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Key Projects

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Urban street life

Urban street life

As a continuation of the masterplan, five key projects have been identified. These five are all important in the realisation of the masterplan and focus on different aspects.

The 1st is located along Frölundagatan, the street connecting Mölndal centre to Eklanda. This key project works with the agricultural land as a connector between two neighbourhoods and the green street for food production.


The 2nd key project details a section of Bifrostgatan which, accompanied by the new park and housing, is turned into a lively urban green street. The main focus of the project is the park and the zones within it, creating affordances for humans and other species.

The 3rd key project develops the densification area and new urban park between Mölndalsån and the E6 highway. This project tackles a difficult but important location in the city, making it into an accessible and attractive public space.

The 4th key project is situated in the old industrial area of Forsåker. The project focuses on densification and connecting east and west Mölndal to each other.

The 5th key project focuses on green typologies. The project maps and elaborates greenery on different scales, both in general but also how it relates to the context of Mölndal.

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