Features 10
Blessed - Solomons
Lutjanidae Lust
This issue’s cover is of Brett Vercoe with a beautiful Samsonfish
The Phantom
Lancelin WA
Brothers In Arms
Esperance X
El Paradisio
Aust Bluewater Classic
70 Standout Week
2009 Aust Titles
06 07 08 28 44 50 74 82 84 86 88
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Main photo by D.J. Struntz - Mark Healey Micronesia
Editorial Letters Spear?Tips Marine Electronics GreatShot09 Spearing Sydney Short and Sweet Downunder Woodie DEEP Spearfishing New Products Spearfishing Clubs
by Tim McDonald Recently I was invited as a part of my job as a Pastor at Citipointe Church to go to the Solomon Island. I was invited to lecture at their Pastors and bible College. The college is situated on the island of Guadal Canal, an island that has an incredibly disastrous history. It was the scene of one of the bloodiest battles of World War II. The airstrip there, was strategically important for both the allies and the Japanese. Between August 1942 and February 1943, just 7 months; 38,100 men were killed in action, 31,000 of them Japanese. The movie “The thin red line” is made about this battle and anyone who has seen it, will struggle to forget what these men went through. On top of this the Solomon Islands have had their own recent “tensions” during the late 1990’s. During this time much of the meager infrastructure was destroyed as well as loss of many lives and the general breakdown of law and order in the nation. The bible college I was lecturing in was at times used as a hospital for the wounded. Fortunately over the last number of years there has been a relative peace that has returned to these beautiful people. During my time there I received a revelation of
how truly blessed our nation is!! For me professionally this was a great honour, but also, the opportunity to dive in the South Pacific Islands is something I have not had. So to say I was excited to head over and dive these waters is an understatement. Before heading off I spoke to a number of my friends who have been there and they regailed me of stories about Dogtooth tuna, Yellowfin and big Spanish mackerel. Of course this got me excited but amazingly, the trip was to be so much more!!
clouds of anchovy again rush past, soon a river of little fish cascades through the water “coluSmall mn; I can almost touch them they come so close. The mackerel appears from nowhere, parting the small fish, the large predator is haloed by hundreds of shimmering forms. ”
130km North of Perth the township of Lancelin rests quietly by the Indian Ocean. A single hotel, Caravan Park, and a number of shops plus a few corner deli’s keep this seasonal fishing town going. Times, however are a changing, a new road through to Cervantes will see Lancelin boom, but for now it still has that feeling of restfulness and quiet isolation. There are a number of these little towns as one travels North, including Seabird and Ledge Point. Most haven’t seen a lot of change over the decades, being traditionally the homes of the local Crayfishermen and weekend getaways for people travelling from Perth. Launching facilities are minimal, off the hard white sand beaches being the norm. Late Summer is the time to hunt Spanish mackerel in these waters and Lancelin has a reputation for producing good quality mackerel. The main reef systems sit between 4-6km from shore stretching for many miles both North and South. This provides a huge area to scout even though the area has copped a hiding from the Crayfishermen and recreational fishermen alike. Lancelin can often suffer from dirty water and seems to have an abundance of sharks, especially during Cray season, funny that. What choice do 4 keen spearos have when a bright, still, dead flat Summer’s day present itself? No choice at all, it was our duty to take the day off and go spearing!
by Paul McKeown