2 minute read
How To Boost Your Mental Health
Shanda Campbell
Few people understand the importance of mental health, until an illness occurs. Think about it… The moment a tragic crime occurs we immediately start a discussion on the mental status of the assailant. We try to figure out how someone could commit such a heinous act. It is important to know that mental illness is often very complicated. There are many factors that contribute to the severity of mental illness, such as: biological factors (genes or brain chemistry), life experiences (trauma or abuse), and family history of mental illness. In these cases professional intervention is required to attain a good quality of life for all involved.
That said, a lot of us do not carry out heinous acts, but still suffer in silence. We go through life feeling and being defeated. So how do we change this?
Understanding mental health is the first step.According to the World Health Organization (WHO) mental health is not ‘just the absent of a mental illness’, but “a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community.” So the question becomes how do we get to this ‘state of well-being’?
1. Meditate
Meditation is the act of resting the mind and consciously focusing on a desired object or thought. In this constantly moving world we must train our minds to slow down. While there are many types and methods of meditation the goal remains the same; to increase consciousness and decrease anxiety.
Meditation is a great time for prayer &/or affirmations.
**Meditation offers many benefits including: Enhanced self-awareness, strengthened immune system, develops intuition/discernment, increases creativity & productivity and more.
2. Be Good To Yourself
This sounds simple, but can be very difficult. We spend so much time taking care of others that it becomes difficult to take care of self, but boosting mental health begins and ends with self-care. Take time out of each day to do something for you. This includes eating well, drinking plenty of water, exercise, and sleeping well. Be good to you and you will be good to others.
tips that will kick-start your journey to boosting your mental health cont.
3. Limit Alcohol Consumption
While having an occasional alcoholic beverage with friends can be socially acceptable, it is important to remember that alcohol depresses the Central Nervous System which causes mood fluctuation. It can also numb our emotions, so we can avoid difficult issues in life which is why most people choose to drink.
Alcohol can become dangerous because it can also reveal and intensify feelings and past traumatic events which can create a dangerous situation. So boosting your mental health must include monitoring alcohol consumption.
4. Connect With Others and LAUGH
Have you ever had a good laugh after a rough day? I mean yelling out loud, tear falling, belly busting laugh? Did you feel you notice that you felt better afterwards? Having a good laugh is fun, but it is also healthy.
Laughter boosts the immune system and triggers the release of endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good chemicals. Endorphins promote an overall sense of well-being and can even temporarily relieve pain.
So go ahead… Have a good laugh!!! It’s good for you