1 minute read
Scenario: The Light Way to Travel
The Light Way to Travel • Mid-future optimistic scenario
You’re eco-conscious, but you still want to travel. We get it. Why not leave your suitcase at home? You’ll lighten airplane weights and significantly reduce CO2 emissions. Plus, you won’t have to worry about buying environmentallydamaging clothes. Before you start your trip, scan your body using the Repurposeful augmented reality app. We’ll capture your exact measurements and select garments that match your style, destination and itinerary. Once you arrive at your final destination, you’ll receive a customized box with one-time-use garments. When you’re done wearing our clothes, drop them and the box into a Repurposeful composting bin where they’ll begin their transformation into organic fertilizer for local soil production. It’s easy. It’s affordable. It’s the right thing to do.