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Bowling club rolls to SJSU
Serving San José State University since 1934 Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Volume 134, Issue 52
Alumni sow seeds of Veggielution Counseling demand rises at SJSU Melissa Sabile Staff Writer
SJSU alumna Amie Frisch works on her “Veggielution” farm at the Emma Prusch Farm Park. Veggielution’s roots lie in SJSU alumni Frisch and Mark Medieros, who, nearly two years ago, transferred their backyard garden project to a nonprofit community farm of 1/6-acres — a sliver of the 47-acre Prusch Park at Story and South King roads. Outgrowing its small plot, Veggielution entered into a temporary agreement with the City of San Jose in late June 2009 for additional expansion efforts toward a large-scale, one-acre, educational and community farm to encourage residents to help the city become a more sustainable community, according to a District 5 newsletter by council member Nora Campos in August 2009. This spring marks the second year Veggielution will host its 10-week youth program in partnership with The Health Trust, with activities focused on food systems, sustainable agriculture, health, nutrition, community and leadership skills, according to the Veggielution website. During its first year with one-acre at the park, Veggielution produced 3,917 pounds of food, according to its website. CUTLINE STORY BY HANNAH KEIRNS, PHOTO BY KIRSTEN AGUILAR / SPARTAN DAILY
The demand for counseling services at SJSU has increased — in the past two years, the amount of students being seen at the counseling center has doubled, the interim director of counseling services said. “It’s happening for a couple of reasons,” she said. “One reason is, here at counseling services, we have been going out to make sure that students know that we are a resource for them on campus.” She said the counseling center has been providing more outreach presentations, and with two educational counselors who have been doing workshops, the counseling center is reaching a lot more students. “Part of every time we go out to do a workshop or a presentation, we talk with all the students about the counseling services that is here for them, that the student fees pay for them, and encourage people to come in,” Thames said. “We’re trying to counter the stigma of coming in for mental health.” Delia Najera, a senior social work major, said there is definitely a stigma that goes along
with counseling services. “People tend to think only crazy people go to counseling,” she said. “They think that they have to handle their problems themselves or they are seen as weak.” She said that, if students were to see friendlier faces, they would be more inclined to go into the counseling center and seek help. Thames said the increase of students seen in counseling has been a steady rise across the country and in the last two years the economy crisis has given the counseling services an extra boost. Thames said SJSU students are hard workers, as many of them hold jobs while in school. “I think the struggles and the economy had really hurt them,” she said. “They are worried and trying to get as much help as they can. I applaud our students for coming in. They are doing everything they can to help themselves.” SJSU President Jon Whitmore said that the rise in numbers within the counseling department is nationwide. “There’s a growth in the
See HEALTH, Page 2
University policy SJSU forces student’s early graduation protects petitioners Amber Simons Staff Writer
Kevin Hume Staff Writer Petitioners on SJSU’s campus can be sketchy, said a graduate student in social work. “I ultimately don’t know where these signatures are going to,” Larisa Karvon said. “Whenever they do ask me (to sign), I typically avoid them or say that I don’t have time.” Stuart Shiraishi, a senior liberal studies major, said petitioners have a right to be here. “They’re free to do whatever they please, just like I’m free to either sign or not sign,”
Shiraishi said. Official university policy is that people are free to petition others as long as they do not disrupt any classes or university operations, said Sgt. Manuel Aguayo, a public information officer for University Police Department. “So long as they’re not in the middle of things, obstructing people, ... that’s OK,” Aguayo said. “It has to be in a public place where people are free to go about.” Aguayo said it is fine for
See PETITION, Page 8
Elizabeth Medina shuffled through a stack of papers, important documents and copies of e-mails, all representing her fight to remain a student at SJSU, while her son toyed with the doorknob in a quiet room of King Library. “I should have brought more toys,” she said in response to her son, who wandered around the room, as would any 2-yearold. Medina has been fighting with the university to continue taking classes toward a degree in animation and illustration, along with her second degree in English, since she has accumu-
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Check out the top places at SJSU to walk your dog at, a Top 3 blog by staff writer Lidia Gonzalez.
lated more than 120 units and is being forced to graduate. “She’s not going to stop fighting,” said Alice Carter, professor in the animation and illustration department. “If she gets no for an answer she will keep fighting, because I think she believes that an injustice has been done here, and I agree.” President Jon Whitmore said at an April 15 news conference that to make room for new students, the old students need to graduate. “We’re trying to weigh the fact that there are a whole bunch of people who want to get in here,” he said. “And the idea of a state education is the state supports you. I mean, this
Hi: 78° Lo: 55°
Hi: 77° Lo: 55°
According to the Presidential Directive 2009-05, all students who have earned 165 units or more must have applied for graduation by Oct. 1, 2009; students with between 150 and 164 units must have applied by Oct. 15, 2009; students with between 135 and 149 by Dec. 1 and students with between 120 and 134 units must apply by Feb. 2010. Eloise Stiglitz, associate vice president of student affairs, said the directive means that any student with more than 120 units needs to move toward graduation. She said students are guaranteed one degree, not two.
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is a hard concept.” Whitmore said students may feel like they’re paying a lot of money for tuition, but the state is really paying about $15 thousand per year for each student. “So, I think it’s fair at some point to say, if you’ve got one or two classes left to graduate, we need the space,” he said. “In an ideal world, maybe you could stay here forever, but you’ve really been supported well by the state for, in some cases, six or seven years – let’s make room for someone else. And I think that’s a fair philosophy and policy.” Medina said she was waiting on a response from Whitmore about her appeal — he denied her appeal.
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