CEO Update
Chris Samartzis, CEO - MPBAA
So here we are, with more than half the year already gone. In the past six months, we have dealt with Omicron, a federal “Our industry election, rising interest rates and a continues to grow at booming construction sector during a levels not seen for many profitless boom. years and it is imperative that we have an idea of what We have recently corresponded with small the next 12 - 18 months This edition of Aqua Magazine also business ministers at both a federal and state could look like with highlights the Australian Pool and level, outlining to them the dire need for a ‘Rise rising inflation and Spa Awards which were held at the and Fall’ clause in domestic building contracts. interest rates.” glamorous Melbourne Convention and Our advocacy efforts are important to align our industry with potential policy formation at all levels of government. This important progressive update to legislation is required immediately to help alleviate further erosion of construction sector insolvencies. Notwithstanding the cost pressures experienced by many in our industry, it is important to point out the outstanding work that our members have been doing throughout this period to meet their obligations. Our industry continues to grow at levels not seen for many years and it is imperative that we have an idea of what the next 12-18 months could look like with rising inflation and interest rates. This will undoubtedly have an impact on consumer sentiment in the short to medium term. In the same vein, I find it extraordinary that others may seek to disrupt proven and decades long consumer events that encourage industry growth. With supplier exhibitors being forced to choose only serves to divide and confuse, with no obvious benefit. It’s incumbent upon not-for-profit organisations to champion good governance and as custodians of member funds, there is a fiduciary duty to ensure that strategic objectives align with the best interests of the member base. Here at MPBAA, we take our stewardship seriously and decisions are always made with members’ best interests in mind. As our brand continues to grow and gain momentum interstate, we envisage that pool and spa builders will embrace a new direction and attitude to representative bodies and seek out alignment with an organisation that champions their interests first and foremost. For those with an interest to join a progressive and focused peak member body, we invite all pool and spa builders - plus associates - to visit our website and register their interest.
Exhibition Centre (MCEC) in July. With the cover band QUEEN Forever entertaining guests, our award winners were once again in the spotlight and we would like to congratulate all the entrants who have shown a superior level of skill and craftsmanship that does justice to Master Pool Builders Association Australia. In this issue you will find all the award winners who continue to raise the bar when it comes to design, ingenuity, innovation, enduring quality and craftsmanship. It’s also important to note that not just anyone can become a member of MPBAA. We have always ensured that only those who align with our values, ethics and standards can utilise our branding, which is seen by the consumer as a bright and shining beacon in the Australian aquatics industry. This deliberate strategy of pursuing high standards honors Australia’s enduring connection to and love of, the pool / spa, and sustains the strength of the industry that enables it. Our team is comprised of a range of pool and spa builders and we lean on their expertise to engage, learn, consult and mentor our members by sharing meaningful insights and expertise. Join the best in the industry and separate yourself from others as true professionals by elevating “In this issue you will yourself as a Master find all the award winners Pool / Spa Builder in who continue to raise the Australia.
bar when it comes to design,
For membership ingenuity, innovation, enduring enquiries please visit quality and craftsmanship. It’s also important to note or contact Heather on that not just anyone can become a member of