2 minute read
What's New at Janus, Inc.?!
We are full Gratitude and Thankfulness
Janus Developmental Services only exists through the support and participation of many people, each doing their part by donating time, resources and talents to build something greater than any one of us could do on our own.
When you give your time to serve coffee at the weekly coffee bar, or to join a participant in art, cooking, or sewing, you do a simple action that builds impactful connections. As a dedicated staff member, you use your passion and creativity to inspire growth and build skills. When you give your resources through a donation, your financial support puts our ideas into action Whether it’s putting a camera into the hands of an aspiring photographer, giving an artist the supplies they need for an upcoming art show, or having the resources to make a space in our building safer and more functional, donations give us the ability to aim higher and continue to improve As a participant at Janus, you bring your talents, ideas, work ethic, passion, and charisma You challenge yourself daily to reach your goals.
As each person brings their unique gifts and joins with others, we build bridges across seemingly different worlds and something wonderful happens We realize we aren’t so different after all. You came to serve, but you realize you have gained more than you gave.
To each of our dedicated participants, donors, staff, board members, volunteers, and Friends of Janus: We are so THANKFUL for YOU! Thank you for all the ways you have chosen to support Janus and our mission Thank you for being such an important part of our journey!