Sustainability Action Plan

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Sustainability Action Plan AIA 2030 Commitment

Contents Intro Commitment Design and Approach Governance and Reporting Internal Training, Education, and Resources Outreach, Advocacy, and External Knowledge-Sharing Operations and Outlook Conclusion

How can we improve our perception of the complexity we live within, so we may improve our interaction with the world? — Nora Bateson ABOUT SPACESMITH


We are Spacesmith, an architecture, planning, and interior design firm founded in 1998. Our name reflects our commitment to design excellence, craftsmanship, heightened service, context, and the environment. We create places for clients who are changing the world, recognizing that the spaces where people live, work, and play have a powerful influence on their well-being and achievements.

Our Design and Approach strategies are based on the AIA Committee on the Environment (COTE) Super Spreadsheet. As a team, we voted on short-, mid-, and long-term efforts and identified tangible targets for each measure. The COTE Spreadsheet proved to be a useful resource for education and alignment across teams. It will also help us track and record progress across projects and report data to the AIA.

Our diverse portfolio includes mission-driven clients such as city, state, and federal agencies; schools; non-profit institutions; and private sector clients in fashion, finance, and media. Our team of 30 professionals includes architects, interior designers, project managers, programmers, master planners, sustainability experts, and wellness specialists.

Our Sustainability Action Plan is a living, breathing document and we will revisit and update it annually. The chapters of this plan address key questions about our practice.

To show our commitment to sustainability, we engaged all team members in the preparation of our Sustainability Action Plan. To kick it off, we held an all-hands Town Hall where we asked ourselves a series of reflective questions about the future we envision for ourselves, our loved ones, and all the organisms on the planet. Over a six-month period, we hosted a series of teamwide development sessions to review and flesh out the sections of our plan: Design and Approach; Governance and Reporting; Internal Training, Education, and Resources; Outreach, Advocacy, and External Knowledge-Sharing; and Operations and Outlook.

These questions included: 1. How does our current portfolio compare to our goal portfolio? 2. Which metrics will we track on our projects? 3. How and when do we track, evaluate, and communicate project data? 4. In what ways do we support staff growth in sustainable, equitable, and resilient design disciplines? 5. Which databases, trainings, and tools do we need to create to help us accomplish our goals? 6. How do we advocate for sustainable practices within and beyond our own operations?


Through our Sustainability Action Plan, we strive to conserve biodiversity, manage our resources, and responsibly generate profits in the long term without leaving anyone behind. OUR COMMITMENT


As architects and designers, we are in the business of designing the future. To do this effectively, we must first assess the status of our world today: Ecosystems are at risk, species are going extinct, and communities are being displaced, going hungry, and being subjected to healththreatening conditions at work and at home.

• Establishing biodiversity conservation, human health and safety, and responsible resource management as main tenets of our practice.

This is a far cry from the future we desire for ourselves, our families, and our communities: one that is defined by democracy, equality, and respect for all living beings. This future won’t culminate if we continue with business as usual; instead, we must design a new normal. We are already bearing witness to evidence of large-scale progress in our local community. The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) is promoting energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources. Local Law 97 has set ambitious greenhouse gas emissions limits for large buildings. The NYC Compost Project is expanding access to responsible disposal throughout all five boroughs. These are just a few of the initiatives motivating us to solidify and improve Spacesmith’s sustainability goals. To guide us in our efforts, our Sustainability Action Plan outlines our commitment to practices that aim to fulfill the needs of current generations without compromising the needs of future generations. Through these practices, we strive to conserve biodiversity, manage our resources, and responsibly generate profits in the long term without leaving anyone behind. This living, breathing document is about striving for progress while encountering imperfection along the way. We are embracing our existence as life-long learners and stewards of the environment by taking informed, intentional steps in the right direction. As a result, we hope to create a built environment that honors equity, diversity, and life in all forms.

• Developing a degrowth mindset by restoring existing buildings, with energy efficiency and indoor health at top of mind, before pursuing ground-up construction. • Analyzing life cycle assessments and global warming potential for all materials. • Prioritizing non-toxic and ethically produced building materials and furnishings. • Encouraging transparent material provenance and support a shift to circular economies. • Promoting transparency and ethical, slave-free sourcing in the building materials supply chain. • Implementing waste diversion strategies in all aspects of our operations, including donation, take-back programs, and recycling of construction waste. • Raising awareness and advocate for action on climate and biodiversity crises among clients, collaborators, and supply chains. • Investing in research and technology development and sharing resources openly. • Measuring success based on climate, biodiversity, and social impact and promote long-term investment.




Design and Approach


We recognize that positive change is driven by many admirable sustainability frameworks such as LEED, WELL, Design for Freedom, and Living Building Challenge. We chose to base our goals on COTE’s Super Spreadsheet because we believe it offers the most holistic approach and it is regularly updated to reflect current conditions.

Goal Timeline

One-Year Goal Two-Year Goal Three-Year Goal



Building Lifespan Optimize the building’s lifespan by prioritizing material durability, functional adaptability, and water management.

Longest lifespan appropriate for the project function.

Resiliency Implement strategies for passive functionality and track the provided backup power. This is crucial during power outages.

100% resiliency score.

Local Hazard Research Research local hazards and use this information to inform the design.

>5 (very high performing)

Walk / Transit / Bike Scores Measure the site’s accessibility on foot, by bike, and by public transport. The higher the score, the better.

Document scores for 100% of projects that reach the programming phase.

Simple Transportation Carbon Calculator Compare the commuting patterns of project end users to the national average. Use this data to inform programming alternate transportation facilities.

900-1350 kgs/CO2e (better).



Community Engagement Consultation (baseline). Track how much we involve the community in the design and construction process, ensuring that everyone’s voices are heard and considered throughout the project.

Level of Post-Occupancy Engagement Track all the post-occupancy strategies used on the project to evaluate building comfort, user satisfaction, air quality, and more.

5 categories or 50%.

Level of Occupant Feedback Track occupancy feedback to inform design.

Target 4 (High Performance)



Design and Approach (cont’d)

Goal Timeline



Level of Transparency Track transparency strategies used. By sharing lessons learned, we can better educate ourselves and continue to improve upon our designs.

5 categories or 50%.

Level of Occupant Feedback Track occupancy feedback to inform design.

Target 4 (High Performance)


Level of Commissioning 3 categories or 60%. Implement commissioning to maintain engagement with the building and its performance. ECONOMY Construction Cost Benchmark Compares the project’s construction costs to those of similar buildings in the region. Operating Cost Reduction Calculate the operating cost reductions for the project after design strategies have been implemented to increase efficiencies.

Below average for building type.

>$8.00/sf/yr reduction (above benchmark).

ECOSYSTEMS Vegetated Area Determine the difference in project area reserved for vegetation before and after development. Pervious surfaces reduce the risks of adverse impacts like flooding and heat island.

Eliminate unnecessary hardscapes and impervious surfaces while increasing vegetated and permeable areas.

Quality of Plantings Plant native species adapted for the local climate and ecosystems. This provides a connection to place, supports local pollinators, and reduces irrigation.

75% of plantings.

Level of Ecological Design Identify strategies used to help users become aware of or connected to the site and regional ecosystems. All strategies are key for onsite ecological health.

2/7 or 3/7; 25% to 27.5% Design Score.

Benchmark & Energy Modeling Tool Information Document the tools and codes used to calculate predicted energy consumption. This measure is critical for improved energy performance.

Refer to ASHRAE 90.1 benchmarks.



Goal Timeline

Measure Lighting Power Density Calculate the total installed lighting power density (LPD) for the project. LPD is a valuable indicator for a project’s overall energy savings. Window-Wall Ratio Record building’s window-wall ratio, which can be optimized for daylighting without increasing energy. Monthly Data Gather data from energy-modeling and utility bills to determine predicted and measured energy use, including from renewable sources. This ensures energyefficient design strategies work as intended.

Target 20% reduction from COTE benchmark.

Between 30% and 40%.

80% reduction.

RESOURCES Environmental Product Declarations Prioritize products with EPDs. EPDs provide verified, transparent, and comparable information about a product’s environmental impact over its entire lifecycle, helping us make informed decisions Building Reuse / Life Span Reuse as much floor area as possible to minimize the environmental impact of new construction. Recycled / Regional / Reused / Third-Party Certification Materials Specify local, recycled, salvaged, FSC, and bio-based materials to support responsible material extraction, reduce emissions associated with transportation, and contribute to local and circular economies.

60% of materials specified by Spacesmith.

As high as the project and programming allow.


Embodied Carbon / Tools and Scope Calculate the embodied carbon for the entire project. Embodied carbon is a key indicator of its environmental impact.

Below average kg/CO2e/sf for building type. 100% tracking rate for ground-up projects.

Embodied Carbon / Calculations and Strategies Track the predicted embodied carbon for the project, as well as embodied carbon intensity, and the strategies implemented to reduce it.

At least 4 strategies implemented, or an Embodied Carbon Reduction Score of at least 50%.



Design and Approach (cont’d)

Goal Timeline



Construction Waste Diversion Divert construction waste from the landfill by implementing strategies including donation, recycling, and reuse.

50% diversion rate.

Predicted Indoor Water Use Calculate the project’s water consumption from indoor water use, irrigation, and cooling. Water is a finite resource that must be conserved.

Reduce water consumption close to the low target for each use.

Predicted Design Outdoor Water Use Minimize and track total outdoor area irrigated with potable water, a valuable resource not to be wasted.

Below landscaping water allowance.

Stormwater Managed On Site Document the total volume of on-site stormwater storage, surface types, and rainfall. These strategies reduce runoff and potable water use.


Water Runoff Quality Use a self-assessment tool to provide an educated guess of the quality of stormwater leaving the site. Water that is filtered (either mechanically or via landscape features) is better for the environment than water that falls on hardscapes like concrete.


Indoor Air Quality Management Measure CO2 and VOC levels to determine indoor air quality, which has direct impacts on human health, productivity, and comfort.

350 ppb for VOCs (between average spaces and healthcare). 9ppb for CO2 (max concentration for average spaces and healthcare).

Healthy Materials Inventory Specify materials with third-party certifications such as Cradle to Cradle, HPDs, and Declare labels. These products support human health, and specifying them is a form of advocacy for a healthier materials market.

50% of materials are Red List Free; 75% of materials have HPDs

Occupant Control Track the percent of occupiable area with operable windows, user-controlled thermostats per capita, and task lights. All three can ensure energy efficiency.

75% (better – for lighting controls).





Governance and Reporting

Data-gathering will be a collective effort of the entire project team, with the PM in charge of reminding team members which data points they should collect throughout the project. Using the proposed timeline as a guide, teams will record/ update data in the COTE spreadsheet at the end of each


Walk/Bike/Transit Score Simple Transportation Carbon Calculator Community Engagement – Part A Local Hazard Research

design phase. Additional record-keeping strategies are noted where applicable. Teams may schedule firm-wide meetings to address questions and fill in the COTE spreadsheet as a group for increased awareness.




• • • •• •••

• • • • ••• •••

Vegetated Area Building Space Efficiency Building Reuse / Life Span Community Engagement – Part B Water Runoff Quality

DESIGN DEVELOPMENT • • • • • ••• • •• •• ••• ••• ••• •••

Window-Wall Ratio Daylighting and Quality Views Healthy Materials Inventory – Part A Environmental Product Declarations – Part A Benchmark and Energy Modeling Recycled / Regional / Reused / Third Party Certification Materials Building Lifespan Quality of Plantings Community Engagement – Part C Level of Ecological Design Predicted Design Outdoor Water Use Stormwater Managed On Site Resiliency

Construction Cost Benchmark Healthy Materials Inventory – Part B Environmental Product Declarations – Part B Construction Waste Diversion Embodied Carbon / Tools and Scope Embodied Carbon / Calculations and Strategies

POST-OCCUPANCY • • • • • •• ••• •••

Predicted Indoor Water Use Indoor Air Quality Management Level of Post Occupancy Engagement Level of Occupant Feedback Level of Transparency Estimated Operating Cost Reduction Monthly Data Level of Commissioning

LEGEND • One-Year Goal • • Two-Year Goal • • • Three-Year Goal


Internal Training, Education, and Resources

Operations and Outlook

CONTINUING ED Continue offering sustainably focused Lunch and Learns, reimbursements for exam/certification fees, and an internal chat group dedicated to sustainability. Invite experts to host hands-on workshops on topics such as energy modeling, native plants, and composting. Organize an annual outing to a sustainable sites.

OFFICE IAQ Continue promoting indoor plants, using healthy cleaning products, and optimizing the building’s air filter replacement schedule.

KNOWLEDGE-SHARING Continue composting at our office and performing waste audits to assess our waste habits. Implement signage to encourage responsible use and disposal. Continue fielding vendor requests to introduce employees to sustainable vendors.

PHYSICAL HEALTH AND NUTRITION Continue our mostly vegetarian catering initiative free of single-use plastics. Implement an 80/20 rule for snacks. Display signage encouraging employees to hydrate, walk, and get fresh air. Continue offering a partial reimbursement for fitness center membership.

SUPPLIES AND SAMPLES Purchase locally and in bulk. Consider sustainable inks and recycled paper for non-presentation prints. Obtain LESSONS LEARNED material samples from local reps. If an order must be placed, Report sustainability goals, hurdles, and successes for each advocate for reduced packaging. Return discontinued project in our internal database and present these findings to samples or donate to local arts organizations. At end of the firm upon project completion. life, donate usable office equipment and recycle damaged equipment responsibly. REGULAR REVIEWS Review energy bills for the year and host in-office workshops to analyze results and brainstorm strategies to reduce our use. Develop a reporting method to compare our year-overyear performance on the COTE sustainability measures.


Outreach, Advocacy, and External Knowledge-Sharing


ACTIVE PARTICIPATION Continue encouraging employees to participate in organizations that are making a difference and allowing meaningful event participation during work hours.

We would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere appreciation for the resources, knowledge, and expertise that have been invaluable in our efforts to promote environmental regeneration and justice. We recognize that this work requires contributions from many fields, and we are deeply grateful for the bodies of work that came before us and those currently in development.

PANELS AND CHARETTES Continue driving discussions on the climate crisis and our responsibility to create positive impact through our Pecha Kuchas. Invite leaders in sustainability to participate in design charettes at our firm, both for real-world projects and as thought exercises. SHOW AND TELL When sharing projects for publication, emphasize the “why” and “how” of decisions that improved sustainability measures on that project to educate the community. Share sustainability wins and challenges on our website. ADVOCACY Use our positions in the field of architecture and design to support and advocate for sustainable policy in New York. Continue advocating for healthy materials by requiring vendors to answer questions about their sustainability efforts before we schedule them for engagements. Include sustainability goals in proposals to make clients aware of our intent. ENERGY USE REDUCTION: Continue offering a flexible WFH policy and encouraging employees to lower the window shades on hot days. Collaborate with building management to fix leaky windows. Implement a policy to reduce artificial light use during daylight hours. Create a recurring calendar event reminding people to purge unwanted/junk emails, which increase the energy load of servers. Reduce phantom power by powering down monitors overnight. GREEN TRAVEL Continue to offer pre-tax commuter benefits to encourage the use of public transit. Schedule virtual meetings when appropriate to reduce travel.

The insights and guidance from these sources have been instrumental in helping us to develop a comprehensive, insightful, and informative Sustainability Action Plan. We are particularly grateful for the field’s willingness to share resources, build relationships, and collaborate on projects, which demonstrates a remarkable level of generosity and a commitment to creating a better future. Fittingly, our Sustainability Action Plan further supports transparency in architecture and design. This fundamental aspect of our plan allows us to educate our own team and clients, our colleagues outside of Spacesmith, and the people who live, work, and play in the spaces we design. It is this higher understanding—at the community level—of the beauty of and urgency for sustainable design that leads to large-scale change. It is a great joy to work with all of you towards our shared goal of creating a built environment that prioritizes climate, biodiversity, and environmental and social justice, all while promoting circularity and regeneration of people and place. We look forward to continuing this collective effort, which will no doubt have a positive impact on our communities and the world at large. With a deep respect for all, SPACESMITH Contact Ambar Margarida Michelle Malia Alexandra Koretski

SUSTAINABLE FINANCE Encourage employees to buy carbon offsets for business flights. Investigate and offer ESG/sustainability funds through Spacesmith’s 401k program.




Spacesmith LLP One New York Plaza, Suite 4200 New York, NY 10004 (212) 620 5583 16

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