Issue : Sept 2011 Vol : XV
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Sept 2011
Dear Readers, Spiritual Lounge E-Magazine has really taken off and we need more and more of your support for it to grow like a huge tree from a little sapling and this is only possible through your help. We need help in terms of more content, wider distribution and of course some funding through grants or adverts. Many times we wonder why we can't make money through our passions or attraction for a particular field or subject. Why do we have to slog through jobs and careers and get trapped till our retirement, just to survive? Philosophers will tell you to find something that interests you and also find a means to earn from it. But! That is not possible for all. It is hard to accept but one has to find something interesting from the drudgery one goes through and hold onto it for dear life. Maybe, that is the place where you may have to gain some understanding or experience it? Maybe, you have to go through the fire to turn into finest gold? When things just go beyond bearable, take a break, meditate on it and another option or a way will become more visible. It is hard to find the path in utter darkness of misery and sorrow. Awareness is the only light that can shine bright enough for you to see your path all the way till the end. Teach yourself; learn how to dispel the darkness of ignorance and everything lightens up literally instantly! Connect with us anytime at: or +919619629092 We are also on Facebook: Thank you,
Dhara Kothari
Cover page Photo : Baobab tree Madagascar Copyrights: All rights reserved SPIRITUAL LOUNGE EMAGAZINE Š 2010-2011 2
Sept 2011 Leading with Spirituality Balance and Sustainability Dr. Amit Nagpal Page 5
Editorial Page 2
Brighter side of life By Linzi Martin Page 9
Death bed of an Indian politician By Uma Krishnan Page 6-8
Mindfulness Meditation and the Ring of Peace By Linzi Martin Page 10
The Kundalini Awakening Systems Safeties Protocols By Master Chrism Page 11-12
The Beauty of Life! By Myra Godfrey Page 21
Madagascar Compiled by Dhara Kothari Page 13-20 Shiva to Shankara: Decoding the phallic symbol Page 22
My Thoughts: Jiten Soni
Legend of the Nomad - By Alex Mero Page 23-34
Patanjali Week Celebration Page 35-39
Edited by Dhara Kothari. Published by Moksa Publishers for Spiritual Lounge. Designed by Biren Shah. Email: Cell: +91-9619629092 / +91-9757274289 3
Advisory Board Members
Sept 2011
Spiritual Lounge Advisory Board
Dhara Kothari Co-Founder Biren Shah Co-Founder Maya Shahani Chairperson of Sage Foundation VP of Global Dialogue Foundation R. P. Jain Director of MLBD
Spiritual Lounge E-Magazine Board
Gayatri Pagdi
Yvette Soler
Dr. Amit Nagpal Master Chrism
Linzi Martin
Alex Mero
Myra Godfrey
Hitesh Guruji
Dheeraj Bhoma
Leading with Spirituality - Amit Nagpal
Sept 2011
Leading with Spirituality-Service as a Spiritual Tool G. Narayana, Former Chairman, Excel Industries, is a perfect role model for service before self and service as a spiritual tool. (Though service before self is the philosophy of National Defense Academy, India it is as relevant for leadership as it is for military). Spirituality is a tough and long journey though. Narayana says that he started believing he was the greatest man on Earth after receiving 8 promotions in 11 years at Voltas. His ego received a jolt when his entrepreneurship venture Prism failed miserably and he reached a point of suicide.
to live in the narrow confines of the self throughout our lives. Narayana says when he joined Excel, he showed GOD to employees. GOD here stands for Group plus Organization plus Direction. Leadership is a process of participation (in a group), decision (for the organization) and initiation (of the direction). He says, “We offered (rewards) well and received the work. We offered and received. This is my spirit! Position people and give them challenges. Share the success. When you practice it, it is fantastic. “
They say it is darkest just before the dawn and thus began his spiritual journey. He recognized the divine messages which came in the form of two lingams (Hindu symbols representing death and liberation) and a brush with Bhagwad Gita.
The Gita says, “If you do good work, you will get the returns, so do not worry about them. “ In fact according to spirituality also thinking about returns too much can divert the work energy in a different direction and work may not get the complete attention and energy resulting in not so great work. Work is worship indeed and there are many organizations in India like Sri Aurobindo Ashram which are based on this philosophy. The Mother of the Ashram had always emphasized upon doing even the mundane tasks with complete devotion and joy and as an offering to the divine. Sikhism also has the concept of Karseva where work is offered to the divine.
He opened Gita at random and found the following verse:“Whoever works with full dedication and offers everything to me, who works relentlessly, him, I will take out of the river of death and put him on the bank.” Narayana whose management philosophy integrates western scientific principles with Indian scriptures says, “My concept of business is the harmony of ethics, energy, excellence, economy and ecology with effectiveness and efficiency that leads to enlightenment. If you serve the world, you serve divine. This statement comes from the same man who would break cups out of anger at Voltas.
Narayana gives a beautiful example of work and energy from his personal life. He says, “In giving continuous love, I do not get tired, even though I travel all the time. My wife thinks that I will be coming home tired and she gets tired waiting for me. But I come home running and she wants to know how that can be. But then everyone gives me love back, so I receive more than I give. Love energizes.”
Reading the Gita for 18 days was so uplifting for him that he courageously faced his bank and partners and assured them that he will pay back their loans and investments shortly. With the new spirit and consciousness the solutions appeared from nowhere and the problems disappeared in thin air. Though one of his companies Prism was closed, the other Procon improved constantly. Soon he was being approached by others for turnaround consulting. The man whose wife was his enemy and whose children refused to even give him a birthday card saw a turnaround in his own personality by looking within. His new philosophy was, “Spirituality is inspired responsibility towards people, other living beings and the world…..seeing and relating with divinity in every aspect. Being responsible is being divine. Self improvement plus world service equals spirituality.”
Spirituality is the journey of finding the divine within which helps us connect with the divine everywhere. Once we are able to see the divine everywhere, it become easier to come out of the narrow confines of the self and slowly broaden our horizons. Once we broaden our horizons, we can offer service with complete joy and dedication. Subrata Roy Sahara says that our horizons need to slowly expand from I to family, then to community, nation and the world. India had long back come up with the philosophy of 'Vasudhaiv Kutumbkam' or Earth is one family more than 5,000 years ago; has a special role to play in the real globalization. The globalization of the human spirit cutting across all man-made barriers.
I had met an interesting gentleman at Sri Aurobindo Society, Dehradun. He never says, “I am doing this, I want to do this.” but rather says, "The divine wants this to be done through me and I am happy to be his instrument" Why do we have so much of 'I'? Though, the ego also has a positive role to play, to safeguard our body and stop us from being doormats, we often tend
Dr Amit Nagpal, PhD
Death bed of an Indian politician Part -4 - By Uma Krishnan
Sept 2011
Death bed of an Indian politician Politician: If you ask my personal opinion I do not think Christianity is practiced in your country at all Mrs. Ryan. Mrs. Ryan shows a surprised and distressed look. Politician: I do not say this to hurt your sentiments but I am expressing my feelings based on what I see around me all the time. I'm sure you will agree with me if I say that Internet has shrunk the world today. Even if I am sitting in a remote village in India I can come to know what is happening in your country. And the same thing applies to you too. Mrs. Ryan: So what did you see in my country that you have made this heart breaking statement. Politician: I am sorry Mrs. Ryan, if I have hurt your feelings. That will never be my intension. But what to do, certain things are best explained in a plain and simple language. You associate Christmas with gifts, parties, celebrations, Santa, carols, holidays, decorations, etc., whereas I view Christ as most forgiving, most loving, most impartial, fearless, bold, selfless, inspiring, revolutionary, ever sacrificing and such other noble traits. Hence, in the followers of Christianity these are the traits I look for. But unfortunately Mrs. Ryan, I get a feeling that people have just left Jesus hanging on the cross all alone. The need of the hour is to bring him down from the cross and place him in your heart so as to use his guidance to live one's life. Mrs. Ryan: What makes you think that we have not done it? Sitting in India how can you pass judgment against such a great country? Politician: That is because Mrs. Ryan, I have many instances to prove whatever I am saying. To present before you few such cases, tell me did Lord Jesus only belong to his followers. Mrs. Ryan: Off course not. Don't you remember when he was crucified he prayed to his father Oh father, forgive them, for they do not know what 6
they are doing. This proves that lord loved his enemies as much as his followers. Politician: Then tell me Mrs. Ryan, as followers of Christianity why does your country make difference between an Indian and an American life? Mrs. Ryan: I don't understand your point. Politician: The point is when the Americans found out that Bin Laden was responsible for 911 carnage which killed around 3000 people in your country, your country felt a great anguish against the killer and took up a war to destroy him and his followers and also succeeded in the mission too. Mrs. Ryan: So what is wrong in that? We have done this world a great favor by killing the enemy of humanity. Politician: Then may I ask Mrs. Ryan, why the American people nurtured the life of a killer who killed more than 20,000 Indians and maimed millions of Indians. Why did the American people let such a person live the life of luxury and comfort in his house? Mrs. Ryan draws a blank. Politician: I am talking about Anderson the then CEO of Union Carbide Company which caused Bhopal gas tragedy. Anderson not only escaped the consequences of his act he was let scot free by the American Government and also its people and till date he leads a luxurious life in the comfort of his house; the pictures of which are available on the internet. Not only this Mrs. Ryan, your government showed such small heartedness while paying the compensation to the gas victims. The gas victims needed this compensation money not for their enjoyment but to lessen their unbearable pain caused by the poisonous gas leak at the Union Carbide factory. The medical aid which came from America did not show benevolence of a great country and a world leader that you are
Death bed of an Indian politician Part -4 - By Uma Krishnan talking about. It pains me to say that even till date the American people and its Government has let us down in this case because at the time of the accident we in India did not have much of a voice in the world forums and we also were na誰ve in handling the case and also some people in India acted in their own self-interest rather than in the interest of the gas victims.
Sept 2011
gradation of machines and for safety in the factory all in the name of cost cutting, whereas similar factory was operating in America with all the safety measures. Anderson knew that the Union carbide factory was located in the thickly populated city of Bhopal and any accident due to leakage from the factory would be fatal. But he chose to ignore all warnings, as a result in one single night he turned the whole of city Bhopal in to an open graveyard with dead bodies scattered all around the city, on the roads, under the bridge, inside the house everywhere. People simply died at the spot they were present in. You have to see the pictures to imagine that scene straight from hell. That Anderson came as a Hitler for the people of Bhopal.
Mrs. Ryan: I am shocked at your accusation and especially to the fact that you are drawing parallel between 9-11 and Bhopal gas tragedy. It was an accident in Bhopal whereas 9-11 was a planned attack. For an accident how can you hold the CEO responsible for the crime such that equating him with Bin Laden? People those who died in the accident were fortunate enough than those who were left to Politician: No Mrs. Ryan, It was not a simply any live. People of Bhopal became blind, they accident but an accident caused due to developed breathing problems and children negligence of the company in the name of cost born there even today after more than 25 years of saving. May I tell you that a year before the the tragedy are maimed and retarded. The site is accident an article was written by an Indian one of the living hell for the victims of the journalist that Bhopal is sitting on a Volcano accident and this hell came from an American which if it bursts can cause irreparable disaster. Company lead by a American CEO, who till date All possible violation of the safety was conducted has not paid for his sins. The American people in this factory. Such a plant and such an accident are living with a neo Hitler among them. The had it occurred in America, then not only CEO Hitler Anderson got protection from the but all the employees of the company would have American Government and he still lives in luxury been hanged in public in your country. But till date. American government did not value Indian lives enough to punish the guilty and thus have set a It was the moment when a true world leadership very bad precedent for the world to follow. Do like quality should have been shown by Great you know Mrs. Ryan, due to the negligence of a America. All the rules of Christianity should have pig headed Anderson who in the name of cost been put to test in this accident. American cutting played havoc with the safety rules of the doctors and the government should have opened factory? He knew that the location of such a their coffers to provide help in all possible factory should never be kept in a crowded place manners to the victims of the accident so that but the Union Carbide which handles such a they lead a life of dignity till their last days. Don't poisonous gas was allowed to set up amongst you think Mrs. Ryan that's what followers of crowded place. That Anderson knew that many Christ would have done? But did it happen that of the pipes carrying the poisonous gas were way? No. The gas victims saw the face of the worn out and needed replacement which was stingy world leader hanging on to its money informed to him by the maintenance department totally immune to the pains of the victims of an of the factory, but he said all this would cost the accident caused by a citizen of a great country. Union Carbide a great deal of money and that such expenses were not affordable by the I am ashamed to say that is this the face of world company at that time. leader of today who instead of acting like Christ acted like a Satan. Where is Christianity been Anderson refused to sanction money for the up practiced in your country please tell me. A true 7
Death bed of an Indian politician Part -4 - By Uma Krishnan
Sept 2011
that no amount of money can ever compensate the victims but the matter was between two sovereign states, what can an ordinary American do? How can an ordinary American ever fight the Indian bureaucracy who was far strong during those days when the accident took place? We did not know all the money which we gave where it was going. How can you expect that government of my country will be more committed to the But none of this happened. The victims even till cause than the Government of your country? date, continue to suffer because of the accident. Even medical aid and help is lacking for the Politician: That is where ones morals and sense victim and you will laugh at the amount of of responsibility are put to test. Heart to heart compensation got by some of the lucky victims when the whole of America knew that Indians have been treated badly in this case, then why did and that was about 500 US dollars. the American people not form public opinion on Tell me Mrs. Ryan, are the followers of Christ so this matter and come forward to help the victims hard hearted that nothing affects them except medically, economically, technically in the name their own self? Look at the figure of Christ on the of humanity- Christianity. When you swear by wall, who gave up his life out of love for Christ for everything, then such a gross wrong humanity. Tell me Mrs. Ryan of what was being done then why did a true Christian not significance is Christmas celebration which come out and fought for the gas victims. The alienates a person from god and Christ. Is there American society is supposed to be most any resemblance between Christ and his advanced and developed in the world then how followers in the world today? Where is love for can you not relate with the pains of the victims. humanity, where is benevolence, where is Why did the public opinion not strong enough to compassion, where is service before self, where prosecute the Hitler Anderson who still lives is all the things that Christ stood for? Where is among you and by his breath he is poisoning the god in our hearts? He is just a reason for us to American air and polluting the American soil. Why has he not paid a price for his deed? Do the indulge in parties and merry making. American people like to keep company of Hitler's Mrs. Ryan the reason I feel so let down by your of the world? great country is that the people who get the most in life, they have the greatest responsibility to Mrs. Ryan: I was a child when this accident took share it with others. Had it been any developing place. I am not aware of most of the things that or underdeveloped country of the world, no one you are saying in this regard. But as you said our would have expected much from them. But action should speak of our religion and not our America being what it is, which has received mode of celebration. We have got an opportunity more than, any other country in the world should to serve the humanity and we should not lose show true leaderships in the moments of crises this. Regarding Anderson as he is too old for like these. They should do more than what is punishment, I am sure that in his death he will expected of them, but in this case, we in India, pay for his crimes. I think as a common saw the most stingy world leader hanging on to American I can at least do this much too once its purse strings at the cost of thousands of ailing again raise public opinion for this cause. victims. ----To be continued--Mrs. Ryan with tears in her eyes: I am deeply saddened as you recollect the tragic event. But let me tell you sir, we all felt equally pained by the accident. But your political leaders too agreed for the settlement offered by my country. I know Christian doctor from your country would have found a way to form an association to provide continuous help to the victims, a true Christian Businessman would have helped in cleaning the place of tragedy so as to mitigate the pollution, true Christian citizens of America would have provided aid to the victims and would have served them.
Sept 2011
Brighter side of life - Linzi Martin
Brighter side of life "Some things in life are bad They can really make you mad Other things just make you swear and curse. When you're chewing on life's gristle Dont grumble, give a whistle And this'll help things turn out for the best. So, always look on the bright side of life. Always look on the bright side of life. If life seems jolly rotten,
black and white pebbles, a soothing image suited for meditation - Sent by L.Martin
There's something you've forgotten, And that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing. When you're feeling in the dumps Don't be a silly chumps, Just purse our lips and whistle, That's the thing, And always look on the bright side of life!"
Eric Idle, Life of Brian Sung at the end of the film when Brian is on the cross at the crucifiction. As offered by Linzi Martin, Educator, Writer, Presenter, Blogger, Therapist
BUDDHA Photo taken at the Victoria and Albert museum London Sent by L.Martin
Mindfulness Meditation and the Ring of Peace - Linzi Martin
Sept 2011
Mindfulness Meditation and the Ring of Peace After listening to an interview of John Murphy, author of Beyond Doubt, speaking about what he terms 'the ring of peace', it occurred to me that his description rang a truth from my own deepened appreciation of mindfulness meditation. According to John Murphy it seems that one way for us to at least feel free and live more at ease within our world is to 'let be'. This sounds very similar to what I've learned from completing the eight week Mindfulness based Stress Reduction (MBSR) course. This practice of mindfulness originates from the Buddhist tradition and in the 1970s was further developed by Jon Kabat-Zinn at the University of Massachusetts Medical Centre into an eight week secular course. It is now widely recognised as a way of dealing with stress, including chronic pain and illness. In mindfulness meditation we learn to 'be with' each in breath and each out breath, not changing anything. We learn to pay attention to the feelings, sensations no matter what they are, nice or unpleasant and in this sense it's similar to John Murphy's practice of 'let be'. Mind chatter, one of THE most obstructive activities to a peaceful mind and one of the most popular hindrances cited by meditation practitioners, both novice and experienced. Mind chatter are thoughts running through your head, maybe a tune, a list of stuff to do or an unpleasant memory. Even spiritual recurrent thoughts are still mind chatter. John Murphy says that this chatter is predominantly your ego. Always seeking to separate everything, good and bad, energetic and fixed, warm and cold, beautiful and ugly, slim and overweight. All of these are distractions and lead to discontent. Have I come across this before? Yes, in Buddhism the concept that attachment, that is, mind chatter, ultimately leads us to suffering. John Murphy says that this head noise is mostly fear led. If you consider the content of a recent moment filled with mind chatter, this certainly has truth in it. During my 'wise woman' years I may awaken during the night with my mind sometimes goes into overdrive, chattering away with some concern of this or that. For instance, not brushing my teeth before bedtime, then I feel a tingling sensation. Is it gum disease or a tooth rotting away as I lie there? The thoughts becoming more fear based. The sugar in the biscuit I ate is now eating away at my tooth enamel‌ these are 'fears' of what might happen being blown out of all proportion to the actual events. When we transcend the head noise, the mind chatter, to something greater than ourselves, god/goddess, divine spirit, source, then in that moment of connectivity it is like we are cleansed of the mind chattering debris. This, according to John Murphy, is called the 'Let Flow' state. Stop resisting what is happening. Stop denying what is going on right now. What ever is happening, it is happening so do not deny it, in fact become more
conscious of what is happening and gently stop allowing the ego, the fearful chattering mind to take centre stage. Know yourself, your habits and patterns of behaviour. This is part of 'Let Be' to be in touch with your anger, impatience, irritation of others or things. It is being in the moment, mindful of this moment, which is all there is. This moment! And so in Mindfulness meditation we also cultivate awareness of how we are feeling right now, physically and mentally. If you are feeling angry, irritable, vulnerable, afraid, joyful, warm, even laughable then acceptance leads to openness. We come into a different relationship with our emotions. John Murphy calls this 'let see'. Seeing the world in a different way, see peace, see grace, see humour. So by allowing ourself to (let) Be, (letting) Go, (let) See, (letting) Flow we experience a shift in perception to a greater easiness. Even though our outside life may still carry with it challenges, physical/mental discomforts and others around us may suffer. Our inner being, our divine and our mind is able to live more at ease within the world. Try this brief practical exercise: Take a fuller in breath through the nose, taking oxygen into the lower belly. Open the mouth gently, breath out and say to yourself, 'Let Be'. I hope you feel more open, more at ease afterwards and more mindful of this moment. Linzi Martin BFRP, Cert Ed, Educator, Writer, Presenter, Blogger For offers of consultancy and writing please check out my site or contact me via Twitter/LinkedIn or email Twitter LinkedIn My thanks to the ever patient and calm spirit of Sheila Webb who was my teacher on my Mindfulness Meditation course. based Tunbridge Wells, Kent, UK Resources: Mindfulness meditation, Wikipedia Bangor University information on mindfulness meditation professional training ?catid=&subid=7512
The Kundalini Awakening Systems1 Safeties Protocols-Master Chrism
Sept 2011
The Kundalini Awakening Systems1 Safeties Protocols (Final installment) This month we will look at the Safeties of Prayer, Compressions Breathing / Alternate Breathing, and Meditation the final installment of the protocols offered by Master Chrism entitled 'the Safeties'. If one follows these on a daily basis one will have a much easier journey with the Kundalini. From Master Chrism: You are not 'this body'. You are complete as you are. (Physical, emotional, mental, psychological and spiritual bodies) All wrapped up into one unified person. One unified expression. Compartmentalizing or ignoring the working bodies and therefore dissecting this unity, the unity of who and what you are will only serve to distance you from your source. You must love your body and all of its components and this goes the same for the other bodies and their components. It is about the love 'you' have for 'you' at this point. You are more than your physical body to be sure and yet all of the five bodies of a person must be honored whether or not they are living up to specific expectations of a single body or the mind (ego). These are challenges that are in place to initiate certain forms of appreciation and evolution in a person. They are often difficult and are meant to be so. One can have extremely strong emotional reactions to the Kundalini. This is why I ask for people to really focus upon the balancing of the emotional body. You can have all of the attributes and physical sensations of an activating Kundalini yet without an active and coherent focus on your emotions, your experience can become blown out of control by a single emotional trigger that someone on purpose or inadvertently gives. So please be advised that just as you brush your teeth or take a shower be sure to practice the safeties and do the forgiveness's and emotional balancing that is so very important to an activating Kundalini. Kundalini will come for you my friend but the best preparation is very important before a full infusion is to be given. PRAYER (Safety) This can be one of the more difficult of the safeties to practice. Especially if you were not raised in an environment respectful or embracing of prayer, like myself. There are many misconceptions about it but I won't go into those here. I will only say that it is very important and must be practiced. Christ is real, Mary is real, Yahweh, Buddha, Allah, Zeus, Cybele, to name a
few. All of them are real. And yes, I know this is a 'real' stretch for some of you and it was for me too. However we feel about this culturally this is just how it is behind the veil. I'm not saying to pray to all of them but if you don't already have one - Pick one that you like or pick GOD and pray. Pray for healing for a friend or a stranger or a family member. Pray for yourself. Pray for the Kundalini to take you where it is you want to go or to become what it is you wanted to be. These folks can be very, very helpful. Do not disregard this because you are unaccustomed to it. Stretch yourself and make this a part of your practice. Enhanced Article on Prayer Praying as in devotional surrender can activate Kundalini. Practice the safeties especially the locks or positions of fingers, eyes and tongue. Stay well hydrated. If your kidneys feel as if they are swelling or enlarging eat some watermelon. Let the waves of love wash over you. Let joy be expressed. Do not resist at all. Most important do not feel as if anything is wrong because you haven't felt it before. The body is made to have Kundalini running through it. Like the Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit the body is meant to have this as it is a grace of divine that has provided it. Some physical, emotional, mental and ego driven systems can be amplified and affected at the same time. Just stick to the safeties and these places will smooth and balance after a time. You may have visions! Waking visions! Don't let that make you feel you are unstable; it is a fact of the Kundalini. Goddess Mantra written by Master Chrism This is a mantra / prayer to the Shakti Goddess. Speak this out loud to yourself or sub vocalizes and no less than three times at any time. Even think it no less than three times when you think of it. It is always to be applied in groups of trinities or a single trinity. Say it as a mantra as you meditate or before you go to sleep. Say it as a prayer throughout your day. Be advised though, it works and she will come. This is non exclusive to religion as all have the holy feminine. This is to whom you are speaking. The Holy Feminine in you. “Earth Air Fire Snow To the Goddess I now go With my love I ask of thee release the holy fire in me release the holy fire in me release the holy fire in me permanently permanently p e r m a n e n t l y�
The Kundalini Awakening Systems1 Safeties Protocols-Master Chrism
Compression prayer/alternate nostril breathing (Safety) Breathe in through the left nostril with right nostril covered or blocked breathe in with the mantra for example; "I am one with the all that I am" Find one that works for you but do not leave out a recognition of the divine. Use the Law of Trinity. Say the mantra three times upon the intake of the breath through the left nostril. At the top of the breath, Hold and say the mantra three times again. At the beginning of the exhale switch nostrils by covering the left and opening the right and exhaling through the right with the mantra "the love of god" three times, timing the sequence with a "love of God" at the beginning of the exhale and the third one at the end of the exhale. This also applies to the inhales. Now with the left nostril covered and the right nostril open, inhale with the mantra three times through the right nostril. Hold say to yourself the mantra three times and then switch nostrils and cover the right and exhale with the mantra through the left nostril. This equals one cycle. This is called Triangular breathing. Looks like this: (Right nostril blocked) “The love of divine.......The love of divine...... The love of divine” (Holding at top of breath) “The love of divine.......The love of divine...... The love of divine” (Switching nostrils and covering left and exhaling out the right) “The love of God.......The love of God...... The love of God” (Keeping the left nostril blocked inhale through the right) “The love of divine.......The love of divine...... The love of divine” (Holding at top of breath) Repeat “The love of divine” x 3 (Switching nostrils and exhaling through the left) “The love of God” x 3 And so forth for 15 cycles to start.
Sept 2011
meditative state. Silently and to yourself say the words "I am still and I am one with God." Say it as you breathe in and as you breathe out. Or the equivalent that you feel comfortable with. Over and over. As your thoughts go by let them go by. Try not to go into a lot of effort, as that is as distracting as anything else. Soon you will feel your-self slipping into a kind of reverie. Allow your-self to just stay and be. After a time, gently disengage from your meditation and come back into normal space and time. This is a beginning meditation and will do many of the same things the more advanced forms will do. However, as you have received an activation or have already encountered the Kundalini you may feel movement at the base of your spine or a heat spreading from there and flowing up. Keep your tongue to the roof of your mouth. And begin to love this movement and surrender to it. Allow it to do as IT feels it must do. Kundalini is intelligent. It knows you. Let it do as it wishes and have no fear as this is evolutionary and your heritage. This is typically not a soft, wispy, ticklish energy; it's quite strong and often abrupt. Most important is not to become afraid. Fear gets amplified like everything but does more damage. Tenses the body, invites negative entities. Creates a vortex of hopelessness that can threaten a person's sanity. This is a gift from divinity and anyone fortunate enough to receive this gift is truly blessed. So allow this gift to do its job, which is to bring you into an enlightened state of joy and love, bliss and knowledge, wisdom. The gift of conscious divinity in flesh and blood and bone. © Chrism 2011 The safeties protocols can be found at this URL: To visit the main website or the Facebook page see: 25
Meditation is essential Place your fingers in the Kundalini mudra; thumb tip and forefinger tip together, the remaining fingers spread out not touching each other, now breathe through your nose. Normal breathing at first then deepening the breath until your entire belly and chest are expanding on the inhalation and deflating upon exhalation like a baby. This is called infant breathing and it is very effective in helping you to achieve a
Chrism is a native of California. He travels awakening the Kundalini in groups of people safely. Kundalini as it expresses through Chrism is the teacher. A seminar will be held in Minneapolis, MN (U.S.) in SEPT 2011. For a packet contact:
Sept 2011
Madagascar - Compiled by Dhara Kothari
Madagascar The eight continent of the world?
which the island gained independence in 1960.
The Republic of Madagascar (older name Malagasy Republic) is an island country located in the Indian Ocean off the southeastern coast of Africa. The nation comprises the island of Madagascar, the fourth-largest island in the world, as well as numerous smaller peripheral islands, the largest of which include Nosy Be and Nosy Boraha.
The combination of southeastern trade winds and northwestern monsoon winds produce a hot rainy season (November - April) with frequently destructive cyclones, and a relatively cooler dry season (May - October). Broadly speaking, the climate is tropical along the coast, temperate inland, moderately dry in the west, and arid in the south. Over 10,000 plant species are native to Madagascar, of which 90% are found nowhere else in the world. Seven plant families are only found here, the highest number of any biodiversity hotspot in the world. Madagascar's varied fauna and flora are endangered by human activity. Since the arrival of humans 2,000 years ago, Madagascar has lost more than 90% of its original forest, of which one-third has disappeared since the 1970s.
The prehistoric breakup of the Gondwana supercontinent separated the Madagascar-Antarctica-India landmass from the Africa-South America landmass around 135 million years ago. Madagascar later split from India around 88 million years ago, allowing plants and animals on the island to evolve in complete isolation. Consequently, Madagascar is a biodiversity hotspot in which over 80-90% of its plant and animal species are found nowhere else on Earth. This has led some ecologists refer to Madagascar as the eighth continent. These are dispersed across a variety of eco regions, broadly divided into eastern and south-central rain forest, western dry forests, southern desert and spiny forest. The island's diverse ecosystems and unique wildlife are severely threatened by human settlement and traditional slash-and-burn practices (tavy) which have denuded Madagascar of as much as 90% of its original forest cover. Most archaeologists believe Madagascar was first inhabited sometime between 300 BCE and 500 CE by Austronesian peoples arriving on outrigger canoes from Borneo in the Indonesian archipelago who were later joined around 1000 CE by Bantu migrants crossing the Mozambique Channel. Arab, East African, Indian, Chinese and European (primarily French) migrants settled on Madagascar over time, each one making lasting contributions to Malagasy cultural life. Until the late 18th century, the island of Madagascar was populated by a fragmented assortment of shifting sociopolitical alliances of varying sizes. Beginning in the early 19th century, however, the majority of the island was united and ruled as the Kingdom of Madagascar by a series of nobles (andriana) of the Merina ethnic group. The monarchy collapsed when the island was conquered and absorbed into the French colonial empire in 1896, from
Antananarivo is the capital and the largest city of Madagascar. It is located in the highlands region, very near to the geographic center of the island. King Andrianjaka founded Antananarivo around 1610 or 1625 upon the site of a captured Vazimba capital on the hilltop of Analamanga. Madagascar was divided into six autonomous provinces (faritany mizakatena), and subdivided into 22 regions (faritra). The regions are further subdivided into 116 districts, 1,548 communes, and 16,969 fokontany. The major cities have a special status as commune urbaine, at the same level as the districts. The six provinces with their 22 regions are: 1. Antsiranana - Diana, Sava. 2. Antananarivo - Itasy, Analamanga, Vakinankaratra, Bongolava. 3. Mahajanga - Sofia, Boeny, Betsiboka, Melaky. 4. Toamasina - Alaotra Mangoro, Atsinanana, Analanjirofo. 5. Fianarantsoa - Amoron'i Mania, HauteMatsiatra, Vatovavy-Fitovinany, Atsimo-Atsinanana, Ihorombe. 6. Toliara - Menabe, Atsimo-Andrefana, Androy, Anosy. Traditional beliefs A firm belief in the existence of close ties between the living and the dead constitutes the most basic of all traditional beliefs and the foundation for Malagasy religious and social values. All the Malagasy peoples have traditionally
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experience. Madagascar's wildlife is among the best in the world in terms of diversity, abundance, and approachability and travel to Madagascar for this purpose is most rewarding. Madagascar also offers spectacular landscapes, an unusual history, and countryside full of generally friendly and wonderful people. Regions of Madagascar Tropical North
accepted the existence of a supreme God, known commonly as Zanahary (Creator) or Andriamanitra (Sweet, or Fragrant, Lord). The dead have been conceived as playing the role of intermediary between this supreme God and humankind and are viewed as having the power to affect the fortunes of the living for good or evil. The dead are sometimes described as gods on Earth, who are considered the most important and authoritative members of the family, intimately involved in the daily life of the living members. At the same time, the razana (best defined as ancestors) are the sources from which the life forces flows and the creators of Malagasy customs and ways of life. The living is merely temporary extensions of the dead. Great hardship or trouble can result if the dead are offended or neglected. The ombiasy and the mpanandro combine the functions of diviners, traditional healers, and astrologers. They originated among the Antaimoro and the Antambahoaka of the southwest coast, who were influenced by the Antalaotra. The science of the ombiasy and the mpanandro is tied to the concept of vintana, which means fate ordained by the position of moon, sun, and stars. Accordingly, different values and different forces, either active or passive, are attributed to each fraction of time. Space, too, is thought to be affected by these forces, east being superior to west, and north being superior to south. Northeast therefore is believed to be the most favorable direction. People build their houses on the north-south axis and reserve the northeastern corner for prayers. Guests are seated on the northern side, and chickens are kept in the southwestern corner. Fate is impersonal and cannot be changed, but certain aspects can be foretold and avoided. For divination the ombiasy use a system of Arabic origin in which fruit seeds or grains of corn are put into rows of eight. Various figure combinations indicate the future and what to do regarding sickness, love, business, and other enterprises. The ombiasy also sell talismans made of such objects as dried or powdered vegetables, glass beads, or animal teeth. Travel in Madagascar promises to be an interesting
The Northern part of Madagascar is well-known for its diversity of landscapes, vegetation and even weather; the climate is agreeable with distinct wet and dry seasons. It is known as tropical north as it boasts pleasant weather, stunning scenery and a truly tropical feel; everything you would expect from a tropical vacation destination. The rainforests of Northeast Madagascar are the last relict of a lost splendorous reign of giant trees, which has irremediably disappeared under the edge of the saw in many other parts of the country. The highest mountains of Madagascar are found here: in the volcanic massif of Tsaratanana intrepid travellers can climb the highest peak of the island, the Maromokotra. A visit to northern Madagascar is rewarding no matter what it is you are looking for. From snorkelling and guided walks to bird watching and observing the lemurs, chameleons and snakes; nature lovers and holiday makers will find northern Madagascar a jewel and the perfect option. Explore the network of caves and underground rivers in the Ankarana Special Reserve, about 108 km south of Antsiranana, you may even find crocodiles in some of these rivers. This nature reserve is also known for its tsingy and dry forests. The Nosy Be Archipelago: its fabulous beaches and small paradise islands turns it into one of the most touristic places of Madagascar. Apart from relaxing and sun-bathing, visitors can explore beautiful forests looking for lemurs and practise snorkelling and diving. Antsiranana (Diego Suarez): located on the windy
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forests are now one of the most threatened habitats in the world. Wherever your destination is: musicians playing traditional instruments such as the zither-like valiha, the akordogna (accordion) or the rattle kaiamba will likely accompany you on your way. Music plays an essential role in Malagasy life and the local tribes of the Betsimisaraka and Antandroy in the area of Tamatave are certainly no exception. If you can, try to witness a traditional tromba possession ceremony, where communication between the living and ancestral spirits is established by a medium. Another thrilling ritual is the Sambatra circumcision festival, held between July and September. For those interested in Malagasy culture, the Museum of Toamasina contains cooking and hunting implements, as well as traditional musical instruments and other items. northern tip of the country, the biggest city of the northern part of the country is the entry gate to splendid national parks, but also an unbeatable hideaway with very nice pristine beaches and wonderful bays ideal for windsurfing.
Tamatave (Toamasina): the second biggest city of Madagascar is a pleasant place with beautiful colonial buildings, a huge beach and a relaxing atmosphere, ideal to start a trip along the Pangalanes Canal.
The Vanilla coast is the name given to the north-eastern coast between Vohemar and Antalaha: solitary whitesanded beaches like in the postcards we use to see and superb scenery makes this an unforgettable tour.
Pangalanes Canal: This 645 km long artificial channel, recently discovered by tourists caught by its unspoilt beaches, was built by the French during colonial times and it represents since then the only means of transport in the region.
Marojejy National Park: Visiting this park is one of the most intense nature-experiences you can have in Madagascar. Here it is just like it should have been on the Earth before we, humans, even existed: a Jurassic picture of mountainous wild ranges covered by impenetrable rain forests under an always present layer of foist.
Sainte Marie: this coral island of 50 km length was during the 18th century a beloved hideaway for buccaneers. The charms of this paradisiacal patch of Earth were obviously so irresistible that some of them even decided to spend here the rest of their lives, as the pirates' cemetery s h o w . P a r a d i s e o n E a r t h !
Amber Mountain National Park: This lush jungle hides many mysteries in its crystal clear pools surrounded by fern, moss-cloaked cliffs and crater lakes. It is one of the best places to observe chameleons, including the Brokesia, the smallest chameleon on Earth.
Andasibe National Park: this is one of the most popular destinations for all travellers. Good accessible all year around, this forest is the home of the Indri and many other lemurs and other animals.
Ankarana National Park: ideal place for speleology enthusiasts with really awesome geological formations that include spectacular karst outcrops, craggy limestone promontories, fissured canyons covered by dense primary forest, and fantastic caves decorated with countless stalactites that hide an unexpected inhabitant: crocodiles. Abundant East Of all the regions in Madagascar, Eastern Madagascar is probably the most popular for first-time visitors. With its spectacular rainforests, beaches and waterways, this former pirate hideout offers a relaxed ambience and more than enough to keep you occupied. However, Madagascar's East was once a continuous lush green corridor of moist lowland forests extending along the eastern escarpment strip until an altitude of 800 m. Under this immense forested canopy a countless number of species had found an ideal habitat. Unfortunately, the fate of this natural balance reversed completely and these
Masoala National Park: These fantastic and isolated moist forests are the most diverse of the country and contain exceptionally high levels of endemism, as its great diversity of birds show. It is therefore no wonder, that
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Masoala national park has become a Mecca for any serious naturalist. Dry South The South of Madagascar is the most arid region of the island and perhaps also the most unique one in terms of scenery and flora. This bushy extension is spattered with strange baobab forest and it is the only place on Earth where travellers can admire the spiny forest, a semidesert ecosystem formed by huge cactus-like plants which only grow here. The route along the southern coast is full up of huge white-sanded and almost empty beaches which are indeed hard to reach, since the roads here are just a path on the sand. But the effort is worthwhile! The timeless scenery of the Merina region is slowly left behind and being substituted by a gorgeous moonlike landscape of majestic mountains, vast endless deserts and superb vermillion-coloured cliffs and canyons. We are in the central mountain ranges of Andringitra and Isalo. Here cattle herds are likely to block the traffic. Further south, traffic is literally stopped by human crowds that move ahead in enormous numbers. The road drives through the sapphire-metropolis of the Ilakaka, a town, which has developed almost out of the blue thanks for its recently discovered gem mines and has acquired now all attributes of a Western-town: brothels, anarchy and thousands of fortune seekers. We leave this outlaw place and finally reach the end of our journey: the Toliara province, a pleasant region with stable warm climate, spotless beaches and an abrupt coastline trimmed with countless bays and shelters. A train ride between Fianarantsoa and Manakara: this is the only passengers train circulating nowadays. The journey passes through beautiful landscapes and stops at several small villages where locals try to sell you all kinds of food. The ride is an experience itself. The coast North and South from Tulear has incredible beaches, tiny tropical islands, well maintained coral reefs and extraordinary landscapes. The beach villages of Ifaty,
Salary Bay or Anakao are becoming more and more popular since the beauty of this area is no longer a secret. Fort Dauphin (Taolagnaro): this charming city full of colonial buildings and located on a fantastic location, surrounded by mountains, dry forests, nature reserves and enormous beaches is the biggest city in the deep south and the starting point to an adventure in this remote region. Isalo National Park: easily accessible all year round, Isalo has become a very popular destination: the bizarre rock formations, canyons and natural pools as well as the lemurs are the main reason why many visitors come here. Remote West The west coast of Madagascar is sublime: white and beigesailed dugouts sparkle on a limpid ocean surface; tiny hamlets with welcoming villagers emerge occasionally on the kilometrical beaches lined with oval sand dunes. The rivers form fertile valleys, sometimes almost flat, sometimes sharp and abrupt, but always beautiful. The tropical forests in western Madagascar are home to a large variety of endemic plant and animal species and are great for hiking and exploring making it a great option for an adventurous Madagascar vacation. The Ampijoroa Forest Station in this region is one of the top wildlife hotspots in Madagascar, and you will find a number of species of animal there, many endemic to the area. Many travellers love the western part of Madagascar as it's raw, natural and can offer a really unusual and unsurpassed Madagascar experience. Western Madagascar has a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere. Descending the Manambolo and the Tsiribihina Rivers: both trips are becoming more popular every year. You get the chance to explore the Sakalava country from a different point of view and sleep on the river shores, sharing your campsites with turtles and crocodiles! The Baobabs´ Alley: 20 km from Morondava, the biggest town of this part of Madagascar, we find all those
Madagascar - Compiled by Dhara Kothari giants baobabs clustering together at both sides of the road. It is just amazing, especially at dawn. The coastal trail from Morondava southwards is a nonvery-visited route which hides spectacular small fisher villages like Ankevo and Belo sur Mer, and paradise-like beaches ideal to practise snorkelling, relaxing and just enjoying life. Tsingy de Bemeraha National Park: this spectacular mineral forest formed by a labyrinth of sharp stone needles offer incredible sceneries and wonderful trekking circuits through the bizarre and unique Tsingys. Kirindy Reserve: This private reserve protects one of the last remaining dry deciduous forests of Madagascar.
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September. The central highlands are also an example of Malagasy's religious believes. Probably the most known ritual of this Merina region is the Famadihana or Turning of the Bones. Then there is the old spa town of Antsirabe, situated 170 km to the south of Tana. The name Antsirabe means place of much salt and relaxing thermal baths can be enjoyed during your Madagascar vacation in this town. There is plenty more to explore in the Madagascar highlands, including walks among the various Zafimaniry villages and watching highly-skilled woodcarvers at work, while enjoying the experience of rural village life. This region is more suited for a relaxed Madagascar vacation spent on long discovery walks, shopping in the quaint villages and spotting lemurs on daytrips. Antananarivo: the capital and biggest city has some really nice boroughs to walk with nice views over the city and several beautiful buildings, like the Queen Palace or the cathedral. Besides, the old market (Zoma) and the Avenue de l`Independence in the city centre are always crowed and are an ideal place to walk around and observe the busy life of the inhabitants. Ambohimanga: this World Heritage Royal city and burial site is probably the most impressive construction built by the ancient Merina Kings. The Mantasoa and Alaotra Lakes: these lakes, the biggest of Madagascar, surrounded by spectacular landscapes and traditional villages offer impressive scenery.
Apart from spotting lemurs, reptiles and birds, it is the best place of the whole island to see Madagascar´s biggest predator: the fossa. Central Highlands The highlands (Hautes Terres) of Madagascar stretch from North to South along more than 1,000 km of the central part of the island. The altitude varies from 800 to 2,700 m at the highest peaks, but the main area lies slightly over the 1,000 m above sea level. The landscape is made up of a plateau splattered with a succession of large rounded boulders, hills and several higher mountains, valleys and rivers, the biggest lakes of Madagascar, shimmering rice fields and hollow-like depressions. This hilly and escarped terrain, together with the stable climatic conditions, makes this area a perfect region for rice cultivation. Rice is a basic nutrient in the Malagasy gastronomy and every single dish is likely to include it. Now, the highlands are often seen as a frightening example for the consequences of massive deforestation. Villagers usually build their dwellings with a mixture of clay and chopped straw. Those, who can afford it, make them with Earth-red brick. Clay-brick ovens smoke almost uninterruptedly during the season from May to
Fianarantsoa: this pretty old city has a fantastic old town and terrific surroundings. It is the starting point to every trip to the national parks in the area. Andringitra National Park: spectacular mountains ideal for climbers and trekking lovers, astonishing valleys and one the places with a highest biodiversity of Madagascar. Ranomafana National Park: located on the eastern
Madagascar - Compiled by Dhara Kothari side of the highlands, it is doubtless one of the most spectacular National Parks of the island. An evergreen dense forest ideal for spotting lemurs and many other endemic animals. When is the best time to visit Madagascar? The best time of the year to visit Madagascar is probably September - November after the cool, dry winter but before the hot rainy season. Cyclone season is February to March when the climate is at its rainiest. Many animals are least active during the coldest months (June-August). Times of special interest: Late January March: cyclone season, peak reptiles and amphibians season, best time for flowering orchids April - May: rains mostly gone leaving the countryside lush and green July - August: coolest time of the year, peak whale watching season in the Bay of Antongil (JulySept), many animals inactive or hibernating September - December: excellent time for birding; the breeding season October - November: baby lemur season, generally mild weather Travel information and tips 1. The National Tourism Board of Madagascar has announced that no entry visa is required for a stay of a maximum of 30 days, until 31st December 2011.This is valid for all nationalities entering Madagascar. Clients will not have to pre-purchase a visa before departing, and will not have to purchase a visa on arrival to Antananarivo airport. A visa is required to enter the territory of Madagascar for longer than 30 days. You can get a visa at the Consulate of Madagascar in your country, or more easily, upon arrival at the international airport of Madagascar. Please check if your passport is still valid (at least 6 months before expiry date). With a valid passport
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and return flight ticket you can easily obtain a visa at the airport of Antananarivo: it costs 57 € per person regardless of nationality (subject to change). 2. In Madagascar it is forbidden to export rough gemstones, protected endemic plants or animals, and valuable cultural monuments or woods. It is possible to get an official export permit for some polished gemstones and some plants, but it may take a few days to get it. So if you want to buy polished ammonites, fossilized wood, solitary games or other similar items, it is highly recommended to ask for export papers or at least an official invoice when you buy it at the handicraft market, to avoid any problem with customs. 3. The unit of money is the ariary. Whenever negotiating a price, always confirm the amount in a r i a r y . Unscrupulous merchants have been known to state the amount due without specifying the currency so that buyers are duped into paying 5 times the amount due because of Franc/Ariary confusion. Y o u c a n withdraw money from ATM's in the cities, using a Visa or Visa Electron card. MasterCard can be used with ATM's of the BNI bank. The best exchange rate for all major currencies is provided by the BFV/ Société Générale Bank, which is represented in all big cities. 4. Madagascar is a stable and trouble-free visit country, but ordinary precautions based on common sense should be not forgotten. Avoid carrying your valuable personal belongings to everybody's view and make sure you have made a copy of all important travel documents like air tickets, pass, traveller checks and credit cards, which you can discreetly carry with you. Even better than a photocopy is to scan all your documents previous to your departure and send them to your email address. Hide your cash in different parts of your body, be sure not to have lots of banknotes in your wallet and never leave anything valuable in your hotel room except in the safe. Watch for active pickpockets who operate at the airport and in crowded areas such as markets. You should be especially suspicious if you see groups of young men with hats. They usually pull
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tourists with their hats as if they want that they put money inside them. In the meanwhile they take advantage of the confusion to steal tourists' wallets. Avoid walking around city centers and road travel outside urban areas at night as there have been occasional hold-ups on the main routes reported. If you come from a Western country your car might be stopped by true or false police officers especially if you look like you come from a Western country. They will ask to see your passport and ask for money. Better to drive with a driver! 5. Watch yourself when walking in urban cities, and especially Tana. L'Avenue de l'Independence has acquired quite of a reputation of being unsafe. And never move around on foot at night. 6. Foreigners are obliged to carry their passport everywhere they go. Normal copies will not be accepted as proof of identity by the police. The best thing to do to is to bring a copy of your passport along with the original one to the police station in haute vile, central Tana, where you can let your passport get a certified stamp that states that the copy is real. 7. Watch carefully your luggage at internal flights to make sure it comes with you on and out of the plane. 8. The height of the cyclone season is from January to March and affects the coastal regions.
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9. The international dial code for Madagascar is 00 261. To make an international call to Madagascar, the dial code of 261 must be followed by a two-digit operator code (e.g. 20 for TELMA, the most reliable), then the regional code (e.g. 22 for Antananarivo) and then the five-digit number. A GSM 900 network is in use, covering major cities and main roads. You can make national and international calls from any public telephone box. If you wish to call abroad, just dial 00 plus the international dial code of your country and the regional code without 0. If you wish to make a national call, dial the regional code plus the number. If you are calling from a mobile phone you have to dial 020 before the regional code. Mobile net is quite widespread in Madagascar. If you intend to take your own mobile phone from your origin country, we advise to ask your phone company if it has a roaming contract with any Madagascar mobile phone company. If you are staying a longer period of time and are willing to take your own mobile phone from home, it might be advisable to purchase a SIM card with a Madagascar number. 10. Do not forget to bring a torch for nocturnal visits of parks and for any electricity failures. In Madagascar, the two-pronged plug and the European standard socket are the most used with a tension of 220 volts (but it may go down to 170 volts in some areas at peak times). 11. Check with your doctor that you are up-to-date! Hepatitis A; Hepatitis B; Tetanus; Polio; Typhoid; Rabies (feral/half wild dogs carry the disease in Madagascar); Cholera. Malaria is an issue in Madagascar. Malarial mosquitos are most active at dusk and daybreak so cover up and use repellent at those times. Bring a mosquito net for protection as you sleep. Bring repellent.
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which is pronounced 'Pun-gul-ah-tra'. If someone is trying to rob you in a busy market area scream this. The fact that a vazaha is screaming thief will unsettle the thief as well as alert the people near you to help. 18. Always listen for the words 'vazaha' or 'vazongo' when spoken in low tones. If you hear these words, be aware that someone is talking about you, for better or for worse!
Bring bug spray and a net because there are a lot of bugs. Carry with you these items: injection needles; medication against diarrhea and dehydration; efficient sun cream (sun protection is much more expensive in Madagascar); a lotion against swollen legs/feet during long flights; Malaria pills. 12. It has become a habit to tip someone who served you but it is not obligatory. As Euro coins cannot be changed into local money in Madagascar, it is advisable to tip in Ariary. 13. Take extra batteries for camera's and all the film you think you need. 14. Don't provoke stray dogs. 15. Similarly, always carry small bills. Paying with large bills shows off your wealth, can insult the seller because they will not have change, and opens you up for becoming a target. 16. Don't resist in case of aggression. 17. Learn the Malagasy word for thief, 'Mpangalatra'
19. The Madagascans are a very hospitable and welcoming people, although their relaxed attitude may be sometimes frustrating. Life in Madagascar is by history very French. The language is French and the breakfasts too. So at least that can be familiar to some tourists. Gifts should be offered if staying at a local village, particularly to the village headman. Money will be seen as an insult. Friends and acquaintances kiss each other 2, 3 or 4 times on each cheek every time they see each other. Visitors are advised not to wear any military-style clothing and not to photograph military or police establishments. 20. Do not buy any wood product ensure they are not made out of rare and endangered types of wood. Almost all of the products that are created from Malagasy flora or fauna (including dried flowers) require export permits. 21. Other handicrafts include traditional squares of cloth and woven fabrics in various colorful designs called lamba and jewellery from precious and semi-precious stones. There is an amazing variety of semiprecious gemstones including dark blue aquamarines, all sorts of quartz, garnets, moonstone, amazonite etc. One of the most valuable presents is the handmade Antaimoro paper with dried flowers or real embroidery. Madagascar also grows probably the best vanilla in the world. The hugely fragrant pods smell right through the packet.
Sept 2011
The Beauty of Life! - By Myra Godfrey
The Beauty of the Spiritual Path . . . The Beauty of Life! What is the most beautiful thing about walking a spiritual path? There are countless things that can not be described in words, but what is standing out most to me today is how we are all as humans unique, yet intrinsically interconnected. Unity dancing in a sea of multiplicity! Beauty in the form of harmony; a symphony of interconnected sounds, thoughts and actions interrelating to make a work of art more beautiful than the sum of its individual parts. THAT is the sea of life and the waters that give us all life. The bliss and joy of being alive is to be so thoroughly connected with the Self that you are able to perfectly manifest what yourSelf incarnated to do. Reaching a state of divine consciousness does not come through abstract, lofty means. It comes by being deeply rooted at all times in the essence of You! I don't mean the egoic you. That needs to be let go of and allowed to merge into the infinite sea of greatness. I mean the higher-Self, the part of you that came here to do a wonderful work and leave your mark on humanity. We all have that within us; every single person on earth is born of an inherent make-up of divinity and has the capacity for greatness. It's just a matter if a person has enough inner and outer guidance, motivation and will power to manifest that greatness in life. It's always there, regardless if a person can live it or not. I am God and you are God; there is the secret. Whether or not you realize this fully in all layers of your being is the more important question! The deeper you realize your-Self as God is directly proportional to your own capacity for greatness! Realization happens on different levels of the being at different phases in growth. First people come into awareness they have a Soul in the body. Next to the awareness that they ARE a Soul inhabiting a body. Deeper and deeper experiences of this Selfawareness come. This place automatically leads one to question and expand the notion of limited reality, expanding the horizons of both mind and consciousness. As Self-awareness comes, so does the emotional purification and the capacity to let go of and heal inner wounds. This process of self-forgiveness and healing brings the capacity to forgive others. Some people call this selfforgiveness and others detachment. Whatever words are used to describe this mystical process which is really beyond words, the purification process that occurs remains the same. Healing the emotions leads to healing of the mind, such that the negative thought patterns are forced to leave. New routines are established in life and the overall world perception shifts. This is an ongoing process of growth and is rather like peeling back the layers of an onion. Slowly you reach to the core, and eventually, to nothingness itself. Since we are already divine consciousness at the core of our being as human beings, there is really nothing to attain; just a whole lot to remember and a whole lot of useless things to get rid of! The process of peeling the onion, of letting go of all that which does not serve this divine realm of consciousness is a major part of the journey back to the inner Light, so that this light can shine brightly to ourselves and to others. The divine consciousness is also referred to as 'shunia' or 'zero' consciousness which helps us to understand this process of spiritual growth and evolution is really not about learning at all, but the process of unlearning all of the negativity and attachments which keep us from the deepest part of our inner being and connectedness to all! The quickest and easiest way to find your dharma, your reason for living, to be in joy, bliss and divine connection is to know yourself backwards and forwards, inside and out. Know your
strengths, your weaknesses, what you want to see in yourself and what example you want to set for others. Know the dark places of you as well as you know the bright ones and learn to make peace with it all. You can only bring light to the darkness and heal its wounds if you can make peace with its existence within you and accept it as it is. This peace is what allows us to heal our wounds, negativity and imbalances. Once it is all accepted, it is unified with the sea of infinity and gets washed away through powerful currents of love and grace. The divine never judges us based on right or wrong; only we as humans have an idea of sin and virtue. Once we have the capacity to completely be at peace and forgive ourselves we can finally accept the forgiveness that we seek from the above. Divine Mother always heals when asked; it's only the human ego and limited mind which does not accept this healing instantly. By accepting and forgiving ourselves, we allow this healing and grace to descend upon us, washing away everything in a sea of infinity. The Maya of life is not that this world is an illusion or unreal, but that we as human beings have the capacity to shape our own destiny and our own Self through our thoughts, our emotions, our actions and through how we relate to ourselves and those around us. Maya is the measurement of infinity into an understandable and enjoyable experience of our own divinity and we are the co-creators of our lives. This co-creation is also understood as the concept of free will. We have the choice to live our highest possible calling in life or to take ourselves away from our own inner light and radiance. As a spark of the divine consciousness, our thoughts, actions and feelings shape the Maya of our lives. This free will grants infinite power to be what you want to be. Why not be great? Why not make yourself truly happy, successful and fulfilled? It's your birthright as being human, after all. You are what you make yourself to be...and that is beautiful. :) Š Myra Godfrey 2011. Myra has founded Gita for the Masses (a non-profit organization) and Hridaya Healing to teach the unity of many systems of eastern philosophy and to help people overcomes obstacles to their growth and fulfillment in life. She does healing work, personal consultations, workshops, yoga classes, homam (fire ceremony), gives dharmic guidance and teaches sadhana practices from the Bhagavad-Gita and the tantric Sri Vidya lineage. You can learn more at
Sept 2011
Book Corner - Gayatri Pagdi
Shiva to Shankara: Decoding the phallic symbol By Dr Devdutt Pattanaik
Indus Source Books
Not very long ago, while having a discussion about the Hindu trinity with a friend, I heard her gush over Shiva. “He's so sexy!” She bubbled and then, for the next some time, she could have might as well spoken about a favourite male film star or a lover. “It helps that he's god. Sometimes my talk about him is considered mystical,” she laughed. She was totally in love with Shiva, not the deity, the fierce ascetic, but the virile warrior, and the sensual householder. Not the one who struck cupid down for his audacious attempts to evoke romance in his mind but the one who was seduced by his own consort, the Goddess who did so not as a nymph but as a hermit! And yes, amongst my friend's favourite poetry was, undoubtedly, Kumarsambhava. It's not in every faith that the most ardent believer in a deity refers to His phallus and discusses it. I doubt if there are other gods even in the Hindu pantheon whose have so many sexual metaphors associated with them, and I'm certain that many of those who know Hinduism only superficially, whether they call themselves Hindus or not, don't actually bother to uncover the spiritual connotations of those metaphors.
and to give in to one's wishes. This is Hatha yoga or the Yoga of unshakeable resolve. Unshakeable resolve was expressed through acts of austerity and self-mortification.” Pattanaik explains how Parvati uses her austerities. “Shiva's meditation,” he says, “is an expression of indifference to worldly life; her austerities are an expression of her determination to have her way. He lights the inner fire that burns everything around. Parvati uses the accumulated energy to force an event around her. She creates a stimulus to which Shiva has no choice but to respond. It is not stimulus that enchants Shiva. It is a stimulus that demands his attention.” This display of determination on her part forces Shiva out of his indifference and forces him to care for the world. It makes the hermit the householder. It transforms Shiva into Shankara. The explanation cannot get simpler than that. There's also an interesting observation about the appeal of Shiva to the west. Shiva gave space to all non-conformists. He accommodated all those who did not fit in. His third eye, oriented neither to the left nor right, indicates non-judgmental awareness and Shiva rises above the need to classify the world as right or wrong, appropriate or inappropriate. He is nonjudgmental. Shiva became a patron saint of hippies and the flower children in the 1960s.
Dr Devdutt Pattanaik is one of India's most well known mythologists. His book, Shiva to Shankara, is unique in its endeavour to show how metaphysics, mythology, ritual and symbolism of Shiva intermingle. The book is a treat to readers. It is also vindication to those who have, for long, tried to make others understand how the symbolism stands for something much deeper and profound. It is also an eye-opener to also those who are intrigued by the whole concept of phallic worship in Hinduism. It's a wonderful product, this book, with a generous number of illustrations, photographs and paintings all through. The language is simple and yet full of wisdom, and some of the most esoteric concepts have been lucidly explained to reach even the most lay readers. Take for instance the way Pattanaik describes how she managed to make Him notice her. “According to Hindu metaphysics,” writes Pattanaik, since all creatures – animate and inanimate, temporal and divine – are linked by Karma, it is possible to change the course of life by introducing one's desire into the cosmos. Desire has to be introduced with stubbornness until the cosmos has no choice but to yield
The book ends with a chapter on the significance of the Shivalinga. Shiva, it says, is the divine within us, the observer of life. Shakti is he divine around us, the observation of life. Without either there is neither. Hindu seers have expressed this mutual dependence through the symbol of the linga. The endless copulation of Shakti and Shiva represents the eternal struggle between our inner and outer worlds, our desire to be Shiva and withdraw from it or our desire to be Shankara and embrace it. There's peace within oneself and everything around when neither dominates the other. Pattanaik sums it up by saying, “The purpose of yoga, whether Hatha yoga of the ascetic or…. the Karma yoga of the householder, is to unbind the consciousness and establish harmony with the outside world.” The book, about 155 pages long, succeeds wonderfully well in deciphering the real meaning of the concept of Shiva. A must read.
Sept 2011
Legend of the Nomad - By Alex Mero
Legend of the Nomad Chapter 6 Impelling Energy Openness - Relation - Silence - Imagination Openness Nathan arrived in the Mexican capital. It was just before Christmas, which could be seen in the streets. Nathan took a taxi and gave the address of Catalina's dance school to the driver. The trip was long, but that did not bother him. On the contrary, it gave him the opportunity to discover a new world at his leisure. It was his first trip to Latin America. He immediately noticed the chaotic traffic and the numerous roads crisscrossing the metropolis. Everywhere around him were busy clamoring and loud voices. Finally, the taxi stopped at Constitution Square, which was the great central square of the city. The taxi driver told him the alley he needed to go to could not be reached by car. So Nathan had to get out at the square. He paid the driver and took his luggage from the trunk. At Constitution Square, Nathan saw a man who looked as though he might be from the indigenous community. He wore his long gray hair pulled back into a pony tail. He was sitting in a chair and in front of him there were men and women waiting in line. When it was their turn, the man swung an urn of smoking incense around above their head. Then he sprinkled a liquid on their hair and in the end gave them each a small piece of paper. This man noticed Nathan and kept looking at him while he continued his activities. Nathan continued walking and noticed that the man kept watching him. He wanted to continue, but then decided to stop anyway. The fact that this man kept watching him made him curious. Anyway, he wanted to know what this man's strange activity was all about. This had already given Nathan two reasons to stop. Nathan went towards the man and joined the line. It would take a while, but he was willing to wait. While he waited for his turn, Nathan suspected that the man could not speak. He also noticed that the man acted as though he were blind. This aroused his curiosity, because he was sure the man had been watching him for quite some time. When it was his turn, he said: “I wanted to ask you something, but I don't know if you can speak?” Nathan said. “Why did you think that?” “Because you have not said a word yet, pardon me.” “I am very frugal with my words, because I am aware of their influence. For you I will make an exception… you are moved by something that is usually lost in adults!” “And that is?” “Curiosity has brought you to me and was accompanied by patience.” “I wanted to know what you were doing.” “People come to me because I know things they don't know!” These words made Nathan more cautious. He wondered if this man was a swindler. “What do you see?” “I see exceptionality.” Nathan stared at the man. This is yet another person who
saw Nathan as being exceptional. Nathan's suspicion dissolved when he heard these words, while his curiosity became stronger. “Can you describe what you see exactly when you look at me?” The man waited and searched for the right words to describe what he saw. “I see a flowing current able to absorb counter forces, to convert them and make them change direction.” “What counter forces are you talking about?” “About the limits of the impelling energy!” In the meantime, Nathan had understood that the blind man had the capacity to see the world differently. By developing his capacity, and discussing his findings, this man had found the higher meaning of his life. Nathan felt his trust in the man growing. “Excuse me, but you could tell me more specifically what you mean by counter forces and limits to the impelling energy?” “How could I be offended by your interest in my words? It's thanks to your curiosity that we can make sense of these moments together!” Again the man took time to clarify his statements. It was clear that the man experienced life deeply and that he, just like Songo, had developed an unusual language to express his view of life. From experience Nathan knew that, thanks to this encounter, he had the opportunity to gather valuable information that he could add to his personal development. “I am talking about the physical, but especially the emotional limitations with which each one of us has come to earth.” Nathan thought about this for a while and was now curious as to what the impelling energy meant. “Can I ask you to clarify what you meant by the impelling energy?” “The impelling energy is the mother of all energies, the power that controls everything!” “Do these limitations obstruct us in letting the impelling energy flow?” The man confirmed this by nodding. Nathan took more time to put his thoughts order. Suddenly his thoughts were very clear. Undoubtedly, the words the man used impelling energy meant what his father meant when he used the words inner power, Simon with higher knowledge, Pablo with wondrous mystery, Adnan with "creative power" and Songo with natural harmony. “So, you think that I have a capacity to let the impelling energy flow through me?” “Everyone has this capacity, and can change things because of this. But when you have gathered enough knowledge, you will start one of the greatest changes ever. That's the exceptionality growing within you.” Nathan felt the strong power of the words he had just
Sept 2011
Legend of the Nomad - By Alex Mero heard. Even though this man had not touched him, their meaning affected him deeply just as had Sanah's and Songo's words. He understood that he was now better able to recognize valuable words... "One of the greatest changes ever" “Enjoy your stay here in Mexico; it will surely be to your liking!” “Are you so sure of that?” “The power that brought you here is the power that makes decisions regarding all the fervors… the passions.” “Thank you for everything. I know that all of your words are sincere and will come to mean a lot to me.” The man bade him farewell and Nathan gathered up his luggage. He turned and saw that no one else was standing in line. He followed the path indicated by the taxi driver. He turned once more to look, but the man had disappeared. A little later, Nathan arrived in the narrow alley where Catalina's dance school was situated. He saw a signpost with the name of the dance school: Sentimienta. He followed the indicated direction and approached the building. It was old with a beautiful facade. The doors and windows had been freshly painted in bright colors. The name of the dance school could be read on top. There was no bell and the front door was ajar. Nathan pushed the door open and stood in the hall, a long corridor. At the side of the corridor he saw a broad staircase. On the lowest step there were two small children, a boy and a girl, seated next to each other. They were about five, six years old. Nathan went to them and asked for Catalina. Nathan saw that the girl was blind. He turned to repeat the question to the boy to see whether he might know. The girl signaled that he didn't know either and that he couldn't hear anyway. Suddenly tango music resounded from upstairs. Apparently people were starting to rehearse. Suddenly the girl pinched the boy's arm and he stood up immediately. The boy straightened his arm elegantly towards the girl and took her hand. She also stood up straight and they held each other. On the right notes they proceeded to create between them beautiful tango steps. Nathan watched tenderly how the two children, notwithstanding their incapacities, had discovered a great form of expression. A cleaning lady came down the stairs. Nathan asked her if she knew where he could find Catalina. She replied that this morning Catalina was at the swimming pool to guide a group of water ballet dancers. She looked at the clock and said she would be returning soon. Nathan thanked her and sat on the stairs to observe the young dance couple. When the music stopped, both of them sat down next to him on the stairs. Nathan took a pack of crackers from his backpack and gave one to each of them. They thanked him with a beautiful smile. In turn, Nathan thanked them for their performance. At that moment the door opened and Catalina appeared in the hallway. They hugged each other, Catalina was clearly happy to see Nathan. She thanked him for coming and saw that he had met the children. She told him the girl's name was Lisa and the boy was Manuel. She explained that previously they had been living on the street and that she had been taking care of them for two years. They had probably never seen each other before she had
found them because they had come from different districts. Their story was sad, of course, but also very beautiful. Catalina had found Lisa in the mountains just outside the city. Lisa had been left there all by herself. When Catalina took Lisa with her, she was expecting to be able to find more information about her parents. Exactly on that same day one of Catalina's girlfriends had come by with Manuel. She asked Catalina if she could take care of him for a couple of days until she could take him to a child care facility. She said that Manuel was sick and had been living in the street for a long time. The fact that both children came into her life on the same day had been a sign for Catalina. When she heard that they were both orphans she decided to adopt them both. Meanwhile Manuel and Lisa had become inseparable. During the week they slept in the dance school together with Catalina and on the weekends they went back to her home in the city of Puebla. Catalina told Nathan to put his luggage in one of the rooms and suggested taking a stroll through the city to get something to eat. Manuel and Lisa went with them. Nathan and Catalina strolled through a park with attractive sculptures and benches alongside the path. Manuel and Lisa walked in front of them, endearingly holding hands. They arrived at a large fountain with food stands on both sides. Then they went to a larger stand where they sold freshly prepared tacos. They sat down on a bench and ordered the corn pancakes filled with meat and vegetables. “What exists between Manuel and Lisa is wonderfully beautiful.” “There's a wonderful beauty in everything, but only a few see it.” “I saw them dancing while I was waiting for you.” “It's thanks to the dancing that they have found a way to alleviate their pain. Now they are the protectors of Sentimienta.” “What does Sentimienta mean to you? Catalina took some time before answering. “Sentimienta is a musical temple where I can realize my being, my passion and my dreams. A place where everybody feels special so that their dreams may come true and new dreams can be created.” “That's what I saw during the performance in Cape Town, sparks of those dreams.” “At that time I had the opportunity to keep a wonderful group together. Many of them did not have an easy life.” “How did you get the idea to start Sentimienta?” “I have always had a special connection to music and I wanted to give it a home.” “How special is this relationship?” “From very early on I knew that I would find my true mission through music. It is difficult to describe, but so much that has happened in my life can be traced to music.” “Catalina, why is music able to touch us so deeply?” “Music is pure and can only be performed with pure sincerity. It is one of the few forms of communication in which you cannot lie. “Pure sincerity has something spiritual.” “Indeed, music helps us to rise higher, she can help us to escape the everyday banality and make us see how everything is connected to each other.”
Sept 2011
Legend of the Nomad - By Alex Mero Catalina saw Nathan think deeply about this. “Shall I tell you an indigenous tale about music?” “Please, I know that these stories contain great wisdom.” “It is said that in the past music and words were one, until the moment that the first lie was told. Since that time music has been trying to reunite with words!” “Well, in you she has found a fantastic messenger, Catalina.” Manuel and Lisa had eaten their tacos and went to play with other children close by. Nathan and Catalina continued talking. “We were talking about indigenous wisdom. Today I have seen a living confirmation of it.” “Today?” “It happened at Constitution Square.” Nathan broadly described the conversation he'd had with the indigenous elder. While he was talking, Nathan saw that Catalina had a strange expression. She asked Nathan to describe the man and the exact place the meeting took place in detail. “Were there other people present during the conversation?” “When it was my turn, nobody was behind me.” Nathan's curiosity was now aroused by the many questions Catalina asked. “What was that man doing before you went to him?” “He was swinging an incense urn and was sprinkling people with a liquid.” “Did you see anything else?” “Now that I think about it, he gave everyone a little piece of paper, except me.” “Nathan. In the past the man that you claim to have seen was frequently visited by people needing his advice. Almost every day he could be found at Constitution Square, but a year ago he suddenly disappeared. It would be very special if you had seen him today.” “Well, today he was back in the square.” “And you are sure that he spoke to you?” “Sure and I think that the man was very sincere.” “I am not surprised by the sincerity of his words, but by the fact that he spoke to you.” “I don't follow.” Catalina grasped Nathan's hands. “Listen to me, Nathan. He gave a letter with suitable wise advice to everyone who went to see him, because that man never speaks to anyone!” Nathan looked at Catalina and fell completely silent. “Now I am going to tell you something. Something I have never told anyone.” Nathan listened with full attention. “Once he also spoke to me!” Catalina took a deep breath. “It happened on the day that I received very sad news from Buenos Aires, where I grew up in Argentina.” “When did this happen?” “Three years ago.” “What happened?” “On that day I was told that my adoptive mother had passed away and, just like you, I was strolling through Constitution Square. He signaled for me to approach him and then
literally said the following words: 'Nothing is permanent, except change'.” Both of them got to thinking and tried to make sense of their mutual experience until Nathan confessed something. “I was five years old when I was adopted.” Catalina and Nathan looked at each other. At that moment Catalina received confirmation of what she had already felt when she had met Nathan for the first time in Cape Town. Now a long silence fell between them, until Catalina spoke again. “I think we have come together to learn something from each other.” Both of them looked at Manuel and Lisa, they got up to fetch them and returned to the dance school. On their way back Catalina had one more question, which had been bothering her for some time. “Nathan, you know there is nowhere else I can find so much energy and inspiration as in music. Do you also...?” Nathan stopped Catalina and put his hand on her shoulder. “Catalina, what you experience with music, I experience with the fluid natural element.” Catalina stroked Nathan's face lovingly. “Water! I thought so.” They continued walking. “The coast of Vera Cruz will surely please you. Friends of mine have a house there by the sea. We go there frequently. Manuel and Lisa love the water.” In the days to come, Nathan helped with the daily activities in the dance school. The dance teachers taught several styles. Nathan participated in many of the lessons and made a lot of friends. His first days in Mexico were wonderful. He saw Catalina as an older sister and they learned an incredible amount from each other. He slept in the same room as Manuel and Lisa and developed a strong bond with them. Nathan had formed the habit of reading to them every night. They looked forward to it very much. Lisa listened to Nathan's words and repeated them to Manuel using sign language. On a Friday afternoon Nathan, Catalina, Manuel and Lisa left for the house in Puebla. They would return to the dance school after a week. Catalina and the children lived in an old, but comfortable house close to the center of Puebla. After having eaten a snack they showed Nathan the center of the town of angels, as it was called. Puebla was not only known for its angels, but also for its many artists. Nathan loved the pretty squares filled with large palm trees, statues and market vendors selling different wares. The many beautiful colonial-style houses decorated with amazing tiles also impressed him. Relation Many people knew Catalina and greeted her on the street. A couple of women spoke to her. The conversations were about confidential problems, usually about relationships. When this happened Nathan excused himself and gave them some much needed privacy. When night fell and Manuel and Lisa had gone to sleep, Nathan wanted to know why the people approached Catalina to discuss their problems with relationships. She told him that once she
Sept 2011
Legend of the Nomad - By Alex Mero had advised her neighbor and that apparently that had got around. Catalina also told him that not only women asked her advice. Men did also, only not in public. “What are the questions about?” “About problems of different types, but the core is usually the same. Many had imagined their relationships to be different. They thought they had found true love thanks to their partner, but they became completely disillusioned with time.” “When do we know when it is true love?” “Love is not true love if it changes into suffering when circumstances change!' “Is love not always accompanied by suffering within a relationship?” “Suffering is created when the relationship has been created out of necessity. When partners unconsciously want to possess each other and keep each other under control. Such relationships are held up in the first instance by need, then by habit, but usually end in loneliness.” “Nonetheless, many relationships start full of promises.” “At the start of a relationship, feelings of love are unconsciously assimilated with the person they have come to know.” “Then is that feeling of love not sincere?” “Love is always present in us; we need no one else to experience it.” “Don't we need someone else in order to experience love?” “We don't have to hunt for anyone and surely do not need to possess anyone in order to experience love. Many have been conditioned by the delusion that someone else will give them love, but no one can give us what we already have.” “Then, what does a loving relationship mean to you, Catalina?” Catalina took some time to put her answers into words. “Love is taking time to get to know each other, to keep meeting each other, but especially to find peace with each other.” “Then I think I have a loving relationship with Sophie.” Catalina smiled. “We have a loving relationship with everyone, Nathan. What makes your relationship with Sophie so special is that you share greater intimacies.” “What is the most important thing in a relationship?” “Always daring to recognize the truth of the moment.” “The truth of the moment?” “You recognize that by offering the other the opportunity to express him or herself both in cases of disapproval, admiration, hurt and joy.” That day Nathan became aware of Catalina's wisdom. His encounter with her convinced him that he was always meeting the right people to obtain the right knowledge at the right time. “Catalina, did you know that we would meet each other?” “No, but when I saw you for the first time, I felt very strange. I knew that our encounter was special and that there was a reason for it.” “What do you think is the reason for our meeting?” “We have come together to share our deepest insights with each other. By bringing together our mutual inner
knowledge we will enhance our ability to make observations and be open to greater deeds.” Nathan found this to be a good thought. Two days later Catalina and Nathan left for the coast of Vera Cruz, together with Manuel and Lisa. Catalina had obtained the keys of the beach house and they would spend a few days there. When they left the valley of Puebla, going in the direction of Vera Cruz, they first drove on rough back roads through the mountains, then descended to the coast bordering the Gulf of Mexico. Manuel and Lisa were impatient to dive into the ocean with Nathan. After they reached the house, it was not long before they were in the water. They spent hours in the sea having fun. Catalina watched from her terrace and joined them later. In the early evening Nathan, Catalina and the children walked along the dunes near Vera Cruz. There was an animated atmosphere, created by a mix of Mexican and Caribbean influences. The people were dressed in their best clothes and were dancing happily on the terraces. Manuel and Lisa danced contentedly among the other dancers. Their disabilities barely noticed. “These two children have so much joy in them, Nathan said. They radiate happiness. It seems as if, because of their challenges, they have used all their talents to express themselves in a different way.” “They have been able to develop these talents by following their impelling energy. In this way each one of us is born with an inner reason to become a unique expression of life.” “How can we discover our unique expression?” “The earliest memories of our ambitions are the ones that direct us to the talent we possess to set down something unique on earth!” “Why do so few succeed in discovering their real talent?” “To really begin our search for our talent we have to end everything that prevents us experiencing the impelling energy.” “The elder had also spoken about the impelling energy. He said that it was the mother of all energies, the power that directs everything.” “It is the energy that is intensely used by our inner self. When we let our life be guided by this energy, we understand the signs that help us on our way to our unique expression. Just like Manuel and Lisa have learned they had to express themselves in a way other than through spoken words.” Nathan understood that Manuel and Lisa were a living example of what had been confided to him by the elder. They had an inborn incapacity, but they had used exactly this counterbalance as a stimulus to let the impelling energy flow through. Now that they had surpassed this limitation they could continue growing and could give more meaning to their lives. “There is something else the elder told me.” Catalina listened attentively. “According to him I would possess the capacity to let this impelling energy flow through like no other.” A silence fell, after which Catalina reacted. “This confirms something else that I saw when you sat down in front of me at the table for the first time. I saw flashes of an overwhelming current of water that flowed over everything and everyone.”
Sept 2011
Legend of the Nomad - By Alex Mero Manuel and Lisa came to get them to go dancing at a beach bar. They let themselves be persuaded and danced together with a group of local inhabitants. When the sun was setting, the music became calmer. Everyone had intensely enjoyed these moments. Catalina sat down in one of the chairs at the beach bar. Manuel and Lisa played with other children on the beach. Catalina saw how Nathan was deep in thought while he looked at the calm sea. She got up and invited him to walk towards the water. “Are you connecting new information with old?” Catalina asked. “Indeed, and I am being bothered by some questions,” Nathan answered. “Tell me; maybe we can solve them together.” “Can you clarify how you experience the impelling energy?” Catalina took her time to think before answering. “You have to know that I myself did not speak until my seventh birthday.” “And that is why you could fully comprehend Manuel's and Lisa's worlds.” “Right and I also try to make them conscious of the mutual connective power between events, through music.” “Did you also discover this through music?” “It is indeed thanks to music that I became aware very early on that this energy manifested itself through our inner being. Gradually I came to an important conclusion.” Nathan sensed that Catalina would reveal something very special to him. He listened with full attention. “I understood that this power undoubtedly had to possess the memory of the world.” “The memory of the world?” “I will try to explain it as well as I can. If there is a power that holds everything together that has ever taken place in the world, we can simply state that this power has knowledge where all the experiences are simultaneously present and are present everywhere.” Catalina allowed Nathan some time to think about the important vision she had shared with him. “When I became aware of this, I paid attention to messages that flowed from my inner guide. In this way I developed a trust that rose above fear and ignorance.” “And in this way you grew towards your inner being?” “Exactly! During the growth towards my center I left space for the impelling energy to develop my talents.” Nathan knew that fear and ignorance were caused by what Songo called the lack of harmony on earth. He knew that if all people would follow their inner being, they would grow towards their center. Then they would also develop their unique expression. The impelling energy would then be able to guide humanity to the perfect harmony. “Thanks to you, Catalina, you have helped me understand how the universe works on a deeper level. Thanks to you I will be able to act with more strength.” “I am happy that I can contribute to the great change the elder talked about.” Nathan looked at Catalina and took her hands. “Catalina, do you know more about this great change?” “During my travels in various places, I have seen how people hoped for a great change, but never before have I seen anyone with the potential to really make this change
begin… until I met you!” When Catalina had spoken these words, a forceful wave brought the sea to their feet. “At least it is clear what kind of power directs your life path!” Nathan spent relaxed and happy days in Vera Cruz with Catalina and the children. When it was time to return, Nathan told them that he wanted to continue exploring the country and that he would return to Mexico City in a couple of weeks. Nathan went to Merida by bus and stayed in the city for a few days. From there he explored the Yucatan coast and spent time in the warm Caribbean Sea contemplating. After, Nathan made the long trip through the interior. His objective was to get to the Great Ocean. During this trip the mountains, the rivers, the lakes and the tropical rain forests impressed Nathan strongly. In this way Nathan arrived in San Cristobal. From there he visited several indigenous villages in the Chiapas. In addition to all the natural beauty Nathan was very interested in the indigenous communities and their ancestors. He fell silent when confronted by the immensity of the ruins he saw and imagined how amazing the original buildings and communities must have been. Silence In one of the villages Nathan heard the inhabitants talk about an indigenous elder, a wise man; who they said possessed the perfect memoirs. The villagers talked about the elder as if he was more than a person. Nathan wanted to know more about this man and searched for the relevant information. This is how he heard that the elder was an extremely reserved person who lived frugally. He was completely indifferent to his external existence. When Nathan asked where he could find the man, he was told that the person looking for him had to search in the high places. Nathan was amazed when he heard the name of the villagers for the elder. They called him: "He who knows", the same name was given to the Rom healer in Granada. This intrigued Nathan, and he wondered if he would once again gain important insights. Nathan very curiously continued on his way to the villages further up the mountains. In the next village he obtained more information about the elder. Some villagers had met him and reported that he radiated an incredible self-confidence. They believed that compared to him rich people were poor and scientists were stupid. They added to this that the elder never did anything to attain fame, because he despised it. He also did not strive for any honor, because he did not appreciate any kind of human glory. Nathan showed increasing interest and asked where he could find the elder. In this village he was told again that he had to look on high and that he had to ask for "He who knows". In one of the most remote villages, far above sea level and close to the Guatemalan border, Nathan obtained the most important information. The inhabitants of this village said that the elder could command the most powerful forces on earth. When Nathan told them that he had come this far to meet the man, the inhabitants told him that only a few had ever had the privilege of meeting him.
Sept 2011
Legend of the Nomad - By Alex Mero Nathan rented a room in the village and asked that his request could be passed on. A couple of days later, in the morning, Nathan was awakened by an elderly indigenous woman. She was small with a dark red skin. She smiled at him in a friendly manner, but did not say a word. He prepared breakfast and they ate together. The indigenous woman looked intensely at Nathan. Suddenly the woman started to speak in Spanish. “It is being said that you are looking for He who knows?” Nathan was surprised by hearing her speak and even more about her question. “Yes, that's right.” “I have come to listen to hear why.' “I heard others saying that the Elder has mysterious knowledge.” “He who knows does indeed possess deeper knowledge, but it is secret.” “Why this knowledge is kept hidden?” “The deeper knowledge can only be entrusted to those whose life paths are marked by purity and a perfect balance.” “If this knowledge is so important, shouldn't we make it known to the world?” “The deeper knowledge contains information of hidden laws of nature that hold certain powers. It would be very dangerous if these were to fall into the wrong hands.” “Dangerous, how so?” “For who is not balanced and pure, this knowledge, without expert guidance can free an enormous power in their mind and destroy them.” “Do you think I could enjoy the privilege of possessing the deeper knowledge?” “The deeper knowledge is never ever entrusted as a privilege.” Nathan thought about this and rephrased his question. “Is my life path balanced and pure enough to receive the deeper knowledge?” The indigenous woman grasped Nathan's hand. “If your impelling energy has brought you here today, it means you are ready to receive the deeper knowledge. I will come to get you in a few days, so that you can meet the Elder.” The woman took leave of Nathan and left the village. As she had said, she returned a couple of days later. Nathan had already prepared his belongings. They ate breakfast together and he packed some food to take with them. Their road wound higher into the mountains. The landscape was sharply beautiful. On the road, Nathan asked a question that had been in his mind since the woman's first visit. “If the deeper knowledge grants certain powers, and there is a danger of misuse, how is it protected?” “Only the wise men of the earth have access to the symbolic house. In this way they can clearly comprehend this knowledge and it can be stored and safely transferred.” “What is the symbolic house?” “The oldest language known to humanity, the language of symbols. Until now the deeper knowledge among the wise of the earth is transferred through this language.” “What should I envision when talking about these symbols?”
“These are symbols that go back to the earliest of times, when words and speech did not exist.” “If speech had yet to exist, how could this knowledge be written in the perfect memoirs?” “The perfect memoirs? The old woman asked, clearly not understanding what Nathan was talking about.” “Yes, the written memoirs to which the villagers refer.” “Written memoirs? The symbols are not to be found in conscious intelligence, but in the subconscious.” Nathan took his time to think about this. The woman saw this and said nothing more. “So the knowledge of the higher consciousness knows the symbolic images that lie in the subconscious?” Nathan asked. “With intelligence alone human beings can never gain sufficient understanding of their own being. For this they will always have to search in their subconscious.” Now Nathan understood that there were no written memoirs. It was only an illusion that many people assumed was true. The deeper knowledge was always transmitted through symbols in the subconscious. In this way this knowledge would not fall into the wrong hands. From this Nathan understood there were people worldwide who knew this language. Those who knew the language of the deeper knowledge were considered wise. These people had a different way of life and were assigned certain powers... like the Rom healer in Andalusia. “Do you know how these symbols are displayed?” Nathan asked the woman. “They belong to our earliest past and speak directly to our inner self. They are images that originate spontaneously in dreams and visions.” Meanwhile, they had come to a great altitude and were traveling through a thick mist. After a while it suddenly cleared. The woman said that they had walked through the clouds and now they were on the roof of the world. Nathan took time to enjoy the wonderful vistas across the mountaintops. Before them lay the volcano Tajumulco in Guatemala. In the late morning, they arrived at a simple small stone house. They went inside and put down their belongings. There was nobody inside. The woman prepared a little bread and hot tea. “Is this the home of the Elder?” Nathan asked. “He lives here, indeed. Each morning he works in his vegetable garden. He is almost finished with his daily tasks; he won't take long now.” A little later, the Elder appeared at the door and greeted them. He was a lean, but strong man. He wore a cap and a beige poncho over his shoulders. The woman filled three cups with tea and gave one to the Elder, one to Nathan and kept the last for herself. She exchanged some words with the man in an indigenous dialect, which Nathan did not understand. Afterwards the woman spoke to Nathan again in Spanish. “We will rest a little and then go into the mountains. At the top of the volcano you will have a vision of your abilities, thanks to the fire of ecstasy.” “The fire of ecstasy?” “The fire of ecstasy gives form to everything that is fired up by the imagination. Thanks to this you will be able to
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Legend of the Nomad - By Alex Mero experience all your dreams and visions consciously.” “Up there, will I receive a vision expressed in symbols?” “Only the wise of the earth know the language of the deeper knowledge. Because of this they are able to recognize other people's true missions. Only by looking at a person, they can already recognize the specific task that person may have on earth.” Now Nathan understood that he had already met otherwise people of the earth, during his travels in Asia with Simon. “What will I see?” “You will receive visions of your own true mission.” “Will these visions consist of images?” The woman nodded. “After meditation, these images will reveal to you the powers that must be displayed to perform your specific tasks.” Nathan had noticed that every time he wanted to know more about the nature of his true mission, he never got an exact answer. Could the Elder tell him more? “Can you ask the Elder where or when my exceptional deed will take place?” He asked the woman. The woman exchanged some words with the Elder and then he spoke again with Nathan. “You have always been able to access the knowledge you needed when it was required; you can trust that this will always be so.” Again the woman exchanged some words with the Elder. Then she looked at Nathan, full of admiration. “I will now list the basic principles, so that you can receive the necessary knowledge during the ritual of the fire of ecstasy.” “Does the Elder know the knowledge I need to possess?” “He who knows recognizes all true missions!” Nathan took pen and paper out of his backpack. He felt the same happy excitement as he had felt just before his initiation in the Sahara. The elder spoke. The woman translated his words: “The first principle is to know that a universal energy exists, through which all of us can experience life. This knowledge teaches us that we must love all people and other living creatures as if they are part of ourselves.” Nathan wrote down all the words carefully. “The second principle is to know that in each person a magical power is slumbering, which reminds us of the first principle. This power is consciousness. To experience this power in pure form, we have to close ourselves off from all external influences and let ourselves be led only by the visions of the fire of ecstasy.” Nathan kept writing everything down. “The third principle is to know how we can find the pure knowledge within ourselves, so that we can rid ourselves of the one evil in the world.” “The one evil in the world?” Nathan asked. “The world only knows one evil, ignorance!” The elder spoke again. The woman translated his words again. “The elder wants to know if you have any questions.” Nathan took some time. “Can you ask him if I will experience the impelling energy?” When he heard Nathan's question the Elder looked at
Nathan. “The impelling energy is omnipresent and penetrates all appearances!” This made everything clear to Nathan. They prepared to leave. When Nathan asked where they were going, the woman answered that they would cross the border of Guatemala to walk to the top of Tajumulco. It was an arduous climb. Nathan felt alternatively cold and sweaty. Luckily they had brought blankets along, which they pulled around themselves when the wind blew hard. Nathan was amazed by the strength and persistence of his two companions. Once they arrived at their destination they sat down cross-legged. A little while later the Elder got up to gather wood. Nathan and the woman helped him. All the wood was thrown together. When they had gathered enough branches, they sat down again. The woman told him they would wait for sunset. When dusk was falling, the elder lit the fire. When the flames were finally leaping, the wise man threw herbs on the flames. Then he went to sit down on the other side of the fire, in front of Nathan. The flames, the scent of the herbs and the physical exhaustion after the hard climb during the day caused Nathan to experience a similar feeling to the one he had felt in the Sahara. The Elder spoke to Nathan. Again the woman translated his words: “Experience the silence to absorb the hidden messages!” The wind came on strongly. The flames leaped and threw off a great heat. The scents from the herbs strengthened as they heated. It was not difficult for Nathan to be aware of the encompassing silence. He concentrated on experiencing hidden messages. After a while a strange phenomenon occurred. Nathan saw drops of water fall between the flames. He looked up and saw an incredibly high waterfall in front of him. The water seemed to be falling from an unending height; eventually, more and more water started falling until it seemed to come pouring down. It flowed over the flames to fall down through the mountain. And so it went on for a long time. After a while Nathan saw something else that impressed him more. So much water had flowed down that the level of the water had risen above the mountain. Strangely enough the fire kept burning through the water. Somewhat later, the waterfall became quieter until it had completely disappeared. The wind fell and the silence returned. The Elder stood up and sat down in front of Nathan. He put his hands up in front of Nathan's eyes, held them in this position for a moment and then took them away. Nathan felt as if he had just been awakened. Water was nowhere to be seen. The fire burned as it was supposed to. Everything was normal again. The Elder said to the woman: “The fire of ecstasy has sent him an extraordinarily strong message!” Nathan had to recover and found it was difficult to speak. The woman brought him a blanket. She helped Nathan lie down to sleep and only said the following words: “Keep silence with you for a while.” The next morning the woman wakened him. The Elder was no longer there. “When you are completely awake, we will eat something
Legend of the Nomad - By Alex Mero Book Review - Gayatri Pagdi
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and return to the village.” They ate in silence and left. Nathan had not said a word since his vision. On the road back the woman was the first to speak. “I see that what you have seen, yesterday, has made a deep impression on you!” “Did you see it too?” “I only experienced the silence, but I know that the fire of extract connected you to your natural element.” “What I saw was indescribable. First I experienced a deep silence and then it happened.” “The messages are always transmitted out of the silence; it is the natural element for messages.” “It was incredible!” “From now on, with everything you will create, you will remember the connection to your natural element.” After a long trip Nathan and the woman returned to the village they had left days before. The next morning the woman took leave of Nathan. When Nathan thanked her, she had the following words for him. “I want to thank you! You have contributed to my true mission.” “What is your mission?” “I have come to earth with the desire to strengthen the Exceptional' power of imagination.” These words made it clear to Nathan that the woman, like Sanah, was an angel. “Thank you, I know now that imagination is more important than knowledge!” They hugged each other and wished each other good fortune. The next day Nathan continued his trip. He left the Chiapas and continued to the state of Oaxaca. There he finally arrived in Puerto Angel, a quiet place by the Great Ocean. The atmosphere lingering there made such an impression on Nathan that he decided to stay. He stayed at a campground studded with homey cottages set in the hills. From there he had a phenomenal view of the sea. Nathan as usual gained inspiration from the continuous sound of the ocean surf and spent time at sunrise and sunset meditating on his latest experiences. During the days he spent in Puerto Angel Nathan organized his thoughts and much became clearer to him. The powerful waves reminded Nathan of the fire of ecstasy. The bright flames had made an indescribable impact on him. They were the symbol of the power of nature and revealed what we are capable of when we permit ourselves be stimulated by the "impelling energy". Nathan came to two conclusions. The first was that all great changes created by people have been preceded by dreams and visions. His second conclusion was that all great deeds ever completed by people had first been created by people. From this moment on Nathan had a permanent feeling of reassurance. He was fully convinced that when he needed it most he would have the information to complete his higher mission successfully. It gave Nathan a feeling of liberation and one of unconditional trust. He knew that his creative force would always accompany him to make the right choices. Now he could admire everything around him without feeling any pressure or desire. It took him no effort to achieve this, which was new to him. He had made an
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important step in his personal development. One day Nathan saw a group of surfers on the beach. In itself that was not strange, only that the beaches were usually deserted during the siesta because of the heat from the sun. Except for the surfers, nobody else was to be seen on the beach. Nathan suspected they were tourists. Their pale skin indicated they were probably not Mexicans. From a very young age Nathan had always been accustomed to taking a daily siesta when the occasion arose. Today this was also the case. He took his cane mat and lay down in the shade of the trees along the beach. He gradually fell asleep while watching the surfers. He had just fallen asleep when he woke up suddenly. He had had a bizarre dream. He got up and tried to remember what had taken place. He had seen himself swimming under water. Above him there were two objects floating. He had continued swimming without paying attention. Suddenly he had seen a young man sinking into the abyss. The young man appeared to be unconscious. Nathan remembered that in his dream he had made some attempt to swim towards him, but strangely enough he was not successful no matter how hard he tried to get close to the young man. The feelings he had felt during his dream were so intense, that Nathan had been awakened by them. Now he kept staring ahead of him attempting to understand the meaning of his dream. While Nathan was looking at the sea, he again saw the surfers. They were lying on their surfboard in the water, waiting for a new wave. Nathan connected this with his dream. Maybe the young man in his dream was one of the surfers. His gaze locked onto the group. He got up and strolled towards the sea, asking himself whether this was too weak a link. Once by the water he decided to swim close to the surfers. All kinds of questions came to him. Had it not been a dream, but a vision? Was he now able to receive messages with such clarity? This would imply that he could see events before they happened. And would he be able to influence these events? One thought put him at ease. Time would surely give him the answer. Nathan remained in the water, at a short distance from the surfers. By their accent he could hear that the youngsters were North Americans. He watched the stunts they were engaged in and was not reassured. He wondered whether they were really aware of the power of the sea. Only when the group returned to the beach, did Nathan feel at ease. Again he was filled with questions. Had his reaction been exaggerated? What could he do now? He trusted his intuition, which told him this was not a dream, but the feeling of doubt did not leave him. Nathan decided to introduce himself to the surfers. In decided to try to warn them in a subtle way of the possible dangers. The four young women and three men were from California. They were very friendly and invited Nathan to sit with them. A book lying on a beach towel captured Nathan's attention the moment he sat down. The book had a hard cover and seemed to be seminar literature. Nathan read the quote on the cover: "We are here to rediscover that we are part of the universe and that the universe is in us." Nathan thought it was a remarkable text and asked whose book it was. One of the women, Deborah told him it was hers and said it was about our interpretations of strange natural phenomena.
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“What types of natural phenomena are considered strange?” “This seminar illustrates the close link between our intelligence and inner spirituality.” Nathan could not have thought of a better subject and started talking to Deborah, Nigel and Jennifer. In this way Nathan came to know that Deborah and Nigel studied in San Francisco and that Jennifer was studying at the art academy. Deborah and Nigel immediately added that Jennifer was very talented. They said she created really wonderful pictures and that she already had a number of successful exhibitions. Meanwhile the other four members of the group, John, Seth, Carole and Susan, decided to leave them. Deborah, Jennifer and Nigel continued the conversation and spoke to Nathan about aspects of the science of mysticism. Nathan found this an instructive conversation. Naturally he already knew something about the subject being discussed, but now they were explained to him in a very detailed manner. Nathan wondered if learning about this mysterious knowledge scientifically was not too academic. The comments and arguments he heard seemed to him to have their theoretical explanation. He also wondered if the people he was conversing with understood what they were talking about. He wondered if they differentiated between the real mystical forces and fictional or romanticized stories. When Nathan remarked on this, Nigel replied that they were taught by a professor who liked to give practical examples. Deborah said that the professor was also concerned about what Nathan was talking about and, for this reason; he preferred a less academic approach. She said that their lessons consisted mainly of concrete examples. This made Nathan curious. He wanted to know more, but just when he wanted to ask questions about this, the others returned. Carol and Susan lay down, while John and Seth immediately took their surfboards and went looking for the high waves. Nathan watched as they went and remembered the reason he had joined the group. He sensed he had to do something. “Do you often come here to surf?” He asked them all. “It's the first time we've come here to Puerto Angel,” Nigel said. “Are you experienced surfers?” “We all have some years of experience,” Carole said. “Why do you ask?” Deborah asked. Nathan did not answer and got up. He looked towards the sea and said very seriously: “Because the sea is full of secrets!” After Nathan had said these words, a strange silence fell. Nobody reacted, as if each of them now also sensed something. It did not last long; because of this Nathan became more aware of the possible reality of his vision. He kept looking at John and Seth. They were clearly enjoying themselves and performed all kinds of tricks in an increasingly wilder sea. Without losing sight of them he went slowly towards the edge of the water. When the waves touched his feet, the wind suddenly rose and Nathan was overcome by a very strange feeling that made him extremely alert. He could not immediately explain the cause of this feeling, but it was as if the wind was forcing
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him to go into the water. Nathan went further into the sea without saying a word to the others. He swam towards the two boys. The wind blew stronger and the waves rose higher, which worried Nathan more. When he finally managed to get close to them, Nathan could only see John. He asked him where Seth was, and that made John look around in astonishment, after which he motioned that he didn't know. At that moment, John and Nathan saw Seth's surfboard, but Seth was nowhere to be seen. What Nathan had sensed when he got into the water, now reached him with full force. Without hesitating a moment longer, he dove into the sea looking for Seth. It took him a while before he saw Seth, who was unconscious. His head hung back and his mouth was open. What he saw looked identical to the image from his dream. The only difference was that now Nathan could get to him. He quickly swam towards Seth and pulled him as fast as possible to the surface. While he was swimming upwards, Nathan also recognized another image he had seen in his dream. The object above him was a surfboard, Seth's surfboard. Just next to it was John's surfboard. John himself was lying on it and he was trying to see either Seth or Nathan. Nathan reached the surface just between the two surfboards. John was relieved to see them, but panicked when he saw that Seth was unconscious. Nathan asked him to help get Seth onto his surfboard, so that they could pull him towards the beach. On the beach the others had seen everything. They had swum out quite far into the sea themselves. Now they were swimming through the high waves to get towards them. Seth was taken to the beach and put down on the sand. Susan immediately tried to resuscitate him. Now everybody was kneeling around Seth expecting the worst. Nathan held Seth's head. Seth did not show any signs of movement. The wind kept blowing hard and blew the sand into the air. These were fearful moments. Suddenly Seth coughed up water from his lungs, followed by heavy coughing. He was saved. A sigh of relief went through everyone and curiously enough the wind gradually quieted. Nathan exhausted, lay down with his eyes directed at the sky. Everything had happened very quickly. Now he needed some time to catch his breath and to reconstruct the events. Nathan did not have much time, because everyone came to thank him. What everyone wanted to know was Nathan's reason for getting into the water at that moment. Also, the sudden wind was discussed. Some talked about a coincidence; others saw it as a miracle. One who surely did not think this a coincidence, was Deborah. She waited until Nathan was alone and then sat down next to him. She looked at him and gave him a kiss on his forehead to thank him for what he had done. She spoke quietly, while she looked towards the sea.
“I know that you did not just get up to go into the water!” Nathan turned his head and looked at Deborah without saying a word. Deborah was still looking at the sea and continued whispering. “I also know that you did not just sit down with us without there being a reason!” Then a moment of silence fell, after which Nathan
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Legend of the Nomad - By Alex Mero Book Review - Gayatri Pagdi reacted. “Apparently you know a lot!” At that moment Seth arrived. He knelt down on his knees in the sand next to Nathan. “Thanks to you I am still alive, thank you,” Seth said to Nathan. Nathan and Seth hugged each other. “That you're still alive means that your time here has not yet come,” Nathan said. Meanwhile the rest of the group came to sit with them. “Yes, but you're the one who rescued me,” Seth continued. “We did it all together,” Nathan answered. “I don't know how I can thank you all,” Seth said. “Maybe I know something to solve that,” Nathan said. Everyone was now very curious about what Nathan would say. “From this day on you must be willing to ask about the welfare of each of your friends present here, for the rest of your life and to help them in times of need.” “I think that's a beautiful suggestion,” Carole said. “I think so too,” Seth agreed and got up. “I promise solemnly that you can count on me unconditionally. Today, tomorrow and all the days that are to come!” The rest of the group thanked him, and joked saying that now they were doomed to hear Seth's whining for the rest of their lives. Apparently Seth had quite a reputation as a sorehead. Now they were once again chatting among themselves happily. They thought of a way to relax after this traumatic event and decided to organize a barbeque for that night. Naturally, Nathan could not miss this. The group stayed in a holiday house on the way to Puerto Escondido, a city further down the coast. Deborah suggested picking Nathan up later. Nathan returned to his bungalow, took a shower and rested. That evening Deborah arrived alone. Nathan opened the door and finished preparing himself in the bathroom. Deborah sat down in the small living room. “Have you been able to rest?” Deborah asked. “Yes, thank you, you too?” Nathan replied. “Now… I kept thinking back to what happened today.” Nathan felt that this confirmed what he had already suspected. Deborah was incredibly curious and she had come wanting more explanations. “What would you like to know?” Nathan asked.
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“How did you know?” A short silence fell. “I sensed it,” Nathan replied. “When did you sense it?” Deborah asked. “When the wind came up? When Seth and John stepped into the water? When you decided to get to know us? When you came to swim near us? Or…” “Or even earlier?” Nathan interrupted. Nathan now came out of the bathroom and sat down next to Deborah. “Nathan, it is important for me to know this,” Deborah said. “Why?” Nathan asked. “From an early age I have known that a mysterious world exists that very few people can see.” “A mysterious world?” “Yes, the hidden world, as it's called!” “Deborah, you did not get to this world to make contact with a mysterious world, you are here to become your higher self!” Deborah knew that she would not get any immediate answer. She thought for a while. “How can I become my higher self?” “By looking, listening and feeling differently,” Nathan said. “In this way the truth you are searching for will reveal itself to you.” “How can I know who is telling the truth?” “Don't look for those who say they have found the truth, but learn from those who are themselves on their search.” “Nathan, you may find this strange, but I know when I meet special people. I know that I have a special sense for it and...” Deborah looked searchingly at him. “I know that you are special, I have never met someone who is so special.” Nathan kept silent to think, he decided to tell Deborah about his vision, the one he had seen before he had approached them. Deborah was impressed and asked Nathan if he had experienced this type of dream before. Nathan also told her about the experience he had with the indigenous elder. Now Deborah was intrigued. Nathan took care to keep the stories of his exceptionality to himself so as not to overwhelm her. “Would these events have a greater purpose?” Deborah asked. “Everything has a greater purpose,” Nathan answered. Then Deborah drove Nathan to join the others who were waiting for them. It was a good party and everyone enjoyed themselves until well into the early morning hours. The next day the group would be leaving. Their holiday was over. They prepared for their return home. Then they said goodbye to Nathan and made him promise to keep in touch.
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Legend of the Nomad - By Alex Mero Book Review - Gayatri Pagdi Nathan stayed in Puerto Angel for a couple more days and then decided to return to Catalina in Mexico City. Imagination When Nathan arrived at Sentimienta he saw Catalina accompanying a group of foreign dancers. She emphasized the importance of natural motion, but above all the pleasure of dance was to be central. She noticed Nathan and told the dancers to take a break. “How was your trip?” She asked. “Beautiful and extremely instructive,” Nathan replied. “Where have you been?” “After I explored the Yucatan coast, I went to the more southern states. I discovered the wonder of nature there and visited some special places, among other things. I was even in Guatemala on the Tajumulco for a while. There I had an extreme experience.” Catalina could not contain her curiosity. She immediately asked one of her dancers to replace her. She freshened up and took Nathan to the city. “Tell me about this extreme experience.” “In the highest mountains I met an indigenous elder.” “The Elder who has deeper knowledge?” “Do you know him?” “From hearsay, but I never met him.” “Did you ever meet other wise man?” “It happened twice, always in the Andes Mountains. My first encounter was in Chili.” “Then I would like to know about your experience first.” “At the time I was studying in Santiago and, during our free time, I went into the mountains with friends. One day we arrived at a desolate village, it was very high up in the mountains. I remember that from there we could even see the Aconcagua of Argentine.” “And then?” “So there he was, there completely alone. I still remember that everyone in the group found him bizarre. After all, it was strange to find an old man there, with white hair and blue eyes. He did not have Chilean characteristics and spoke Spanish with a strange accent.” “Then what happened?” “When he noticed me, he called me and said I had to return to him alone, because he had important information for me.” “Did you go back?” “Not immediately, I was a little afraid, but a dream made me change my mind. I went there alone a couple of weeks later and I spent a day with him. He did indeed have very important information for me; he was the first one to point out my exceptionality.” “Where did you meet the next wise one?” “That was in Ecuador, during my trip through South America. I was staying with a friend in Esmeraldas, a coastal city to the north of Ecuador. People talked about a wise woman living on the Chimborazo, which is the highest mountain in Ecuador.” “Did you go there with your girlfriend?” “Those stories intrigued me. When I decided to look up this woman, my girlfriend insisted in accompanying me. From a young age she had been passionate about the stories about
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this woman and she wanted to know if she was really alive or if it was a myth.” “Maybe it was her task to bring you to her.” “That thought also occurred to me. We went there together and I still remember how difficult it was to get to her. I don't know if I could have done it if I had been on my own.” “So the woman really existed!” “In the end we did find her and, until today that encounter remains by far the most radical encounter I have ever had.” “What was so strange about it?” “While I was listening to the old woman it seemed as if I was listening to true knowledge itself. I obtained answers to all the questions coming from my deepest self. Sometimes her statements seemed unbelievable, but then she said that I believed more in the illusion of true knowledge than in true knowledge itself.” “Can you give me an example?” “For example, she thanked me for coming to visit her on the highest place in the world. When I pointed out to her that in fact the highest mountains are in the Himalayan Mountains and not in the Chimborazo, she said, 'You always have to see things from their core'.” “What did she mean?” “I only understood it later, because mountains are measured from sea level Everest is considered to be the highest mountain on earth. Because of its location on the earth the Chimborazo, measured from the core of the earth, is indeed the highest mountain. But it was not about that, it was mainly the deeper meaning of her message to which I attached importance.” Nathan became increasingly aware of the distribution of the wise of the earth. Will you tell me now what you learned from the elder you met? “He taught me to come into contact with the deeper knowledge that comes from silence!” Nathan described his vision of the fire of ecstasy to the smallest details. “You have had a vision of your higher mission!” Catalina grasped Nathan's arm and stayed still. “Do you know what this means?” Nathan looked at Catalina, curious as to what she would say. “It means that now you are directly connected with your natural element.” “What does that mean?” “You know that our natural element has sent us both to earth to convert their wishes into deeds.” “Yes, that explains our exceptionality.” “In order to fulfill those wishes we have to go through a learning process and make a connection with our inner being.” “And that's what is happening now?” Catalina nodded. Nathan took time to let this sink in. “Now it is clearer to me what happened afterwards,” Nathan said. “What happened?” Catalina asked curiously. Nathan described the events that took place in Puerto Angel. Catalina listened attentively. “That was an important lesson to make you aware that you
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can realize every pure inspiration,” Catalina confided. “What is a pure inspiration?” “A spontaneous flow of inspiration. Pure inspirations are always experienced as coming from your imagination and motivate the will of intuition.” “The will of intuition that guided me to what I managed to do in Puerto Angel?” “Indeed, your intuition was driven by curiosity, trust and inspiration. Like my melodies and choreography always come to me from my will of intuition.” Nathan and Catalina looked at each other. Both felt equal and connected in their exceptionality. Now Nathan could recognize the feelings that formed the foundation of all forms of creativity. Nathan noticed the similarity between creativity and healing, to which Songo referred. He understood that it was always about a process of a spontaneous inflow of impelling energy, which created an inexhaustible willpower. One day, when Nathan and Catalina arrived at Sentimienta after they had been to the market, the cleaning lady told them that a certain Deborah had called from San Francisco. She wanted to talk to Nathan and had asked to be called back. When Nathan contacted Deborah she told him she had spoken with her professor about the events in Puerto Angel and that the professor wanted to meet him. If he wished, the professor could invite him as a guest. Nathan replied that he would think about it and call her back. Nathan told Catalina about the proposal and she said that she was sorry to say goodbye, but that she also knew that in order to get where he wanted, he had to leave first. Nathan decided to accept the invitation and thanked Catalina. First he would fly to Miami and there he would spend a couple of days with Simon. At the airport he said goodbye to Catalina, Manuel and Lisa and thanked them for the precious time he had experienced in Mexico. “Thank you for everything, I will miss you.” “It's a mutual feeling, but we're happy because you're ready for it now.” Nathan was taken aback by Catalina's remark. “I dreamed about the day our paths would part. Soon the great start of your task will take place.” “What else do you know?” “I dreamed about the Guide hiding in you, who is now awakening.” “Are you referring to our inner guide, hiding in each one of us?” Catalina laid her hand on Nathan's mouth. She could not say more, so he did not need to ask any other questions. Nathan hugged Manuel and motioned to him to look after Lisa. Then he grasped Lisa and asked her to take good care of Manuel. Finally he hugged Catalina firmly and they said goodbye. Nathan was now flying to Florida. It was the first time he was to visit the United States. But his thoughts were occupied mainly with Catalina's last words. After a short nap he arrived in Miami. Simon and his wife were waiting for him. It was a happy encounter. Simon looked good; the sunny life was good for him. During the following days Simon and Nathan took some pleasant trips. Miami
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impressed Nathan. The great number of people coming from South America created a happy atmosphere. What remained with Nathan was a visit to Key Biscayne. It was at this beach that he told Simon about the experiences he had had since he had left Paris. Simon thought Nathan's adventures were extraordinary, but he was not surprised. He only said that now he could understand the strange happenings that had taken place in the past. He told Nathan that much of the knowledge he had already gathered would be confided to him once more, but this time it would have greater depth, because he would be better equipped to recognize the wisdom of the world. A couple of days later Nathan left Miami to go to his next destination. Deborah and Nigel were waiting for him in San Francisco.
Alex Mero
My Thoughts: Jiten Soni Without wisdom life always remains incomplete. - Jiten Soni In the shadow of darkness is where we see rays of light to brighten our life from fear of life to the strength of our wisdom within ourselves. Jiten Soni One can wipe tears from their eyes, but never from their soul, because their soul is where heart keeps pumping it. - Jiten Soni Each and every moment live life as it is endless, every one is here to achieve goals and is surely going ahead to hunt for the best one. - Jiten Soni You would be my best profound memory and will always be my profound memory all time, it's a gift to what makes me feel happy and would also live with that true wisdom to life. Jiten Soni Everyone comes to your life to show youir presence and sometimes they move away to show their presence out of your life, that's what life is all about. - Jiten Soni To make a better tomorrow, make your present the best. - Jiten Soni
Pa t a n j a l i We e k Ce l e b r a t i o n a n e v e n t c e l e b r a t i n g Y OGA a n d t h e g r e a t c o m p i l e r o f t h e Y o g a Su t r a s
SH RI M A H A RI SH I PA T A N J A L I An event that happens every year on his birthday th th
from 18
to 24 October 2011 BHOPAL – INDIA
by Emy Blesio (MM Yogacharya Pandit G ayatri Devi)
Why this event? Yoga, its deep spirituality, its science ... It’s a Humanity’s heritage that, in my opinion, should not be restricted to few… and just for this reason, since 1998, I am organizing events in order to spread worldwide this deep discipline. And I would like to thank all those who are walking this path with me and are always next to me in this arduous task. But there’s a deeper reason behind this commitment by all of us: the awareness that nowadays the real essence of Yoga is being misrepresented and that it is being lost. Contamination begins in the West because the western mind struggles to follow a discipline as complex as the traditional yoga is, perhaps for reasons concerning lack of time, or low attention, business or some others that are unknown to me, but now it’s spreading in the East, in Asia too, because of globalization. In the past times, techniques inspired by the ancient Yoga discipline were invented, even if it has been taken into consideration only a thousandth part of it, only a fingernail. And so, various things as autogenic trainings (inspired to Chetana Kriya); stretching (inspired to Hatha- ena of Kshatriya), Yoga with instruments (cushions, cubes, spheres, balls ...) were born. All those creations have not been negative, but rather a help to open the Western minds to alternatives disciplines and to spread them, but, unfortunately, it has happened that, now, we have an exaggerated work on the so-called "fusion", that actually ends up to be "confusion". It first, started with a part of Yoga, enlarging it to the paroxysm, and then mixed with some element of fashion making it a MasalaYoga, over the last years, many new lines were created, and other new ones constantly born, just for superficiality, or for business, and they are called Yoga, even if they have nothing similar or in common with Yoga, not even the nail described above, and this “newborn lines” are spreading a false, distorted, misrepresented message that, unfortunately, has reached, and influenced even the same place were authentic Yoga was born: India. And we can observe a proliferation of an unlikely laughing yoga, (unlikely because in order to be therapeutic and with the aim to break internal blocks, a laugh must be out of control, and without discipline. Just the opposite of what yoga is, discipline and self-control. It would have been better to call it " laugh therapy”, why to deface the term “yoga”?), and anti-gravity yoga (antigravity? In Yoga is called Laghima and, I assure you, does not use bands, ribbons or hammocks hanging from the ceiling), and so on ... Power Yoga, Yoga Pilates, until a complete degeneration with one of the latest creations invented by pseudo-expert people: the space-Yoga juice, so called just because in this space there were offered organic juices.
And, in the meanwhile, we’re forgetting, more indeed, we know nothing about the SACREDNESS OF YOGA. My desire is to spread this discipline with the right value and importance transmitted by the sages of the past (Rishi), with the same energy and power. I would like that Yoga could improve the society, clean the thought, make it pure, and establish an awareness that leaves no room for intolerance, violence and wars. An awareness that teaches respect for all Creation. RESPECT. A word that, if it were understood and implemented, would solve the 99.99% of the problems of the planet. Respect for the Earth (which is our Mother, that gives us life, that nourishes, protects, punishes us, supports our feet, and welcomes us in her womb at the end of the Breath), plants and flowers (they are our air, without plants there would be no life for us), animals, big and small ones (they are our brothers and sisters, without them there would be no life for us), and human beings, young and old, males and females, yes even women (we are all part of a great soul of a single immense Breath). ALL CREATION must be respected. But if I look at the manner Creation is treated (Planet, animals, vegetation, minerals, etc...), I can say that maybe we don’t have very clear the concept of Respect for Creation. Degeneration is around us, and certainly it doesn’t honor the human being. Degeneration, which can be seen also in those who, only superficially, follow the deep path of Yoga and in this manner disqualify, depreciate, degrade… damage it. During a debate which followed my lecture in Italy, a lady confessed me her disappointment for the improper behavior of her guru that, eventually, led her to give up her Yoga practice. I gave her no advice, but simply I mentioned my own similar experience: at the beginning of my path in yoga, after several disappointments with people who were not very honest and clean on their path, disheartened, I decided to stop doing my practice. If these are the results of Yoga… I told to myself, and I devoted me only to a self analysis through the meditation. One day, I was climbing on a mountain trail, pensive, pondering on my spiritual path in crisis, when I suddenly came to a valley and meet a mountain man who was making honey. I decided to buy a jar of it for my little niece, but the man had only big jars of Honey, so I told him that for my needs that jar was too big. The old man, with a smile under his white mustache, reassured me: that honey, being a pure one, could have been kept for over ten years and more. It should have been enough to transfer it into several smaller jars and consume it one a time, so I put a whole kilo of honey in my backpack and when I headed for the exit of the hut, his voice reached me at the door: "Be careful, however, to use clean small jars because even the purest honey, in dirty jars go bad.” I froze in the doorway as if stroked by lightning. It had become quite clear: It was not the Yoga that was dirty ... but the containers! From that moment I started to practice again, and now, after more than 40 years, I'm still practicing…. and… trying to avoid the "dirty containers". So, it’s important to be "pure containers" for ourselves but also for others, and Yoga (the real one, as was codified by Patanjali) could do this miracle. To demonstrate what I'm saying, let's try to make a digression on the eight steps encoded by Maharishi Patanjali ... go on to analyze the AshtangaYoga. ASHTANGA YOGA consists of eight levels to reach self-realization, not a style but a systematic compilation or codification of classical yoga, later called Raja Yoga (royal yoga), and of which the wise Patanjali is the reference point, by suggesting the best route to achieve self-realization and liberation (moksha) from rebirth’s circle.
In the beginning transmitted orally from Guru to chela (initiation), reserved to the men only, was then brought to the attention of those who wanted to follow it. In short, a text of very useful "Instructions" for the improvement of the human being. So I summarize, in a few lines, these eight important steps. The first two steps consist of the so-called moral discipline (even if it goes beyond social morality), which includes the five rules Yama (harmonizing the interpersonal relationships) and the five observances Niyama (harmonizing the relationship with oneself). In the first step, the Yama, the practitioner should, therefore, with respect mentioned earlier, abstain from offending the so-called animate and inanimate creatures in respect of all Creation (Ahimsa); be truthful, coherent and non-offensive (Satya); should refrain from taking what does not belong to you (Asteya); have self-control on passions and emotions (Brahmacharya); and not take more than necessary (Aparigraha). The second step concerns the Niyama, suggesting a correct approach to compliance with oneself, that is: to maintain purity and cleanliness of body, the spirit and the surrounding environment, to show respect for the planet Earth, its soil, keep it clean as deserves a sacred thing (Saucha); feel satisfied and happy with what one have and not wanting more (Samtosha); try with perseverance, power and decision (to test own limitations) to achieve the self-realization (Tapas); devote to research, knowledge and deeper study of the deep Self (Svadhyaya); and, finally, to meditate and focus on the Principle, the Origin, to develop intuition and surrendering to the One (Ishvara-Pranidhana). The third step concerns Asana, the psycho-physical postures. Asana means seat, throne, comfortable posture, therefore, the practice of these positions involve natural wellness and harmony, because “Yoga that hurts is a Yoga that is not properly done”. The fourth step contemplates the use of Pranayama (breath control), which is a basic function, very important; life begins with an inhalation and ends with an exhalation. The breath control allows acquisition of awareness, clarity, develops intuition and allows to bring attention to the present: here and now. The fifth step: Pratyahara corresponds to retirement of the senses, the withdrawal of consciousness and the senses from outside to inside, an absorption that leads to the next step. The sixth step provides for concentration: Dharana allows the mind to focus on one object excluding all others. This eliminates distractions in a condensation of attention, leading to a higher spiritual level. In the seventh step you come to Dhyana, which is mistranslated as meditation, but the more appropriate term should be "contemplation" (because is the workings of the mind that should be removed), which is divided into other levels. In Gheranda Samhita is divided into three parts. The first part is called concrete, coarse (Sthula), the second is called brighter (Jyotis), and the third subtle (Sukshma). Dhyana is a natural consequence of the eighth step, Samadhi, which is the supreme ecstasy, the immersion into the Whole. The non-separation. When the two become ONE. Obviously, this stage has several levels. Patanjali says that there are two: the conscious (Samprajnata) and unconscious (Asamprajnata). These are then subdivided into others. In fact, everyone can experience his own personal Samadhi. However, I would like to point out that the path does not strictly follow these steps. A level cannot be dissociated from the other, but they interpenetrate, and everyone could twist the above list. ... And, all this, is not a "style of yoga" but a “way of life", a “lifestyle”. So, summarizing, I would like to say that Yoga is Yoga, tested by a minimum of 6000 years and for thus we believe in its great potential established over the millennia, and we have seen the results. All questionable attributes that are arrogated and assigned are just unfounded rumors.
Here, all of this is one of the reasons we want to organize events such as Patanjali Week Celebration in Bhopal, India, and many other events like the Festival of India: the West meets East "MiticaIndia", the International Congress of Yoga & Ayurveda and the symposium of Spirituality "Rays of a Unique Light”, every year we organize in cooperation with people who understand the meaning and importance of spreading the culture and science of the Yoga tradition, because ... ... As a cut tree, without roots, cannot give flowers and fruits, becoming sterile, so yoga without its origins becomes distorted and cannot produce fruit ... ... and ends up as a sterile dry thing. ... Well, we would like to give back to Yoga its roots. Hari Om Tat Sat Emy Blesio
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