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Insanity Workout Review
I am sure you have heard by now of the Insanity Workout DVDs designed by the company Beach Body, which also produces other popular workout DVDs such as P90X, Hip Hop Abs, Power 90, and Slim in 6. I wanted to give you a good honest review of this workout DVD. Lets start out by telling you what this DVD workout is all about Insanity is a cardiovascular-based DVD workout program. It is a total body, circuittraining workout that uses only your body weight as resistance. Your workout will include a rigorous schedule of six days of exercise per week and each workout will take approximately 30 to 60 minutes to complete. I have actually done the Insanity workout 3 times now. I have also done several of the other popular workout DVDs, and I f ind Insanity to be the best one I have ever done thus f ar. T his is a high intensity, f ace paced interval-training workout that will have you working out as hard as you can f or 3 minutes intervals with 30 second breaks in between. I would suggest you consult with your physician bef ore starting any new workout plan. T he Insanity workout will make you sweat like you have never sweat bef ore. T he high intensity interval training will get your heart rate up during those 3 minutes, and lower your heart rate during the rest period. I think that doing this is what causes you to really start sweating. Trust me you will be dripping bef ore you get out of the warm-up. Keep a towel handy because you will f or sure need it.
Like any workout you will only get out of it what you put into it. So if you go into it dreading the workout, then you probably wont get as good of a workout as you would if you go at it with enthusiasm. I tend to see most people go at this with enthusiasm because they want to see results, and the good news is if you stick with this f or even 1 week you will start seeing results. Do get ready to be sore the f irst week though if you are not use to working out. Just keep working through it and don’t give up at this point. Like I mentioned above, this is a high intensity workout. For me, I do have to modif y some of the exercises due to having a bad knee. So when it comes to any of the exercises that require a lot of squatting, I have to modif y to f it what my body can handle. Even with the modif ications I was able to see great results f rom this workout. So don’t let something like a bad knee or back hold you back f rom trying this workout. Just play it smart and if you can’t do everything they do on the video, then modif y by doing something similar. I am sure you are wondering this one main question. Did I get Toned-Abs by doing the Insanity workout? Insanity did help me get the def inition in my abs that I have been looking f or. I will honestly say that I did not have a f ull blown six pack by the time I f inished the 60 day workout the f irst time, but I did have a nice f our pack. All of that without doing setups. J Not getting the six pack is my f ault though as I will explain below. You do need to f ollow the Nutrition Guide that comes with Insanity to see maximum results. I f ollowed it as best I could, but with work, and my budget, I was not always able to f ollow it 100%. I know those are both lame excuses, but that is what I have to go with at this point. I think not f ollowing the nutrition guide 100% is the reason I didn’t get the f ull six-pack abs. So be sure to f ollow the nutrition guide. You will be glad you did. I would suggest that you buy the Insanity DVDs and get started on your healthy journey today. If you have any questions, please f eel f ree to contact me via email (deon@toned-abs.com) or on my blog: toned-abs.com Please click here to f ind out more about purchasing your copy of Insanity today!