2 minute read

Queen Anne &Magnolia Council incumbents lead primary voting

By Laura Marie Rivera

Last week’s primary election was a temperature gauge about how voters are feeling in Seattle. The turnout was rather low. Only about 30% of the registered voters in King County turned in their ballots.


Proposition 1 for the Crisis Care Centers Levy passed by an overwhelming 71% majority. And the City Council incumbents all led in their races.

City Council

Due to last year’s redistricting, Magnolia and Queen Anne will no longer be represented by the same City Councilmember, but the incumbents topped the vote in both Districts 6 and 7. Dan Strauss is the Ballard incumbent that led the District 6 vote for the Magnolia side. And

Andrew Lewis is the current councilmember for Queen Anne and Magnolia who will be seeking reelection on the Queen Anne side of District 7.

Lewis said he was “very gratified to have the support of my neighbors to serve another term on the Seattle City Council” and that he hoped to carry the momentum of this grassroots campaign into the general election. His opponent Bob Kettle says that the current City Council is out of balance and that he would bring a “pragmatic vision for a thriving, vibrant Seattle” while taking on the issues of public safety, public health, and homelessness.

Strauss said he felt very good about the results because sometimes it’s hard to tell if the people see the work that he’s been doing. “I work really hard for the district,” and he credits his accessible office at the Ballard Library for helping interact with the community. “There’s no better transparency than an office with three glass walls,” he said.

Pete Hanning, the Executive Director of the Fremont Chamber of Commerce, came in second in D6 and will also be on the ballot in November. According to his website, he is a lifelong resident of Seattle and “will always champion the small businesses throughout Seattle.”

Jon Lisbon, president of Seattle Fair Growth, is one of the D6 candidates that is not advancing to the general election but still had a lot to say. He

This year marks the 50th anniversary of hiphop, and MoPOP is celebrating the world’s most popular music genre in style.

Visit the wildly popular gallery Contact High, featuring hip-hop photography of many legends and icons; My Mic Sounds Nice, Associate Curator Adeerya Johnson’s pop-up profile of the women at the heart of hip-hop’s success; the new Online Hip-Hop Collection Vault, putting music, fashion, politics, and dance right at your fingertips; and multiple live, in-person events through November.

Friends Of The Waterfront Celebration

When: Saturday, Aug. 12, 12 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Where: Pier 62

Join MoPOP and Friends of Waterfront Seattle for Hip-Hop 50, a celebration of five decades of hip-hop highlighting Seattle’s contributions to the culture.

Featuring B-boy and B-girl dance battles; a fashion show with performances by Kutt n Up; a legends cypher; and a music tribute featuring Vitamin D and Roc Phizzle.

Attendees can receive 50% tickets to MOPOP Page 8Æ

Queen Anne & Magnolia Worship Services

Sunday Worship at 10am Live Streamed on our Facebook page and YouTube. Simply look for Magnolia Lutheran Church.

Twelfth Church of Christ, Scientist

In Person and Online Church Services

All are welcome & warmly invited to join these healing services

For best audio results, please join by clicking on the link from your computer or smartphone and choose “Call Over Internet”

All Zoom Services Meeting ID: 418 806 2637 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4188062637

Sunday Services 11:00am – 12noon Pacific

Wednesday Testimonies 7:30pm – 8:30pm Pacific

Christian Science Quarterly Bible Lessons

Our weekly Bible Lesson Sermon may be found here: https://quarterly.christianscience.com/

Additional Healing Resources: ChristianScience.com CSWashington.com SeattleMetroReadingRoom.org

For additional assistance, please contact us at seattle12cs@gmail.com or 206.283.2300


For a Healthier You



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