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Outdoor Sensory Parks, Places & Spaces
Special Thanks to ASK - About Special Kids - for helping with this great resource list
Banker’s Life Fieldhouse
Kulture City Sensory Friendly Certified pacersinsider@pacers.com 317-917-2500 125 S Pennsylvania St., Indianapolis, IN https://www.bankerslifefieldhouse.com Sensory-friendly bags (headphones, Fidgets, lap pads, badging) available at Guest Relations on Main Concourse between sections 19/20; Club level across from Suite 29; Balcony level across from sections 106/107; Sensory wall located in Section 13; Accessible
Blue Heron Park
11780 Brooks School Road Fishers, IN play@franklin.in.gov 317-736-3689 https://www.franklin.in.gov/ egov/apps/map/viewer. egov?view=map;id=2 Expression swings, inclusive park, nature preserve, trails
Brooks School Park
parks@fishers.in.us 317-595-3150 https://www.playfishers.com/Facilities/Facility/Details/ Brooks-School-Park-5 Sensory play area, learning trail, accessible playground
Cardinal Park
3432 Hornaday Road, Brownsburg, IN parks@brownsburgparks.com 317-858-4172 https://brownsburgparks.com/ cardinal-park/ Sensory and inclusive playground (under construction April 2021)
City Center Park
415 Lincoln Street, Greenwood, IN 317-881-4545 https://www.greenwood.in.gov/division/ blocks.php?structureid=39 Expression swings, county’s only splash pad, accessible playground
Clear Creek Park
1201 West Main Street, Richmond, IN parks.richmondindiana.gov 765-983-7275 https://www.richmondindiana.gov/location/ clear-creek-park Sensory panels, sensory-based equipment
Connor Prairie
13400 Allisonville Road, Fishers, IN https://www.connerprairie.org/about/contact/ 317-776-6000 Sensory-friendly hours: 3rd Sunday of the month, 10-12 pm but may stay longer. Free admission, quiet spaces and all loud sounds silenced, quiet space boxes
Everybody’s Playground- River Heritage Park
11813 River Road, Carmel, IN guestservices@carmelclayparks.com 317-848-7275 Accessible playground, children’s amphitheatre, soft surface trails
Fishers Agripark @ Roy G Holland Memorial Park
Kulture City Sensory Friendly Certified 11171 Florida Road, Fishers, IN parks@fishers.in.us 317-595-3150 http://www.playfishers.com/217/Fishers-AgriPark Sensory-friendly bags, quiet spaces
Fort Wayne Children’s Zoo
Kulture City Sensory Friendly Certified 3411 Sherman Blvd, Fort Wayne, IN https://kidszoo.org/ 260-427-6800 Sensory-friendly bags (headphones, Fidgets, lanyard identifying sensory concerns) can be checked out in stroller rental station; quiet areas, sensory-friendly trained staff
Freedom Trail Park
500 Deer Walk Trace, Westfield, IN guestservices@westfield.in.gov 317-804-3184 https://www.westfield.in.gov/egov/apps/ locations/facilities.egov?view=detail;id=67 Sensory garden, inclusive playground, sand table
Friendship Corner at Matter Park
1803 North Quarry Road, Marion, IN 765-662-9931 https://cityofmarion.in.gov/government/ departments/parks-recreation/list-of-parks Sound, texture and fragrance play components; accessible playground, fully fenced
Holiday World and Splashin Safari
452 E. Christmas Blvd, Santa Clause, IN fun@holidayworld.com 1-877-463-2645 https://www.holidayworld.com Boarding passes for those with disabilities, ride accessibility guide, calming room for sensory-sensitive guests (reserve at Guest Relations)
Independence Park
2100 South Morgantown Road, Greenwood, IN 812-526-6809 https://www.jocoparks.com/independence-park/ Sensory play area with over 20 different elements, YALP SONA arch, sensory-friendly music area, accessible playground
Lucas Oil Stadium
Kulture City Sensory Friendly Certified 500 S Capital Ave., Indianapolis, IN tour@icclos.com 317-262-8600 https://www.lucasoilstadium.com Sensory-friendly bags (headphones, lap pad, verbal cue cards, Fidgets, lanyard identifying sensory concerns) available at Guest Services kiosk behind section 121; designated quiet areas, sensory signage, accessible
Mulberry Fields
9645 Whitestown Road, Zionsville, IN 317-873-5410 http://www.zionsvillein.gov/Facilities/Facility/Details/ Mulberry-Fields-9 ADA accessible; splash pad
Nickel Plate District AMP Pavillion
Kulture City Sensory Friendly Certified 10 Municipal Drive, Fishers, IN parks@fishers.in.us 317-595-3150 http://www.playfishers.com/Facilities/Facility/Details/ The-Pavilion-at-the-NPD-AMP-25 ADA accessible water fountain that shoots and bubbles from the ground, fountain illuminates at night; sensory-friendly bags available; all events are sensory friendly
Potawatomi Zoo
Kulture City Sensory Friendly Certified 500 South Greenlawn Avenue South Bend, IN info@potawatomizoo.org 574-235-9800 https://www.potawatomizoo.org Sensory-friendly bags (headphones, Fidgets, lanyard identifying sensory concerns) can be checked out at the attraction booth by the carousel. Sensory signage around zoo, quiet areas, sensory-friendly trained staff
Riverwood Spray Park
7201 N. Crittendon Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 317-327-4553 https://www.indy.gov/agency/ department-of-parksand-recreation Spray grounds, comfort station
Stephens Park
605 Stephen Drive, Brownsburg, IN parks@brownsburgparks.com 317-858-4172 https://brownsburgparks.com/stephens-park/ Accessible playground, trail encircling the park
Taylor’s Dream Boundless Playground (located inside Kreager Park)
7225 North River Road, Fort Wayne, IN 260-427-6000 http://www.fortwayneparks.org/general-information/stayconnected/talk-to-us-2.html http://www.fortwayneparks.org/facilities/boundlessplayground.html Multi-sensory themed play, variegated play space for different age groups, therapy play guides available online, Accessible playground
Therapeutic Sensory Gym at Rhodius Park
1720 West Wilkins Street Family Center, Indianapolis, IN indyparks@indy.gov 317-327-7191 https://www.indy.gov/activity/find-a-park Sensory swings, ball pit, balance beam, ladder light, sensory activity wall, trampoline. Children 12 and under $3 per child
Victory Field Ball Park
Kulture City Sensory Friendly Certified 501 West Maryland Street Indianapolis, IN indians@Indyindians.com 317-532-6928 https://www.milb.com/indianapolis Free sensory-friendly bags (headphones, Fidgets, weighted lap blanket, lanyard identifying sensory concerns); sensory wall in PNC Plaza, quiet rooms, sensory signage around park, accessible seating and restrooms
West Park
2700 West 116th Street, Carmel, IN guestservices@carmelclayparks.com 317-848-7275 https://www.carmelclayparks.com/parks/west-park Expression swings, water feature with rain simulation, runoff stream, trails, prairie maze, splash pad
Westermeier Commons Park
920 Central Park Drive West, Carmel, IN guestservices@carmelclayparks.com 317-848-7275 https://www.carmelclayparks.com/parks/central-park/ Cave spaces for children needing quiet play, self-contained splash pad, accessible playground