1 minute read
Embracing Singleness
Carmelita Mcroy
I pray this article blesses every single woman who reads it with more wisdom and insight on how to handle her singleness. Even if you are not a believer in Christ, do not turn me off because I know that this will help you as well.
Please, remember girlfriend that whether you are single or married you are still a woman who wants and needs love. You are awesome, amazing, and extraordinary; so, embrace the person God created you to be while you are single.
Do you think being single means being alone or lonely? Are you ready to just settle for the next man who comes and speaks sweet nothings in your ear? Does it bother you that it seems that everyone around you is married?
You must love being single before you can love being in a relationship or being married. A man does not make you whole, you need to be whole before you get with your mate; a man is a bonus to your already great life. Being single is not a punishment!
It can be a blessing and a wonderful time for you to grow and really get to know who you are. I have been single for sixteen years and celibate for fourteen years, so sister I know what it’s like to be single and lonely, crying, waiting, wondering, happy, excited, unsure, and successful; all while being saved.
What I can tell you is that if you learn to accept your singleness, then you will begin to feel happy and blessed about it. Do not compromise just to have a body of biceps and triceps by you each night; those can bring you the worse stress and heartache imaginable.
If you are struggling with low self-esteem while single, then it is time for you to get out. I am not saying hang at the club, but I am saying work and church won’t do. Get out, join some groups, attend workshops and conferences, and select a night each week to meet up with girlfriends. Speak positive affirmations to yourself daily.
Remember, the Bible says he will find you!