Spectator Life Issue 3, Moving Pictures

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MOVI N G P I C T UR E S No one understands the power, pleasures and perils of film better than David Thomson Chris Greenhalgh film. Mesmerised by the antics on screen, he forgets his miseries and finds he that is starting to enjoy himself. The message is that, even in a cruel universe, there are consolations that make life worth living. And among those consolations, movies rank high. At their

Paramount / The Kobal Collection

In Hannah and Her Sisters, Woody Allen’s character relates how he hit rock bottom. He botches a suicide attempt and, having alarmed neighbours with a misfiring shotgun, he takes to the streets and walks for hours. Eventually he shuffles into a movie theatre where he watches a Marx Brothers


best, of course, movies are also works of art, and of the medium’s many distinguished critics, none is better informed or more authoritative than David Thomson. Thomson, author of the definitive New Biographical Dictionary of Film and that endlessly pleasurable inventory Have

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