Credit Union Week

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Advertising Supplement to the Sun Journal, Sunday, October 16, 2011

In Maine and across the country, Shared Branching means convenience for credit union members For seven years, Shared Branching has allowed many Maine credit union members to enjoy the convenience of using other Maine credit unions, as well as credit unions across the country and even the world, just as if they were their own credit union. W i t h n e a r l y 14 5 l o c a t i o n s throughout Maine, and more than 4,300 branch locations across the countr y, credit unions have the fourth largest branch network in the country. Shared Branching a llows members of participating credit

payments, and balance inquiries. E x tende d s er v ic e hou r s w it h weekend hours are even offered at some locations, while money orders, traveler’s checks or official checks can also be purchased at various Shared Branches.

u n ions to access t housa nds of cred it u n ion ser v ice center loc at ion s v ia t he c ooper at ive network of service centers in the United States and overseas. Most mem b er s er v ic e s a r e of fer e d at Sha red Bra nch i ng locat ions across t he cou nt r y i nclud i ng : account deposits; cash and check w ithdrawals; transfers between accou nts ; cash adva nces, loa n

“Shared Branching provides more locat ions to conduct f ina ncia l t r a n s a c t ion s t h a n a ny ot her f ina ncia l institution in Ma ine, a nd st i l l enables members to receive t he except iona l cred it union service that Maine’s credit u n i on s a r e r e c o g n i z e d f or,� explained John Murphy, president of the Maine Credit Union League. “From Madawaska to York, credit

union members can find a Shared Branch location when they travel t h roug hout t he state, or even when they head out of state for work, vacation or school. Shared Bra nch ing mea ns t hat a g reat number of Maine’s 611,000 credit union members can use their credit union across town, across state and across the country,� Murphpy said.

Sha red Bra nch ing ser v ices include the CU Ser vice Centers C a l l C e n t e r, a s e r v i c e t h a t i s av a i l a ble to C U mem b er s 24/7. To access the Call Center, members call a toll-free number, 8 8 8 - 8 37- 6 5 0 0, w h ic h c a n b e found on the homepage at http://

w w w. c u s e r v i c e c e n t e r s . c o m . Members need only to prov ide their name, credit union name, state, and specific authentication information, to receive the high level of service provided by Shared Branching. Credit Union Service Center loc at ion s c a n a l so be found using the iPhone App, “Find Branch!� Members can find the nearest location, as well as credit union hours, direct ions a nd a phone number. You will find a complete listing of Sha red Bra nch locat ions i n Ma i ne a nd n at ionw ide at w w — click on “Shared Branching.�

Maine credit union websites are built for convenience Wherever you are in Maine, there is a credit union that is right for you.

b e t w e e n , t h a n k s t o h t t p : // w w w. m a i n e c r e d it u n i on s .or g , finding a credit union has never been easier.

A nd w herever you may be at t he moment, at home, school, t he of f ic e, or s ome w her e i n

This convenient website features a directory listing of all Maine credit unions, complete with directions

to a bra nch nea r you, phone number, and a link to the credit union website. A separate directory makes it easy to find a convenient cred it u n ion AT M locat ion i n Maine, including if the location is a part of the surcharge-free SURF Net work, a nd even if t he ATM accepts deposits. T he site a lso feat u res a blog, tit led “W hat’s More in Maine.� Here, visitors can find frequently updated posts that describe why Maine is a great place to live, work

and play, as well as what credit unions in your area are up to. It is also an easy way to provide feedback on what information, people or places you would like us to feature next. Another source for credit union i n for mat ion, t he Ma ine Cred it Union League’s website, http:// w w w. m a i n e c u l .or g , h a s lon g been a n impor ta nt tool for t he L ea g ue to c om mu n ic ate w it h credit unions, consumers and the genera l public. Enha ncements,

For Maine’s 25-and-under crowd, is your place to connect w it h Young & Free Maine Spokester Seth Poplaski, get advice from financial experts, and find out more about what Maine’s credit unions have to offer.

1st row: Amy Lauze, Flo Poulin, Megan Halland, Annette Caron, Amanda Thomas 2nd row: Michelle Brown, Brandi Clark, Lisa Hinkley & Sue Bates

Our friendly staff invites you to celebrate Credit Union Day with us on Thursday, October 20th. Refreshments and Prizes will be served all day.

updates and upcoming events are added on a daily basis, ma k ing it a great way to stay up to date on c r e d i t u n i on n e w s . W i t h t he L eag ue site na med one of America’s Best Websites six years in a row, it succeeds in sharing what credit unions are all about.

When it comes to building a sound Financial Future... Credit Unions are there for you!

You can find information about credit unions in Maine online, anytime. Visit either site today to find out what’s going on at Maine’s credit unions.

Contact your local Credit Union today– There is one for You!


2 Middle Rd., Sabattus • 375-6538 • Remote ATM, Rte 197, Litchfield • Member Eligibility Required

r m nth visit Serving Maine’s Credit Unions



Sunj urna .c m

Advertising Supplement to the Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Sunday, October 16, 2011

Credit unions help build financial futures and a better Maine From

Oc tober 16 to 22, 2 0 1 1 , more than 611,000 Maine residents who belong to a cred it u n ion w ill join the 184 million credit u n ion member s belong i ng to over 49,000 credit unions in 97 countries worldwide to celebrate International Credit Union Week. For 63 years, credit unions have set aside the third Thursday in October to celebrate International Credit Union Day. This specia l occasion gives credit unions an opportunit y to remember t heir proud histor y, while promoting understanding and support for the credit union difference. L ook i ng at a l l of t he choices available in the financial services i n d u s t r y, t h e c r e d i t u n i o n difference is clear: no matter where you are, credit unions are 100% focused on meeting and exceeding members’ financial services needs.

T here a re no stock holder s at credit unions, and earnings are returned to members in the form of lower rates on loans and higher r ate s on s av i ng s, or i nve ste d back i nto t he c red it u n ion to provide more of the services that members need and want. W het her a Ma ine credit union is prov id i ng a loa n to help a member make their home more energy efficient, giving financial counseling to a member whose company closed its doors, or simply offering a better deal on a used car loan, credit unions are supporting and serving their members and the community as a whole.

guaranteed. Become a member today, a nd d iscover t he va lue of becoming a n ow ner of your financial institution. Becoming a credit union member couldn’t be easier. There is a credit union for everyone — use the tips below to find the Maine credit union that’s right for you.

Ever y day i s about ma k i ng a d i f ference for Ma i ne cred it union members. Locally or internationally, during International Credit Union Week or at any time of the year — a Maine credit union is where you know your money will be local, safe, and great service is

With credit unions, every member is an owner with an equal vote in the election of the credit union’s volunteer board of directors.


Find the credit union that’s right for you • Visit, or call the Maine Credit Union League’s Member Services toll-free at 800-442-6715. • Talk to your neighbors. Some credit unions have a “community” field of membership, serving a region defined by geography rather than by employment or some other association. Ask friends in your community if they know a credit union you may join. • Ask family members. See if anyone in your family is a member of a credit union, in your community or out of state. Ask them about their experiences. • Ask your boss. Your company may sponsor a credit union or may be a sponsor group that has access to a credit union. Many employers will directly deposit your paycheck to the credit union. • Read the yellow pages. A display ad may state a credit union’s field of membership, or provide a number to call to ask about membership eligibility.

Advertising Supplement to the Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Sunday, October 16, 2011



Credit unions bring over $73 million in savings to Maine members Despite cha l leng ing econom ic times, more than 611,000 Mainers continue to celebrate the savings t hat come w it h being a Ma ine credit union member.

savings in a challenging economy make credit unions an increasingly valuable option for Maine people.

A recent st udy found t hat t he economic benefit of using a Maine credit union has nearly doubled since 2005, current ly sta nding strong at more than $73 million. In a marketplace where hidden fees and rising rates are increasingly common, credit unions’ abilit y to offer Maine consumers better rates, lower i nterest rates on loans, and fewer and lower fees on financial services keep savings to

members on the rise. In the study, Charles Lawton, a well-respected economist at Planning Decisions in South Portland, concluded that credit unions have significantly


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PO Box 878 Lisbon ME 0425 0

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M a i n e C r e d it Un ion L e a g u e President John Murphy said that the great efforts made to offer such

To find a credit union near you, visit

For needs big and small, Maine credit unions have money to lend Wi GREAT rates n as tt as 3% d , Â? mortga­ €r uƒ h LiÂ…b C eˆi‰ U‹i was Â? p r‘ec‰ fi‰ f • h • f –— y’s šud­e‰.


lower, fewer or no fees compared to for-profit financial institutions.

“The credit union philosophy of putting the interests of members first continues to highlight the difference between credit unions and other financial institutions. Cred it u n ions a re ow ned a nd governed by their members, so all members benefit from better rates and lower and fewer fees. That is a key and distinct difference of credit unions. Now more t ha n ever, Maine consumers recognize and appreciate the value of using a credit union,� he said.

Credit unions also pay, on average, higher dividend and interest rates on savings and charge lower interest rates on loans.


325 Lisbon St. PH: 207-353-41 44

Visit us online @

Despite an economy that has prompted many lenders to pull back, lending is accessible and strong at Maine’s credit unions. W hile institutions across the countr y were t ig hten i ng lend i ng av a i la bi l it y, Ma i ne’s credit unions continued to lend money and were sources of credit to thousands of Maine consumers, with loans outstanding to members exceeding $3.5 billion. More than the ability to get a loan at a trusted financial institution, choosing a Maine credit union for your loan is a decision that will save you money. The most recent study on t he Economic Benefit of Credit Unions To Maine Consumers found that consumers saved more than $14 million annually by having an auto loa n w it h a Ma ine credit union instead of another financial institution. Ma i ne c re d it u n ion s go be yond lend i ng basics to provide smaller loans to help with unexpected life events or emergencies, or just to help a member though a rough patch. Credit unions are known for providing members with smaller loans to help them get back on their feet. No mat ter w hat you need, Ma i ne cred it u n i on s a r e h e r e t o h e l p. V i s i t ht t p :// w w to find a credit union and begin the lending process today.





Advertising Supplement to the Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Sunday, October 16, 2011

It’s all A’s for Maine’s credit unions and financial literacy Maine credit unions are at the head of the class for financial literacy efforts in 2010/11.


the past year, nearly 50 Ma i ne cred it u n ions have been active i n promot i ng yout h f i na nc ia l education. From volunteering and teaching financial literacy in local schools and operating in-school branches to participating in one of t he Yout h Fi na ncia l Fit ness Fa i r s c oord i nate d by Ma i ne’s credit union a nd Ma ine Credit Un ion Yout h Week, t he Ma i ne Credit Union League and Maine’s c re d it u n ion s ex pose d nea rl y 8,500 Ma ine students last yea r to financial literacy and money management concepts. One of the most notable financial literacy ef forts made by Maine cred it u n ion s w a s t he record nu mber of cred it u n ions t hat coordinated Financial Fitness — Money Management Experience Fairs in the past year. Similar to an interactive ‘game of life,’ these events give high school students an opportunity to gain some real world understanding of money management. There are now 10 major fairs in northern, eastern, central and southern Maine as well as 10 smaller ones in various parts of the state.

To help Ma i ne teachers br i ng f i na ncia l educat ion i nto t hei r cla ssroom s, t he Ma i ne Cred it Un ion L eag ue ha s i nt roduced a partnership with FoolProof, a t u r n key, web-d r iven f i na ncia l literacy program. With a number of credit unions already offering the program to students and members, it is one more way that Maine credit unions a re work ing to prepa re Ma ine’s yout h for a successf u l financial future. Maine credit unions are a lso a valuable resource for helping adults w it h money ma nagement a nd financial planning. From providing tool s to help member s bet ter manage their money, to hosting sem i na rs on subject s such a s decreasing debt or buying a home, Maine credit unions help Maine people of all ages achieve a secure financial future. For mor e i n f or m a t ion a b out t he ef for t s of Ma i ne’s c re d it unions towards both youth and adu lt f i n a nc ia l l iter ac y, v i sit w w w. m a i ne c u l .or g a nd c l ic k on the Financial Education and Resources link in the “Community Involvement” section.

Maine’s Credit Unions. There is one for you.

Celebrate Credit Union Week With Your Local Credit Unions October 17-21 Finance with your local Credit Union and save.

Loans Savings Certificates IRA’s Direct Deposits Checking Accounts ATM & Debit Cards Home Banking

Central Maine Credit Union 1000 Lisbon Street, Lewiston • 783-1475 Community Credit Union 144 Pine Street, Lewiston • 783-2096 70 Stanley Street, Auburn Great Falls Federal Credit Union 34 Bates Street, Lewiston • 782-7192 760 Minot Avenue, Auburn Five County Credit Union 35 Ash Street, Lewiston • 800-750-0959 Lewiston Municipal Federal Credit Union 291 Pine Street, Lewiston • 783-3991 Maine Family Federal Credit Union 555 Sabattus Street, Lewiston • 783-2071 831 Minot Avenue, Auburn Monmouth Federal Credit Union 1176 Main Street, P.O. Box 150 Monmouth • 933-2667 • 1-933-3261 19 A Patten Road, Greene Otis Federal Credit Union 170 Main Street, Jay • 897-0900

Oxford Federal Credit Union 225 River Road, Mexico • 369-9976 1591 Main Street, Oxford Rainbow Federal Credit Union

381-391 Main Street, Lewiston • 784-5435 201 Lincoln Street, Lewiston 20 Washington Street, Auburn 172 Pine Street, So. Paris 1 Lewiston Street, Mechanic Falls

Maine CU League’s 2011 Desjardins Youth Financial Education Award First-Place Winners: Community CU, Central Maine FCU

Sabattus Regional Credit Union 2 middle Road, Sabattus • 375-6538

Maine CU League’s 2011 Desjardins Adult Financial Education Award First-Place Winners: Community CU, University CU

Advertising Supplement to the Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Sunday, October 16, 2011



First-ever Young & Free Maine spokesperson shares the credit union difference with Maine’s 25-and-under crowd


fter a search that attracted a n impressive 26 applicants, Maine’s credit unions a nnounced t he w inner of t h e You n g & F r e e M a i n e spoke sper s on c ompet it ion at a su r pr ise event i n Ju ne. Set h Popl a s k i, a 24 -y e a r- old f r om Bangor, was awarded the position. As the spokesperson for Young & Free Maine, Poplask i works on behalf of Maine’s credit unions in a one-year contract with salary. He serves as a reporter and advocate for his age group, attending events and creating daily online content including blog articles and videos to keep an information hub for the 25-andunder crowd in Maine. Poplaski has also been outfitted with tools of the trade, including a smart phone with a paid contract for the year, a Mac Book Pro laptop and digital video camera, which he will be able to keep at the end of his term. He can also be seen driving around Maine in the Young & Free Maine vehicle, a Chev y Cr uze, which he has use of during his term.

Young & Free Ma ine includes a f ina ncia l headsta r t w it h a new accou nt ca l led t he f ree4ME Account, designed with 18 to 25 year olds in mind. Maine is the only New England state to offer this program, which has proven successf u l i n con nect i ng w it h G en Y i n re g ion s t h roug hout North America. What does it mean to be 18-25 in Maine? Here are some thoughts and advice from Maine’s Young & Free Spokester, Seth Poplaski. “Young & Free Maine is a program p o w e r e d b y M a i n e ’s c r e d i t u n ion s , de t er m i ne d t o br i n g financial freedom and fitness to 18-25 year olds.

What does Young & Free Maine entail? It me a n s i n f or m i n g t h i s a ge group about being fiscally smart whether you’re in college or in the work force. As a Broadcast Journalism major and graduate of the University of Ma i ne Orono i n 20 09, I w a s qu ick ly t h row n i nto adu lt hood w it hout a job i n my f ield. I had dreams of graduating, getting a job, traveling the country, and in the next few years, buying a house. Unfortunately, my student loa n pay ment s k icked i n and other contributing factors

a f fected my pla ns. Instead of working in the newsroom making a decent salar y, I found myself serving and bartending in Bangor, and making just enough to get by. Wit h t he state of our economy today, I find that this is the same boat that many young adults are in. We either have no financial goals going into college or the work force, or the plans for our lives are unrealistic. For me, graduation was the focus, but there was no plan for the inbetween time of graduation and finding an actual job. It took me a year and a half to find a job outside of the restaurant business and it was not an easy task. I applied to many jobs and my main response was that there were many qualified applicants, and the position went to someone else. So what is my point? The reality of today is that you probably won’t find a great paying job right out of school. You may enter t he work force r ig ht out of high school, or you may go to college and get a degree. Regardless of what path you choose, you have to remember that money does not always come easy. Remember t hat You ng & Free Ma ine is here for t he “Gen Y” crowd. We’re all in this together. Let’s ma ke t his generation t he generat ion t hat helps cha nge Maine for the better.” For more of Seth’s tips on how to live Young & Free in Maine, and how Maine’s credit unions can help, visit

RATES HAVE FALLEN! Auto and Recreation Loans as low as

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34 Bates Street, Lewiston • 782-7191 760 Minot Ave., Auburn • 753-0500

Need a Loan? Stop by and See Us!

We Have Money To Lend!

Submitted photo

Seth Poplaski, a 24-year-old from Bangor, was awarded the spokesperson position for Young & Free Maine, where he works on behalf of Maine’s credit unions and has a one-year contract with salary.

“Here are some lessons I’ve learned along the way: • Prepare yourself for the hard financial decisions ahead; • Seek out financial advice from reputable sources; • Sit down and make a realistic budget for yourself; • Track where your money goes. I tracked mine and discovered that I spend an average of $1,200 a year on coffee shop visits alone; • Setting yourself up for financial success at a young age is probably one of the most important decisions you can make at this point in time. “ — Seth Poplaski

* Member eligibility required, restrictions apply, new financing, annual percentage rate.



Advertising Supplement to the Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Sunday, October 16, 2011

It’s a new record for Maine credit unions’ Campaign for Ending Hunger


ma rke d a nother records e t t i n g year for the Maine Credit Unions’ Ca mpa ig n for End i ng Hu nger. The year’s total funds raised in this campaign is $402,740.02, an increase of nearly $27,000 over last year’s record. This impressive total was announced in February at a special ceremony featuring NBA Hall of Famer Rick Barry. Barry cited the accomplishment of Maine’s credit unions as “evidence of what can be done when you work as a team. I applaud credit unions for taking on this cause and giving back to their communities and for the credit unions and their members for answering the call to action. This is an extraordinary achievement, especially in these economic times.” Since 1990, Maine’s credit unions have raised over $3.9 million to help end hunger in Maine. One hundred percent of all funds raised stay in Maine, and go directly to the cause, benefiting the very communities in which the funds are raised. Each June, the Campaign holds a ‘Share the Bread’ event, when along with loaves of bread, Maine credit unions contribute $17,000, one of the largest single-day contributions to multiple hunger organizations in Maine, to organizations in every county in the state. Jon Paradise, governmental and public a f fa irs ma nager for t he Maine Credit Union League, said that more than donating much needed funds, events like this are also about raising awareness for this critical need. “As we recognize the significance of hu nger i n Ma i ne a nd, most specifically, feeding a number of Maine’s children during summer vacation when there are not meals provided at school, Maine’s credit u n ions w i l l prov ide resou rces to help orga n i zat ions i n each county make a positive impact on thousands of people in Maine,” said Paradise. To ensure that even the most rural Maine towns receive the food they need, t he Campaign partnered with Good Shepherd Food Bank

by comedian Tim Sample a nd t he late Ma rsha l l Dodge. T h i s CD clea rly st r uck a chord w it h Mainers, as it climbed to be the number one-selling CD in Maine, according to Bull Moose Music.

Submitted photo

John Murphy, president of the Maine Credit Union League, Luke Labbe, chair of Social Responsibility committee, and NBA Hall-of-Famer, Rick Barry look over the “evidence of what can be done when you work as a team.”

The CDs are available at 200 Ma i ne cred it u n ion locations across the state, Best Buy, Bull Moose Music, Mr. Paperback and other select retail locations. For more information on how you can help Maine’s credit unions end hunger, v isit w w i nec u a nd click on t he Ending Hunger lin k under “Community Involvement.”

in 2005 to introduce the state’s only Food Mobile, a truck t hat has since t ra nspor ted over 1.5 million pounds of food to pantries throughout the state. The Food Mobile continues to be an invaluable resource to Maine’s food pantries, not only because of the rise of gas and oil prices, but t hroughout t he w inter mont hs when the truck is able to travel to remote food pantries that may have trouble sending someone to pick up food. The Food Mobile celebrates its sixth anniversary this year. This past year, these efforts have be en s uppor te d by a u n ique fundraiser, as credit unions, as well as retailers throughout the state have been selling The Amazing Mu sic of Main ers , Volu me 1. With proceeds benefiting Ending Hu nger, t h is 27-song 2-CD set features a wide variety of artists, all with ties to Maine. This music is a piece of Maine h istor y a nd feat u res such musicians as: Don McLean, Dan Fogelb er g , Ru s t ic O v er tone s, Schooner Fa re, Bi l l Ch i n nock, Cindy Bullens, Devonsquare, Noel Pau l Stookey a nd ma ny more, including “The Maine Stein” song with a digitally remastered version by the legendary Rudy Vallee. T he CD a lso i nter ject s Ma i ne humor at its best, with short cuts

Advertising Supplement to the Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Sunday, October 16, 2011

Follow Us! i n


TRUE CONVENIENCE We’re Open til’ 8pm

8 Locations Open ‘til 8pm with 6 Other Branches Open to Serve You


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Across town or across country, stay connected with shared branching. 1.800.750.0959

Serving those who live, work, or worship in the counties of Androscoggin, Cumberland, Kennebec, Lincoln, Sagadahoc, Somerset, Waldo & Knox



Say “hello” to SURF Dude, and say “so long” to Mr. Fees Tired of seeing fees lurking behind that ATM? SURF Dude, the mascot of Maine credit unions’ CU24 SURF ATM Network, is a sure sign that ATM fees are a problem of the past. Credit unions have more surcharge-free ATMs across Maine than just about anyone. When you see SURF Dude, you know that you’re in the SURF Zone — and that means no ATM fees. Credit union members can save at least an average of $300 a year on surcharge fees when using the SURF network — one of the largest ATM networks in the state. With the SURF network, ‘no fees’ means just that — not only will you see no fees at your ATM, there are no hidden fees anywhere else. In addition, a number of SURF ATM locations give thousands of Maine credit union members the ability to not only access cash but to also make deposits, surcharge-free. Formed in 1999, 90 percent of Maine’s credit unions now participate in the CU24 SURF Network through the Maine Credit Union Leag ue. T here a re now 223 surcha rge-f ree ATMs t hroug h-

Someone says there’s a better way to search for a home in Maine?

out the state. “This is what credit unions are all about — cooperating w it h each ot her for t he good of a l l cred it u n ion members,” explained John Murphy, president of the Maine Credit Union League.


Need an ATM on the go? An iPhone app allows you to find surchargefree ATMs in Maine from your current location. It’s a simple way to map out where you can find cash wherever you are. The iPhone

app is f ree, a nd lists a ll SURF ATMs, contact info and mapping instructions. Visit the iTunes app store and download it today. For a complete listing of the SURF ATM locations in Maine where you

can find SURF Dude, visit http:// and click on “Find an ATM.”



Comprehensive, Personalized Solutions For Credit Union members & employees




Valued Partners

We are celebrating Credit Union Week All Week! Join us for fun & refreshments. Monmouth Federal Credit Union

“We Invest In You” Lobby & Drive-up Mon. & Wed. 8:30-4:30, Tues. 8:30-3:00 Thurs. & Fri. 8:30-5:00, Sat. 9-12

Serving: Monmouth • Greene • Turner • Wales • Leeds • Litchfield

1176 Main Street • Monmouth, ME 04259 19a Patten Road • Greene, ME 04236 8


Advertising Supplement to the Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Sunday, October 16, 2011

No matter the economy, Maine credit unions fuel members’ lives


today’s economy, it can be d i f f icu lt to k now where to turn for help. Members of Maine credit unions, however, know that they have a partner they can always rely on. Whether a member has lost their job, is unable to keep up with rising healthcare costs, or is struggling to save for a child’s college education, Maine’s credit unions are always there for their members. “Maine credit unions are about helping people, during good times a nd, u n for t u n at el y, d i f f ic u lt times. The ways in which Maine

credit unions work with members through tough times is something credit unions do every day and have done since they were formed,� explained John Murphy, president of the Maine Credit Union League. One challenge that credit u n ions have recent ly helped members tackle is the high cost of fuel. A survey conducted by the Maine Credit Union League found that more than two-thirds of the state’s credit unions are offering special

fuel and/or energy loans to help keep staying warm affordable for thousands of Maine consumers. Mu r phy ex pla ined t hat t he specia l loa ns aga in demonstrate “ t h e c om m i t m e nt of Maine’s credit unions to helping t he more t han 611,0 0 0 Ma i ne c r e d it union members, especially during difficult economic times.� Mu r phy adde d, “A s memberow ned f ina ncia l cooperat ives, credit unions are about the needs

of their members and this is yet another example.� Ot her ways t hat Ma i ne cred it u n ions have helped members we at her toug h t i me s i nclude assisting in debt consolidation, reducing interest rates, allowing sk ipped pay ment s, creat i ng loan extension plans, changing pay ment ter ms a nd prov id i ng general assistance in budgeting and financial counseling. For a complete list and locations of Maine credit unions, go to www.

Since the first Maine credit union was formed in 1921, Maine credit unions have focused on supporting members, no matter how big or small their needs.

Your money is safe in a Maine credit union With financial institutions making headlines in recent years for their struggles as our country and state work to rebu i ld a f ter d i f f icu lt economic times, many consumers may wonder who they can trust w it h t heir hard earned money. This is something that members of Maine’s credit unions already know the answer to — their money is safe at the financial institution they own — their credit union. Ma ine cred it u n ions of fer somet hing t hat no ot her f inancial institution can — the opport u n it y to be a n ow ner of you r i n st it ut ion, a nd a boa rd t h at includes unpaid volunteers who are democratically elected by the credit union’s members. These volunteers work with credit union ma nagement to conduct credit union operat ions in a sa fe a nd sound manner that is singularly focused on serving the members. “Maine credit unions are owned by their members. This means that each credit union is dedicated to serving the community and the people who live there,� explained John Mur phy, president of t he Maine Credit Union League.

T he Nat ion a l C re d it Un ion Administration, or NCUA, is the federal government agency that charters and super v ises federal credit unions. NCUA also operates and manages the National Credit Un ion Sha re I n su ra nce Fu nd, similar to the FDIC which insures banks. Member savings in Maine credit unions are insured by the NCUSIF, which is backed by the full faith and credit of the United States government.

mone y ma rket ac c ou nt s, a nd share certificates. Individuals with account balances totaling $250,000 or less at the same insured credit union have full NCUSIF coverage. Not one penny of insured savings has ever been lost by a member of a federally insured credit union.

Member deposits in federal credit unions are insured to at least $250,000 by the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund.

Maine Credit Union Week October 16-22, 2011 Celebrate Maine Credit Union Week with us with daily drawings

Member deposits are backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. gov er n ment . T he s e a c c ou nt s i nclude reg u la r sha res, sha re d ra f ts (or check ing accou nts),

Stay on top

f wh 's h e i g!

F ll w us

Advertising Supplement to the Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Sunday, October 16, 2011

555 Sabattus St., Lewiston 831 Minot Ave., Auburn 783-2071 • 1-800-783-2071 If you are not currently a member of the credit union but would like to, call or stop by one of our offices. Credit union membership brings money-saving benefits, and it lasts a lifetime! We are proud to be growing and working hard for Maine families.



Maine credit union members share saving tips, win cash


around the house and when they need money I give it to them.�

help s pr e a d t he w or d a b out Shared Branching, as well as to give members access to unique money sav ing tips, Ma ine’s credit unions have launched the website ShareIt AndSave. org. There, credit union members can share a financial tip to be posted on the site.

• “Instead of buying wrapping paper for birthdays or holidays, hide the gifts and give the receiver clues to find.â€?

Each mont h, t he member who sha res t he most unique tip is awarded $250. The site also features a Shared Branch Locator, with which users can enter an address or intersection to find the three closest Shared Branches. T here a re c u r rent l y ne a rl y 145 Sh a re d Bra nch i ng locat ions i n Ma i ne, a nd over 4, 30 0 loc at ion s ac ross t he cou nt r y a nd internationally. To find a location near you, or to share your savings tip, visit Or, for a listing of the thousands of nationwide locations, visit

• “I bought a voltage reader and the electronics that use the most energy remain unplugged until ready for use.â€?

• “Why pay for cable when there are videos and TV shows to watch on the internet for free.â€?

“Select a number of days per month where you do not spend any money. Make it a challenge.�

• “I collect the change that my two teenage daughters leave laying

Maine credit union members invest in America and drive away with savings Since its inception in January of 2009, Maine credit union members have driven away with some big sav ings thanks to the “Invest in America� program. Invest in America is credit unions’ auto loan discount program with auto ma nufacturers Genera l Motors Corp. a nd Chrysler Corp. Wit h discounts ranging from $ 500-$1,000 for credit union members plus additiona l incentives, the Invest In America program has

translated into significant savings for Maine credit union members who have bought GM or Chrysler cars.

On a national level, credit union members have saved $298 million on vehicle purchases, with 436,640 vehicles sold through Invest in America.

The program a lso promotes products and services from U.S.-based companies, providing a stimulus for our economy. With 40 percent of Maine credit unions participating, nearly 900 new GM or Chrysler cars have been sold to credit union members in Maine through this program.

In addition to vehicles, Invest in America also offers savings on American products you use every day, from the fun, like f lowers, to the practical, like tax services. You can f ind a ll of t he details by v isiting

Credit Union Week October 17-22  Kids’ Coloring Contest  Double Monty Dollars with Deposits

“Spin the Wheel� New memberships opened and new loans closed this week will spin to win a gift! WJBQ Radio with Lori Voornas onsite Friday, October 21: 10:00 A.M – 1:00 P.M.

Silent Auction to benefit Maine Credit


When you’re a member of Community Credit Union, you’re an owner. Credit Union’s are not�for�profit financial cooperatives who exist to serve the members. Community Credit Union is governed by a Volunteer Board of Directors, all of whom are members of the Credit Union. These Board members are elected annually by their fellow Credit Union members.

VISIT COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION THIS WEEK & DISCOVER THE CREDIT UNION DIFFERENCE ! Enter to Win $100 in Cash - Get a free gift - Enjoy a fresh apple

COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION 144 Pine Street, Lewiston ME � 40 Stanley Street, Auburn ME Phone 207.783.2096 � Fax 207.783.2093 This Credit Union is federally insured by NCUA and is an Equal Housing Lender. Member eligibility required.


Unions Ending Hunger in Maine Campaign

 Floor Systems  Franco-American Heritage Center  Designs by Skip  The Carriage House

 ABC Pool & Spa Center  Ramada  Shaw’s Lewiston  Sam’s Italian Foods

Auction items are on display in the Credit Union lobby. Bid high! Bid often! Bidding closes at 12:00 noon October 29th. Highest bidders will be notified on October 31, 2011. 1000 Lisbon Street Lewiston, Maine (207) 777-6202

Bank where you belong.

Online or on the go, Maine credit unions are there Not only do credit unions provide t o p -n ot c h p e r s on a l s e r v i c e , t hey of fer t he latest a nd most convenient technolog y. Maine’s credit unions a re consistent ly i nt roduci ng t he lead i ng technolog y, including the ability to conduc t on l i ne t r a n sac t ion s, online lending, electronic check imaging, instant debit card issue, and more. Credit unions continue to introduce new products to en ha nce t he lives of their members, without compromising the most important connection of all: the relationship between the credit union and each individual member. “The abilit y to implement new technology while still maintaining a level of member ser v ice that ranks first out of all other financial institutions in Maine is what sets Maine’s credit unions apart in the financial services industry,� explained John Murphy, president of the Maine Credit Union League. “We a re able to give members what they want — access to the latest technology and exceptional personal service. Credit unions work hard to provide both, and credit union members appreciate that,� he added. This high level of service has now gone mobile, as Maine consumers can have money-saving tips sent to t heir cell phone. W hen you text “ATM at 22700� you receive information on saving money by using a Maine credit union. With the combined strength of persona l member ser v ice a nd t he commit ment to delivering exceptional leading technolog y ser vices, Maine’s credit unions c o n t i nu e t o o f f e r t h e m o s t comprehensive a nd enjoyable experience in today’s financial services industry. A link to all Maine credit unions and their services can be found at


r m nth visit Sunj urna .c m

Advertising Supplement to the Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Sunday, October 16, 2011

Maine credit unions share tips to keep consumers safe


today’s economy, every cent counts. To make sure that a scam doesn’t come between you and your harde a r ne d mone y, Ma i ne c r e d it unions are continuously working to educate members on how they can keep their money and identity safe. Here are some of the ways that you can protect yourself against this ever-present threat.

On the phone: • Never give your Social Security nu mber, accou nt nu mber, or credit card number to anyone who calls you;

At the ATM:

Think twice before depositing checks that:

• Never share your ATM PIN; • Memorize your PIN – never write it down; back using the number on your account statement.

When creating a personal ID number: • D on’t use your mother’s maiden name; • Don’t use your birth date;

• D on’t use the last four digits of your social security number; • Don’t use your telephone number or address;

Choose a unique combination of letters and numbers.

• B e aware of your surroundings when approaching an ATM; • I f you experience any unusual occurrences when using an ATM, or notice discrepancies with your account, report it to your credit union immediately; • R epor t a lost or stolen AT M card immediately.

• Came to you via an Internet sale; • C a me to you w it h condit ions such as you having to send money back to someone from the check’s proceeds or anyone; • A re issued from an unknown or unrecognized party. To find our more on how you can protect yourself from identity theft, contact a credit union near you, or visit

• If you receive a call from someone claiming to be from your credit u n ion a sk i ng for accou nt information, hang up, and call

For Maine credit unions, it’s easy being green Long before it was cool, Maine credit unions knew the value of “green” — and we’re not just talking about cash. Credit unions can help you conserve energ y, as many Maine credit unions offer special rates on loans for fuel-efficient cars, and on home equity loans to make your house more energy efficient. Credit unions also offer a variety of services that allow employees and members to cut back on the paper used to conduct transactions. Debit cards are not only convenient, they save paper needed for checks. Direct Deposit saves time and resources, not to mention late payment fees, while online bill pay will save both paper a nd t he cost of a sta mp. Many credit unions also provide the option of E-Statements, sending your CU statement to your email inbox instead of your mailbox. Some cred it u n ions a lso of fer eAlerts, a service which allows the credit union to electronically notify you about account transactions that you want to know about, such as a deposit, withdrawal, or when your account balance drops below a preselected amount.

Member Appreciation Week! October 17th-22nd, 2011 for a Monday, Oct. 17- Drawing Mac’s Grill Gift Card for a Tuesday, Oct. 18- Drawing Visa Gift Card for a Wednesday, Oct. 19- Drawing Lowes Gift Card for members Thursday, Oct. 20- Give-a-ways who visit our locations for Friday, Oct. 21- Drawing Davinci’s Gift Card Rate Saturday, Oct. 22 - Special Loan Promotion MEMBER Appreciation Sale

Plus All entries from the week will be pooled together and one of our members

will win $500 worth of heating fuel from the company of your choice.

Visit your local credit union to check out the many ways your CU can help you protect the environment. To f i nd a c r e d it u n ion, v i s it

Advertising Supplement to the Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Sunday, October 16, 2011

Thank You for being our MEMBERS!






A credit union is there for you – to see you through life’s major moments. With more than 200 Maine locations, there’s a credit union there to help you build a strong financial future with better rates and lower fees. During this International Credit Union Week, members celebrate the many ways credit unions are working for them. Credit unions make it easy to stay connected to your money – at the nearly 145 Shared Branching locations in Maine and over 4,300 across the country, where you can conduct transactions just like you do at your own credit union. And, with one of Maine’s largest surcharge-free ATM networks, SURF, you can access your money fee-free at over 200 ATMs. Look into Maine’s credit unions. When you join the over 611,000 consumers who are members of a Maine credit union, you’ll like what you see!


For The 25 And Under Crowd

The Member-Friendly Financial Network




www.mainecreditunion .org

Advertising Supplement to the Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Sunday, October 16, 2011

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