July 2016 (on line)

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July 2016








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Phyllis D. Coley

Gary N. Jones, MBA











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Vol. III, Issue VII Ballin’ Out Briefly Commentary Cover Story Community Health Editorial Entertainment FEATURES Angie Jones Aplus Test Prep Doug Speight Ebonettes Future Of Tech Howard Clement Jesica Averhart Juneteenth highlights Shirley Caesar Wendell Tabb From The Publisher’s Desk Health & Beauty Lifestyles News Briefs Out & About Samantha’s Infinite Solutions Sports

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From The Publisher’s Desk... U.S. SUPREME COURT SIDES WITH KKK IN BID TO ADOPT HIGHWAY “…President Barack Obama’s election has resulted in renewed interest in the organization [KKK].” If members of Al Qaeda tried to adopt a highway, they’d be nabbed by authorities and sent to Guantanamo Bay, but in the U.S., the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) has a sort of preferred status among hate groups. Although the Ku Klux Klan has terrorist roots, that group is receiving help from the highest court in the United States to push its long-held commitment to race hatred. The Supreme Court ruled on July 5th that the KKK can continue its bid to adopt a highway in Georgia. In a unanimous decision, the Court ruled that the KKK can continue its lawsuit because the Georgia Department of Transportation failed to follow correct procedure in its appeal. From the Associated Press: In a summary of the ruling, the court called its decision a “partial victory” for the KKK, saying it means the group’s lawsuit against Georgia may proceed to trial. The north Georgia KKK group sued the state after it denied the group’s application to participate in Georgia’s “Adopt-A-Highway” program, which enlists volunteer groups to clean

up roadside litter. The American Civil Liberties Union sued on behalf of the KKK on the grounds that the group’s right to free speech had been violated. Leaders of the KKK, a group which terrorized and murdered AfricanAmericans in this country for years, recently told the AP that the group is looking forward to a rebirth. During an interview, leaders of the group told the AP they believe U.S. politics are “going their way” and President Barack Obama’s election has resulted in renewed interest in the organization. “We will work on a unified Klan and/or alliance this summer,” said Brent Waller, imperial wizard of the United Dixie White Knights in Mississippi. “You know, we began 40 years ago saying we need to build a wall,” Klan leader Thomas Robb said. Who does that sound like? And you want him to select the next Supreme Court Justice? Please VOTE!!

“You know, we began 40 years ago saying we need to build a wall.” -Klan leader Thomas Robb TO GOD BE THE GLORY!

Phyllis Coley

Phyllis Coley CEO/Publisher pcoley@spectacularmag.com

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STUDENTS DEMAND ACCESSIBLE EARLY VOTING SITES NEAR COLLEGE CAMPUSES We, The NC Vote Defenders, a youth-led civic engagement effort is calling on the board of elections to make voting sites accessible this coming fall. This election will have huge implications on the future of NC and the country. Many seats are open including Governor, state house and senate, as well as a federal senate seat and president. In 2013, NC Gov. Pat McCrory passed H.B. 589, putting into effect one of the worst voter suppression laws in the country. North Carolinians are now required to provide a stateissued ID (although a university ID will not count). Early registration for 16 and 17 year olds has being done away with. The early voting period is being shortened by a week. Same-day registration no longer exists. Why are those in power so eager to make it harder to vote? Simply put, they do not want you to vote. Many of these new laws directly target working people, people of color, and students – the constituents that make up what’s becoming the new majority in North Carolina, and indeed, the entire south. This is the majority North Carolina’s government is trying to silence. But we refuse to be silenced. In a state stained by a history of poll taxes and Jim Crow laws, students from around North Carolina are banding together to create a grassroots movement to oppose these discriminatory laws. The vote is foundation of a truly representative government. Our legislature is supposed to enact the will of the people – but how can they know the people’s will if they will not let all of the citizens of our state vote?

attempts to disenfranchise various populations cannot stand. Millennials make up the largest voting block of any population and the state should ensure that we have access to the polls. In the spring primary election several county boards of election failed to make voting accessible. This included no early voting polling place in walking distance of NC State University and the casting of over 8,000 provisional ballots across NC due to lack of voter education. While some say young people are not apathetic to the process, there continue to be systematic efforts to restrict young people’s ability to access the ballot box. In response, the NC Vote Defender Project is demanding that all county board of elections do the following for early voting: 1. Have a polling site on or in walking distance of every campus and community college; 2. Implement an early voting plan that includes Sunday voting and evening hours; 3. Implement a voter education plan targeted at millennials to ensure they are aware that students can use a campus address and understand the reasonable impediment form to obtaining an ID. It is time to make North Carolina an inclusive republic, not a divisive one. Say no the narrow agenda of the Governor and the General Assembly. Say no to a new Jim Crow. Say no to discrimination. Say yes to equal rights for all. The NC Vote Defenders, a project of Ignite NC, is a group of concerned students and young people who want to do everything they can to protect the right to vote for all of North Carolina’s citizens. Bryan Perlmutter, a North Carolina native and a graduate of NC State University, is the founder and Director of Ignite NC.

BLACK CHILDREN SHOULD BE EDUCATED BY BLACK PEOPLE By Dr Boyce Watkins One of the reasons black people are not where we should be in terms of progress is because we’ve relied on other people to educate our children for far too long. As a child, you were taught that your goal is to go to a public (or private school), typically one that is run by non-black people and to do your best to fit into that system. This kind of culture is unhealthy for at least two reasons: First, the uncomfortable experience of black children within the education system often leads our kids to believe that this system was not built for them. Therefore, they disassociate, disconnect and end up disenfranchised. Secondly, even those who successfully adapt to these systems become ineffective and misdirected nonresources for the African American community. Our brightest children, best athletes, etc. are often recruited into predominantly white institutions

The sad part is that many of us consider it “progress” for a black person to leave their own people and go give their very best efforts to somebody else. I’m sorry, but this is not progress. It’s called an exploitative brain-drain. Keep this in mind as you raise your children. First, remind them repeatedly that they should give their best to their people, not to somebody else. Secondly, remind them that knowledge and education don’t typically come from a system, but from critical and accurate information provided to you by those you love. Third, teach your children how to run their own businesses so they are not forced to bow to a white supremacist system to simply be able to buy something to eat. You must prepare your kids for a world that is built upon economic warfare. We can only win this war if we stand together. Dr. Boyce Watkins, also known as The People’s Scholar, is a leading scholar and social commentator.


Spectacular Magazine accepts opinion articles on any topic, not only policy, politics or government. If it’s opinionated and you believe our readers will find it worth reading, please submit it. Submissions of any length will be considered but the more concise the better chance it will be selected for print. All submissions must be original, and exclusive to Spectacular Magazine. We will not consider articles that have already been published, in any form, in print or online. Submissions may be sent in either of these ways: By e-mail to: opinion@spectacularmag.com Or by mail to: Spectacular Magazine Opinion Page P.O. Box 361 Durham, NC 27702 Submission must include your full name, address and phone number.

They cannot. And their blatant


and end up leaving their own communities.

SPECTACULAR MAGAZINE | June 2016 | www.spectacularmag.com



COINTELPRO used against the Black Panther Party, Black Liberation Army and American Indian Movement.

During the height of the Ferguson Rebellion in late summer 2014, youth organizer, Joshua Williams quickly rose to the call of duty. In the aftermath of Officer Darren Wilson’s brutal murder of unarmed Black teenager Mike Brown, 19-year-old Josh Williams stepped forward in the most dedicated and courageous way possible – on the front lines. At protests, Williams stood his ground against armed police, national guardsmen, tanks and teargas, encouraging others to do the same. In doing so, Josh not only earned the respect and admiration of his peers, he began to garner favor with longtime veteran leaders such as Cornel West and Al Sharpton. Williams became a darling of the national media, from USA Today to the New York Times. Unfortunately, just a few months after Mike Brown was killed, another Black teenager, Antonio Martin, was shot by the police in Berkeley – a small town just outside of Ferguson. In a righteous rage, youth took to the streets in rebellion. Williams was caught on camera lighting a fire at the convenience store where Martin was shot and killed. In December 2014, Josh Williams was arrested by the St. Louis County police, and a year later plead guilty to first degree arson and second degree burglary. Were Josh’s actions of “damaging property” illegal? Yes, of course. But so was the murder of innocent human lives. Did Darren Wilson serve time in jail? No, he did not. Did George Zimmerman serve time for murdering 17-year-old Trayvon Martin? No, not at all! Josh Williams, however, was sentenced to eight years in the Eastern Reception Diagnostic and Correctional Center in Bonne Terre, Mo.

Trumped-up Charges Another recent case of overt targeting

What we have to do now is call this out, and critique such developments through a contemporary context. The intent of such repression is to halt the movement, to halt the surge and organization of the poor and oppressed, to “disrupt, discredit and destroy.” For those who may not be familiar, “the state” is the Protester Joshua Williams stares at St. Louis police chief Sam Dotson and records the police and county encounter on this cell phone on Monday, Dec. 8, 2014 during the second meeting of the sheriffs – ICE, U.S. Ferguson Commission, a special advisory board appointed by Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon to recommend governing solutions . Some in the crowd stood and turned their back on Border Patrol, the FBI and CIA – your Dotson as he spoke, others heckled him. (Courtesy St. Louis Post-Dispatch) local probation and correctional of activists by the state is the case of days in jail and 3 years of probation officers – even the judges and state 28-year-old Jasmine Richards (also time. prosecutors. known as Jasmine Abdullah). Founder of the Black Lives Matter - Pasadena In the state of California, lynching Collectively, the state apparatus will do Chapter, Richards became the first implies “the taking by means of a riot anything to protect the elite. If they Black person in the United States of another person from the lawful can’t stop you permanently, they’ll tie convicted of “felony lynching.” Yes, custody of a peace officer.” The up your time, energy and resources in lynching! She was hit with this charge erroneous charges against Jasmine the jails and court system. And they’ll for attempting to prevent the arrest of backfired, however, when the general use the media to demonize you in the a Black woman accused of not paying public finally received word of such process. her bill at a local restaurant, back in a ridiculous interpretation, and legal August 2015. application. Public outcry was heard As current activists, scholars and worldwide. And though Richards was revolutionaries, we have to learn from During the incident, Jasmine and others released on bail just a few days ago these lessons and pass them on. As the were nearby at a local park rally against on June 18, an old phenomenon has Movement for Black Lives continues violence in the Black community. As become quite clear. to grow, mature and push forward, commotion spilled over into the street, it would behoove us to only expect Jasmine and nearby protesters came to Lessons from Past that there will also be other activists serve as witnesses, demanding justice. Movements targeted. It could be me. It could be At the time, only the suspect accused you. It could be any one of us. Those of not paying her bill was formally What we’re seeing in regards to on the front line must be defended, by arrested. Three days later, however, targeting activists and organizers of us, the people, the community, at all for her valiant pursuit of justice, the Black Lives Matter Movement is cost, by any means necessary. Jasmine was charged with delaying nothing new – no different than the Lamont Lilly is the 2016 Workers World Party, U.S. and obstructing officers, inciting a riot targeting of Mumia Abu-Jamal, Assata Vice-Presidential Candidate. He resides in Durham. and felony lynching. On June 1, 2016, Shakur and Leonard Peltier. What Jasmine Richards was sentenced to 90 we’re seeing is the same strategy that

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SPECTACULAR MAGAZINE BUSINESS AFTER HOURS – JUNE 18, 2016 DURHAM, NC - Spectacular Magazine Business After Hours was held June 18 on the Google Lounge & Rooftop Patio at American Underground @ Main. Attendees had the opportunity to network, interact and learn about American Underground — one of eight Google for Entrepreneurs tech hubs in North America — launched in 2010 in the basement of the Strickland Building on Durham’s American Tobacco Campus. Home to 240+ startups, investors, university offices, and more, American Underground now encompasses close to 100,000 square feet of space with one location in Raleigh and three locations in downtown Durham. (Photos: Mel Brown)


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NORFOLK, VA - Kenny Alexander, a former state senator and Norfolk native, became Norfolk’s first African American mayor when he was sworn in on July 1st. (Photo: Randy Singleton)

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SPECTACULAR MAGAZINE | July 2016 | www.spectacularmag.com


THE FUTURE OF TECH IN THE TRIANGLE technology giant Google chose Durham’s American Underground to join the Google Entrepreneurs Tech Hub Network, which includes just six other cities in the United States and Canada: Minneapolis, Chicago, Denver, Nashville, Detroit and Waterloo.

KEY FIGURES: • A 40% increase in venture funding over 2014 + 83% of companies that sought funding received it. This upends conventional wisdom on the availability of funding in the southeast. • A 30% increase in jobs created • 29% of the American Underground’s businesses are led by women, 22.4% are minority-led. Nationally, approximately only 1 percent of startup founders are black and 8 percent are female (according to CB Insights). • Durham is hot. In just two years, seven companies have exited to the tune of $1.5 billion. Technology is reshaping the economic geography of the United States. Much of the media and pundits assert that the tech revolution is bound to be centralized in the dense, often “hip” places where “smart” people cluster. According to an analysis by the Praxis Strategy Group, the fastest growth over the past decade in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics-related) employment has taken place not in the most fashionable cities but smaller, less dense metropolitan areas.

The old tobacco town of Durham is ablaze with tech know-how, home to companies large and small. Many are part of ¬American ¬Underground, a community started on the former campus of the ¬American Tobacco Company. The American Underground launched in 2010 in the basement of the Strickland Building on the American Tobacco Campus, North Carolina’s largest historic renovation project. This project totaled over one million square feet of space and transformed what was once an eyesore of abandoned tobacco warehouses into a bustling hub for entrepreneurs. CNBC deems The American Underground to be “the Startup Capital of the South.” In 2013, Durham got a boost to its startup scene with a 22,000-square-foot hub called American Underground@ Main. The space holds 40 startups, spread across co-working space and small private offices. They work alongside nonprofits, other businesses, and universities like North Carolina Central. But the startup vibe dominates: the building features a 50-foot slide, a giant Mayor McCheese head, and The Vault: a former bank vault now equipped with TVs, video games, and hangout space. At night, American Underground@Main opens up to the community for networking events. In yet another victory in 2013 for the Durham, NC business community,

The designation means an undisclosed cash infusion from Google, as well as Google technology products for startups. It also means mentorship and networking with Google software engineers. As for Google, it means more companies start with its technology. Today, Black and Latino/a students earn 18% of computer science bachelor’s degrees. Yet Blacks and Latino/as make up only about 5% of the tech workforce at the industry’s leading companies. Figuring out how to attract, recognize, and retain diverse talent is critical for tech companies’ growth and survival. Creating a more inclusive tech sector is critical for communities of color as well. Tech jobs are some of the fastest growing with some of the lowest unemployment rates. The average tech worker makes more than the median household income of a Black family and a Latino family combined. Tech can dramatically alter the economic trajectory of individuals, families, and communities of color. CODE2040 is a non-profit founded in 2012 that focuses on getting more African Americans and Hispanics into the tech workforce. The group’s name refers to the year the population of minorities in the U.S. is expected to overtake whites. Google began backing a new pilot program from CODE2040, Entrepreneur in Residence, in Chicago, Austin and Durham, NC in 2015, giving minority entrepreneurs in each city a one-year stipend and free office space. While building their start-ups, the three CODE2040 entrepreneurs in residence will build bridges to technology for minorities in those

communities. Google Tech Entrepreneur in Residence 2015 Talib Graves-Manns and Adam Klein, chief strategist, American Underground wrote in 2015 that The American Underground had established a bold goal at the start of 2015: To build the most diverse start-up hub in the country inside of two years. This statement raised some eyebrows but, after nearly a year of experimentation and hard work, Durham is building not only a thriving start-up scene but a richly diverse one. Nationally, only about 1% of start-up founders are black and 8% are female, according to CB Insights. But as a result of carefully considered decisions made at the American Underground, 15% of companies here are led by African Americans and 29% by women. These figures are up from the beginning of 2014 when it was reported that 5% of American Underground companies were led by AfricanAmericans and 7% by women. While still in the early stages, the issue is of national importance because research increasingly shows that diverse work forces, brainstorming teams and leadership systems help to generate higher revenue and rates of return for companies compared to their homogeneous counterparts. Developing more diverse entrepreneurial ecosystems also creates more opportunity for people of different backgrounds to succeed. The American Underground now encompasses close to 100,000 sq ft of space in three locations in Durham and one in Raleigh as well as a strategic partnership with open source leader Red Hat to offer an office in Silicon Valley. It has paved the way for a new wave of startups – over 225 – who have set up shop in downtown Durham to take advantage of the growing startup culture and the city’s abundant creative class. Now, the city center bustles with coffee shops, a beautiful performing arts center, and the shouts of minor league baseball games – a far cry from the Durham of a decade ago.


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DURHAM, NC - Currently, Blacks and Latinos make up a mere 2 percent of the technological workforce in the US. Technology levels the playing field for future businesses, employment and access to resources. There’s no way around the technological evolution, but there’s a quiet but ever present initiative going on in Durham, North Carolina, to make sure that African Americans and Latinos are front and center of the technological industry and that those minority groups will benefit from it in larger numbers each year. The first piece of this puzzle of teams to promote diversity is American Underground that was initiated six years ago. The primary goal of the team is to promote a group of diverse entrepreneurs to build positive relationships with the surrounding community connecting them through technological advances. American Underground is under the umbrella of the American Tobacco-venture in Durham, a nationally renowned destination for businesses, dining, a professional baseball team and attractions visitors can enjoy. Capitol Broadcasting is the parent company of American Tobacco. American Underground consists of about 250 startup companies across 100,000 square feet of space—two buildings in Durham and a location in Raleigh, NC. The success of the growing business campus has drawn national media coverage in the past several years. Jesica Averhart is the Director of Community Partnerships and New Business Development for American Underground. For American Underground, she plays the important role of growing and facilitating relationships between positive community projects (both public and private) and the innovation and technology projects taking place daily between companies. Averhart is originally from Evansport, Ohio and received her undergraduate degree from Ohio Northern University. Her strong passion for diversity is seen in her collaboration with the CODE2040 project. JESICA CONTINUES ON PAGE 13


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Jesica Averhart (r) speaks on “Fast Track Your Startup” panel, moderated by BE’s Samara Lynn at the 2016 Black Enterprise Entrepreneur Summit in Miami Fl. (Courtesy of blackenterprise.com) CODE2040 was developed to close gaps for minority led companies with a specific focus on African American and Latino populations. The founders of CODE2040 already had Durham on their radar when the partnership started in 2015, according to Averhart. Averhart said these individual small companies have the power to shape a corporate culture built around promoting diversity in the field of technology. The initiative is centered around increasing diverse leadership and hiring practices. The group’s main purpose is centered around diversity. The group continues to discuss diversity in leadership, in communication, planning meetings, even down to sending emails. “We are always thinking about diversity,” Averhart said. “We want to change the narrative,” she added. “We want to be on the right side of history.” Averhart said large companies like Facebook, Amazon and Google have spent millions of dollars in recent years to change the demographic tide. She said on the West Coast, Silicon Valley is known for hiring many of its employees directly from Stanford University. She questions any company’s hiring practices if all their employees look the same.

“Do you always go to the people that look like you,” Averhart said. “The people who you went to college with or is a member of your fraternity or sorority?” Promoting diversity is easier to do in an area like Durham, where you have historically black colleges and universities like North Carolina Central University and North Carolina A&T in your backyard. “That talent pool is already diverse,” she said. “It’s just about recognizing it.” Averhart said it is easy for companies justify they are doing their civic duty by fulfilling minority hiring quotas by giving contracts to white females. She said there has to be a specific focus on this issue alone. “Somebody has got to fight the good fight,” she said. “That’s why CODE2040 is so critical.” This laser focus initiative also ensures that proper resources are allocated to minority businesses. She adds that this method is a driving force for faster growth for these businesses. Averhart said if these startup companies don’t receive proper funding to stay afloat, then their efforts are all in vain. Averhart also adds that it has been proven that diverse companies have better bottom lines.

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CODE2040 By: Cynthia Dean Being named CODE2040’s Entrepreneur in Residence is a dream come true for Doug Speight of Durham. The collaboration not only grants $40,000 to local startup businesses affiliated with American Tobacco, but it gives him a chance to give back to the city he grew up in. “It’s actually the fulfillment of a lifelong dream I’ve had,” Speight said. CODE2040 Residency, powered by Google for Entrepreneurs, is designed to empower Black and Latino entrepreneurs to take their companies to the next level while promoting diversity in their own communities. The nonprofit organization creates pathways to ensure that by the year 2040 (when the US will be majorityminority) Blacks and Latinos are proportionally represented in America’s innovation economy as technologists, investors, thought leaders, and entrepreneurs. The goal is to drastically increase diversity and inclusion efforts around the nation. The San Francisco nonprofit organization started the initiative in 2015, launching it in three cities – Durham, Austin, and Chicago. The project was so successful that four more cities will be added this year. Speight, a proud graduate of Jordan High School, fits right in this strategic partnership. He graduated from North Carolina A&T University in 1995 and went on to earn a MBA from UNC Chapel Hill. Speight has spent several years working in tech transfers at universities, mentoring startup companies, as well as federal labs for NASA and the Department of Energy. His long portfolio of entrepreneurial experience includes launching new ventures, designing profitable strategic partnerships, managing open innovation and intellectual property for organizations ranging from startups to federal agencies. The spirit of entrepreneurship runs deep in the Speight family of Durham. His family has operated a string of businesses in the city since the 1930s, ranging from automotive services, real estate, heating and air conditioning, taxi cab services, oil and delivery. Speight lived in Tennessee six years before returning to the Triangle where he worked for the Department of Energy Oakridge National Lab outside of Knoxville, Tenn. In that position, he focused on developing innovative companies. DOUG CONTINUES ON PAGE 15

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DOUG CONTINUES Speight applied to the CODE2040 after following the work of the program’s founders for several years. “Tristen Walker and Laura WeidmannPowers are on a mission to diversity the technological industry,” he said. “That’s really drew me in.” The program plays a major role minority diversity in technological companies in the (San Francisco) Bay area. CODE2040 has a specific focus on Durham. “That’s what excites me about it,” Speight said. “We do believe that Durham is going to be the next Silicon Valley.” 2040 is the targeted year when the minority population across the US will rise above the Caucasian population. Speight said this has already happened in Durham.

even on a global level. Speight and Graves-Mann will continue to work together on the CODE2040 initiative. Averhart said Speight stands on the shoulders of Graves-Mann who was the first entrepreneur in residence for the pilot program. He got us up and running,” according to Averhart, adding that he landed the program in USA Today. He is credited with making the bold statement that American Underground would be the most diverse tech hub in the US by the end of 2016. Speight said he and Graves-Mann are still in close collaboration, adding that they just got back from a trip working in San Francisco, CA together.

“It’s a demographic shift the country is in,” he said.

Doug said Graves-Mann is a key networking resource, adding that he is well connected and has vast experience in start-up ventures. He is known for his great marketing skills and being well connected.

According to Speight, the shift will create the largest economic boom witnessed in several years.

“He’s very talented,” Speight said. “He’s good at building community around things.”

“This tremendous economic growth will come directly from new companies founded and run by minorities. “We want to be positioned well to take advantage of this shift,” he said.

Cathedral Leasing is Speight’s own business venture that he started when he still lived in Knoxville. The company leases computer equipment to small companies at affordable rates. The company also allows them to purchase upgrades and other equipment as older equipment and

Talib Graves-Mann is credited for bringing great visibility to Durham,

software phases out.

he said.

Speight said Cathedral Leasing offers small companies what they need to compete on a global scale. “We give Daniel the strength to fight Goliath.”

Speight has his eyes set of raising capital for his equipment leasing business and other equipment distributors. He hopes to develop strategic partnerships with more equipment distributors, banks and leasing companies.

Speight moved Cathedral Leasing to Charlotte where he lived briefly before finally moving back to Durham. He still has a small office in Charlotte to maintain a presence there for the business. He said Charlotte is the second largest financial center in the nation. However, he quickly noticed that talent pool of technological workers reside in the Triangle. “They have the developers, designers, coders and programmers,”

The move back to his native home of Durham brings Speight’s wife and two children closer to his own family. He said the bonus is that his children get to be closer to their grandparents. “It’s nothing like home,” he said. For more information about CODE2040, visit www.code2040.org

Pictured above from left to right: Doug Speight of Cathedral Leasing, Laura Weidman-Powers of CODE2040 and Jes Averhart of American Underground. (Photo: Courtesy of exitevent.com)

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ANGIE JONES SENIOR COMPUTER PROGRAMMER, TERADATA (RALEIGH) MASTER INVENTOR By: Cynthia Dean After just one computer course, Angie Jones, of Durham was hooked. Now the software engineer is on a mission in hopes of spreading technology fever to other young African American females near and far. She is all too familiar with being grouped in the 2 percent of minorities that make up the technology workforce. She notes, for black women, that number is less than 1 percent. Jones remembers plenty of times when she was the only African American female in her college classrooms as well as her early work settings. “It was 12 years before I got to write a program with another black woman,” she said. “There’s something wrong with that.” Jones is a trailblazer her field. The professional “techie” works as a Senior Computer Programmer at Teradata. She holds 18 patents in the US and China and is considered a Master Inventor in the industry. Jones also serves as an Adjunct Computer Science Professor at Durham Technical Community College. Among other notable publications, Jones has been featured in Ebony Magazine as one of the country’s 30 young leaders under the age of 30. She has dedicated countless hours to exposing more women like herself to the world of technology. Angie is a native of New Orleans, Louisiana, and holds a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from Tennessee State University as well as a master’s degree in Computer Science from North Carolina State University. She said her father encouraged her to go into the field of technology. Her love of fashion and gaming led her to develop Diva Chix, an online fashion designing game. She said before then, computer fashion games were less than challenging. “After your dressed up the doll, that was it,” she said, “It got boring really fast.” Jones’ online fashion game keeps its participants engaged. The players graphically design the clothes and upload them to the website. In its eighth year, the game has drawn more than 250,000 players nationwide. Players from all over the country are able to communicate and collaborate while they are competing for the top spot. But it’s not just a game. The Diva Chix mission is twofold. ANGIE CONTINUES ON PAGE 17


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ANGIE CONTINUES Jones’ first mission was to make gaming and fashion more fun and interesting. The next goal is introducing young girls to the field of technology and how to run their own businesses. For example, the gamers learn basic principles of business such as supply and demand and team building. “They learn how to run their own shop,” she said. Jones said the demographic makeup of her classroom at Durham Tech still mirrors the technology industry numbers across the country. That is why initiatives like hers and CODE2040 are so important. African American females can offer a different perspective in this ever growing field simply because they come from a different background. “You can come up with your own ideas and be successful in this field,” Jones said. “We can solve real world problems.” Jones said the opportunities in technology are endless, adding there are jobs in programming, graphic design, robotics and developing mobile apps. “I never met a programmer … I didn’t even know what that was,” she said. “I want girls to know that this is a possible career path.”

Jones extensive work doesn’t stop there. She also volunteers to teach technology workshops such as Designing Mobile Apps and Website Development for several organizations in the community such as Black Girls Code, TechGirlz, Hi-Tech Teens, and Alpha Kappa Alphas SMART Camp. She also mentors black technology students from Duke and North Carolina Central Universities. This year, she plans to join forces with Doug Speight and the CODE2040 initiative under the American Underground umbrella in Durham. Christina Burton, 12, of Durham, started participating in Black Girls Code last year. The group focuses on black girls ages 7 to 18 years old. Burton said the group facilitated more than 50 girls last year. Burton’s mother told her about the program, adding that she enjoys drawing and designing games. So far, Burton has created her own online game, a website and even a mobile application. She said the mobile application was a fortune telling app. “When you ask it a question, it will reply either, yes, no, maybe, or maybe in the near future after you shake up your phone,” she said, describing the app.

Burton is a sixth-grade student at Bethesda Christian Academy in Durham with aspirations of becoming a game developer and graphic designer. She said one year she was instructed to do a school project about the career path she was interested in. “I made a computer out of a cardboard box and that was my costume,” she said. Burton said Jones is a great mentor to the girls and is always very helpful to

them. “She is really nice and she tells a lot of jokes,” she said. “She makes it (learning) fun.” Jones loves to see the girls let their imaginations run wild. Burton said Black Girls Code lets the young girls experience new things by letting them be creative and then they actually get to see what they created actually work.

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William Paul Thomas is passionate about engaging the African American community both in his work and at the galleries where his art is shown. Thomas said, “I like the idea of breaking down the stereotypes of who makes and who owns art.” Last month, Thomas became the first artist-in-residence at the Power Plant Gallery at the American Tobacco Campus, an off-site extension of Duke University. Thomas utilized his time there to work on his multi-media project, Mood Swings. It includes painted portraits of black men and women who live or work in Durham as well as interviews about what brings them joy. To date, Thomas has accumulated over 100 audio and video recordings. When Thomas first began his project two years ago, he primarily focused on black men. He said, “People don’t see the humanity in black man. I wanted to show a broader range of how we see black men represented. Socially I think there is real value to showing a side of a group of people that are not fully represented in mainstream media.” Given Thomas’ background it was unlikely that he would have become an artist. Thomas was raised in a working class neighborhood by a single mother in Chicago. He went on to receive a Master in Fine Arts from the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill. As a teaching fellow at UNC, he taught Basic Drawing and Composition and worked directly with advanced painting students. In 2009 he earned a BFA with an emphasis in painting and drawing from the University of Wisconsin – Whitewater. Thomas has exhibited


artwork in The Museum of Science and Industry’s annual Black Creativity exhibition. He was awarded an Elizabeth Greenshields Foundation grant in 2011. The Greeenshields grant is a highly competitive $15,000 prize awarded to artists working in a representational style. Thomas utilizes his immediate social network to produce images that explore issues of race- based conflict, identity, and representation. William Paul Thomas is a 2016 Ella Fountain Pratt Emerging Artist Grant recipient. His video piece, “TEEF: Good for the Soul” was included in the Durham Storefront Project in 2014. He lives and works in Chapel Hill. This July, Thomas will continue to work in the Durham community as he begins a residency at Golden Belt. His new project was inspired by his family history and will include interviews as well as other art forms. Thomas will host an open house at his Golden Belt studio on August 6th. Attendees will be able to gain insight into his work and sign up to be interviewed for his multi-media project. Thomas’ inspiring artwork along with his drive to change not only the landscape but the audience of the art community makes him a talent to watch. For more information, go to www. africanamericanarts.org

William Paul Thomas is seated near one of his signature portraits.

SPECTACULAR MAGAZINE | June 2016 | www.spectacularmag.com

MR. ARTHUR JOHN HOWARD CLEMENT, III March 12, 1934 - May 25, 2016

In January 2011, Mr. Arthur John Howard Clement, III served as Grand Marshal of the Annual NC MLK Black History Month Parade and was the recipient of the Spectacular Magazine 2013 Man of the Year – Lifetime Achievement Award. Below is the article that ran at that time. He departed this life on May 25, 2016.

A.J. HOWARD CLEMENT III MLK PARADE 2011 GRAND MARSHAL…GREAT MAN By April Mial DURHAM, NC - It is more important than ever that the lessons of the past and the legends that lived and walked the front lines, share that knowledge and those experiences with the youth and leaders of tomorrow. It was, after all, what Martin Luther King wanted for us all. One of Durham’s finest public servants and civic rights leaders brings that knowledge and insight to every conversation he has with the citizens he has repeatedly been elected to serve. No matter what you may call him, he was born Arthur John Howard Clement, III was born on March 12, 1934 in Cleveland, North Carolina. His family moved to South Carolina shortly after. The notion to leave South Carolina after high school and pursue further education at Howard University in Washington D.C. was the most prevalent thing on his mind as a young man with big dreams. Not only was the information and education there for Clement to gather, but a lifelong relationship with the fraternity Alpha Phi Alpha and a taste for adding justice to the laws of the land took root then, too. After acquiring a law degree, he returned south to practice law in South Carolina and then later settled in Durham with his wife and growing family and was employed at North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company until 1991. During this time and afterwards, Clement became a member of many organizations whose mission was to better Durham and its citizens, especially African Americans. The NAACP, American Red Cross, Operation Breakthrough, Habitat for Humanity as well as many lesser known causes and citizens. We all have benefited from his involvement. Awards and honors continue to be given to this longest currently serving member of HOWARD CLEMENT ON PAGE 20

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Howard Clement was selected to receive the Spectacular Magazine 2013 Man of the Year Lifetime Achievement Award by the Juneteenth Celebration Planning Committee, citing that he epitomizes the criteria for this Award: a man who has made outstanding and significant contributions to the African-American community throughout his lifetime; he must have demonstrated dedication, leadership and commitment to the advancement, promotion and development of the cultural, educational, social, Howard Clement, center, received the 2013 Spectacular Magazine Man of the Year – economic, political Lifetime Achievement Award. welfare and/or in any other areas that impact the lives the Durham City Council. an accurate description of his years in of people in the African-American The City Council has been what you politics. community; must be of African would call his “baby”. Howard has heritage. been an active member of the city When one has served the people for council for 30 years and was the mayor as long as Clement has, that person is Howard Clement always says, “It’s pro tem during the Nick Tennyson going to be spoken of often and about better to be seen than viewed.” And on administration. Many major concerns the things they have accomplished. June 13, 2013 Mr. Clement is seen for of his constituents in Ward 2 and of Durham as a whole, have been able to be heard, and acted upon, when he was the voice the opposition had to deal with and answer to. Some would say Clement stood in the way of projects that would have been good for Durham. What he said to us on that is “I stood up for projects in Durham that were for everybody and included communities that are often left out or forgotten about at decision time.” Whether it is a vote on transit, housing, grant monies or a proclamation, Clement sticks to his guns and demands what he thinks is right for the people. This attitude endears him to many Durham voters. Howard Clement was a registered Republican for most of his career until recently, but looking at the votes garnered over the years, it is Howard Clement, seated, is honored by Downtown Durham Rotary Club clear he stands by what he believes in. with (l-r) his wife Annie, former Durham mayor Nick Tennyson, Durham His actions speak across party lines, or mayor pro tem Cora Cole-McFadden, and NC State Senator Mike Woodard. at the very least, sure blur them. Not (Photo: Courtesy of Durham Rotary Club) one to tow the party line, for anyone, is


SPECTACULAR MAGAZINE | July 2016 | www.spectacularmag.com

all he has achieved in his lifetime. Obituary Arthur John Howard Clement, III (82), was born on March 12, 1934 in Cleveland, North Carolina to Arthur John Howard Clement, Jr. and Irma Robinson Clement. He passed peacefully from this world on May 25, 2016 at his home in Durham with his devoted wife, Annie Davis Clement. He is survived by his three loving daughters (with his deceased wife Dolores Williams Clement of 41 years), Irma Clement of Cliffside Park, NJ, Saundra (Brian) Daniels of Durham, and Marcella Clement of Charlotte. He is also survived by Annie’s children, Albert Jones (Karen) of Charlotte, Anna Croley (Gilbert) of Atlanta, Alexis Brown (Lawanda) of Atlanta, and Amanda Harris of Atlanta. His love extended to his grandchildren, Brian Keith Daniels II, Kayla Arielle Clement Daniels, Arthur John Howard Clement VI, Brooks Brown, Alex Brown, Ryanne Hill, Ashley Brown, Alexandria Brown, Adrianna Brown, Taylor Croley, Alex Croley, Velanie Croley, Gilbert Croley, Michael Harris, Kaitlyn Harris, Chaz Jones, Aric Jones, Bryce Jones, Dia Jones and five great-grandchildren. He also leaves to mourn his brother, William Clement (Margaret) from Bend, OR and a host of nieces, nephews and cousins. Howard graduated from Avery High School in Charleston, SC. He obtained his undergraduate and law degrees from Howard University. He was a Life Member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated where he was initiated at Howard University in 1952. He was a Life Member of the NAACP. He served as legal counsel for North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company and was on the Durham City Council for 30 years. His many accomplishments are chronicled in his papers, which he donated to the Durham County Library’s North Carolina Collection. In accordance with his wishes, the family has announced there will be “no funeral services or otherwise” in observance of his passing. It is requested in lieu of flowers, donations be made to the Howard Clement Educational Fund with the Franklin Templeton Charitable Giving Fund, Renaissance Charitable Foundation, Inc., 6100 West 96th Street, Suite 105, Indianapolis, IN 46278. In the near future, there will be an event to celebrate Howard’s life.




(Photos: Renaldo Jackson)

RADIO ONE - THE LIGHT 103.9 (Photos: Renaldo Jackson)

D-WISSH (Photos: Renaldo Jackson)


DURHAM, NC - Spectacular Magazine, in conjunction with Triangle Cultural Awareness Foundation, presented the 12th Annual NC Juneteenth Celebration in downtown Durham on Saturday June 18th. The celebration of the ending of slavery featured over 70 food, merchandise vendors and exhibitors, activities for kid’s, health fair and performances by national recording artists The Junkyard Band, Rude Boys, & Carl Carlton. Local acts included Family Sircle, John Thorpe, The Dixon Brothers, Tha Materials, Real The Rapper, The Loving Sisters, and Kamus. Rev. Curtis Gatewood delivered a powerful keynote address and Little Miss Black Durham USA 2016 Kenady Holloway delivered a powerful punch with her recitation of the poem “Black Child.” Comedian D-Wissh hosted the event. The 12th Annual NC Juneteenth Celebration was sponsored by Duke Energy, BCBSNC, BB&T, Radio One Raleigh, NC Mutual, M&F Bank, American Underground, Durham County Government, City of Durham and The Art of Cool Project.

(Photos: Renaldo Jackson)

DUKE ENERGY - Jessica Whitaker

AU - Jesica Averhart Doug Speight

BCBSNC - Lasindra Webb

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CHICAGO, IL - Johnson Publishing has represented Black America since 1945. With magazines such as Jet and Ebony, the publishing empire established by the late John H. Johnson told the story of Black culture through the war years, the civil rights movement, and the rise of Black athletes and politicians. As of June 14, 2016, Johnson Publishing sold its rights to their flagship magazines and stepped away from the publishing business. Unlike the sale of BET to Viacom, the purchasing company is Black-owned. The new owner is the Austin, Texasbased Clear View Group, a private equity firm. According to Business Wire, the Clear View Group is “an African American-led investment group that brings to bear over twentyfive years of experience creating, developing and running successful corporations.” The new media entity is now called Ebony Media Operations and will remain headquartered in Chicago, as well as retaining a portion of its editorial staff and administration at its New York editorial office. Founder John H. Johnson’s daughter, Linda Johnson Rice, will serve as chairman emeritus of the board of


the new company. She said this about the sale, “This is the next chapter in retaining the legacy that my father John H. Johnson built to ensure the celebration of African-Americans.” Johnson Publishing will now focus on its cosmetics line, Fashion Fair Cosmetics, which generates about 50 percent of the company’s revenue. The sale of the magazines comes under the leadership of its CEO Desirée Rogers, who worked in the Obama administration as their incoming social secretary. Rogers, who has been at the storied company since 2010, also issued a statement, “The overall strategy of separating these two distinct businesses — media and cosmetics — will ensure that both iconic brands are positioned for future investment and growth.” The sale of the two magazines coincides with the January 2016 announcement that the photo archives for Ebony are also for sale. The company is hoping the sale price will be close to $40 million for the iconic images that captured our culture from the Civil Rights Movements to the rise of Black entertainment in popular culture.

SAINT AUGUSTINE’S UNIVERSITY SIGNS STUDENT EXCHANGE AGREEMENT WITH THE UNIVERSITY OF THE PACIFIC RALEIGH, NC – In an effort to develop global citizens, Saint Augustine’s University (SAU) entered a student exchange partnership with the University of the Pacific from the country of Colombia on Friday, July 1st.

SAU’s campus during his United States trip for the historical agreement.

Rector Tobar made a special visit to

SAU’s Director of International Programs Dr. Kanton Reynolds played a key role in negotiating the agreement between both institutions. His visit to the University of the Pacific in April 2016 was part of a half-year effort which culminated with the signing of the agreement.

The agreement is the result of interactions from the U.S.-Colombia Action Plan on Racial and Ethnic Equality (CAPREE), SAU President signed by U.S. Everett B. President Ward and Barack Obama University of in 2010. the Pacific CAPREE Rector embodies Hugo Tobar the joint signed the commitment University of the Pacific Rector Hugo agreement of the United Tobar (Left) and Saint Augustine’s on campus States and University President Everett B. Ward at the Boyer Colombian Sign Student Exchange Agreement Building in governments to (Submitted Photo) President ensure inclusive Ward’s office. The two-year agreement prosperity and equal opportunities will allow the institutions to exchange to advance the livelihoods of students this upcoming academic year. African descendant and Indigenous The goal is to enhance the students communities in both countries. both academically and culturally in addition to preparing them for the Dr. Norma Lozano-Jackson, Director of global job market. the Office of International Programs at Benedict College, was appointed by the “This partnership will help our White House Initiative on Historically students broaden their knowledge and Black Colleges and Universities to their leadership skills from a global lead the CAPREE subcommittee on perspective,” President Ward said. “I am Education. Her efforts to garner very excited about the research that support from several HBCU presidents will come from this partnership. Having including Dr. Ward eventually led to the Rector here today just affirms for the partnership between SAU and the me that Saint Augustine’s University is University of the Pacific resulting in moving in the right direction.” this agreement.

University of the Pacific Rector Hugo Tobar (Left), Saint Augustine’s University President Everett B. Ward (Center) and Saint Augustine’s University Director of International Programs Dr. Kanton Reynolds (Submitted Photo)

SPECTACULAR MAGAZINE | June 2016 | www.spectacularmag.com

“This agreement demonstrates that Saint Augustine’s University is committed to producing global scholars and citizens, which is a requirement in today’s society if you are going to remain competitive both individually and as an institution,” Reynolds said. “It also demonstrates that HBCUs like Saint Augustine’s University can and should be active and relevant entities in international education.”

TOM JOYNER FOUNDATION LEADS HBCU PRESIDENTS ON HISTORIC TRIP TO CUBA Tom Joyner, chairman and founder of the Tom Joyner Foundation, and his son, Thomas Joyner, Jr., president and CEO, led a group of HBCU presidents to Havana, Cuba for an historic series of meetings. DALLAS,TX – Mere months after President Obama’s historic visit to Cuba, The Tom Joyner Foundation (TJF), the Dallas-based nonprofit that helps support historically black colleges and universities, led a one-ofa-kind four-day mission to Cuba with numerous HBCU presidents who explored global exchange and research opportunities for students and faculty in Cuba. From left to right: Dr. Raymond Burse, Kentucky State University President; Dr. Cynthia Jackson, Central State University Nationally syndicated radio President; Dr. Lester Newman, Jarvis Christian College President; Tom Joyner, Tom Joyner Foundation (TJF) Chairman; personality Tom Joyner, Thomas Joyner, TJF President & CEO; Dr. Tashni-Ann Dubroy, Shaw University President; Dr. John M. Rudley, Texas chairman and founder of Southern University President; and Texas Senator Royce West in Havana, Cuba on the Foundation’s historic mission. the TJF, and his son, Thomas Joyner, Jr., president and on in Cuba. CEO, facilitated a historic series of meetings that took place from May “It’s important for us to partner with 28th to June 1st. Presidents of the your education system, providing following HBCUs participated: Dr. opportunities for student and faculty John Rudley, Texas Southern University, exchanges,” Jackson-Hammond said. Houston, Texas; Dr. Raymond Burse, “The more knowledge we have Kentucky State University, Frankfort, about Cuba, the more we can build Ky.; Dr. Cynthia Jackson-Hammond, relationships. It is better when we Central State University, Wilberforce, personally try to understand each Ohio; Dr. Tashni-Ann Dubroy, Shaw DURHAM, NC conducting other rather than relying solely on the University, Raleigh, NC; and Dr. – Results of an a thorough media or what we hear about Cuba.” Lester Newman, Jr., Jarvis Christian independent investigation of University, Hawkins, Texas. During a investigation medical care Shaw’s Dubroy said, “One of Shaw series of presentations, conversations, which included the that had been University’s goals is to strengthen the and meetings, the group visited with autopsy report provided while collegiate journey by exposing our representatives from the Ministry of were released on McCain was students to the positive aspects of Education, the University of Havana June 22nd detailing in custody at multi-cultural experiences. Partnering and the Superior Polytechnic School the cause and the Durham with countries like Cuba in a global Institute. manner of death for County exchange program will heighten Matthew McCain, Detention the authenticity of our academic “This trip was a major step forward 29, who was found Center. The programs.” in helping these HBCUs learn about dead in the Durham independent how they could play a role in the County Detention investigation HBCU participants interested in new Cuba,” said Thomas Joyner, Jr., Center on January regarding the traveling will have to pay their president and CEO of the Foundation. 19th. circumstances own round-trip airfare from Miami “I think the representatives of these of the death International Airport. Once in Havana, schools picked up some very valuable According to Dr. sought to Joyner and Cuban experts lead the information that they’ll be able to use L. Scott, Medical identify any administrators and educators in a to create some new opportunities for Examiner, McCain irregularities Matthew Mccain series of interactive discussions and their students and faculty.” died as a result of in the care tours. “complications of a seizure disorder.” provided, ensure the quality of care Joyner said he is in the midst of was acceptable based on objective Anyone interested in learning more about planning a second mission to Cuba in the next Foundation Cuba Mission, please Following the death of McCain, the standards of care and identify any areas the fall. The participants of the program contact Jachel Redmond at jachel.redmond@ Durham County Department of Public in need of improvement. said the experience offered them tomjoynerfoundation.org. Health spent the past several months firsthand experience of what is going


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SAVANNAH, GA - On June 15th twenty- one area youth traveled from N.C. to Savannah State University in Savannah, Georgia to participate in the four day 2016 Leadership Development Citizenship Education Institute (LDCEI). These area youth were sponsored by the Rho Beta Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc, seated in Henderson, NC. Students attending from Warren County High School (Warrenton) were the following: Asia Baskerville; Centri’cia Davis; Darauna Davis; Alani Hargrove, Regine Palmer; Amber Steed; Jarrett Brake; Ron Davis, II; Nijah Durham; Jeffrey Hayes; Gregory Lewis; Stanley McGrady; Zacchaeus Marrow; Matthew Mayes; Malik Williams. Angel Gilchrist, a rising ninth grader, was a participant from Warren County Middle School. Students

from Franklin County were Amari Gilliard, a student at Franklinton High School (Franklinton), and Stephon Bryant, a student at Franklin County Early College (Louisburg). Students attending from Vance County were Isaiah Hawkins and Joshua Hargrove, both students at Henderson Collegiate (Henderson). Khyree Roberts, a rising ninth grader at New Bern High School, was also a member of the 2016 Rho Beta Lambda Cohort. Brother Dennis Snead, Chapter Secretary and Chapter LDCEI Chairperson, and Brother Dante Sellers, a 2012 Film/Theater Major Alumnus of Saint Augustine’s University and Sales Manager at Macy’s in Buford , GA, were the chaperones for the Rho Beta Lambda Cohort. The Rho Beta Lambda Cohort joined 138 other students from the states of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi,

North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee on the campus of Savannah State University. For over 38 years, the LDCEI has served as an incubator for future scholars, accomplished professionals, and community leaders. The purpose of the program is rooted in the mission of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. to “develop leaders, promote brotherhood and academic excellence, while providing service and advocacy for our communities.”

Jarrett Brake. Two Cohorts competed in the Poetry Contest: Regine Palmer and Amari Gilliard. Regine Palmer received the first place trophy after the competition ended. Three of the Rho Beta Cohort competed in the Talent Show: Darauna Davis, 4th place with her snare drum solo; Jarrett Brake, 5th place with his piano medley; and Khyree Roberts, with a piano solo. One student - Stephon Bryant competed in the Oratorical Competition.

There were 159 student essays that were submitted as part of the application process for the 2016 Leadership Institute and were judged for the writing competition. Making the list of 15 finalists from the cohort representing Rho Beta Lambda Chapter were the following: Ron Davis, II; Zacchaeus Marrow, Joshua Hargrove, Malik Williams, Khyree Roberts, and

Any interested student or parents with children between rising 9th graders and rising 12th graders with academic prowess and demonstrated leadership involvement interested in inquiring about the 2017 LDCEI, should contact Brother Dennis Snead via email at 1906rbl@gmail.com

SNOOP DOGG TO HEADLINE DEMOCRATIC ‘CONVENTION UNITY PARTY’ FOR HILLARY CLINTON Snoop Dogg will show his support for Hillary Clinton this month in connection with the Democratic Party convention later in July.

Snoop Dogg


The rapper will headline a “convention unity party” in Philadelphia on July 28, one day after Clinton is expected to accept the presidential nomination.

Three so-called political action committees that spend on behalf of Democratic candidates — Priorities USA Action, Senate Majority PAC and House Majority PAC — on July 5th jointly announced the show, which will take place at the Electric Factory, a concert venue with a capacity of up to 3,000, according to the AP.

SPECTACULAR MAGAZINE | July 2016 | www.spectacularmag.com

Hillary Clinton


DURHAM, NC - Juanita B. Massenburg, a member of Durham Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta (DST) Sorority, Inc., has been elected as the South Atlantic Region, 17th Regional Director. Massenburg, a dedicated member of DST since 1985, received both her Bachelor of Science and Masters degrees in Business Administration from North Carolina Central University. The Henderson, NC native is an active member of Peace Missionary Baptist Church where she serves as Vice-President of the Voices of Peace Choir, Recording secretary of the Pastor’s Aid Committee and a member of the Building Committee. Leading an active life in the Durham community, Massenburg has received numerous awards and honors for her service and dedication as a community leader and volunteer which include: Spectacular Magazine 2016 Woman of the Year Award—Civic and Human Rights, Who’s Who in Raleigh-Durham Area Award, Governor’s Award for Outstanding Community Service–State of North Carolina, Governor James B. Hunt and National Presidential Volunteer of the Year Nominee–President William “Bill” Clinton. From president of the Durham Alumnae Chapter, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. to North Carolina State Coordinator to National Leadership Academy, National Scholarship and Standards Member and to her most current elected position South Atlantic Regional Director, her legacy of leadership and service continues. She shares her life with her husband Daniel of 40 years, one daughter, Mundi Massenburg Gattis, her son-in-law Jonathan Gattis, and two precious grandchildren. Juanita will serve the South Atlantic Region along with Regional Representative Sierra Cunningham, a senior at Johnson C. Smith University.


DURHAM, NC – Jamillah Scott-Branch, head reference librarian at North Carolina Central University’s James E. Shepard Memorial Library, has been elected councilor-at-large by the Council of the American Library Association (ALA). Branch is among 34 at-large councilors elected by the ALA for three-year terms. The terms will begin following the 2016 ALA Annual Conference in Orlando, Fla., June 23-28. Branch obtained her B.S. from Fisk University and her M.L.S. from North Carolina Central University. Prior to joining NCCU, Scott served as technology and media services librarian at Elizabeth City State University. The American Library Association is the oldest and largest library association in the world, and provides leadership for the development, promotion and improvement of library and information services and the profession of librarianship.


DURHAM, NC – Terry L. Bellamy has been named as the next director of the City of Durham Transportation Department. He currently holds the position of assistant director of Transportation Planning, Engineering & Operations in the Department of Transportation and Capital Improvements for the City of San Antonio, Texas. Bellamy has also held numerous leadership roles including associate director of the Transportation Operations Administration, deputy director for Operations, and director of the Government of the District

of Columbia’s Department of Transportation. As the agency’s executive officer, he was responsible for overseeing day-to-day operations of one of the District’s largest agencies with four major divisions, 800+ employees, and numerous contractors. A native of Charlotte, Bellamy is a graduate of NC A&T State University and holds a master’s in Community and Regional Planning from Iowa State University. He has completed several professional development studies including Certified Public Administrator program from George Washington University and the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments,

and the Executive Transportation Engineering Program at Pennsylvania State University. He also serves as an adjunct associate professor of Urban and Regional Planning at the University of Texas at San Antonio. His appointment is effective August 15, 2016. M&F BANK HONORS FLORES, MOUNT LEVEL MBC

L-R: Lenny Springs, M&F Board of Directors, Margaret Morrison, Mount Level MBC Deacon Board

DURHAM, NC – M&F Bank celebrated the 2016 recipients of the M&F Bank Founders Award during June’s Annual Meeting of Shareholders of M&F Bancorp, Inc., recognizing Mount Level Missionary Baptist Church (“Mount Level MBC”), and Eleazar and Roselia Flores, of the Flores Corporation, Inc. The annual award recognizes individuals or entities that embody the “Founding Principles” based on hallmark values or attributes of the men who established the Bank in 1907, and which have guided the Bank ever since.

The selection of Mount Level MBC reflects that entity’s commitment to the principles of philanthropy, citizenship, and investing in the community. Founded in 1864, the church has been serving its congregation and surrounding vicinities for over 150 years. Their separate Community Haven 501 [c] 3 organization operates a community garden that serves individuals and households with limited L – R: Lenny Springs, M&F Bank access to fresh fruits and vegetables. Board of Directors, Roselia Flores, Margaret Morrison, Vice Chair of Mount Eleazar Flores Level MBC’s Deacon Board, accepted the award, telling the audience that many of the ministries highlighted during the event “were accomplished with a side-by-side partnership with M&F Bank.” Eleazar and Roselia Flores’ selection acknowledges the courage, leadership and willingness to make a difference that they demonstrated in building several successful small businesses. Several years ago, they envisioned a grocery and restaurant that would serve and meet the needs of Durham’s burgeoning Hispanic/Latino community. They opened Super Taqueria on North Roxboro Street, and the community’s response soon made it clear that they needed to expand. They then opened La Superior Carniceria about one mile north of their original location. Today the Flores Corporation, Inc. operates numerous businesses, including the grocery store, a bakery, a butcher shop and restaurants, including the original Super Taqueria location. Of their relationship with M&F, the Floreses said, “M&F was willing to put their trust in someone who only had an idea. This award is a reflection of the hard work of both M&F and our family.”

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CREDITORS OF CHRISTIAN LAETTNER FILE CHAPTER 7 BANKRUPTCY $28.3 million from the proceeds of its sale. The records did not disclose how much Laettner, now a resident of Florida, might have personally profited from the West Village deal. Durham lawyer Dick Hutson, who is representing Laettner in the bankruptcy case filed in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court’s Middle District of North Carolina, did not immediately return calls for comment.

Laettner In an unusual twist to the courtroom saga between former Duke University basketball star Christian Laettner and his investment partners in the redevelopment of West Village in Durham, five of his creditors have filed an involuntary Chapter 7 bankruptcy petition against the former college basketball superstar.

Another attorney representing Laettner, Hassan Zavareei, said he hopes Laettner can negotiate a settlement and that the Chapter 7 filing may eventually be dismissed. “Mr. Laettner has done and continues to do everything possible to repay his fellow investors,” Zavareei said in statement issued by his law firm to the Wall Street Journal and Buffalo Business

At issue is $14 million that the investors say they are still owed by Laettner after winning earlier court judgments against him. HOLLYWOOD, CA - Shirley Caesar, eleven-time Grammy winner and famed gospel singer, received the 2,583rd star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on June 26th. The singer, who recently saw her fiftieth anniversary as a solo artist, “is known as a musical trailblazer who has influenced a wide range of artists across genres,” said Leron Gubler, president and CEO of the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce, which oversees the Walk of Fame. “Her career has made an indelible mark on American music and the sounds of gospel.” Over the course of her career, Caesar recorded over 40 albums, including “No Charge,” “Hold My Mule,” “Jesus I Love Calling Your Name,” “I Remember Mama” and “He’s Working It Out For You.” She has also performed for every president of the United States since


Jimmy Carter. The famed First Lady of Gospel has continued her history of success with her newest album “Fill This House,” which dropped on June 3rd. The album quickly made its way to #1 on Billboard’s Top Gospel Albums Chart. In addition to the star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, Caesar has been honored in the Gospel Music Hall of Fame and has also received 18 Dove Awards, which are given to honor outstanding achievement in the Christian music industry, and 14 Stellar Awards, awards that are given to gospel music artists, writers, and industry professionals. During the star ceremony, fellow gospel singers Yolanda Adams and Kirk Franklin also spoke in front of The Fonda Theatre on Hollywood Boulevard.

Laettner and his real estate businesses have been defendants in several civil lawsuits across the country in recent years. The cases were regarding loans received from friends and fellow professional athletes for real estate projects in Durham, Baltimore and elsewhere, some of which never panned out.

West Village First, a sister publication. The bankruptcy petition list said the monies owed are “primarily business debt.”

But Laettner has become more of a target in recent months after the February sale of the Phase II buildings at West Village in Durham, an apartment, office and retail development that sold for $187 million.

Plaintiffs and amount owed were listed as follows: • NSA-SP#3, LLC (National Servicing & Administration), $7,321,230 • Ernest Sims III, $1,482,730 • Jonathan Stewart, $3,629,230 • Park Lane IBS, LLC, $236,193 • D&F DCU, LLC, $1,382,545

According to North Carolina court documents, at least one of the business entities in which Laettner is still a partner, Fuller Street Development LLC, received multiple cash surplus notes as an owner in the West Village Phase II mixed-use property, plus

A copy of the Chapter 7 bankruptcy petition has also been filed as part of a North Carolina Business Court case that’s been pending since March 2016 related to the disbursement of proceeds from the West Village property sale.

SPECTACULAR MAGAZINE | July 2016 | www.spectacularmag.com

IS THIS GROUP STEALING FROM OMEGA PSI PHI FRATERNITY? behavior that one would see from the men of Omega Psi Phi. But these are not all college students in the organization; the majority of them are adult women who wear male clothing and openly identify as lesbian. The message to some is a confusing one of gender identity and the theft of the traditions of a predominately Black male organization that was founded in 1911 on the campus of Howard University.

A group of gay Black women have formed a Greek organization that bears a striking resemblance to the men of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Incorporated. RollingOut.com reports: The women have appropriated many of the aspects of the “Divine 9” fraternity and it is causing a heated discussion. The group calls itself Omicron Psi Omega and its website states: “Omicron Psi Omega, Incorporated was

founded on April 21, 2000, in the beautiful city of Tallahassee, FL.We are a Greek organization that prides ourselves in embracing women who self-identify as aggressive, dominant, or masculine within the LGBT community.This Bruh-therhood is like none other.We believe in our family. We also encourage professionalism, advocacy, and the idea that we can uplift our community by leaning on one another for support, motivation and love.” The women step like Ques, dress like Ques and even exhibit the same

SUMMIT HELD TO ADDRESS HUNGER IN WAKE COUNTY RALEIGH, NC - One in seven Wake County residents struggles with hunger. With the county’s population now exceeding one million people, West that means more than 142,000 residents may not know where their next meal is coming from. Leaders from across Wake County came together on June 22nd to begin developing an action plan to address this problem at the Moving Beyond Hunger: Food Systems for Food Security Summit. Hosted by the Capital Area Food Network in Raleigh, the summit brought together diverse voices, policy

called the Rainbow Greek Network, which are organizations that are LGBT themed and oriented. On the website for this network, it lists five Greek letter organizations that are geared towards “feminine lesbians only,” masculine identified lesbians or openly lesbian. The group even has anti-hazing policies for its member organizations.

The fact that this group of Black lesbians wants to organize and have a fellowship among themselves is not an issue. At issue is the message that they are putting forward visually. They are emulating a proud group of Black men and Black male bonding and sexual identity. This includes hyper sexualized behavior of the steps of the men of Omega Psi Phi and presenting a look of being “hard.”

Gender bending Greek organizations have been around for some time on many HBCU campuses, but often hidden. There have been many instances of gay Black men who call themselves secret Deltas or secret AKAs and dress in the colors of these sororities as well as perform in secret step shows. During these step shows, they strike the same poses that the sororities are famous for and yell out familiar phrase and display the hand signs for the sororities.

The women of Omicron Psi Omega grab their crotches, stick out their tongues and shout about being lesbian. These women are part of what is

So has the self described “bruhtherhood” of Omicron Psi Omega taken it to another and, some would say, highly disrespectful level?


makers and food organizations from around the county to examine new ways to collaborate, share resources and implement strategies to ensure every Wake County resident has access to the food he or she needs.

Annually Duke convenes film and production teams from throughout the country to participate in this prestigious program. This year’s theme is focused on East Durham and iNvictus Forward Outreach under the direction of Iyon Mitchell were chosen due to its work in the community. Pictured left is one of their 2016-17 iNvictus Masters of Fate Fellows and Board Nation U.S.A. Co-founder Michael Stewart-Isaacs details his venture’s experience with iNvictus and the aid it provides.

"We are more effective when we work together, and today’s summit served as a great step to unite the efforts of those who want to end hunger in Wake County," said Wake County Board of Commissioners Chairman James West. “I look forward to building upon the strategies discussed today to improve access to the affordable, nutritious food our residents need to live healthy lives.” Following the summit, organizers will create a report of the summit findings to share with local officials and summit participants. The findings will inform Wake County leaders as they work with the Capital Area Food Network to develop a comprehensive plan for food security.

The Duke Center for Documentary Studies had selected to feature iNvictus Forward Outreach of Durham during its Annual Summer Intensive Film Study Program.

iNvictus Forward Outreach is the nonprofit arm of iNvictus Office Center, which is globally known as the “HUB of Minority Entrepreneurship.”

www.spectacularmag.com | July 2016 | SPECTACULAR MAGAZINE




TRIANGLE KICKOFF TO COLLEGE 2016 professional teachers with smart technology in a custom class setting. The result: APlus Test Prep’s top three Class of 2016 graduates alone collectively earned over $1 million in scholarships! For the most recent school year, SAT clients raised their scores by an average of 147 points and by as much as 220 points, while ACT test-takers improved 4-7 points. Improving these key test scores is a clear, immediate benefit for A+ Test Prep clients. But the company’s focus on building the academic skills that students can use throughout high school, college and beyond also is designed to deliver longterm impact. “We see -- and like -- higher SAT and ACT scores, but we are not teaching to the test. We have developed a datadriven system to build strengths and long-term competitive advantages for the students enrolled in our classes,” said A+ Test Prep President Sheba Lowe Brown. “We focus not only on helping students get into college, but also on helping them earn college scholarships.”

Durham, NC - Map out your college and career game plan at the annual Triangle Kickoff to College 2016 to be held on August 20. Sponsored Brown by APlus Test Prep, parents and students can attend free of charge and learn what it takes to get into college, about different careers, and how to get involved in the community via service opportunities. Attendees will be able to ask questions during a panel discussion led by college admissions professionals, counselors, university admissions staff, and financial


aid advisors. Colleges and universities will be represented at a college fair and available to speak with students about opportunities at their institutions. Students will be able to get advice about legal issues affecting teens/ college applicants. Student athletes will have access to recruitment professionals who can answer questions about eligibility for scholarships. There will be an SAT/ ACT prep session that will cover basics about the admissions tests, advice for preparation, and how the scores can be used to earn college scholarships. A host of community organizations will be available to discuss volunteer and service opportunities that can help students explore different career paths and build resumes that demonstrate their gifts outside the classroom. APlus Test Prep combines oldfashioned instruction by credentialed,

A+ Test Prep instructors are dynamic, professionallytrained educators who hold academic credentials in English, Math and Science and offer more than a century of combined teaching experience. APlus Test Prep offers a comprehensive suite of test preparation services including the SAT, ACT, PSAT, PLAN, ISEE, GMAT, GRE, & more. Students, in addition to test preparation, may select academic enrichment programming including courses that help students improve their critical reading

SPECTACULAR MAGAZINE | June 2016 | www.spectacularmag.com

skills, vocabulary acquisition, notetaking skills, time management, financial literacy and more. APlus Test Prep partners with programs and organizations across North Carolina to provide camps, classes, and other activities that help students develop academically and socially. APlus Test Prep also offers professional development for educators including the Praxis Exam Preparation for teachers; development & implementation of school-based test prep programs; curriculum development and assessment and classroom technology. This year the event has moved to an even bigger venue: Durham County Human Services Complex (414 E. Main Street, Durham). There’s plenty of parking, and the event itself is absolutely FREE. To reserve a seat, register at aplushigherscores.com/ kickoff

SAMANTHA’S INFINITE SOLUTIONS DETOXING NOT JUST FOR YOUR BODY Hair has a negative (gain electrons) charge. Most conditioners contain positively (lose electrons) charged ingredients. According to French Physicist Charles-Augustin de Coulomb, positively charged particles in conditioners have a natural affinity to negatively charged hair strands (Electrostatic Force). These positively charged ingredients sit on the hair shaft. They are water resistant agents that seal the cuticle (outer layer) while improving softness and shine. Examples of positively charged ingredients are Dimethicone, Behentrimonium, Polyquatermiun 4, 7, 10. Bentonite Clay is negatively charged. This is why detoxing the hair with Bentonite Clay occurs rapidly. The clay removes all of the positive toxins from the fair shaft upon rinsing the clay from the hair.

To apply detox mixture: • Mix equal parts of Bentonite Clay and Apple Cider Vinegar in a glass or plastic bowl until it forms a paste; • (never use a metal bowl or mixing utensils); • Section your hair into four quadrants; • Apply the mixture to each section; • Cover with a plastic cap; • Let it sit for 30 minutes; • After 30 minutes rinse the Bentonite Clay; • Then deep condition the hair with Raw Honey for ten minutes; • Repeat this process one time per week.



During the detoxing process avoid styling the hair with blow dryers and flat irons. Use pure oils such as Organic Argan or Coconut Oil to define your natural curl pattern, or twist set the hair. If you need to shampoo more than once a week, mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda with one cup of water. Apply to the hair then let it sit for 3 to 5 minutes; rinse and condition with raw honey.

Natural detoxing is the best way for the body and hair to achieve optimum performance. If you want thicker, softer, shiny voluminous hair become a guest of C’ameleon Infinite Salon Solutions . Tell us your concerns, issues or desires. At C’ameleon Salon we possess the knowledge and skills to deliver results that Instantly Gratify . Mention this article and receive a 10% discount on any salon service.

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Samantha Huntley

www.spectacularmag.com | July 2016 | SPECTACULAR MAGAZINE



HIV/AIDS: KNOW YOUR STATUS time you have sex – condoms are highly effective in preventing the infection. To help prevent condoms from breaking or slipping during sex, use a water-based or silicone lubricant;  PrEP (Pre-exposure Prophylaxis) – specific medicine used to treat HIV that can lower your chances of getting it if you do not have HIV but are at a high risk of getting it;  Communicate with partner – sharing your status with your partners can help you make good decisions about sex. There’s no “right way” to tell someone you have HIV.

“HIV” stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus. H - This particular virus can only infect human beings. I - Immunodeficiency - HIV weakens your immune system by destroying important cells that fight disease and infection. A “deficient” immune system can’t fully protect you. V - A virus can only reproduce itself by using a cell in the body of its host HIV is a virus spread through certain body fluids (blood, semen, pre-seminal fluid, rectal fluids, vaginal fluids, and breast milk) that can destroy the body’s ability to fight off infections and disease. If not treated, HIV can lead to AIDS. No effective cure exists for HIV, but with proper medical care, HIV can be controlled. The medicine used to treat HIV is called antiretroviral therapy or ART and if taken correctly, every day, the medicine can dramatically prolong the lives of many people infected with HIV, keep them healthy, and greatly lower their chance of infecting others. Durham County has the third highest rate of HIV in NC. At the end of 2014, 1598 Durham County residents were living with HIV and 66% of newly infected individuals with HIV are men who have sex with men (MSM). However, many people are still not aware of their status or aware that they are infected. The only way to know for sure whether you have HIV is to get tested. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends that everyone between the ages of 15 and 65 should be screened for HIV at least once. Free Durham County HIV Testing Sites Dr. Tamera Coyne-Beasley states, “HIV


Tips to help you tell your partner you have HIV: In some states, you are required to tell your partner if you are HIV positive before you have sex. It is the right thing to do!

Remember the ABC’s: A= Abstinence is the only 100% effective way to prevent HIV, other STD’s, and pregnancy B= Be knowledgeable about your HIV status C= Condom use. Use condoms correctly. For More Information:  Partnership for a Healthy Durham: www.healthydurham.org  Centers for Disease Control: www.cdc.gov/hiv/  Durham County Department of Public Health: www.dconc.gov Health Tip is a message from Community Health Coalition, Inc. and is written in partnership with Central Carolina Black Nurses’ Council Inc., The Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance of Durham and Vicinity, NC Mutual Life Insurance Company and Duke Regional Hospital.

also increases your risk of getting other sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Ask you heath care provider for information about STIs and to check for syphilis and hepatitis C.” Ways to Decrease Risk of HIV  Abstain - Abstinence is the only 100% effective way to prevent HIV, other STD’s, and pregnancy;  Reduce your number of sexual partners – the more partners you have in your lifetime, the more likely you are to have a partner who is infected with HIV;  Never share needles  Use condoms correctly every

Tips to help you tell your partner you have HIV: Don’t wait until the heat of the moment to start talking about HIV. Talk about your status earlier in the relationship than later. Don’t force it. Find the right time and place to have a conversation. A conversation does not have to be face-to-face. Whether you talk, type, or text, what is important is that you start the conversation about HIV.

SPECTACULAR MAGAZINE | July 2016 | www.spectacularmag.com



By Lawrence “King Law” Davis

Canada Soccer clinched a berth in the Olympics back in February and will look to build off a bronze medal-winning result from the 2012 Olympics in London. Canada will be competing in its third consecutive Olympic games. Quinn is coming off a junior campaign at Duke where she started 20-of-23 matches on the season, while registering three goals. A Third Team All-ACC selection and NSCAA All-Region honoree, Quinn helped lead Duke to 14 shutouts on the year, which is the second-most in school history. The Blue Devils advanced to the NCAA Championship match before falling to Penn State, 1-0.

Dawson is coming off a tremendous sophomore year where she placed as an All-America in two events at the NCAA Championships and was named the ACC Women’s Diver of the Year.


NEW YORK, NY – ForFor sports updates, information and news during the month, read my blog at: www.spectacularmag.com/Sports mer North Carolina Central University pitcher Anments and individual rank. Both recently ADDISON, PERRY, ARDS TO Quinn took the spring of 2016 semester drew Vernon wrapped up their NCAA careers at the off of school to be with the Canada NaREPRESENT TEAM USA AT had a re2016 Outdoor NCAA Championships. tional Team in hopes of making the 2016 NACAC CHAMPIONSHIPS cord-breakAddison finished his career as a five-time Olympic Team. With her selection, Quinn ing senior All-American and Perry concluded her will be the second Blue Devil women’s RALEIGH, career as a four-time All-American. year and soccer standout to compete in the NC - Joncareer, Olympics as Rebecca Smith competed athan Ad- Addison set the NC State indoor long and now Vernon with the New Zealand squad in the 2008 dison and jump school record this season, leaping he’s added and 2012 Olympics. Durham another historic entry as he became the 26’9.75”. The Raleigh, NC, native took native first Major League Baseball draft pick second at the NCAA Indoor ChampiDAWSON FINISHES EXCEL- from NCCU when he was selected by Alexis onships and finished fifth at the NCAA Perry LENT OLYMPIC TRIALS the Milwaukee Brewers in the 28th round Outdoor Championships. have been on Saturday, June 11. selectINDIANAPOLIS, Perry holds the Wolfpack’s outdoor ed to IND - University “I’m ecstatic, this is definitely a dream long jump school record with a leap of compete 21’6.75” and just took fourth in the event of North Carolina come true. It’s hard to put into words.” for Team junior diver Elissa Vernon said about being drafted by the at the NCAA Outdoor Championships. USA Dawson capped off Brewers. “I can’t wait, it’s a great orgaat the an excellent perfor- nization, and it’s been my dream ever Before the international meet, the standNorth mance at the 2016 since I was little. I can’t wait to see what out athletes will compete at the USATF American, Olympic Trials from July 1-10th. Perry will U.S. Diving Olympic happens, the guys I’ll meet, and the fan Central Trials at the Indiana base. I’m really excited about everything line up in 100m hurdles and long jump American, while Addison will compete in the long University–Purdue that’s happening.” & CaUniversity Indiajump. ribbean napolis Natatorium. A native of Raleigh, North Carolina,Ver(NACAC) non pitched four seasons for the maroon Perry Under-23 QUINN NAMED TO CANAThe Durham, and gray and ended his career as the Dawson DA NATIONAL TEAM FOR Championships and NC State assistant NC native was modern-era leader in career saves with track coach, Tamara Ards will serve as OLYMPICS consistent throughout the event while 15 and kept a career ERA of 3.89 which Team USA’s event manager in El Salvador, appearing in the three-meter women’s tops the list as well. July 15-17th. The DURHAM, NC – In a dream come true springboard event. She was seventh meet will take for Duke University junior Rebecca after the preliminary and quarterfinal Over his four years on the mound Verplace after the Quinn, the defender/midfielder was round, seventh after the semifinal round non made a career-record 83 appearancUSATF Olympic named to the Canada Women’s Soccer and seventh after the championship final es with seven starts as he had an opporTrials and before National Team that will represent their concluded. Dawson finished seventh with tunity to move from the bullpen to the the Rio Olympics. country at the 868.50 points. mound in his senior campaign. He was a Athletes from 31 Olympics in Rio de 2016 First Team All-Mid-Eastern Athletic different countries Janeiro, Brazil Aug. Kassidy Cook and Abby Johnston finished Conference selection after he nailed will compete in 3-19. first and second and captured the two down four saves and led the league with the meet. spots in the event at the 2016 Olympics 85 strikeouts, which set a new single seaQuinn, a native of in August in Brazil. son mark in the modern era at NCCU. Perry is making Toronto, Canada, Ards her second Team was one of 18 play- The field was bunched in the third With those 85 strikeouts,Vernon also finUSA appearance, and Addison and Ards ers selected by the through seventh places as just 30 points ished the regular season 12th in NCAA will represent the national team for the Canadian Olympic separated Lauren Reedy in third place Division I in strikeouts per nine innings first time. Committee (COC) and UNC’s Dawson in seventh place. with an average of 11.93 punchouts. in which is a mix Following Dawson there was a gap in the Addison and Perry will both compete in of fresh faces and results for the 8th through 12th place Vernon is also high in the NCCU career the long jump. The two were selected as long-time memfinishers. Quinn USATF’s selections based on age requirebers. SPORTS CONTINUES ON PAGE 34


www.spectacularmag.com | July 2016 | SPECTACULAR MAGAZINE


SPORTS CONTINUES leaderboards in pitching as he is second in the modern era with 181 strikeouts and holds the second lowest opposing batting average of .243. The Milwaukee Brewers minor league affiliates are the Colorado Springs Sky Sox (AAA), Biloxi Shuckers (AA), Brevard County Manatees (Advanced-A), Wisconsin Timber Rattlers (A), Helena Brewers (Rookie) and they have an Arizona League rookie team, and Vernon now waits to see where he will be assigned in the organization.

THREE SHAW STUDENTATHLETES SELECTED AS ARTHUR ASHE, JR. SPORTS SCHOLARS RALEIGH, NC – Three Shaw University student-athletes have been honored as 2016 Arthur Ashe, Jr. Sports Scholars by Diverse Issues in Higher Education Magazine. The honor recognizes undergraduate students who have excelled in the classroom as well as the athletic venue. In addition to their athletic ability and academic performance, Arthur Ashe, Jr.



Sports Scholars demonstrate a commitment to community service and student leadership. Seniors and recent graduates Merideth Alexander (Atlanta, GA) of the Women’s Cross Country/Outdoor Track and Field team and Kaula Jacks (Chesapeake Beach, MD) of the Women’s Basketball team along with junior Alphonso Boone (Emporia,VA), a member of the Men’s Cross Country team were the three representatives from Shaw named to the squad. (Photo: Courtesy of shawbears.com)


Standout forward Quincy January (So./ Atlanta, GA) of Saint Augustine’s University was named to the College Division AllState Men’s Basketball Team by the N.C. Collegiate Sports Information Association (NCCSIA).

The high-flying forward earned second-team recognition on the 10-man unit after a stellar sophomore season. He was chosen CIAA Defensive Player

of the Year after leading the conference in rebounds per game (10.0). Known for his rim-rattling dunks, January averaged 16 points per contest and made 59.5 percent of his shots. He was the only CIAA player to average a double-double in points and rebounds. An All-CIAA pick, January was among the NCAA Division II national leaders in double-doubles and rebounds this season. He ranked eighth in double-doubles (16), ninth in offensive rebounds per game (3.67) and 17th in rebounds per game. January also ranked 23rd in field-goal percentage. The 6-foot-7 forward won his fourth postseason honor this season and sixth in his dynamic two-year collegiate career. In addition to his conference and state honors, January was named to the BOXTOROW Division II HBCU All-America Team. As a freshman, he was selected CIAA Rookie of the Year and placed on the All-CIAA rookie team.

King Law

Lawrence “King Law” Davis III Lawrence “King Law” Davis is a Business Administration major and Asst. Varsity Lacrosse Coach at Sanderson High School in Raleigh. He can be reached at lawdavis@spectacularmag.com

SPECTACULAR MAGAZINE | July 2016 | www.spectacularmag.com



Standing Left to Right Front Row: Pastor Yolanda Morgan, Gloria Rentrope, Vivia Ford, Ebonette Founder Carolyn J. Thomas, Kyla D. Newkirk, Ebonette President - Fran Ellison, Burmadeane George, Cassandra L. Johnson, Dr. Tonya Armstrong and Minister Michelle Laws (Standing Back Row L-R): Wendell Tabb, Rev. Jimmie Hawkins, Dr. Jerry Head, Jr., Ebonette Founder Judy B. Dillard, Dr. Randal Rogers and David Sellars DURHAM, NC - The Ebonettes Service Club, Inc. of Durham, with the theme “Changing Lives through Action and Compassion,” celebrated its 44th Founders Day on Saturday, March 19th Durham Hilton Hotel. Thirteen civic and community individuals “who dare to make a difference” in the community were honored during the program for their committed volunteer outreach efforts in four categories Education, Service to Youth, Service to Senior Citizens and Service in Community Action. Guests were entertained musically by youth violinist Gianni Lacey Howard and soloist Artillius Breakfield. The 2016 “Dare to Make a Difference” Honorees include Dr. Tonya Armstrong (Service to Community, Mrs. Vivian L. Ford Service to Youth and Community), Ms. Burmadeane George (Service to Youth), Rev. Jimmie R. Hawkins (Service to Community and Political Involvement), Dr. Jerry Head, Jr. (Service to Community), Ms. Cassandra Lyons Johnson (Service to Youth), Minister Michelle Laws (Service to Community, Youth and Political Involvement), Pastor Yolanda Morgan (Service to Youth, Seniors and Education), Little Miss Kyla D. Newkirk (Service to Youth, Seniors, Community and Political Involvement),

the senior citizens of our community. The club’s motto is “Lend a helping hand today, see a smiling face tomorrow”. Founders Judy B. Dillard and Carolyn J. Thomas are still active members fulfilling many club leadership roles.

Gianni Howard, violinist Mrs. Gloria Rentrope ( Service to Youth, Youth, Seniors, Community and Political Involvement), Dr. Randal M. Rogers (Service to Youth, Seniors Education and Political Involvement), David Sellars (Service to Community) and Wendell Tabb (Service to Education, Youth and Seniors). The Ebonettes Service Club, Inc., a 501 (c) 3 organization, was founded in March 1972 by four African American women who wanted to make a difference in their community.

The founders, Judy Byrd Dillard of Durham, Dr. Susanna Gentry-Bell (currently living in Greensboro), Carolyn Jones Thomas of Durham and Marjorie Lester Monroe Thorpe (deceased), founded the organization focusing on four broad objectives. The objectives are to enhance the development of black youth, to become more aware of our cultural heritage, to become politically astute and relate to issues that affect our lives, and to become meaningfully involved with

Each year the Ebonettes Service Club, Inc. Founders select a service organization that is committed to making a difference in the lives of the citizens in the Durham Community and surrounding areas. The 2016 Founders’ Award was given to the Thomas Mentor Leadership Academy, Inc. that provides mentoring, leadership training, academic and life skills principles to young African American males in Durham and surrounding counties. Founders Judy Byrd Dillard and Carolyn Jones Thomas made the presentation to Executive Director/ Founder, Rev. Larry E. Thomas. Joining him were TMLA, Inc. Board Chair, Larry Campbell and 15 young male mentees and other leaders. Rev. Thomas is a 2015 Ebonettes Dare to Make a Difference Honoree.

www.spectacularmag.com | July 2016 | SPECTACULAR MAGAZINE


NATIONAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION (NEA) RECOGNIZES WENDELL TABB …AT THE FOREFRONT OF INNOVATION IN EDUCATION For a North Carolina Educator, All the World’s a Stage Award-winning educator and director Wendell Tabb has dreams of Broadway – for his students. Tabb has been drama director at Hillside High School in Durham, North Carolina, for nearly 30 years, and his award-winning international theater program is recognized around the world. But his proudest achievement is giving his theater students a place to develop their talents and the opportunity to shine on a national and global stage, from New York to Beijing and Los Angeles to Lima. In January, Hillside students were invited to Cuba as part of a cultural exchange program sponsored by the National Council of Performing Arts of the Cuban Ministry. Of more than 300 historically black high schools that once operated in North Carolina before desegregation, only five remain today, and Hillside is the oldest. It has a rich history and many famous alumni, some of whom participated in its theater arts program. Under Tabb’s direction, the theater program produces four plays each year in addition to productions performed around the world as part of Tabb’s International Professional Student Theatre Exchange. NEA Today talked to Tabb about his program and what the performing arts brings to students. NEA: When you started at Hillside, you planned to stay for one year. What happened? Wendell Tabb (WT): I was offered a job after the drama teacher at the time, Donna Buie Dill, landed a role in the movie The Color Purple. I was a first year graduate student but had done my student teaching at the school. When Ms. Dill asked me if I would take over the program, I said yes. I needed money while I was in graduate school, but my plans were to finish graduate school and move to New York or California to pursue my dreams of becoming a stage or film actor. Little did I know, my dreams would become the dreams of my students. To me, the real stage is standing in front of students each day trying to bring out the best in them. The joy and excitement I experience when I see them smile with confidence is a real dream come true. How do you get students interested in the theater program? WT: The quality of the shows have been the driving force behind the high number of students wanting to be in the program.


Wendell Tabb, Drama Director at Hillside High School in Durham, NC has been recognized by National Education Association (NEA) as one of 5 NEA educators in the country who are innovating to grow tomorrow’s inventors, thinkers, artists, and leaders. Courtesy of www.neatoday.org: Elementary and middle school students see the plays and they make a lasting impression. Most of the students in my class say that they came to see a Hillside Play when they were in elementary or middle school and they knew that was what they wanted to do when they got to high school. But it’s not just about acting – students are involved in everything from stage and production management to lighting and set design. There are different aspects that appeal to different students and that draws from the whole student population. What are some lessons you’ve learned as a performer that you share with your students? WT: Before I was trained professionally, I thought everyone should go for the lead or the biggest role. But I soon learned that it doesn’t matter how many lines you have. What matters is how well you deliver them and how well you portray your character. I always share this with

my students because they love counting be performing in Cuba next! their lines. I also tell them that even if they have no lines, their role is important. Why are the performing arts integral There are no small roles, in theater or in to a quality education? life. WT: I am a firm believer in educating the Can you describe your theater exwhole child. Each child must be able to change program? express himself and find ways to relate to his environment, his peers, his family WT: I started the International Profesand his community by thinking about and sional-Student Theatre Exchange Proexploring different options. The performgram in 1988 to provide students with the ing arts allows students to become more opportunity to work with performers from creative and imaginative with self-expresall over the world. Our students didn’t sion, on stage as well as in everyday life. have many opportunities for exposure to other artists outside of Durham, let alone What is your favorite production to put outside the U.S. The first international on with your students and why? exchange performance was in 1996 with a trip to St. George, Bermuda, arranged WT: I have so many favorites, but the through a college friend from my alma best are those in which the students have mater North Carolina Central University the most fun. “The Wiz” and “Dreamwho was a theatre teacher and native of girls” are probably the two plays that the Bermuda. Since then, our students have students have the most fun performing. performed in Beijing, Sydney, Kenya, London, Osaka, Lima, Rio de Janeiro, and Gambia. We just got word that we’ll

SPECTACULAR MAGAZINE | July 2016 | www.spectacularmag.com



Has reality TV found its new family dynasty? Shaquille O’Neal‘s kids are coming to TV in a major way. The legendary baller’s ex-wife Shaunie O’Neal brought us hit reality series Basketball Wives, and now that she has Shaq’s blessing, the Texas native will embark upon a new project with her kids. Shaunie has five super talented children and if they’re anything like their unstoppable parents, they’ve got the stuff it takes to make it big. The show will feature Shaq’s 4 kids with ex-wife Shaunie — along with her child from

a previous relationship and will primarily focus on the kids trying to forge their way into various careers. One of the kids wants to be a comedian. Another is interested in music. And, of course, 17-year-old Shareef O’Neal is a top high school basketball player who’s being recruited by some of the best colleges in the country. We’re told the recruiting process will be featured on the show. Plus, the baller stuff like Shaqir’s insane celeb-packed 13th birthday will also be on the show. Are Shaunie and her kids the next big thing? Stay tuned.


The girl group Kelly Rowland put together on BET’s ‘Chasing Destiny’ officially has a name. June’s Diary - comprised of ladies Ashly Williams, Brienna Devlogt, Gabrielle Carreiro, Shyann Roberts, and Kristal Lyndriette - has debuted their first single, “L.A.N.C.E.” If you’re wondering, the song title is an acronym for “Lying Ass N*gga Cheating Everyday.” The ladies are signed to Epic records and premiered the video for the song during the BET Awards Pre-Show.


BLAIR UNDERWOOD ADDED TO ABC’S ‘QUANTICO’ FOR SEASON 2 Blair Underwood has been added as a series regular on the ABC drama “Quantico” for season 2, reports Underwood Entertainment Weekly. The actor will play Owen Hall,

a charming, direct, and intelligent CIA officer that every fledgling operative wishes he or she could learn from. But is he running them, or using them for something else? “Quantico” returns Underwood to ABC, where he recently starred on “Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.” His TV credits also include “The Good Wife,” “Dirty Sexy Money,” and “In Treatment. Quantico returns Sunday, Sept. 25 at 10 p.m ET on ABC.

Hill CNN commentator Marc Lamont Hill is bringing his punditry to late night, courtesy of VH1, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

The Ivy League educated pundit will anchor the weekly series “VH1 Live,” which will deliver pop culture spin on entertainment news and gossip. Hill will infuse his opinions with a “raw street savvy” approach to the week’s topics, the network states. The audience and social media will also play a role in the conversation, with Hill poised to be joined by some of VH1’s biggest stars to get exclusive, behind-the-scenes buzz on the cable network’s top-rated shows. The series, produced by Embassy Row (“Watch What Happens Live,” “Talking Dead”), debuts Sunday, July 17 at 10 pm.

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FYI AFRICAN-AMERICAN ANCESTORS SEARCH WORKSHOP Saturday, July 23, 2016 9:00 am N.C. Museum of History 5 E. Edenton Street Raleigh, NC The State Archives of North Carolina demystifies the process of tracing African-American ancestry today with the “Searching for African-American Ancestors” workshop. Three archivists will present tools, resources and strategies most effective in conducting genealogical research for African-Americans. Topics include slave law, research methodologies and types of records that are used in establishing family lines. Registration for the workshop is $25 and includes lunch. The workshop is limited to 50 participants and pre-paid registrations must be received by Monday, July 11. For more information about this workshop, call (919) 807-7969.

MEN’S HEALTH INITIATIVE EVENT Saturday, Sept. 17, 2016 Lincoln Community Health Center 1301 Fayetteville Rd Durham, NC Sunday, Sept. 18, 2016 Duke South Clinic 200 Trent Drive Durham, NC

Free onsite prostate cancer screening, BPH screening for enlarged prostate, and much more. Call 919.470.8680 for more information.

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