News and Information for the Speaking Community by SpeakerMatch
Increase Your Bookings Significantly By Adding This Special Clause To Your Speaking Contract By James Malinchak
When I’m teaching public speakers in my College Speaking Success Boot Camp, we spend a lot of time on several unique and creative James Malinchak ways to quickly gain more bookings and instantly make much more money. Why? Because I want other speakers to capture all of the extra money that is probably being left on the table. And I’m about to give you the incredibly powerful idea that you should immediately implement for increased bookings and increased earnings!
The Malinchak Referral Contract Clause Guarantees More Opportunities for Success Why did I name it this? Because the idea came to me one evening early
Tip of the Month Gain More Speaking Engagements the Write Way Marketing on a budget is tough. The most effective (and frugal) small business marketing strategy is writing and submitting articles to Web sites, e-zines, magazines and newsletters. Submit your speaker expertise to us at
Vol. 1, Issue 3 • October 2009 • $24.95
in my public speaking career while I was reading a speaking contract. I immediately added the clause to my contract, and every one since, and I have had countless talks resulting in hundreds of thousands of dollars. I have taught many public speakers in my Boot Camps and through my home study courses to use it and they, too, have booked an astonishing number of speaking engagements, also making hundreds of thousands of dollars by using the clause. The Malinchak Referral Contract Clause is simply a clause that is added to your speaking contract that commits the person booking you to refer other potential bookings to you. And the clause even has a line in it that contractually binds the event coordinator to provide you with a typed testimonial letter after your presentation.
You Should Know
Meeting Planners International recently reported in their publication Barometer Report that “Meeting professionals report a notable recent increase in the number of corporate meeting bookings, but a decrease in the average size of each meeting.” This coincides with our observations that more meeting requests are coming through the SpeakerMatch Web site, and budgets seem to be decreasing. That’s good news for you as a speaker. There are more opportunities that mean more audiences. The absolute BEST thing you can do to build your speaking business is to get out there and BE SEEN. The more exposure you have, the more in demand you become, and the more events you’ll book. Be sure to nurture your relationships with meeting planners AND your audience. Collect contact information from everyone and stay in touch regularly. If you know how to nurture relationships properly, this could be the best possible environment in which to grow your speaking business.
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- Bryan Caplovitz
What’s Inside Letter from the Editor.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Renowned Speaker and Author Dave Sheffield Shares His Secrets of Speedy Success.. . . . . . . . . . .
Time Management – Ease Self-Induced Pressure By Taking CONTROL of Your Life.. . . . . .
Lesson of the Month – Learn How Little Things Almost Always Matter.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LinkedIn Forum – Secrets of Speaker Success Revealed.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Enthusiasm is the greatest asset in the world. It beats money and power and influence. – Henry Chester