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It has become a popular campaign slogan, repeated in many urban cities across the United States, but it is as impotent as “Say No To Drugs.” Ask anyone who has suffered the plague of addiction and perhaps said that at every attempt to obtain drugs, they will tell you it doesn’t work. At the point of trying to buy drugs a team of wild horses can’t stop the individual. It is only afterwards at intervals of guilt, which normally is after all the money is gone and the regret of having hurt people you love for umpteen times, is there any remorse. Sometimes, it only last until the person is able to get their hands on more money, by any means necessary. Slogans are for politicians, program directors, image brokers and some preachers. They do little against the problem, other than create an awareness. I have seen the families in pain while preaching funerals or hospital visits as they were dying. Some I saw die on the streets, when I was praying, while I watched life slowly seep out them, then that far away, lifeless, still stare come over their face. I was never able to shake that image, or get accustomed to doing their funerals, sometimes I cried as much as the families, because many times I knew them. I remember what it took to make me stop, it was a long period of deliverance, that took a whole Saturday afternoon. But it is always something radical, traumatic, something with the temerity to confront the perennial strength, power and control of the mental and physical faculties it stealthily stole. STOP THE VIOLENCE will not get it, God bless the people who continuous herald that cry in our neighborhood and they should never stop. But
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like drugs, there is a very lethal close relationship, seldom is there one without the other, just ask law enforcement task force or emergency room doctors. The truth is we are dealing with people, who desensitize themselves to death, because they know it is inevitable. To anesthetize themselves is necessary to deal with the fear of death which is an allconsuming force, no one is immune to. Once in that stupefied state, people even flirt with death, daring it to try and take them, therefore must take out the person they think it comes by first before they get you. This justifies senseless murder, earning a badge of courage, a reputation among other hard core and deceived conscience dead people. It is as if a coffin is following them around everywhere they go, but something else is also present. There is no awareness of judgment, damnation or having to face God, they normal throw Him in with all the things they told themselves they don’t give a care about. Regardless of what they say, fear of the unknown is something everybody is afraid of, but when you have practice trying to be fearless, you must give the impression you’re immune to it. The one thing God gave satan authority to use on people who haven’t given their lives to God to cover them, is
human nature’s subjection to fear. (Heb.2:15). The other thing is, there is no escape from the terror it brings, drugs only aggravate the problem, that word in the Greek means, “pharmacia” its root meaning is witchcraft, occult and demons. This means under the influence of drugs, a person is at the mercy of demons and devils, who have the power to suggest anything to the person’s mental state of which they have no power to control. When a person allows themselves to sink to a level of not caring whether they live or die or who they kill, they have entered a state of oblivion, it is a state of nothingness, otherworldliness, capturing their soul, it is what the bible calls the “conscience being seared,” as with a hot iron (1 Tim.4:2). If you press a hot iron to your hand, it burn the finger prints off or scotch and sear them together so the hand is smooth, no indentation of the prints are there. Where the conscience is seared or dead, the ability to feel remorse or conviction The bible says that satan guards that state of mind against any intrusions or change, many times the person is unaware they are that far gone until it is too late, (Mk.3:27). Think about the depth a person has to go to kill a child and live with that, a woman or innocent people and now we are killing pastors (Detroit), for asking that the noise be turned a little lower. This person has to reject everything God put in them to recognize Him with, meaning morals, a code of conduct, righteousness and conviction. With each exercise of telling themselves it doesn’t matter, they’re not afraid of nothing, they are also burning the impression of God out of their memory bank as well. Until eventually even God can’t speak to them, because they have erased Him off their hard drive, there is nothing there that would pick up on God or godliness, they have rejected Him and He rejects them. That means whatever demon tends to work on them best, pride, suicide,
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murder, sexual molestation, sexual perversion, lies self-deception or whatever they are susceptible to at that point in their life, whatever will drive them to total damnation is what the devil uses. Often it is pain they could never get over or deal with that dragged them into it in the beginning, missing the security and nurturing, the identification that only a parent could give a child as God originally intended. Fears nobody was ever there to help them overcome, never feeling as good as everybody else and not knowing what it was or how to deal with it, rejected by the opposite sex, then acting out what people tend to call them or expect. Those are the demons that show up at night, in the quiet of their loneliness, the deep dark dreaded fears making crazy suggestions in the night and have no answers for or no one to tell and nothing to drive them away. The reason is God gave it permission, because His counsel was rejected, He says in His word, “I will laugh at your calamity, I will mock when your fear cometh,” (Prov.1:26). That is not a preacher talking, that is what the word of God says. He goes on to say, “When your fear cometh as desolation (grief, sadness, ruin) and your destruction as a whirlwind; When distress and anguish cometh upon you, (Prov.1:27). Further saying that, “They hated knowledge and would not choose the fear of the Lord,” (Prov.1:29). This is something people would today rarely hear in the church, because the seed that was just mentioned, that harden itself into corruption, happened while the church was adapting to a “Word Of Faith,” message considered positive. The church was looking the other way, you’re not supposed to scare people or say anything discouraging, tell them something good, “look where it has got us!”
In the process none of these corrective and preventive measures were to be mentioned in the House of God. The bad news is, it was “PLANNED THAT WAY,” there was no other way the devil could have come in and said “give me your children, your fathers, your daughters, let me have your home.” Before any of this could happen, the strong man of the house, the father, had to be removed first, out of the home, then the church, finally the community, (Mt.12:29). It was done under the guise of a godly message taking the church world by storm, everybody with “Rev.” in front of their name was trying to learn it, including me. By the time we woke up, we were doing more funerals than during Reconstruction, the difference is the attitude, there was a cause then and we cared! Today gangs are a pipeline for drugs, to use, sell and build that imaginary empire, that tends to attract more women suffering from the same problems, than Colonial Sanders looking for chickens If people have sank to a level lower than their creative purpose, more than what God molded and the devil is already there dictating, something stronger must demand the eviction of the unwanted behavior. When the church failed at it, they left it to politicians and law enforcement, that’s right, the same people working on our annihilation. Something the church was afraid to say, now that it was moving into interracial congregations, diversity, multicultural worship and the illusion of inclusion. All the while the black family was slipping into virtually non-existence. From the time of the 1940’s and the end of reconstruction, the birth of the segregation and the Klan, it stirred up “enough is enough. ”Something radical and the temerity to confront the truth, regardless of how ugly it was or who it was on, it would take the power of God to take it on. More black men die every day, 15 of them, than there are births, which is putting the black race at a negative birth rate, where more are dying than are born annually at 700,000. Those were statistics the white race was grappling with, but considering the means of death in the black community, Abortion, Black on Black violence, HIV/Aids, Prisons, Probation, Drugs, the lack of proper health care, Poverty, now suicide and Homelessness it is black now. These are problems black people
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can solve themselves, there is a way to secure the help of God in uprooting these evil which is really “BLACK EXPERTISE.” It will require the whole black community throwing themselves upon the mercy of God, if at this abysmal depth, and an arch enemy of this caliber is what we are fighting, then saying “STOP THE VIOLENCE is not enough. We will have to pull out the big guns, what made a difference in those days were those men and women, who weren’t afraid to die. These “dead men walking,” are people who reinforce each other daily, much more than what they would hear from church, but the church families members show up at the funerals. We lost a biblical paradigm, we who adhered to more bible principles than any other ethnic group in America. We changed that foundation, but because we were still church, we didn’t realize it was gone. The only signs were more divorce, even in the pulpit, children taken by the state and family disruption, marriage rate between 1970 and 2001 dropped in America by 17%, in the black community it was 34%, Aids increased to 70% among black women, 43.2% never married. The violence was a direct result of these familial statistics, because God built the family, before He built the church and the altar. The altar and church was due to the family, its deterioration is the beginning of the destruction of subsequently everything else. But notice our solutions, we think more laws, more politicians, legalize drugs and homosexuality, increase law enforcement officers we still avoid the responsibility. The preponderance should be placed on community, you can’t have community without unity (last word in community), you can’t have unity without family, can’t have family without father, can’t have father can’t have father without covenant, can’t have covenant without inheritance, can’t have inheritance without God. That’s the sequence, now turn it around backwards and we have the answer, as well as what went wrong and how, even what stage it happen. STOP THE IGNORANCE-STOP THE VIOLENCE! BISHOP HAROLD DAWSON, SR.
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Rachel Michelle West, 27, is Native to the Southern Suburbs of Chicago. She is known for her delicious desserts and her love of helping others. Rachel is involved in several volunteer jobs, especially working with
young children. She enjoys reading, music movies, baking and is a student studying Bio-medical Technology. CONGRATULATIONS RACHEL PRECIOUSTONES MAG LOVES YOUR BUBBLY SPIRIT.
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R ach e l w i s h i ng you a h a ppy h o li day
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T I S T H E S E A S O N T O L I G H T U P TH E WORLD world world and He transferred His light into you. Now all you have to do is turn on the light to change your lifes conditions of darkness so just.! A light bulb does not give light because of the bulb, it is because of the filament inside of the bulb. You give light because ye are the light of the world! "Our worst nightmares take shape in the night, but in as frightening as the darkness is in the night, it all disappear at the appearance of light." Jesus bequeath unto you His light in saying "Ye are the light of the Page 14
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Seize It! Open your eyes to opportunity. If you look From where your standing; the grass is greener under your feet!
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Free yourself Jenna Marie Christian "Life becomes so much better when we learn to give up a lot of the little things that are weighing heavily upon our mind and spirit. I came across a picture of list of things we should all give up. I promise once you do, your mind will be at ease and each day will seem like a breeze.
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M a i n
H e a d i n g
A discussion and review of the most important scholarship programs, grants, and financial-aid programs available for U.S. moms, mothers, women, and students. Welcome to our comprehensive scholarship programs. Our scholarship programs are a robust and dynamic resource guide of popular 2013 Scholarship Programs. Our scholarship programs are designed to help students, moms, mothers, women, and all adults interested in pursuing a higher education reach their educational goals. To reach your educational goals, students need a comprehensive resource of scholarship programs. We update our resources and scholarship programs on a daily basis. National Academy of American Scholars sponsors over $1 million worth of scholarship programs each and every year. Our scholarship programs include grants,loans, and all types of financial-aid products. We encourage you to explore our numerous scholarship programs, as well as our federal grants, scholarships, and financial-aid scholarship programs that we have available. Scholarship Programs, Grants, and Financial-Aid sponsored by National Academy of American
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S c h o l a r s h i p P r o g r a m s f o r M o m s , W o m e n , a n d S i n g l e m o t h e r s We understand the unique set of financial-aid obstacles facing moms returning to school, women seeking to climb the corporate ladder and needing that extra degree, and we understand the constant struggles faced by single parents, and single moms. We sponsor scholarship programs, grants, and financial-aid opportunities for moms, women, and single parents, as well as single mothers. African-American Scholarship Programs In 1988, we sponsored the first merit-based scholarship program for Black Americans outside of traditional African-American organizations like the NAACP, and other non-profit organizations geared to help particular ethnic groups. Today, we still sponsor merit-based scholarship programs for African-Americans, and we encourage Black Americans, to LIKE our Scholarship Programs Facebook page, follow our Scholarship Programs twitter page, one-plus our Google Scholarship Programs scholarship page, and follow our Scholarship Forum, review our Scholarship Programs blogger page, and re-pin our scholarship program photos posted on our Pinterest Scholarship Program page.
Ladae has made a name for herself in the fitness world by transforming the lives and figures of countless clients in the Los Angeles area. A graduate of the National Academy of Sports Medicine, Ladae specializes in weight loss, body sculpting, and overall wellness. As an ex-competitive athlete, Ladae knows precisely how to get maximum results out of her personalized training programs. Ladae launched 180째 Body Sculpting, with the goal of creating total life solutions for clients that involve all aspects of living well, including health, wellness, weight loss, and overall lifestyle. By imparting to her clients a unique and inspiring philosophy that stresses the integration of fitness, nutrition, and behavioral changes, Ladae empowers the people she works with to define and reach their personal goals, both physical and psychological. Ladae understands that success is the sum of all of our daily choices and she gives her clients the guidance and support that they need to maximize those choices and leverage their positive results into permanent lifestyle changes. http://www.sculpt180.com/sm-contact.php
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