Father’s Day
SHOUT OUTS Quincy, senior in high school, big brother to Brock & Brody, “forever their keeper.. Quincy helps get them in the car every day for school, he sat at bedside when Brody was in the hospital, he gives a “fist bump” everyday on the way out of the door and ALWAYS makes sure he says goodnight”
Ray Baker – A Champion and A Voice for others “I want to submit Ray Baker for a shout-out. Ray is an extremely devoted father and grandfather. He has a son with autism and two grandsons with Down syndrome. Ray tirelessly volunteers with the Washington Township Special Olympics Team and went as far as creating a bocce ball court in his yard for the athletes to practice on. He is always at the Summer Games to cheer on all the athletes. Ray is involved in organizations to help raise funds for Special Olympics and other groups. He has sat on boards of organizations that support individuals with special needs and has worked alongside his son to support him at his job and in volunteer opportunities. Family is so important to Ray and they are lucky to have such a devoted man in their lives.”
The Peterson Family, back in 2005 “ Donald Craig Peterson has done a fantastic job with his kids who are now adults. He’s very involved with Special Olympics in addition to advocating for Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and Mental Health Awareness”- Patty
Jaxon and his “dad” Robbie “Robbie stepped in when my son Jaxson’s dad wasn’t there. He’s been here for the last five years, through long nights, long days, and even surgeries, even though he has no previous experience with children. He’s literally a saint and the most patient man I’ve ever met, especially with a kiddo like Jax. I could really go on and on about how patient this man is. He is at our weekly home therapy sessions (music and behavior consultation) and he will volunteer to do things when he knows he doesn’t need to. He even created an Android version of LAMP for Jax to use at home when we had no other device for him to communicate with. He really does go above and beyond for this child.” – Kala Newell
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