Master’s International
The School of Public and Environmental Affairs’ (SPEA) Master’s International (MI) enables students to incorporate both the practical, in-country experience of Peace Corps and the academic training that SPEA’s nationally recognized master’s degree programs offer. The MI candidate may seek admission to any of SPEA’s master’s degree programs: Master of Public Affairs (MPA); Master of Science in Environmental Science (MSES); or the dual MPA-MSES that fully integrates science and policy in an expedited academic design (5 semesters). Candidates who are considering SPEA’s MI are encouraged to pursue one or more of SPEA’s concentrations in energy, environmental policy and natural resource management, international development, or sustainability and sustainable development. The application process involves admission to a SPEA’s master’s degree program, as well as a nomination to Peace Corps. Those interested should submit applications to SPEA by February 1. The designation of MI may be extended once the candidate has been admitted to SPEA and has received a favorable review via SPEA’s competitive merit aid allocation process. A nomination to Peace Corps, which requires SPEA’s Master’s International designation, may soon follow after.
Kiryssa Kasprzyk, MPA-MSES 2015 Peace Corps, Peru Energy, Sustainability and Sustainable Development
MASTERS PROGRAM OFFICE • SPEA 260 • 1315 East Tenth St. • Bloomington, IN 47405
“My SPEA coursework was instrumental in preparing me for my time in Peace Corps: my knowledge of developmental and environmental concepts was invaluable in my Peace Corps projects, especially in my work on renewable energy with Professor Sanya Carley. SPEA promotes the type of critical thinking, problem solving, and hard work that Peace Corps volunteers need on a daily basis.”
p: 800-765-7755 or 812-855-2840
f: 812-856-3665