Queen Anne 06-23-21

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Magnolia news


From the local businesses who are able to stay open offering us groceries and pick up meals, to the front line workers at our local clinics and hospitals.

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Magnolia news


JUNE 23, 2021

VOL. 102, NO. 25

Local groups awaiting word on Ursula Judkins Viewpoint appeals

By Jessica Keller

QA&Mag News editor

The Seattle Hearing Examiners Office will soon decide whether appeals to a proposed development on the hill below Ursula Judkins Viewpoint will move forward or be dismissed. In May, the Magnolia Community Council and members of

the Last 6000, a Seattle environmental group focused on saving Seattle’s urban forest, each filed appeals to a Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections decision to permit OceanStar, LLC’s proposed development on the hillside below Ursula Judkins Viewpoint and above the Admiral’s House near Pier 91 and the Elliot Bay Marina.

According to city documents, the project entails construction of two, three-story single-family residences, a swimming pool and parking for 12 or 13 vehicles at 2500 W. Marina Place. OceanStar attorneys filed motions to dismiss both appeals, to which both groups responded this month. OceanStar can submit a response to the group’s rebuttals

by Thursday, after which the city Hearing Examiners Office will decide whether the appeals will advance to a hearing beginning Aug. 19. Ted Coulson, a retired attorney and Magnolia resident who lives near the city park and retired attorney, who is representing the

By Jessica Keller

QA&Mag News editor Beginning in July, the Queen Anne Food Bank at Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish in Uptown will need help from volunteers after the Washington National Guard members volunteering at the facility will be sent elsewhere. The National Guard members have been an asset to the food bank, 232 Warren Ave. N., making food pick ups and helping with the daily lunch program and Thursday food bank, especially during the COVID-19 shut downs. Food bank manager Stephen Kreins said, however, that he has been told the National Guard members will be assigned elsewhere this summer, and by July 31, all will be gone. That does not leave Kreins much time to build up the food bank’s volunteer base. “I’m going to have to hustle in the month of July to get people in here,” he said. Among the most important duties for which the food bank will need volunteers is daily food pick up and unloading. Kreins said National Guard members used their own van each

day on food deliveries, but in future, volunteers will drive the food bank’s recently purchased 2019 GMC van. The food bank was able to purchase the van, which has 12,000 miles on it, after the receiving a grant managed by the city and funded with CARES Act money. The grant paid for 45 percent of the $33,000 price tag. The remainder of the money came from community donations, Kreins said. Kreins said two volunteers with drivers licenses will be needed between 9 and 10:30 a.m. Monday through Friday for “food rescue trips” at the local Safeway, Metropolitan Market and QFC. “It’s relatively quick,” Kreins said. “It’s just that some of these boxes are pretty heavy, up to 40 pounds.” Kreins said drivers would need to commit to at least one day a week. The food bank will need additional volunteers, possibly four or five, for other daily operations, including prep work and door distribution for the weekday sack lunch program, as well as putting away and organizing food. Another one or two volunteers might be needed on food bank days, Thursdays. People would ideally be able to live 40 pounds. To offer volunteer services, email Kreins, steve@sacredheartseattle.org, or go to https://sacredheartseattle.org/qafb, for more information about the food bank and volunteering opportunities.






Volunteers wanted

Queen Anne Food Bank in Uptown will need extra help





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Photo by Jessica Keller Michele Ferguson gathers a bag filled with food at the Queen Anne Food Bank at Sacred Heart in Uptown at the food bank, Thursday. The food bank will need more volunteers like Ferguson to help out once the Washington National Guard members, who have been helping regularly, are sent elsewhere.



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