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SPASA Australia continues to grow and evolve as our national industry association and the last 12 months are no exception. With the finalisation of the merger of SA, QLD and NSW/ACT into SPASA Australia and the acquisition of SPLASH!, the board and leadership teams have been focussed on consolidating the associations corporate structure, services and member benefits.
It is important to take time to pause and reflect on the journey of SPASA Australia and what has been achieved in a short period of time. The unification of SA, NSW/ACT & QLD into SPASA Australia have led to operational synergies, cost reductions and combined assets in excess of $3.7 million which will now open up opportunities only considered a pipe dream three years ago. The board remains committed to ensuring the balance between financial security and investment. Our investment strategy is directed equally to ensuring we serve our members and stakeholders into the future while maintaining a sustainable operating model.
SPASA WA have partnered with SPASA Australia as an Association Member and financially contributed through their membership in the development of services and infrastructure to help with representation, training, member benefits and services in which the WA member base has benefitted from. SPASA Victoria continue to remain independent without a formal membership arrangement but participate in the national awards program and we will continue to offer collaboration and open communication for the benefit of all members. Training for builders and technicians continues to be a priority. SPASA Australia is the only dedicated Registered Training Organisation in Australia for the industry and our commitment to lifting the educational and training benchmark is unwavering.
The Pool and Spa Expos continue to grow with each passing year, both in numbers of exhibitors and attendees. There is no better opportunity for our members to engage with current and future pool owners. It is with great anticipation that we look forward to the nation’s largest trade expo with the SPLASH! Conference in 2018. Under the new management of SPASA Australia, we are excited about the opportunities that exist for our industry by brining everyone together for the many events that are on offer.
Likewise, the Awards of Excellence Gala Dinners across the country attracted representatives from far and wide to help celebrate the Best of the Best. These Awards always provide an opportunity to meet and network with our peers and competitors in an atmosphere of celebration.
A national vision and strategy is only as good as the support it receives. In this regard, I would like to thank my fellow board members for their time and commitment to making the industry association better with each year. SPASA Australia board members work in an honorary capacity – they all work extremely hard and give liberally their time through the year.
Without the commitment of these generous people an association could not function. I would like to acknowledge and thank Directors John O’Brien, Andrew Jakovac, Robert Guthrie, Trent Moran, Adam Jaworski and Rob Kruber as well as the Alternative Directors, Lorenzo Peressin, Ernie Bevilaqua, Duncan Smith and Troy Cartwright that are at times called upon.
The staff of SPASA Australia are dedicated, committed and passionate about our industry. This is evident when they continually go above and beyond what is required. The appointment of Lindsay McGrath as CEO has enabled the association to become what it is today. He has set a new benchmark of professionalism, corporate governance and built the association into a sustainable national body with a clear strategic direction.
Lindsay is surrounded by a strong team that are driven to make our industry better and on behalf of the Board and the Members, thank you to all of the SPASA Australia staff. I would like to make special mention to Spiros Dassakis and the industry volunteers that participate in technical committees or represent our industry with Standards Australia to review and upgrade standards. Often a time consuming and thankless job but nonetheless one that has to be done and the industry is indebted to you. Finally to our members, without you, there is no association. You believed in SPASA Australia and came with us on the journey into a single entity. We now better represent all sectors of the industry and are ever expanding to recognise and include other sectors that form part of the swimming pool and spa industry. As a united industry with consolidated resources we are well positioned to promote pools and spas against other industries. At SPASA Australia, we are determined in our drive to continually improve, set new standards and ask the question – How can we add value to our members and then in turn better the customer experience? This is our commitment to you, the member.
This will be my last year as Chairperson of SPASA Australia after four years. I feel privileged to have served the industry and been a part of the development of the national association. I urge members of our industry to get involved and make a difference even if this is at a local level to begin with. Succession planning at all levels is key to ensuring a thriving association. It all matters.
I wish all our members a prosperous and successful 2018 and look forward to your continued participation and support.
Lynley Papineau