Animal totem

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Would it interest you if I told you that each one of us has something in common and you might not ever realize it? Since human existence, people have always been intrigued in pursuing the truth. The true meaning of life! Where do we come from? What happen after we die? About heaven and hell and so forth‌! Native American cultures showed us the sacred way of life, they have myths and legends where animals play important roles in teaching the younger generation important life lessons. An Animal Totem is an important symbolic object used by people who desires to get in touch with specific qualities found within an animal. These cultures have created a belief system, or zodiac, based on animal guides. Animal totems contain a natural power and knowledge that we can use to be one with nature - can allow you to see, love and know more of mother earth, life and especially about yourself. The totem is connected to your spirit; therefore, you might feel a deep affinity and connection toward an animal.

Native peoples of many countries for instance China and western astrology uses animals on their signs. Many cultures of the past understood the true power of animal totems and used them properly. Based upon the number of indigenous tribes who do not all share same beliefs; I have gathered some of the more widely accepted zodiacs and totems. Your animal guide will instruct and protect you as you learn how to navigate through your spiritual and physical life; when you experience an animal who speaks strongly to you let that animal know it is welcome in your space. Animal guides can help you get back to your earthly roots as well as reconnect with nature teaching you we are all interconnected. If we take a look back to ancient times... when all these native tribes came to earth, they were living among nature and animals peacefully. They had the sun, moon, the stars and animals to use them as reference point. By observing the sky and behavior of animals they were able to understand and interact with them, in order to survive and pass this legacy to future generations. Totems can be extremely useful in today's society; where at the same time, it is easy to forget the essence of true spirit of life and love in the midst of high technology. You can become healthier and happier physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually if you understand and honor your animal totems. Remember we are one with nature you already possess this

quality, the only thing you need its guidance to teach you how to put it into practice. The likeness or affinity towards an animal brings its powers closer to you; on the other hand, there may be an animal that frightens you. This could be a lesson for you to learn and you are strongly resisting and the messenger, your animal totem. You may dream about the same animal over and over or the animal may come to you in deep meditation to capture your attention. Be aware, listen and learn those lessons from your animal spirit to guide you. The energy of the totem animal speaks to you in some way that is relevant to your own personality or circumstance in life. By getting to know your animal totem, you can gain insight and understand circumstances in your life more clearly; furthermore, share the totem's power or its 'medicine'. Animal totems manifest a specific kind of energy that arranges forces from the spiritual realm that are influencing your life. Some of the pure of heart can see their totem, and children are usually the most pure of heart. We all know of children who talk to an unseen friend. They could be talking to their totem, the protector and friend. There may be a time as we grow when the birth totem moves in the background for another totem to come to assist us. If your life takes on a drastic change by chance or choice another animal totem may manifest. It is true most of us have only one or two in a lifetime, but it is possible to have more. Mythical animals’ totems are not usually a birth totem, keep in mind you might have more than one totem throughout your life path, sometimes a totem will come to you for a short period of time, and then be replaced by another depending on the journey you are headed on. The mythical totem is very strong, if you feel drawn and close to this being, remember is there to teach or protect you, or both. Totems and your dreams can give us courage, when we think we have none that is why is important to pay attention to your dreams. A totem brings the subconscious to the conscious; they often speak to us in our dreams. When you are attracted to an animal, bird, fish, insect or mythical animal, listen to that being. There are qualities in that animal that you may need in your life. According to Native American tradition, everything in life is a circle. They saw that the Sun moves in a circle, from morning to night and then back again to another morning. They saw that the Moon too moves in a circle, from the waxing and waning of the Moon from full moon to dark

moon and back. And through observing the changing of the seasons, they knew that the Earth moves in a circle as well. Native Americans created the Medicine Wheel as an expression of all of these life circles. In fact, everything they experienced in life, every object, every thought, every aspect of being, had its place on the Medicine Wheel. The Wheel showed that everything in life was interconnected and joined together to form one complete whole. And so, the Medicine Wheel itself represented the whole of Creation. Native American "Medicine" is not the same as the modern medicine. It is not a pill or a procedure that can be used to improve one's physical health. They refer to "Medicine", as the vital power or force that is inherent in Nature itself; the personal power within oneself which can enable one to become complete. Medicine = energy = power = knowledge. Just alike the Medicine Wheel Native Americans discovered that it took twelve moons (i.e. moon cycles or months) to go through a complete cycle of the seasons ( complete turn of the Wheel or a year). And so the twelve moons, along with the four seasons, found their places on the Wheel. They believed that each of these moons had its own set of animal, mineral, and plant totems, and that each of these totems possessed certain qualities that could be passed onto people depending upon the moon in which they were born under.

The Medicine Wheel is many things on many various levels and has many different meanings and uses. It is a circle which represents natural and personal powers in complete balance, and which shows that everything is interconnected and part of one cosmic whole. It is the circle of awareness of the individual self, and a circle of knowledge that gives one power over one's life. It is a shamanic map (philosophical system) that can be used as a guide to help us find our way and ground us when we embark on inner journeys. We can use it to understand ourselves as well as life itself. It can be used for finding direction in life and for aligning physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual realities. One can use it to attune themselves to Earth influences and forces and to the natural energies that affect their lives.

A Medicine Wheel can be used: as a sacred space, as an aid to meditation (device for one's consciousness), as a protector, as a framework in which to honor the forces of Nature and the levels of being. Each direction on the Wheel constitutes a path of self-realization and selfinitiation into the mysteries of life which can lead you to the very core of your being. Where you can make contact with your own High Self (your Spiritual Self or True Self), each path can help you to acquire the knowledge to work changes that will put meaning and purpose into your life, bringing enlightenment and fulfillment. Additionally, they believed that one could also explore and experience the traits of any and all of the totems at various times in life. As one walked one's way around the Wheel (i.e. went through life), they would experience many lessons and encounter many challenges, and the totems along the way would be there to guide them and to help them grow during these experiences. It should be noted that the characteristics for each birth totem are not necessarily the traits that everyone possesses. Every person is unique, and each has their own unique personality, each person moves along the Wheel in their own way and at their own speed. Personalities are fluid, and over time they change and evolve. But those born under the same moon tend to share certain broad characteristics.

Animal Totem!

All of the questions below are designed to get you thinking about a prominent animal in your life. There is no right or wrong answers. Only you can truly know which Animal Totem(s) are right for your journey.

What animal are you drawn to or most interested about? When you go to the park, forest, or zoo what animal are you most interested in seeing? What animal do you most frequently see when you're out in nature? Which animal do you find most frightening or intriguing? Have you ever been bitten or attacked by an animal? Is there a recurring animal in your dreams or do you have one you have never forgotten?

************************************************************************************************************* Ask yourself what animal has played a meaningful part in your world? If you're unsure, make a list of animals that have drawn your interest or have left a deep impression on you from paintings, photographs, stories, movies, carvings, etc. Which animal shows up in your life most frequently? Keep a journal of the animals present in your dreams or that you encounter through the day for the next month. How did the animal behave? Did you interact with the animal? Find a place where you can be alone to meditate. Sit quietly and ask your animal to make its nature known to you. Feel free to use tools such as incense, smudge, and candles to help you.

January 20 to February 18 (Aquarius) Otter, Magpie

Otters are playful, prophetic animals. Otter people are creative, and logical. They have high ideals and tend to seek more from others than is reasonable. They seek the truth above all else. February 19 to March 20 (Pisces) Wolf, Cougar, Whale the wolf is graceful, has initiative, and loves freedom. Wolf people are generally very trusting, and generous with deep feelings towards their loved ones. Their ultimate goal is to find and keep love in their life. March 21 to April 19 (Aries) Hawk, Falcon, Wolf the hawk is a messenger of insight, adaptability and openness. Hawk people aim to initiate and lead, and may be impulsive from time to time. They want to establish individuality while still being accepted by the group. April 20 to May 20 (Taurus) Elk, Beaver The elk is a strong, handsome and proud animal who can be aggressive if challenged. The beaver is an industrious builder with unlimited patience. Elk people are very industrious and find security through possession. They are eager to discover and possess something which has lasting value. May 21 to June 20 (Gemini) Eagle, Deer The eagle can see extraordinarily well, is very strong willed and graceful Eagle people are great observers, have great intuition and creativity. They try to bring things together and better them through creative actions.

June 21 to July 21 (Cancer) Salmon, Woodpecker, Flicker Salmon strive to return home after a long journey. Salmon people are home-loving, giving and

sensitive. They are also very imaginative and sometimes moody. Their goal in life is to live in harmony with the environment. July 22 to August 22 (Leo) Cougar,Salmon, Sturgeon The cougar is swift, graceful, spontaneous, and determined. Cougar people make great leaders and are courageous, ambitious and determined to succeed. They want to find purpose in life and to dominate what they do best. August 23 to September 21 (Virgo) Owl, Bear Owls are very observant and sensible. Owl people are intelligent, well-spoken and discreet. Their eye for detail often makes them perfectionist. They must cultivate tolerance and optimism. September 22 to October 22 (Libra) Raven, Crow, Dove The raven is intelligent, cleaver and mystical. Raven people are peace loving, idealistic and charming. They long for harmony in the community and must stay away from uncertainty and inconsistency. October 23 to November 22 (Scorpio) Snake, Eel The snake is mysterious, intuitive and is the epitome of transformation. Snake people aim for satisfaction and thrive on praise. They require great self-discipline and will power to control their harsh natures.

November 23 to December 21 (Sagittarius) Horse, Owl, Elk The horse is a wise and strong animal which possesses great stamina. Horse people are determined, sincere and understanding. They are also inquisitive, generous and trustworthy. December 22 to January 19 (Capricorn) Bear, Goose

Bears are quiet, swift and very protective of their family. Bear people are cautious, independent and hardworking. They adapt well to new situations and value tradition over Technology

Find your Native American Birth Totem...

Mar 21 - Apr 19

Budding Trees Moon

Birth Moon:

Budding Trees

Animal Totem:


Mineral Totem:

Fire Opal

Plant Totem:


Directional Totem:

Golden Eagle

Elemental Clan Totem:


Affinity Color:


Personality Traits: energetic, independent, outspoken, enterprising, adventurous, frank, courageous, enthusiastic, imaginative

Apr 20 - May 20

Frogs Return Moon

Birth Moon:

Frogs Return

Animal Totem:


Mineral Totem:


Plant Totem:

Blue Camas

Directional Totem:

Golden Eagle

Elemental Clan Totem:


Affinity Color:


Personality Traits: resourceful, conservative, creative, methodical, practical, persevering, reliable, patient, productive

May 21 - Jun 20

Corn Planting Moon

Birth Moon:

Corn Planting

Animal Totem:


Mineral Totem:

Moss Agate

Plant Totem:


Directional Totem:

Golden Eagle

Elemental Clan Totem:


Affinity Color:


Personality Traits: quick, alert, expressive, charming, curious, friendly, versatile, intuitive, compassionate, witty, understanding Jun 21 - Jul 21

Strong Sun Moon

Birth Moon:

Strong Sun

Animal Totem:


Mineral Totem:

Rose Quartz

Plant Totem:

Wild Rose

Directional Totem:


Elemental Clan Totem:


Affinity Color:


Personality Traits: emotional, sensitive, sympathetic, protective, vulnerable, imaginative, loving, thrifty, kind, considerate

Jul 22 - Aug 21

Ripe Berries Moon

Birth Moon:

Ripe Berries

Animal Totem:


Mineral Totem:

Garnet & Iron

Plant Totem:


Directional Totem:


Elemental Clan Totem:


Affinity Color:


Personality Traits: confident, authoritative, energetic, self-assertive, dramatic, fastidious, generous, trusting, optimistic Aug 22 - Sep 21

Harvest Moon

Birth Moon:


Animal Totem:

Brown Bear

Mineral Totem:


Plant Totem:


Directional Totem:


Elemental Clan Totem:


Affinity Color:


Personality Traits: industrious, unassuming, reasonable, hardworking, modest, warm-hearted, good natured, helpful, dependable

Sep 22 - Oct 22

Ducks Fly Moon

Birth Moon:

Ducks Fly

Animal Totem:


Mineral Totem:

Jasper (Bloodstone)

Plant Totem:


Directional Totem:

Grizzly Bear

Elemental Clan Totem:


Affinity Color:


Personality Traits: tolerant, talkative, pleasant, idealistic, diplomatic, cheerful, fun, artistic, tidy, efficient, easy-going, tactful Oct 23 - Nov 22

Freeze Up Moon

Birth Moon:

Freeze Up

Animal Totem:


Mineral Totem:

Copper & Malachite

Plant Totem:


Directional Totem:

Grizzly Bear

Elemental Clan Totem:


Affinity Color:


Personality Traits: purposeful, determined, imaginative, intense, impulsive, mysterious, discerning, ambitious, clear, decisive Nov 23 - Dec 21

Long Snows Moon

Birth Moon:

Long Snows

Animal Totem:


Mineral Totem:


Plant Totem:

Black Spruce

Directional Totem:

Grizzly Bear

Elemental Clan Totem:


Affinity Color:


Personality Traits: philosophical, independent, jovial, confident, dependable, fun loving, versatile, individualistic, bold, frank.

Dec 22 - Jan 19

Earth Renewal Moon

Birth Moon:

Earth Renewal

Animal Totem:

Snow Goose

Mineral Totem:

Clear Quartz

Plant Totem:

White Birch

Directional Totem:


Elemental Clan Totem:


Affinity Color:


Personality Traits: self-demanding, reliable, prudent, ambitious, practical, resourceful, shrewd, patient, persevering. Jan 20 - Feb 18

Rest & Cleansing Moon

Birth Moon:

Rest & Cleansing

Animal Totem:


Mineral Totem:


Plant Totem:

Quaking Aspen

Directional Totem:


Elemental Clan Totem:


Affinity Color:


Personality Traits: broad-minded, lively, unconventional, perceptive, inventive, self-assured selfreliant, dynamic, friendly, artistic Feb 19 - Mar 20 Birth Moon:

Big Winds Moon Big Winds

Animal Totem:


Mineral Totem:


Plant Totem:


Directional Totem:


Elemental Clan Totem:


Affinity Color:


Personality Traits: sympathetic, adaptable, intuitive, impressionable, benevolent, trusting, sensitive, generous, gentle, warm.

Totem Lesson Bear: Teaches Strength, solitude, focus Bee: Teaches Diligence, Productivity Butterfly: Teaches Change, Love, Transformation Buffalo: Confidence to achieve goals Cat: Teaches Magic & Mystery, Clear perception, Agility Coyote: Teaches how to get free of a trap, stop fooling oneself Cow: Teaches Nurturing and Growth Dog: Teaches Loyalty, Unconditional Love Dolphin : Teaches Communication, Harmony, Trust Dragon : Teaches Fertility, Wisdom Eagle: Teaches Courage, Freedom, Spiritual Balance Elephant: Teaches Strength, Intelligence, Loyalty Fish: Teaches Life, Transitions Fox: Teaches Camouflage, New worlds, Supernatural power, Fox is a Protector Frog: Teaches Abundance, Fertility, Transformation Giraffe : Teaches Flexibility, Intuition Hippo: Teaches Motherhood, Routines Horse: Teaches Friendship, Freedom, Power, Stamina Hummingbird: Teaches how to find joy in all circumstances Lion: Teaches Personal Power, Courage, Strength Llama: Teaches Endurance Monkey: Teaches Energy, Curiosity Otter: Teaches Curiosity, Joy

Owl: Teaches Magic, Wisdom Panther: Teaches Valor, Grace, Swift action Penguin: Teaches Change, Agility, Order Pig

: Teaches Prosperity, Intelligence

Pigeon : Teaches Perseverance toward a goal Rabbit : Teaches Love, Vigilance, Fertility Ram: Teaches Adventure and Power Rooster: Teaches New beginnings, sexual prowess Seal: Teaches Balance, Intuition Sheep: Teaches purification through forgiveness Snake : Teaches Rebirth, Wisdom, Healing Squirrel: Teaches Trust, Preparedness Tiger: Teaches Passion, Sexual energy Turtle: Teaches Longevity, Opportunity Whale: Teaches Provision, Creation, Awakening Wolf: Teaches Freedom of Spirit, Discipline, Loyalty

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