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Pool Angel

How does becoming a registered Pool Angel partner benefit your pool building business?
Being able to offer the latest pool safety solution either as an optional extra or as a built-in part of your offering will distinguish you from others offering a similar service.
Installation is simple and the cost is insignificant as a proportion of the total cost of a pool build but the added peace of mind you offer to your customers is priceless.
How do Pool Angel cameras differ from regular security cameras?
Security cameras can detect that something or someone is present in the field of view where previously it was not, and they can alert someone to this fact.
Pool Angel cameras are smart. They use AI to interpret what is detected and determine what level of alert is appropriate. A wild animal encroaching on the pool area at 2am might provide intriguing video to watch later but does not require a wake-up alarm.
An adult entering the pool area when the pool is not in use might be deemed worthy of an alert. A child entering the same area while no adult is present warrants an emergency alarm.
Should my customers be concerned about privacy?
The feed from cameras is secured and is only being ‘watched’ by the AI, which ‘sees’ a digital representation of what is in the field of view; imagine a sort of ‘stick-figure’ view of the world.
Humans are only involved when an alert is raised, and then only authorised individuals may view the feed from a camera in order to respond. There is no need for a customer to be worried that they are being watched as they enjoy using their pool.
We already include a fence as part of the installation; why do we need a camera too?
Even in countries where a pool fence is mandatory, children still die by drowning. Experience shows that child drownings in this context can occur when the fence falls into disrepair and the child exploits a gap, or when the gate is not correctly latched or has been left open for adult convenience.
Children have even been known to climb over the fence, sometimes using garden furniture to assist. Almost universally, the tragedy occurs during a very short window of time when supervising adults are unaware that the child is in the pool area and in most cases the adults are only a short distance away.
It is in just these circumstances that Pool Angel is most effective, raising an alarm as soon as a child traverses the virtual border around the pool area and so giving adults the time to respond before the child enters the water.
What does Pool Angel hope to achieve?
A cynical response would be to suggest that parents ‘should supervise their children like they did in the old days’.
The truth is that children do not drown in pools because of lack of parental care; such accidents happen because the child manages to find their way into the pool while the parent believes they are safe somewhere else.
Pool Angel does not claim to be a substitute for close adult supervision while children enjoy swimming, but it does provide an extra layer of security around the pool area, giving adults vital extra seconds to respond if a child should unexpectedly find their way into the pool area.
In our view, there is no acceptable level of child drownings; our goal is that no family should suffer the heartache of losing a child to drowning in their own swimming pool.