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The message to NSW Developers & Builders is
...become visibly trustworthy
David Chandler, OAM, the NSW Building Commissioner published an article on LinkedIn in April 2021 with a very strong message.
He writes: “Over the last two weeks we have presented to over 1000 NSW developers, constructors, certifiers, lawyers, insurers, financiers and consumers. It would be hard to imagine any in the industry missing our messaging.
We want to get the industry’s customers confident to do business with the trusted players. We are working with a growing group of developers and builders who have had enough of unbranded players operating in the shadows, doing so much damage. That is not to say that everyone else doesn’t need to lift their game.”
This article can be viewed in full by visiting the following link:
https://www.linkedin. com/pulse/messagensw-developersbuilders-become-visiblydavid-chandler-oam/
The article provides a glimpse into the future by providing some ide of what restored confidence looks like.
David Chandler’s list is:
• NSW the preferred state for purchasers to invest in new apartment buildings
• NSW regarded by financiers as a preferred market to finance new projects
• NSW regarded as a preferred risk and insurable market by insurers
• Branded developers in NSW regarded as preferred and trustworthy
• Construct NSW to help facilitate plus 20,000 apartment starts from 2023
• Change the public perception of our industry to attract tomorrow constructors.
The LinkedIn article provides links to the growing amount of resources to help industry and consumers.
The OBC and regulatory teams are available to attend industry forums to engage with key stakeholders directly. They can share their work and answer questions.
The key messages are;
• Developers are the people with most influence - they hire the designers, they appoint their builders and they appoint their certifiers. Developers are the single interface with the industry’s customers. They make the promise to deliver quality, compliant buildings
• The NSW Building Regulator is now deploying powerful new digital and data analytics capabilities to proactively drive a more capable and compliant industry than ever before
• The full kit of new regulations that underpin these changes will be in place by July 2021
• The industry’s professional associations need to become professional and take a shared responsibility to ensure their members are capable, ethical and accountable
• When all developers demand that designers and constructors use qualified practitioners the demand for good players will follow. If they continue to shop the lowest priced rogues who will only do what they can get away with, there will be consequences
• The cost of doing it right, is way cheaper than the cost of doing it again, as a number of developers and constructors are now finding in NSW - no apologies