64.5 Spartan Echo

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Vol. 64, Issue 5

New Brown Hall has much in store for future students by Malik Glaspie and Tiana Allen

In this artist's rendering, the new Brown Hall will look like this from Corprew Avenue once it's complete. A redesign of the clock entrance pays homage to the history and legacy of the original Brown Hall. Photo from Norfolk State University.

Brown Memorial Hall has been a notable facility throughout its history at Norfolk State. It has been two years since it was partially torn down in 201 4 due to future plans of reconstruction, set to be finished in 201 7. The Spartan Echo had a chance to sit down and talk with the lead architects behind the

construction of Brown and learn more about the building and the new features to come in the near future. Brown will be approximately 1 54,000 square feet and sits three stories tall. It's location sits south of Brown Theater that was a part of the original building. The total cost of the construction of Brown is $61 million.

The construction team had several meetings with faculty, staff, and the newly appointed Provost until a conclusion emerged. Architect Jeremy Maloney said "You learn everyone's style, so you know that when we talk to one person we need to show it this way. Another person is more descriptive, so they want

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Obama’s presidency was full of major accomplishments by Omar Ross

unemployment rates and helped millions of President Barack uninsured people be Obama has served as President of the United able to get insurance and healthcare. After five States for eight years and, as his second term presidents over a comes to a close, he has century failed to create established a legacy of universal health insurance, Obama many major accomplishments during signed the Affordable Care Act (201 0). It will his terms in office that cover 32 million have helped make the uninsured Americans United States a better beginning in 201 4 and place. Since 2008, President mandates a suite of Obama has been making experimental measures to cut health care cost changes and growth, the number one improvements. He has cause of America’s longhelped the job market term fiscal problems. grow, reduced

He ended the war in Iraq and ordered all U.S. military forces out of the country and the last troops left on December 1 8, 2011 . He passed a stimulus and signed a $787 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in 2009 to spur economic growth amid the greatest recession since the Great Depression. Weeks after that stimulus went into effect, unemployment claims began to subside. Twelve months later, the private sector began

President Barack Obama speaks at a campaign event for Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton at Osceola County Stadium in Kissimmee, Fla., Sunday, Nov. 6, 201 6. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

SPARTAN ECHO | Norfolk State University 700 Park Avenue Norfolk, Virginia 23504 | (757) 823-8200 | spartanecho@nsu.edu

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