62.5 Spartan Echo

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Vol. 62, I ssue 5


Stories Inside

NSU back on track, a letter from Interim President and CEO Eddie N. Moore, Jr. Page 7

The NAACP makes a visit to NSU. Page 2

The Labor Day Classic to return in 2016 Page 5

Homeless NSU students speak out Antonio Garland

On Norfolk State’s campus, many go about their daily routines with no knowledge of the number of homeless students surrounding them, unaware in class that they could be sitting next to one of the homeless. The campus has students with no permanent residence; however, it is difficult to keep track of them. Because of this, it makes finding the exact number of how many there are a difficult task. According to the Office of Institutional Research, Assessment and Planning, using the information filled out on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), there are nine homeless students currently enrolled this semester. One homeless student talked about coming to Virginia to live with their father. Due to money troubles, the student and their father got behind on rent, eventually becoming evicted from their residence. The student spoke of how they grew up fast from their experience of moving from neighborhood to neighborhood, but gained insight on how to carry on if they lost everything they owned, which is something most people wouldn’t be prepared for. The student said that people don’t think about homeless situations because they are only focused on themselves; however, “It takes

a special type of person to care, to step up, help and give advice.” Garland Wright, a junior political science major, who’s also a homeless student, feels that the school knows of the homeless, but doesn’t want to talk about

“...I’m willing to step up and reveal myself; because yes, I have a story to tell.” them. Wright has been an activist in the community and pushed 200 people into registering to vote. He feels that some of his goodwill should be returned. “We’re [an] HBCU. We’re black people. I have a financial situation. Why can’t they help me out?,”Wright said. Both students described the mental strain of their situation. Wright has been diagnosed with depression. The other student constantly worries about where their next meal will come from, having to dash off campus to a soup kitchen and back every day. The two decided to tell their stories to bring awareness about homeless students on campus. “Everyone has a right to privacy,” said Wright. “However, I’m willing to

Although the percentage of Norfolk State’s homeless students is relatively small, it should never be overlooked. Photo by Tykhari Coles

step up and reveal myself; because yes, I have a story to tell.” “Life isn’t going to make it easy for you to succeed,” said the other student. “It’s going to give you challenges. But, at the same time, it gives you answers. A lot of people don’t see the signs.” Homeless students see their situation as another obstacle in their life path. They don’t want pity from others, but want people to see them for who they are. A few students expressed their thoughts on the homeless college students. “It’s sad and shocking,” said Kayla Arrington, a freshman sociology major.

“It’s really surprising. I would’ve never guessed,” said Saquoia Green, a sophomore nursing major. “Just because they’re homeless doesn’t mean they can’t get an education,” said Anissa Saunders, a sophomore nursing major. NSU is no different than any other college. According to money.cnn.com, in December 2013, there were 58,158 students nationwide that indicated that they were homeless on federal financial aid forms during the 2012-2013 academic year, eight percent more than the previous year. It’s expected to increase this year.

SPARTAN ECHO| Norfolk State University 700 Park Avenue Norfolk, Virginia 23504|NEWSROOM: 757.823.8200 E-Mail: spartanecho@nsu.edu

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