All México, the Pacific Coast. Summer 2015, San Felipe BC

Page 1

VOL 5. SUMMER 2105




ALL MÉXICO The Pacific Coast


Felipe •San de los Gigantes •Valle •Vallecitos

Live México

to day Cultural Hints •Day •Retire in Mexico

Speak Spanish

recorded by native speakers •CD to get the right pronunciation present tense •The Practice your Spanish while you • learn about the fantastic cave paintings found in the area.


Table of Contents

San Felipe

Discover what to do, special events and so much more.

Live in Mexico

Drive south from San Felipe and discover breathtaking beaches.

Valle de los Gigantes Home to the Giant Cardon (Camelia Gigantea), an endemic cacti species.

Learn Spanish Learn and practice the Present tense, the days of the week and the months of the year.

Retire in Mexico

Learn how to make a reservation at a hotel.

Practice your Spanish and learn about “El Vallecito�

San Luis Gonzaga San Francisquito and reach the state border with Baja California Sur.


other laws. This publication and its content may not be copied, imitated, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted, modified, His founder has 10 years indexed, catalogued, background as a university professor at the University of mirrored or distributed in any way, in whole or in part, Mexico in Mexico City. without the express prior Jesús Rivera has been teaching Spanish in Canada written consent of Spanish since 2006 in institutions like World. Malaspina University College now Vancouver Island All Mexico endeavors to provide current and accurate University and group and private classes. In 2010 information on the Jesus Rivera started Publication. However, Spanish World, a place misprints, errors, where anyone interested in inaccuracies, omissions or other errors may sometimes the language can find instruction, supportive occur. All Mexico cannot learning material, guarantee that products and translations and interpreting services included or services. advertised on the publication will be available. All Mexico All Mexico, the Pacific Coast does not warrant that the is intended for your general content of the publication knowledge only. The including, without limitation, information included in the descriptions or photographs, is accurate or complete. publication has been gathered from personal observation and different Spanish World reserves the sources that are right to: correct any error, acknowledged thorough the inaccuracy or omission at text. Any similarities are any time without prior notice coincidental. All content, or liability to you or any other images, other information in person. Spanish World text, graphical, video and welcomes any comments audio forms, designs, etc. related to content that may are property of Spanish help to improve its accuracy. World, and is protected by All contributions will be Canadian and international properly acknowledged. copyright, trademark and Spanish World is a Canadian Company located in Beautiful British Columbia, Canada.


All Mexico, The Pacific Coast is published by Spanish World™

General Director: Content Coordinator: Text Contributors

Jesús Rivera Iliana Correa Eileen Strap Anna Aparicio Alex Starr

Cover pictures: Fernanda Mosqueda General Designer: Erika Diaz Contributing Designer: Roberto Correa U. Photography: Photo Tepeji 57 Fernanda Mosqueda Liz Torres Voices: Sara Alvarado Iliana Correa Jesús Rivera Ricardo Cárcamo Stephanie Bell

For advertising and sales, please contact: Jesus Rivera: Spanish World (250) 585-1888 Iliana Correa Product development and distribution (250) 244-1724 334383589929742?fref=ts Cli

Historical Overview

San Felipe and the Baja California Peninsula The Baja California Peninsula area

north of the Peninsula. Later on, the

hunting and gathering of native

was once occupied by many

Cochimi tribes had two

animals. The Cocopah, on the other

different native tribes prior to the

subdivisions: the Kiliwa and the

hand, expanded further into Mexico

arrival of the Spaniards. According

Cucapá or Cocopah, in English.

and what it is now the United States,

to some studies, the oldest settlement was the tribe Cochimi that was established in what is today Ensenada, and is dated somewhere between 1000 and 2000 BC. This tribe occupied the area from San Javier and La Purísima up to the

reaching Sonora and Arizona The Kiliwa had their own language, and like other groups of this area, its language belonged to the Yuman branch of the Koran linguistic family. In its prime, the Kiliwa group reached 1,300 individuals.

respectively. This group has remained and has more than 1,000 members presently. They preserve their own language and refer to themselves as Xawitt Kwñchawaay, which means “Those Who Live on the River”.

Their livelihood was based on The Kumiai or Kumeaay Indians, a tribe of hunters, gatherers and fishermen, also inhabited these areas and settled in what is known today as Rosarito. This group used the technique of glottochronology, which separated its language from the original Yuman family that other tribes shared. Back then, they named Rosarito “Uacatucay” which means “The Big House.” The Spaniards initiated expeditions to the area right after the destruction of the Aztec Empire in 1532. Hernán Cortés himself led one in May 1535 and landed near what is today La Paz. Cortés took possession of the land for the King of Spain and created a small colony. San Felipe was reached that same year, in September, by Fernando de Ulloa, one of Cortes’ navigation Photo Tepeji57



Unfortunately, the weather proved to be

was entrusted to the Dominicans. In 1788,

hostile and so did the natives. In three

the frontier was revisited by a Dominican

years, the 70-member colony established by

priest named Luis de Sales, extending Baja,

Cortés had disappeared.

California to the Rosarito Arroyo, and in 1817, a Dominican missionary named

A few years later, in 1553, other Spaniards arrived to the area and continued to go on “mission” trips to establish churches throughout Baja. The natives proved to be

Tomas de Ahumada founded the Mision San Miguel la Nueva among the Kumeyaay people, 22 kms to the south of the presentday Rosarito Beach.

very resistant to these attempts, so colonization and evangelization became particularly difficult throughout the peninsula. During more than two centuries, Jesuits, Dominicans and the Franciscan monks tried to get control of the area by founding churches and promoting Christianization. Due to these attempts, different towns were founded, such as La Paz in 1596. Towns like San Felipe were rediscovered years later. With the advance of Christianization, the livelihood of the native groups changed and so did the languages. Epidemic diseases also did their part to deplete their communities. The most serious epidemic was the typhus epidemic of 1742-1744, which probably killed 8,000 Indians. Since then, some of the native groups have struggled to survive and some of them just couldn’t. In 1773, the struggle among the different religious groups generated the definition of a frontier that separated Nueva ("new") or Alta ("upper") California, under the jurisdiction of the Franciscans from Antigua ("old") or Baja ("lower") California, which

San Felipe on the other hand, in the census of 1920, reported only 100 inhabitants. Another census done in 1940 reported 287 inhabitants. A few years later, the company “Industrial del Golfo de Cortes” was founded, and with it the International Port was built along with the highway that connects San Felipe with Mexicali. The first hotel was opened in 1951 and a few more followed in the next decade. The maritime traffic increased business activities in San Felipe and supported its growth. Nowadays, San Felipe’s main economic activities are tourism, shrimping and fishing. In the last decade, the area has seen a lot of growth. New developments with a focus on tourism have been created and the proximity to the United States has made the area very attractive to international tourists. In a normal year, Baja California has more than 20 million visitors -- including tourists who come mainly from Southern California, generating sales of $800 million in the state. The slow start that the area had has now been succeeded by rapid growth, investment and development.



SAN FELIPE Photo Tepeji57




Located just 128 kms (80 miles) south of San Diego.

Ligula nulla pretium, rhoncus fermentum, enim integer volutpat. Nisl turpis est, vel elit, congue wisi enim nunc ultricies sit, tincidunt. Maecenas ligula nostra, taciti.

Aliquet, sagittis, mauris, vel eu libero cras. Interdum at. Eget habitasse sociis elementum est, ipsum purus pede porttitor class, aliquet dolor sed ut auctor.


The port of San Felipe is a friendly,

Nowadays, San Felipe is a thriving

also find locations with ancient cave

hospitable town in the municipality

community of 20,000 inhabitants,

paintings and petroglyphs in the

of Mexicali, the state capital of

with an additional 10,000 from the

nearby town of “Vallecitos". The

Baja, California. The town is

United States, Canada and Europe

dunes, the desert flora and the

located 192 kms (120 miles) south

that visit the town every year or live

mountains that surround San Felipe

of the California border. Located on

there during the winter months.

offer a spectacular panorama.

warm and calm for most of the year.

This beautiful town offers the right

The Sea of Cortez is characterized by

The weather is warmer than the

combination of mountains, desert,

the 10,000 feet deep submarine

towns located east, right at the

valleys, beach and sea. You can enjoy canyons that nourish over 800 species

Pacific Coast, especially in the

the winter snow in the nearby

of fish and a third of the world's

summer months, as it is located

mountains, hot springs on beaches

population of sea mammals

across from the Rumorosa

and a sea habitat of countless marine

(including eight varieties of whales).

Mountains. Temperatures reach over


The islands off the coast are host of a

the Sea of Cortez, its waters are

40 degrees in July and August,

variety of migratory birds that nest

however, from October to March,

San Felipe’s silken and golden sandy

only in this area, including Tern and

temperatures are much milder: from

beaches are great for a stroll, as they

Laser Storm Petrel, a sea bird from

16 to 25 degrees.

include some areas with sections of

the Hydrobatidae family.

boulders and volcanic rock. You can

Photo Tepeji57


What to do... San Felipe offers many activities for

fraction of the cost that you would

services that cross the border to

all ages, families and seniors alike.

pay in Canada or the United States.

deliver your postal mail.

Activities range from fishing, swimming at the local pool, attending San Felipe has digital telephone

With San Felipe's proximity to the

one of the several different

service provided by Telnor (the high

US border, and the new

denominations of churches, playing

technology division of Telmex) and

developments of El Dorado Ranch,

or watching a soccer game at the

cellular telephone service provided

the San Felipe Beach Club and La

local court or even adventure

by Baja Cellular and TelCel.

Ventana del Mar, the area is rapidly

tourism, ecotourism or extreme

Different companies offer dial-up and

becoming a very desirable, yet


walk- in connectivity to the internet

affordable vacation resort

and there are two different mail


Despite being a small town, San Felipe has three Pemex stations that have unleaded gas in both regular and high octane, one of them with diesel. There is a propane plant to refill portable tanks as well as tankers to refill large tanks at your home. There are numerous lumber yards and hardware stores as well as auto part stores. Big Mexican chain superstores such as Calimax and Aurrera are available for your day-to-day needs. Along Malecon and Curio Street, you will find wide selections of glassware, trinket boxes, ceramic planters, decorative metalwork, hand-painted light-switch covers, chessboards, bikinis, humorous Tshirts, children’s toys, intricately assembled shell creations and more. Anything you need can be found in San Felipe, including capable doctors, dentists, engineers and lawyers that offer their services for a

Fernanda Mosqueda



✓ ✓

The The Baja 500 and Baja 1000 races often pass near or through San Felipe. California Motorsport Adventours Off road adventure tours for people of all riding abilities. Everyone welcome: families, couples, friends, single riders, bachelor and corporate groups. Our trips to San Felipe can be done in 4 or 5 days. Begin in San Diego, end in San Felipe. We can also customize tours around the Baja 500 and 1000. Contact the office for reservations and inquiries. Blues Festival. An annual event that normally takes place in April. Many local bands and a great way to enjoy the outdoors during the spring in Mexico [9] Liz Torres

The Sea of Cortez is characterized by the 10,000 feet deel submarine canyons that nourish over 800 species of fish and a third of the world’s population of sea mammals. The dunes, the deset flora and the mountains that sorrund San Felipe offer a spectacular panorama. Fernanda Mosqueda


Hot Springs

descendants of Mr. Rafael Orozco, the founder of Puertecitos. There is

The little town of Puertecitos is

a nice restaurant overlooking the

located 78 kms (48 miles) south of

beautiful bay, as well as barbecue/

San Felipe. This peaceful town has

picnic areas. The site offers

several hot springs with pools of

showers and additional services.

sulfurous water (some leading out

Pool use is subject to an additional

to sea). Some of these pool’s

fee that goes towards the

temperatures can feel extra hot,

maintenance of the site.

almost boiling. The best time to enjoy them is when the fresh water

Sulfurous water is quite beneficial!

from the rising tide lowers the

The minerals in the water have

temperature, making it more of a

positive therapeutic effects on skin

spa-like experience.

disease, women's diseases, asthma, Fernanda Mosqueda

neuralgia, arteriosclerosis, You can reach Puertecitos by

rheumatism and shoulder, neck and

following the road that circumvents wrist pains. They also have a the town. The drive is a pleasant detoxifying and mucolytic effect.

Konsag Island

one, and you’ll pass through lovely

The warm temperature is good to

This stunningly beautiful rock

landscapes and tourist camps that

relax your muscles and helps you

formation located just 33 kms (20

house different types of recreational forget about any troubles you left vehicles, including RV’s, trailers or back home.

miles) east of San Felipe, is home to

tents. The campsite is owned by

including, pelicans, gulls and hawks.

thousands of varieties of seabirds You will also see sea lions and seals, some weighing up to three hundred kilos. There are different species of fish in the area, among them: Curvina, Sierra, Carbrilla, Cochito, milkfish, dogfish, Stingray, Stick and others. The easiest way to get to the island is to charter a boat (45 minute ride) from the Malecon in downtown San Felipe. The island is at the halfway point between San Felipe and Puerto Peñasco, in Sonora. If you are prone to sea sickness, be sure to take the proper

Fernanda Mosqueda



El Picacho del Diablo

Latin America to offer excellent conditions for astronomical m/nanaimo

This is an impressive elevation of

observations, due to the sharpness

the Sierra “San Pedro Martir”, the

of its skies and purity of its

highest of the peninsula that has

atmosphere. The Astronomical

been popularly dubbed "Picacho

Observatory of San Pedro Martir,

del Diablo". This elevation has an

property of the National

altitude of over 10,500 feet above

University of Mexico (UNAM) is

sea level, and is surrounded by

located here. In the winter months,

giant fir and conifer forests, with a it snows a little bit at the mountain fauna composed mainly of deer, and the snow can be seen from the bighorn sheep, bobcats and pumas. town for about a month. At lower altitudes there are streams where This area is considered by

you can catch fish such as trout.

scientists as the second zone in


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Photo Tepeji57


This is a beautiful valley located south of San Felipe, that is home to the Giant Cardon (Camelia Gigantea), an endemic cacti species that settled under the protection of the slopes of Cerro de "Punta Estrella" and gives the place its name: "The Valley of the Giants". Hundreds of ancient Cardones are trimmed in panoramic, beautiful colors that offer unforgettable shows throughout the day as the sun passes. This area is located 14 kms south of the junction on the road to the International Airport of San Felipe. There is a small fee to enter the park. Access is restricted to certain types of vehicles to protect the flora and fauna the place. Firearms, hunting or campfires are not allowed. Bring enough water and enjoy your visit. Fernanda Mosqueda

The Valley of the Giants El Valle de los Gigantes Este hermoso valle que se encuentra al sur de San Felipe, a unos 15 minutos de Punta Estrella es el hogar de la Gigante Camelia, una especie de cactus endémica de la región. Se localiza a 14 kms al sur de la intersección con la carretera al aeropuerto Internacional de San Felipe. Aquí, por solo $10 dólares, podrás observar cientos de Cardones antiguos a lo largo de un recorrido claramente marcado que te llevará a través de esta vegetación y su belleza panorámica. Photo Tepeji57

No te lo puedes perder!


Rancho Mosqueda Contact Rancho Mosqueda (686) 566-1520 or by email: Visit them on Facebook:

Located at Km 53.5 on the San Felipe highway, right on Hardy river, Campo Mosqueda offers camping, kayaking, water skiing and other adventures.

Try fresh prawn at the restaurant and witness the shrimp harvest that takes place there every year in September and October.


Vallecitos, Cave Paintings In nearby "Vallecitos", heading towards the mountain area of La Rumorosa, you will find the only archeological site of Baja, California that is open to the public. This area was once inhabited by the Kumiai, who settled in this area circa 1000 BC. The area, comprised of approximately 160.38 hectares, exhibits a series of petroglyphs and rock paintings, giving visitors an unparalleled experience to contemplate these notable ruins. The site offers a museum and guided tours as well as a camping and barbecue area.


Por Sara Alvarado

Es difícil imaginar a Baja California como depositaria de riquezas arqueológicas de gran importancia como los Grandes Murales rupestres, antiguos vestigios que simplemente te sorprenderán.

calendárico: en la mañana del solsticio de invierno un rayo del sol penetra en el resguardo donde se encuentra, e ilumina directa y exclusivamente los ojos de El Diablito.

El Vallecito, a 5 km al noroeste del pueblo de La Rumorosa, en el extremo norte de la península. Aparte de ser el sitio más conocido del estado, por su ubicación y sus cualidades es la mejor opción para quien hace una sola visita. Ubicado en las cumbres de la sierra de Juárez abarca unas 200 hectáreas. Entre bosquecillos de pinos y agaves existen caprichosas formaciones pétreas que ostentan varios grupos de pictografías que abarcan una amplia gama de temáticas, desde lo abstracto-geométrico hasta lo más figurativo: formas humanoides, astros, y otros.

No lejos de ahí, en el km 57 de la autopista La Rumorosa-Mexicali, encontramos otro sitio formidable junto a una gran roca cúbica. Contiene varias figuras humanoides pintadas, algunas de ellas hechas con trazos blancos sobre paredes oscurecidas por el humo de antiguas hogueras. También hay petroglifos y morteros.

La pintura más famosa del lugar es El Diablito, dibujo antropomórfico de color rojo con dos rayas onduladas sobre la cabeza a modo de cuernitos. Su mérito radica no sólo en la composición, sino en su papel como marcador

¿En qué época fueron trabajadas éstas zonas del estado? Algunos investigadores creen que hubo presencia humana en la península desde hace varias decenas de miles de años, pero la evidencia disponible sólo la demuestra más o menos a partir del año 8000 a.C. Sin embargo, los elementos que mencionamos son más recientes. El procesamiento de bellota y el mortero se calcula que surgió hacia principios de la era cristiana.


Vocabulario Cumbres - summit, peak Ostentan - boast about, - show off Gama - range, spectrum Resguardo - shelter Hogueras - Bonfire, camfire Peñasco - pinnacle Dificultoso - difficult - troublesome Actual - contemporary - current Sobrecogedor - starling - shocking Cirios - altar candle Caserío - group of country houses Coheredera - coheir, coheiress

En cuanto al arte rupestre, la arqueóloga Julia Bendímez, directora del INAH en el estado, señala que la mayoría de las pinturas fueron elaboradas en los últimos mil años, aunque los grabados, más resistentes a la erosión, pueden ser más antiguos.

La Magia de las Pintas

ininteligibles. Este sitio es el más hermoso y sobrecogedor. Su singularidad la debe a la majestuosa soledad del desierto y a las formas únicas de los cirios, que aquí y allá, en medio de las rocas, se yerguen vigilantes.

De Cruces y Colores

Otra zona, más curiosa que bella, a unos 50 km al sureste. Se trata de En Ensenada entre los viñedos de un grupo pequeño, aunque Valle de Guadalupe hay pinturas disperso, de petroglifos a la orilla rojas y blancas en un peñasco junto al rancho El Milagro. Más al del arroyo San Fernando. Más sur, en la carretera transpeninsular, diseños geométricos y trazos en el pueblo de San Vicente Ferrer abstractos, esta vez sobre una rumbo al Rancho de la Llave junto piedra de tono anaranjado. Pero dos dibujos llaman la atención. al arroyo San Vicente donde se eleva una pared rocosa de 10 m de Uno es una cruz latina solitaria. El otro es una composición compleja alto cubierta de petroglifos. Los diseños son todos geométricos, con que parece un barco de vela. ¿Son predominio de líneas rectas (salvo pinturas posteriores a la llegada de los españoles? No son del todo por algunos graffitis), y aunque ajenos al arte rupestre mexicano resultan por completo ininteligibles, son quizá los mejor los motivos occidentales. conservados de todo el noroeste de Podríamos plantear como hipótesis que la emoción ante un nuevo México. mundo tan extraño llevó a los artistas a grabar tales cosas. Hacia el sur, la siguiente zona es Las Pintas, luego de un dificultoso recorrido de 50 km en automóvil y A unos cuantos pasos está la 6 a pie se llega a la zona, consta de misión de San Fernando Velicatá, fundada por el venerable Fray un amplio conjunto de enormes Junípero Serra en 1769; y la costa, rocas entre dos cerros. En la por donde navegaron los galeones superficie de las rocas destacan desde el siglo XVI, está a menos cientos de enigmáticos dibujos de cien km de distancia por un blancos. La cantidad de dibujos y su cuidadoso trazo indican que los terreno relativamente llano. autores expresaron ahí mil cosas importantes, y, no obstante, para el espectador actual son


La cueva pintada de Cataviñá, otros 50 km más al sureste, en la parte rocosa del Desierto Central. El sitio, cercano a dicho caserío, está muy vandalizado, aunque los murales siguen siendo magníficos. Más que una cueva, es una especie de túnel de unos 3 m de largo bajo una colosal roca colgante. El techo semiesférico luce decenas de triángulos, cuadrados y rectángulos rayados, círculos concéntricos, soles como los de El Vallecito... Asombra la variedad de colores en apenas dos o tres metros cuadrados: el negro, proveniente del óxido de manganeso; el ocre, que se obtiene de la hematita (óxido de hierro); el blanco, derivado de

piedras calizas; los más misteriosos amarillos y anaranjados. A unos 130 km al sur ya comienza la zona de Grandes Murales, aquellas otras pinturas monumentales con arte figurativo de tamaño natural y a veces mayor que se encuentran en Baja California Sur. Los colores de Cataviñá son básicamente los mismos que los de los grandes murales.

¡Hola Amigos!

De cualquier modo, queda algo claro que la Península de Baja California, tanto en su parte norte como en el sur, es una gigantesca galería pictórica. Y en ello también muestra su raíz mexicana: como el resto del país es coheredera de una plástica milenaria extraordinaria.

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It is totally worth it to travel south up to the border with Baja California Sur. You will reach San Francisquito and San Luis Gonzaga and enjoy magnificent, almost virgin beaches. Make sure you bring all your supplies before heading south and a 4x4 would be really handy due to not so great [18] Fernanda Mosqueda


Hotel Perla, a Hotel with History The Hotel Perla is not only one of the most prestigious hotels in La Paz; its’ history is rooted in the work and vision of entrepreneurs committed to the state.

social gatherings and roundtables are lived out daily.

Its birth and continuity has been closely linked to the people from the state of Baja California Sur; particularly to the locals from La In 1940, the President of Mexico at Paz (known as peceños). It is the time, Lazaro Cardenas, cut the important to mention that the first ribbon of the first tourist hotel owners of the hotel were around the Baja California Sur Spaniards, who, after experiencing territory, which is now officially a a lack of money to run the state. business, released the Hotel shares to the general public for sale. The Since then, this hotel has been a shares cost $1.00 peso, and that is model of La Paz as a tourist the reason why it is said that the destination, located on the main hotel was built with the life blood promenade of the capital. The of the society. hotel has been an active part of local history since it is a place of Years later, Mr. Adolfo Coronado rest, but it has also taken part in Pimienta bough all the shares and important national events. This he became the sole proprietor of hotel has been the temporary the Hotel Perla; the jewel of the residence of great personalities costal waterfront of La Paz. from all over the world, where


Since it was opened, this magical hotel has been the social center of the city; the place of the busiest dance, the venue for celebrations, where couples have met and where fiancees have found love and were married. The Hotel has been an important part in local celebrations of great tradition as the black and white dance “el baile blanco y negro” or the carnival of La Paz. This place has been the venue of this type of festival even today. The carnival queen stays and gets ready here. In the royal court, down the steps of the building, she attends her coronation in the main esplanade of the city’s waterfront. The Hotel Perla is undoubtedly one of the jewels in the history of Baja California Sur. It boasts of having the best view to enjoy the sunset, a fantastic atmosphere, impeccable service as well as exquisite food and drinks. This place is waiting for you to enjoy delving into the history of this city of pearls. Its’ walls keep countless stories of ancient and novel generations of this capital city; therefore, saying that it is an icon of hospitality in La Paz is to also recognize their great mark on our heritage.

Guerrero Negro is a city in Baja California on the edge of the Vizcaino Desert just south of the state border about halfway down the peninsula. It is best known for the whale watching, although its primary industry is salt. Guerrero Negro is the place with the highest concentration of grey whales in the world. The whale watching tours in this area are almost mandatory, Also, visit the largest salt works in the world, bird watching in winter, giant sand dunes and one of the largest concentrations of Osprey's in the world (they hatch by the end of february), Malarrimo Restaurant have a little museum on the bar side with a nice collection of flotsam recovered from Malarrimo Beach. There were sand blasted bottles, fishing floats from japan, pieces of ships, wooden oars, round army containers about three feet long and eight inches in diameter, lots of construction helmets and a wooden ships wheel, etc. Eco-Tours Malarrimo was the first private operator permitted by the mexican government to conduct tours in the area; still in this days, Malarrimo Ecotours it's the most popular whale watching tour in town. [20] Fernanda Mosqueda

LOS VERBOS EN PRESENTE El Presente rt what is used to repo sically, is se n te t n . Ba The prese t is true now t tense: a h w d n a g happenin the presen ree uses of there are th ght now” present - “ri The specific edia son las 8 y m present: - It is 8:30 yet enclosed The broader, s voy al cine ole - Cada miérc sent: ongoing pre ttawa l, ra e The gen nO inistro vive e - El Primer M ” and “IR”. on “AR”, “ER d n e s rb ve Spanish bject you need a su , ce n te n se ke the To create a conjugate ta To . rb ve a ping the pronoun and em) by strip st r (o add the se a b verb r ending and -i r -e r -a s it infinitive of mple: endings. Exa you the -ar, and ve o m re r: a min en add the To Walk = Ca erb base. Th v e th , in m a have c Ending Yo camino camin + o = + o Y = lk a IW

















caminAMOS corrEMOS











Cd, track 3

Completa utilizando los verbos en paréntesis 1.Mis amigos _________________ (comer) pizza los viernes 2. Juan _________________ (estudiar) francés en el verano 3. Marta y Jaime _________________ (escuchar) música navideña en diciembre 4. Bárbara y yo ___________________ (estar) enojados 5. María y yo ___________________ (bailar) en la plaza los sábados de marzo 6. Yo ___________________ (leer) un libro interesante siempre en abril 7. Miguel y tu ___________________ (escribir) cartas a Mariana 8. Tu _______________________ (ir) al cine los domingos 9. Martín __________________ (ser) muy trabajador 10. Jimena __________________ (comprar) zapatos nuevos



Meses del año















Pronunciation Hints • Pronouncing Spanish letters and words often requires you to open your mouth more than you do in English and to curve the corners of your mouth slightly upward. • The letters b and v are pronounced exactly alike in Spanish. To distinguish one letter from the other in spelling, one says “b grande” (big b) and “v chica” (little v) for v. • The “rr” represents a single sound and is considered a single letter.

Agosto Septiembre Octubre

• The letter “x” is the only one with different pronunciation as it was inherited from native languages of Mexico. • “Ch” is no longer considered a letter, it is pronounced as in Chihuahua.

Noviembre Diciembre

Lee y ordena los meses del año. ¿Tu que haces cada mes? 1-En

mayo practico kayac con mis amigos

2-En diciembre, mi familia se reúne para celebrar la Navidad. 3-En enero visito las playas cálidas de México 4-En septiembre veo a mis nietos irse a la escuela 5-En abril comienzo los trabajos en mi jardín. 6-En noviembre estudio mucho español. 7-En febrero regreso a casa de la playa. 8-En agosto voy a acampar a alguna isla. 9-En julio visito a mis padres en su casa de campo. 10-En junio empiezo la cosecha de vegetales de mi jardín. 11-En octubre adorno mi casa por la noche de brujas.

¿Qué mes faltó? [22]

Cd, track 2

TENEMOS UNA RESERVACION - WE HAVE A RESERVATION Los señores Smith acaban de llegar al Hotel Camino Real en Ciudad México. Ahora hablan con la empleada del hotel sobre su reservación. - Empleada: ¡Buenos días, señores! ¿En qué puedo servirles? - Sr. Smith: Somos los señores Smith. Tenemos una reservación para dos personas, por tres noches.

- Sr. Smith: Si, permítame - el Sr. Smith busca en sus bolsillos y saca su pasaporte- aquí tiene. - Empleada: Muy bien, permítame un momento - después de verificar la identificación y tomar algunas notas en su computadora -... Su habitación está en el segundo piso, es la 235 y da a la calle. Tiene una vista muy bonita. - Sr. Smith: Muchas gracias

- Empleada: Aquí tiene su llave. El elevador se encuentra frente a la - Empleada: Claro que sí, permítame tienda de regalos. ¿Van a necesitar un momento - la empleada busca estacionamiento? en su computadora-... Muy bien, Señor, efectivamente tenemos una reservación a nombre de los Señores Smith por tres noches. ¿Desea una cama doble o dos sencillas? - Sr. Smith: Una cama doble, por favor. La habitación tiene baño privado, ¿no? - Empleada: Por supuesto señor. - Sr. Smith: ¿Y tiene tiene aire acondicionado? - Empleada: Así es. - Sr. Smith: Muy bien, ¿Cuánto es por noche?. - Empleada: Sesenta dólares por noche. Aceptamos tarjetas de crédito. - Sr. Smith: Prefiero pagar con cheques de viajero. - Empleada: Perfecto. Necesito una identificación con fotografía por favor.

- Sr. Smith: No señorita, no tenemos auto. - Empleada: Está bien. El desayuno se sirve en el restaurante Los espejos desde las 7:00 de la mañana hasta las 10:30 am y la cena a partir de las 7:00 de la noche y hasta las 10:00 pm. - Sr. Smith: Gracias. ¿A qué hora debemos desocupar la habitación? - Empleada: A la una. ¿Necesita ayuda con su equipaje? - Sr. Smith?: Si por favor. - Empleada: Un momento por favor - la empleada hace una seña y llama al botones- El botones les va a subir las maletas en un momento. Muchas gracias y bienvenidos. - Sr. Smith?: Gracias por su ayuda señorita.


Tracks 4 and 5

Palabras claves en contexto: empleada, la Celia es una empleada del Hotel Miramar. Trabaja en la recepción. cama, la La cama es donde dormimos. Este dormitorio tiene dos camas habitación, la Una habitación es un cuarto. En este hotel el número de mi habitación es el 547. cheque de viajero, el Nosotros usamos cheques de viajero en lugar de dinero en efectivo. bolsillo, el Mi pantalón tiene bolsillos para guardar mi cartera. piso, el Nuestra casa tiene dos pisos. La sala, la cocina y el comedor están abajo y los dormitorios están arriba llave, la Necesito la llave para abrir la puerta. estacionamiento, el Nuestro auto está en el estacionamiento. desayuno, el Nosotros comemos el desayuno en la mañana. cena, la Nosotros comemos la cena en la noche. botones, el Un botones es un empleado de un hotel. Lleva las maletas por los clientes.

Retiree Benefits in Mexico With either an FM-2 or an FM-3 residence visa, you can: •

Sign up for Mexico’s national health insurance coverage, called IMSS. This has a top rate of less than $300 a year— for both medical care and medicines. Get a senior citizen’s card once you’re 60 years old through INAPAM, Mexico’s national senior citizens’ organization. With an INAPAM card from your Mexican state government, you can get discounts off a variety of

goods and services, including medical care and devices; airline and bus tickets; entrance fees to concerts, museums, and archaeological sites; and even get a discount on your property taxes. With an FM-3 you can bring your foreign-plated car to Mexico and keep it here. If you switch to an FM-2 you’ll need to get a Mexican-plated car. With the FM-2 you can be exempt from capital gains tax when you sell a Mexican property, just as Mexicans are.


Time to think about your Permanent Vacation

Mauricio Butron Sanchez

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Photo Tepeji57 ®


making your retirement move. You could scout for property in One of the best places in the Mexico during long weekends world to retire is Mexico as you consider your move, and once you are here, you could drive back to the U.S. or Are you considering retiring in Canada to spend holidays with some place warm and exotic your friends and family. And without giving up life’s because of great cellular conveniences? Then you coverage and widely available should definitely consider high-speed Internet, Mexico is retiring in Mexico. The U.S.’s southern neighbor consistently also appealing to an increasing makes International Living’s list number of professionals and of the 5 top countries to live in. business people who semiMexico boasts a great quality of retire to Mexico while continuing to work and manage life, natural beauty, modern their companies…while sitting infrastructure, and safety. on a beach with a laptop. You should also consider retirement in Mexico because it countries/mexico/retire/ offers you proximity to the United States, which in turn gives you more flexibility in

RETIRE IN MEXICO Did you miss out on previous issues of All México? Order online! Visit: for details

Contact us for classes, additional learning materials, upcoming events and so much more. Foto Tepeji57 ®


Discover Mexico, drive south and adventure yourself in amazing beacher and breathtaking views. All Mexico, the Pacific Coast will go with you every step of the way.

[26] Fernanda Mosqueda

EL TURISTA TORPE (The Bumbling Tourist) by Tomás Guzmán

Follow-up Question: But is there any chance that I will understand my Mexican victim’s response to my blathering?

Question: My “command” of Spanish is really pathetic. Should I even attempt speaking it at all when I’m in México? After all, if a Mexican even figures out what I’m trying to say, I certainly won’t know what she/he is saying in response. Answer: Actually, there is a clear answer to your question. Absolutely, do speak your clumsy Spanish. You are making the effort to meet Mexicans on their terms and they deeply appreciate that. You will find most people to be incredibly patient with your Spanish, far more patient than they would be with your English (even if they have some). There’s an expression in Spanish “meter las patas” which means, more or less, “to just jump in with both feet”. You’ll thrash around a bit but I assure you, you’ll stay afloat, and slowly but surely, dog paddle toward to your destination.

Answer: It’s a whole lot easier to make sense out of a foreign language when you have narrowed down the possible subject that is being discussed. You begin to predict what the answer might be and listen for words that come close to your prediction. Facial expressions, body language, good will, a smattering of English words, and the promised joy of understanding go a loooooong way to finding success. If all really does fail (highly unlikely), shrug your shoulders, smile, shake hands, and wish each other ¡Buena suerte! (good luck). You’ll be walking away from a newly-made amigo.

Contact Spanish World for information and to access fantastic discounts and promotions at the best schools in Mexico, Guatemala and South America (250)585-1888


Tony Freeman ®

PelĂ­cula de Cine Alternaivo A smart, surprising story by creative Sylvia Andrews.

Montevideo Discover this city along with Lynn Welburnn.

Rebote A fun, beautifully written story of strength, heartache and love... life. By Kim Moes.

NEW FROM SPANISH WORLD Javier and other Easy to Read Spanish Stories

This new book published by Spanish World offers you interesting Spanish and English stories side by side so you can practice and improve your reading skills in Spanish, with the support of your native language. As you read, you can check your comprehension by comparing the two versions of the story. Â

Learn more at or give us a call (250) 585-1888 [28]

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