GE Africa Innovation Centre. One Year Anniversary Report. June 2017

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GE Africa Innovation Centre One Year Anniversary Report

Reception Mural by Peter Mabeo

June 2017

1. One Year On: From Building Launch to Innovation Practice A commitment to localisation and enterprise development in the region, by GE Global CEO and Chairman, Jeff Immelt, the GE Africa Innovation Centre (GE AIC) is dedicated to evolving innovative and sustainable solutions to African challenges. The GE AIC is one of a network of eight GE Innovation Centres, and 32 GE Research Centres, Digital Foundries and Garages globally. Providing a dynamic showcase for GE in the region, a centre for global thought leadership, and primarily, collaboration, the glass-encased, three-story GE AIC building, with its striking African industrial design features and the best of global workplace and ergonomic principles, actively confirms the correlation between work environment and culture. From office shell, to finished product, the design and construction was achieved in a record time of one year, and launched on 13 June 2016. The GE AIC was awarded the SAPOA Innovative Development Award for 2017, is the first LEED Green GE building in Africa, and is shortlisted for another prestigious award. The flexible and agile layout accommodates both permanent tenants and temporary visitors: Including the GE Africa Innovation, Healthcare, Digital, Remote Monitoring, Learning and Development, and Londvolota teams. With over 6700 unique visitors, the GE AIC has operated at full capacity for the duration of the past year. From the entrance, with the magnificent triple-volume hand-crafted mural by Botswana designer, Peter Mabeo, guests are actively guided into - and surrounding by - innovation, ideation and collaboration opportunities. The GE Experience on the ground floor, provides the starting point: The hands-on digital exhibits include the GE Store, African success stories, GE Digital and Predix demonstration stations, and a live service delivery app-dash platform. Breakaway, telepresence, and meeting spaces through the building encourage continuous collaboration and co-development.

2. Usage Statistics 6 700 unique visitors. 90 - 120 permanent tenants. 100 pax average utilisation per day 150 - 200 peak utilisation across 3 floors. 900 + meetings, workshops, lectures, events and training sessions booked, including key VIP events. 240 + GE AIC Tours. 1200 delegates trained in 340 L&D courses - 1 to 10 days in duration.

27 Open Innovation Workshops 6 Innovation Immersions 4 Open and Digital Meet-ups. 13 Internal Strategy Workshops; 9 External Strategy Workshops 14 600 people reached and 54 000 post engagements over one week on Facebook in December 2016

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3. GE AIC Objectives, Activities and Achievements in 1 year The GE AIC’s primary objectives are to act as a key catalyst in assisting internal and external clients in meeting the challenges of, and optimal operation in, the African - and global - context of the 21st Century. Key Services include strategy facilitation, innovation workshops, tours and immersions - leveraging the best of global and local techniques - for internal and external clients; open events, thought-leadership and collaboration- including hackathons, digital skills training and conferences; and marketing, branding and activation. Project focuses include: Portfolio and Pipeline Growth (Commercial Impact) - Projects that complement, or expand on, deal-flow of GE SSA businesses and key client current environmental or business challenges; Ecosystem Expansion - Partner, Enterprise and Pipeline Development; Talent and Skills Development Sectoral specific - digital and innovation; and Activation. Whereas the focus of the first six months of operation was on establishing and marketing the GE AIC within its operating context and ecosystem, via open events, conferences, and thought leadership, [see Section 5] the underlying key objectives of all activities are on collaboration, co-development, and activation of projects and programmes of value to internal and external clients - creating solutions to real challenges that are measurable, impactful and sustainable [See Section 4].

4. Key Projects And Collaborations : 2016 to 2017 1. GE Healthcare Accelerator - 30 pax over 6 months - Private practitioners - with Standard Bank. 2. Predictive Customer Demands Project - Public Sector. 3. Localisation, Supply Chain Mapping and Development of OnePower Supply Chain. 4. Real-time Digital Resource Location and Tracking - Pilot. 5. Digital Mine: Sensor development & digitization - Private Mining Customer. 6. Strategic Innovation Workshops and Immersions - Various - with GE L&D. 7. Manufacturing Start-up Support Programme - Sponsorship of 20 software licences and training for 1 year. 8. Digital Skills Development - including meet-ups and dojos - and formal training for 20 learners in 1 year - with GE Digital. 9. Virtual Reality Skills Transfer and Training. 10. Additive Manufacturing - Metal 3D-printing - Power, Transportation, Healthcare Page #!3 Feasibility.

4.1. Case Study 1: Digital Mining (Commercial Impact)

GE Mining

GE Mining identified an opportunity and the GE AIC was able to assist as follows: A manufacturer of equipment to the mining industry supplies items which have a replacement manufacture time of six weeks. The units are currently regularly inspected manually - which has a level of inefficiency. To ensure delay-free replacement, the client committed to a pilot to remotely monitor wear and tear daily, and identify replacement need, well in advance of the manufacturing turn-around. A sensor-driven remote monitoring digital industrial system needed to be designed. The sensors were specifically to be manufactured for the units. The GE AIC brought the parties together - a research team from the University of Pretoria, a digital software team, and a sensor manufacturer - all had worked on (remote monitoring) in the mining industry. The project, financed by client, is now in pilot phase. The Value: Savings to the mine in down-time, increased efficiencies in processes; JIT delivery and service excellence for the manufacturer; Potential transfer of the technology to other industry sectors for GE and Commercialisation opportunity for partners.

GE Power

4.2. Case Study 2 : Innovative Solutions for GE Power Services (Commercial Impact) The GE AIC has employed a full-time Senior Solutions Engineer in Power to design and develop innovation projects for key clients, in collaboration with our sector partners. Projects initiated and funded to date include: • A Virtual Reality Training system - a skills transfer and training software system for local Power Generation Services client, Rotek. • A Real Time Digital Location Solution - For Sasol. In Pilot Phase, with partners MTN: To track staff and contractors on site during an emergency plant lock down. • OnePower Supply Chain process optimization tool. Unifying supply chain processes across different disciplines, local suppliers, and global sourcing.

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4.3. Case Study 3 : Healthcare Accelerator (Skills and Portfolio Development)

GE Healthcare

The 6-month Standard Bank GE Healthcare Accelerator was hailed as the first collaboration of its kind. GE Global Executives, Jeff Immelt, CEO and Chairman, and Susan Peters, Senior Vice President, HR, were present and guest speakers, with the CEO of Standard Bank, Sim Tshabalala, for the launch of the GE Healthcare Accelerator at the GE AIC in January 2017. The cohort of 30 healthcare professionals underwent 22 business practice sessions - finance, marketing, innovation, business canvas, HR, operations and other modules focusing on the healthcare industry. GE AIC provided resources, facilities and core curriculum (workshops and design) in partnership with GE Africa Healthcare. As well as their practice growth and development, graduates have committed to a range of social impact projects in their fields on graduation.


4.4. Case Study 4 : Innovation Training and Strategic Facilitation - with L&D (Skills and Pipeline) A first for South Africa and GE Innovation Centres globally are the Integrated Innovation and Leadership Training Programmes - in collaboration with GE Africa L&D - and Strategic Innovation Workshops. Delegates from across the world - including two Crotonville BMC cohorts, various global, and a broad range of SSA-based GE business teams - have been enrolled with the GE AIC Innovation team for leadership workshops, ideation sessions, strategy formulation and innovation immersions in and around Gauteng. Leveraging global innovation methodologies, and design-centered principles, delegates are systematically led through the Innovation process- from needs identificationm through to exploration, ideation, pivoting, prototyping, and piloting. Key Programme outputs include increased business efficiencies for optimal operation in dual and inclusive economies - products, systems, services and processes - as well as trend and opportunity scoping. The GE AIC Innovation team is responsible for programme management and design to delivery, facilitation and implementation. Page #!5

4.5. Case Study 5 : GE Digital in Africa (Commercial, Ecosystem & Skills Development)

GE Digital

The GE AIC team has played a significant role in assisting GE Digital Africa in both skills development and business growth for the evolving proprietary Predix platform and apps. This includes hosting Predix meet-ups and challenges, as well as establishing local partnerships with global GE Partners such as EY, Deloitte, PWC and Accenture. Currently the GE AIC and GE Digital are jointly exploring pipeline projects across Sub-Saharan Africa, with three significant opportunities identified, and in development, with global partners. The GE AIC and GE Digital have invested in joint ventures with coding schools and academies, building a digital industrial and Predix skills student pipeline via ongoing programmes of hackathons and meet-ups. With the European GE Digital Foundry, GE AIC launched a local predix challenge: Three finalists were drawn from African entries.

4.6. Case Study 6 : GE Global Innovation Network (Ecosystem Growth)

GE Innovation Network

As the newest, but most active, GE Innovation Centre in the global GE Innovation Network, the GE AIC team has worked with the GE Innovation and GE Venture global team on evolving projects, programmes, strategic papers, marketing and syllabi. This includes exploring and co-developing projects with GEnius Link, GE Ventures and GE Research, as well as partner centres in Calgary, Turkey and India. GE AIC Innovation representatives have visited GE Innovation sites in Calgary, Ireland, Abu Dhabi and Istanbul. Ongoing global network programmes are focusing primarily on GE Digital and GE Innovation alliance-building. Through GE Ventures / GE Innovation, a South African social entrepreneur won an opportunity on the GE Innovation Network Challenge to attend Slush 2016, in Helsinki. Two other African delegates were hosted at Minds+Machines 2016.

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5. Eco-system Partnerships and Co-development Formal and informal partnerships have been established with stakeholders in the broader Innovation, Public Sector, Private, Social, Impact and Digital Industrial eco-systems - mainly in South Africa - aligning capabilities, networks and competencies - R&D, analytics, consulting, and shared impact and enterprise development opportunities. Key Eco-system partners include: • Research Institutions - Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, SABS Design Institute. • Tertiary Institutions - Wits, UJ, UP, UNISA and various agencies associated with academic institutions. • Government and Innovation Agencies - Technology Innovation Agency, InnovationHub, Departments of Trade & Industry and Science & Technology. • Funding Entities - Industrial Development Corporation, Youth Development Agency, • Consulting Companies - EY; Deloitte; Accenture, • Commercial Corporations: Standard Bank, Thomson Reuters, MTN. • Incubators and Accelerators: Aurik, Seedstars, Impacthub, Aspen Institute. • Social Entrepreneurs, SMMEs, and Impact Entities: mLab, Geekulcha, Got-Game, Eon, RedApple3D, ShabaGreen Consulting

6. Open, Social and Impact Projects and Programmes Fulfilling our mandate of meeting the needs and demands of the African environment, the GE AIC has opened its doors to stakeholders from across the range of academic institutions- global and local universities and academies, social and impact entrepreneurs, SMMEs, incubators, accelerators and enterprises in related sectors. A selection of the community/impact projects we have embarked on, with GE CSI and other external parties include: 1. Workshops on African Innovation, and GE’s work in Africa for global universities and Business Schools: Wharton; Penn State; Emory; HEC; University of North Carolina; GIBS. 2. Student, Intern and Youth Days • Approximately 400 students from African Leadership Academy; Shine Solutions - 120 STEM learners from across Gauteng; SOS Villages across the Northern region • Innovation, GE branding and marketing workshops for GE Interns - 6 sessions 3. Incorporation of BBB-EE SMMEs in Open Innovation Events and Immersions: • Innovation Immersions to Soweto, Yeoville, Maboneng Tshimologong with talks by social entrepreneurs. • GE AIC Open Day and World Environment Day (700 attendees in total): With SMMEs, Social and Digital Entrepreneurs, Industrial Designers and Universities providing Robotics, Coding, 3D Printing, Giant Puppets. • Green Cafés and e-Waste, Up-cyclying and Re-cycling Innovation Conferences and Expos 4. Open Challenges -held at the GE AIC and publicised on the website and facebook pages: • 2 Women Entrepreneur Challenges • 4 Digital Challenges Page #!7 • 2 Healthcare Challenges

7. Enterprise Development with Londvolota Trust While members of the GE AIC have been active in both strategic workshopping for supply chain and enterprise development, as well as the assistance in implementation on localization procurement programmes in industry verticals, the GE AIC serves as the home of the Londvolota Trust and Londvolota Enterprise Development. The Londvolota Enterprise Development team is tasked with the development of sustainable black-owned and managed businesses and supply chain partners for GE South Africa - ensuring compliance with South African empowerment codes, but more significantly, enhancing GE South Africa’s efforts to create a lasting legacy through the development of a black industrialist base. Londvolota offers structured business and technical support as well as mentoring, and the possibility of finance via Business Partners. The Business Support Programme lasts 24 months. To date, 14 opportunities have been prioritised from 28 different SMEs - totalling over R 23 million in supplier purchase orders from GE Oil and Gas, Renewables and GE South Africa.

8. Awareness Activation and Marketing Awareness, activation, marketing and branding have been a core focus for the GE AIC team. This includes social and traditional media campaigns, and targeted stakeholder campaigns, including • Over 300 Tours, Immersions, Speaking Engagements have been delivered by the GE Africa Innovation activation team, who have not only hosted, but also been engaged to evangelise on both Innovation and GE’s role as a Digital Industrial leader. • Innovation Events - including expos, and conferences: Among the many events held at the GE AIC for internal and external clients, Innovation events hosted by the GE AIC Innovation team are specifically aimed at increasing understanding of, and demand for, innovation processes and products in the African digital industrial sector. • Traditional Media: The highly publicised launch of the GE AIC has been followed by regular media coverage - from architectural features to innovation and event-related pieces. • Social Media: The vibrant website. facebook page, and twitter feed, are key touchpoints- introductory and relationship - for many visitors. One key event - the launch of the Nelson Mandela Children’s Hospital - received as many as 45 000 engagements on Facebook. Page #!8 • 7 Challenges to date have been launched via digital media.

9. The Year Ahead: 2017 to 2018 Building on the successes of 2016/2017, when the GE AIC established itself firmly as a vital player in the local African Innovation eco-system, the GE AIC vision and mission for 2017/2018 continues to consolidate on the following key strategic pillars: 1. Portfolio Expansion and Business Growth: Focus segments: Power, Transportation and Healthcare. 2. Enabling Ecosystem Growth: Strategic project enablement for key customers. 3. Talent and Skills Development: Ongoing programmes for internal and external clients with emphasis on GE digital, industrial platforms. 4. Strategic Innovation Immersions: Workshops and facilitation in Corporate Innovation; Transformational Leadership; Customer-centricity; Inclusive, Social and Open Innovation. Designcentred practice.

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Addendum 1 : 2017 In Graphics

Strategic Innovation Programmes


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