Summer 2003

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Playwright Suzan-Lori Parks Inspires Grads with 40 Ideas


oted playwright Suzan-Lori Parks provided the keynote address for the Class of 2003 during Commencement on May 18 at the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit/Chapel Hill Harvester Church in Decatur, Ga. Ms. Parks, who recently turned 40, offered 40 lifeincorporating suggestions to eager seniors during her speech, starting with “Think for yourself,” and ending with “Be bold.” She also urged the audience to use their senses plus four more – the sixth sense (ESP), a sense of humor, a sense of sisterhood, and a sense of soul. A Tony Award nominee, Ms. Parks is currently the head of the Dramatic Writing Program at CalArts in Valencia, Ca. She received the 2002 Pulitzer Prize for Drama for her play, “Topdog/Underdog,” and recently released a novel, Getting Mother’s Body (Random House 2003). Ms. Parks received an honorary degree in Fine Arts during the ceremony. Other honorary degree recipients included Ambassador Andrew Young (Doctorate of Laws), legendary baseball great Henry “Hank” Aaron and his wife, community servant Billye Aaron as well as groundbreaking Ugandan educator Sarah Nyendwoha Ntiro. The latter three received Doctorates of Humane Letters. Bishop Vashti Murphy McKenzie, presiding prelate of the Eighteenth Episcopal District of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, also delivered a spirited message to the 2003 graduating class at Baccalaureate Service on May 17 at the Cathedral. l

Associate professor and chair of drama and dance, Veta Goler (right), presents Suzan-Lori Parks with a Spelman pewter plate at the Baccalaureate luncheon.

Founders Day 2003: Signatures of a Noble Calling


he Spelman College community commemorated 122 years of black women leaders with a week of Founders Day activities under the theme Signatures of a Noble Calling. The celebration began April 5 with the annual Breakfast at Tiffany & Co., where this year’s Alumnae Achievement Awards were presented. Another highlight of the week was “Conversations with Dr. Tatum” where alumnae discussed various college issues. The festivities closed on April 11 with Major General Marcelite Jordan Harris, C’64, delivering a dynamic Founders Day Convocation speech. Major General Harris was the highestranking female officer in the United States Air Force upon her retirement in 1997. She most recently served as chief of staff for the New York City Department of Education. An honorary degree was awarded to Johnnie Watts Hines Prothro, C’41, a scientist, educator and community servant. Mildred Ponder Stennis, C’47, a retired educator, philanthropist and storyteller, received the Founders Spirit Award. Spelman academic dean Cynthia Spence,

C’78, was honored with the Fannie Lou Hamer Award and Spelman professor of psychology LaConyea Butler, C’56, received the True Blue Award. l

Founders Day speaker, Major General Marcelite Jordan Harris, C’64, addresses the class of 2003.


Contents 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 7 7 7 8

Features Commencement Founders Day Inauguration Cosby Culminating Events Mathematics Professors Receive $246,137 Grant Student Activists Launch AUC Peace Coalition Corporate Partners 10th Anniversary JP Morgan Chase Scholars Hip Hop Exhibition Creating a Strong Culture of Giving Dr. LeFever and Paralee Beck Retire Sisters Chapel Renovations Special Section Insert 2001–2002 Annual Report & Donor Honor Roll

2 4 5 6 6 8

Departments A Dialogue with Dr. T. Student Profile Partner Profile New Names on Campus Spotlight on Trustees Spelman Salutes

350 Spelman Lane S.W., Atlanta, Georgia 30314 EDITOR


Tomika DePriest Jo Moore Stewart Trisa Long Paschal Olivia Scriven COPY EDITOR

Janet M. Barstow PHOTOGRAPHY

JD Scott Bud Smith Julie Yarbrough 2 INSIDE SPELMAN

Inside Spelman is published four times per academic year for a readership that includes alumnae, trustees, parents, students, faculty, staff and friends of the College. The newsletter is dedicated to informing the Spelman College family about news, upcoming events and issues in the life of the College.

THE SPRING SEMESTER WAS A VERY BUSY ONE, MARKED by several major institutional events – the inauguration and the weeklong Founders Day activities. Thanks to the efforts of many, the inaugural weekend was a great success. I have received many messages from delegates around the country as well as campus constituents about how impressed they were with all of the activities. My favorite message was from a student who wrote, “I just want to let you know that your inauguration reminded everyone here of what a wonderful place Spelman can be.” Dr. Beverly Daniel Tatum The celebration of Founders Day continued in the positive spirit of inauguration. Our Founders Day speaker was Major General Marcelite Jordan Harris, C’64. Dr. Johnnie Hines Protho, C’41, received a Doctor of Science honorary degree, and Dr. Mildred Ponder Stennis, C’47, received the Founders Spirit Award. Faculty members were also honored: Dr. LaConyea Butler, C’56, received a True Blue Award and Dr. Cynthia Spence, C’78, was bestowed the Fannie Lou Hamer Award. Sisters Chapel was quite a buzz during this lovely ceremony. This buzz continued during “Lord! I Got a Right to the Tree of Life,” the culminating event of Cosby Chair Dr. Bernice Johnson Reagon. More than a 1,000 people packed the Chapel on April 15 for a tribute evening to early African American sacred songs. The electric charge that surged the crowd during this event was transferred to the keys of the Sisters Chapel organ when Dr. Joyce Finch Johnson performed a spirited ‘last gasp’ prior to the Chapel closing on April 28 for renovations. We look forward with a great anticipation to sitting in the newly renovated chapel with airconditioned comfort, convenient restrooms and expanded balcony seating. And when we do, we will know that it was Spelman alumnae, students, parents, trustees, faculty, staff and friends of the College that made these improvements possible. To make a donation, send your contribution to Sisters Chapel Campaign, Spelman College, Box 1303, 350 Spelman Lane, SW, Atlanta, GA 30314-4399. The spiritual life of the campus will be invigorated in another way as well. Dr. Renita Weems, a nationally known Hebrew Scriptures scholar from Vanderbilt University, will join the Philosophy and Religion Department in the fall as the new Cosby Chair in the Humanities. In addition, both Dr. Bernice Johnson Reagon C’70 and Dr. Sheila Walker will remain onboard as Cosby Chairs. Also, former Cosby Chair Ayoka Chenzira is now a permanent member of the Women’s Studies faculty. As I look forward to the 2003-2004 academic year, I reflect on the fact that we accomplished our goals last year through the generous contributions from our alumnae, parents and friends; faculty and staff; foundations and organizations; corporations and our corporate partners. We are enormously grateful for this show of support as demonstrated in a special section of this issue of Inside Spelman. Thank you for reinforcing the student’s comment above about Spelman–“what a wonderful place.” l Spelman’s ninth president, Beverly Daniel Tatum, shared a historic moment with Board of Trustees Chair, June Gary Hopps, C’60, at her Inaugural Ceremony this past March. The Spelman community celebrated Dr. Tatum’s official installation with a weekend of activities including an inaugural symposium, ceremony, student party, reception, worship service and an alumnae tea.


Dr. William Darity, Jr., Cosby Endowed Professor in the Social Sciences (third from the right) is pictured with panelists from his two-day symposium, “Reparations: Why, For Whom, How and How Much?” Panelists included (from left to right) Malcolm Goff, Richard America, Warren Whatley, Adjoa Aiyetoro and Adrienne Davis. Dr. Darity also held a three-way reparations videoconference with scholars from Spelman College, Duke University and Harvard University, and student presentations with his class Racial and Ethnic Economic Inequality: A Cross-National Perspective.

Ayoka Chenzia, Cosby Endowed Professor of the Arts presented her video documentary, “Flight of the Mind,” this past April. The documentary looked at the creative work that she has produced at Spelman from 2001 – 2003, as well as her educational projects in South Africa and Nigeria.

“Lord I Got A Right To the Tree of Life!!!” Bernice Johnson Reagon, (C’70), Cosby Endowed Professor of the Arts sings for a standing-room-only crowd in Sisters Chapel at her Tribute Evening to Early African American Sacred Music: Spirituals and Hymns.

Mathematics Professors Receive $246,137 Grant


pelman College mathematics professors Nagambal Shah and Monica Stephens are the recipients of a $246,137 grant from the National Science Foundation for the curriculum development project entitled Collaborative Research: Training Environmental Statisticians Using Complicated Data Sets to Make More Informed Environmental Decisions. The grant is for a collaborative project between Dr. Shah and Dr. Stephens at Spelman College and Dr. William Swallow, Dr. Kimberly Weems and Professor William Hunt at North Carolina State University. Several governmental agencies, including the Georgia Environmental Protection Agency Region 4 and the Georgia Department of Natural Resources are co-supporters and clients of this effort.

The goal of the project is to expose students to an application-based experience in environmental statistics. More specifically, the project will (1) provide a consulting opportunity for the students with federal, state or local agencies; (2) focus on the application of students technical skills through data analysis to a real problem; (3) have the students gain consulting experience; (4) help develop students oral and written communication skills; and (5) keep minority students in the pipeline to pursue graduate studies in environmental statistics and the environmental job market. The project has three major components. A course in environmental statistics will be taught during the spring semesters of 2004, 2005 and 2006. The Spelman Summer

Environmental Statistics Institute will support student research during the summers of 2004, 2005 and 2006. During the summer, an interdisciplinary team of students will work with data provided by various clients such as the Department of Natural Resources and EPA Region 4. The students will then analyze the data and report the results of their analysis to the clients thus helping the clients make better environmental policy decisions. In the third component, materials from the program will be disseminated to the public via the Internet and through workshops so that similar collaborations between other institutions and government agencies may occur. l



Student Activists Launch AUC Peace Coalition


he AUC Peace Coalition was created in the fall of 2002. At inception, the coalition centered on opposition to the Iraqi war and served as a voice for peace. During the spring semester, members of the coalition distributed information and unveiled the roles of capitalism, materialism, patriarchy and racism within the motives of the United States war with Iraq. “The war was real,” states Spelman College freshman Sarah Thompson, coordinator of the Atlanta University Center Peace Coalition, “we couldn’t turn it off our television screens and move on with our daily lives. We had a responsibility to the rest of the communities of the world to stand up against oppression when they could not.” Over the past several months, the 25 members of AUC Peace have sponsored a student speak-out, hosted a panel and participated in several local, statewide and national protest rallies. They also participated in a “Day of Silence” in solidarity with those who were detained in this country under the U.S.A. “Patriot Act.” AUC Peace created, signed and mailed petitions with over 500 signatures to several members of the United States Presidential Cabinet, as well as key local and national elected government officials. They have

Students march to protest the war.

urged people to call their local senators to vote against policies that made the war with Iraq possible. AUC Peace also held a food solidarity day where members ate a typical Iraqi meal under sanctions – rice and beans. “Spelman’s history as a black women’s institution has given us a special focus on how the war with Iraq affected women and children, especially those of color, because they are the poorest people on earth,” explains Ms. Thompson. AUC Peace’s peer education emphasizes the loss of rights and life that women face as result of war historically, and

the deepened effect of preemptive warfare possibilities that the war on Iraq opens. “We supported a prayer service for people from the AUC and their relatives who were called to fight in the Middle East,” says Ms. Thompson. “We realize African Americans are over-represented in military ranks. We explain to students how this affects our communities. We take time to listen to students’ challenges and questions. We are young and we must create the world that we want to see in the future, today!” l


Courtney R. Jones 2003–2004 THOMAS J. WATSON FELLOWSHIP AWARD WINNER Q: What inspired you to apply for the Watson Fellowship?

A: My first exposure to the Watson Fellowship was through the appli-

cation process of several friends. Whether it was never-ending revisions or jitters before their interviews, each of them had to confront the trials of applying for this prestigious and competitive fellowship. I began to seriously consider applying after attending an internal information session about fellowships available for graduating seniors. The Watson Fellowship stood out to me; their focus was on identifying independent young women and men who were willing to take their enthusiasm for whatever they loved abroad for the next year. I jumped at the opportunity to be one of the chosen few.

Q: What do you hope to accomplish as a Watson Fellow?

A: I am truly overjoyed and proud to represent Spelman College as its

Watson Fellow. It is my honor to continue to show the world what it means to be a “woman who serves.” My hope is to learn how grassroots organizations fulfill the roles left vacant by the families of displaced children. In this country, we are in the midst of an era where adults leave many of our own children vulnerable and attempting to raise them-


selves. I have charged myself to gather the insight needed to aid this next generation to see beyond their immediate circumstance and preserve their independence and faith in themselves.

Q: What country do you plan on traveling to and why?

A: My year abroad will be spent in Jamaica and Brazil. Each country has a legacy of mistreatment and exploitation of laborers, unequal distribution of wealth and remnants of colonization. I hope to gain a greater understanding of the experience of Africans in the Diaspora in the time spent in these two wonderful countries.

Q: What is your major and what are your immediate plans after graduation?

A: As an Environmental Science major, I have developed a passion

for helping people overcome the detrimental effects of the built environment on their health. My desire to continue my studies on the Continued on page 6.

Spelman College Annual Report 2001-2002









0 1996










REVENUES 2001-2002

Auxiliary Enterprises 17% PHYSICAL PLANT GROWTH

Endowment 17%












Private Gifts 7% Other 3% Federal & Local 17%



















































Tuition & Fees 39%



EXPENSES 2001-2002

Auxiliary Enterprises 15%


Student Services 8% 0 1996







Scholarships 8% Institutional Support 17% Other 1% Physical Plant 7% Instructional & Related 44%







Statement of Activities

Years ended June 30, 2002 and 2001


Statement of Financial Position Years ended June 30, 2002 and 2001


DonorHonorRoll 2001-2002

JULY 1, 2001 – JUNE 30, 2002 †Deceased

BENEFACTORS Spelman College Benefactors are those individuals who have made annual or cumulative lifetime gifts to the College of $1 million and above. This distinguished group has shown extraordinary leadership and commitment to helping shape Spelman’s future. William & Camille Cosby Oprah Winfrey


Theodore R. Aronson Calvin A. Brown Jr. Joy San Walker Brown,C’52 Jerri L. DeVard,C’79 Terry & Marcella Jones Jacqueline Jones Royster,C’70 Vicki R. Palmer Keshia Knight Pulliam,C’01 Akiko Takahara

PRESIDENT’S SOCIETY President’s Society members have made an annual gift to Spelman College of $1,000 - $9,999.

The Heritage Society recognizes annual gifts of $500,000-$999,000 or cumulative lifetime gifts to the College in the same range.

Margaret Smith Adair,C’57 Marjorie Ramey Adams,C’40 Josephine Felton Alexander,C’52 Freida Boatwright Allen,C’46 Diana Mattison Anderson,C’47 Anne Cox Chambers Laura Hill Anderson,C’40 Dwight Andrews Lilla Strong Arnold,C’54 Judith Fisher Arrington,C’57 Gena Hudgins Ashe,C’83 Lawrence & Kathleen Ashe In honor of the first two College Lucia Moore Bacote,C’25 graduates, Ms. Claudia White Harreld Emma Brookens Bailey,C’42 and Ms. Jane Anna Granderson, Class of Phoebe Lydia Bailey,C’66 1901, the Harreld-Granderson Society Ruth Etta Baines,C’57 recognizes extraordinary annual Gail Patrice Baity,C’74 leadership gifts of $100,000 or more or Gloria Austin Lovelace Baldwin,C’52 lifetime cumulative gifts of $100,000Alan H. Barnes $499,999. Ernestein Walker Baylor,C’49 Annie Waller Berlack,C’43 Richard & Laura Chasin Annie Elston Berry,C’52 Johnnetta B. Cole Juliet D. Blackburn-Beamon,C’58 Holcombe & Nancy Green Andrew J. Blanchard Robert & Barbara Holland Bernita McMillan Boddie,C’67 LaTanya Richardson Jackson,C’71 Mary C. Burney Bolling,C’77 Yvonne R. Jackson,C’70 Naomi Johnson Booker,C’67 Eugene M. Lang Edward W. Bowen Jr. Audrey F. Manley,C’55 Genora Kendrick Boykins,C’82 Richard & Sara Mayo Barbara Green Bray,C’57 Allen & Sally McDaniel Rosalind Gates Brewer,C’84 Charles E. Merrill Jr. Dorothy Brooks,C’62 Steven C. Rockefeller Lynda C. Brower-Isabel,C’72 Bettye Lovejoy Scott,C’57 Dollie G. Brown,C’57 Jack & Lynn Stahl Douglas & Ann Burch Ronda Stryker & William Johnston Stephanie Georgelyn Bush,C’68 Isabella McIntyre Tobin,C’45 B. LaConyea Butler,C’56 Gwendolyn King Butler,C’52 Calvin O. Butts LaVerne Byas-Smith,C’82 Bebe Moore Campbell & Ellis Gordon, Jr. Valerie Carnegie The Trustee Leadership Circle honors Herbert L. Charles annual donors who made gifts of Ruby Handspike Clay,C’54 $50,000 - $99,999 to the College. Rosa Mary Crawford Deborah Peek Crockett,C’66 Gladys Starling Crockett,C’34 Vanessa E. Cullins,C’79 Beverly Carroll Daniel,C’66 Carolyn L. Davenport,C’69 Ms. Render, Class of 1921, made the first Deanna Davis,C’57 major gift of record to the College in the Gloria Watts Davis,C’60 form of an estate gift. This Society Hattimarie Parks Davis,C’47 proudly recognizes annual donors who Leanora Butler Davis,C’47 have reached a milestone in giving at Ruth A. Davis,C’65 $10,000 - $49,999. Dorothy Wynn Dawkins,C’52 Hazel D. Dean,C’83 Eyerce Lucheryl Armstrong-Posting,C’82 Tanya Yobesen Dean,C’87





LaJoyce H. Debro,C’64 Maenelle Dixon Dempsey,C’33 Clotilda Diggs,C’51 Mary Lynne Diggs,C’77 James Dimon Edwina Wilson Divins,C’83 Alice Doanes,C’62 Sanquinetta M. Dover,C’77 Virginia Turner Dowell,C’47 Pauline E. Drake,C’58 Ayanna Elizabeth Marie Dunn,C’97 Mary Johnson Durgans-Willett,C’49 Frances Dyer,C’67 Debra Houston Edwards,C’67 Karen Denise Edwards,C’73 Gloria Smith Elder,C’71 Kianga Majenzi Ellis,C’95 Anita Estell Annette Vister Evans,C’46 Lola Ann Blasingame Evans,C’52 Dolan P. Falconer Jr. Etta Z. Falconer † Krista Michelle Falconer Margaree Cheek Fant,C’76 Phylicia Eugenia Fant,C’00 Diane Prather Ferguson,C’72 Minnie Fitzgerald Floyd,C’47 † Evelyn Turner Ford,C’52 Johnnie Hunter Foxworth,C’43 Ruth Seth Funderburg,C’52 Mary Menafee Garvin,C’34 Alice A. Gaston Combs,C’53 Henry Louis Gates Edythe Banks George,C’52 Caroline Davis Gleiter Loretta Eddleman Gordon,C’52 Jean McArthur Grant,C’53 Alison Graves-Calhoun,C’90 Naomi Dawson Greene,C’52 Florence Theresa Greer,C’85 Rosa Rice Hadley,C’57 Adrienne Watts Haggins,C’82 Helen Kerr Hall,C’59 Lysa A. Hall,C’82 Harriett Miller Halmon,C’73 Berdie Ricks Hardon,C’67 Agnes Houston Harper,C’67 Delores Harper Henrietta Houston Harper,C’46 Daisy Carroll Harris,C’47 Nancy Fesson Hawkins,C’63 Vanessa Smith Hawkins,C’79 Gates Helms Hawn Happy Gayton Hawn Avadawn T. Hayes-Hargett,C’80 Shirley Statom Henderson,C’52 Martha E. Hennington Harvenia H. Hill,C’57 Barbara F. Holland Elizabeth Yorke Holloway,C’49 Jann Washington Honore’,C’76 June Gary Hopps,C’60 Hazel Howard,C’57 Annette Y. Huffman,C’62 Tracey Denise Hughes,C’90 Maggie Patricianne Hurd,C’62 Amelia Strong Irons,C’55 Ella M. Isom,C’43 Alison Willis Jackson,C’82 Marion Townsend Jackson,C’52 Rebecca Gorden Jackson,C’57 Urbane Jackson Johnnye H. Jefferson,C’52

Alice Goseer Jennett,C’65 Clara Elizabeth Flagg Johnson,C’52 Dorothy Turner Johnson,C’38 Jeanne Primus Johnson,C’75 Juan D. Johnson Karmen Johnson,C’82 Melanie Bradford Johnson,C’82 Rose Harris Johnson,C’57 Sallie Burton Johnson,C’52 Elias & Norris Mazeke Jones,C’52 Henrietta Laster Jones,C’62 Sarah Powell Jones,C’47 Marian Smith Jordan,C’67 Del Eagan Jupiter,C’44 Annie Brown Kennedy,C’45 Darnita R. Killian,C’79 Dorothy Cole King,C’52 Theresa L. Knight,C’77 Alvin W. Larkins Shirley Leaphart,C’57 Sarah M. Lemon-Palmore,C’37 Catherine J. Lewis Hazelyn Scott Lewis,C’52 Lauren Suzanne Love,C’87 Pauline Love-Gaines,C’52 Deborah Keith Mack,C’67 Elaine Lewis Maclin,C’52 Fannie B. Malone-Nash,C’57 Karen Willie Malveaux,C’80 Shirley F. Marks,C’68 Janet Lane Martin,C’72 Melbahu Bryant Mason,C’34 Michelle Diane Mason,C’84 Michelle L. Matthews,C’82 Augustine McDaniel,C’67 Elizabeth Bradshaw McKinley,C’62 Althea H. McPhail,C’82 Gertrude G. Michelson Maria Dawn Miller,C’85 Maxine A. Miller,C’47 Erin Goseer Mitchell,C’55 Jeania Jones Mitchell,C’76 Hazel Rucker Moore,C’52 Shelia Morrow Moore,C’72 Theresa Carter Moore,C’80 Emma Jean Franklin Moreland,C’52 Doris Moultrie Moss,C’52 Sharon Elaine Owens,C’76 Bentley L. Patterson,C’70 Jeanne Willis Pearson,C’47 Rosetta Hicks Peterson,C’54 Aserelene Parker Pickett,C’55 Anita Polk,C’46 David Price Deborah Prothrow-Stith,C’75 Narvie Hill Puls,C’52 Shaka Rasheed Norman & Laura Rates Bessie Nixon Reynolds,C’52 Patricia H. Ricks,C’67 Emmie Denise Roberts,C’73 Gladys Earl Roberts,C’51 Aurelia Doris Robinson,C’47 Barbara Lockhart Robinson,C’60 Bettye Whited Robinson,C’57 Lillian Vaughan Robinson,C’47 Ermalene Coffey Rodrigues,C’52 Olive B. Rogers Wanda J. Rosemond,C’82 Adelle Del Pino Samuel,C’47 Douglas G. Scrivner Jacquelyne Daniels Sears,C’86 Sylvia Glenn Simmons,C’74

Marguerite F. Simon,C’35 Kiron Kanina Skinner,C’81 Jodi Clement Smart Adrianne Camille Smith,C’92 Alfred White Smith,C’42 Ingrid L. Smith,C’79 Jonathan L. Smith Maxine Atkins Smith,C’49 E. Paulette Smith-Epps,C’68 Mabel Murphy Smythe-Haith,C’37 Thelma Collins Spann,C’43 Taronda Elise Spencer,C’80 Mildred Ponder Stennis,C’47 Donald & Isabel Stewart Ann Harris Stoddard,C’47 Robert D. Storey James O. Suber David N. Sundwall Roslyn Washington Sylvester,C’59 Colleen Janessa Taylor,C’90 Beverly Jeanne Thomas,C’52 Veronique L. Thompson,C’82 Joyce E. Thornton,C’70 Clemmie Sanders Tolmaire,C’50 Doretha Mitchell Traylor,C’52 Eleanor Williams Traylor,C’55 Gertrude Y. Trippett,C’52 Althea Sample Truesdale,C’78 Ossie Smith Tuggle,C’54 Andrea Abrams Turner,C’86 Janice Marie Turner,C’85 Laura Williams Turner,C’52 Stephanie Elaine Turner,C’90 Birdie Gambrell Tyler,C’47 Cheryl Lewis Vowels,C’85 Mildred Collier Walton,C’47 Tonja Harding Ward,C’92 Delo Washington,C’57 Sheryl W. Washington,C’77 Bruce Waterfall Levi Watkins Jr. Geneva Hood Watson-Dean,C’59 Eunice Guy Weston,C’49 Barbara Ingram Whitaker,C’52 Josie Latimer Williams,C’47 Patricia Carolyn Williams,C’75 Vivian Stodghill Williamson,C’57 Jacqueline Kirby Wills,C’52 Alice E. Wilson MD,C’80 Mae F. Clowney Wilson,C’47 Gloria Wade Wingfield,C’53 Mildred Ann Wise,C’67 Ida Billee Wood,C’39 Lula Pearl Wood,C’47 Clarice Lampkin Wright,C’57 Carolyn L. Yancey,C’72 Etta Webb Young,C’52

FOUNDERS CLUB In tribute to the Founders, Sophia B. Packard and Harriet E. Giles, the Founders Club members have provided annual gifts of $500 $999. Josella Thomas Abrams,C’57 Joyce J. Akridge,C’67 Allecia Michelle Alexander,C’92 Eloise A. Alexis,C’86 Walter R. Allen Colleen Ammons,C’69 Chandra Britt Armstrong,C’90

Bettye Joyce Atkinson,C’70 Melvis Evans Atkinson,C’62 Detria Lynnette Austin,C’95 Patricia Battle Austin,C’62 Amanda Keith Bailey,C’47 Ruth V. Bailey Tori Lynn Bailey,C’97 Sheila Sheftall Barnes,C’57 Gwenell Waters Bass,C’72 Mary Catherine Bateson Otto Beatty Jr. Keva Wright Berry,C’79 Catherine Bland,C’76 Denise Blue-Poe,C’77 Traci Toi Williams Bolling,C’87 Melrita Russ Bonner,C’67 Yvette Savwoir Bradford,C’67 A. Kathy Bradshaw,C’82 Vivian Welch Brinson,C’60 Kim Elise Bronson,C’85 Gene M. Brown Vivian Roberts Brown,C’67 Carol Brownlee Helen McKnight Buntin,C’39 Loyce Willis Bynum,C’33 Evelyn C. Campbell,C’55 Sylvia Cochran Carroll,C’68 Ruby Woods Carter,C’49 Carolyn Jones Cartwright,C’69 Floris Barnett Cash,C’61 Gil Chapman Maya Nichol Clark,C’95 Veurmer L. Clark-Edwards,C’82 Brenda S. Clay,C’67 Frances Burnette Cleveland,C’70 Delita Cobb,C’87 Brenda Hill Cole,C’63 Carolyn Bailey Collins,C’56 Jean Moore Collins,C’57 Lisa DeNell Cook,C’86 Eleanor Bell Coote,C’42 Carolita Jones Cope,C’81 Sylvia H. Cordy,C’67 Marjorie Vaughan Crawford,C’51 Gloria Cunningham-Sneed,C’69 Betty Lovett Dabney,C’56 Madelyn Foster Daniels,C’57 Gail Paulette Davenport,C’70 Emmalyn Jenkins Deal,C’49 Gloria Davis Dent,C’48 Alyce Smith Dodson,C’46 Russell Edgerton Mary McKinney Edmonds,C’53 Deidra Y. Edwards,C’79 Laurie Elam-Evans,C’85 Sylvia Blackmon Ellis,C’57 Christine King Farris,C’48 Kimberly Celosia Felder,C’91 Valerie L. Fluker,C’96 Holly Johnson Friar,C’77 Deidra Lynne Fryer,C’84 Alma Willis Fulton,C’62 Zenobia S. Gardner,C’69 Gwendolyn Walker Garrison,C’54 Gene E. Gary-Williams,C’56 Jean Wilborn George,C’62 Tracie Gregory Goffe,C’87 Celeste I. Gore,C’84 Pamela P. Grace,C’81 Christina G. Graybard Lois Weston Green,C’64 Yvette Chancellor Green,C’82 Mary Elizabeth Grimes,C’76 Nannie Archie Henderson,C’57 Freddye L. Hill,C’68 Lillie D. Hobbs,C’59 Sandra Lee Holliday,C’68 Natasha Yufe Howie,C’82 Chaundra Michelle Hughes,C’93 Cynthia E. Jackson,C’81 Fleda Mask Jackson,C’73 Geraldine R. Jackson,C’80 Teresa Leary Jenkins,C’90 Vernyce Jenrette,C’65 Cleveland Johnson Joyce F. Johnson Susan Grace Johnson,C’77 Teree Caldwell Johnson,C’78 Donna Rae Johnson-Harvey,C’90 Melanie Grant Jones,C’87 Judith Jones McKinley,C’77 Patricia D. Keenan Myrtle Mark Kelly,C’47 Mary Echols Kendrick,C’60 Patricia A. King,C’67 Sarah Byrd King,C’42 Adrienne Colette Lance Lucas,C’90

Otha Anne Larkins,C’54 Emmie Elliott Latimer,C’42 Ruby Jones Leaphart,C’55 Noelle Candace Leveaux,C’98 Mignon Lackey Lewis,C’51 Wanda Smalls Lloyd,C’71 Pearl Johnson Logan,C’60 Virginia Entzminger Longino,C’47 Adine Andrea Mable-Lee,C’75 Sonya R. Malunda Lampley,C’84 Ollie Irons Manley,C’70 Ernestine Miles Mann,C’57 Janetta D. Marbrey,C’75 Veloisa Tate Marsh,C’73 Tracy Matthews ,C’87 Delores LaRheine McCollum,C’73 Kathleen McGhee-Anderson,C’72 Lev. T. & Joyce White Mills,C’64 Beryl Thomas Mitchell,C’77 Lilla A. Mitchell Marilyn Miller Davis Mitchell,C’53 Sherry Willingham Mitchell,C’92 Mildred Walker Monroe,C’67 Cassandra T. Morgan,C’82 Laura Virginia Morgan,C’64 Stacy A. Morgan,C’82 Dollie Scott Mosley,C’67 Agnes Blondean Orbert Nelson,C’63 Cheryl Pone Outlaw,C’82 Shari Lynn Palmer,C’81 E. Sacia Ross Pandley,C’46 Lori Edmond Paschal,C’87 Lori Yonsonta Patton,C’93 Pamela Bell Payton,C’78 Dorothy Coleman Peay,C’59 Rometta E. Powell,C’80 Clarella Y. Cooke Pratt,C’62 Jimmie Hughes Raines,C’61 Bernice Johnson Reagon,C’70 Sandra J. Reed,C’80 Josephine Reed-Taylor,C’72 Mable Williams Reid,C’57 Margret Richardson,C’42 Lucy J. Ridley,C’44 Monice Hodges Sanders,C’78 Jennifer Louise Satterfield-Siegel,C’87 Grace McKivey Scipio,C’46 Pamela E. Scott-Johnson,C’82 Dolores A. Seward,C’77 Angela Patrice Shannon-Reid,C’84 Mary Dupree Sherman,C’65 Carolyn Ouida Smith,C’47 Elizabeth S. Stewart Smith PE,C’79 Emogene Johnson Smith,C’72 Robert L. Smothers Cynthia Neal Spence,C’78 Stephanie St. Louis Carnella A. Stewart,C’69 Sydney Stinson,C’88 Shereitte C. Stokes III Gloria Furlow Tapera,C’66 Alester E. Teagle,C’75 Carolyn Taylor Thomas,C’44 Genevieve Wheeler Thomas,C’36 Dawn Williams Thompson,C’86 Henrietta E. Turnquest, C’68 Frances Keahey Van Buren,C’53 Doris A. Van Putten,C’56 Stacey Ann Walker,C’82 Beverley M. Warner,C’77 Alice Holmes Washington,C’38 Lillian Watkins,C’45 Frances Glover Weaver,C’59 Priscilla Williams White,C’42 Valencia Peters White,C’72 Brucetta Marie Williams,C’88 Merchuria Chase Williams,C’69 Ralph & Jennifer Peters Wilson,C’77 Avis Junior Woodard,C’77 Alfred D. Wyatt Jr. Phyllis Bonner Wyatt,C’82 Hisako Yanaka Muriel Ketchum Yarbrough,C’49

SECOND CENTURY CLUB The Second Century Club members have made annual gifts to Spelman College of $250 - $499. Eldora Love Adkins,C’50 Brenda Wilson Alexander,C’60 Cheryl Merideth Alexander,C’87 Hilda Jenkins Allen,C’67 Felicia Bowens Anderson

Franklin R. Anderson Janet Ann Anderson,C’82 Janine Jeff Baah,C’90 Kia DiAn Bahner,C’87 Tollese Harris Bankett,C’81 Fannye Hopkins Banks,C’51 Minnie Alderman Barnes,C’59 Schonay M. Barnett-Jones,C’90 Isaiah E. Barnwell Jr. Sherita Patrice Beard-Lee,C’93 Gwendolyn Beckwith Natalie Mitchell Beechum,C’87 Rosa Linder Benton,C’42 Celestine Taylor Billings,C’38 Dorothy Neal Birchette,C’40 Willie Juliet Dobbs Blackburn,C’31 Janice L. Boger,C’77 Tracey Charisse Bostwick,C’92 Jacquelyn Ann Kirby Boyette,C’67 Sylvia T. Bozeman Patricia Willis Bradford,C’85 Anne Thomas Braxton,C’39 Clara Lillian Brewer,C’77 Nata Kathleen Brown,C’88 Robin Camille Brown,C’90 Cheryl Bronner Buffalo,C’77 Alva Bell Bullard,C’87 Kathy Todd Burton,C’87 Laura J. Burton Odem,C’68 June Dobbs Butts,C’48 Sibyl A. Carley,C’72 Dorothy Ateca Carter,C’42 Juanita Robinson Carter,C’66 Kathy Watson Carter,C’77 Mary M. Carter,C’85 Kelly Cass-White Renee Walton Cawley,C’81 Tanya R. Cheevers,C’72 Tarvia Davis Chiddick,C’92 Julia Annette Clark,C’87 Theresa Preston Clincy,C’81 Connie Johnson Cole,C’67 Cordelia L. Coleman,C’73 Sylvia Fields Cook,C’58 Angela Birch Cox,C’81 Melody L. Crawford,C’83 Michele C. Daly,C’87 Beverly Jordan Davis,C’71 Geraldine Phillips Davis,C’49 Perlie Marie Davis,C’87 Lanita Monae Dawson-Jones,C’90 Natasha Verlon Denis,C’93 Georgia Smith Dickens,C’42 Rozalind R. Dickerson,C’82 Lisa Annette Dixon,C’86 Rosa L. Drayton,C’72 Bettie J. Durrah,C’63 Gwendolyn T. Dyson,C’84 Barbara Ponder Elias,C’57 Charlie Lovett Ellington,C’47 Valjeanne Estes,C’84 Nancy J. Fairley Deborah A. Finley,C’75 Kimberlynn R. Fisher,C’85 Dorothy Clements Fletcher,C’62 Pamela Spruill Fletcher,C’79 Mary Glenn Forbes,C’73 Vyvien Annette Ford-Brewington,C’65 Elizabeth Bryan Fortson,C’57 Jean LaRue Foster,C’53 Deborah Williams Foy,C’80 Shirley C. Franklin Thaddeus B. Gaillard Jr. Denise Garnett,C’90 Julia Martin Gilmore,C’59 Bonnie Gissendanner,C’69 Angelique DeVold Gloster,C’85 Rhea Gordon T. Herman Graves Ernestine Steward Gray,C’70 Mary Reid Gray,C’52 Brenda J. Greene,C’66 Mia F. Greene Pamela Gunter-Smith,C’73 Yvonne Kyles Hammonds,C’65 Latanya P. Hammonds-Odie,C’89 Frieda McGhee Hampton,C’51 Andrea M. Harris,C’94 Bernadette Weston Hartfield,C’71 Veronica Wells Haven,C’73 Velma Baker Head,C’67 Annette C. Henderson Mary Joyce Henley,C’77 Djuana Denise Herron,C’87 Lisa B. Hibbard Lynne M. Hicks,C’78 Barbara Hill

Monica Janine Hobbs,C’87 Anne R. Hornsby Doleda Jackson Howard,C’78 Alysan Deidre Humphrey,C’97 Kelli Dionne Humphrey,C’93 Clestell Byrd Hunt RN,C’55 Edwina Palmer Hunter,C’64 Gracie Mae Hutcherson,C’82 Loren Sellers Jackson,C’77 Willye Doretha Jackson,C’67 Pamela M. Jeffrey,C’80 Alice Eason Jenkins,C’85 Vaunda Maria Jennings,C’87 Cynthia Guthrie Johnson,C’77 Julia Ponder Johnson,C’56 Carole Johnson Jones,C’81 Janet Webster Jones,C’58 Sharon Yvette Jones,C’84 Valerie Jones-Bland,C’75 Jewel Jones-Faison,C’77 Richele LaShun Jordan-Davis,C’92 Nagawa Kakumba,C’92 Malaika Kamunanwire,C’95 Cynthia Harris Kelly,C’83 Dawna M. Kelly,C’90 Brenda Kidd Rosa King Kilpatrick,C’70 Cherise D. Kimball,C’88 Michelle A. King,C’80 Nelda J. King,C’64 Eva Thomas Kinsey,C’59 Glenda Anderson Kirkland,C’67 Ida Brown Knight,C’40 Renee M. Knight,C’87 Sallee Tamara Knight,C’94 Beverly Branton Lamberson,C’74 Andrea W. Lawrence,C’68 Muriel T. Lawrence,C’87 Melzetta Peterson Laws,C’43 Dorothy Whited LeBlanc,C’53 Elizabeth Patton Lee,C’41 Harry G. Lefever Cynthia Patterson Lewis,C’73 Julie Calloway Lewis,C’82 Arturo Lindsay Mary Bythewood Lynch,C’35 June Thalier Martin,C’53 Thelma Rollins Mason,C’67 Catherine Wilson May,C’47 Cassandra Anita McCloud,C’87 Doris Thompson McCollum,C’49 Charlotte L. McConnell,C’66 Bettye Earl McCoy,C’57 Murdell Walker McFarlin,C’72 Rose Mary McGowan Leah Stewart McGregory,C’87 Deborah Corliss McIntosh,C’72 Willie Melton Gwendolyn H. Middlebrooks,C’61 Dorothy H. Miller Tishria Lachan Mindingall,C’87 Deborah Dorsey Mitchell,C’64 Kia M. Mitchell,C’97 Sharon Bartow Mitchell,C’72 Carmen Fennoy Moody Esq.,C’65 Jane Bond Moore Esq.,C’59 Cheryl Moore Harris,C’82 Ruth Huling Morgan,C’46 Cynthia E. Morris,C’87 Jeanne Brown Morris,C’53 Linda J. Mosley-Gordon,C’72 Nelwyn McDuffie Mpare,C’77 Harriet Mitchell Murphy,C’49 Barbara Naylor-Hill,C’67 Kellye Marie Nelson,C’92 Monica Louise Newman,C’95 Lucile Logan Nix,C’49 Kandance Weems Norris,C’90 Wanda Sharp Norris,C’87 Dorothy Hood Oliver,C’44 Gwendolyn Hood Osby,C’60 June Hayward Owens,C’72 Amy Melisa Palmer,C’97 Rosalia G. Parker,C’74 A. Trisa Long Paschal Ara Ann Yates Patridge,C’59 Sandra Sims Patterson,C’70 Carla Annette Peay,C’87 Reba Wilson Perkins,C’55 Charlotte Linder Perry,C’44 Cora C. Perry Freida G. Perry,C’69 Aletha Monique Perryman,C’97 Vanessa Gale Phillips,C’80 Theresa Smith Pickens,C’49 Bernadette Cecelia Poitier,C’77 Mary Hall Presley,C’77

Karen Arlicha Purnell,C’87 Tawana Cook Purnell,C’75 Cynthia Todd Quarles,C’82 Vanessa Ann Ragland,C’77 Florine Mack Rattliff,C’63 Senella Thomas Rawls,C’49 Ernestine Beck Redd,C’67 Rhonda Strawter Respress,C’81 Pocahontas Renee Reynolds,C’92 Phyllis Ward Rich,C’79 Bettye Burts Richardson,C’57 Tiaudra Raschon Riley,C’97 Deborah A. Robinson,C’74 Giavonne Denise Rondo,C’94 David Roselle Gloria Gardner Rosemond,C’54 Ella Blackmon Ross,C’60 Joan Barnes Ross Bonni E. Rucker,C’69 Christa Elise Sanders,C’92 Angela Floyd Sapp,C’87 Elizabeth Ann Sapp,C’87 Vickey Lovette Saunders,C’77 A. Roslyn Sellers,C’52 Patricia Moody Sewing,C’56 Adrianne Shaw,C’88 Rebecca C. Shaw,C’63 Margaret Rucker Sheftall,C’59 Charmaine Louise Shelton,C’92 Lee R. Shelton Lois Johnson Sherard,C’51 Gettys Bryant Simon,C’42 Debra Ray Smalls,C’72 Heather Louise Smith,C’93 Helen Starr Smith,C’42 Lisha Bronte Smith,C’82 Theophus H. Smith Selena Margaret Sowells,C’67 Angela Alexander Stamper,C’70 Robert E. Steele Mary Agnes Stephens,C’57 Dorothy Myers Stepteau,C’63 Gustav L. Stewart III Chrystal Joy Stokes,C’94 Kami Lindsey Strickland,C’87 Sarah Bonita Suitt,C’67 David A. Sutphen Rose Sprott Swain,C’77 Cheryl Phillips Taylor,C’72 Jasmine Pugh Taylor,C’85 Alberta Elizabeth Thomas,C’38 Roslyn Sonia Thomas,C’87 Terri Lynn Tilford,C’87 William & Mary Ann Toles Robbie Welch Christler Tourse,C’63 Eoin & Ann Trevelyan Cynthia Ann Tucker-Curtis,C’76 Deborah Twine Cheryl L. Tyler,C’79 Phoebe Dawson Ushery,C’77 Lucy C. Vance Robert V. Veiga Terri Renee Vismale-Morris,C’80 Marion Shepherd Ware,C’52 Che Denee Watkins,C’91 Harriette Debro Watkins,C’70 Martha Jones Welch,C’67 Claudia Wells Patricia Ann Weston,C’77 Edward L. & Mary Susan Wheeler,C’69 Dineen Joelle White,C’90 Melanie Francine White,C’87 Alma Stone Williams,C’40 Anja Yvette Williams,C’87 Barbara P. Williams,C’72 Billie Pitts Williams,C’64 Cora Appleby Williams,C’43 Joni Johnson Williams,C’87 Laverna King Williams,C’68 N. McGhee Williams,C’74 L. Neil & Sue Williams Wilma Williams,C’70 Lori M. Willis,C’87 Bernice C. Wilson Ingrid Wilson-Johnson,C’80 Alfredia Shelton Wingate,C’83 Fannie Ballard Woodard,C’54 Hillary Richelle Woodson,C’92 Margaret Wright,C’75 Patrice Wright-Lewis,C’87 Alfred Wyatt Evalyn Spann Young,C’46 Frances Odom Young,C’60 Jessye Croom Young,C’44 Katie Mae Davis Zellars,C’65


CENTURY CLUB The Century Club members made annual gifts to Spelman College of $100 - $249. Darlene Abernathy-Neely,C’93 Ericka Suzanne Abram,C’92 Jane M. Abram Ann U. Abrams Sheila Rochelle Abrams,C’96 Howell & Madeline Adams Sharon R. Agnew June McDonald Aldridge,C’53 Beverly Alexander,C’76 JoAnn Sims Alexander,C’61 Shawanda Jenkins Alexander,C’85 Calvin & Doris Alexis Cynthia Alexandra Allen,C’96 Deborah Yvonne Allen,C’74 Gail A. Allen Marion Elizabeth Allen,C’67 Mayela Maria Allen,C’79 Mignon Michelle Allen,C’94 Lisa Young Alston Vickie Darlene Amos,C’92 Birdie Harris Anderson,C’66 Karen Lynette Anderson-Scott,C’94 Adria Nikhole Andrews,C’99 Dorothy Aderhold Andrews,C’41 Angela Denise Anglin,C’94 Ellie Copeland Armstead,C’68 Cecelia Dorene Armstrong,C’92 Regina Elizabeth Arnao,C’89 Stephanie Michele Atkins,C’88 Dorothy M. Atwater,C’72 Barbara Bacon Niambi A. Bah Stacy M. Baines,C’92 Tujuana Davie Bajgett,C’89 Cynthia Blasingame Baker,C’93 Kay Jett Baker,C’56 Ernestine Brooks Banks,C’45 Beverly Banks-Greene,C’89 Emily Black Barbee,C’82 Alison Madearie Barnes,C’93 Rochelle Davis Barnett,C’77 Ellen Lydia Barnette,C’47 Adelaide Barringer,C’88 Sarah Nelson Barron,C’70 Bettelaine Daniels Bass,C’81 Fawnda S. Batchelor Agnes Blasingame Batey,C’57 Gladys S. Bayse Jacqueline Renee Bazy,C’89 Natalie Kennedy Beard,C’71 Renelda Cross Belcher,C’57 Cheryl Jefferson Bell,C’79 Elayne Bush Bell,C’51 Gloria Knowles Bell,C’64 Helen M. Bell,C’53 Wyndolyn Crutchfield Bell,C’74 Barbara Bell-Robinson,C’68 Jacquelyn Shipp Belt,C’72 Ruha Mihrshahi Benjamin,C’01 Angela Denise Benson,C’81 Pamela Berry-Williams Pamela Bigelow,C’88 Edith Y. Biggers Lou Black-Dulaney,C’87 Jeanne Bryant Blackmon,C’53 Angelia S. Blackwell Esq.,C’80 Patricia Ann Blackwell,C’82 Geraldine Pope Blasingame Mary Alice Blossomgame,C’67 Joyce Cooper Bobo,C’46 Margarette Butler Bolden,C’66 Jocelyn Wolffe Bonner,C’80 Beverly Alexander Booker,C’69 Damali Ayana Booker,C’00 † Linda Faye Booker,C’81 Barbara J. Boone Regina Helen Boone,C’92 Trojanell Bordenave-Wilson,C’74 Juel Pate Borders-Benson,C’54 Dorothy Ross Bowie,C’51 Sherry L. Brooks Bowins,C’80 Charis E. Bowling Albert & Helen Bows Steve Bowser Gloria Strong Boyd,C’56 Ophelia Conley Boyd,C’51 Evelyn Davis Boyden,C’78 Mary Cofield Boykin,C’71 Thelma E. Bradford Stacey Brandon,C’90 India Burton Breedlove,C’80

Michelle Nichole Brewington,C’97 Geraldine Pattillo Bridges,C’52 Malissa Kilgore Briley,C’42 Janie Dukes Brinkley,C’87 Arletta Theresa Brinson,C’74 Deborah Hudson Broadwater,C’71 Helen White Brock,C’71 Lisa C. Bronson,C’83 Elizabeth J. Brooks,C’77 Glorious Leatherwood Broughton,C’70 Alfreda Cooke Brown,C’98 Beryl Barber Brown,C’87 Carolyn Marjorie Brown,C’69 Dorothy Zellner Brown,C’50 Frances M. Brown Joan P. Brown Joyce Conley Brown,C’56 Lisa Marie Brown,C’92 Neely H. Brown Neysa D. Brown,C’80 Peggy Sims Brown,C’73 Ruth Harvey Brown,C’53 Teresa Brown Michelle L. Browne-Barnum,C’80 Gloria Price Bryant,C’54 Heather Bond Bryant,C’82 Greta Mitchell Bryson,C’88 Judy A. Bryson,C’78 Constance E. Buckins-McGuire,C’71 Tara Leigh Buckner,C’87 Bernice Woolfolk Bufford,C’56 Traci Bransford Bullock,C’85 Lucinda W. Bunnen Barbara A. Burgess,C’78 Anthony Burley Margaret Tavaras Burley,C’83 Carol Sutton Burnett Myra Burnett Margaret Stokes Burns,C’49 Susan H. Burroughs,C’68 Denise Burse-Fernandez,C’73 Jametoria Houston Burton,C’87 Sandra L. Burton-Hughes,C’65 Emma Hardnett Bush,C’51 Lynette Fields Byrom,C’55 Jean Joseph Cadet Ann Kelly Caggins,C’68 Patsy E. Caldwell,C’65 A. Toy Caldwell-Colbert,C’73 Roberta L. Callaway Delmarie Calvin,C’95 Bettye R. Campbell,C’49 Consuelo Louise Campbell,C’92 Leila Potts Campbell,C’65 Patricia Wilson Campbell,C’70 Daresa Lenette Cannon,C’98 Eddie Lee Bush Cannon,C’42 Sheila Sheftall Cannon,C’83 Lucinda Lecounte Capers,C’57 Kenneth & Melanie Carey Lauren Renee Carey,C’91 Barbara Adams Carney,C’62 Richard & Evelyn J. Carroll Cynthia Collette Carson,C’84 Vivian McFall Carter,C’46 Debora Johnson Cash,C’77 Yvonne Parks Catchings,C’55 Renee Tana Cavor,C’86 Karen Ceesay,C’92 Barbara A.P. Chandler,C’63 Mildred M. Chandler,C’42 Jessie J. Chapin,C’78 Janice Webb Chappelle,C’65 Monica Anderson Chatman,C’74 Ray Frances Chatman-Scott,C’57 Sandra P. Cheevers Lawanda Michelle Cherry,C’92 Kendell Vanette Childers,C’92 Stephanie Cotton Chretien,C’79 Lisa Sumira Clark,C’87 Mary Frances Martin Clark,C’44 Helen K. Clarke Debra Clawson-Jackson,C’87 Kwanza C. Clay,C’92 Lisa Helayne Clay,C’84 Marsha Harris Clement,C’68 Eugenia Davis Clements,C’71 Carla Alfrendetta Cobb,C’93 Marian Louise Cobb,C’75 Barbara S. Coble Sherdena D. Cofield Marc V. Colelli Ebony Mishana Coleman,C’97 Sheryl Murphy Coleman,C’74 Wynelle Knowles Coleman,C’72 Barbara Y. Coles,C’62 Valeria Collier-Vick,C’80


Geraldine Colvin-Bonner,C’69 Rosalyn Comer,C’92 Joy Wooden Coney,C’93 Anita Woods Cook,C’68 Karen Yvette Cooper,C’84 Ruby Rucker Cooper,C’95 Anne McCoy Cowan,C’54 Antonia Dukes Crawford,C’84 Marlene S. Crawford,C’74 Ruth Minor Crawford,C’54 Marguerite P. Creecy,C’65 Rasheeda N. Creighton,C’99 Martha Brock Crews,C’43 Y. Yvonne Cribbs,C’76 Delores Loraine Crockett,C’69 Jacqueline Larkins Crook,C’48 Claire Greene Crooks-Harrison,C’58 Linda W. Crosslin,C’73 Belinda K. Cross-Livingston,C’84 Angela Kim Crowell,C’88 Kathy Hood Culmer,C’75 Verbena Brown Cummings,C’79 Aleana Pope Curney,C’83 Irene Parnell Yopp Curtis,C’45 Dana Dakin Annie O. Dancy Tammie K. Daniel,C’93 Mary Stephens Dansby,C’46 Victoria S. Darrisaw,C’90 Ethel Coleman Davenport,C’56 Ayana Mandisa Davis,C’97 Brenda Minnigan Davis,C’77 Cheryl Davis,C’67 James H. Davis Melba D. Davis,C’66 Pearline Adamson Davis,C’58 Terri Sherice Davis,C’89 Anna Maria Davis-Ivery,C’79 Christie Carleen Days,C’90 Deirdre Days-Woods,C’87 Clara Dodson Delaney,C’62 Tomika Michelle Depriest,C’89 Dorothy L. DeVillars,C’51 Tara L. DeYampert,C’86 Susanne Catherine Diggs-Wilborn,C’88 Jerry L. Dixon L. Rita Dixon,C’56 Myra H. Dixon Nadine Laverne Dobbins,C’73 Michelle Dorant,C’91 Evelyn Engram Dorsey,C’59 Celeste Dorsey-Grooms,C’81 Kathi P. Douglas-Cook,C’87 Irene Mabrey Dowdell,C’69 Tracy Renee Dowdell,C’92 Hope Alexis Dowdy,C’72 Karen Duckett-Davis,C’82 Franzetta Williams Durant,C’39 J. Frazer & Cree Durrett Essie Jewell Eason,C’55 Faith Eileen Edgar,C’96 Brooke Jackson Edmond,C’91 Barbara Dancy Edwards,C’69 Beverly Y. Edwards,C’79 Matthew E. Edwards AnnaMaria O. Ellis ,C’81 Earl & Anne Ellis Lillian Williams Ellis,C’60 Mitzi Harris Ellis,C’91 Ruth Starling Ellis,C’76 Susan Elaine Ellis,C’91 Frances Ellison-Dansby,C’57 Pamela Renee Emerson,C’90 Alpha Talley English,C’33 Marilyn Green Epps,C’43 Shryl James Epps,C’73 Christian M. Ezekwueche Mary T. Fannings,C’46 Shirley McGee Fannings,C’58 Jerome Farris Flora D. Feggins-Peterson,C’72 Vicki Elaine Felder,C’78 Myra Marx Ferree Alicia Ferriabough,C’96 Angela Lynn Fields,C’92 Dorothy Jenkins Fields,C’64 Helen Marie Forbes Fields,C’81 Louisa Steward Fisher,C’64 Nailah L. Flake,C’00 Rochelle Flemister,C’77 Cynthia DeBerry Flowers,C’83 Laverne S. Flowers James Ford Kimberly Adina Ford,C’94 Gladys Inez Forde,C’40 Wilma A. Foreman,C’81 Emma Marie Foster,C’46

Marie Thomas Foster,C’63 Myrna F. Foster,C’84 Robert & Alice Foster Florence Irving Francis,C’43 Mary James Francis,C’66 Miriam Blalock Frank,C’70 Rhonda Rush Frazier,C’83 Mareesa Arnita Frederick,C’97 Marla Faye Frederick,C’94 JoAnn Butler Fulks,C’77 Melvin E. Gaines Margery A. Ganz Denise B. Gardner Annie M. Garraway Delores Hudson Garrett,C’69 Marian Ellison Gary,C’45 James S. Gates † Mary Young Gerald,C’49 Michael A. Gerber Edith A. Gibbs,C’71 A. Elaine McNair Gilbert,C’72 Gail Allen Gill,C’72 Cornelia Gillyard Lena W. Gilmore Jeanissa Joanne Ginn,C’73 Ernestine Wallace Gipson,C’43 Denise Trimier Glanton,C’74 Glenise Cheryl Gleaton,C’87 Yvonne King Gloster,C’49 Traci Renee Glover, C’93 Kristi Lee Goldner,C’85 Uldine Goler Joan Donaldson Gomillion,C’68 Georgie M. Goode,C’50 Iris Rene Gordon,C’77 Deirdre Colston Graddick,C’86 Amy Beatrice Grant,C’94 Anna Maxwell Gray,C’50 Cara Therese Grayer,C’97 Lea Christina Greaves,C’97 Karin Virginia Green,C’87 Tiffany Marlo Green,C’92 Octavia Greene,C’72 Lori Grier,C’88 Edna Banks Griffin,C’35 Johnnie Woolfolk Griffith,C’69 Virginia Lee Griggs,C’64 Harriet Pritchett Grigsby,C’73 Sheryl Riley Gripper,C’72 Edna M. Grovey-Walker Tesa Lyshon Gunby,C’95 Kirsten Carter Hadley,C’93 Elna Moore Hall,C’90 Gwendolyn Fields Halls,C’49 Donna Harmon Hardaway,C’82 Jerry L. Hardee Janice T. Hardgraves Marjorie McClendon Hardy,C’60 Nikki Tinsley Harland,C’97 Nikeya Charisse Harper,C’96 Afi Davis Harrington,C’93 Christi Len Harris,C’80 Earnestine Wideman Harris,C’64 Jean Blackshear Harris,C’57 Leetra Janeen Harris,C’95 R. Jamila Harris,C’77 Bettieanne Childers Hart,C’69 Pamela Gary Hassan,C’79 Ruth Davis Hawk,C’46 Ayanna Damali Hawkins,C’94 Virginia Hawkins-Stephens,C’49 Glenna Stewart Hayes,C’40 Maxine Hayes,C’68 Melinda Ruth Hayes,C’95 Clara Yates Hayley,C’46 Julia Hayman-Hamilton,C’87 Virginia Moreland Haywood-Smith,C’50 Louise W. Hearon Robert K. Hedrick Jr. Mary J. Hempel Virginia Ruth McKinney Henderson,C’53 Karmeta R. Hendrickson,C’83 Mary Jane Hendrix,C’65 Robin Harmon Henry,C’79 Gayle Denise Herrington,C’93 Francesca Jetawn Herron,C’92 Callie Robinson Hester,C’40 Suzanne Hickey Jo Ester Hicks,C’91 Dorothy Jean High,C’56 Frank H. Hill Jr. Tamara E. Hill,C’91 Vivian Williams Hill,C’68 Alesia Lynette Hilliard-Smith,C’89 Catherine E. Foster Hines,C’52 Kimberly Hines-Bullock,C’91 Patrice A. Hinnant,C’74

Ernestine Dearing Hogan,C’68 John C. Holley Jenelsie Walden Holloway,C’41 Lucia Anita Holloway McSloy,C’64 Janie C. Holman,C’55 Mariella Ama Holman,C’44 Eurtistine M. Holt,C’58 E. Walter Hood Denise Ramona Hooks,C’73 Christel Alea Hooper Curtis,C’86 Barbara Nicole Horne,C’01 Erika Kimiya Horton,C’01 Mertis B. Horton Angela R. Hubbard,C’86 Juanita Akridge Hubbard,C’60 Leola E. Hubbard,C’64 Tonya Marie Hudson,C’88 Muriel Allen Hunter Thelma Freeman Hurley,C’46 Renee McDonald Hutchins,C’90 Regenia Hughes Ingram,C’67 Ernest N. Irby Sarah James Irby,C’93 Verne Patrice Jack,C’72 A. Charisse Jackson,C’75 Bascoe Jackson Betsy E. Jackson Horace & Cynthia Jackson Cynthia L. Jackson,C’72 Dolores B. Jackson,C’73 Eleanor Bryson Jackson,C’45 Erika Nicole Jackson,C’93 Martha Holmes Jackson,C’66 Maxine Baker Jackson,C’46 Miriam Jackson,C’97 Montina Golphin Jackson,C’85 Queen Hardnett Jackson,C’65 Josephine Jackson-Smith,C’46 Lula Weeden Jacobs,C’37 Tonya Ann Jacobs-Eason,C’89 Cynthia Thompson James,C’78 Shirley Barber James, C’68 Trellie James Jeffers,C’55 Carol Lewis Jefferson,C’76 Janis Jefferson,C’83 Rosell LaShun Jeffries,C’92 Joyce E. Jelks,C’70 Beverly Gail Jenkins,C’68 Verdia Ruth Jenkins Lisa Colette Jenkins Haynie,C’91 Donice Thomas Jeter,C’70 Audrey Irvin Johnson,C’63 Bernette Joshua Johnson,C’64 Bettye Peterson Johnson,C’52 Carla Denise Johnson,C’82 Diane Allen Johnson,C’75 Dorothy Anne Johnson,C’57 Georgette Woodward Johnson,C’75 Gloria Curington Johnson,C’52 John D. Johnson Lois G. Johnson,C’79 Marlisa R. Johnson,C’92 Naomi Cole Johnson,C’48 Rose L. Johnson,C’83 Carol Rowe Jones,C’99 Clara Stanton Jones,C’34 Karen Gaskins Jones,C’72 Lenita McClaren Jones,C’56 Loree Dionne Jones,C’90 Michael Purify Jones,C’66 Michele Yvette Jones,C’77 Pamela James Jones,C’78 Rita Chustz Jones,C’67 Valerie Y. Jones,C’80 Yvette Shannon Jones,C’90 J. Louise Johnson Jordan,C’50 S. Kelly Jordan Peter A. Joyce Samella Junior-Spence,C’53 Norma Carol Keel,C’78 Priscilla Thomas Keith,C’82 Rhonda Bell Kelley,C’72 Riba Colette Kelsey,C’93 Rimani Crystal Kelsey,C’94 Djenaba Bradford Kennedy,C’96 Dorothy M. Kenner,C’87 Judith N’Gina Kenney Merna Kent,C’74 Antoinette Clifford Kindall,C’42 Joyce King Karen Denise King,C’92 Sonja King,C’69 Lorraine Newton Lalli,C’98 Vanessa LaChaun Lane,C’96 W. P. Langdale Susan Pease Langford Teaniese Porche Latham,C’01

Jerelean Miller Lattimore,C’58 Tawnya Plummer Laughinghouse,C’95 Karen Kendrick Law,C’78 Lillian Carter Lawton,C’50 Angela Denise LeBoyd-Taylor,C’92 Alvin Lee Jr. Dawn Michele Lee,C’91 Theresa Brockenberry Lee,C’75 Calinda Lee-Mullen,C’92 Sandi E. Lee-Williams,C’70 Jeanne H. Lenhardt,C’68 Erica Dawn Leonard,C’95 Barbara Stokes Lewis,C’60 Courtney Lewis,C’90 Dawn Katrina Lewis,C’89 Letitia Lashawn Lewis,C’89 Maureen Angela Lewis,C’78 Tommie Butler Lewis,C’48 † Debborah Marlene Lindsay,C’80 Gwendolyn Ledbetter Lipscomb,C’65 Perry A. Little Gloria Bridges Locke,C’74 Karen Valeta Lodrig,C’74 Pamela Bowden Logan,C’90 Gerrilyn Loper Levy,C’87 Henrietta Reid Lundy-Lasiter,C’60 Angela Denise Lyles,C’88 Dorothy Kent Mabry,C’69 Salada S. Mack,C’81 Sharon White Mackel,C’78 Mary Madison,C’56 Mildred Rogers Madry,C’49 Audrey Chisolm Magee,C’73 Karen Cecilia Mainor,C’77 Errol C. Marquis Andresa Davis Marsalis,C’73 Cassandra Martin,C’76 Janice E. Martin,C’81 Theodore & Bernice Mason Wendy Harris Mason,C’82 Charlotte Grayson Mathis,C’91 Laverne Matthews,C’80 Cheryl V. May-Holmes,C’70 Juliette McCann,C’72 Joyce Holston McClendon,C’79 Mona Greene McCoy,C’94 Sheila Elaine McCravy,C’91 Sharon Hawkins McDougal,C’90 Cynthia McEwen,C’67 Angelique McFarland,C’82 Priscilla White McGaughey,C’48 Carol Yvette McGee,C’88 Geneva Higgins McGee,C’44 Sherri Ann McGee,C’87 Curtis B. McGowan Sabbye Sylvia McGriff,C’72 Lillie M. McIntyre Monette Coleman McIver,C’86 Roseland Yancey McLarin,C’71 Hazel McLean Jackie C. McLean,C’78 Voreece Dean McLendon,C’67 Clara Prioleau McLeod,C’65 Karen L. McLeod,C’82 Michelle Marie McLin,C’97 Sharonetta McIntyre McMillan,C’80 Tracy Lea McPhail,C’92 Camille Durden McWilliams,C’65 Jennifer Rose McZier,C’96 Angela Meeks,C’93 Gail Phillips Merritt,C’79 Wanda Bland Meyers,C’76 Angela Dionn Middleton,C’89 Adriene Denise Miller,C’87 Carol Ann Miller,C’62 Piper R. Miller,C’97 Tameika Gail Miller,C’96 Andrea V. Mills,C’76 Rhonda J. Mills,C’82 Telicia L. Mims,C’86 Vanessa Kaye Mims,C’92 Debra Jean Mitchell,C’90 Johnnie Patterson Mitchell,C’67 Mary Mitchell,C’59 Sonja Denise Mitchell,C’87 Kelley Newman Moore,C’92 Laurena Moore,C’82 Lois B. Moreland Sue Perteet Morris,C’49 Thelma Ananias Morris,C’52 Tara Jaye Morrow,C’96 Wendy M. Morrow,C’88 Catherine D. Morse-Young,C’82 Dorothy Anne Morton Brown,C’68 Diane Moseberry,C’74 Beverly J. Moss,C’81 Marlene Hunt Moss,C’72

Alice Delo Mullins,C’92 Vernistine Bynes Murphy,C’67 Opal O. Murray,C’87 Barbara J. Musgrove Tawann P. Jackson Muzzio,C’84 Reva Dale Myers,C’72 Deborah Hasan Najee-ullah,C’75 Shawna Lynn Napper-Acker,C’83 Lydia Jones Neasman,C’48 Dionne Nelson,C’93 Kimberly Louise Nichols,C’89 Dink Nicholson Rhonda Fennell Niles,C’93 Frenda Ann Norwood,C’72 Miriam Richardson Norwood,C’58 Helen Robinson Nunley,C’43 Sheryl C. Oliver Ericka J. Orina,C’78 Jacqueline Allen Ormes,C’45 Karen Renee Overstreet,C’77 Alice C. Owen Crystal Doranne Owen,C’90 Jacquelyn Champion Owens,C’78 Wardell Parish Peggy P. Parker,C’65 Marian Parks-Gilstrap,C’84 Jennie Strickland Partee,C’42 Sidnee Nicole Paschal,C’97 Barbara Patrick Ama B. Patterson,C’82 Doris Alberta Patterson,C’56 Nikita Collins Patterson,C’93 N. Joyce Payne Lisa R. Pearsall-Otey,C’81 Ojetta Eloise Pearson,C’82 Willie Mae Pearson-Butler,C’49 Camille Watson Peay,C’79 Bettye Thomas Peters,C’58 Gussie C. Davis Phillips,C’46 Patricia Dixon Pillow,C’65 Kathryn Anderson Pina,C’50 Beverly Leaphart Pitts,C’68 Wellington T. Pitts Lisa Stamper Ponton,C’74 Ebonee J. Pope,C’99 Shirley Curry Porter,C’73 Kimula Stenson Powell,C’86 Sherrie Rena Powell,C’97 Virginia Buck Prather,C’46 Tonya Pressley-Toliver,C’74 Danyale A. Price,C’91 Glenda D. Price Kimberly Colette Price,C’92 Donna Priest-Brown Lisa Yarbrough Priestly,C’83 Johnnie Hines Prothro,C’41 Harriet Myers Purdy,C’47 Sheila Purnell-Jones,C’86 Adrienne Purnell-Love,C’87 Rosemary Quinones Latonia Rochelle Raines,C’95 Sherryle B. Rambo Kelly Irene Rankin,C’94 Tamara Elizabeth Rasberry,C’97 Katie Coleman Rayford,C’63 Robert & Patricia Reece Evangeline Gail Reese,C’74 Teresa Ann Reese,C’87 Tiffany J. Reese,C’95 Babette Reid,C’88 Charles Julian Reid,C’64 Robin Brown Reid,C’78 Rae Ellen Reynolds,C’93 Tampa Letitia Rhodes,C’91 Juandalyn Ashmore Richards,C’90 Brenda Kate Richardson,C’70 Joseph L. Richardson Lonetta Ann Richardson,C’88 Kimberly Christina Riley,C’85 Marcia Riley,C’79 Richard Riseberg Margaret Ann Robbins,C’49 Dianne Steverson Roberson,C’68 James Roberts Lola V. Roberts-Richards,C’61 Shirley Battle Robins,C’75 Kelly Melinda Robinson,C’90 Stephanie Hines Robinson,C’88 Wanda Jackson Robinson,C’74 Jean Berrien Rogers-Yates,C’63 Shana Miki Rooks,C’97 Sharon Elizabeth Rose,C’88 Regene Polk Ross,C’90 Renee Jeatonne Ross,C’92 Renee Christine Ross,C’92 Alma Blanton Rountree,C’50 Sarah Rowland

Marian V. Rucker-Shamu,C’65 Judith Fennell Ruffin,C’66 Charlotte Arnold Russell,C’46 Tomya McQueen Ryans,C’87 Jacquelyn Sanders Sampson,C’68 Paula Ann Sams,C’77 Dorothy Nelle Sanders,C’38 Lawrence Schenbeck Alice H. Scott,C’57 Janice C. Scott,C’72 John W. Scott Mary Shy Scott,C’50 Rachelle Kirby Scott,C’96 Willodene Jenkins Scott,C’69 Haydee Searcy,C’95 Karin Berry Searls,C’82 Donald F. Sexton Barbara Youngblood Seymour,C’49 Mary Brown Shank,C’55 Rosanna Green Shaw,C’75 Jamehl Demons Shegog,C’90 Hortense Edwards Shelton,C’55 Patti Andrea Shepard,C’76 Dalila de Sousa Sheppard Robin Jenkins Sheppard Marian Herd Shorter,C’45 Alice Watkins Simmons,C’57 Helen Baker Simmons,C’38 Angela Anita Simpson,C’79 Merle E. Christian Simpson,C’42 Robin K.I. Simpson,C’96 Beverly Ingrid Sinclair,C’75 Christine Robinson Sinclair,C’46 Deatra Adkins Singletary, C’78 Ava M. Singleton,C’78 Georgetta Polite Singleton,C’81 A. Michelle Smith,C’69 Albert E. Smith Jr. Daphne L. Smith,C’80 Elsie Mallory Smith,C’55 Ethel Tate Smith,C’39 Georgia Hunter Smith,C’43 John and Ollie Smith Karenina L. Smith,C’82 Keyoka S. Smith Minnie Belle Head Smith,C’38 Rosemary Smith,C’78 Ursula S. Smith Y. Monique Davis Smith,C’90 Cynthia Snowden,C’93 Cristal L. Squaire,C’92 Gail Stallworth,C’74 Beverly J. Steed,C’75 Ora Sterling-King,C’54 Raymonda Lynn Stevens,C’92 Denise L. Stewart,C’72 Linda G. Stewart Clarita Nelson Stone,C’66 Dolores Young Strawbridge,C’64 Frances Suggs Carol Stewart Surrency,C’58 Annie Perry Swanson,C’56 Teresa M. Sweeney Torres,C’95 Sydne L. Tarry,C’91 Elvira M. Tate Margerine S. Taylor,C’60 Muriel Garth Taylor,C’92 Nola S. Taylor,C’79 Lana Joyce Taylor-Sims,C’63 Constance D. Teague,C’79 Elena Marie Temple,C’92 Tara Nimes Terrell,C’96 Catherine Collins Terry,C’57 † Bette Graves Thomas,C’69 Carlene Goudy Thomas,C’37 Stephanie Arrington Thomas,C’88 Valencia Wilson Thomas,C’77 Joyce L Thompkins Mia Jihan Thompson,C’01 Theresa Thompson Goode,C’92 Vasanne Sheree Tinsley,C’92 Bobbie Latimer Toatley,C’44 Freida Michelle Toles,C’96 Mary Bacon Toole,C’60 Elisa Michelle Tory,C’92 Betty Jean Tribble-Hall,C’54 Wanda Walker Truesdale,C’71 Mildred O. Tucker Nzinga Temple Tull,C’98 Delores Turner,C’65 Brenda C. Turpeau Elizabeth M. Tyler Candace Venning Ushery,C’76 Carolyn Anderson Van Dyke,C’68 Valerie A. Vance,C’79 Fay Jeannette VanHook,C’81 Sandra A. VanTravis,C’80

Tareka Allyn Verbal,C’92 Marlena Williams Vincent,C’83 Johnnye Wilson Vinson,C’53 Lynda C. Violenus DeAna Jo Vivian,C’83 Peggy Ann Wagner,C’75 Ora Mae Bruno Wagoner,C’63 Camarf Paulanne Walker,C’90 Doris Ann Walker,C’70 James A. Walker Lydia Walker,C’55 Winona Paul Walker,C’57 Ansonia Campbell Walls,C’45 Gwendolyn Perry Walthour,C’60 Barbara A. Walton Nissa M. Walton,C’93 Tanya Walton-Pratt,C’81 June Mack Wardlaw,C’46 John J. Warner Michelle Lee Warner-Waller,C’91 Clementine Jones Washington,C’79 Shirley Knott Washington,C’58 Mary L. Waters,C’66 Monifa Isaac Watson,C’94 Diane Henry Watts,C’74 Sylvia Sakura Watts,C’98 Darlene Webb,C’82 Jacqueline J. Wellington-Moore,C’53 Gwendolyn Jones West,C’71 Natasha C. West,C’93 Wendi Lynn West,C’91 Jacqueline Hill Whatley,C’76 Lisa R. Wheeler Daryl White Ida Margaret White,C’45 J. Rita White,C’89 Kanika Pili White,C’96 Malkia S. White,C’97 Melanie J. White,C’92 Denise Y. White-Jennings,C’74 Leslie S. Whitlock,C’87 Angela Wilbert-Southwell,C’91 Wellie Smith Wilburn,C’52 Jacquelyn D. Wilder,C’64 Bernice Kennedy Williams,C’48 Carrie Williams,C’40 Christine Williams,C’65 Doris Abercrombie Williams,C’57 Elynor Alberta Williams,C’66 Henry Williams Isa Patterson Williams,C’71 Karen Callaway Williams,C’88 Mary Charles Williams,C’56 Maurice M. Williams,C’50 Nicole Y. Williams,C’00 Willie M. Williams Andrea Ellen Williams-Kingslow,C’85 Robert Williamson JoAnn Williams-West,C’72 Gaye Moore Wilson,C’68 Sharon Parker Wilson,C’87 Sherida Elise Winn,C’01 Nicole Yvette Wise,C’93 Valerie Conley Wood,C’67 Vera M. Woods,C’81 Carmen Maudette Woods-Hollowell,C’90 C. T. Woods-Powell,C’75 Ridgely Renwick Worthy,C’64 Michelle Demetris Wright,C’96 Schawannah Jo Angela Wright,C’87 Lydia Brown Wynn,C’43 Carolyn D. Yancey Gloria Strickland Yancey,C’56 Darlene Yarbrough-Morgan,C’56 Evelyn Wright Young,C’41 Lola Marie Wood Young,C’46 Nioka Sharra Young,C’95 Sonjia Young Catherine R. Youngblood

GUARDIAN SOCIETY Phoebe Lydia Bailey, ‘C66 Ronald & Barbara Balser Anne Cox Chambers A. J. Cooper Y. Yvonne Cribbs, ‘C76 Mary McKinney Edmonds, ‘C53 Joyce Kirkland Essien Margaree Cheek Fant, ‘C76 Lila A. Fenwick Johnnie Hunter Foxworth, ‘C43 Dorothy J. Fuqua Grayson, ‘C65 Holcombe & Nancy Green Tracie Gregory Goffe, ‘C87 Daisy Carroll Harris, ‘C47

Laverne Hawkins Jones, ‘C86 Robert & Barbara Holland Fannye Hopkins Banks, ‘C51 June Gary Hopps, ‘C60 Dorothy Turner Johnson, ‘C38 Patricia Graham Johnson, ‘C73 Rose Harris Johnson, ‘C57 Barbara Holloway Lee, ‘C53 Mignon Lackey Lewis, ‘C51 Audrey Forbes Manley, ‘C55 Delores LaRheine McCollum, ‘C73 Allen & Sally McDaniel Karen A. Moore, ‘C80 Helen E. Nash, ‘C42 Dovey Johnson Roundtree, ‘C38 Grace McKivey Scipio, ‘C46 Marguerite F. Simon, ‘C35 Barbara Peek Sternick, ‘C51 Donald & Isabel Stewart Isabella McIntyre Tobin, ‘C45 Josie Latimer Williams, ‘C47 Ella Gaines Yates, ‘C49

HONOR ROLL BY CLASS YEARS KEY Century Club 1 Second Century Club 2 Founders Club 3 Presidents Society 4 Nellie Brewer Render Society 5 Trustee Leadership Circle 6 Harreld-Granderson Society 7 Heritage Society 8 Benefactors 9

Class of 1925 Amount:$13,600 Participation Rate: 17% Lucia Moore Bacote 4 Estate of Janet Harmon Bragg

Class of 1930 Amount:$50 Participation Rate: 11% Mattie Bourke Dean

Class of 1931 Amount: $250 Participation Rate: 9% Willie Juliet Dobbs Blackburn 2

Class of 1933 Amount: $1,725 Participation Rate: 19% Loyce Willis Bynum 3 Maenelle Dixon Dempsey 4 Alpha Talley English 1

Class of 1934 Amount: $6,675 Participation Rate: 24% Gladys Starling Crockett 4 Mary Menafee Garvin 4 Clara Stanton Jones 1 Melbahu Bryant Mason 4

Class of 1935 Amount: $1,470 Participation Rate: 15% Edna Banks Griffin 1 Mary Bythewood Lynch 2 Marguerite F. Simon 4

Class of 1936 Amount: $37,858 Participation Rate: 27% Ruth Westmoreland Hume Estate of Birdie C. Wallace Robinson Genevieve Wheeler Thomas 3

Class of 1937 Amount: $5,120 Participation Rate: 26% Lula Weeden Jacobs 1 Emily Brown Jones Sarah M. Lemon-Palmore 4


Mabel Murphy Smythe-Haith 4 Carlene Goudy Thomas 1

Class of 1938 Amount: $2,545 Participation Rate: 38% Celestine Taylor Billings Dorothy Turner Johnson 4 Avis Seace Lee Dorothy Nelle Sanders 1 Helen Baker Simmons 1 Minnie Belle Head Smith 1 Alberta Elizabeth Thomas 2 Alice Holmes Washington 3

Thelma Collins Spann 4 Cora Appleby Williams 2 Lydia Brown Wynn 1

Class of 1944 Amount: $17,775 Participation Rate: 26%


Class of 1939 Amount: $2,050 Participation Rate: 22% Bernice Bradford Bass Anne Thomas Braxton 2 Helen McKnight Buntin 3 Franzetta Williams Durant 1 Ethel Tate Smith 1 Ida Billee Wood 4

Estella Ashmore-Davis Estate of Della Bannister Harriet Nash Chisholm Mary Frances Martin Clark 1 Cleo Ingram Hale Mariella Ama Holman 1 Del Eagan Jupiter 4 Geneva Higgins McGee 1 Dorothy Hood Oliver 2 Charlotte Linder Perry 2 Norma Payton Reid Lucy J. Ridley 3 Carolyn Taylor Thomas 3 Bobbie Latimer Toatley 1 Jessye Croom Young 2

Class of 1945 Amount: $4,306 Participation Rate: 24%

Class of 1940 Amount: $4,550 Participation Rate: 37% Marjorie Ramey Adams Laura Hill Anderson 4 Dorothy Neal Birchette 2 Gladys Inez Forde 1 Lynette Saine Gaines Glenna Stewart Hayes 1 Callie Robinson Hester 1 Ida Brown Knight 2 Alma Stone Williams 2 Carrie Williams 1


Class of 1941 Amount: $800 Participation Rate: 29% Sadie Sims Allen Dorothy Aderhold Andrews 1 Jenelsie Walden Holloway 1 Vivian Hunt Johnson Marian C. Kelly Elizabeth Patton Lee 2 Johnnie Hines Prothro 1 Bernice Felton Rainbow Evelyn Wright Young 1

Class of 1942 Amount: $9,440 Participation Rate: 53% Emma Brookens Bailey 4 Rosa Linder Benton 2 Madelyn Polite Boyden Malissa Kilgore Briley 1 Eddie Lee Bush Cannon 1 Dorothy Ateca Carter 2 Mildred M. Chandler 1 Eleanor Bell Coote 3 Georgia Smith Dickens 2 Charlotte Carter Green Antoinette Clifford Kindall 1 Sarah Byrd King 3 Emmie Elliott Latimer 3 Rae Jamison Marks Jennie Strickland Partee 1 Margret Richardson 3 Gettys Bryant Simon 2 Merle E. Christian Simpson 1 Alfred White Smith 4 Helen Starr Smith 2 Priscilla Williams White 3

Class of 1943 Amount: $11,271 Participation Rate: 39% Annie Waller Berlack 4 Martha Brock Crews 1 Marilyn Green Epps 1 Johnnie Hunter Foxworth 4 Florence Irving Francis 1 Ernestine Wallace Gipson 1 Ella M. Isom 4 Melzetta Peterson Laws 2 Annie Jewell Moore Helen Robinson Nunley 1 Antoinette Mainor Olive Georgia Hunter Smith 1

Ernestine Brooks Banks 1 Irene Parnell Yopp Curtis 1 Lois Blanton Dabney Marian Ellison Gary 1 Eleanor Bryson Jackson 1 Annie Brown Kennedy 4 Jacqueline Allen Ormes 1 Marian Herd Shorter 1 Isabella McIntyre Tobin 7 Ansonia Campbell Walls 1 Lillian Watkins 3 Ida Margaret White 1

Class of 1946 Amount: $9,540 Participation Rate: 46% Freida Boatwright Allen 4 Willie Louise Grier Barker Joyce Cooper Bobo 1 Vivian McFall Carter 1 Mary Stephens Dansby 1 Alyce Smith Dodson 3 Annette Vister Evans 4 Mary T. Fannings 1 Emma Marie Foster 1 Henrietta Houston Harper 4 Ruth Davis Hawk 1 Clara Yates Hayley 1 Thelma Freeman Hurley 1 Maxine Baker Jackson 1 Josephine Jackson-Smith 1 Ruth Huling Morgan 2 E. Sacia Ross Pandley 3 Gussie C. Davis Phillips 1 Anita Polk 4 Virginia Buck Prather 1 Charlotte Arnold Russell 1 Grace McKivey Scipio 3 Christine Robinson Sinclair 1 June Mack Wardlaw 1 Harriett Barker White Evalyn Spann Young 2 Lola Marie Wood Young 1

Class of 1947 Amount: $37,701 Participation Rate: 51% Diana Mattison Anderson 4 Amanda Keith Bailey 3 Ellen Lydia Barnette 1 Hattimarie Parks Davis 4 Leanora Butler Davis 4 Virginia Turner Dowell 4 Charlie Lovett Ellington 2 Minnie Fitzgerald Floyd 4 Daisy Carroll Harris 4 Sarah Powell Jones 4 Myrtle Mark Kelly 3 Virginia Entzminger Longino 3 Catherine Wilson May 2 Maxine A. Miller 4 Jeanne Willis Pearson 4 Muriel Brown Person Harriet Myers Purdy 1 Aurelia Doris Robinson 4 Lillian Vaughan Robinson 4 Adelle Del Pino Samuel 4


Lauretta Lewis Slaughter Carolyn Ouida Smith 3 Mildred Ponder Stennis 4 Ann Harris Stoddard 4 Birdie Gambrell Tyler 4 Mary Jones Vismale Mildred Collier Walton 4 Josie Latimer Williams 4 Janice H. Wilson Mae F. Clowney Wilson 4 Lula Pearl Wood 4

Class of 1948 Amount: $2,171 Participation Rate: 29% Pearl Bellinger Esther Perrin Bivens June Dobbs Butts 2 Jacqueline Larkins Crook 1 Gloria Davis Dent 3 Christine King Farris 3 Naomi Cole Johnson 1 Tommie Butler Lewis 1 †Priscilla White McGaughey 1 Lydia Jones Neasman 1 Bessie Hamilton Wilborn Bernice Kennedy Williams 1

Class of 1949 Amount: $16,425 Participation Rate: 54% Ernestein Walker Baylor 4 Margaret Stokes Burns 1 Bettye R. Campbell 1 Melba Moore Carter Ruby Woods Carter 3 Geraldine Phillips Davis 2 Emmalyn Jenkins Deal 3 Mary Johnson Durgans-Willett 4 Lavaughn Force Elkins Mary Young Gerald 1 Yvonne King Gloster 1 Gwendolyn Fields Halls 1 Virginia Hawkins-Stephens 1 Elizabeth Yorke Holloway 4 Emma Stone Jeffries Mildred Rogers Madry 1 Doris Thompson McCollum 2 Jean DeGazon McDonnell Sue Perteet Morris 1 Harriet Mitchell Murphy 2 Lucile Logan Nix 2 Willie Mae Pearson-Butler 1 Theresa Smith Pickens 2 Senella Thomas Rawls 2 Margaret Ann Robbins 1 Barbara Youngblood Seymour 1 Maxine Atkins Smith 4 Henrene Ellington Smoot Eunice Guy Weston 4 Muriel Ketchum Yarbrough 3 Ella Gaines Yates

Class of 1950 Amount: $3,075 Participation Rate: 25% Eldora Love Adkins 2 Mary Lue Ball Dorothy Zellner Brown 1 Georgie M. Goode 1 Anna Maxwell Gray 1 Virginia Moreland Haywood-Smith 1 J. Louise Johnson Jordan 1 Lillian Carter Lawton 1 Kathryn Anderson Pina 1 Alma Blanton Rountree 1 Mary Shy Scott 1 Clemmie Sanders Tolmaire 4 Maurice M. Williams 1

Class of 1951 Amount: $4,745 Participation Rate: 29% Fannye Hopkins Banks 2 Elayne Bush Bell 1 Leatrice Traylor Bell Dorothy Ross Bowie 1 Ophelia Conley Boyd 1 Emma Hardnett Bush 1 Marjorie Vaughan Crawford 3 Dorothy L. DeVillars 1 Clotilda Diggs 4 Frieda McGhee Hampton 2

Mignon Lackey Lewis 3 Gladys Earl Roberts 4 Lois Johnson Sherard 2 Barbara Peek Sternick

Betty Jean Tribble-Hall 1 Ossie Smith Tuggle 4 Fannie Ballard Woodard 2

Class of 1955

Class of 1952 Amount: $60,868 Participation Rate: 81% Josephine Felton Alexander 4 Gloria Austin Lovelace Baldwin 4 Annie Elston Berry 4 Geraldine Pattillo Bridges 1 Joy San Walker Brown 5 Gwendolyn King Butler 4 Dorothy Wynn Dawkins 4 Lola Ann Blasingame Evans 4 Evelyn Turner Ford 4 Ruth Seth Funderburg 4 Edythe Banks George 4 Loretta Eddleman Gordon 4 Mary Reid Gray 2 Naomi Dawson Greene 4 Shirley Statom Henderson 4 Catherine E. Foster Hines 1 Marion Townsend Jackson 4 Johnnye H. Jefferson 4 Bettye Peterson Johnson 1 Clara Elizabeth Flagg Johnson 4 Gloria Curington Johnson 1 Sallie Burton Johnson 4 Norris Mazeke Jones 4 Dorothy Cole King 4 Dorothy Finley Ladd Hazelyn Scott Lewis 4 Pauline Love-Gaines 4 Elaine Lewis Maclin 4 Hazel Rucker Moore 4 Emma Jean Franklin Moreland 4 Thelma Ananias Morris 1 Doris Moultrie Moss 4 Narvie Hill Puls 4 Bessie Nixon Reynolds 4 Ermalene Coffey Rodrigues 4 A. Roslyn Sellers 2 Beverly Jeanne Thomas 4 Doretha Mitchell Traylor 4 Gertrude Y. Trippett 4 Laura Williams Turner 4 Marion Shepherd Ware 2 Barbara Ingram Whitaker 4 Wellie Smith Wilburn 1 Jacqueline Kirby Wills 4 Etta Webb Young 4

Class of 1953 Amount: $12,071 Participation Rate: 48% June McDonald Aldridge Helen M. Bell 1 Jeanne Bryant Blackmon 1 Ruth Harvey Brown 1 Mary McKinney Edmonds 3 Jean LaRue Foster 2 Alice A. Gaston Combs 4 Jean McArthur Grant 4 Virginia Ruth McKinney Henderson 1 Dora A. Foushee Hobbs Mable Lumpkin Johnson Samella Junior-Spence 1 Dorothy Whited LeBlanc 2 Barbara Holloway Lee June Thalier Martin 2 Marilyn Miller Davis Mitchell 3 Jeanne Brown Morris 2 Frances Keahey Van Buren 3 Johnnye Wilson Vinson 1 Jacqueline J. Wellington-Moore 1 Gloria Wade Wingfield 4 1

Class of 1954 Amount: $9,380 Participation Rate: 33% Lilla Strong Arnold 4 Emma Jean Bell Juel Pate Borders-Benson 1 Gloria Price Bryant 1 Ruby Handspike Clay 4 Anne McCoy Cowan 1 Ruth Minor Crawford 1 Gwendolyn Walker Garrison 3 Otha Anne Larkins 3 Rosetta Hicks Peterson 4 Gloria Gardner Rosemond 2 Ora Sterling-King 1

Amount: $13,462 Participation Rate: 23% Lynette Fields Byrom 1 Evelyn C. Campbell 3 Yvonne Parks Catchings 1 Essie Jewell Eason 1 Janie C. Holman 1 Clestell Byrd Hunt 2 Amelia Strong Irons 4 Trellie James Jeffers 1 Ruby Jones Leaphart 3 Audrey F. Manley 7 Erin Goseer Mitchell 4 Thomasenor Walker Pearson Reba Wilson Perkins 2 Aserelene Parker Pickett 4 Mary Brown Shank 1 Hortense Edwards Shelton 1 Elsie Mallory Smith 1 Eleanor Williams Traylor 4 Lydia Walker 1 LaRonnia Dobson Williams

Class of 1956 Amount: $5,670 Participation Rate: 28% Kay Jett Baker 1 Gloria Strong Boyd 1 Joyce Conley Brown 1 Bernice Woolfolk Bufford 1 B. LaConyea Butler 4 Carolyn Bailey Collins 3 Betty Lovett Dabney 3 Ethel Coleman Davenport 1 L. Rita Dixon 1 Gene E. Gary-Williams 3 Dorothy Jean High 1 Julia Ponder Johnson 2 Lenita McClaren Jones 1 Mary Madison 1 Doris Alberta Patterson 1 Susie Blasingame Pearson Patricia Moody Sewing 2 Annie Perry Swanson 1 Doris A. Van Putten 3 Mary Charles Williams 1 Gloria Strickland Yancey 1 Darlene Yarbrough-Morgan 1

Class of 1957 Amount: $33,026 Participation Rate: 58% Josella Thomas Abrams 3 Margaret Smith Adair 4 Laverne Anderson Judith Fisher Arrington 4 Ruth Etta Baines 4 Sheila Sheftall Barnes 3 Agnes Blasingame Batey 1 Renelda Cross Belcher 1 Barbara Green Bray 4 Dollie G. Brown 4 Lucinda Lecounte Capers 1 Ray Frances Chatman-Scott 1 Jean Moore Collins 3 Madelyn Foster Daniels 3 Deanna Davis 4 Barbara Ponder Elias 2 Sylvia Blackmon Ellis 3 Frances Ellison-Dansby 1 Elizabeth Bryan Fortson 2 Rosa Rice Hadley 4 Jean Blackshear Harris 1 Nannie Archie Henderson 3 Harvenia H. Hill 4 Hazel Howard 4 Elaine McEwen Hughes Rebecca Gorden Jackson 4 Dorothy Anne Johnson 1 Rose Harris Johnson 4 Shirley Leaphart 4 Fannie B. Malone-Nash 4 Ernestine Miles Mann 3 Bettye Earl McCoy 2 Mable Williams Reid 3 Bettye Burts Richardson 2 Bettye Whited Robinson 4 Alice H. Scott 1 Bettye Lovejoy Scott 7 Alice Watkins Simmons 1

Mary Agnes Stephens 2 Catherine Collins Terry1 †Winona Paul Walker 1 Delo Washington 4 Doris Abercrombie Williams 1 Vivian Stodghill Williamson 4 Clarice Lampkin Wright 4

Amount: $6,540 Participation Rate: 22% Juliet D. Blackburn-Beamon Sylvia Fields Cook 2 Claire Greene Crooks-Harrison 1 Pearline Adamson Davis 1 Pauline E. Drake 4 Shirley McGee Fannings 1 Eurtistine M. Holt 1 Janet Webster Jones 2 Jerelean Miller Lattimore 1 Peggy Jones Martin Miriam Richardson Norwood 1 Bettye Thomas Peters 1 Carol Stewart Surrency 1 Shirley Knott Washington 1 4

Class of 1959 Amount: $8,545 Participation Rate: 24% Minnie Alderman Barnes 2 Barbara Garlington Carrier Evelyn Engram Dorsey 1 Julia Martin Gilmore 2 Helen Kerr Hall 4 Lillie D. Hobbs 3 Irene Stokes Ingram Eva Thomas Kinsey 2 Mary Mitchell 1 Jane Bond Moore Esq. 2 Ara Ann Yates Patridge 2 Dorothy Coleman Peay 3 Margaret Rucker Sheftall 2 Roslyn Washington Sylvester 4 Geneva Hood Watson-Dean 4 Frances Glover Weaver 3

Class of 1960 Amount: $10,861 Participation Rate: 24% Brenda Wilson Alexander 2 Vivian Welch Brinson 3 Gloria Watts Davis 4 Lillian Williams Ellis 1 Marjorie McClendon Hardy 1 June Gary Hopps 4 Juanita Akridge Hubbard 1 Virginia Powell Jeffries Mary Echols Kendrick 3 Barbara Stokes Lewis 1 Pearl Johnson Logan 3 Henrietta Reid Lundy-Lasiter 1 Gwendolyn Hood Osby 2 Barbara Lockhart Robinson 4 Ella Blackmon Ross 2 Margerine S. Taylor 1 Mary Bacon Toole 1 Gwendolyn Perry Walthour 1 Frances Odom Young 2

Class of 1961 Amount: $1,600 Participation Rate: 7% JoAnn Sims Alexander 1 Floris Barnett Cash 3 Gwendolyn H. Middlebrooks 2 Jimmie Hughes Raines 3 Lola V. Roberts-Richards 1

Amount: $11,354 Participation Rate: 21% Melvis Evans Atkinson 3 Patricia Battle Austin 3 Dorothy Brooks 4 Barbara Adams Carney 1 Barbara Y. Coles 1 Clara Dodson Delaney 1 Alice Doanes 4 Dorothy Clements Fletcher 2 Alma Willis Fulton 3 Jean Wilborn George 3 Annette Y. Huffman 4

Class of 1963 Amount: $4,451 Participation Rate: 22%

Class of 1958

Class of 1962

Maggie Patricianne Hurd 4 Henrietta Laster Jones 4 Elizabeth Bradshaw McKinley 4 Carol Ann Miller 1 Clarella Y. Cooke Pratt 3

Shirley Thomas Andrews Barbara A.P. Chandler 1 Mildred Ponder Coats Brenda Hill Cole 3 Bettie J. Durrah 2 Marie Thomas Foster 1 Nancy Fesson Hawkins 4 Audrey Irvin Johnson 1 Agnes Blondean Orbert Nelson 3 Florine Mack Rattliff 2 Katie Coleman Rayford 1 Jean Berrien Rogers-Yates 1 Bessie S. Sellaway Rebecca C. Shaw 2 Dorothy Myers Stepteau 2 Lana Joyce Taylor-Sims 1 Constance Dye Thomas Robbie Welch Christler Tourse 2 Carolyn Willis Trammell Bronwen Unthank Ora Mae Bruno Wagoner 1

Class of 1964 Amount: $5,906 Participation Rate: 20% Gloria Knowles Bell 1 Sandra Hawkins Burden LaJoyce H. Debro 4 Dorothy Jenkins Fields 1 Louisa Steward Fisher 1 Lois Weston Green 3 Barbara Jean Gresham Virginia Lee Griggs 1 Earnestine Wideman Harris 1 Lucia Anita Holloway McSloy 1 Leola E. Hubbard 1 Edwina Palmer Hunter 2 Bernette Joshua Johnson 1 Nelda J. King 2 Carolyn Sims Lamar Joyce White Mills 3 Deborah Dorsey Mitchell 2 Laura Virginia Morgan 3 Charles Julian Reid 1 Willenor Caruthers Sheftall Dolores Young Strawbridge 1 Jacquelyn D. Wilder 1 Billie Pitts Williams 2 Ridgely Renwick Worthy 1

Class of 1965 Amount: $5,935 Participation Rate: 24% Sandra L. Burton-Hughes 1 Patsy E. Caldwell 1 Leila Potts Campbell 1 Clayton Copeland Chandler Janice Webb Chappelle 1 Marguerite P. Creecy 1 Ruth A. Davis 4 Vyvien Annette Ford-Brewington 2 Yvonne Kyles Hammonds 2 Mary Jane Hendrix 1 Queen Hardnett Jackson 1 Alice Goseer Jennett 4 Vernyce Jenrette 3 Gwendolyn Ledbetter Lipscomb 1 Clara Prioleau McLeod 1 Camille Durden McWilliams 1 Carmen Fennoy Moody 2 Peggy P. Parker 1 Patricia Dixon Pillow 1 Marian V. Rucker-Shamu 1 Mary Dupree Sherman 3 Delores Turner 1 Charles Etta White-Chavez Christine Williams 1 Katie Mae Davis Zellars 2

Class of 1966 Amount: $6,180 Participation Rate: 22% Anne Harvey Allison Birdie Harris Anderson 1

Phoebe Lydia Bailey 4 Margarette Butler Bolden 1 Juanita Robinson Carter 2 Deborah Peek Crockett 4 Beverly Carroll Daniel 4 Melba D. Davis 1 Mary James Francis 1 Brenda J. Greene 2 Beverly L. Guy-Sheftall Martha Holmes Jackson 1 Michael Purify Jones 1 Charlotte L. McConnell 2 Mary Cook Robinson Judith Fennell Ruffin 1 Alice Comer Scott Camille Annette Smith Clarita Nelson Stone 1 Gloria Furlow Tapera 3 Mary L. Waters 1 Barbara Madden Webb Elynor Alberta Williams 1

Class of 1967 Amount: $25,226 Participation Rate: 44% Joyce J. Akridge 3 Hilda Jenkins Allen 2 Marion Elizabeth Allen 1 Mary Alice Blossomgame 1 Bernita McMillan Boddie 4 Melrita Russ Bonner 3 Naomi Johnson Booker 4 Jacquelyn Ann Kirby Boyette 2 Yvette Savwoir Bradford 3 Vivian Roberts Brown 3 Carmen Smith Chandler Brenda S. Clay 3 Connie Johnson Cole 2 Sylvia H. Cordy 3 Cheryl Davis 1 Frances Dyer 4 Debra Houston Edwards 4 Lynn B. Evans Berdie Ricks Hardon 4 Agnes Houston Harper 4 Velma Baker Head 2 Jennelle Hopf Regenia Hughes Ingram 1 Willye Doretha Jackson 2 Rita Chustz Jones 1 Marian Smith Jordan 4 Patricia A. King 3 Glenda Anderson Kirkland 2 Deborah Keith Mack 4 Thelma Rollins Mason 2 Augustine McDaniel 4 Cynthia McEwen 1 Voreece Dean McLendon 1 Johnnie Patterson Mitchell 1 Mildred Walker Monroe 3 Dollie Scott Mosley 3 Vernistine Bynes Murphy 1 Barbara McPherson Nash Barbara Naylor-Hill 2 Ernestine Beck Redd 2 Patricia H. Ricks 4 Selena Margaret Sowells 2 Sarah Bonita Suitt 2 Martha Jones Welch 2 Mildred Ann Wise 4 Valerie Conley Wood 1

Class of 1968 Amount: $8,655 Participation Rate: 16% Ellie Copeland Armstead 1 Barbara Bell-Robinson 1 Johnetta Cross Brazzell Eulalia Harris Brooks Susan H. Burroughs 1 Laura J. Burton Odem 2 Stephanie Georgelyn Bush 4 Ann Kelly Caggins 1 Sylvia Cochran Carroll 3 Marsha Harris Clement 1 Anita Woods Cook 1 Rachel Strickland Cook Carolyn Ann Edwards Joan Donaldson Gomillion 1 Ernestine Steward Gray 2 Maxine Hayes 1 Freddye L. Hill 3 Vivian Williams Hill 1 Ernestine Dearing Hogan 1 Sandra Lee Holliday 3

Mattie Carroll Ingram Shirley Barber James1 Beverly Gail Jenkins 1 Andrea W. Lawrence 2 Jeanne H. Lenhardt 1 Shirley F. Marks 4 Dorothy Anne Morton Brown 1 Beverly Leaphart Pitts 1 Dianne Steverson Roberson 1 Jacquelyn Sanders Sampson 1 E. Paulette Smith-Epps 4 Sandra Johnson Spiegel Vera Daise Thornton Henrietta E. Turnquest3 Carolyn Anderson Van Dyke 1 Laverna King Williams 2 Gaye Moore Wilson 1

Eugenia Davis Clements 1 Beverly Jordan Davis 2 Gloria Smith Elder 4 Edith A. Gibbs 1 Bernadette Weston Hartfield 2 Ethel Bacote Hill LaTanya Richardson Jackson 7 Wanda Smalls Lloyd 3 Roseland Yancey McLarin 1 Millicent Drake Norman Veronica Carter Smith Wanda Walker Truesdale 1 Gwendolyn Jones West 1 Isa Patterson Williams 1

Class of 1972 Amount: $15,470 Participation Rate: 28%

Class of 1969 Amount: $11,724 Participation Rate: 19% Colleen Ammons 3 Beverly Alexander Booker 1 Carolyn Marjorie Brown 1 Carolyn Jones Cartwright 3 Geraldine Colvin-Bonner 1 Delores Loraine Crockett 1 Gloria Cunningham-Sneed 3 Carolyn L. Davenport 4 Irene Mabrey Dowdell 1 Barbara Dancy Edwards 1 Patricia Ann Freeman Zenobia S. Gardner 3 Mamie Louise Garnett Delores Hudson Garrett 1 Bonnie Gissendanner 2 Johnnie Woolfolk Griffith 1 Bettieanne Childers Hart 1 Sonja King 1 Dorothy Kent Mabry 1 Brenda Martin Mitchell Freida G. Perry 2 G. Joyce Ricks-Drayton Bonni E. Rucker 2 Willodene Jenkins Scott 1 A. Michelle Smith 1 Carnella A. Stewart 3 Madeleine Cooper Taylor Bette Graves Thomas 1 Mary Susan Wheeler 2 Merchuria Chase Williams 3

Class of 1970 Amount: $46,515 Participation Rate: 15% Bettye Joyce Atkinson 3 Sarah Nelson Barron 1 Jo Ann Bowden Glorious Leatherwood Broughton 1 Patricia Wilson Campbell 1 Frances Burnette Cleveland 3 Ralette Ruth Cruse Myrtice Curtis-Riley Gail Paulette Davenport 3 Miriam Blalock Frank 1 Yvonne R. Jackson 7 Joyce E. Jelks 1 Donice Thomas Jeter 1 Jacqueline Jones Royster 5 Rosa King Kilpatrick 2 Sandi E. Lee-Williams 1 Ollie Irons Manley 3 Cheryl V. May-Holmes 1 Bentley L. Patterson 4 Sandra Sims Patterson 2 Bernice Johnson Reagon 3 Brenda Kate Richardson 1 Angela Alexander Stamper 2 Joyce E. Thornton 4 Janet Tillman Turner Doris Ann Walker 1 Harriette Debro Watkins 2 Wilma Williams 2 Georgette Pope Young

Class of 1971 Amount: $8,683 Participation Rate: 11% Barbara Mathis Barnes Natalie Kennedy Beard 1 Mary Cofield Boykin 1 Deborah Hudson Broadwater 1 Helen White Brock 1 Constance E. Buckins-McGuire 1

Dorothy M. Atwater 1 Gwenell Waters Bass 3 Jacquelyn Shipp Belt 1 Lynda C. Brower-Isabel 4 Sibyl A. Carley 2 Tanya R. Cheevers 2 Anita Cox Cobbs Wynelle Knowles Coleman 1 Tamara M. Deplanter Hope Alexis Dowdy 1 Rosa L. Drayton 2 Flora D. Feggins-Peterson 1 Diane Prather Ferguson 4 A. Elaine McNair Gilbert 1 Gail Allen Gill 1 Octavia Greene 1 Sheryl Riley Gripper 1 Lauretia Henderson-Prosise Verne Patrice Jack 1 Cynthia L. Jackson 1 Bobbye Johnson Karen Gaskins Jones 1 Rhonda Bell Kelley 1 Janet Lane Martin 4 Juliette McCann 1 Murdell Walker McFarlin 2 Kathleen McGhee-Anderson 3 Sabbye Sylvia McGriff 1 Deborah Corliss McIntosh 2 Sharon Bartow Mitchell 2 Shelia Morrow Moore 4 Linda J. Mosley-Gordon 2 Marlene Hunt Moss 1 Reva Dale Myers 1 Frenda Ann Norwood 1 June Hayward Owens 2 Brenda Cosby Queen Josephine Reed-Taylor 3 Janice C. Scott 1 Debra Ray Smalls 2 Emogene Johnson Smith 3 Denise L. Stewart 1 Cheryl Phillips Taylor 2 Burnese Walker Andrea Hunt Warner Valencia Peters White 3 Barbara P. Williams 2 JoAnn Williams-West 1 Carolyn L. Yancey 4

Class of 1973 Amount: $9,265 Participation Rate: 14% Peggy Sims Brown 1 Denise Burse-Fernandez 1 A. Toy Caldwell-Colbert 1 Anna B. Cohen Cordelia L. Coleman 2 Linda W. Crosslin 1 Melanye White Dixon Nadine Laverne Dobbins 1 Karen Denise Edwards 4 Shryl James Epps 1 Mary Glenn Forbes 2 Jeanissa Joanne Ginn 1 Harriet Pritchett Grigsby 1 Pamela Gunter-Smith 2 Harriett Miller Halmon 4 Veronica Wells Haven 2 Denise Ramona Hooks 1 Dolores B. Jackson 1 Fleda Mask Jackson 3 Patricia Graham Johnson Cynthia Patterson Lewis 2 Audrey Chisolm Magee 1 Andresa Davis Marsalis 1 Veloisa Tate Marsh 3


Delores LaRheine McCollum 3 Shirley Curry Porter 1 Emmie Denise Roberts 4 Darlene Henderson Ross Carol Marie Wood

Class of 1974 Amount: $7,451 Participation Rate: 14% Deborah Yvonne Allen Gail Patrice Baity 4 Wyndolyn Crutchfield Bell 1 Janice Franklin Bess Trojanell Bordenave-Wilson 1 Arletta Theresa Brinson 1 Monica Anderson Chatman 1 Sheryl Murphy Coleman 1 Marlene S. Crawford 1 Patricia Williams Davis Denise Trimier Glanton 1 Patricia Birdsong Hamilton Patrice A. Hinnant 1 Merna Kent 1 Beverly Branton Lamberson 2 Gloria Bridges Locke 1 Karen Valeta Lodrig 1 LaVerne Laney McLaughlin Diane Moseberry 1 Rosalia G. Parker 2 Audra Patricia Pender Lisa Stamper Ponton 1 Tonya Pressley-Toliver 1 Evangeline Gail Reese 1 Deborah A. Robinson 2 Wanda Jackson Robinson 1 Sylvia Glenn Simmons 4 Gail Stallworth 1 Wynelle Washington Scott Diane Henry Watts 1 Tandelyn Atkinson Weaver Denise Y. White-Jennings 1 N. McGhee Williams 2

Janice Anderson Newberry Sharon Elaine Owens 4 Marta Pearson-Troutman Patti Andrea Shepard 1 Beverly A. Smith Cynthia Ann Tucker-Curtis 2 Candace Venning Ushery 1 Jacqueline Hill Whatley 1 Pamela Y. Williams Joycelyn Denise Cornelious Woods

Deatra Adkins Singletary1 Ava M. Singleton 1 Rosemary Smith 1 Cynthia Neal Spence 3 Althea Sample Truesdale 4 Cassandra Clayton White

Class of 1977

Mayela Maria Allen 1 Cheryl Jefferson Bell 1 Keva Wright Berry 3 Phyllis Diane Gilreath Bland Stephanie Cotton Chretien 1 Vanessa E. Cullins 4 Verbena Brown Cummings 1 Anna Maria Davis-Ivery 1 Jerri L. DeVard 5 Beverly Y. Edwards 1 Deidra Y. Edwards 3 Pamela Spruill Fletcher 2 Adrienne Vinson Forstall Pamela Gary Hassan 1 Vanessa Smith Hawkins 4 Robin Harmon Henry 1 Renee D. Hicks Ernesta Blackmon Ingram Lois G. Johnson 1 Darnita R. Killian 4 Estelle Krider Joyce Holston McClendon 1 Sharon K. McGahee Gail Phillips Merritt 1 Veronica Houston Moore Angela McClendon Parker Camille Watson Peay 1 Phyllis Ward Rich 2 Marcia Riley 1 Angela Anita Simpson 1 Elizabeth S. Stewart Smith 3 Ingrid L. Smith 4 Paula R. Smith Nola S. Taylor 1 Constance D. Teague 1 Cheryl L. Tyler 2 Valerie A. Vance 1 Clementine Jones Washington 1

Class of 1979 Amount: $22,205 Participation Rate: 12%


Class of 1975 Amount: $8,058 Participation Rate: 12% Marian Louise Cobb 1 Kathy Hood Culmer 1 Deborah A. Finley 2 Yvonne Ellis Hicks A. Charisse Jackson 1 Diane Allen Johnson 1 Georgette Woodward Johnson 1 Jeanne Primus Johnson 4 Loretta Greene Johnson Valerie Jones-Bland 2 Yakini Belinda Kemp Theresa Brockenberry Lee 1 Adine Andrea Mable-Lee 3 Janetta D. Marbrey 3 Deborah Hasan Najee-ullah 1 Deborah Prothrow-Stith 4 Tawana Cook Purnell 2 Evelyn Lorraine Reuben Shirley Battle Robins 1 Rosanna Green Shaw 1 Beverly Ingrid Sinclair 1 Beverly J. Steed 1 Alester E. Teagle 3 Gloria Chenault Turner Peggy Ann Wagner 1 Mildred Elizabeth Whittier Patricia Carolyn Williams 4 C. T. Woods-Powell 1 Margaret Wright 2

Class of 1976 Amount: $8,953 Participation Rate:12% Beverly Alexander 1 Catherine Bland 3 Debbie Gillis Carstarphen Y. Yvonne Cribbs 1 Ruth Starling Ellis 1 Margaree Cheek Fant 4 Mary Elizabeth Grimes 3 Joyce Angela Hayward Jann Washington Honore’ 4 Carol Lewis Jefferson 1 Cassandra Martin 1 Wanda Bland Meyers 1 Andrea V. Mills 1 Jeania Jones Mitchell 4 Maxine Corinth Neal

Amount: $19,315 Participation Rate: 24% Rochelle Davis Barnett 1 Denise Blue-Poe 3 Janice L. Boger 2 Mary C. Burney Bolling 4 Clara Lillian Brewer 2 Elizabeth J. Brooks 1 Cheryl Bronner Buffalo 2 Kathy Watson Carter 2 Debora Johnson Cash 1 Shirley Henderson Coleman Brenda Minnigan Davis 1 Mary Lynne Diggs 4 Sanquinetta M. Dover 4 Rochelle Flemister 1 Holly Johnson Friar 3 JoAnn Butler Fulks 1 Diane K. Gordon Iris Rene Gordon 1 R. Jamila Harris 1 Mary Joyce Henley 2 Loren Sellers Jackson 2 Cynthia Guthrie Johnson 2 Susan Grace Johnson 3 Michele Yvette Jones 1 Judith Jones McKinley 3 Jewel Jones-Faison 2 Theresa L. Knight 4 Karen Cecilia Mainor 1 Beryl Thomas Mitchell 3 Nelwyn McDuffie Mpare 2 Karen Renee Overstreet 1 Bernadette Cecelia Poitier 2 Mary Hall Presley 2 Vanessa Ann Ragland 2 Lynn Pride Richardson Paula Ann Sams 1 Glenda Harris Sandling Vickey Lovette Saunders 2 Dolores A. Seward 3 Juliette Viola Stovall Rose Sprott Swain 2 Valencia Wilson Thomas 1 Phoebe Dawson Ushery 2 Beverley M. Warner 3 Sheryl W. Washington 4 Wanda Weaver Patricia Ann Weston 2 Esther Marie Williams Jennifer Peters Wilson 3 Avis Junior Woodard 3

Class of 1978 Amount: $6,073 Participation Rate: 12% Evelyn Davis Boyden 1 Judy A. Bryson 1 Debra Rucker Bunkley Barbara A. Burgess 1 Jessie J. Chapin 1 Anita Edwina Coats Patrice G. Coleman Jacqueline F. Edwards Vicki Elaine Felder 1 Daphne Safiya Harrison-Young Lynne M. Hicks 2 Terri L. Hilton Doleda Jackson Howard 2 Pamela D. Jackson-Smith Cynthia Thompson James 1 Teree Caldwell Johnson 3 Pamela James Jones 1 Norma Carol Keel 1 Karen Kendrick Law 1 Maureen Angela Lewis 1 Sharon White Mackel 1 Jackie C. McLean 1 Ericka J. Orina 1 Jacquelyn Champion Owens 1 Pamela Bell Payton 3 Robin Brown Reid 1 Monice Hodges Sanders 3


Class of 1980 Amount: $14,200 Participation Rate: 10% Patricia Becton-Cobb Angelia S. Blackwell 1 Jocelyn Wolffe Bonner 1 Sherry L. Brooks Bowins 1 India Burton Breedlove 1 Neysa D. Brown 1 Michelle L. Browne-Barnum 1 Valeria Collier-Vick 1 Deborah Williams Foy 2 Christi Len Harris 1 Tonya Harris Avadawn T. Hayes-Hargett 4 Brunetta A. Hills-Corley Geraldine R. Jackson 3 Pamela M. Jeffrey 2 Valerie Y. Jones 1 Michelle A. King 2 Marcia King-Johnson Debborah Marlene Lindsay 1 Karen Willie Malveaux 4 Laverne Matthews 1 Sharonetta McIntyre McMillan 1 Carolyn Yvonne Meadows Anne E. Mitchell Theresa Carter Moore 4 Vanessa Gale Phillips 2 Rometta E. Powell 3 Sandra J. Reed 3 Daphne L. Smith 1 Taronda Elise Spencer 4 Sandra A. VanTravis 1 Valerie Vandergrift Terri Renee Vismale-Morris 2 Alice E. Wilson 4 Ingrid Wilson-Johnson 2 Gail Wimbish

Class of 1981

Class of 1983

Amount: $7,852 Participation Rate: 13%

Amount: $13,368 Participation Rate: 12%

Tollese Harris Bankett 2 Bettelaine Daniels Bass 1 Angela Denise Benson 1 Linda Faye Booker 1 Renee Walton Cawley 2 Theresa Preston Clincy 2 Carolita Jones Cope 3 Angela Birch Cox 2 Celeste Dorsey-Grooms 1 AnnaMaria O. Ellis 1 Helen Marie Forbes Fields 1 Wilma A. Foreman 1 Pamela P. Grace 3 Cynthia E. Jackson 3 Theresa Y. Jennings Carole Johnson Jones 2 Maxine D. Lawson-Conway Salada S. Mack 1 Janice E. Martin 1 Alice F. McCray Beverly J. Moss 1 Shari Lynn Palmer 3 Lisa R. Pearsall-Otey 1 Alice B. Pearson Rhonda Strawter Respress 2 Georgetta Polite Singleton 1 Kiron Kanina Skinner 4 Valerie Rembert Smith Fay Jeannette VanHook 1 Tanya Walton-Pratt 1 Vera M. Woods 1

Mildred Alexander Gena Hudgins Ashe 4 Marian Barnes Althea Betty Bradford Lisa C. Bronson 1 Margaret Tavaras Burley 1 Carla Thomas Byrd Sheila Sheftall Cannon 1 Melody L. Crawford 2 Aleana Pope Curney 1 Hazel D. Dean 4 Edwina Wilson Divins 4 Cynthia DeBerry Flowers 1 Rhonda Rush Frazier 1 Chris Andrea Gabriel Karmeta R. Hendrickson 1 Janis Jefferson 1 Rose L. Johnson 1 Cynthia Harris Kelly 2 Terrie L. Loud Denise E. McGill Geraldine Miles Shawna Lynn Napper-Acker 1 Lisa Yarbrough Priestly 1 Elaine A. Terry Michelle Felicia Thomas Marlena Williams Vincent 1 DeAna Jo Vivian 1 Michelle Bundridge Willingham Alfredia Shelton Wingate 2 Veronica Strong Young

Class of 1982

Class of 1984

Amount: $38,175 Participation Rate: 26%

Amount: $7,830 Participation Rate: 9%

Janet Ann Anderson 2 Eyerce Lucheryl Armstrong-Posting 5 Emily Black Barbee 1 Pearl Davis Black Patricia Ann Blackwell 1 Genora Kendrick Boykins 4 A. Kathy Bradshaw 3 Heather Bond Bryant 1 LaVerne Byas-Smith 4 Veurmer L. Clark-Edwards 3 Rozalind R. Dickerson 2 Karen Duckett-Davis 1 Jacqueline East-Ross Arita Rene Edwards Yvette Chancellor Green 3 Adrienne Watts Haggins 4 Lysa A. Hall 4 Donna Harmon Hardaway 1 Sonya A. Hill Natasha Yufe Howie 3 Gracie Mae Hutcherson 2 Alison Willis Jackson 4 Carla Denise Johnson 1 Karmen Johnson 4 Melanie Bradford Johnson 4 Priscilla Thomas Keith 1 Julie Calloway Lewis 2 Gwendolyn Yvonne Lowman Cynthia Diane Marshall Wendy Harris Mason 1 Michelle L. Matthews 4 Angelique McFarland 1 Karen L. McLeod 1 Althea H. McPhail 4 Rhonda J. Mills 1 Laurena Moore 1 Saundra Vernon Moore Cheryl Moore Harris 2 Cassandra T. Morgan 3 Stacy A. Morgan 3 Catherine D. Morse-Young 1 Cheryl Pone Outlaw 3 Ama B. Patterson 1 Ojetta Eloise Pearson 1 Cynthia Todd Quarles 2 Karen C. Roberts Wanda J. Rosemond 4 Pamela E. Scott-Johnson 3 Karin Berry Searls 1 Jodi Clement Smart 4 Karenina L. Smith 1 Lisha Bronte Smith 2 Veronique L. Thompson 4 Stacey Ann Walker 3 Darlene Webb 1 Charlotte Strowhorn Whiteside Phyllis Bonner Wyatt 3

Rosalind Gates Brewer 4 Cynthia Collette Carson 1 Lisa Helayne Clay 1 Karen Yvette Cooper 1 Antonia Dukes Crawford 1 Belinda K. Cross-Livingston 1 Gwendolyn T. Dyson 2 Valjeanne Estes 2 Myrna F. Foster 1 Deidra Lynne Fryer 3 Celeste I. Gore 3 Karen Burroughs Hannsberry Teresa Elaine Harlemon Sharon Yvette Jones 2 Adrienne Yvonne Lewis Sonya R. Malunda Lampley 3 Michelle Diane Mason 4 Lisa A. Morris Tawann P. Jackson Muzzio 1 Marian Parks-Gilstrap 1 Angela Patrice Shannon-Reid 3 Tonya West-Strozier Stephanie L. White Evans Tracy Phillips Whiteman

Class of 1985 Amount: $10,246 Participation Rate: 9% Shawanda Jenkins Alexander 1 Lisa M. Boyd-Matthews Patricia Willis Bradford 2 Maryann Shipp Briley Kim Elise Bronson 3 Traci Bransford Bullock 1 Mary M. Carter 2 Laurie Elam-Evans 3 Kimberlynn R. Fisher 2 Angelique DeVold Gloster 2 Kristi Lee Goldner 1 Florence Theresa Greer 4 Jama R. Haynes Montina Golphin Jackson 1 Alice Eason Jenkins 2 Lisa Renee Maxwell Maria Dawn Miller 4 Sheree Butler Pate Sydney Ann Perkins-Payne Kimberly Christina Riley 1 Mavis Roberts-Vann Jasmine Pugh Taylor 2 Janice Marie Turner 4 Cheryl Lewis Vowels 4 Andrea Ellen Williams-Kingslow 1

Class of 1986 Amount: $10,021 Participation Rate: 8% Eloise A. Alexis 3 Kimberly M. Carson Renee Tana Cavor 1 Lisa DeNell Cook 3 Tara L. DeYampert 1 Lisa Annette Dixon 2 Deirdre Colston Graddick 1 Pamela Denise Green-Oliver Christel Alea Hooper Curtis 1 Angela R. Hubbard 1 Jennifer Renee Kelly Monette Coleman McIver 1 Erica Yvette Meyer-Henry Telicia L. Mims 1 Sylvia Rose Pope Kimula Stenson Powell 1 Sheila Purnell-Jones 1 Jacquelyne Daniels Sears 4 Dawn Williams Thompson 3 Andrea Abrams Turner 4 Angela Farris Watkins Joanna Darce Williams Jocelyn Williams

Class of 1987 Amount: $22,911 Participation Rate: 24% Cheryl Merideth Alexander 2 Alumna Anonymous Kia DiAn Bahner 2 Triphenya Zachery Bailey Natalie Mitchell Beechum 2 Lou Black-Dulaney 1 Traci Toi Williams Bolling 3 Janie Dukes Brinkley 1 Beryl Barber Brown 1 Tara Leigh Buckner 1 Alva Bell Bullard 2 Jametoria Houston Burton 1 Kathy Todd Burton 2 Julia Annette Clark 2 Lisa Sumira Clark 1 Debra Clawson-Jackson 1 Delita Cobb 3 Michele C. Daly 2 Perlie Marie Davis 2 Deirdre Days-Woods 1 Tanya Yobesen Dean 4 Vickie L. Douglas Kathi P. Douglas-Cook 1 Glenise Cheryl Gleaton 1 Tracie Gregory Goffe 3 Jeri-Elayne Goosby Whitney R. Gravely Karin Virginia Green 1 Julia Hayman-Hamilton 1 Djuana Denise Herron 2 Monica Janine Hobbs 2 Vaunda Maria Jennings 2 Melanie Grant Jones 3 Dorothy M. Kenner 1 Renee M. Knight 2 Muriel T. Lawrence 2 Gerrilyn Loper Levy 1 Lauren Suzanne Love 4 Tracy Matthews 3 Cassandra Anita McCloud 2 Sherri Ann McGee 1 Leah Stewart McGregory 2 Karla Mann McKinney Adriene Denise Miller 1 Tishria Lachan Mindingall 2 Sonja Denise Mitchell 1 Cynthia E. Morris 2 Opal O. Murray 1 Wanda Sharp Norris 2 Lori Edmond Paschal 3 Carla Annette Peay 2 Candace Dyonne Pryor Karen Arlicha Purnell 2 Adrienne Purnell-Love 1 Teresa Ann Reese 1 Noliwe Makada Rooks Tomya McQueen Ryans 1 Angela Floyd Sapp 2 Elizabeth Ann Sapp 2 Jennifer Louise Satterfield-Siegel 3 Kami Lindsey Strickland 2 Roslyn Sonia Thomas 2 Jennifer A. Thompson-Redmond Terri Lynn Tilford 2 Tonyia West-Johnson

Melanie Francine White 2 Leslie S. Whitlock 1 Anja Yvette Williams 2 Joni Johnson Williams 2 Lori M. Willis 2 Dietra Galloway Wilson Sharon Parker Wilson 1 Schawannah Jo Angela Wright 1 Patrice Wright-Lewis 2

Class of 1988 Amount: $5,172 Participation Rate: 10% Natalie E. Frazier Allen Stephanie Michele Atkins 1 Adelaide Barringer 1 Pamela Bigelow 1 Nata Kathleen Brown 2 Greta Mitchell Bryson 1 Alisia Kathy Byas Angela Kim Crowell 1 Susanne Catherine Diggs-Wilborn 1 Portia E. Felder Lori Grier 1 Holli Simone Hawkins Tonya Marie Hudson 1 Glenda Y. Johnson Iretta B.C. Kearse Cherise D. Kimball 2 Angela Denise Lyles 1 Cassandra Domineck Mason Carol Yvette McGee 1 Wendy M. Morrow 1 Sybil Pepper-Spencer Babette Reid 1 Lonetta Ann Richardson 1 Stephanie Hines Robinson 1 Sharon Elizabeth Rose 1 Adrianne Shaw 2 Sydney Stinson 3 Stephanie Arrington Thomas 1 Sonji Lynn Trent Tracy Y. Watkins-Tribbitt Brucetta Marie Williams 3 Karen Callaway Williams 1 Kristie Y. Woods

Alison Graves-Calhoun 4 Ursula Y. Gray Elna Moore Hall 1 Louise Harris Tracey Denise Hughes 4 Renee McDonald Hutchins 1 Teresa Leary Jenkins 3 Donna Rae Johnson-Harvey 3 Loree Dionne Jones 1 Yvette Shannon Jones 1 Dawna M. Kelly 2 Adrienne Colette Lance Lucas 3 Courtney Lewis 1 Pamela Bowden Logan 1 Kimara Ngai Mason Sharon Hawkins McDougal 1 Debra Jean Mitchell 1 Felicia J. Morton Kandance Weems Norris 2 Crystal Doranne Owen 1 Volyia Senteria Plain Tracy Wilson Pulliam Juandalyn Ashmore Richards 1 Kelly Melinda Robinson 1 Regene Polk Ross 1 Jamehl Demons Shegog 1 Y. Monique Davis Smith 1 Colleen Janessa Taylor 4 Stephanie Elaine Turner 4 Camarf Paulanne Walker 1 Dineen Joelle White 2 Karyn Elaine White Carmen Maudette Woods-Hollowell 1

Class of 1991 Amount: $3,918 Participation Rate: 9%

Athena Aker Adams Toni Louise Adderley-Page Regina Elizabeth Arnao 1 Tujuana Davie Bajgett 1 Beverly Banks-Greene 1 Jacqueline Renee Bazy 1 Nikki Daniele Bellamy Marquita M. Brown Terri Sherice Davis 1 Tomika Michelle Depriest 1 Latanya P. Hammonds-Odie 2 Heather Lynn Hawes Alesia Lynette Hilliard-Smith 1 Tonya Ann Jacobs-Eason 1 Dawn Katrina Lewis 1 Letitia Lashawn Lewis 1 Chrystal Clark Lindsey Angela Dionn Middleton 1 Emily Gail Nichols Kimberly Louise Nichols 1 J. Rita White 1 Karen Williams-John

Nicole Dore Avery Rebecca Rose Blasingame Darnelle L. Brady Lauren Renee Carey 1 Cherry A. Collier Denise Danielle Daniels Michelle Dorant 1 Brooke Jackson Edmond 1 Mitzi Harris Ellis 1 Susan Elaine Ellis 1 Elizabeth Nicole Espy Kimberly Celosia Felder 3 Yolanda L.A. Gillen Kelly Fleming Harris Jo Ester Hicks 1 Tamara E. Hill 1 Kimberly Hines-Bullock 1 Sandra Decarlo Hudson Lisa Colette Jenkins Haynie 1 Dawn Michele Lee 1 Pamela Denise Lewis Charlotte Grayson Mathis 1 Gwendolyn Nikita Mc Dowell-Ferrell Sheila Elaine McCravy 1 Danyale A. Price 1 Tampa Letitia Rhodes 1 Monique Allene Sharpe Maura Helene Spires Sydne L. Tarry 1 Donna L. Terry-Newsome Lea Anderson Thomas Michelle Lee Warner-Waller 1 Che Denee Watkins 2 Wendi Lynn West 1 Angela Wilbert-Southwell 1 Adrienne Ronelle Williams

Class of 1990

Class of 1992

Class of 1989 Amount: $2,465 Participation Rate: 6%

Amount: $13,979 Participation Rate: 15%

Amount: $15,194 Participation Rate: 20%

Chandra Britt Armstrong 3 Janine Jeff Baah 2 Schonay M. Barnett-Jones 2 Kimberly Sisson Blackwell Adrienne Montinea Booker Stacey Brandon 1 Cynthia Harris Brantley Robin Camille Brown 2 Faith Renee Cargile Gretchen R. Cook-Anderson Victoria S. Darrisaw 1 Lanita Monae Dawson-Jones 2 Christie Carleen Days 1 Myra Elizabeth Embry Pamela Renee Emerson 1 Dawn D. Florence Denise Garnett 2 Montiel Weeks Goldwire

Ericka Suzanne Abram 1 Allecia Michelle Alexander 3 Vickie Darlene Amos 1 Cecelia Dorene Armstrong 1 Ericka Jamil Bahner Stacy M. Baines 1 Kim W. Barnette Jayne Angela Beauford Regina Helen Boone 1 Tracey Charisse Bostwick 2 Keena Nichole Brock Lisa Marie Brown 1 Consuelo Louise Campbell 1 Raquelle Carter Karen Ceesay 1 Lawanda Michelle Cherry 1 Tarvia Davis Chiddick 2 Kendell Vanette Childers 1 Kwanza C. Clay 1

Rosalyn Comer 1 Shelita K. Compton Tracy Renee Dowdell 1 Angela Lynn Fields 1 Krishna Lynne Foster-Connor Shawnya Ayers Gore Tiffany Marlo Green 1 Lorin Elaine Guillory Malaika E. Hall Tamara Lynn Harper Francesca Jetawn Herron 1 Ellen Natasha Hodo Rosell LaShun Jeffries 1 Carlotta A. Johnson Marlisa R. Johnson 1 Richele LaShun Jordan-Davis 2 Nagawa Kakumba 2 Karen Denise King 1 Lisa Janeen-Marie Lawson Angela Denise LeBoyd-Taylor 1 Calinda Lee-Mullen 1 Tracy Lea McPhail 1 Vanessa Kaye Mims 1 Sherry Willingham Mitchell 3 Kelley Newman Moore 1 Carmen J. Mullgrav Alice Delo Mullins 1 Kellye Marie Nelson 2 Kimberly Colette Price 1 Pocahontas Renee Reynolds 2 Renee Jeatonne Ross 1 Renee Christine Ross 1 Christa Elise Sanders 2 Charmaine Louise Shelton 2 Dawn Adrienne Simmonds Adrianne Camille Smith 4 Cristal L. Squaire 1 Raymonda Lynn Stevens 1 Kimberley Anbeth Suber LaVonne Wynette Swift Muriel Garth Taylor 1 Elena Marie Temple 1 Theresa Thompson Goode 1 Vasanne Sheree Tinsley 1 Elisa Michelle Tory 1 Tareka Allyn Verbal 1 Tonja Harding Ward 4 Melanie J. White 1 Hillary Richelle Woodson 2 Delicia D. Worrill

Class of 1993 Amount: $5,825 Participation Rate: 7% Darlene Abernathy-Neely 1 Crystal S. Abrams Teddra Lynn Acklen Cynthia Blasingame Baker 1 Alison Madearie Barnes 1 Sherita Patrice Beard-Lee 2 Carolyn Green Boone Geronda Vertasha Carter Crysta Allen Caruthers Carla Alfrendetta Cobb 1 Joy Wooden Coney 1 Tammie K. Daniel 1 Monica Alexis Dean Natasha Verlon Denis 2 Angela Yvonne Glover Traci Renee Glover1 Kirsten Carter Hadley 1 Afi Davis Harrington 1 Gayle Denise Herrington 1 Chaundra Michelle Hughes 3 Kelli Dionne Humphrey 2 Sarah James Irby 1 Erika Nicole Jackson 1 Riba Colette Kelsey 1 Angela Meeks 1 Dionne Nelson 1 Rhonda Fennell Niles 1 Kimani Norrington-Sands Nikita Collins Patterson 1 Lori Yonsonta Patton 3 Maranda Markell Randolph Robin Jeannetta Raschard Lynette Yvonne Ray Rae Ellen Reynolds 1 Lisa Kirton Robinson Nicole Moore Samson Heather Louise Smith 2 Cynthia Snowden 1 Nissa M. Walton 1 Natasha C. West 1 Kai Nilaja Williams Nicole Yvette Wise 1

Class of 1994 Amount: $2,589 Participation Rate: 5% Dara Ware Allen Mignon Michelle Allen 1 Karen Lynette Anderson-Scott 1 Angela Denise Anglin 1 Jonnae Olivia Atkinson Dineo A. Brinson Valencia Nicole Dyer Kimberly Adina Ford 1 Marla Faye Frederick 1 Amy Beatrice Grant 1 Andrea M. Harris 2 Ayanna Damali Hawkins 1 Nicole E. Johnson Rimani Crystal Kelsey 1 Sallee Tamara Knight 2 Patrice Lynne Lakemore Mona Greene McCoy 1 Alison Jordan McGriff Kelly Irene Rankin 1 Giavonne Denise Rondo 2 Chrystal Joy Stokes 2 Monifa Isaac Watson 1

Class of 1995 Amount: $6,885 Participation Rate: 7% Melanie Kennerly Archie Detria Lynnette Austin 3 Denise Natasha Brewley Delmarie Calvin 1 Maya Nichol Clark 3 Ruby Rucker Cooper 1 Aaliyah El-Amin Kianga Majenzi Ellis 4 Nicole Martin Franks Alisa Nicole Gilmore Tesa Lyshon Gunby 1 Leetra Janeen Harris 1 Nichole D. Harris Melinda Ruth Hayes 1 Gail C. Johnson Malaika Kamunanwire 2 Tawnya Plummer Laughinghouse 1 LaSherri Ann Leathers Erica Dawn Leonard 1 Kelli Noelle Moore Monica Louise Newman 2 Angela M. Powell-Davis Latonia Rochelle Raines 1 Tiffany J. Reese 1 Kara Brown Robinson Haydee Searcy 1 Ayanay Ferguson Smith Roslyn Nicole Smith Teresa M. Sweeney Torres 1 Angela E. Graham Williams Nioka Sharra Young 1

Class of 1996 Amount: $2,945 Participation Rate: 6% Sheila Rochelle Abrams 1 Cynthia Alexandra Allen 1 Lorina Danielle Carney Melodie Billups Echols Faith Eileen Edgar 1 Alicia Ferriabough 1 Valerie L. Fluker 3 Shawna Lynne Harmon Nikeya Charisse Harper 1 Glenda A. Hodges Sandra Denise Jennings Andrea Lewis Johnson Rea R. Johnson Jylon V. Jones Djenaba Bradford Kennedy 1 Vanessa LaChaun Lane 1 Kenja Royce McCray Jennifer Rose McZier 1 Tameika Gail Miller 1 Tara Jaye Morrow 1 Marla L Posey-Moss Rachelle Kirby Scott 1 Kakuya Amala Shakur-Coleman Nia T. Simmons Robin K.I. Simpson 1 Willette Guy Stephens Tara Nimes Terrell 1 Freida Michelle Toles 1 Kanika Pili White 1 Andrea Ford Wilkerson Michelle Demetris Wright 1


Class of 1997

Class of 2000

Amount: $8,478 Participation Rate: 13%

Amount: $1,350 Participation Rate: 2%

Mandie Rae Araujo Tori Lynn Bailey 3 Danielle Vivian Barnes Michelle Nichole Brewington 1 Olabisi Jarrett Brown Penny Nikole Clemons Ebony Mishana Coleman 1 Kinita L. Copeland Nicole Dorsena Crawford Nia Cross Ayana Mandisa Davis 1 Ayanna Elizabeth Marie Dunn 4 Tikenya Sheree Foster-Singletary Sylvia Lavette Franklin Mareesa Arnita Frederick 1 Cara Therese Grayer 1 Lea Christina Greaves 1 Nneka Tuere Hanshaw Nikki Tinsley Harland 1 Alysan Deidre Humphrey 2 Miriam Jackson 1 Cesanee Denise Johnson Zandra Lenise Jordan Jennifer Robin Kelley Glennis Roxanne Matthews Michelle Marie McLin 1 Piper R. Miller 1 Kia M. Mitchell 2 Iyabo Abena Morrison Amy Melisa Palmer 2 Sidnee Nicole Paschal 1 Tamla L. Payton Aletha Monique Perryman 2 Sherrie Rena Powell 1 Kamari Barbara Ione Price Tamara Elizabeth Rasberry 1 Tiaudra Raschon Riley 2 Shana Miki Rooks 1 Lauren Rene Royston Gwendolyn Lavette Rucker Naomi Marie Ruffin Sara Ann Simmons Shashonna Markeeta Smith-Raines RaShell ReNee Smith-Spears Jalyn Sarya Spencer Carla Elizabeth Stokes Dana Michelle Taylor Tamika Nicole Taylor Lawren Ann Ward Malkia S. White 1 Robin A. Young

Damali Ayana Booker 1 Talithia Denese Daniel Leconte’ Jeanine Dill Phylicia Eugenia Fant 4 Nailah L. Flake 1 Brandi Lynee Williams Nicole Y. Williams 1

Class of 1998 Amount: $1,656 Participation Rate: 3% Alfreda Cooke Brown 1 Daresa Lenette Cannon 1 Clotie G. Delgado Deidre Ann Dowdie Charles Joy Denise Gloster Kristin R Haynes Delali Kodah Lorraine Newton Lalli 1 Noelle Candace Leveaux 3 Peggy Madkins Christy M. Mountain Latisha M. Sanders Tiara Latrice Smith Nzinga Temple Tull 1 Sylvia Sakura Watts 1

Class of 1999 Amount: $865 Participation Rate: 3% Adria Nikhole Andrews 1 Rasheeda N. Creighton 1 Erica Tiffany Davis Trasha Nicole Hickman Jacqueline Nicole Howell Carol Rowe Jones 1 Christina Kimoko Joseph Jaronda Jane Miller Ebonee J. Pope 1 Maria-Theresa E. Robinson-Glover Julie R Scott Alyx Porter Smith Heather Joy Thompson Evon Chereese Walks

Class of 2001 Amount: $38,460 Participation Rate: 7% Ruha Mihrshahi Benjamin 1 Shay-Coy Ra-Cal Bridgewater JaDawnya Cintelle Butler Kira Kahanna Channer Shayonna Marie Cobbs Erika Nicole Cooper Lauren Michelle Craig Erin Michelle Dixon Trudy Janelle Freeman Lisa Chauntel Green Dionne Cherise Griffiths Kiya R. Hamilton Adia S Hayes Barbara Nicole Horne 1 Erika Kimiya Horton 1 Andrea Renee Jackson Tamar Benita Johnson Malaika Ann Jones Teaniese Porche Latham 1 Ryane Danielle LeCesne Shannon Monic Mayers Lindsay Blair McKee Crystal Lewis Nelson Jessica Parker Keshia Knight Pulliam 5 Shani Adia Stewart Mia Jihan Thompson 1 Vonna Mercita Turner Tiffany Renee West Precious Latonia Williams Sherida Elise Winn 1

Class of 2002 Amount: $915 Participation Rate: 8% Sumayyah Abdullah Philathia Bolton Stephanie Bowman Shawnetta Faye Cotton Cynthia Marie Daniels Afton Laura Donald Tierney Hubbard Eaton Nathalie Essex Erica Corin Garry Alexandra A. Hadley Mercedes Alexis Harris Cashauna Marie Hill Heather Lalache Holloway Erica Camille Jenkins Racquel T. Johnson Desiree’ Ladawn Jordan Keisha Leverette Chimere Rashida Love Sherita Dari McCain Candice D. McKinley Erica Mcknight Deidra Jolyn Morrison Wambui Ngugi Joni A. Poitier Denise Adele Riley Norishia Nicole Robinson Alyson Christina Shumpert Keyoka S. Smith 1 Charisse Toomer Angela Warren Deah Brittany Warren Naomi Aloha Wells


ESTATE GIFTS Della Bannister, C’44 Janet Harmon Bragg, C’25 Eleanor Cotton January, C’20 Sarah Sage McAlpin Birdie C. Wallace Robinson, C’36 Ruth R. Whitney

MEMORIALS In Memory of Mary Edith Bennett, C’41 Olive B. Rogers In Memory of Georgia Cleveland, C’52 and Rae Douglas, C’52 Bessie Nixon Reynolds Beverly Jeanne Thomas Jacqueline Kirby Wills In Memory of Jean Shy Farris, C’52 Jerome Farris In Memory of Minnie Fitzgerald Floyd, C’47 Los Angeles Chapter of the NAASC In Memory of Ellenor Chaires Gaillard, C’40 Franklin R. Anderson Duke University Durham County Hospital Corporation Alice C. Owen David A. Sutphen John J. Warner In Memory of Eleanor B. Williams Hankerson, C’46 Nancy Brown Associates Fawnda S. Batchelor Rosemary Quinones In Memory of Ellene Coleman Jackson, C’53 Class of 1953 In Memory of Minnie Felton Jackson, C’38 Margaret Smith Adair Sylvia Adams Kenneth L. Avery Helen M. Bell Pamela Bigelow Celestine Taylor Billings Frances M. Brown Carol Sutton Burnett Phillip N. Davis Pauline E. Drake Bettie J. Durrah Jean LaRue Foster A. Elaine McNair Gilbert Bobbye Johnson Rose Harris Johnson Kelso at Peyton Homeowners Assn. Lillian Carter Lawton Janet Lane Martin National Alumnae Assn. of Spelman College Antoinette Mainor Olive June Hayward Owens Presbyterian Women’s Association Bettye Whited Robinson Ruby & Robert Sherrill Camille Annette Smith Mozel J. Spriggs The “C” Ladies Carlene Goudy Thomas Ossie Smith Tuggle Elizabeth M. Tyler Alice Holmes Washington Archie R. Wilson Laverne M. Wyche Muriel Ketchum Yarbrough In Memory of Romae Turner Powell, C’47 Rometta E. Powell In Memory of Jann P. Primus, C’81 Felicia Bowens Anderson Tollese Harris Bankett Alice B. Pearson Helen H. Benford Angela Birch Cox Gene M. Brown Renee Walton Cawley

Celeste Dorsey-Grooms AnnaMaria O. Ellis Etta Z. Falconer Helen Marie Forbes Fields Wilma A. Foreman Pamela P. Grace Cynthia E. Jackson Jeanne Primus Johnson Salada S. Mack Alice F. McCray Beverly J. Moss Theresa Preston Clincy John W. Scott Olivia Scriven Kiron Kanina Skinner Valerie Rembert Smith Candace D. Thomas June Mack Wardlaw Daryl White Lisa J. Woody


John W. Adams Eloise A. Alexis 3 Angela R. Allen Marsha N. Allen Gladys S. Bayse 1 Clifton C. Blade Jr. Bobbye M. Booker Barbara J. Boone 1 Steve Bowser 1 Sylvia T. Bozeman 2 Dolores V. Bradley Karen Brakke Denise Natasha Brewley Willie Burkes Myra Burnett 1 B. LaConyea Butler 4 Lauralye M Canady Beatriz Cardelino Ka-Msiyara Corbett In Memory of Marjorie Franklin Ramey, John E. Cunningham Jr. Nyla Dixon C’46 Pauline E. Drake 4 Juanita Duval Jacqueline F. Edwards Eric Finley Matthew E. Edwards 1 John L. Finley, III Etta Z. Falconer 4 Coleridge T. Franklin, Jr. Christine King Farris 3 Dolores Gerber Kevin Foster Della F. Heslen Louis Gallien Jr. Bonnie L. Nijenhuis Margery A. Ganz 1 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rominger James S. Gates 1 Ruth E. Vaughn Cornelia Gillyard 1 Peggy Goldston In Memory of Pamela Gunter-Smith 2 Nathaniel Robinson Beverly L. Guy-Sheftall Judith Sciarra R. Jamila Harris 1 Mamie B. Johnson Carl Hendrickson Mercedes A. Sadler Lisa B. Hibbard 2 Dr. & Mrs. C. E. Bowling Delores Miller Hill Mr. & Mrs. David Singer Cynthia Hodges-Atkins Elizabeth B. Guy Demetria N. Holloway Anne R. Hornsby 2 In Memory of Gracie Mae Hutcherson 2 Pearl Taylor Sanders, C’37 John Hwang Anne Harvey Allison Betsy E. Jackson 1 Richard C. Brooks Cleveland Johnson 3 Sandra P. Cheevers Joyce F. Johnson 3 Class of 1937 Dana Pride Jones L.W. Cochran Iretta B.C. Kearse Ruth Minor Crawford Divine Order Choir Most Blessed Sacrament Leann R. Keepler Judith N’Gina Kenney 1 Myra H. Dixon Joyce King 1 Dogwood City Chapter of the Links Geneva Y. Lane Anne K. Esterhill Ingrid Lassiter Laverne S. Flowers Andrea W. Lawrence 2 Ruth Gaines Cathy Lee Richard C. Grant Harry G. Lefever 2 Linda W. Gulley Joyce J. Levine Ben C. Hampton Arturo Lindsay 2 Audrey D. Hines Xuexin Liu Gwendolyn S. Holloway Tokoloho Masiane John D. Johnson DaNita McClain Just Friends Kristen McDermott Brenda L. Kennedy Judy B. McPherson Helen M. Mayes Lorraine Mencer Barbara Ogarra LaVon Mercer James Roberts Gwendolyn H. Middlebrooks 2 Semper Fidelis Club, Inc. Lev T. Mills 3 Claudia L. Tarver Edith Faye Faye Milner The Albany Chapter Beryl Thomas Mitchell 3 Janet Tillman Turner Helene Moon Brenda C. Turpeau Colm K. Mulcahy William O. Walker Ivan L. Page Anita Whatley Marian Parker Bettye S. Williams A. Trisa Long Paschal 2 H. Evonne Yancey Sandra Sims Patterson 2 Wanda Polite In Memory of Marian Smith Ellis Rainey Thelma E. Bradford Norman M. Rates 4 Natarajan Ravi In Memory of Dorothy Richey Ernestine Sutton, C’51 Lula G. Roberts Class of 1951 Virginia F. Roberts Joan L. Salters In Memory of Wanda Sandler Catherine Collins Terry, C’57 Lawrence Schenbeck 1 Atlanta Chapter of NAASC Anna Augusta Scott Gail Scott In Memory of Edna Theus Pamela E. Scott-Johnson 3 Irene C. Wallace Olivia Scriven Nagambal S. Shah In Memory of Dalila de Sousa Sheppard 1 Helen Rice Walker, C’43 Alicia V. Smash James A. Walker Albert E. Smith Jr. 1 Cynthia Neal Spence 3 In Memory of Delores Yates Taronda Elise Spencer 4 Norman M. Rates

Jo Moore Stewart Shereitte C. Stokes III 3 Barbara Stuart Joyce L Thompkins 1 Yoko Ueda Anne Bradford Warner Daryl White 1 Brandi Lynee Williams Edith E. Williams Sherri Williams Margie D. Willis James J. Winchester Ernest Wright

PARENTS Sharon R. Agnew 1 Calvin & Doris Alexis 1 Ruth V. Bailey 3 Neely H. Brown 1 Erma J. Bryan Calvin O. Butts 4 Jean Joseph Cadet 1 Bebe Moore Campbell & Ellis Gordon, Jr. 3 Kenneth & Melanie Carey 1 Gil Chapman 3 Sherdena D. Cofield 1 Jerry L. Dixon 1 Earl & Anne Ellis 1 Christian M. Ezekwueche 1 Nancy J. Fairley 2 Robert & Alice Foster 1 Thaddeus B. Gaillard Jr. 2 Melvin E. Gaines 1 Mia F. Greene 2 John P. Haydel Jr. Laura Ann Haydel Annette C. Henderson 2 Bobby & Veneaser Hill Mertis B. Horton 1 Ernest N. Irby 1 Brenda Lorraine Irons-Lecesne Horace & Cynthia Jackson 1 Terry & Marcella Jones 5 Alvarez L. LeCesne Jr. Perry A. Little 1 Theodore & Bernice Mason 1 Hazel McLean 1 Willie Melton 2 Barbara J. Musgrove 1 James L. Nobles Wardell Parish 1 Cora C. Perry 2 Wellington T. Pitts 1 David Price 4 Joseph L. Richardson 1 Sarah Rowland 1 William & Mary Ann Toles 2 Robert V. Veiga 2 Barbara A. Walton 1 Willie M. Williams 1 Barbara J. Wooten Catherine R. Youngblood 1

OTHER INDIVIDUALS Ann U. Abrams 1 Jane M. Abram 1 Howell & Madeline Adams 1 Sylvia Adams Muibi Anthony Aigoro Gail A. Allen 1 Patricia A. Allen Walter R. Allen 3 Lisa Young Alston 1 Felicia Bowens Anderson 2 Franklin R. Anderson 2 Dwight Andrews 4 Blanche Archable Bonnie N. Arnold Theodore R. Aronson 5 Lawrence & Kathleen Ashe 4 Kenneth L. Avery Barbara Bacon 1 Samuel W. Bacote III Niambi A. Bah 1 Alberta S. Bailey Moya Zakia Bailey Alan H. Barnes 4 Isaiah E. Barnwell Jr. 2 Lawanna R. Barron Fawnda S. Batchelor 1 Mary Catherine Bateson 3 Anunciacion R. Bauer Otto Beatty Jr. 3 Gwendolyn Beckwith 2

Helen H Benford Chery Benson Kim R. Bentley Pamela Berry-Williams 1 Anders Bettum Edith Y. Biggers 1 Andrew J. Blanchard 4 Geri Therese Blanchet Geraldine Pope Blasingame 1 Vera L. Bone Richard Bonifazi Edward W. Bowen Jr. 4 Charis E. Bowling 1 Albert & Helen Bows 1 Thelma E. Bradford 1 Virginia L. Branan Terri M. Breach Richard C. Brooks Amanda J. Brown Calvin A. Brown Jr. 5 Frances M. Brown 1 Gene M. Brown 3 Joan P. Brown 1 Teresa Brown 1 Carol Brownlee 3 Bernard E. Bryant Charlotte K. Bryant Lucinda W. Bunnen 1 Douglas & Ann Burch 4 Anthony Burley 1 Carol Sutton Burnett 1 Pamela C. Burnley Roberta L. Callaway 1 Beverly B J Camp Valerie Carnegie 4 Richard & Evelyn Carroll 1 Kelly Cass-White 2 Anne Cox Chambers 8 Herbert L. Charles 4 Richard & Laura Chasin 7 Sandra P. Cheevers 1 Joyce E. Clark Helen K. Clarke 1 Barbara S. Coble 1 L. W. Cochran Johnnetta B. Cole 7 Marc V. Colelli 1 William F. Collier Eugenie G. Comer Ruth K. Council Rosa Mary Crawford 4 Nancy H. Curtis Dana Dakin 1 Annie O. Dancy 1 James H. Davis 1 Phillip N. Davis Sr. Roberta L. De Honey A. S. Dickerson James Dimon 4 Myra H. Dixon 1 Tiffany L. Dudley Josephine H. Durrah J. Frazer & Cree Durrett 1 Juanita Duval Russell Edgerton 3 Shirley M. Elliott Anita Estell 4 Anne K. Esterhill Darlene J. Etheridge A’Leshia M. Evans Othella W. Evans W. Franklin Evans Dolan P. Falconer Jr. 4 Krista Michelle Falconer 4 Jerome Farris 1 Myra Marx Ferree 1 Ruth E. Fine Eric Finley John L. Finley III Daisy C. Flagg Laverne S. Flowers 1 Lillian Floyd James Ford 1 K. A. Foreman David W. Frank Coleridge T. Franklin Shirley C. Franklin 2 Earline Furlough Ruth Gaines Denise B. Gardner 1 Annie M. Garraway 1 Henry Louis Gates 4 Eric M. Gebhard Delesha N. George Dolores Gerber Michael A. Gerber 1 Geraldine C. Gilliam

Allen Gilmore Lena W. Gilmore 1 Caroline Davis Gleiter 4 Victoria C. Goins David S. Golden Starr Goldsmith Trudie Yanuck Goldstein Uldine Goler 1 Louise M. Gordon Rhea Gordon 2 W. Bruce Gow Richard C. Grant T. Herman Graves 2 Christina G. Graybard 3 Holcombe & Nancy Green Steven T. Greenhaw Sofiner J. Griffin Edna M. Grovey-Walker 1 Carrie Gude Linda W. Gulley Elizabeth B. Guy James S. Guyton Jr. Karen Hamilton Ben C. Hampton Eunice Hannah Jerry L. Hardee 1 Janice T. Hardgraves 1 Delores Harper 4 Flora Harris Mary R. Harrison Beth Hauser Gates Helms Hawn 4 Happy Gayton Hawn 4 Elizabeth Johnson Hays Louise W. Hearon 1 Robert K. Hedrick Jr. 1 Deidre T. Hembrick Mary J. Hempel 1 Martha E. Hennington 4 Alan L. Hermesch Della F. Heslen Pleshette Hester Suzanne Hickey 1 Kyra E. Hicks Barbara Hill 2 Frank H. Hill Jr. 1 Audrey D. Hines John D. Hobbs Barbara F. Holland 4 John C. Holley 1 Gwendolyn S. Holloway E. Walter Hood 1 Mark W. Huddleston Muriel Allen Hunter 1 June Hyder Bascoe Jackson 1 Carletha Jackson Urbane Jackson 4 George L. Jeffries Verdia Ruth Jenkins 1 C. Elizabeth Johnson John D. Johnson 1 Mamie B. Johnson Walter C. Johnson Jr. Elias Jones 4 S. Kelly Jordan 1 Peter A. Joyce 1 Juan D. Johnson 4 Patricia D. Keenan 3 Brenda L. Kennedy Brenda Kidd 2 Wilella R. Kimble Barbara L. King Peter M. Kotchen M. Bahati Kuumba W. P. Langdale 1 Susan Pease Langford 1 Alvin W. Larkins 4 Alvin Lee Jr. 1 Stephanie G. Lee Sylvester J. Lee John W. Lester Catherine J. Lewis 4 Nathan L. Lewis Stacy D. Lewis Clyde Lord Elizabeth A. Manuel Errol C. Marquis 1 Jonathan Mason Eleanor F. Massell Rhonda L. Matheison Helen M Mayes Henry McCormick Allen & Sally McDaniel7 Dellice McElroy Kevin J. McElroy Curtis B. McGowan 1

Roscoe Conklin McGowan Rose Mary McGowan 2 Sara E. McGowan Lillie M. McIntyre 1 Tanya M. McKinley O. Norfleet McLellan Jr. Melinda McMillan Cora L. Meriwether Charles E. Merrill Jr.7 Gertrude G. Michelson 4 Dorothy H. Miller 2 Ulysses Mims Jr. Lilla A. Mitchell 3 Tonie D. Montgomery Jocelyn Mortensen Ann M. Mullen Tonya L. Murphy Dink Nicholson 1 Bonnie L. Nijenhuis Jacqueline Vinson Offutt Barbara Ogarra Sheryl C. Oliver 1 Bettye J. O’Neal Kandy D. Outlaw Alice C. Owen 1 Sue I. Palmer Vicki R. Palmer 5 Barbara Patrick 1 N. Joyce Payne 1 Regina D. Penney Taquila Perkins Lisa M. Peters Wayne Pettway Amelia B. Phillips Howardena D. Pindell Patrick L. Porter Glenda D. Price 1 Donna Priest-Brown 1 Lucia Fairlie Pulgram Sharon A. Quartey Rosemary Quinones 1 Sherryle B. Rambo 1 Shaka Rasheed 4 Laura Lynem Rates 4 Robert & Patricia Reece 1 Carol Anne Reedus Norice R. Rice Gloria M. Richardson Richard Riseberg 1 James Roberts 1 Walter G. Robinson Patricia Rodney Joyce F. Rogers Olive B. Rogers 4 Evelyne R. Rominger David Roselle 2 Joan Barnes Ross 2 Susan J. Ross Minnie Roy Reesie H. Rutherford Mercedes A. Sadler Jun Sakumoto John I. Savoy Eric M. Saxon Sharon Foster Schoen Judith Sciarra John W. Scott 1 Douglas G. Scrivner 4 Donald F. Sexton 1 Debra M. Shelby Lee R. Shelton 2 Robin Jenkins Sheppard 1 Ruby C. Sherrill Calvie C. Shipman Edward L. Simon Jr. Sue H. Singer Connie Smith Gregory B. Smith John and Ollie Smith 1 Jonathan L. Smith 4 Kaye E. Smith Theophus H. Smith 2 Ursula S. Smith 1 Robert L. Smothers 3 Mozel J. Spriggs Stephanie St. Louis 3 Robert E. Steele 2 Frankie D. Stephens LaRue G. Stephens Donald & Isabel Stewart 4 Gustav L. Stewart III 2 Linda G. Stewart 1 Robert D. Storey 4 Ronda Stryker & William Johnston 7 James O. Suber 4 Frances Suggs 1 David N. Sundwall 4

David A. Sutphen 2 Mark Sweeney Akiko Takahara 5 Claudia L. Tarver Elvira M. Tate 1 Robert F. Taylor Candace D. Thomas Jonathan I. Thomas Marion B. Thompson Thelma L. Thompson Eoin & Ann Trevelyan 2 Lonnette R. Tuck Mildred O. Tucker 1 Dennis Turner Jr. Brenda C. Turpeau 1 Deborah Twine 2 Elizabeth M. Tyler 1 Lucy C. Vance 2 Ruth E. Vaughn Lynda C. Violenus 1 James A. Walker 1 William O. Walker Irene C. Wallace John J. Warner 1 Bruce Waterfall 4 Annette J. Watkins Levi Watkins Jr. 4 Stephanie C. Watson Claudia Wells 2 Carolyn L. Wharton Lois Wharton Anita Whatley Edward L. Wheeler 2 Lisa R. Wheeler 1 David L. Whitney Lee Wilder Bettye S. Williams Cheryl D. Williams Effetta Williams Henry Williams 1 Lorna J. Williams Malinda N. Williams Stephanie C. Williams L. Neil & Sue Williams 2 Thearodesia Williams Robert Williamson 1 Archie R. Wilson Bernice C. Wilson 2 Bettye A. Wilson Mica Wilson Ralph Wilson 3 Beth Wolchock Edwin C. Woods Lisa J. Woody Alfred Wyatt 2 Alfred D. Wyatt Jr 3 Laverne M. Wyche Hisako Yanaka 3 Carolyn D. Yancey 1 H. Evonne Yancey Ann M. Yeargin Sonjia Young 1

ALUMNAE ORGANIZATIONS National Alumnae Association of Spelman College Albany Chapter Athens Area Chapter Atlanta Chapter Birmingham Chapter Chicago Chapter Cleveland Chapter Columbia MD Chapter Decatur Chapter Detroit Chapter Los Angeles Chapter New York Chapter Philadelphia Chapter Washington D.C. Chapter


CORPORATIONS/ CORPORATE FOUNDATIONS ° Matching Gift Company Abbott Laboratories Fund ° Accenture Foundation, Inc. AFLAC Inc. Alcoa Foundation ° Allstate Insurance Co. American General Corporation ° American Honda Motor Co., Inc. AmeriGives, Inc. Ameritech ° Amoco Foundation, Inc. ° Anonymous Donor AOL Time Warner Foundation, Inc. ° AT&T Foundation ° Atlanta Industry Liaison Group, Inc. Atlanta Life Insurance Company Automatic Data Processing, Inc. ° Bank of America Foundation ° Bank of New York Bell South ° BMW of North America, Inc. Boeing Company ° Campbell Soup Foundation ° Charity Motors, Inc. CIGNA Foundation ° CISCO Systems Inc. ° CITGO Petroleum Corporation ° ClubCorp Service Center Coca-Cola Enterprises ° Colgate-Palmolive Company ° ComEd ° Compaq Computer Corporation ° Cooper Tire & Rubber Company ° Cordy and Company, Inc. Corning Inc. Corning Incorporated Foundation ° Delphi Automotive Systems ° Delta Air Lines Foundation ° Dr. Jennifer Satterfield-Siegel, P.C. E. I. Du Pont De Nemours & Co. Eastman Kodak Company Ecolab Foundation ° Educational and Legal Resources, Inc Educational Testing Preparation Services Enterprise Rent-A-Car Foundation Equifax Foundation ° Excel Brokers ExxonMobil Corporation Fannie Mae Foundation ° Federated Department Stores Foundation First Union Foundation ° Fogel Enterprises, Inc. d/b/a Freedman Mens Shoe Outlet Follett Higher Ed. Group Ford Motor Company ° Gannett Foundation ° Gap Foundation ° GE Fund ° General Motors Foundation ° Georgia Power Company, Inc. ° Georgia-Pacific Corporation ° Gist, Kennedy & Associates, Inc. Goldman, Sachs & Company Goodrich Foundation Partners in Giving Plan ° Hallmark Corporate Foundation Hennessy Dental Lab, Inc. Home Depot ° IBM International Foundation ° International Paper Company Foundation ° Jackson’s Upholstery Shop Jones International JP Morgan Chase Foundation ° Just Friends Kellogg’s Corporate Citizenship Fund °

Kelso at Peyton Homeowners Association Kimberly Clark Corporation Kimberly-Clark Foundation, Inc. ° Lataurus Productions Inc./WHLJ Law Firm of McAllister & Glover Lend Lease Real Estate Investments, Inc. ° Levi Strauss Foundation Lubo Fund, Inc. Lucent Technologies Foundation ° Marsh USA Inc. Mary-John, Inc. Matsushita Electric Corporation of America MB Mailing MBNA America ° Merrill Lynch Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation, Inc. ° Microsoft Corporation ° Morgan and Associates Psychserve, P.C. Nancy Brown Associates National City Bank ° National Distillers Distributors Foundation New York Life Insurance Company, Inc. Northern Telecom, Inc. ° One Nation Promotions PepsiCo Foundation, Inc. ° Pharmacia Foundation ° Philip Morris Companies, Inc. ° Procter & Gamble ° Public Service Electric & Gas Company Publix Supermarkets Richard H. Sewing & Associates RLI Insurance Company ° Rotary Club S.C. Johnson Fund, Inc. Saks Incorporated Foundation Sara Lee Foundation ° SBC Foundation ° Schering-Plough Foundation, Inc. ° Scientific-Atlanta, Inc. ° SEIZ PRINTING, INC. Six Continents Hotels ° Songtalk Publishing Company State Farm Insurance Companies Foundation ° Strategy One, Inc. SunTrust Bank Atlanta Foundation ° Sutherland, Ashbill & Brennan, L.L.P. Target Stores Telcordia Technologies ° Texaco Inc. The Coca-Cola Company ° The Freedom Forum ° The Glidden Company ° The K. Group, LTD The May Department Stores Company The Medtronic Foundation ° The Merck Company Foundation ° The Society, Inc. The Spencer Foundation The Stanley Works ° The UPS Foundation, Inc. TIAA-CREF Towers Perrin Toyota Motor Sales, USA, Inc. Unilever United States Foundation, Inc. ° Union Pacific Corporation Unisys Corporation United Parcel Service United Technologies ° Universal Studios ° Valdosta Foot and Ankle Clinic, P. C. Verizon Foundation ° Vickey Saunders & Associates Weakest Link Productions, Inc. Wells Fargo & Company Wells Fargo Community Support Wells Fargo Foundation ° WestPoint Stevens Foundation, Inc. Weyerhaeuser Company Foundation ° Winn-Dixie Atlanta, Inc. Xerox Corporation


PRIVATE FOUNDATIONS ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIPS Abby and George O’Neill Trust Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Charitable Gift Fund Christian and Chi Ezekwueche Charitable Foundation Clara Elizabeth Jackson Carter Foundation Dave & Bunny Center Family Foundation DeWitt Wallace-Reader’s Digest Fund Frances Wood Wilson Foundation, Inc. Fuller E. Callaway Foundation J. Paul Getty Trust John & Mary Franklin Foundation, Inc. Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation, Inc. Lilly Endowment, Inc. Ray M. and Mary Elizabeth Lee Foundation Ronda E. Stryker & William D. Johnston Foundation Samuels Family Foundation Sherman Fairchild Foundation Southern Education Foundation, Inc. Super-fantastic Foundation The Camilla and Zack Hubert Foundation, Inc. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Foundation The Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta, Inc. The David and Lucile Packard Foundation The Freeman Foundation The Henry Luce Foundation The Julius V. & Alice G. Combs Foundation The Kresge Foundation The Rich Foundation, Inc. The Riversville Foundation The Rockefeller Foundation The Samuel and LaTanya R. Jackson Foundation The Starr Foundation The Tine W. Davis Family Foundation

RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS Bethel Baptist Institutional Church, Inc. Divine Order Choir Most Blessed Sacrament Emmanuel Baptist Church in Brooklyn First Congregational Church Mens Fellowship First Congregational Church United Church of Christ Mount Moriah Baptist Church Presbyterian Women’s Association The “C” Ladies The American Baptist Churches The Diaconate Board Zion Hill Baptist Church

OTHER ORGANIZATIONS Allstate Giving Campaign Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Basilian Fathers of Bishop O’Dowd High School Dogwood City Chapter of the Links, Inc. Duke University Durham County Hospital Corporation Howard Hughes Medical Institute Semper Fidelis Club, Inc. The College Fund/UNCF The Georgia Foundation for Independent Colleges, Inc. United Way of King County United Way of the Bay Area United Way of Tri-State WARL-FM KISS 104.1 Women in Transition

Alberta W. King Memorial Fund for Music & Nonviolent Studies Bettye Lovejoy Scott Endowed Scholarship Carroll-Williams Endowed Scholarship Dorothy Dailey Suber Memorial Scholarship Dr. Etta Zuber Falconer Endowed Scholarship in Mathematics Ernestein Walker Baylor Endowed Scholarship Esther M. Smith Endowed Scholarship Award General Endowment - Scholarships Hunter-Foxworth Endowed Memorial Scholarship Jacqueline Larkins Crook Music Award John Wesley & Irene Dobbs Scholarship Fund Johnnetta Cole & Michelle Slater Scholarship JPMorgan Chase Endowed Scholarship Fund Lilly/UNCF Grant for Endowed Sch. Alumnae Empowerment Marguerite Simon Endowed Scholarship Fund Martilla Renee’ Jones Beatty Endowed Scholarship Mattye L. McCauley Endowed Scholarship Maurice M. Williams Community Service Award NAASC-Donald M. Stewart Endowed Scholarship Shawn D. Jiles Endowed Scholarship Fund Starr Foundation Endowed Scholarship Fund Watson-Walker Endowed Scholarship Yvonne R. Jackson Endowment for Student Research

ANNUAL SCHOLARSHIPS, AWARDS, & PRIZES Accenture/Spelman Scholarship Fund Adelaide F. Forde & Dorothy Forde Bolden Award Ashe Award Aurelia D. Robinson Scholarship Birmingham Chapter, NAASC Book Award BMW Scholarship Camille & Zack Hubert Foundation Award Carolyn Hill Wyatt Memorial Scholarship Carrie Clements Wright Scholarship CESA Book Award Decatur Chapter Scholarship Della Bannister Book Award Fund Edgar & Bessie Palmer Scholarship Enterprise Rent-A-Car Foundation Scholarship Ereina Christin Smith Memorial Fund Ethel McGhee Davis Scholarship Fund Florence M. Read Scholarship Fund Frances Wood Wilson Foundation Inc. Scholarship Frederick Gaston & Mignon Lewis Scholarship Gateway Award General Motors Foundation/Bozeman Georgia Dwelle Scholarship/Chicago Spelman Club Hazel & Spencer Dean Award HBCU/Johnson Wax Scholarship Program Helen Rice Walker Book Award/ Emergency Scholarship Jane Hope Lyons Scholarship Fund

Janet H. Bragg Memorial Scholarship Fund Jann Patrice Primus Scholarship Fund John & Mary Franklin Foundation Scholarship Fund JPMorgan Chase Study Abroad Scholarship Fund Keisha Knight Pulliam/Bonner Scholarship Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation Scholarship Mandy L. & Signal Lockhart Thesis Award Margaret B. Young Psychology Award Martin Yanuck Memorial Scholarship Fund Merrill Lynch & Co. Scholarship Minnie F. Jackson Scholarship Fund National Distillers Scholarship Norman M. and Laura Lynem Rates Scholarship Patria Prize Pauline Coleman Gates Fund Restricted Prizes and Awards Reuben McDaniel Book Scholarship Rev. Payton Brailsford & Mary Murray Cook Memorial Sch. Samuels Book Award Samuels Grant Super-fantastic Scholarship Texaco Scholarship The Finch-Miller Education Scholarship The Finch-Miller Music Scholarship The Henry Luce Foundation Scholarship The Louise & Willie Fluker Book Scholarship The Riversville Foundation Scholarship UPS Community Service Scholarship Vaughncziel R. Burch Memorial Scholarship Xerox Corporation Scholarship

SPONSORED PROGRAMS FUNDERS Atlanta Public Schools/Atlanta Systemic Initiative Baylor College/NSF Clara Elizabeth Jackson Carter Foundation Department of Defense Dept. of Education Dept. of Health and Human Services Emory University Environmental Protection Agency Florida A&M University/United Negro College Fund Freeman Foundation Fulton County Arts Council Georgia Dept. of Human Resources Georgia Tech/ NASA Howard Hughes Medical Institute Housing and Urban Development Lilly Foundation Mellon Foundation Merck Morehouse School of Medicine NASA National Endowment for the Humanities National Institute of Health National Science Foundation Office on Women’s Health Rensselaer Polytechnic University Sherman Fairchild Foundation Southern Education Foundation United Negro College Fund/Bank of America University of Georgia/ National Science Foundation University of South Florida Yerkes/Emory

Corporate Partners Program 10th Anniversary Conference


op business and education executives gathered as the Spelman College Corporate Partners Program celebrated its 10th anniversary in March with a two-day conference. The festivities included an all day symposium featuring Arthur Blank, owner of the Atlanta FalArthur Blank, owner of cons, Dr. Rod Paige, United States the Atlanta Falcons Secretary of Education and repre- and keynote speaker sentatives from the program’s 36 at the Recognition partners. Awards Luncheon. Members and coaches of the Atlanta Falcons football team, Olympic gold medallist Teresa Edwards, Lynnette Young

from Atlanta Mayor Shirley Franklin’s office and Hot 107.9 radio personality Ryan Cameron are just a few of the many celebrities who participated in the Celebrity Golf Tournament held at Charlie Yates Golf Course, East Lake Meadows. Immediately following the tournament, the participants enjoyed an awards luncheon emceed by WXIA-TV weekend anchor Tiffany Cochran. l

JP Morgan Chase Study Abroad Scholars JP Morgan Chase, a founding partner of the Corporate Partners Program in 1993, was honored at the 10th Anniversary Corporate Partners Program Conference with the prestigious Partner of the Year Award. On hand to accept the award was Kimberly B. Davis, C’81. The JP Morgan Chase Study Abroad Scholarship winners for the 2003–2004 academic year are: Sayida Lowe – Psychology/Religion Shayla Griffin – African American Studies StaceyAnn Palma – History Clanci Cochran – English Takkara Brunson – Women’s Studies Chelsey Rodgers – Political Science Milan Griffin – Political Science Ashley Adewuyi – Political Science Jamila Henderson – Economics Monique Brantley – English

At the Recognition Awards luncheon, winner of the Philanthropy Award, Dorothy Fuqua Grayson, C’65 (left) accepts from Danielle Ducree, C’03, President of Student Philanthropy Council.

President Beverly Daniel Tatum (left) is pictured with Rod Paige, United States Secretary of Education, and Deb E. King, Director of Corporate Relations and Major Gifts. Dr. Paige led a special session “Moving Forward… Looking Ahead.”

PARTNER PROFILE BMW North America A global industry leader, BMW North America (BMW NA) builds luxury highperformance automobiles. They also believe in building, molding and mentoring young women into successful qualified professionals and future leaders. Established in 1975, BMW NA’s corporate headquarters is located in Woodcliff Lake, New Jersey. BMW NA also has facilities in the states of Georgia, Illinois and California. The Southeast region headquarters is located in Atlanta. A long-standing corporate partner since 1995, BMW NA excels in not only the automotive industry but serves as a stellar example for others in the partnership program. Always thinking ahead of the curve, BMW NA’s innovative thinking promotes an emphasis on diversity and leadership.

Through the Corporate Partnership Program and strength of BMW NA’s top executives, enterprising Spelmanites are the recipients of numerous scholarships and receive priority for professional internship opportunities that help prepare them for future studies and industry junior executive positions. This year, at the Corporate Partnership Program 10th Anniversary Conference, BMW NA’s Campus Champion, Kay Madati, was honored for his hard work and dedication to Spelman College and the Corporate Partnership Program. He received the Campus Champion of the Year Award for his commitment to excellence and leadership and for serving as an effective mentor. BMW NA’s intern, Lillian Hardy served under the leadership of Madati and presented the award. “One of the most positive realizations I had as

an intern at BMW NA is the ability to readily notice their commitment to diversity and women,” says Ms. Hardy. “Often, I had exposure to projects and career opportunities that were not characteristic of typical intern work. It became obvious very quickly that BMW NA’s staff and my mentor Mr. Madati believed professional experiences for students are the most meaningful.” With nearly one-quarter of a million dollars in giving, BMW NA and Spelman’s relationship spans over eight years. Each year the relationship continues to grow because of BMW NA’s continuous commitment to develop dynamic, individualized relationships with Spelman students, faculty and staff. BMW NA is truly a valued partner where industry and education work together hand and hand.



SPOTLIGHT on TRUSTESS A. Toy Caldwell-Colbert A. Toy Caldwell-Colbert’s devotion to Spelman College extends back 30 years to her 1973 magna cum laude graduation from the College. Her accomplishments and dedication have made her an invaluable alumna. This year, Dr. CaldwellColbert has taken her commitment a step further by joining the Board of Trustees. Dr. CaldwellColbert is provost A. Toy Caldwell-Colbert and chief academic officer for Howard University where she provides leadership and oversight for the university’s 12 colleges and schools, as well as its divisions of student affairs, human resources and information systems. Her 26-year career in higher education includes administrative, research, faculty and clinical appointments. Dr. CaldwellColbert has held major administrative and faculty positions at the University of Illinois, the University of Kansas and Indiana State University. She is a clinical psychologist who earned her bachelor’s degree in psychology from Spelman College, and her master’s and doctoral degrees in psychology and clinical psychology, respectively, from University of Georgia. In addition to her commitment to Spelman, Dr. Caldwell-Colbert is a board member of the

American Psychological Association’s Board of Educational Affairs (2001–2003) and the President’s Commission for Education and Training for Licensure in Psychology. She is also a committee member and outgoing chair of the President’s Five-Year Implementation Plan for Ethnic Minority Recruitment, Retention and Training of Psychologists for APA (1999–2005), as well as, a member of Phi Delta Kappa. Other professional affiliations include memberships in the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, International Mental Health Professionals and the National Association of College and University Business Officers. Cynthia McIntyre Cynthia McIntyre’s impressive career as an educational administrator makes her a perfect addition to the Board of Trustees. She became a trustee in January 2003 and has already proven herself to be a valued and dedicated member of the Spelman Community. Dr. McIntyre is the chief of staff for the president, assistant secretary of the institution, associate vice president for policy and planning, and clinical associate professor at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, N.Y. She has oversight on behalf of the President of Rensselaer, for the Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center. This Rensselaer Initiative carries a $141.7 million budget for the building of the facility. A theoretical physicist, Dr. McIntyre received a bachelor of science degree in physics from the University of Texas, a

NEW NAMES ON CAMPUS Janet Baquet Public Safety Officer (Department of Public Safety)

Jay Evans Senior Administrative Assistant (Office of Science, Engineering and Technical Careers-OSETC)

Joi Bostic Interim Graduate Relations Coordinator (Office of the Dean of Undergraduate Studies)

Glorene Gibbons Financial Aid Counselor (Student Financial Services)

LaShaun Collier Program Manager (Research Infrastructure in Minority Institutions-RIMI)

Angela Norris Guinyard Coordinator of the International and Commuter Student Services (Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students)


Miriam Moore Assistant Director (Comprehensive Writing Program) Kirpatick Slaughter Computer Lab Supervisor (Media and Information Technology) Renada Stovall Model Institute of Excellence Graduate Assistant (MIE Program)

master of arts degree in physics from Brandeis University and a doctoral degree in physics from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 1990. Prior to her work at Rensselaer Polytechnic, Dr. McIntyre founded the National Conference of Black Physics Students (NCBPS), was a postdoctoral research scientist at the University of California, San Diego, and at the Cynthia McIntyre Naval Research Laboratory. She was also an assistant professor of physics at George Mason University, Washington, D.C. In addition to her dedication to Spelman, Dr. McIntyre is a respected member of the Board of Directors of the Rensselaer Chamber of Commerce, and a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and the National Society of Black Physicists.

Student Profile Continued from page 4.

graduate school level has been fostered by the UNCF/Mellon Minority Undergraduate Program. It is my hope to focus my studies on the unique health problems that our growing urban communities face. I plan to address these issues by creating innovative prevention measures to increase the overall well-being of under-served communities.

Q: What are some of the organizations and activities that you are involved in?

A: I grew up near West Chester, Pa., a sub-

urb of Philadelphia. I have been the executive advisor of the Spelman College Environmental Taskforce for the past two years. I am an officer in the Eta Kappa chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. I am very proud to be a UNCF/Mellon Fellow, Department of Energy Scholar, a Morris K. Udall Scholar 2001 & 2002, a National Council for Science and the Environment Minority Program Research Student and an active member of the AUC Public Health Society. l

Creating a Strong Culture of Alumnae Giving


n 2000, I took on the responsibility of serving as one of the SpelAgents for the 10-year reunion of the Class of 1990. I was shocked to discover that out of nearly 13,000 alumnae, less than 15 percent were contributing to the College,” says Adrienne Lance Lucas, C’90. “It was then that I made a personal commitment to spread the message to my Spelman sisters about the importance of alumnae participation.” At some institutions of higher education, a strong “culture of giving” is embedded in their history and passed on from one gener-

boast participation rates from 45 percent to as high as 53.5 percent. Although, Spelman successfully benchmarks itself with these reputable institutions academically, our alumnae participation falls far short. In fact, corporations and foundations are Spelman’s major contributors. Together, they provide over half of all private financial resources to the College, while alumnae gifts account for only nine percent. “We are forever in search of a way to ‘spin’ the importance of alumnae giving – some perfect, attractive message that will

“I make this appeal to my Spelman sisters to support the College for yourselves, your daughters and your granddaughters.” ation to the next. Graduates readily accept their responsibility to give back, knowing that their donations should be the largest source of private funding for their alma mater. Their willingness to give continues long after they have graduated and this philanthropic spirit strengthens their bond with the college. This commitment is evident at leading women’s colleges across the nation. Institutions such as Wellesley, Smith and Mt. Holyoke

motivate alumnae to give back to our institution,” says Lance Lucas. “Spelman women should give because it’s the right thing to do.” It’s like paying tithes and offerings in the church. You offer support not solely because of the blessings that have been bestowed upon you and the future blessings to come, but because you know and accept your responsibility to the church,” she adds. “Donations to Spelman should not work

Dr. Harry G. Lefever and Paralee Beck Retire Dr. Harry G. Lefever, professor of sociology, and Paralee Beck, Student Financial Services Counselor, are retiring after 37 and 31 years of dedicated service to the Spelman community, respectively. Dr. Lefever’s arrival at Spelman in 1966 coincided with the emergence of sociology as a separate academic major and department. He is responsible for adding a wide variety of courses to the sociology/anthropology department curriculum and Lefever served as departmental chair for 17 years. Dr. Lefever has published over 35 articles and reviews, and is the author of Turtle Bogue: AfroCaribbean Life and Culture in a Costa Rican Village. He recently completed his manuscript, Undaunted by Fight, in which he chronicles Spelman student involvement in the Civil Rights Movement. In 1991 he

received the Presidential Award for Scholarly Achievement and in 2000 he was honored with the prestigious Fannie Lou Hamer Achievement Award. Mrs. Beck’s tenure at Spelman began in August 1972 when she began working in the secretarial pool. After a few years she was promoted to a position in the Purchasing Department. In 1981, she began working in the Office of Financial Aid and has been there ever since. “Beck,” as she is affectionately known, has held a numBeck ber of different positions within the office but has always maintained responsibility for the Federal Work Study Program. She has worked for five Spelman presidents beginning with Dr. Albert E. Manley, Dr. Donald M. Stewart, Dr. Johnnetta B. Cole, Dr. Audrey Forbes Manley and Dr. Beverly Daniel Tatum.

any differently. It is our responsibility to support our own.” Last year the alumnae participation rate was 16.9 percent; this is far from Spelman’s long-range alumnae participation goal of 48 percent. However, there has been a gradual increase in the number of alumnae donors, about one percent each year. “There is no doubt that Spelman women love Spelman. As first-year students, our love for our alma mater was immature yet strong. We often displayed our love during social events with a high-pitched chant ‘SPELMAN! SPELMAN!’ As we mature, so should our love for this institution. Mature love must translate into financial support,” says Lance Lucas. “I make this appeal to my Spelman sisters to support the College for yourselves, your daughters and your granddaughters. Spelman truly is our heritage and one that we should feel honored to support. It only takes one gift annually to be counted,” challenges Lance Lucas. “Surely, over the course of a year – 365 days – every alumna can contribute at least once.” l

Museum Hip Hop Exhibition Spelman College Museum of Fine Art hosted One Planet Under a Groove: Hip Hop and Contemporary Art during the spring semester. The exhibition, organized by The Bronx Museum of the Arts, explored the impact of hip hop culture and examined how it evolved from an uniquely urban form of cultural expression to a dominant international phenomenon.



Spelman Salutes Appointments Associate professor of chemistry, Lisa Hibbard, assumed the position of president of the Georgia Academy of Sciences at the 80th annual meeting held in March. She has served the organization in various positions including vice president, academy secretary and chair of the chemistry section. Awards Director of Career Planning and Placement, Harold Bell, and Director of Study Abroad and professor and chair of the history department, Margery Ganz, received Staff Member of the Year and Faculty Member of the Year awards, respectively, at the 10th Anniversary Corporate Partners Program Conference in March.

Associate professor of art, Frank Martin’s “Seat of Visual Performance” sculpture was featured in Emory University’s Chairs Project, March 17 – April 17. Dr. Pushpa Parekh, director of the Honors Program and associate professor of English published the journal article “Becoming Spiritual in (Post) Colonial Contexts: Narayan and the Paradoxes of Myths, Mimicry and Moksha,” South Asia Review, Volume 23, Number 1, December 2002, pp.169–188; and the book chapter “Pocahontas: The Disney Imaginary,” in The Emperor’s Old Groove: Decolonizing Disney’s Magic Kingdom. Ed. Brenda Ayers. New York: Peter Lang, 2003. Greenwood Press published Professor of English Christine Sizemore’s book Negotiating Identities in Women’s Lives: English Postcolonial and Contemporary British Novels (Greenwood, 2002).

Professor of English Sharon Strange’s work appears in the Spring 2003 issue of Callaloo: A Journal of African Diaspora Arts and Letters, in “Off the Record,” a collaborative exhibition of visual artists and writers at the Skylight Gallery in Brooklyn; her work also appears in the exhibition and catalogue for “Black President: The Art and Legacy of Fela Kuti” at the New Museum of Contemporary Art in New York. Associate Professor of English Anne Bradford Warner delivered the paper, “Finding Home: Harriet Jacobs and Reconfiguring Southern Identity,” at the Harriet Jacobs Symposium in Edenton, North Carolina, on April 4, 2003. Also, attending the conference was senior honors student Candace Jackson, who has been researching 19th-century slave narrative for her honors thesis.

Associate professor and chair of the English Department, Opal Moore and Associate professor of art, Arturo Lindsay, were awarded a Bellagio Fellowship for their book, Children of Middle Passage. Bernice deGannes Scott, associate professor of economics, is the recipient of the 2003 ASIANetwork Freeman Fellowship Award. The award provides funding for her and four economics majors to travel to Japan during the summer to do research on Japanese women. Assistant professor of English Tarshia L. Stanley has received the Woodrow Wilson Career Enhancement Fellowship. The fellowship allows for a one-year leave during which she will focus on her writing projects. Published Works University of Mississippi Press published assistant professor of English Steven Knadler’s book, The Fugitive Race: Minority Writers Resisting Whiteness, in 2002.

Sisters Chapel Renovations Historic Sisters Chapel was closed on April 28 for renovations. The Chapel, built in 1927, named in honor of Laura Spelman Rockefeller and her sister Lucy, held its last Sunday Worship service on April 27. Renovations include central heating and air conditioning, restrooms in the front of the chapel, state-of-the-art audio and lighting equipment, and extensive renovations to the roof and lower level. Reverend Lisa Rhodes, Dean of the Chapel, expects the renovations to “further support and undergird the vision to Revive, Renew and Reclaim Sisters Chapel as the spiritual center for student and community life.” Worship Services will be held in the Cosby Auditorium on Sundays at 10:00 a.m. until the renovations are complete for the fall 2004 semester.

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