also applauded. After the lecture, many in the audience came up to Nathan to introduce themselves. So it took a while before he could join his friends again. They confirmed how strongly the public had been touched by his words. Then Nathan was introduced to Melvin. They thanked each other for the new insights they had obtained from hearing each other's lectures. Nathan talked about the journey he had started years before and said that he was currently staying with Vadim, Deborah and her mother in San Francisco. Melvin said that he would be staying a couple of weeks in the United States before returning to Brazil. Deborah was listening and suggested meeting in San Francisco. She was convinced that Vadim would also be happy with his arrival. Melvin thanked them and accepted this invitation, but first had to take care of some other commitments. Richard, who had met some of his colleagues, had just returned and was having a drink in the bar. There they reminisced about events from Melvin and Richard's youth. Richard invited Melvin to visit him at his home. The next day Richard returned to San Diego. Nathan returned to Laguna Beach, a place he liked, along with his friends. There, they took a long walk and visited an art gallery. Seth told them that Jennifer had held some exhibitions there. Now Nathan was reminded of Sophie, and he thought it would be interesting if Sophie and Jennifer got to know each other. Just as in New York, Nathan checked with the people to see if it would be possible for Sophie to exhibit her artwork there. The gallery manager reacted enthusiastically. The next day the group returned to San Francisco. During the flight Nathan pondered all the events of the last few days. On his arrival, Vadim congratulated Nathan on his lecture and spoke to him about the positive reactions he had received. During the next few days Nathan received multiple

Legend of the Nomad - By Alex Mero Book Review - Gayatri Pagdi

March Oct2011 2011

offers to hold lectures, but he decided not to accept for the time being. The monthly meeting in Carmel was planned for that weekend and on Friday night Nathan, Deborah and her mother went there. The next day, Vadim would follow. Deborah's mother went to sleep when they got to the house. Nathan and Deborah went for a stroll. It was night and they admired the wonderful starry sky. At that moment Nathan remembered something he had read once; supposedly during the night thoughts looked for new hosts. Deborah told Nathan that he needed to rest well because the meetings the following day could take a long time. Nathan stated that he was already resting, because this place felt good. The next day about ten people arrived for the meeting. Nathan was by far the youngest of the group. Most of the guests were professors and scientists and came from all over the United States. Everyone already knew each other, except for Nathan. In the afternoon they went into a large living room and had coffee. At the start of the meeting Vadim introduced Nathan. He said that he was undertaking a great journey and that he was now exploring the United States, after having been to Europe and Africa. Then Vadim also said something regarding the success of Nathan's lecture in Los Angeles. At that moment, one of the people present also said he had heard Nathan had made a grand impression in Los Angeles, even though it was a first lecture. Another man asked Nathan about the subject matter of his lecture. Nathan answered by stating: “As the public consisted of people from the cultural world, I first wanted to discuss what really motivated their work. Then I showed them the consequences of their messages.” All the guests present saw that Nathan had the self-confidence to discuss these topics, even though he was still a young and inexperienced lecturer; they saw that he intended to succeed. The group started the meeting by discussing several subjects. Nathan did not want to impose himself and listened attentively. At a certain moment a woman asked Nathan what was the most important thing he had learned during his journey. Nathan took some time to think about his answer: “I learned that an increasing number of people are following a materialistic way of life and therefore there is little harmony between their ambitions and their actions.” A man asked Nathan what caused this. “The world is evolving in such a way that more emphasis is laid on intellectual and technological development. As a result, humanity has become competitive; consequently the physical and emotional aspects are neglected.” Nathan paused to sip his drink. He paid careful attention to this pause and took just enough time to keep the optimal attention and then continued. “Most people are not looking for signs leading them to their true destiny or for the concrete work that provides them inner satisfaction. For them, it is usually about money, status or performance.” In the end, they become machines, which mean that these people do not really live. Someone suggested the ideas Nathan was expressing should be announced to the whole world. “What do you think of this, Nathan?” Vadim asked. “You cannot force ideas on people, nobody wants that.” A woman then said that we should take a subtler approach. Then Nathan stated another element that would have to be taken into account. “Just as water takes another form depending on the vase it is

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poured into, each idea is different depending on the listener!” With this Nathan beautifully demonstrated the diversification of perception. The same woman then asked Nathan what he would propose. “We cannot impose thoughts on others. What we can do is to make people think!” Someone then said that it would take centuries before everyone would be aware of this. “If the way in which these ideas are announced is strong enough, then it will not take such a long time!” There was silence. No one in the group said a word. Everyone was looking at Nathan. “What I want to say is that what keeps us from an ideal world is no more than one second. That one moment, in which all of us will consider the same thought at the same time and decide to set it into motion through our actions!” During this meeting, Nathan's words affected each one of those present. During the following days, Nathan and Vadim held several conversations about the future of the world. One morning, Nathan and Vadim received a letter addressed to both of them. The letter came from Brazil. It was from Melvin, the philosopher, who had also given a lecture in Los Angeles. Melvin told them that he had been unable to visit them in San Francisco because he had been detained by his obligations. He excused himself and went on to invite them to visit him in Brazil. They could stay in the pousada of one of his friends. The pousada, a hotel designed to resemble local accommodations, was on the coast in Bahia de Salvador. Melvin himself lived in the city center. Nathan and Vadim discussed Melvin's proposal and decided to travel there over the Easter holidays. Vadim would only stay there for a week and Nathan, who had no obligations, could stay there longer. They left the first weekend of the Easter holidays. Deborah, Nigel and Seth took them to the airport. Everyone once again expressed their thanks to Nathan. Seth spoke first: “My rescue meant the end and also the start of a new life. I will never forget that this rebirth could take place thanks to you. You can trust that I will always keep my promise.” Nathan gave him a big hug. Then Nigel came to say goodbye. “Thanks to you, I know we can change destiny at any time and that each one of us is able to do great things. I will always be grateful to you for this.” After Nigel had thanked Nathan, they hugged each other. The last words came from Deborah. She tried to hold back her tears, but could not. “You have given me the most beautiful present a person can receive. You have given me full confidence that the universe is based on a design.” They held each other tightly. Deborah whispered these last words in Nathan's ear. “Even though we might never see each other again, I'm sure I will hear from you!” Nathan looked deep in her eyes. It was as if they could understand each other's thoughts. He smiled and hugged her tight. Nathan had a last message for his friends. “Take good care of each other and do not forget that the meaning of life is to give meaning to it!”

Alex Mero www.alexmeroblog.com

The Modes of Prakriti - By Myra Godfrey Book Review - Gayatri Pagdi

March Oct2011 2011

The Modes of Prakriti ny spiritual seeker on a path of Jnana or other knowledge based approach to understanding the Cosmos has undoubtedly heard of the three gunas. These gunas, sattva, rajas and tamas are the three modes by which Prakriti, the feminine creative aspect of the Godhead has created not only us and our world, but the entire universe. The gunas are further broken down into the elements of earth, water, fire, air and ether. One of the things I was taught very early on in my spiritual path was that in order to become fully enlightened, one must transcend these three modes of Prakriti and be beyond them. You can never get away from them because they are how you experience life, but you can become so self-contained that these gunas don't push your buttons and take you out of a conscious state. I've learned through my experience and deepening of awareness that one does definitely need to learn to not let the gunas have a sway over ones consciousness; but I've also learned that to transcend the gunas is only half of the equation. For one on a renunciate path, you transcend the gunas to realize your inherent oneness with the Source of all creation, and then theoretically remain neutral to everything that happens here. Realization happens in an instant, and then what? Realization is static awareness. If you are a householder or otherwise not on a renunciation path, then what? If you have to always go to a place of meditation or nothingness to feel your connection with the one, you are missing the inherent beauty, grace and radiance of the entire manifested creation. We are God and everything here is a manifestation of God, so what is the solution? Learn to work with the gunas in a conscious, divine way. Transcend so that you understand their play. Realize yourself completely then have absolutely no hesitation to delve back into this world of matter and action and use these modes of creation to further spread love, light and truth in this creation! If you transcend the gunas leaving everything behind, you are also leaving behind the entire world and everything in it, including your physical form. There is no reason to be in a body at that point. Transcending the gunas leads to realization of the static male aspect of the Godhead, the nothingness, the shunia state, whereas working with the gunas in a divinized fashion leads to complete realization of the Divine Mother and infinite creative Shakti force. Which trajectory are you on? Is it your deep heartfelt aspiration to merely realize God and then leave your body or is it your aspiration to work in harmony with both the transcendent and the immanent Godhead, to fully manifest your dharma and reason for embodiment? The beauty of realizing God from the perspective of the immanent creation, from the aspect of the Divine Mother is that it is all inclusive. You realize both the transcendent aspect of God as well as the immanent God that is embodied in all things. Purusha needs Prakriti and Prakriti needs Purusha; the two are one, and the One is many. A static realization of God from the transcendent approach will not lead to the realization of God in the creation because it is only seeing the universe from the perspective of one chakra; the ajna chakra (6th chakra) and not from the entirely of all the chakras in the body combined. It's the difference of realization in the mind only and completes integration into the entire subtle body system.

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Enlightenment is not created equal; it's a constantly evolving process that will eventually lead to the complete merger, union and play of transcendent and immanent, Purusha and Prakriti, Shiva and Shakti together as one without separation. So, what are these gunas anyway? Sattva, rajas and tamas are the three gunas of Prakriti. Sattva is the force of light, clarity and purity. Rajas are the force of expansion. Tamas is the force of inertia and destruction. Each of the three gunas is inherently neutral and just serves its role, and as such, each can manifest in a positive or a negative way on the psyche and actions of mankind. Often spiritual seekers are taught to cultivate a Satvik state of purity and to dispel rajas and tamas from the system. Why? Are rajas and tamas bad? No, they are not, and sattva is not inherently good either. God is beyond all of these modes of action. You have to work through them to understand them, and ultimately to become neutral to their effects. This teaching comes from the renunciate standpoint. To be a dynamic channel of divinity, of the essence that you are, let's explore all of these gunas and the positive and negative attributes of each. Sattva bring about cleanliness, light and clarity. It is the guna that is responsible for jnana, or inner knowledge. Satvik qualities must be cultivated to come into a deep understanding of the universe and how everything fits together. When sattva is being expressed negatively by an individual, it becomes one of the most powerful deluding forces there is because it causes people to become attached to the concepts of light and an incomplete perception of purity. This is very destructive because it can make people become repulsed by rajas and tamas, not seeing the inherent divinity in them, which leads an individual to become out of balance if the mind perceives sattva in this fashion. People who are over manifesting sattva are usually pious religious figures who believe it possible to become contaminated if taken out of their surroundings or energetic state. These are the people in general who will snub their nose at other spiritual seekers, telling them they are not pure enough or good enough or ready enough to follow a spiritual path properly. It's the best example of how light can be just as blinding and deluding as darkness. Rajas is responsible for expansion in the material plane and controls will-power, or iccha. Rajas are the energy of dynamic movement. When combined with sattva, it gives the spiritual fuel necessary to pursue a spiritual path and those actions that are best suited to ones inner temperament. It also gives people the needed energy to be successful in the material plane of life. Godly manifesting in the creation is due to rajasic energy. When expressed negatively, rajas can lead one to a place of desire and anger. It's a very hot and fiery energy. When expanding in the material plane without clarity and consciousness, desires will always be formed. When a desire is not fulfilled, anger comes as a result. When rajas combines with sattva, one expands upwards and becomes more clear; when it combines with tamas, one goes downward and becomes further deluded, until tamas becomes divinized, which we will discuss soon! Tamas is probably the most misunderstood and feared of all

The Modes of Prakriti - By Myra Godfrey Book Review - Gayatri Pagdi the gunas. Tamasic energy is responsible for the constrictive and destructive energies, and also the energies which lead to density and sleep. Tamas guna governs action and kriya. When Tamas is negatively expressed, it results in ignorance, sloth, error, confusion and inertia. Yeah‌.all those people who sit in front of the TV with a bag a chips and twinkies for hours on end, you can attribute that to an excess of tamas guna! Whenever one does not have the willpower needed to get out and do what needs to be done in life, this is due to tamasic energy predominating in the body. When tamasic energy is being used in a divine way, it leads to good sleep, a grounded nature and a deep knowing of how to support all of the rest of the energies in existence. Mother Kali and all of the other dark aspects of the Divine Mother have a lot of tamas guna; it is this divine destructive force which takes away the darkness of ignorance to bring about light and clarity. Tamasic energy when used in a divine way will cover up everything keeping you away from your spiritual trajectory; the aspects of life which do not serve your highest calling become unimportant and one is driven deep inside themselves for their true essence. In essence, the glamour of the world is covered up so that one can single pointedly explore the root of existence! What a wonderful example of how darkness can be used to make one entirely single pointed! A person always experiences a combination of all three gunas, just in different proportions. Have I mentioned that gunas interact with gunas? Since they are inherent in all of creation and all mankind, whenever you are in the proximity of another person you can feel the effect of his or her guna state. This is how emotions spread; this is how a room full of joyful people can help elevate your own consciousness and also how when someone is angry and directing that energy towards you, you also become angry. Gunas mixing and interacting with each other is merely a sign of what areas of the inner being still need to be brought to consciousness. Unconsciousness in any aspect of life leaves one to be tossed around by the currents of life. You are easily influenced by all that is happening around you. Bringing consciousness into all area of life, thought, will and action help you to see these gunas, these modes of Prakriti for what they are; the currents of life, without becoming a play-toy of these currents. You can choose through conscious action what you want to manifest in life, how you want to respond to life's situations and not be tossed around by the current. Divinizing sattva guna means being able to be in the light, being clear all the time about what is truth consciousness and to have clarity on how to manifest your dharma in life. Divinization of rajas guna leads to the willpower and force of intention necessary to drive outward action and expansion in a divine way that is in alignment with your dharma, your reason for embodiment. Expansion is not out of desire at this point and cannot lead to anger when you are doing what you came here to do. Your will and intention become divinized to only do those things which are serving your highest possible calling. Divinizing tamas guna means being single pointed in all actions and not doing things out of habit, samskara or any sort of sub-conscious energy. Tamas cannot be made neutral and divinized until rajas has been, and rajas cannot be divinized until sattva is. This is the process of working outwards from the source, the single bindu point which contains all of creation.

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March Oct2011 2011 Once you are able to experience neutrally how the gunas function, you can start the process of divinizing them, so that you control these modes of Prakriti and are not controlled by them. That is a big part of what it means to realize the Self; realize everything that is the inner most being and those things that constitute the body and the world in which we live. When you, your Soul, are running the show, you can change the gunas around and in you by the power of your own will, using this to uplift yourself and all those who come into contact with you. Your inherent neutrality of mind (because the mind is no longer being tossed around in the current of the gunas) helps to calm the mind of others so they too can experience what lies beneath. Scripture talks about these things in a much encrypted fashion. I feel it is important to bring these concepts down to a very practical and understandable level for people to learn to work with them, work with the Self, in a step by step fashion to realize your inherent connection with divinity in all its forms, in the world of spirit and the world of matter. You cannot change others until you first learn to become neutral and change yourself. Why? Because you lack power. Your power is still in the hands of the gunas; the modes of Prakriti. Only when you have become you and not a byproduct of the guna states can you truly and deeply live in peace, depth and harmony with everything and everyone. Only when you become you, will you be totally empowered to help others to make needed changes in their own lives. Spin completely around your own divine center and you'll start to change the vibration of everyone around you for the better. Being in control of yourself and the inherent divinity that resides within is what Self-Realization is about. Only from this point can one further go on to a completely enlightened consciousness where divinity and positive attributes flow freely through your system at all times. Myra has founded Gita for the Masses (a non-profit organization) and Hridaya Healing to help people see the inherent unity in all spiritual traditions and to help people overcome obstacles to their growth and fulfillment in life. She teaches workshops publically and works with individuals directly offering healing services, dharmic counseling, sadhana development, hom and a variety of other services based on the teachings of the Bhagavad-Gita and the tantric Sri Vidya lineage. You can learn more about her work at http://www.gitaforthemasses.org or by contacting her directly at jayajayamyra@gmail.com.

Š Myra Godfrey 2011


Oct 2011

WOMEN IN YOGA From the domination of the Aryans in India, Yoga has become a male prerogative, but lately the woman starts again to bring attention to the deep spirituality that is peculiar to her. Let's talk about spirituality and not religion, because Yoga goes beyond, and transcends, the dogmatic characteristic of religions. Over the past 100 years we have seen female spiritual leaders, but Yoga has never given way to women, except in some particular cases. This can also be noticed in reference texts such as Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Shiva Samhita: they describe practices that are clearly targeted to man. Well, in January 2008, for the first time in this generally male. Yoga world, it has been given a role of great significance to a woman, who was elected president of the International Yog Confederation, in Delhi, India: The Yoga teacher Emy Blesio (her Sanskrit name is Gayatri Devi). She had already been awarded, honorary, title of Pandit (of Education and Culture) in Mumbai on 22 October 2006. And, in addiction, for her efforts in the spread of Yoga, in 2008 she was awarded with the title of Mahamandaleshwar (that literally means: Lady of large space). Consequently to this official position, Emy Blesio felt even more involved in the task of spreading this profound science and discipline, and agreed to be the Godmother of the first major event dedicated to Maharishi Patanjali, the compiler of the Yoga Sutras, and point of reference for all those who deal with Yoga, which is held every year on the date of his birthday, in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, the place where it is believed he was born and where he had his Mahasamadhi. Patanjali Week Celebration gather wises and teachers, performers and therapists from all over India and the world. A kind of Mahakumbhamela. In this event, participants can find: Lectures, yoga classes in all his aspects, and the eight steps of Patanjali Ashtanga Yoga are described: Yama and Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi. Rituals, puja and celebrations, with Mantra, Bhajan, kirtanam. The ancient Ayurvedic medicine, with massages, packs, therapies, consultations and wrist analysis, etc. And people who accompany researchers in this discipline can follow different workshops: dance, music, singing. Sanskrit lectures given by experts of Vedic culture and all that can elevate the human being to higher levels of knowledge and awareness. Links http://www.suryanagara.it/en/eventi/eventi.html http://www.patanjaliweek.com http://www.suryanagara.it http://www.theworldcommunity.com http://www.confederazioneyoga.it http://www.worldindianart.net http://www.womenpower.in


Nataliya Bukhanova Paintings

Oct 2011

Before Name It is not without name, or even untitled. Rather it means Before Name. Something that does not understand itself but will be somebody soon. Date :- 2006

Devination on the Water People have always tried to know their future. In past ages some used the waters of a sacred spring. What if they gazed into the waters and saw something terrible? Is this prediction fate, impossible to change, or is it merely one possible future? In this picture the circle is open; meaning that it is possible to influence the world of future through this world of present. The bird is the symbol of communication between present and the future. Date :- 1997

The Mother There is a mother who gives life to a child. There is a Mother who gives birth to a soul. She creates the flow of life which never ends. Date :- 2007


Nataliya Bukhanova Paintings

Oct 2011

My name is big-Nataliya There is a name which is given by parents; however there is another name which is given when a soul appears in the universe. The one word which describes everything; past lives, future lives, character, capabilities, environment in any life on the Tree of Lives of this soul. This is the real name of somebody: their true name. Do you know your own name? Date :- 2008

Travel Travelling, as in the act itself; in the world, between worlds, into the soul, between souls, into and between spirits. Date :- 2004

TWO This picture is about love: about the interaction between two people, their love, and the universe. When people love each other, they change not only themselves but also the world around them. The Universe responds to this and changes itself as well. Date :- 2007


Music Review - SL Team

Oct 2011

Lucid Dreamer By Paul Lawler Published by: News Age Music Mastered by: Medwyn Goodall at MG Music Price: ` 325

There are nine tracks with total time of 50.36 minutes. It is a wave of sonic textures, orchestra and modern instruments. A blend of music that Paul promises will take one to another world. The tracks are: 1. Lucid Dreamer: Pure instrumental. 2. A Traveler's Tale: Instrumental with subtle voices along. 3. The Poet: Subtle male voice with instrumental music. 4. Sunchaser: A female voice singing a mantra on and off with instrumental music. 5. Dreamtime: Instrumental music with male sounds included. 6. Soul Dancer: Music partly inspired from the Middle East and it seems partly from Russia. Singing is pure Middle Eastern. 7. Walk While The City Sleeps: It starts with very slow music and then the tempo picks up. This is good for someone really wanting to sleep soundly or relax completely. 8. Cerulean Skies: Perfect sleep time music, extremely soft and very relaxing. It is so soft at times that one can barely hear the music being played. 9. White Steps: Normal instrumental music with voices in backdrop. With couple of good tracks, overall it is an average music CD. Good to be played as backdrop music at places like spas, beauty and health centers, hospitals and so on.

Nataliya Bukhanova - Paintings

Nataliya Bukhanova The Gate of the Soul1 - Nataliya

The Gate of the Soul- Nataliya


Mahirwan Mamtani's Painting

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