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Eastern Chapter Report
Ni Augustine Njinjoh
President, Eastern Chapter
The Eastern Chapter comprises Washington DC, Maryland, Virginia, Delaware and West Virginia.
The Eastern Chapter is the largest Chapter in BCA USA by more than half. Our membership grew to 359 members in 2021.
In 2021, there was a change in leadership in the Eastern Chapter. Our long-term serving President Ni Gabriel Njinimbot stepped down and was replaced by his Vice President, Ni Augustine Njinjoh. (Thank you for your service, Ni Gab) • New Eastern Chapter Executive: • President – Ni Augustine Njinjoh • Vice President – Ni Rudolph Njakenji • Secretary General – Ma Cindy Moore • Financial Secretary – Ma Dilys Fosung • Cultural Secretary – Ma Nahbon Susan/Ni
Derrick Nchamukong
Because of pandemic restrictions and lock downs, the Eastern Chapter was quiet during the last three years.
Our biggest challenge in the Eastern Chapter right now, is finding affordable space that can hold our numbers for General Assembly purposes. We continue to work on that.
The Eastern Chapter is very honored to be the hosting Chapter of the first convention after a two year hiatus because of Covid 19. We are working overtime to give Bali people the best DC can offer. See you all in DC in a few weeks