Name: Ma Kuna Titamohkumi Langston University, Oklahoma Degree: MA, Counseling Chapter: Oklahoma
Name: Valerie Nahnyonga Titalanga School: Combined high school & College graduation Ruskin High School, Kansas City, Missouri Associate Degree in Engineering, Missouri Metropolitan Business and Technology College Chapter: Midwest
Name: Felix Nanjo Titalanga School: Missouri University of Science Technology/ Degree: BSc. Computer Engineering, Cum laude Chapter: Midwest
UPDATE FROM BCA CAROLINAS By Ni Nyugha Caspa, Interim President
he Carolinas Chapter is one of the smallest in BCA-USA. While we have many Bali people resident in the state, many of them are not yet members of BCA-USA. Nevertheless, we continue to work to get more members to join the association. Our chapter activities in the last year has focused on events to bring members together to build solidarity and celebrate our cultural heritage. Last summer we organized events and outings to bring members together outside of regular meetings. We remain committed and motivated to continue working to grow and strengthen BCA-USA. We look forward to a memorable weekend in Dallas. Happy 30th anniversary to BCA-USA.