BCA SOUTHERN TEXAS CHAPTER Valeria Awah Ngafor President, BCA Southern Texas Chapter
CA Southern Texas represents one of the most diverse chapter in BCA USA, and its executive is reflective of this diversity. The BCA Southern Texas family consists of dedicated men and women with strong family values, committed to the growth and development of the Bali people. If you happen to attend the Cameroon Assumption Catholic Church on a given Sunday, you may wrongly assume that it is a BCA Houston event based on their visible presence and participation as ushers, readers, and singers in the choir. They represent the pillars of the Houston society; the role models of their children. They are our in-laws who love not only their Bali spouses, but choose to be part of this great culture. Ray Kroc once said “The quality of a leader is reflected in the standards he/she sets for himself/herself.” That is why as presidents of our various chapters we must align with the goals, vision and mission of BCA-USA. BCA Southern Texas continues to lead by example by encouraging its members to pay their national dues and be part of our flagship member benefit - the Nkap Ntod program. By accomplishing this goal, BCA-USA has proven that together we can build a stronger association. Our meetings are held on the third Saturday of every month. If you happen to be visiting during that time, please drop by. You will not only feel right at home, but you will walk away energized and excited to take action to move this organization to its next level. One of the highlights of our meetings is the presentations by our children in Mungaka. We strive as a group to promote Mungaka amongst our children, consequently, during every other meeting our Cultural Attachée, Ma Beltha Spadone, teaches the children not only our cultural values and expectations, but gets them ready to put their knowledge to test by presenting to the group.
Ma Valeria Ngafor
BCA Southern Texas currently boasts of 60 active members, eight young adults and 20 children enrolled in Nkap Ntod. As BCA Southern Texas expands its membership base through outreach to new members, we would like to enlist your help in this endeavor to call all your relatives who live in the Houston area to be a part of this great organization. We are committed to advancing the goals and aspirations of BCA-USA. That is why BCA Southern Texas members play vital roles in the National Executive. We are elated to have our president emeritus Ba Dr. Joseph Fomukong as the current Secretary General, Ma Dr. Kehmia Tangeh as the Public Relation Officer, and Ma Evelyne Dohvoma as the chair of the Education committee. We are more committed in fostering the goals of BCA as can be seen by the presence of at least 8 of our members as representative in different committees. Our members assisted and showed their love and solidarity towards their bereaved members in February, April and September, 2017: Ma Besona Sikod who lost her father, Ni Humphrey Tigha who lost his father, Ma Sang who lost her son, Pa John