Winter/Spring 2006

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Spelman Names Building in Honor of ‘Sister Prez’ Johnnetta B. Cole


pelman College paid tribute to its first Black woman president, Johnnetta B. Cole, by naming a prominent campus building in her honor. The Johnnetta Betch Cole Living & Learning Center II was dedicated on her 70th birthday, October 19, 2005. Dr. Cole’s historic appointment sparked an era of major growth for Spelman, the nation’s largest historically Black college for women. She was its seventh president, and, as a career academic and renowned anthropologist, its first scholar-president as well. Her most recent publication is Gender Talk: the Struggle for Women’s Equality in African American Communities, co-authored with Dr. Beverly Guy-Sheftall, director of the Women’s Center and Anna Julia Cooper Professor of women’s studies at Spelman, as well as outgoing president of the Faculty Council. She recalls Dr. Cole’s profound impact on the College’s intellectual climate. “Spelman became an even more exciting place to teach and learn. We were a mecca for scholar/writer/activists such as Chinua Achebe, Graca Machel, Audre Lorde, Angela Davis, Sonia Sanchez, Mari Evans, Catherine Bateson, Anita Hill and bell hooks.

During her 1987–1997 tenure, Dr. Cole boosted the College’s public profile and academic reputation, significantly increased its endowment and established several groundbreaking programs. She also strengthened Spelman’s relationship with the business community by serving on several boards of directors including those of The Home Depot, Merck & Co. Inc. and NationsBank South. She was the first woman ever elected to the board of Coca-Cola Enterprises. “It was a joy and a privilege to serve as the president of Spelman College for 10 years,” Dr. Cole said. “I appreciate the acknowledgement of that service by the naming of the Living & Learning Center II in my honor.” Her hands-on leadership style and accessibility to students and faculty earned her the nickname “Sister Prez.” During Dr. Cole’s tenure, the College received the historic $20 million gift from Drs. William and Camille Cosby that supported the Camille Olivia Hanks Cosby Academic Center and the establishment of endowed chairs in the fine arts, social sciences and humanities; applications for admissions doubled, and Spelman received top rankings from several national Continued on page 6.

Dr. Johnnetta B.Cole, president of Bennett College for Women in Greensboro, North Carolina, stands before the Johnnetta Betch Cole Living & Learning Center II dedicated in her honor. Dr. Cole was the first Black woman president of Spelman College.

Too Sweet, 2000, Mixed Media 12 X 9 X 3 in., By Amalia Amaki, Courtesy Edward and Joan Wolf

Artist Amalia Amaki Shakes the Winter Blues malia Amaki: Boxes, Buttons and the Blues, featuring more than 70 mixedmedia works by renowned Atlanta-based artist Amalia Amaki will be on view at the Spelman College Museum of Fine Art from January 26 through May 13, 2006. Dr. Amaki, (b. 1949), draws influence from sources as varied as singer Billie Holiday and surrealist photographer Man Ray. Amalia Amaki: Boxes, Buttons and the Blues, presented in three thematic sections, features photographs, quilts, souvenir fans, mixed media works and digitally manipulated photographs. Incorporating fabric, beads, pearls, buttons, paint and glitter, Dr. Amaki, in many of her works, turns found objects, photographs, and quilts into playful visual puns. Her beaded and button-encrusted heart-shaped candy boxes, for example, are full of tempting faux chocolates made from buttons. A mid-career retrospective, this exhibition examines the breadth of Dr. Amaki’s work, spanning more than three decades. Drawing from such sources as blues music, photography, familial history and American heritage, Dr. Amaki’s work challenges traditional views of African American culture and focuses on positive images of African American life – love, loyalty, pride and strength. Dr. Amaki’s work examines the cultural contributions that Black people continually make in America as well as addressing cultural issues relevant to African American life.


Continued on page 6.

A D I A L O G U E W I T H D R . T. Spelman ALIVE: Building a Better Spelman for the Next Generation

Contents 1 1 3 4

Features Spelman Names Building in Honor of ‘Sister Prez’ Johnnetta B. Cole Artist Amalia Amaki Shakes the Winter Blues Hip Hop Week at Spelman College Two Times Three – Class of 2009 Boasts Three Sets of Twin Biology Majors

Departments 2 A Dialogue with Dr. T. 5 Spelman Salutes Special Section 7 2004–2005 Annual Report & Donor Honor Roll

350 Spelman Lane S.W., Atlanta, Georgia 30314 EDITOR

Jo Moore Stewart COPY EDITOR



Eloise Alexis, C’86 Andrea Barnwell, C’93 Tomika DePriest, C’89 Renita Mathis Olivia A. Scriven CONTRIBUTING WRITERS

Cathy Lee TaRessa Stovall PHOTOGRAPHERS

Wilford Harewood J.D. Scott Bud Smith Julie Yarbrough, C’91 2 INSIDE SPELMAN

Inside Spelman is published four times per academic year for a readership that includes alumnae, trustees, parents, students, faculty, staff and friends of the College. The newsletter is dedicated to informing our readers about news, upcoming events and issues in the life of the College.

Academic Excellence, Leadership Development, Improving Our Infrastructure, Visibility of Our Achievements, and Exemplary Customer Service are the five key components of the Spelman College strategic plan known by the acronym, Spelman ALIVE. We are working hard on all five areas, but this spring our focus on the “I” in ALIVE will be most noticeable as the renovation and expansion of Rockefeller Hall, the oldest building on campus, is now under way, and construction of a new residence hall will begin this spring. The Rockefeller project is the second phase of a two-part project, involving the renovation of both Packard Hall and Rockefeller Hall, initiated and approved by the Board of Trustees during Dr. Audrey Manley’s tenure. This project has not only provided for improved customer service through the centralization of student administrative services in Packard Hall and the expansion of muchneeded office space in Rockefeller Hall, but it has also insured the historic preservation of two of the oldest buildings on campus. Our newest building, approved by the Board of Trustees in October 2005, will preserve and enhance the residential character Dr. Beverly Daniel Tatum of our campus. Though many alumnae fondly recall their days in the dorms with their Spelman sisters, today more than 40 percent of our students commute to Spelman from off-campus apartments simply because we do not have enough on-campus housing to accommodate them. Though off-campus living offers a level of independence that some young women seek, a long and increasingly expensive commute discourages active campus involvement, limits the valuable interactions with faculty outside the classroom and reduces the opportunity for the close-knit relationships among Spelman women that are the hallmarks of a Spelman education. Further, our goal of recruiting and retaining excellent students is hampered when we cannot assure anxious parents that we can provide housing for their daughter for at least the first two years of her college experience. For this reason, increasing our on-campus housing capacity has been a high priority for me. Scheduled to open in August 2007, our new residence hall will house approximately 300 students in apartment-style suites, changing our current housing capacity from 57 percent to 70 percent of our student population. Though we expect most of the residents of the two-, three- or four-bedroom suites will be upper-class students, the additional space will create the room we need to house all of our firstyear and sophomore students, who will be required to live on campus beginning in 2007. Because our current cafeteria is too small to accommodate an additional 300 campus residents, a dining facility will be included as part of the new housing complex. Also included will be an adjacent power plant to meet the heating and cooling needs of the new building as well as any future construction on the west side of the campus. This ambitious construction project represents the first expansion of the Spelman College campus beyond the current gates. In 2004, we were successful in purchasing some property adjacent to the campus that includes a large parking lot (next to the Lee Street campus entrance), the Milligan office building (which is currently housing the displaced Rockefeller Hall administrators) and a large parcel of vacant land which lies behind the Stewart and Cole Living and Learning Centers and runs parallel to Westview Drive across from the Morehouse School of Medicine. The landscaping plan for the project will create a new pedestrian walkway from the central campus to this new section, and the elegant fence which encircles Spelman will be removed and restored around the new boundary of our expanding campus. Given our current financial status (“healthy but not wealthy”), it would be natural to ask how we will pay for this project, expected to cost approximately $50 million. Our plan is to borrow the money by issuing a bond in early 2006, to be repaid over many years with the revenue generated from the room and board. We must also continue to focus on the twin goals of increasing our endowment through leadership gifts and augmenting our annual funds to support the increase in our operating expenses that a new building represents. Taking on additional debt of this magnitude must always be done with caution; however, we are confident that our financial plan is sound. The need for more housing is urgent if we are to maintain a high-quality residential experience for our students. So the next time you visit our beautiful campus, you may find us living with the noise and mud of major construction projects. Though never convenient, these are exciting signs of progress toward our goal of making sure that Spelman College is nothing less than the best – strong and vital well into the 21st century. ●

Hip Hop Week at Spelman College

A Critical Analysis and Celebration of the Culture


pelman College and hip hop pioneer MC Lyte joined forces, October 31 – November 4, 2005, to host a series of events focused on women and hip hop, and the impact this popular culture is having on youth in urban, suburban, rural and global communities. The weeklong series included panel discussions, guest lectures, events organized by the student organizations SisterFire and The Hip Hop Collective, a conversation between Cosby Endowed Professor Pearl Cleage and hip hop pioneer MC Lyte, a surprise performance by musical artist India.Arie and an impromptu performance demonstrating the finer points of rapping by MC Lyte. During the conversation between Pearl Cleage and MC Lyte, author/playwright/feminist/ activist Cleage asked MC Lyte about the role race plays in relation to the images and messages that are popular in hip hop today. “White kids in the suburbs are making hip hop popular . . . being one of its largest consumer groups,” explained Lyte. “Young white consumers are making these artists popular and getting them on the cover of national magazines.” In addition, Lyte opined that young women “are not

During Hip Hop week at Spelman College, an evening of conversation occurred between Cosby Endowed Professor Pearl Cleage (left) and hip hop pioneer MC Lyte.

quite sure what behavior is acceptable from young men, and they’re getting their answers from hip hop music and videos.” Cleage asked what special role students of historically Black colleges and universities can

play in countering the negative images that are popularized in some hip hop music and videos. Lyte responded, “They can get involved with elementary and middle school students and offer them their knowledge. They can give the kids something to look up to by getting involved in the community.” The week of activities was especially meaningful in the wake of the October 12, 2005, passing of C. Delores Tucker, who was one of the first Black women to candidly and publicly address the issue of negative, hypersexual imagery in hip hop music on a national scale. Other special guests who participated in Hip Hop Week programs included rap artists Chuck D., Cheryl “Salt” James, YoYo, Da Brat, actor/ musician Malcolm Jamal Warner, actor Darryl “Chill” Mitchell, hip hop historian/journalist/ DJ Davey D. and cultural critic Joan Morgan (author of When Chickenheads Come Home to Roost: A Hip Hop Feminist Breaks It Down) as well as Paul Porter, filmmaker Byron Hurt and Spelman College faculty members William Jelani Cobb, assistant professor of history, and Dr. Tarshia Stanley, assistant professor of English. A remarkable success, Hip Hop Week attracted more than 2,500 students and guests from the community at large, and generated national media coverage in such outlets as CNN, BET, National Public Radio, the Atlanta JournalConstitution, CBS 46, Fox 5, WSB-TV, WXIA-11 Alive, and the Associated Press Wire Service. ●




Class of 2009 Boasts Three Sets of Twin Biology Majors


ll Spelman women are sisters in spirit. Some Spelman women are sisters by birth. However, for a select few Spelman freshmen women, sisterhood has become something exponential, transcending body and spirit. These would be three sets of twins. Fall semester, these three sets of twins presented Spelman College with a unique equation – all of these freshmen siblings are biology majors. It would take a geneticist, a mathematician, and a genealogist working together to calculate the odds of this happening at a small, private, historically Black, women’s college in the laboratories of the AlbroManley-Falconer Science Center. Indeed, Sasha and Asia Curry, Britney and Whitney Hale, and Megan and Morgan Hall are excited to be at Spelman and glad to share the experience with a twin sister. Although none of the girls has close friends or family members who are alumnae, they were all drawn to Spelman for the same reasons. Attending a historically Black college was high on their list. Experiencing life in Atlanta was a close second. “We wanted to go away to college, without being too far from home,” explained fraternal twins Asia and Sasha Curry, from Columbus, Georgia. They felt that Spelman would give them the right balance of independence and

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security as they transitioned from adolescence to adulthood. The sisters share a dormitory room – and the same class schedule. Fraternal twins Whitney and Britney Hale live with a bit more autonomy, as they were frequently placed in separate classes while growing up. One year, they even attended separate schools, but they were clear about attending the same college. Of all the colleges that accepted both girls, Spelman was tops. While attending Spelbound, they were drawn to campus life and recognized the value of attending an HBCU. “Even though we share a room, it’s not like we just have to be together all the time, ’cause we


Three sets of twins, all Spelman biology majors, are pictured left to right: Britney Hale, Asia Curry, Megan Hall, Morgan Hall, Sasha Curry and Whitney Hale. Fraternal twins Asia and Sasha Curry are from Columbus, Ga., and Whitney and Britney Hale come from Lilburn, Ga. Morgan and Megan Hall are identical twins from Charlotte, N.C. All of the students are contemplating medical careers.

don’t,” said Britney . “I think we each feel very much like individuals. But we’re still sisters, and we’re really close.” Staying close to their Lilburn, Georgia, home was another advantage. Identical twins Morgan and Megan Hall had relocated from Phoenix, Arizona, to Charlotte, North Carolina, when it was time to choose a college. The sisters visited Spelman during a

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Multiple births are, after all, on the rise. Between 1980 and 1999, the overall multiple birth ratio increased 59 percent, according to the March of Dimes. The highest rate of fraternal twins, at about one in 70, occurs among African Americans. The Yoruba tribe of Nigeria has the highest twinning rate in the world, with one set of twins in every 24 births. Among our

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college weekend and immediately fell in love with the campus. “This was the place,” said Morgan. “We like Atlanta, too, and Charlotte is not too far away,” echoes Megan. Like any sisters, the twins talk about having typical sibling rivalries – which one is smarter, who has the best hair, and which is the shy one and who’s more outgoing – but their loyalty to one another is abundantly clear. And, while they each possess a sense of individuality, there’s no denying their special bond. Get them all talking together, and you’ll witness communication on a uniquely shared wavelength. The subject of biology invariably comes up.

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own twins, only the Curry family has an extensive family history of multiple births. None of their mothers took fertility drugs. Is all this what inspired our twins to study zygotes, genomes and nature vs. nurture? They would say not really – at least, not yet. For now, Asia and Sasha want to work with infants or young children as nurse practitioners or pediatricians. Britney and Whitney would like to be physicians, and Morgan and Megan would like to study obstetrics and gynecology at Emory University School of Medicine. After school, each expects to share a practice with her twin.

Spelman Salutes Academics Achievements & Awards Ms. Barbara Nesin, associate professor of art, made a presentation titled “Art in Times of Trouble” at the annual conference of the Haitian Studies Association in October 2005. The research of Dr. Marshalita Sims Peterson, associate professor of education, facilitated the opening of University Community Academy charter school (Atlanta Public Schools) located in the Atlanta West End community in August 2002. She continues to work with the academy through the Charter School Initiative that includes professional development activities and after-school programming. The current enrollment of the charter school, serving children in grades K–8, is 360. Also, Dr. Peterson serves as co-advisor for the “Beyond the Gates Reading Enrichment Program” sponsored by Ms. Spelman College and The Spelman Court. The program provides Saturday enrichment activities in the areas of literacy and integrated content for children in grades K–5. Also, Dr. Peterson has established a partnership with the DeKalb County School System through a Teacher & Student Support Initiative. In addition to working directly with three high schools in DeKalb County, Dr. Peterson has initiated a Junior Teacher Academy that provides professional development/instructional support activities and college-bound activities for students in DeKalb County. Dr. Colm Mulcahy, associate professor of mathematics, was the banquet speaker at the Mathematical Association of America Seaway Section meeting at the State University of New York Geneseo on October 28, 2005, in Geneseo, New York. The title of his speech was “Eine Kleine Nachtmagie.” Professor Ayoka Chenzira, director of the Digital Moving Image Salon at Spelman, spent the week of December 6–13, 2005, in Rouen, France. She was invited to participate as a panelist in the “Corps de Textes” (“Bodies of Text”) Festival dedicated to contemporary creation in North America. Professor Chenzira screened several of her films at the University of Rouen and engaged in discussion after the screenings. Ms. Sheilaree McDaniel, administrative assistant for Career Planning and Development, received a master of education in instructional technology from American Intercontinental University on June 18, 2005. Clayton State technology management major Ms. Katina HendersonHawkins, research analyst for Spelman Institutional Advancement, received a $3,000 scholarship from the Georgia Executive Women’s Network. She graduated with an associate of applied technology degree in criminal justice from DeKalb Technical College and transferred to the Clayton School of Technology bachelor of applied science program. She plans to attend law school upon completion of her bachelor’s degree. Shevann Monet Culmer, a junior with a double major in international studies and Spanish, will spend spring semester 2006 in Seville, Spain, thanks to an International Studies Program Scholarship from the Council on International Educational Exchange. Junior drama major Keosha Y. Thomas will have the opportunity to spend an entire semester in the United Kingdom thanks to the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program. She recently won the $5,000 Gilman Scholarship to study at Goldsmith College of the University of London through Arcadia University. This fall at Spelman, Ms. Thomas appeared in the drama State of Mind and worked behind the scenes as the costume coordinator for the play Blues for an Alabama Sky by Pearl Cleage, C’71, playwright, novelist and Spelman’s 2005–2006 Cosby endowed professor in the humanities. Appointments Dr. Sherry L. Turner, former assistant to the president and secretary of the College, has been appointed to serve as interim vice president for Student Development. A. Michelle Smith, C’69, has been appointed assistant to the president and interim secretary of the College. In November 2005, Ms. Olivia Scriven, special adviser to Institutional Advancement, was invited to serve on the Steering Committee of the Pfizer Women’s Health Initiative. Pfizer awarded the College $300,000 for a three-year project that includes the Pfizer Lecture Series. The series features prominent Black women physicians and researchers.

Ms. Tomika DePriest, C’89, executive director of public relations/communications has been selected to represent the College in the Metro Atlanta Arts Coalition Leadership Development Program, the first-ever collaboration among local governments, companies, foundations and arts organizations to support arts and culture in the Atlanta region. The mission of MAAC? is to make the Atlanta region a premier center for the arts and have it recognized as such. Dr. Desiree Pedescleaux, dean of undergraduate studies, was elected president of the National Conference of Black Political Scientists and will assume her office in Atlanta at the annual meeting in March 2006.

Performances & Published Works Dr. Karen Brakke, assistant professor of psychology, has two upcoming publications. The first is a peer-reviewed article by Brakke, K.; Fragaszy, D.M.; Simpson, K.; Hoy, E. & Cummins Sebree, S. (in press). The article, “The Production of Bimanual Percussion ih2 to 24 Month-Old Children,” will appear in Infant Behavior and Development. The second is a book chapter by Brakke, K.; Wilson, J.H., & Bradley, D.V. (in press), “Beyond Basics: Enhancing Undergraduate Statistics Education,” in Best Practices in Teaching Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology, edited by D. Dunn, R. Smith & B. Beins. From November 2005 through April 2006, the Spelman College music department is presenting the Harreld-James Organ Recital Series to showcase the recently refurbished Holtkamp pipe organ in the newly renovated historic Sisters Chapel. The recitals will include Dr. Joyce F. Johnson, Spelman professor of music and college organist for more than 50 years, on January 22, 2006, at 4 p.m. and Spelman alumna Rebecca Hull Brown, C’75, organist at St. John The Evangelist Catholic Church, on April 22, 2006, at 12 p.m. The recitals are free and open to the public. Dr. Marshalita Sims Peterson, associate professor of education, has published the following articles: (1) “The Ethical Dilemmas of High Stakes Testing and Issues for Teacher Preparation Programs,” which appeared in the Journal of College and Character of October 2005; (2) “No Child Left Behind and the Mixed Mechanism of Culture, Curriculum and Pedagogy,” which appeared in the September 2005 issue of MultiCultural Review, and (3) “Peer Victimization: Creating a Culture for Learning and Safe Classroom Communities,” which appeared in the August 2005 Special Issue of Journal of Social Sciences. In addition, Dr. Peterson is the author and coeditor of the book Instructing and Mentoring the African American College Student: Strategies for Success in Higher Education. In October 2005, she appeared on the Connect With Kids Network, which feeds to 70 affiliate stations throughout the United States, discussing the importance of classroom size in the primary years. Ms. Laura English-Robinson, C’69, lecturer of music, has released a CD project, Great Day, a recording of Negro spirituals arranged for solo voice by Uzee Brown Jr. Published by Roger Dean Publishing Company (The Lorenz Corporation), this collaborative project features Ms. English-Robinson, soprano, as well as bass baritone Uzee Brown Jr. and mezzo-soprano Crystal Harris, C’91. Ms. English Robinson has five songs on the CD, including the first one, her rendition of “Ain’t That Good News!” Ms. Barbara Nesin, associate professor of art, was a participating visual artist in “Café Medusa,” a female-centered evening of performance, visual art, spoken word, drama, poetry, fiction, food, books, music, dance, song and film/video. The event was held at 7 Stages Theatre on November 19, 2005, in Atlanta. Ms. Nesin’s article “The Influence of Native American and African American Encounters on Haitian Art,” was published in the Journal of Haitian Studies (University of California, Santa Barbara). Dr. Beatriz Cardelino, professor of chemistry, has published the following article: “Advanced Computational Modeling for Growing III-V Materials in a High-Pressure Chemical Vapor-Deposition Reactor;” B.H. Cardelino, C.E. Moore, C.A. Cardelino, N. Dietz; in “Operational Characteristics and Crystal Growth of Nonlinear Optical Materials II,” R. B. Lal and D. O. Frazier, editors; Proceedings of the International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE) Vol. 5912, 59120F1-14 (2005). Dr. Marta Dark McNeese, assistant professor of physics, has published an article, “Using Science Fiction Movies in Introductory Physics,” in the October 2005 issue of The Physics Teacher. On November 8, 2005, Dr. Harry G. Lefever, professor emeritus of sociology, was invited by the Association of Emory Alumni (AEA) Book Club and the Caucus of Emory Black Alumni (CEBA) to discuss his book, Undaunted by the Fight: Spelman College and the Civil Rights Movement 1957–1967.



Spelman Names Building in Honor of ‘Sister Prez’ Johnnetta B. Cole Continued from page 1.

magazines including U.S. News & World Report and Money. Other highlights of her administration include the College’s most successful capital campaign and the establishment of several major initiatives. The capital campaign exceeded its original goal of $81 million to raise an unprecedented $113,885,250, boosting Spelman’s endowment to $141 million, among the largest for historically Black colleges and universities. The major initiatives included the Mentorship Program and Corporate Women’s Roundtable, the Sumiko Takahara Japanese Studies program, the International Affairs Center for the Atlanta University Center, the Mickey Leland Scholars Program, the Bonners Scholars Program for Community Service and the Dow JonesSpelman Entrepreneurial Center. Dr. Cole also presided over the restructuring of curriculum, academic affairs and faculty governance as well as an increase in the number of credits required for graduation. “It is impossible to overstate the importance of Johnnetta Cole’s tenure at Spelman College. As our first Black woman president, she made our dreams of female leadership and empowerment a reality,” said acclaimed author/play-

At the dedication of the Johnnetta Betch Cole Living & Learning Center II, Spelman President Beverly Daniel Tatum joined Dr. Johnnetta B. Cole, president of Bennett College for Women, Mr. Robert Holland, Jr., former chair of the Spelman Board of Trustees, and Ms. Yvonne Jackson, C’70, chair of the Spelman Board of Trustees during the ribbon cutting ceremony.

wright Pearl Cleage, a member of the Spelman Class of 1971, and the current Cosby Chair in the humanities. “Her work as an activist, administrator and feminist energized both the faculty and the student body. Her service, not only to the campus, but to the city of Atlanta and nationally, is a model of engaged scholarship and creative civic involvement.” After leaving Spelman, Dr. Cole returned to her first love – teaching – in 1998 as presidential distinguished professor of anthropology, women’s studies and African American studies at Emory University. She retired from that position in 2001.

In 2002, she received a call to help save the nation’s other historically Black college for women, Spelman’s sister school, Bennett College for Women in Greensboro, North Carolina. She now serves as Bennett’s 14th president. The Johnnetta Betch Cole Living & Learning Center II is a $7.8 million multipurpose facility that features 200 student beds plus three apartments for visiting lecturers and College guests. It also houses Spelman’s Continuing Education program. The architectural firm Nix Mann Viehman designed the building. ●

Artist Amalia Amaki Shakes the Winter Blues Continued from page 1.

Amalia Amaki is an artist, art historian, curator and scholar of American art and culture. Perhaps best known for mixed media quilts that celebrate the lives of African American women blues singers and for button-encrusted cyanotypes, Dr. Amaki is also recognized for commissions completed for Atlanta Hartsfield Airport, Absolut Vodka, and Seagram’s Gin. She earned a bachelor’s degree in journalism from Georgia State University, a bachelor’s degree in photography and painting from the University of New Mexico, and a doctorate from the Graduate Institute of Liberal Arts at Emory University. Currently she is the scholar-in-residence at Spelman College, the curator of the Paul R. Jones Collection and an assistant professor in art, art history, and Black American studies at the University of Delaware. Her work is in the permanent collections at numerous museums including the High Museum of Art in Atlanta, the National Museum of Women in the Arts (NMWA) in Washington, D.C., the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston, the Minnesota Museum of Art in St. Paul, Emory University and the Spelman College Museum of Fine Art. 6 INSIDE SPELMAN

Amalia Amaki: Boxes, Buttons and the Blues is generously sponsored by The Coca-Cola Company. Major support is also provided by the Fulton County Board of Commissioners under the guidance of the Fulton County Arts Council. Additional support is provided by the Massey Charitable Trust and the LUBO Fund, Inc. Official media sponsors are The Atlanta JournalConstitution and the Atlanta Daily World. A color catalogue – including scholarly essays by Dr. Andrea D. Barnwell, director of Spelman College Museum of Fine Art, Dr. Leslie King-Hammond, dean of graduate studies at The Maryland Institute College of Art, and Dr. Gloria Wade-Gayles, the eminent scholar’s chair in independent study at Spelman College – accompanies the exhibition. Co-published by NMWA and Spelman in association with University of Washington Press, this 136-page book includes a fully illustrated checklist. The hardcover edition retails for $35. The Spelman College Museum of Fine Art is the only museum in the nation that focuses on works by and about women of the African Diaspora. Since it was established in 1996, the Museum

has received awards from prestigious organizations including The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, the Fulton County Arts Council, the Institute of Museums and Library Services, the Museum Loan Network, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Peter Norton Family Foundation, the Getty Foundation and the Henry Luce Foundation, Inc. It has also received a host of accolades including the “Best Museum Off Peachtree” (Creative Loafing December 2004); one of the city’s “Fabulous Five Museums” by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution (July 2005); and the “Best Kept Museum Secrets” (Atlanta Magazine, December 2005). The Spelman College Museum of Fine Art is open Tuesdays through Fridays from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm and on Saturdays from 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm. The Museum is closed Sunday, Monday, holidays and Spelman College breaks. It is located on the first floor of the Camille Olivia Hanks Cosby Academic Center. For more information about the Museum and its programs please call 404.270.5607 or visit ●

Spelman College Annual Report


Statement of Activities Years ended June 30, 2005 and 2004




327 312 298


























Statement of Financial Position Years ended June 30, 2005 and 2004



250 220 200







100 50 0





156 150








151 135 115

120 104



100 75



60 40 20
























DonorHonorRoll JULY 1, 2004 – JUNE 30, 2005

Greetings: The generosity of the donors listed on the 2004–2005 Honor Roll is the primary reason that Spelman College can continue its noble work as the leading educator of women of African descent. These gifts directly impact the educational experiences of young scholars at Spelman, who go forth qualified and equipped to lead and serve. Our wish is for every contributor to understand and know that investing in Spelman offers a rate of return far greater than one could ever imagine. Thank you for taking advantage of this and every opportunity to support the College. For the good of Spelman,

THE 1881 SOCIETY The Spelman College 1881 Society recognizes alumnae and other individuals who contribute $100 or more to the College. It is composed of various gift societies and clubs based on giving levels within three groupings: Lifetime Societies recognize cumulative giving in the amount of $100,000 or more over the donor’s lifetime. Annual societies and clubs recognize giving within the fiscal year - July 1 through June 30. The Guardian Society recognizes donors who have made provisions for planned gifts.

Life Time Societies

BENEFACTORS SOCIETY The Benefactors Society recognizes annual or cumulative gifts of $1 million and above. William and Camille Cosby Ronda Stryker & William Johnston Oprah Winfrey

HERITAGE SOCIETY The Heritage Society recognizes annual or cumulative gifts in the range of $500,000-$999,999. Anne Cox Chambers

Eloise Abernathy Alexis, C'86 Vice President for Institutional Advancement

HARRELDGRANDERSON SOCIETY In tribute to the first two College graduates, Ms. Claudia White Harreld and Ms. Jane Anna Granderson, Class of 1901, the Harreld-Granderson Society recognizes annual or cumulative gifts of $100,000-$499,999. Theodore R. Aronson Johnnetta B. Cole Jerri L. DeVard, C’79 Nancy & Holcombe T. Green, Jr. Robert & Barbara Holland, Jr. LaTanya Richardson Jackson, C’71 Yvonne R. Jackson, C’70 Eugene M. Lang Audrey Forbes Manley, C’55 Sara & Richard Mayo Sally & Allen McDaniel Vicki R. Palmer Steven C. Rockefeller Bettye Lovejoy Scott, C’57 Jonathan Smith & Sherrill Blalock Lynn & Jack Stahl Ronda E. Stryker & William Johnston Beverly Daniel Tatum Isabella McIntyre Tobin, C’45

James J. Bishop Gloria S. Bolds, C’56 Jocelyn Wolffe Bonner, C’80 Adrienne Montinea Booker, C’90 Trojanell Bordenave-Wilson, C’74 The Trustee Leadership Circle Deance Deria Boseman, C’95 recognizes annual gifts in the Celestine Bray Bottoms, C’60 range of $50,000–$99,999. Sherry L. Brooks Bowins, C’80 Yvette Savwoir Bradford, C’67 Theodore R. Aronson A. Kathy Bradshaw, C’82 Anne Cox Chambers Grace Diggs Branch-Hasson, C’50 Jerri L. DeVard, C’79 Cynthia Harris Brantley, C’90 Yvonne R. Jackson, C’70 Aurelia E. Brazeal, C’65 Bradley T. Sheares Rosalind Gates Brewer, C’84 Ronda Stryker & William Johnston Vivian Welch Brinson, C’60 Beverly Daniel Tatum Kim Elise Bronson, C’85 Isabella McIntyre Tobin, C’45 Marion Dawn Brooks, C’88 C. Jean Whipple Brown, C’65 Michelle L. Browne-Barnum, C’80 Jeanette Faucette Brummell, C’68 Cora L. Bullock, C’85 Lucinda W. Bunnen In tribute to Ms. Nellie Brewer Douglas & Ann Burch Render, Class of 1921, the first Merdis Davis Burns, C’62 alumna major gift donor, this Stephanie Georgelyn Bush, C’68 Society recognizes annual gifts in B. LaConyea Butler, C’56 the range of $10,000–$49,999. Lynette Fields Byrom, C’55 A. Toy Caldwell-Colbert, C’73 Joy San Walker Brown, C’52 Bebe Moore Campbell & Ellis Evelyn C. Campbell, C’55 Gordon, Jr. Arthur J. Clement Pamela G. Carlton Mary McKinney Edmonds, C’53 Jeannie Holloway Carter, C’65 Marvealavette D. Jackson Francis, Sharon LaGrande Carter, C’80 C’85 Gwendolyn Bishop Chambliss, C’55 Carrie White Fuller, C’56 Janice Webb Chappelle, C’65 Juan D. Johnson Velma Charles-Shannon, C’65 Marcella & Terry Jones Claudia Finger Chavis, C’55 Darnita R. Killian, C’79 Ruby Handspike Clay, C’54 Tifany C. McCall-Cheatham, C’95 Mozelle Dailey Clemmons, C’43 Vicki R. Palmer Frances Burnette Cleveland, C’70 Jonathan L. Smith Brenda Hill Cole, C’63 Remy W. & Lara Trafelet Johnnetta B. Cole Ebony Mishana Coleman, C’97 Cleo P. Coles, Jr. Delitha L. Morrow Coles, C’90 Marian Pitts Coles, C’60 Katherine Collier The President’s Society recognizes Melanie Beatrice Cook, C’87 annual gifts in the range of Lillian McKinney Cooley, C’55 $1,000–$9,999. Ruby Rucker Cooper, C’95 Shondria Nicole Covington, C’93 Beverly Colwell Adams, C’74 Angela Birch Cox, C’81 Marjorie Ramey Adams, C’40 Rosa Mary Crawford Tara Regina Addison, C’90 Roslyn Moore Crisp, C’78 Eldora Love Adkins, C’50 Deborah Peek Crockett, C’66 Pamela C. Alexander Pamela M. Cunningham, C’80 Eloise A. Alexis, C’86 Gloria Cunningham-Sneed, C’69 Altona Johns Anderson, C’55 Janet Saunders Currie, C’90 Laura Hill Anderson, C’40 Beverly Carroll Daniel, C’66 Gena Hudgins Ashe, C’83 Jacquelyn Shivers Daniel, C’60 Detria Lynnette Austin, C’95 Beverly Jordan Davis, C’71 Melanie Elaine Babb, C’90 Elizabeth McDugle Davis, C’60 Lorenzo Bailey Gloria Watts Davis, C’60 Phoebe Lydia Bailey, C’66 Johnnie Lumpkin Davis, C’50 Ruth Etta Baines, C’57 Kimberly Browne Davis, C’81 Gail Patrice Baity, C’74 Leanora Butler Davis, C’47 Iva Michelle Baldwin, C’88 Ruth A. Davis, C’65 Mary Lue Ball, C’50 Suzanne Wilson Davis, C’85 Angie Barrington-Jeter, C’91 Victoria Borom Davis, C’65 Keva Wright Berry, C’79 Lanita Monae Dawson-Jones, C’90 J. Veronica Biggins, C’68 Hazel D. Dean, C’83




Clotilda Diggs, C’51 Mary Lynne Diggs, C’77 Joyce Jacquelyn Dorsey, C’70 Sanquinetta M. Dover, C’77 Pauline E. Drake, C’58 Ayanna Elizabeth Marie Dunn, C’97 Alice Zuber Dunston, C’55 Mary Johnson Durgans-Willett, C’49 Essie Jewell Eason, C’55 Karen Denise Edwards, C’73 Laurie Elam-Evans, C’85 Gloria Smith Elder, C’71 Lavaughn Force Elkins, C’49 Kianga Majenzi Ellis, C’95 Aeneid Mignon Espy, C’90 Cecelia Gartrell Evans, C’55 Margaree Cheek Fant, C’76 Phylicia Eugenia Fant, C’2000 Barbara Henry Ferguson, C’65 Sydney Ferguson, C’88 Thelma B. Ferguson, C’55 Helen Marie Forbes Fields, C’81 Sabrina Tanis Finney, C’90 Robert D. Flanigan, Jr. Jean LaRue Foster, C’53 Johnnie Hunter Foxworth, C’43 Deborah Williams Foy, C’80 Judy Lynn Turner Francis, C’73 Nicole Martin Franks, C’95 Deidra Lynne Fryer, C’84 Zenobia S. Gardner, C’69 Gloria Singleton Gaston, C’70 Rosalind Gates, C’84 Andrea Cooper Gatewood, C’80 Elise Fortson Gilham, C’50 Angelique DeVold Gloster, C’85 Schuyla M. Goodson-Bell, C’87 Jean McArthur Grant, C’53 Gaile Pugh Gratton, C’80 Alison Graves-Calhoun, C’90 Bridget Yolanda Gray, C’93 Dorothy J. Fuqua Grayson, C’65 Nina Echols Greenwood, C’85 Florence Theresa Greer, C’85 Dawn Beatrice Griffin, C’90 Harriet Pritchett Grigsby, C’73 Helen Kerr Hall, C’59 Harriett Miller Halmon, C’73 Edith A. Hammond, C’65 Yvonne Kyles Hammonds, C’65 Cathy Hampton, C’89 Margaret Beverly Hancock, C’55 Daisy Phinazee Harris, C’47 Nancy Fesson Hawkins, C’63 Vanessa Smith Hawkins, C’79 Avadawn T. Hayes-Hargett, C’80 Nannie Archie Henderson, C’57 Barbara Elaine Parks Hendricks, C’60 Barbara Neal Hicks, C’60 Mary Franklin Hilliard, C’65 Barbara F. Holland Sandra Lee Holliday, C’68 Elizabeth Yorke Holloway, C’49 June Gary Hopps, C’60 Chaundra Michelle Hughes, C’93 Tracey Denise Hughes, C’90 Jennifer E. Hunter, C’83 Amelia Strong Irons, C’55 Edith Simmons Jackmon-Hunter, C’63



Emma Allen Jackson, C’65 Fleda Mask Jackson, C’73 Millicent Gamble Jackson, C’65 Queen Hardnett Jackson, C’65 Joyce E. Jelks, C’70 Alice Eason Jenkins, C’85 Alice Goseer Jennett, C’65 Vernyce Jenrette, C’65 Anita H. Johnson, C’80 Cleopatra W. Johnson, C’53 Joyce F. Johnson Mable Lumpkin Johnson, C’53 Marsha Montgomery Johnson, C’80 Melanie Bradford Johnson, C’82 Rose Harris Johnson, C’57 Alia Michele Jones, C’95 Ingrid Saunders Jones Paul R. Jones J. Louise Johnson Jordan, C’50 LaDonna Jordan, C’80 Nagawa Kakumba, C’92 Mary Echols Kendrick, C’60 Annie Brown Kennedy, C’45 Melody Quinn Kenner, C’70 Rosa King Kilpatrick, C’70 Dorothy Cole King, C’52 Anne C. Kubic Mae Lance Paula Louvette Landry, C’91 Alvin W. Larkins Ruby Jones Leaphart, C’55 Karen Kerry Lehman, C’65 Alison Walton Leland, C’80 Robert B. Lewis, III Gwendolyn Ledbetter Lipscomb, C’65 Pearl Johnson Logan, C’60 Lee Lorch Adrienne Colette Lance Lucas, C’90 Henrietta Reid Lundy-Lasiter, C’60 Adine Andrea Mable-Lee, C’75 Karen Willie Malveaux, C’80 Audrey F. Manley, C’55 Ollie Irons Manley, C’70 Michelle Diane Mason, C’84 Cheryl V. May-Holmes, C’70 R. Eric McCarthey Doris Thompson McCollum, C’49 Mildred Thomas McDaniel, C’60 Kathleen McGhee-Miles, C’72 Yolando McGriff-Chatman, C’85 Cynthia R. McIntyre Lucille Brown McIver, C’60 Susan McLaughlin Carolyn Dawson McLemore, C’60 Jacqueline W. Miller, C’85 Joyce White Mills, C’64 Lev T. Mills Erin Goseer Mitchell, C’55 Lilla A. Mitchell Zinora M. Mitchell-Rankin, C’76 Johnita Walker Mizelle, C’96 Jacqueline P. Moore, C’70 Karen A. Moore, C’80 Karen P. Moore, C’80 Daniel Glenn Morris Marilyn Morris, C’87 Mary Ann Morris, C’65 Diane Powell Murray, C’74 Kirstin Stinson Newby, C’90 Karen Jenkins Newkirk, C’90 Wilma Abbott Nichols, C’60 Laura J. Burton Odem, C’68 Na’Taki Y. Osborne, C’95 Crystal Doranne Owen, C’90 E. Sacia Ross Pandley, C’46 Sandra Sims Patterson, C’70 Renee Foggo Paynter, C’90 Willie Mae Pearson-Butler, C’49 Reba Wilson Perkins, C’55 Gloria B. Person, C’65 Janie Owens Peters, C’59 Alfreda J. Phoenix-Belton, C’76 Aserelene Parker Pickett, C’55 Patricia Dixon Pillow, C’65 Nichelle Anissa Poe, C’90 Sabrina Lynn Polote, C’85 Debbie Porter-Greene, C’80 Crystal Lynette Powell, C’90 Rometta E. Powell, C’80 Helen Smith Price, C’79 Deborah Prothrow-Stith, C’75 Suzette I. Randolph, C’81 Sandra J. Reed, C’80 Josephine Reed-Taylor, C’72 Irene Bennett Reid, C’50

Paula Caruthers Renfro, C’74 Ronald B. Richard Ruby Tolbert Richards, C’53 Amy Irving Richardson, C’55 Onjada A. Richardson, C’90 Rosetta Lawson Riddle, C’80 Kimberly Christina Riley, C’85 Emmie Denise Roberts, C’73 Aurelia Doris Robinson, C’47 Barbara Lockhart Robinson, C’60 James D. Robinson, III Jonathan K. Robinson Ray M. Robinson Kelly M. Robinson-Bethea, C’90 Theresa North Rogers, C’70 Anna Roosevelt Bettie McCall Rounsaville, C’70 Jacqueline Jones Royster, C’70 Marian V. Rucker-Shamu, C’65 Terry Cornwell Rumsey, C’75 Jiea M. Rutland-Simpson, C’90 Grace McKivey Scipio, C’46 Bettye Lovejoy Scott, C’57 Angela Patrice Shannon-Reid, C’84 Mary Dupree Sherman, C’65 Marian C. Shivers, C’65 Launice P. Sills, C’80 Marguerite F. Simon, C’35 Beverly Y. Simons, C’69 Dedra Herron Slack, C’80 Michele Smalley, C’78 Jodi & Michael Smart Alfred White Smith, C’42 Candace N. Smith Cheryl Smith, C’75 Daphne L. Smith, C’80 Elsie Mallory Smith, C’55 Sheryl Sutton Smith, C’81 E. Paulette Smith-Epps, C’68 Mabel Murphy Smythe-Haith, C’37 Cynthia Neal Spence, C’78 Taronda Elise Spencer, C’80 Thelma Morrison Spencer, C’90 Mildred Ponder Stennis, C’47 E. Delores B. Stephens, C’60 Ora Sterling-King, C’54 David J. Stewart Donald & Isabel Stewart Lori Diane Stith, C’95 Ann Harris Stoddard, C’47 Robert D. Storey Sylvia Inez Suitt, C’65 Shree Sullivan, C’85 David N. Sundwall Linda Moody Swain, C’90 Roslyn Washington Sylvester, C’59 Lisa Ann Tavares, C’90 Colleen Janessa Taylor, C’90 Robert Taylor Alester E. Teagle, C’75 Cheryl Renee Teamer, C’85 Michelle Felicia Thomas, C’83 Joyce E. Thornton, C’70 Clemmie Sanders Tolmaire, C’50 Theresa Lynn Townsend, C’89 Carolyn Willis Trammell, C’63 Eleanor Williams Traylor, C’55 Sandra Montgomery Tudos, C’65 Ossie Smith Tuggle, C’54 Delores Turner, C’65 Sherry Lynn Turner Stephanie Elaine Turner, C’90 Birdie Gambrell Tyler, C’47 Gayle B. Tyler-Stukes, C’83 Pamela Joy Ulmer, C’85 Reginald Van Lee Doris Robinson Van Putten, C’56 Laraine Alexander Vance, C’70 Terri Renee Vismale-Morris, C’80 Billye Johnson Von Blasingame, C’47 Cheryl Lewis Vowels, C’85 Gloria Wade-Gayles Gladys Beverly Wallace, C’40 Mildred Collier Walton, C’47 Harriette Debro Watkins, C’70 Lillian Watkins, C’45 Geneva Hood Watson-Dean, C’59 Valerie Rockefeller Wayne Ida Margaret White, C’45 J. Rita White, C’89 Marilyn Whitley-Carter, C’85 Andrew B. Williams Brucetta Marie Williams, C’88 Dwynell Hamm Williams, C’60 Grace Kelly Williams, C’65 Josie Latimer Williams, C’47


Reunion 2005 Alumnae Donors Recognized at Spelman Donor Appreciation Reception Each year, Spelman honors alumnae during their reunion year whose giving provides the lifeblood of the College. At the Donor Appreciation Reception, the College takes the opportunity to honor the philanthropic spirit of alumnae. Throughout the celebration, Spelman’s message is that every gift counts and that the combined giving from alumnae donors provides a solid financial foundation for the College. Special recognition was given to those who were members of the 1881 Society. Donors who made gifts of $5,000 or more and Guardian Society members (those who made provisions for Spelman to receive planned gifts) were acknowledged during a special festooning ceremony where they received silk scarves commissioned by the College for this occasion. Dr. Tatum festoons Alison Graves-Calhoun C'90

Dr. Tatum with Isabella McIntyre Tobin C’45 Kamili Alama Williams, C’94 Maurice M. Williams, C’50 Patricia C. Williams, C’75 Staci Massey Williams, C’90 Andrea Ellen Williams-Kingslow, C’85 Alice E. Wilson, C’80 Mae F. Clowney Wilson, C’47 Ingrid Wilson-Johnson, C’80 Gloria Wade Wingfield, C’53 William E. Woods Carmen Maudette WoodsHollowell, C’90 Susan Wright Patrice Wright-Lewis, C’87

FOUNDERS CLUB In tribute to the Founders, Sophia B. Packard and Harriet E. Giles, the Founders Club recognizes annual gifts in the range of $500-$999. Christie L. Adams, C’80 June McDonald Aldridge, C’53 Brenda Wilson Alexander, C’60 Nefatiti Anderson, C’89 Phyllis Sawyer Anderson, C’81 Barbara Jean Andrews, C’63 Bettye Joyce Atkinson, C’70 Melvis Evans Atkinson, C’62 Josette Davis Ayres, C’89 Michelle Joan Bahner, C’88 Ruth V. Bailey Fannye Hopkins Banks, C’51 Roberta Parnell Barnes, C’55 Sharon E. Barnwell-Miller, C’80

Ernestein Walker Baylor, C’49 Doris E. Bebee, C’65 Annie Waller Berlack, C’43 Edith Y. Biggers Geneva Evans Bishop, C’59 Angelia S. Blackwell, C’80 Jacquelyn Ann Kirby Boyette, C’67 Marsha Hightower Brightwell, C’70 Cherrlyn Brockington, C’90 Glorious Leatherwood Broughton, C’70 Dorothy Zellner Brown, C’50 Neysa D. Brown, C’80 Shavondelia Alene Brown, C’94 Edward L. Brownlee Sonya M. Buchanan, C’94 Ann Kathleen Burlew Phyllis McKinney Bynum, C’58 Herlena Harris Byrd, C’68 Unetia Ross Byrd, C’74 Beatriz Cardelino Helen Carithers, C’66 Bonnie S. Carter, C’89 Carolyn Jones Cartwright, C’69 Yvonne Parks Catchings, C’55 Dana Franklin Chambliss, C’80 Gil Chapman Shirlee Bartlett Chatman, C’58 Clarice Wyatt Church, C’50 Debra Clawson-Jackson, C’87 Cordelia L. Coleman, C’73 Kimberley Collier, C’91 Valeria Collier-Vick, C’80 Carolyn Bailey Collins, C’56 Lisa DeNell Cook, C’86 Sylvia Fields Cook, C’58 Sandi Cooper Carolita Jones Cope, C’81

Dr. Tatum with Audrey Forbes Manley C’55

Theresa H. Cox, C’65 Karen E. Crawford, C’85 Marguerite P. Creecy, C’65 Robert A. Daniel Gail Paulette Davenport, C’70 Deanna Davis, C’57 Elizabeth Collins Davis, C’55 Hattimarie Parks Davis, C’47 Leautry Shipps Davis, C’55 Pearline Adamson Davis, C’58 Tanya Yobesen Dean, C’87 Gloria Davis Dent, C’48 Tomika Michelle DePriest, C’89 Edwina Wilson Divins, C’83 R. Malene Dixon, C’96 Alyce Smith Dodson, C’46 Beandu Dorley, C’97 Marymal M. Dryden, C’49 Frances Dyer, C’67 Emily Cuby Eberhardt, C’62 Russell Edgerton Gwendolyn Ferrell Elmore, C’61 Luella Nichols English, C’70 Annette Vister Evans, C’46 Keisha Adele Evertsz, C’91 Dolan P. Falconer , Jr. Walter Falconer Christine King Farris, C’48 Catherine Ferguson, C’63 Michelle Byrd Fielder, C’83 Phyllis Dansby Fisher, C’54 Virginia Davis Floyd, C’73 Marla Frederick-McGlathery, C’94 Patricia Anne Fuller, C’85 Alma Willis Fulton, C’62 Gwendolyn Walker Garrison, C’54 Casper T. Glenn Angela Yvonne Glover, C’93

Garland W. Gossett Kimberly Henderson Gossett, C’81 Genine Marguerite Grant, C’85 T. Herman Graves Anna Maxwell Gray, C’50 Christina G. Graybard Mia F. Greene Dawn L. Hankin, C’95 Wendolyn Murphy Harding, C’64 Berdie Ricks Hardon, C’67 Agnes Houston Harper, C’67 Donna Akiba Harper Veronica Wells Haven, C’73 Angela Lavone Hawkins, C’89 Virginia Hawkins-Stephens, C’49 Tamika D. Haymon, C’2002 Melanee Rose Haywood, C’80 Tracey McFadden Hembrick, C’90 Shirley Statom Henderson, C’52 Virginia A. Hepner Rosalyn Hines Michelle Daneen Hodgkin, C’91 Melvin L. Hollowell Jennyfer A. Holmes, C’98 Jann Washington Honoré, C’76 Anne R. Hornsby Hazel Howard, C’57 Kim Sheftall Humphries, C’84 Renee McDonald Hutchins, C’90 Crystal Lane Ingram Ivy V. Jack, C’98 Dorothea Boston Jackson, C’39 Eleanor Bryson Jackson, C’45 Meryl Johnson Jackson, C’85 Pamela D. Jackson, C’80 Trellie James Jeffers, C’55 Teresa Leary Jenkins, C’90 Donice Thomas Jeter, C’70

Audrey Irvin Johnson, C’63 Hester Hall Johnson, C’50 Willie Sherwood Johnson, C’44 Donna Rae Johnson-Harvey, C’90 Ellen Pierce Jones, C’55 Henrietta Laster Jones, C’62 Janet Webster Jones, C’58 Jerri Lynn Jones, C’98 Loree Dionne Jones, C’90 Prethenia Kent Jones, C’57 Sarah Powell Jones, C’47 Valerie Jones-Bland, C’75 Cheryl Bickers Jordan, C’80 Marilyn M. Joseph, C’76 Del Eagan Jupiter, C’44 Myrtle Mark Kelly, C’47 Michelle A. King, C’80 Jill Kneerim Theresa L. Knight, C’77 Clarice Lackey Tawnya Plummer Laughinghouse, C’95 Nicole Danielle Lawson, C’99 Sarah M. Lemon-Palmore, C’37 Barbara Stokes Lewis, C’60 Kimberly Shepard Lewis, C’78 Maureen Angela Lewis, C’78 Mignon Lackey Lewis, C’51 Wanda Smalls Lloyd, C’71 Charlotte Lusby, C’97 Janetta D. Marbrey, C’75 Veloisa Tate Marsh, C’73 Susan Kennedy Marx Michelle L. Matthews, C’82 Lisa Renee Maxwell, C’85 G. Jeannette McCall, C’70 Robin McCallum, C’85 Delores LaRheine McCollum, C’73 Joni Michelle McGhee, C’90 Shelley Merritt, C’2001 Gertrude G. Michelson Maria Dawn Miller, C’85 Sharon E. Milligan, C’71 Marilyn Miller Davis Mitchell, C’53 Carmen Fennoy Moody, C’65 Kim Theresa Morris, C’80 Sue Perteet Morris, C’49 Verna Roxane Moses, C’85 Mary Jackson Mosley, C’91 Harriet Mitchell Murphy, C’49 Blondean Nelson Cherise K. Newell, C’88 Angela Denise Nickerson, C’81 Lucile Logan Nix, C’49 Gertrude C. Norman, C’61 Dorothy Hood Oliver, C’44 Helene Pamon, C’92 Bentley L. Patterson, C’70 Herbertta Frances Pearson, C’87 Lisa Perry-Gilkes, C’80 Dorothy L. Pierce, C’50 Joseph Pierson Lisa M. Potts, C’85 Willena Kimpson Price, C’65 Tamara Elizabeth Rasberry, C’97 Bessie Nixon Reynolds, C’52 Phyllis Ward Rich, C’79 Rudean Hackett Riggins, C’44 Gladys Earl Roberts, C’51 Patricia Romney Alma Blanton Rountree, C’50 Lovette Twyman Russell, C’83 Jeanette D. Sabir-Holloway, C’76 Angela R. Sailor Sandra Trimble Sampson, C’80 Patricia Elaine Simples, C’81 Kiron Kanina Skinner, C’81 Emogene Johnson Smith, C’72 Jane E. Smith, C’68 Myrtle Y. Smith, C’69 Terri Lynne Smith, C’85 Thelma Collins Spann, C’43 Phyllis Mims Spruill, C’75 Donna Michelle Stafford, C’86 Angela Alexander Stamper, C’70 Lee B. Stephens, III Eloise Stevens-Jones, C’65 Carnella A. Stewart, C’69 June Stewart, C’86 Carolyn Taylor Thomas, C’44 Elaine Ross Thomas, C’75 Barbara W. Thompson, C’75 Donna Marie Thompson-Bennett, C’87 Mary Ann Toles Robbie Welch Christler Tourse, C’63 Willie Tucker Andrea Abrams Turner, C’86 Laura Williams Turner, C’52

Herbert L. Charles Deborah Childs-Bowen, C’75 Sheilah Patrice-Webb Clay, C’75 Caryn M. Clayton Yocunda D. Clayton, C’95 Pearl Michelle Cleage, C’71 Evelyn Nichols Clowers, C’58 Dorothy Gibson Cobb, C’56 Marian Louise Cobb, C’75 Linda S. Coffee, C’75 Karyn Cole, C’84 Cameia Culmer Collier, C’76 Gretchen R. Cook-Anderson, C’90 Karen Yvette Cooper, C’84 Ayana K. Corbin, C’98 Sylvia H. Cordy, C’67 W. Gale Crews, C’76 Stacee Bain Crittenden, C’90 Belinda K. Cross-Livingston, C’84 John E. Cunningham, Jr. Claudette Chapman Cureton, C’51 Sallie Adams Daniel Mary Stephens Dansby, C’46 William A. Darity Debra Bolden Datcher, C’76 Margie L. Davie Patricia Williams Davis, C’74 Gwendolyn Williams Demps, C’65 Charlotte Dixon Jerry L. Dixon Bertha S. Dockett Lauryl Denise Dodson, C’98 Jennifer Bryant Dossman, C’74 Ayana Douglas, C’2000 The Second Century Club recognizes annual gifts in the range of $250–$499. Virginia Turner Dowell, C’47 Frances W. DuBose Arnitra Duckett, C’95 G. Erica Allen, C’90 Bettie J. Durrah, C’63 Maxine Elaine Anderson, C’75 Gwendolyn T. Dyson, C’84 Desiree Pedescleaux & Dwight Andrews Debra Houston Edwards, C’67 Cora Appleby-Williams, C’43 Aaliyah El-Amin, C’95 Regina Elizabeth Arnao, C’89 Barbara Ponder Elias, C’57 Scharla E. Ashe, C’75 Anna Maria O. Ellis, C’81 Alison Yvonne Ashe-Card, C’89 Carrie Lenise Ellis, C’97 Nicole Dore Avery, C’91 Jamellah Ellis, C’93 & Malik Ellis Kay Jett Baker, C’56 Pamela Sanders Ellis, C’78 Nana Afua Nyarko Banful, C’2001 Maliaka Leah Essameldin, C’88 Kyendria K. Banks, C’95 Sandra Farragut-Hemphill, C’75 Schonay M. Barnett-Jones, C’90 Davida Jo Felder, C’84 Andrea Denise Barnwell, C’93 Valerie Rice Ferguson, C’75 Isaiah E. Barnwell, Jr. Deborah A. Finley, C’75 Delores K. Barton Sarah Merritt Finley, C’68 Mary Catherine Bateson Kimberlynn R. Fisher, C’85 Donna M Batts, C’90 Elizabeth Bryan Fortson, C’57 Robin H. Bearden Elva Thomas Foster, C’35 Helen M. Bell, C’53 Shirley C. Franklin Kathleen Jackson Bertrand, C’73 Holly Johnson Friar, C’77 Kimberly Sisson Blackwell, C’90 Marian Ellison Gary, C’45 Bernita McMillan Boddie, C’67 Gene E. Gary-Williams, C’56 Mary C. Burney Bolling, C’77 Sherry Shaw Gearing, C’75 Brunetta Lucas Bolton, C’75 Nitsa Du Rell Gilbert, C’90 Tracey Charisse Bostwick, C’92 Lashawda Virginia Gilchrist, C’95 William G. Bounds, Jr. Ernestine Wallace Gipson, C’43 Jocelyn Jones Boustani, C’90 Yvonne King Gloster, C’49 Horace C. Boyer Tracie Gregory Goffe, C’87 Mary Cofield Boykin, C’71 Gloria Listenbee Goolsby, C’87 Robert & Sylvia Bozeman Judith A. Green, C’88 Kali Nneka Bracey, C’93 Sharon Greer, C’75 Patricia Willis Bradford, C’85 Sheryl Riley Gripper, C’72 Anne Thomas Braxton, C’39 Sara Rowe Gross, C’48 H. Edward Brazil Julia Sprunt Grumbles Diane Nannette Brewer, C’75 Kirsten Carter Hadley, C’93 Denise Natasha Brewley, C’95 Pauline Riley Hadley, C’50 Charlene Thompson Bridges, C’75 Edith Arnold Hambrick, C’41 Arletta Theresa Brinson, C’74 Latanya P. Hammonds-Odie, C’89 Dineo A. Brinson, C’94 Cathy Hampton Deborah Hudson Broadwater, C’71 Shonda Latrice Hanks, C’95 Crystal Brown-Lewis, C’87 Felecia Hannett-Syphoe, C’89 Dollie G. Brown, C’57 Cherita Brown Hardie, C’85 Mary Kathryn Brown, C’90 Betty Jo Harris, C’75 Nata Kathleen Brown, C’88 Earnestine Wideman Harris, C’64 Olga Brown Leetra Janeen Harris, C’95 Robin Camille Brown, C’90 Nicole D. Harris-Blackwell, C’95 Carol Brownlee Teion L. Wells Harrison, C’95 Tara Leigh Buckner, C’87 Saran Nalo Hartley, C’93 Cheryl Bronner Buffalo, C’77 Patricia Anne Harvey, C’70 Vernita Souder Burford, C’75 Deirdre Haywood-Rouse, C’84 Emma Hardnett Bush, C’51 Greg Head Kim Christian Calhoun, C’85 Faith Neal Hemphill, C’61 Rosalyne Cypress Cameron, C’75 Mary Jane Hendrix, C’65 Leila Potts Campbell, C’65 Lisa B. Hibbard Lesa Melaniece Campbell, C’88 C. LeJeune Hickson, C’64 Lori Ann Cargile, C’91 Annette Norwood Hill, C’75 Angela Jackson Carlton, C’85 Anjanette M. Hogan, C’95 Geronda Vertasha Carter, C’93 Anita Rebecca Hollins, C’85 Juanita Robinson Carter, C’66 Cristell L. Holloway, C’80 Mary M. Carter, C’85 Janie C. Holman, C’55 Mary Elizabeth Catchings, C’70

Deborah Twine Verna Turner Venning, C’50 Jennifer Denise Walton, C’85 Joan L. Walton, C’55 June Mack Wardlaw, C’46 Sharon Washington Celeste Michele Watkins, C’96 Che Denee Watkins, C’91 Frances Glover Weaver, C’59 C. Eileen Watts Welch, C’68 Martha Jones Welch, C’67 Mary Susan Wheeler, C’69 Marjorie Whigham-Desir, C’80 Joffre T. Whisenton Karyn Elaine White, C’90 Kendal Kia Whitlock, C’90 Benise Lejoy Williams, C’93 Joni Johnson Williams, C’87 Laverna King Williams, C’68 Merchuria Chase Williams, C’69 Wendie A. Willis, C’80 Hulda A. Wilson, C’56 Joycelyn Harper Wilson, C’60 Doris R. Winfrey, C’50 Adena Smith Wright, C’75 Cynthia Arrington Wright, C’70 Hisako Yanaka Muriel Ketchum Yarbrough, C’49


Samuel G. Holmes Rychelle Liesl Hooper, C’91 V. Lynne Howard-Brown, C’74 Eleanor Hoytt, C’64 Annette Y. Huffman, C’62 Lydia J. Hunlen, C’83 Edwina Palmer Hunter, C’64 Jamila Sheree Hunter, C’96 Sonya Lawson Hutchinson, C’90 Shannon Isom, C’93 Christel N. Jackson, C’84 Cynthia E. Jackson, C’81 Danielle Baptiste Jackson, C’95 Ernie Flinoil Jackson, C’51 Helen Callaway Jackson, C’56 Marion Townsend Jackson, C’52 Nedra Patrice James, C’80 Sybil L. Jamison, C’78 Virginia Powell Jeffries, C’60 Andrea Lewis Johnson, C’96 Georgette Woodward Johnson, C’75 Jeanne Primus Johnson, C’75 Carolynn E. Jones, C’65 Melanie Grant Jones, C’87 Sharon Yvette Jones, C’84 Candace A. Joyner, C’98 Malaika Kamunanwire, C’95 Cynthia Harris Kelly, C’83 Woodrow Keown, Jr. Brenda Kidd Amika E. King, C’2000 Elizabeth G. King, C’43 Karen Denise King, C’92 Nelda J. King, C’64 Ida Brown Knight, C’40 Renee M. Knight, C’87 Eula Persons Krashen, C’63 Mary Beth LaBelle Gillian B. Lakhan, C’90 Beverly Branton Lamberson, C’74 Deneen Marie Law, C’87 Andrea W. Lawrence, C’68 Maxine D. Lawson-Conway, C’81 Lillian Carter Lawton, C’50 Shirley Leaphart, C’57 Dorothy Whited LeBlanc, C’53 Dawn Michele Lee, C’91 Allyn Leftridge, C’90 Noelle Candace Leveaux, C’95 Cynthia Patterson Lewis, C’73 Gail Cleo Lewis, C’88 Nannie Kate Lindsey, C’55 Malinda Clark Logan, C’64 Pamela Bowden Logan, C’90 Audrey Yanthis Lucas Sara W. Lucas, C’70 Sharon White Mackel, C’78 Audrey Chisolm Magee, C’73 Gwendolyn J. Mallett Fannie B. Malone-Nash, C’57 Sandra Davis Mapp, C’75 Sonya Denise Marks, C’95 Avé Lindsay Marshall, C’70 Sandra A. Marshall, C’65 Becca Lynne Martin, C’98 Janet Lane Martin, C’72 June Thalier Martin, C’53 Laverne Matthews, C’80 Charlita Mays, C’94 Germaine McAuley Carolyn McClain, C’70 Savannah Ruth Ivory McIver, C’44 Joann McLean, C’78 Clara Prioleau McLeod, C’65 Leonia Jacqueline McRae, C’67 Alfred McWilliams Gwendolyn H. Middlebrooks, C’61 Charlotte Free Miller Tameika Gail Miller, C’96 Mable L. Millner, C’74 Elizabeth Atkinson Moore, C’50 Hazel Rucker Moore, C’52 Laura Virginia Morgan, C’64 Diane Moseberry, C’74 Frances Kenney Moseley Marlene Hunt Moss, C’72 Nelwyn McDuffie Mpare, C’77 Latondra Murray, C’93 Barbara Naylor-Hill, C’67 Tamala Elayne Newbold, C’93 Henri E. Norris, C’70 Carolyn Odom, C’66 Gwendolyn Hood Osby, C’60 Ernestine Walker Owens, C’74 Sharon Elaine Owens, C’76 Kimberly D. Packer, C’83 Amelia Page, C’83

Mary E. Parker, C’42 Rosalia G. Parker, C’74 Doris Alberta Patterson, C’56 Thomasenor Walker Pearson, C’55 Dorothy Coleman Peay, C’59 Nicole Lynn Peoples, C’94 Carol Virginia Peoples-Procter, C’80 Charlotte Linder Perry, C’44 LaTonya M. Phipps, C’97 Deirdre Pate Pierce, C’71 Valerie D. Pittman, C’75 Helen Sawyer Plump, C’58 Stephanie Dianne Poole-Byrd, C’84 Valeria P. Porter Shelly Robinson Pullian, C’90 Senella Thomas Rawls, C’49 Katie Coleman Rayford, C’63 Juanita Yvonne Reaves, C’75 Erin Michelle Redwine, C’88 Kellie Rhodes-Gayles, C’88 Lucy J. Ridley, C’44 Janine Roberts Shirley Battle Robins, C’75 Bettye Whited Robinson, C’57 Marilyn O’Bryant Robinson, C’66 Patrice Paul Robinson, C’78 Christine W. Robinzine, C’46 Monica Lynn Rodgers, C’91 Lisa Monique Rogers-Cherry, C’89 Wanda J. Rosemond, C’82 Dr. Rosetta E. Ross Lenita Davis Rosser-Iverson, C’75 Monice Hodges Sanders, C’78 Jaye Mia Sanford, C’90 Gretchen Patrice Satcher, C’91 Anna Augusta Scott Shirley Peters Searcy, C’75 Mary Brown Shank, C’55 Lisa E. Sharif, C’97 Willenor Caruthers Sheftall, C’64 Hortense Edwards Shelton, C’55 Brenda Claire Siler, C’75 Sherolyn Burton Simmons, C’78 Sheree Stephens Simpson, C’75 Mattie Bembry Sims, C’60 Carolyn Ouida Smith, C’47 Heather Louise Smith, C’93 Karyn Smith, C’84 Shanon Whitney Smith, C’94 Theophus H. Smith Nancy Solomon Priscilla Starr-Woods, C’75 Jacqueline Felicia Steger, C’93 Dorothy Myers Stepteau, C’63 Barbara Peek Sternick, C’51 Chrystal Joy Stokes, C’94 Kami Lindsey Strickland, C’87 Deidra Stubbs, C’85 Rose Sprott Swain, C’77 Cheryl Phillips Taylor, C’72 Helen Taylor-Thompson, C’55 Alberta Elizabeth Thomas, C’38 Vanessa Hamilton Thomas, C’71 E. Grace Beavers Thurston, C’48 Mary Bacon Toole, C’60 Carolyn N. Stinson Traylor, C’61 Eoin & Ann Trevelyan Althea Sample Truesdale, C’78 Donna Garnier Turk, C’75 Erika Sandra Van Putten, C’94 Lucy C. Vance Carol R. Vieth DeAna Jo Vivian, C’83 Peggy Ann Wagner, C’75 Sandra Elaine Waite, C’95 Patricia Eason Walker, C’69 Cynthia N. Walker-Derrico, C’75 Melanie Denise Washburn, C’93 Alice Holmes Washington, C’38 Monique Jackson Washington, C’75 Nodie M. Washington Monica Freeman Waters, C’86 Dexter G. Watson Robin Jones Watson, C’77 Sylvia Sakura Watts, C’98 Jacqueline J. Wellington-Moore, C’53 Latoya Shavon Wells, C’2000 Pamela Hampton Wells, C’75 Alpha Valerie Hines Westbrook, C’41 Daryl White Gambi Sanita White-Tennant, C’82 Simone Baxter Whitmore, C’89 Alma Stone Williams, C’40 Ardythe Elynn Williams, C’95 Gwendolyn Ward Williams, C’72 Isa Patterson Williams, C’71 Juanita W. Williams



Tami Flicia Williamson, C’85 Faye Powell Wilson, C’65 Jeannette Bowman Wilson, C’48 Kelly Jo-Anne Wilson, C’90 Wanda Reid Wilson, C’80 Alfredia Shelton Wingate, C’83 Angela George Wood, C’90 Monica Davis Woods, C’93 C. T. Woods-Powell, C’75 Lydia Alzoria Wynn, C’69 Gloria Strickland Yancey, C’56 Darlene Yarbrough-Morgan, C’56 Jean Turner Yongue, C’47 Evalyn Spann Young, C’46 Frances Odom Young, C’60

Rasheda Owens Bell, C’84 Sonia Denise Bell, C’85 Nikki Daniele Bellamy, C’89 Mamie Adams Benjamin, C’61 Angela Denise Benson, C’81 Ramona A. Berry Dorothy M. Bethel, C’72 Trevor Bilhorn Anderia Afua Bishop, C’95 Keitha Elise Blackburn, C’95 Nicole Blackwell, C’87 Patricia Ann Blackwell, C’82 Carroll W. Blake Catherine Bland, C’76 Rhonda Benjamin Bland, C’79 Willa Blasingame Mary L. Blatch, C’98 Selonia Smith Blatch, C’46 Latasha Latrice Blissett, C’94 The Century Club recognized Keria Lanetta Blue, C’93 annual gifts in the range of Lynda Cobb Boatwright, C’70 $100–$249. Joyce Cooper Bobo, C’46 Dr. Patrice Darcelle Boddie, C’77 Laretta R. Abington Traci Toi Williams Bolling, C’87 Joya L. Abrams, C’2002 Edna Genell Bolton, C’84 Mary Reeder Abrams, C’64 Alvia Alexander Boone, C’57 Stacey Y. Abrams, C’95 Deborah Ann Boone, C’90 Maurianne Adams Renee A. Boone, C’83 Sharon Akiele Anne Ruth Borders-Patterson, C’61 Joyce J. Akridge, C’67 Dorothy Harden Borum, C’65 Kaisha Ladia Alabi, C’2001 Sherrine Boseman-Rives, C’90 Beverly Alexander, C’76 Sarah Anitria Boswell, C’89 Leah Raynell Alexander, C’93 Jo Ann Bowden, C’70 Calvin & Doris Alexis Kwanza Clay Bowe, C’92 Melinda Ruth Alexis-Hayes, C’95 Therese White Bowen, C’79 Angela R. Allen Ricky Boyd Cynthia Alexandra Allen, C’96 Cherrie B. Boyer, C’78 Deborah Yvonne Allen, C’74 Genora Kendrick Boykins, C’82 Jill Haywood Allen, C’76 Patricia Reeder Bradford, C’71 Latiefa Abi Alston, C’98 Thelma E. Bradford Dacia Amey Paulette Yvonne Bradley, C’88 Birdie Harris Anderson, C’66 Nadiyah Raushanah Bradshaw, C’99 Diana Mattison Anderson, C’47 Encarnacion Cheryl Anderson, C’94 Heather Marie Brandenberg, C’2000 Ernestine Walton Brazeal, C’63 Janet A. Anderson, C’82 Johnetta Cross Brazzell, C’68 Stephanie A. Anderson, C’93 Clara Lillian Brewer, C’77 Winnie P. Anderson Karen Lynette Anderson-Scott, C’94 Philip W. Brickner Malissa Kilgore Briley, C’42 Dorothy Aderhold Andrews, C’41 Brandi Clay Brimmer, C’95 Sharon Wynez Ardrey, C’80 Janie Dukes Brinkley, C’87 Chandra Britt Armstrong, C’90 Helen White Brock, C’71 Lawrence E. Arnett Charren L. Brooks, C’92 Phyllis Arnold Cynthia Michele Brooks, C’93 Judith Fisher Arrington, C’57 Rhonda Danyale Brooks, C’97 Etta M. Atkinson, C’68 Denise Brooks-Hervey, C’78 April J. Austin Kathryn Johnson Broughton, C’58 Veronica Avery, C’99 Arica Ryan Brown, C’2003 Vida L. Avery, C’84 Barbara Ann Brown, C’63 Andrea Ayvazian Cynthia Wyatt Brown, C’94 L. Fred Ayvazian Dorothy Ann Morton Brown, C’68 Barbara Bacon Joyce Conley Brown, C’56 Lucia Moore Bacote, C’25 Ninita H. Brown, C’99 Amanda Keith Bailey, C’47 Rosa Hill Brown, C’41 Josette Terese Bailey, C’90 Ruth Harvey Brown, C’53 Juan K. Bailey Yolanda Smith Brown, C’77 Tori Lynn Bailey, C’97 DeVita Olar Bruce, C’86 Alsion Barnes Baker, C’93 Joseph B. Bruns Brazellia Baker, C’70 Jacqueline Hill Bryant, C’49 Aretta Louise Baldon, C’95 Greta Mitchell Bryson, C’88 Tollese Harris Bankett, C’81 Bernice Woolfolk Bufford, C’56 Christina Monisha BannermanBonita Buford, C’78 Alston, C’97 Debra Rucker Bunkley, C’78 Natalie Pearl Bargeron, C’2000 Janinah Kalee Burnett, C’2000 Calvin J. Barnes Birgit Smith Burton Danielle Vivian Barnes, C’97 Paulette Vance Burton, C’90 L. Erin Frances Barnes, C’2001 Robin Burton, C’78 Minnie Alderman Barnes, C’59 Sandra L. Burton-Hughes, C’65 Orien Nicole Barnes, C’98 June Dobbs Butts, C’48 Kim W. Barnette, C’92 Charisse Toomer Byers, C’2002 Adelaide Barringer, C’88 Candace Marie Barriteau, C’2003 Kimberley Denise Byner, C’91 Carla Lanisha Byrd, C’89 Judy Jannelle Barton, C’70 Whitney Vielka Cabey, C’2003 Lisa Baskin Judith A. Cabral Bernice Bradford Bass, C’39 Dianne Wilson Caesar, C’67 Casaundra Yvonne Bass, C’76 Elise Dunn Cain, C’49 Beverly Bates Emma Louise Caldwell, C’77 Gladys S. Bayse Bettye R. Campbell, C’49 Jacqueline Renee Bazy, C’89 Dallas Anderson Campbell, C’70 Sharita R. Beamon, C’96 Patricia Wilson Campbell, C’70 Natalie Kennedy Beard, C’71 Jamila Canady Sherita Patrice Beard-Lee, C’93 Tai Monique Beauchamp, C’2000 Eddie Lee Bush Cannon, C’42 Maria Antoinette Canty, C’92 Everetta Yvonne Beauford-Oliver, Lucinda Lecounte Capers, C’57 C’69 Faith Renee Cargile, C’90 Renelda Cross Belcher, C’57 Sibyl Sims Carley, C’72 Rita Sinkfield Belin, C’91 Kemia Shonta Carlyle, C’96 Elayne Bush Bell, C’51 Nadalynn Seymour Carpenter, C’82 Emma Jean Bell, C’54



Veronica Carpenter-Thomas Julia Carr-Bayler Alvetta K. Carroll, C’70 Doris Perry Carter, C’49 Jessica F. Carter, C’93 Ruby Woods Carter, C’49 Vivian McFall Carter, C’46 Floris Barnett Cash, C’61 Kelly Cass-White Kimberly Cambria Chambliss, C’93 Marguerite Pearson Chambliss, C’44 Barbara A.P. Chandler, C’63 Mildred M. Chandler, C’42 Jessie J. Chapin, C’78 Veronica Nicole Chapman, C’2003 Mimi V. Charles, C’95 Olga Cook Charles, C’66 Angela Felicia Chatman, C’95 Ray Frances Chatman-Scott, C’57 Karla Hurley Cherry, C’81 Cynthia Megan Child, C’93 Tamyra Suzanne Childs, C’85 Evelyn Willis Chisolm, C’49 Blessed Ngozi Chuksorji, C’96 Alexis Clark, C’98 L.A. Clark Mary Frances Martin Clark, C’44 Pamela N. Clark, C’92 Renita Barge Clark, C’88 Melissa Hope Claude, C’91 Tonya Paulette Claude, C’90 Augustus L. Clay, Jr. Debbie Marable Clements, C’86 Rosetta Wimberly Clements, C’47 Monique Renee Clemons, C’2004 Carla Alfrendetta Cobb, C’93 Cynthia Wyatt Cody, C’76 Josette M. Cole, C’78 Lucy J. Reuben Cole Arlene Y. Coleman, C’81 Shirley Henderson Coleman, C’77 Thomasine L. Coleman, C’75 Cherry A. Collier, C’91 Leslie Deneice Collins, C’91 Karen Jarcelyn Cook, C’95 Keisha Smith Cook, C’94 Rubye Singleton Cooke, C’49 Pamela Yvonne Cooper, C’88 Stephanie B. Cooper, C’81 Eleanor Bell Coote, C’42 Tracey Lynn Cornick, C’92 Louis W. Corrigan Robert A. Cowie Ruth Minor Crawford, C’54 Martha Brock Crews, C’43 Delores Loraine Crockett, C’69 Dawn Evans Cromer, C’89 Jacqueline Larkins Crook, C’48 Nia Cross, C’97 Tajahnee Vaughan Cross, C’96 Vanessa E. Cullins, C’79 Kathy Hood Culmer, C’75 Alison Lynn Culpepper, C’80 Audrey Denise Culpepper, C’85 Tamika Cummings, C’2000 Verbena Brown Cummings, C’79 Shani Y. Curry, C’95 Carla M. Curtis, C’75 Christel Alea Hooper Curtis, C’86 Irene Parnell Yopp Curtis, C’45 Mary E. Custard Gerald B. Cutting Betty Lovett Dabney, C’56 Lois Blayton Dabney, C’45 Michelle D. Dacus, C’81 Rebecca Ruth Dailey, C’2002 Deborah Lynn Dallam, C’78 LaQuita Mechelle Dance, C’90 Annie O. Dancy Camille Roxanne Daniel, C’98 Carolyn Reynolds Daniel, C’66 Karen Cooper Daniel, C’65 Asha Ife Daniels, C’2003 Cynthia Marie Daniels, C’2002 Emma Darnell Victoria S. Darrisaw, C’90 Ethel Coleman Davenport, C’56 Margaret R. Davie William H. Davie Alana Davis, C’96 Ayana Mandisa Davis, C’97 Bertha K. Davis Ellen Natasha Davis, C’92 Erica Tiffany Davis, C’99 Judy Carter Davis, C’86 Judy Dorsey Davis, C’72 Lumbe Kibebe Davis, C’95

Sisters Chapel Campaign Supporters Recognized The newly renovated historic Sisters Chapel was officially presented to the Spelman community, alumnae and friends of the College on Saturday, September 24, 2005. Since 1927, Sisters Chapel has served as a catalyst for leadership development and has been the spiritual center of the Spelman community. The Rededication Program, which began a two-day celebration, paid special tribute to the 638 donors who contributed over $3.5 million to the Sisters Chapel Campaign – Revival of the Spirit; more than 500 of the donors were alumnae. Through the generosity of these donors, the integrity of Sisters Chapel will be preserved for years to come thereby enabling Spelman College to continue to embrace its students as well as the Atlanta community. Donors to each of the Campaign’s naming opportunities (from $100 - $1 million) were recognized and presented with appreciation gifts.

N. June Davis, C’61 Patricia Ann Davis, C’73 Rehema Safiya Davis, C’2003 Terri Sherice Davis, C’89 Sheila Davis-Kinui, C’77 Terri Renee Dunn Dawkins, C’85 Emmalyn Jenkins Deal, C’49 Beautine DeCosta-Lee, C’30 Maenelle Dixon Dempsey, C’33 Barbara Harper Denson, C’67 Tamara M. Deplanter, C’72 Dorothy L. DeVillars, C’51 Sharon Camille Dickson, C’92 Donna Marie Dixon, C’78 L. Rita Dixon, C’56 Lisa Annette Dixon, C’86 Nadine Laverne Dobbins, C’73 Sandra Bohannan Dolphin, C’69 Libya Sia Doman, C’96 Susan E. Donner Hope Alexis Dowdy, C’72 Joseph Draper Tiffany L. Dudley Miriam S. Duff Clarice Walker Dukes, C’60 Danyale Price Dumas, C’91 Kathryn Renee Dungy, C’91 John D. Dunn Adrienne M. Dunnock, C’78 Cynthia Cousin Durant, C’88 Franzetta Williams Durant, C’39 J. Frazer & Cree Durrett Denise Alesia Duvernay, C’76 Winifred Dye, C’92 Joan Ealey-Sawyer, C’54 Judith Jordain Earl Janet Woods Earle, C’72 Reka Richardson Eaton, C’71 Juanita M. Eber Faber L. Eberhard Sadiqa Edmonds-Myles, C’2001 Barbara Dancy Edwards, C’69 Clifton Edwards Phyllis Edwards-Daniel, C’79 Uche N. Egemonye, C’93 Jimmy & Canary El-Amin Anjanette Elligan, C’90 Charlie Lovett Ellington, C’47 Lynn Marie Ellis, C’90 Phyllis Dooley Ellis, C’75 Susan Elaine Ellis, C’91 Sylvia Blackmon Ellis, C’57 Alpha Talley English, C’33 Thomas E. Engram Hallie J. Ennis Marilyn Green Epps, C’43 Gerald A. Epstein Valjeanne Estes, C’84 Susan M. Etheredge Adrian Evans Lola Ann Blasingame Evans, C’52 Mary T. Fannings, C’46 Lisa Michelle Farmer, C’95 Heather A. Fatzinger, C’95 Patricia Hailes Fears, C’81

Kimberly Celosia Felder, C’91 Portia E. Felder, C’88 Diane Prather Ferguson, C’72 Myra Marx Ferree Dorothy Jenkins Fields, C’64 Laura T. Fine Louisa Steward Fisher, C’64 LaRahnda Flagg, C’98 Jean Strickland Fleming, C’59 Rochelle Flemister, C’77 Herman E. Fletcher Pamela Spruill Fletcher, C’79 Conrad L. Forbes, Jr. Mary Glenn Forbes, C’73 Mildred Forbes-Beal, C’86 Kimberly Adina Ford, C’94 Mary Lavo Ford Gladys Inez Forde, C’40 Wilma A. Foreman, C’81 Yvonne Brown Fortson, C’58 Emma Marie Foster, C’46 Myrna F. Foster, C’84 Renee Alice Fox, C’96 Florence Irving Francis, C’43 Mary McMullen Francis, C’66 Miriam Blalock Frank, C’70 Merle A. Franklin Rozalynn Suzanne Frazier, C’2000 Stacey Alanna Frazier, C’99 Elaine Martin Freeman, C’68 Trudy Janelle Freeman, C’2001 Adam L. Frey Idella R. Fryar, C’62 Eumeko Kawana Fuller, C’95 Cecilia E. Gaines-Williams, C’85 Margery A. Ganz Donna Hawkins Gardner, C’78 Sadie B. Garner, C’53 A. Jayn Garth, C’85 Mae Whitlock Gentry, C’73 Edythe Banks George, C’52 Karin L. George Mary Young Gerald, C’49 Sonja Zaneta Gerald, C’90 Michael A. Gerber Edith A. Gibbs, C’71 Nita D. Gilbert Patricia Je Taun Rivers Gilbert, C’80 Tiffany Danielle Gilbert, C’2001 Pamela Hicks Giles, C’96 Yolanda L.A. Gillen, C’91 Cornelia Gillyard Jeanissa Joanne Ginn, C’73 Bonnie Bohannon Gissendanner, C’69 David N. Githuku Denise Trimier Glanton, C’74 Jacqueline Jones Glen, C’89 Alan Goldenberg John V. Golding, Jr. Kristi Lee Goldner, C’85 Trudie Yanuck Goldstein Uldine Goler Mignon S. Goode Joyce Wilson Gordon, C’60

Tresa Gordon, C’74 Celeste I. Gore, C’84 C. Carolyn Goss, C’47 Evelyn McBride Govan, C’78 Alice M. Graham, C’67 Alice Morgan Grant, C’64 Carolyn Grant, C’85 Nikki L. Williams Grantham, C’97 Ernestine Steward Gray, C’68 Rosalyn Clark Gray, C’70 Cara Therese Grayer, C’97 Avis Denise Green, C’85 Karin Virginia Green, C’87 Billie Mack Greene, C’63 Rachel Jackson Gregg, C’99 Stephanie McKinney Gregory, C’74 Karlise Y. Grier James M. Griffin Virginia Lee Griggs, C’64 Mary Elizabeth Grimes, C’76 Lori Ann Guy, C’92 Beverly L. Guy-Sheftall, C’66 Rosa Rice Hadley, C’57 Adrienne Watts Haggins, C’82 Alyson Lee Hall, C’85 Betty Jean Hall, C’64 Amelia Kay Hamilton-Morris, C’75 Nicole Denise Hamlin, C’2000 Ralphine Thompson Hammett, C’66 Chester A. Hancock P. Dianne Hankerson T. Clintina Hankerson, C’71 Marjorie McClendon Hardy, C’60 Berlyn Chatard Hargrett, C’66 Jessie Coles Harper, C’39 Dorotha Alisa Harrell, C’87 Andrea M. Harris, C’94 Cherell Moneak Harris, C’94 Claudia Harris, C’82 Crystal Michele Harris, C’91 Kelly Fleming Harris, C’91 Lisa Lynette Harris, C’88 Mercedes Alexis Harris, C’2000 Minnie L. Riley Harris, C’62 Deborah V. Harrison Bettieanne Childers Hart, C’69 Bernadette Weston Hartfield, C’71 Kimberly King Hartwell, C’93 Lezli A. Harvell, C’2000 Heather Lynn Hawes, C’89 Ayanna Damali Hawkins, C’94 Gloria Wheeler Hawkins, C’48 Stephanie Regina Hawkins, C’93 Glenna Stewart Hayes, C’40 Kimberly Ann Hayes, C’91 M. Renee Summers Haygood, C’81 Jama R. Haynes, C’85 Virginia Moreland HaywoodSmith, C’50 Rashidah R. Heath, C’89 Annalisa A. Henderson, C’98 Ida Muse Henderson, C’73 Marsha Nidanie Henderson, C’95 Mary Joyce Henley, C’77 Tanya Amy Henneman, C’95

Kelly-Ann Iola Henry, C’96 Robin Harmon Henry, C’79 Alan L. Hermesch Djuana Denise Herron, C’87 Callie Robinson Hester, C’40 Tara Ayodelle Heyliger, C’94 Yvonne Ellis Hicks, C’75 Paula Hicks-Hudson, C’73 Dorothy Jean High, C’56 Zenobia Lawrence Hikes, C’77 Angela C. Hill, C’91 Beverly G. Hill Harvenia H. Hill, C’57 Ramona Marsalis Hill, C’81 Tamara Hill-Bennett, C’91 James W. Hobbs Josette Hochman Askhari Johnson Hodari, C’90 Glenda A. Hodges, C’96 Aisha Margaret Holder, C’99 Ashanti Moneek Hollingsworth, C’2004 Mariella Ama Holman, C’44 Lynn R. Holmes Eurtistine M. Holt, C’58 Denise Ramona Hooks, C’73 Anita B. Housier, C’66 Doleda Jackson Howard, C’78 Robert G. Howard Willie A. Howard George L. Howell Atiya Nataki Hoye, C’94 Leola E. Hubbard, C’64 Kimberly Hudson-Wright, C’90 Michelle D. Hugghis, C’95 Jill E. Hughes, C’91 Roxie Hughes-Jackson, C’78 Clestell Byrd Hunt, C’55 Deshaun Giselle Hunter, C’91 Kelli Rose Hunter, C’90 Ray Hunter Maggie Patricianne Hurd, C’62 Thelma Freeman Hurley, C’46 Irene Stokes Ingram, C’59 Myra I. Ingram-Allen, C’89 Gloria Thornton Inman, C’60 Bobbie Ann Irvins, C’60 Eme Nsikitima Isok-Nsuk, C’84 Sheila L. Jack, C’75 Andrea Jackson, C’63 Barbara L. Jackson Barbara Sparks Jackson, C’45 Cecily Denise Jackson, C’94 Deirdre Spencer Jackson, C’85 Evelyn Lyons Jackson, C’58 Frances Marie Jackson, C’90 Jennifer Lucille Jackson, C’94 Joanna Jackson, C’93 Kai Jackson Kathryn Jackson Martha Holmes Jackson, C’66 Montina Golphin Jackson, C’85 Patricia P. Jackson Peggy Moore Jackson, C’76 Rebecca Gorden Jackson, C’57 Tanisha Anne Jackson, C’99 Teronda Veronique Jackson, C’95 Tiffany Jennifer Jackson, C’99 Sara Jean Jackson-Moore, C’59 Josephine Jackson-Smith, C’46 Louise Jackson-Williams, C’73 Beth Michelle James, C’97 JoAnn James Lucia Bacote James, C’54 Stephanie Theresa James, C’88 Carol Lewis Jefferson, C’76 Emma Stone Jeffries, C’49 Zina Gatling Jemison, C’83 Kimberly D. Jimmar Tawakalitu Moromoke Jogunosimi, C’95 Angela Rosita Johnson, C’82 Anna Lanon Johnson, C’43 April Janae Johnson, C’2003 Betty June Johnson, C’69 Clara Elizabeth Flagg Johnson, C’52 Cynthia Guthrie Johnson, C’77 Diane Allen Johnson, C’75 Erin Marie Johnson, C’2001 Gail C. Johnson, C’95 John D. Johnson Julia Ponder Johnson, C’56 Kenneth & Carolyn Johnson Kimberly Patrice Johnson, C’99 Loretta Greene Johnson, C’75 Marlisa R. Johnson, C’92 Monica Andrea Johnson, C’94

Naomi Cole Johnson, C’48 Raymond L. Johnson Robert Johnson Robyn Joya Johnson, C’85 Rose L. Johnson, C’83 Vivian Hunt Johnson, C’41 Yvonne Bryant Johnson, C’70 Toni D. Johnson-Chavis Joyce Elaine Johnston, C’85 Alberta Jones, C’47 Carole Johnson Jones, C’81 Dominique Rekaye Jones, C’95 Helen Coleman Jones, C’66 James N. Jones Kim Canavan Jones, C’83 Kimberly Nicole Jones, C’94 Laina Nicole Jones, C’2001 Laverne Hawkins Jones, C’86 Lenita McClaren Jones, C’56 Michele Yvette Jones, C’77 Sannye Katrill Jones, C’93 Shea Denese Jones, C’95 Alise Jones-Bailey, C’79 Rhonda Lynn Jones-Jointer, C’75 Amelia Arnold Jordan, C’68 Jewel Andrews Jordan, C’75 Sallee Joseph, C’94 Samella Junior-Spence, C’53 Mulubirhan Kidan Kassahun, C’96 Alan M. Katz Susie A. Kay, C’95 Iretta B.C. Kearse, C’88 Norma Carol Keel, C’78 Adriane Kapayl Keepler, C’89 Stephanie Lynn Kelly, C’89 Yakini Belinda Kemp, C’75 Dorothy M. Kenner, C’87 Gwendolyn Kenner-Johnson, C’63 Heather Joi Kenney, C’2001 Judith N’Gina Kenney Merna Kent, C’74 Alfred M. Killian Antoinette Clifford Kindall, C’42 Arnita Louise King, C’95 Kamau King Milandria King, C’95 Yvette B. Kinsey, C’84 Elizabeth G. Kirkland, C’98 Juliette Knowles-Mccrary Alfred L. Knox Walter Korzec Phyllis Labanowski Cereesa E. Longest Lacey, C’87 Jennifer Ladd Valerie Lafond-Favieres, C’99 Aisha Naeemah Lalor, C’2000 Annissa M. Lambirth-Garrett, C’89 Judy Morris Lampert Thalia Gray Langley, C’67 Jennifer Doggett LaPoint, C’84 Louise Hembree Larkin, C’51 Otha Anne Larkins, C’54 Valoria White Latson, C’73 Jerelean Miller Lattimore, C’58 Karen Kendrick Law, C’78 Crystal Lynette Lawrence, C’2000 Deirdre Michelle Lawrence, C’89 Kraytina Louise Lawrence, C’2000 Muriel T. Lawrence, C’87 Stephanie M. LawsonMuhammad, C’91 Maria Sims Lay, C’70 Tracy Patricia Leary, C’90 Angela Denise LeBoyd-Taylor, C’92 Jacquelyn E. Lee, C’76 Margaret Carol Lee, C’76 Teresa Yvonne Lee, C’2000 Theresa Brockenberry Lee, C’75 Veronica Nicole Lee, C’2000 Teresa I. Lee-Momon, C’81 Harry G. Lefever Jennifer K. Legardy, C’95 Jeanne H. Lenhardt, C’68 Joan Redmond Leonard, C’76 Alexis Bernadette Lester, C’2002 Caya Beth Lewis, C’94 Charlotte O. Lewis, C’66 Dawn Katrina Lewis, C’89 Eva Rachelle Lewis, C’2004 Jeannine Nicole Lewis, C’95 Kimberly Ann Lewis, C’88 Selma B. Lewis Vivian S. Lewis Gloria Willis Lightfoot, C’65 Arturo Lindsay Bettye Clark Little, C’62 Helen Davis Little, C’58

Perry A. Little Monica Anne Lloyd, C’96 Gloria Bridges Locke, C’74 Virginia Entzminger Longino, C’47 Danyelle Monique Loveless, C’90 Tiffany Lovett, C’81 Eloise LaVerne Luke, C’84 Mary Bythewood Lynch, C’35 Brenda Marie Macklin, C’76 Nabulungi Abeo Mack-Williams, C’99 Sinclair Head Maddox, C’60 Mary Madison, C’56 Joan Few Maner, C’62 Gloria D. Manson, C’70 Robert Marquez Cynthia Diane Marshall, C’82 Jacqueline S. Marshall, C’61 Cassandra Martin, C’76 Kimara Ngai Mason, C’90 Melbahu Bryant Mason, C’34 Thelma Rollins Mason, C’67 Theodore & Bernice Mason Joy Tennille Massey, C’99 Robert H. Massey Rhonda L. Matheison Angela Brown Mathis, C’86 Renita D. Mathis Adrienne R. Matthews, C’96 Deirdre Wilson Matthews, C’82 Lois S. Matthews Merritt S. Matthews Patrice Kirsten Matthews, C’85 Sonya Maria Maxwell, C’83 Alison Willis McAfee, C’2001 Marilyn Singleton McCain, C’73 Sherita Dari McCain, C’2002 Casey Rebecca McCants, C’2000 Shameka C. McCaskill, C’2000 Treasure Latifa McClain, C’97 Carla Jevonne McClendon, C’2000 Margaret Monique McCloudManley, C’98 Valerie Elaine McClure, C’86 Crystal Renee McCollum, C’92 Malachy McCourt Bettye Earl McCoy, C’57 Clint G. McCrory Carmen Jeanine McCutcheon, C’2002 Augustine McDaniel, C’67 Bernice Dowdy McDaniel, C’66 M. Akua McDaniel, C’69 Cheryl McDonnell-McGee, C’75 Sharon Hawkins McDougal, C’90 Carol Yvette McGee, C’88 Sherri Ann McGee, C’87 Sophia Lonette McIntyre, C’94 Monette Coleman McIver, C’86 Audrey Michelle McKay, C’91 Judith Jones McKinley, C’77 Javonne Lanette McKoy, C’95 Candace R. McLaren, C’95 Jackie C. McLean, C’78 Joanna Owens McLendon, C’47 Sheryl McNeill, C’79 Carolyn Taylor McQueen, C’85 Donna McQueen, C’80 Camille Durden McWilliams, C’65 Jennifer Rose McZier, C’96 Carolyn Yvonne Meadows, C’80 Angela Meeks, C’93 Margaret N. Mermin Nathan Metzger Wanda Bland Meyers, C’76 Steven Meyn Angela Dionn Middleton, C’89 Will J. Millard Janet D. Miller Jennifer Anne Miller, C’96 Piper R. Miller, C’97 Kimberley M. Miller-Dempsey, C’89 Rhonda J. Mills, C’82 Jessica R. Milton, C’2000 Lise-Pauline Milton, C’99 Telicia L. Mims, C’86 Vanessa Kaye Mims, C’92 Tishria LaChan Mindingall, C’87 Kenneth A. Mines Sheronda LaRisia Minton, C’89 Beryl Thomas Mitchell, C’77 Debra Jean Mitchell, C’90 Rhonda Gowans Mitchell, C’96 Sharon Bartow Mitchell, C’72 Lora Mitchell-Wills, C’84 Tyrone E. Monro Mildred Walker Monroe, C’67 Peggy A. Montes Sarah S. Montgomery

Michelle Renee Moody, C’92 Annie Jewell Moore, C’43 Karen Campbell Moore, C’86 Rhonda Lynn Beatty Moore, C’80 Nicole C. Moore-King, C’2004 Emily Richardson Moorer, C’76 Cassandra T. Morgan, C’82 Ruth Huling Morgan, C’61 Shona Davidson Morgan, C’95 Mavis Morgan-Hall, C’46 Daphne Goodson Morris, C’85 Lyssa-Michelle Morris, C’90 Iyabo Abena Morrison, C’97 Rosemarie Morse, C’76 Felicia J. Morton, C’90 Mioshi Lanique Moses, C’92 Margie Richardson Mosley, C’68 Doris Moultrie Moss, C’52 Monica B. Moss, C’92 Onawumi Jean Moss Colm K. Mulcahy Sheila Holman Mullins, C’89 Sonia Williams Murphy, C’99 Shawna Lynn Napper-Acker, C’83 Rubye D. Neal, C’46 David Nelson Joneida Lechea Nelson, C’95 Kara L. Nelson, C’96 Monica Louise Newman, C’95 Rosa Lee Nichols, C’56 Deborah Hale Nickens, C’75 Sonia Nieto Millicent Drake Norman, C’71 Kimani Norrington-Sands, C’93 Martha L. Ntiforo Helen Robinson Nunley, C’43 Marilyn Jeanne Olmstead, C’70 Ericka J. Orina, C’78 Ina Nichol Owens, C’94 June Hayward Owens, C’72 Harriette Owens-Wright, C’57 Patricia J. Pace, C’62 Edna Jarrett Pagan, C’56 Marie Gaston Palmer, C’70 Natalie S. Palmer, C’94 Annamary Vernell Parker, C’87 Lewis A. Parker Bari Alexis Parks-Ballard, C’86 Dedra Bryant Partridge, C’74 Ara Ann Yates Patridge, C’59 Nikita Collins Patterson, C’93 Sheron C. Patterson, C’81 Virginia Pattman, C’60 Tabia S. Patton, C’96 Doretha Elouise Payne, C’42 Jeanie Dixon Peagler, C’67 Jina Billups Pearce, C’84 Jeanne Willis Pearson, C’47 Ojetta Pearson, C’68 Susie Blasingame Pearson, C’56 Dekisha Michelle Pendergrass, C’96 Cassandra Aleasha Pennington, C’93 Mildred Wynn Penson, C’51 Margo V. Perkins, C’88 Sydney Ann Perkins-Payne, C’85 Bettye Thomas Peters, C’58 Lorna M. Peterson Celestine Davenport Pettrie, C’36 Angela Mechelle Phillips, C’2001 Brenda Phillips, C’93 Gussie C. Davis Phillips, C’46 Shaka A. Phillips, C’2000 Vanessa Gale Phillips, C’80 Kathleen E. Phillips-Lewis Kenya Thacker Pierre, C’96 Kendra Williams Pierson, C’2000 Darilyn Danita Davis Pigford, C’96 Laura M. Pinkney Myra Pitts, C’86 Volyia Senteria Plain, C’90 Latitia Plummer, C’92 Ethel S. Poole (dec.) Shirley Curry Porter, C’73 Terrence J. Porter Marla L. Posey-Moss, C’96 Clarella Y. Cooke Pratt, C’62 Tonya Pressley-Toliver, C’74 Amelia B. Prillerman Johnnie Hines Prothro, C’41 Monica McCoy Purdy, C’89 Karen Arlicha Purnell, C’87 Tawana Cook Purnell, C’75 Sheila Purnell-Jones, C’86 Trina Smith Pyron, C’89 Linda Gail Quillian, C’72 Kia Rahman, C’2000 Patricia G. Ramsey

Dana Grace Randolph, C’79 Maranda Markell Randolph, C’93 Mattie C. Ransby Janet E. Ransom, C’73 Robin Jeannetta Raschard, C’93 Joan A. Rasool Laura & Norman Rates Florine Mack Rattliff, C’63 Bamby Z. Ray Lynette Yvonne Ray, C’93 Bridget Ray-Canada, C’89 Tandi H. Reddick, C’93 Leona Reddick-Mott, C’50 Alicia Lynnette Redrick, C’94 Teresa Ann Reese, C’87 Tiffany J. Reese, C’95 Calvin Reeves, Jr. Chimere Love Reeves, C’2002 Hillary R. Reeves, C’92 Patricia D. Reeves-Moore, C’68 Babette Reid, C’88 Charles Julian Reid, C’64 Colin H. Reid Barbara Yancey Render, C’55 Rhonda Strawter Respress, C’81 Rae Ellen Reynolds, C’93 Michika R. Reynolds-Quillin, C’89 Tampa Letitia Rhodes, C’91 Marjorie Rich, C’68 Audrey C. Richards, C’73 Ruth G. Richards Anita Louise Richardson, C’90 Brenda Kate Richardson, C’70 Kanika A. Richardson Riche Deianne Richardson, C’93 Marjorie A. Ricks, C’49 Marcia Riley, C’79 Tiaudra Raschon Riley, C’97 Beatrice Ringgold Kimberly Reed Robbins, C’87 Margaret Ann Robbins, C’49 Terri Denise Robertson, C’89 Kim L. Robinson LeeNovia Veneshia Robinson, C’75 Lillian Vaughan Robinson, C’47 Loren Kathleen Robinson, C’2003 Lori Sasai Robinson, C’90 Nakia D. Robinson, C’96 Wanda Jackson Robinson, C’74 Shana Miki Rooks, C’97 Gloria Gardner Rosemond, C’54 Angela Lynnette Ross, C’95 Deborah K. Ross, C’78 Derykka Albright Ross, C’95 Margaret Fay Wise Ross, C’56 Renee Christine Ross, C’92 Rosalind LaPearl Ross, C’2000 Vikki Roy, C’90 Kathleen L. Royal Nekko Noel Rucker, C’92 Judith Fennell Ruffin, C’66 Carrie Locke Rumph, C’48 Penny Gibson Rumph, C’84 Felicia L. Sadler, C’91 Romeldia Hearn Salter, C’90 Alfreada Hildreth Sanders, C’80 Linda Thomas Sanders, C’93 John H. Sandoz Darva R. Satcher, C’96 Lawrence Schenbeck Ylonda Fauntleroy Schoonmaker, C’80 Bernice DeGannes Scott Jacqueline Renee_ Scott, C’89 Wynelle Washington Scott, C’74 Tamika Louise Sea, C’2004 Lillie Lathan Searles, C’74 Jacquelyne Daniels Sears, C’86 Sharon Sellers-Clark, C’83 Patricia Moody Sewing, C’56 Barbara Youngblood Seymour, C’49 Nagambal S. Shah Safiyyah Shahid, C’98 Rashidah Nadirah Shakir, C’88 Debra J. Sharp, C’81 Gertrude Katrina Shaw, C’95 Mae Smith Sheftall, C’68 Margaret Rucker Sheftall, C’59 Jamehl Demons Shegog, C’90 Joyce R. Shelton, C’56 Lois Johnson Sherard, C’51 Doris Nicholson Shields, C’74 Marian Herd Shorter, C’45 Michelle A. Shorter, C’85 Kumea Shorter-Gooden Gwendolyn Shumate-Williams, C’78 Alma Wyden Simmons, C’73

Carolyne Hall Simmons, C’70 Gettys Bryant Simon, C’42 Angela Anita Simpson, C’79 Merle E. Christian Simpson, C’42 Andrea Battle Sims, C’78 Wanda M. Sims, C’80 Beverly Ingrid Sinclair, C’75 Cynthia D. Singleton Georgetta Polite Singleton, C’81 Christine W. Sizemore A. Michelle Smith, C’69 Anne Collins Smith, C’96 Ayanay Ferguson Smith, C’95 Blanche Mickle Smith, C’76 Camille Annette Smith, C’66 Cassandra Wiggins Smith, C’74 Charlie Gardner Smith, C’66 Daisy Wynette Smith, C’69 Demetria Michele Smith, C’94 Eva Sue Smith Helen Starr Smith, C’42 Laqusha Dachell Smith, C’95 Lucille Ford Taplin Smith, C’41 Maxine Atkins Smith, C’49 Patricia Cousins Smith, C’76 Phillip A. Smith Sherique Moshelle Smith, C’95 Soneni Bryant Smith, C’76 Tonja Campbell Smith, C’88 Wilma Ann Smith, C’72 Jaynell Maria Smith-Cameron, C’85 Jennifer Saporia Smith-King, C’93 Vicki Smith-Williams Tonya McMillan Smoot, C’83 Robert L. Smothers Lisa Dawn Snyder, C94 Leigh Ann Solomon, C’2003 Anita Louise Spann-Peek, C’62 Tiffanie Renee Spearman, C’92 Mozel J. Spriggs Cristal L. Squaire, C’92 Carlettra Troynez Stanford, C’95 Anne T. Stanley Cheryl Ann Stanley, C’77 Angela Bryant Starke, C’84 Loren Ingrid Statia, C’89 Daiquiri Steele, C’2004 Larry Steele Latricia Lyn Stephens, C’91 Marcus L. Stephens Patsy E. Stephens, C’65 Geraldine P. Stephens-Burton, C’56 Dayna D. Stewart, C’87 Deirdre Nicole Stewart, C’91 Emily Davis Stinson, C’54 Vivien Shivers Stocks, C’62 Robyn Catherine Stokes, C’2000 Daphne Burgess Stowe, C’75 Eunice Barksdale Strong, C’55 Monya Aletha Stubbs, C’93 Monique Ariel Sugarmon, C’86 Karen McCullen Sullivan, C’80 Annie Perry Swanson, C’56 Jonnelle Sweetner-Stephens, C’79 Michael Sykes Rashida Aisha Sykes, C’95 Sabra Amy Talley, C’85 Alfreda Talton-Harris, C’73 Terri Dawn Tanner, C’84 Dorothy G. Tarr Sydne L. Tarry, C’91 Elvira M. Tate Reiko Renee Tate, C’98 Stephanie Adkins Tate, C’73 Madeleine Cooper Taylor, C’69 Nola S. Taylor, C’79 Contente Leasure Terry, C’93 Teresa A. Theisen Ama Pasua Thomas, C’94 Anita Wallace Thomas, C’86 Aquilla McIntosh Thomas, C’85 Carlene Goudy Thomas, C’37 Genevieve Wheeler Thomas, C’36 Henry M. Thomas, III Valencia Wilson Thomas, C’77 Joyce L. Thompkins Karen Roberts Thompson, C’72 Veronique L. Thompson, C’82 Anna Hankerson Thornton, C’62 Marilyn McClendon Thornton, C’76 Nailah Ellis Timberlake, C’2004 Eleanor Jeanette Tinnon, C’61 Jacqueline Hunter Townsend, C’65 Cynthia Trawick-Harmon, C’85 Romie Tribble Wanda Walker Truesdale, C’71 Rosalyn Johnson Truitt, C’71



Dorothy Robinson Tucker, C’59 Mildred O. Tucker Cynthia Ann Tucker-Curtis, C’76 Nzinga Temple Tull, C’97 Stephanie Nicole Turnage, C’95 Wenetta M. Turner Henrietta E. Turnquest, C’68 Eva Washington Tyler, C’75 Itauma Ufot, C’79 Patricia Ann Varnado, C’75 Alma Lee Vaughn Evelyn Shelby Vaughn, C’72 Diana Elaine Veiga, C’2003 Robert V. Veiga Nicole Yvonne Venable, C’91 Valerie Bright Vinson, C’85 Mary Jones Vismale, C’47 Tess Marie Vismale, C’91 Ora Mae Bruno Wagoner, C’63 Doris Ann Walker, C’70 Michele R. Walker Patricia Carter Walker, C’59 Winona Paul Walker, C’57 Cynthia Lee Wallace, C’93 Rhonda Rena Waller, C’92 Jeanette Celeste Walley, C’95 Ansonia Campbell Walls, C’45 Lawren Ann Ward, C’97 Denise Wade Warner, C’75 Kimberly Rosa Warren, C’91 M. Anita Finch Warren, C’71 Elizabeth Parnell Warrick, C’64 Alice Jean Washington, C’75 Gwynn Martin Washington, C’76 Jenene R. Washington, C’95 Marjorie Vinson Washington Najeema Davis Washington, C’2000 Regina Washington Sheryl W. Washington, C’77 Tracey Clark Washington, C’89 Mary L. Waters, C’66 Krystle N. Watler, C’2004 Janice Killan Sasser Watson, C’74 Theresa Dione Watts, C’95 Tandelyn Atkinson Weaver, C’74 Antoinae Mertice Webb, C’84 Kimberly Sherrille Weems, C’93 Bobby W. Welch Claudia Wells Gwendolyn Jones West, C’71 Steven S. West Wendi Lynn West, C’91 Eric A. Westley Jacqueline Hill Whatley, C’76 Alyson McCall White, C’78 Belinda Johnson White, C’76 Carolyn Smith White, C’55 K. Heshima White, C’89 Denise Y. White-Jennings, C’74 Tracy Phillips Whiteman, C’84 Valjean M. Whitlow, C’86 Jeannette Hughes Whittenburg, C’70 Teresa Diane Wilbon, C’70 Brandan Nicole Wilburn, C’99 Claudine Edmonds Wilcox, C’51 Lee Wilder Juliette Lisa Wilkerson, C’88 Barbara P. Williams, C’72 Brandi Lynee Williams, C’2000 Cheryl L. Williams, C’96 Christine Williams, C’65 Earl L. Williams Effie Brown Williams, C’51 Gwendolyn Lawson Williams, C’61 Jennifer J. Scott Williams, C’2000 Karen Callaway Williams, C’88 Kimberly Lenise Williams, C’98 Nicole Y. Williams, C’2000 Piper K. Williams, C’94 Roberta D. Williams, C’45 Shandra Denise Williams, C’91 Wilhemena Richardson Williams, C’64 Karen Williams-John, C’89 Chalanda Latasha WilliamsTucker, C’89 Nikita Lavon Williamson, C’93 Vivian Stodghill Williamson, C’57 Lori M. Willis, C’87 Michelle Curney Willis, C’86 Jacqueline Nicole Wills, C’2000 Phyllis Wills, C’85 Bernice C. Wilson Gaye Moore Wilson, C’68 Yolanda Williamson Wilson, C’85 Kia Lorren Winston, C’2000

Dana Reed Wise, C’82 Quisa D. Foster Wittingham Avonia Lemons Wood, C’69 Anna Jefferson Woodard, C’65 Fannie Ballard Woodard, C’54 Deborah Hunt Woods, C’73 Kathryn Jackson Woods, C’75 Vera M. Woods, C’81 Dorothy Johnson Woodyard, C’50 Kimberly Ann Worthy, C’96 Adria Jones Wright, C’95 Cheryl Lewis Wright, C’77 Ernest Wright Irene Moore Wright, C’48 Jeanette Wright, C’77 Julia Holloway Wright Margaret Wright, C’75 Ursula Loretta Wright, C’95 Phyllis Wright-Davis, C’81 Syronnica LaTrece Wyatt, C’91 Kristin Delena Wyckoff, C’2001 Annie Lundy Wynn, C’49 Deirdra Y. Yarbrough, C’77 Ella Gaines Yates, C’49 Sharon Michelle Yearwood, C’86 Sarah Adams Yeary, C’83 Carletha Wilkerson Youmans, C’75 Candice Marie Young, C’2002 Lola Marie Wood Young, C’46 Rebecca Paschal Young, C’94 Katie Mae Davis Zellars, C’65

GUARDIAN SOCIETY The Guardian Society recognizes donors who made provisions for planned gifts. Phoebe Lydia Bailey, C'66 Ronald & Barbara Balser Anne Cox Chambers A. J. Cooper Sharon Y. Cribbs, C'76 Jerri L. DeVard, C'79 Mary McKinney Edmonds, C'53 Joyce Kirkland Essien Margaree Cheek Fant, C'76 Lila A. Fenwick Johnnie Hunter Foxworth, C'43 Dorothy J. Fuqua Grayson, C'65 Holcombe & Nancy Green Tracie Gregory Goffe, C'87 Daisy Phinazee Harris, C'47 Laverne Hawkins Jones, C'86 Virginia McKinney Henderson, C’53 Robert & Barbara Holland Fannye Hopkins Banks, C'51 June Gary Hopps, C'60 Dorothy Turner Johnson, C'3 Patricia Graham Johnson, C'7 Rose Harris Johnson, C'57 Barbara Holloway Lee, C'53 Mignon Lackey Lewis, C'51 Audrey Forbes Manley, C'55 Delores LaRheine McCollum, C’73 Allen & Sally McDaniel Karen A. Moore, C'80 Helen E. Nash, C'42

Rosetta Hicks Peterson, C'54 Dovey Johnson Roundtree, C'38 Grace McKivey Scipio, C'46 Marguerite F. Simon, C'35 Barbara Peek Sternick, C'51 Donald & Isabel Stewart Isabella McIntyre Tobin, C'45 Josie Latimer Williams, C'47 Ella Gaines Yates, C'49 Estate Gifts and Trusts Hampton Barnett Charles A. Hicks Jennie L. Marshall Sarah Sage McAlpin Ida G. Peterson, C‘46 Cherie Stawasz

ALUMNAE GIVING BY CLASS Key: *Indicates 1881 Society Membership

Class of 1925 Amount: $100 Participation Rate: 33% Lucia Moore Bacote *

Class of 1927 Amount: $200 Participation Rate: 33% Elaine Johnson Adderly (dec.)

Class of 1930 Amount: $100 Participation Rate: 25% Beautine DeCosta-Lee *

Class of 1933 Amount: $445 Participation Rate: 50% Loyce Willis Bynum Maenelle Dixon Dempsey * Alpha Talley English * Josephine Harreld Love (dec.) Ercell Powell Randall

Class of 1934 Amount: $300 Participation Rate: 27% Virginia Rose Hannon (dec.) Edna Douthard Hubbard (dec.) Melbahu Bryant Mason *

Class of 1935 Amount: $1,700 Participation Rate: 23% Elva Thomas Foster * Mary Bythewood Lynch * Marguerite F. Simon *

Class of 1936 Amount: $300 Participation Rate: 29% Celestine Davenport Pettrie * Genevieve Wheeler Thomas *

Class of 1937

Class of 1943

Amount: $2,625 Participation Rate: 24% Sarah M. Lemon-Palmore * Johnipher Davis Mizell Mabel Murphy Smythe-Haith * Carlene Goudy Thomas *

Amount: $5,100 Participation Rate: 43% Cora Appleby-Williams * Annie Waller Berlack * Mozelle Dailey Clemmons * Austella Walden Colley Martha Brock Crews * Marilyn Green Epps * Johnnie Hunter Foxworth * Florence Irving Francis * Ernestine Wallace Gipson * Anna Lanon Johnson * Elizabeth G. King * Annie Jewell Moore * Helen Robinson Nunley * Thelma Collins Spann * Helen Rice Walker (dec.)

Class of 1938 Amount: $625 Participation Rate: 14% Alberta Elizabeth Thomas * Alice Holmes Washington *

Class of 1939 Amount: $1,225 Participation Rate: 46% Bernice Bradford Bass * Anne Thomas Braxton * Franzetta Williams Durant * Jessie Coles Harper * Dorothea Boston Jackson * Ruth Pope Williams

Class of 1940 Amount: $6,025 Participation Rate: 45% Marjorie Ramey Adams * Laura Hill Anderson * Dorothy Neal Birchette Gladys Inez Forde * Glenna Stewart Hayes * Callie Robinson Hester * Ida Brown Knight * Gladys Beverly Wallace * Alma Stone Williams *

Class of 1941 Amount: $1,200 Participation Rate: 38% Dorothy Aderhold Andrews * Rosa Hill Brown * Edith Arnold Hambrick * Vivian Hunt Johnson * Elizabeth Patton Lee Johnnie Hines Prothro * Bernice Felton Rainbow Lucille Ford Taplin Smith * Alpha Valerie Hines Westbrook *

Class of 1942 Amount: $2,850 Participation Rate: 43% Malissa Kilgore Briley * Eddie Lee Bush Cannon * Mildred M. Chandler * Eleanor Bell Coote * Georgia Smith Dickens Charlotte Carter Green Antoinette Clifford Kindall * Sarah Byrd King Rae Jamison Marks Mary E. Parker * Doretha Elouise Payne * Gettys Bryant Simon * Merle E. Christian Simpson * Alfred White Smith * Helen Starr Smith *

Planned Gifts

A Source for Increased Scholarship Support Alumnae and friends of the College are providing scholarship assistance for Spelman students through planned gifts. Cherie Stawasz, the owner of a New York public relations firm, had never visited Spelman’s campus nor was she acquainted with a professor or alumnae of the College. However, she heard of Spelman and identified with its mission to empower young women of color. While terminally ill, she made provisions for the College to receive a bequest of $737,188 for scholarship support from her estate. Ms. Stawasz succumbed to cancer in 2004. The Ida Gartrell Peterson and Roosevelt Peterson Endowed Scholarship was established under the terms of the will of the late Dr. Ida Gartrell Peterson, C’46. Dr. Peterson was a former Spelman College faculty member. Distributions from the trust totaled $87,000 to date and will provide scholarships for students pursuing a degree in education.


Class of 1944 Amount: $4,370 Participation Rate: 38% Marguerite Pearson Chambliss * Mary Frances Martin Clark * Eleanor Blackshear Fryer Cleo Ingram Hale Gwendolyn Dowdell Henderson Mariella Ama Holman * Willie Sherwood Johnson * Del Eagan Jupiter * Savannah Ruth Ivory McIver * Dorothy Hood Oliver * Charlotte Linder Perry * Norma Payton Reid Lucy J. Ridley * Rudean Hackett Riggins * Carolyn Taylor Thomas * Lula Lundy Whatley

Class of 1945 Amount: $15,425 Participation Rate: 35% Irene Parnell Yopp Curtis * Lois Blayton Dabney * Marian Ellison Gary * Barbara Sparks Jackson * Eleanor Bryson Jackson * Annie Brown Kennedy * Juanita Hudson Scott Isabella McIntyre Tobin* Marian Herd Shorter * Ansonia Campbell Walls * Lillian Watkins * Ida Margaret White * Roberta D. Williams *

Class of 1946 Amount: $55,605 Participation Rate: 51% Willie Louise Grier Barker Selonia Smith Blatch * Joyce Cooper Bobo * Vivian McFall Carter * Mary Stephens Dansby * Alyce Smith Dodson * Annette Vister Evans * Mary T. Fannings * Emma Marie Foster * Thelma Freeman Hurley * Maxine Baker Jackson Josephine Jackson-Smith * Mavis Morgan-Hall * Rubye D. Neal * E. Sacia Ross Pandley * Ida G. Peterson (dec.) Gussie C. Davis Phillips * Dellora Richards Lewis Christine W. Robinzine * Mildred Daugherty Rodgers Charlotte Arnold Russell Grace McKivey Scipio * Gloria Crawford Sims June Mack Wardlaw * Harriett Barker White Evalyn Spann Young * Lola Marie Wood Young *

Class of 1947 Amount: $16,660 Participation Rate: 56% Diana Mattison Anderson * Amanda Keith Bailey * Rosetta Wimberly Clements * Hattimarie Parks Davis * Leanora Butler Davis * Virginia Turner Dowell * Charlie Lovett Ellington *

Imogene Morrow Ford C. Carolyn Goss * Daisy Phinazee Harris * Alberta Jones * Sarah Powell Jones * Myrtle Mark Kelly * Virginia Entzminger Longino * Catherine Wilson May Joanna Owens McLendon * Jeanne Willis Pearson * Aurelia Doris Robinson * Lillian Vaughan Robinson * Adelle Del Pino Samuel Carolyn Ouida Smith * Mildred Ponder Stennis * Ann Harris Stoddard * Rhoda Crute Tolbert Birdie Gambrell Tyler * Mary Jones Vismale * Billye Johnson Von Blasingame * Mildred Collier Walton * Josie Latimer Williams * Mae F. Clowney Wilson * Jean Turner Yongue *

Class of 1948 Amount: $2,739 Participation Rate: 39% Pearl Bellinger June Dobbs Butts * Jacqueline Larkins Crook * Gloria Davis Dent * Christine King Farris * Sara Rowe Gross * Gloria Wheeler Hawkins * Naomi Cole Johnson * Carrie Locke Rumph * E. Grace Beavers Thurston * Ruth Gandy Washington (dec.) Bessie Hamilton Wilborn Jeannette Bowman Wilson * Irene Moore Wright *

Class of 1949 Amount: $16,354 Participation Rate: 66% Ernestein Walker Baylor * Jacqueline Hill Bryant * Elise Dunn Cain * Bettye R. Campbell * Doris Perry Carter * Melba Moore Carter Ruby Woods Carter * Evelyn Willis Chisolm * Rubye Singleton Cooke * Emmalyn Jenkins Deal * Marymal M. Dryden * Mary Johnson Durgans-Willett * Lavaughn Force Elkins * Mary Young Gerald * Yvonne King Gloster * Gwendolyn Fields Halls Dolores Posey Harris Virginia Hawkins-Stephens * Elizabeth Yorke Holloway * Emma Stone Jeffries * Doris Thompson McCollum * Sue Perteet Morris * Harriet Mitchell Murphy * Lucile Logan Nix * Willie Mae Pearson-Butler * Sara Penn Senella Thomas Rawls * Marjorie A. Ricks * Margaret Ann Robbins * Barbara Youngblood Seymour * Maxine Atkins Smith * Henrene Ellington Smoot Annie Lundy Wynn * Muriel Ketchum Yarbrough * Ella Gaines Yates *

Class of 1950 Amount: $22,985 Participation Rate: 52% Eldora Love Adkins * Mary Lue Ball * Grace Diggs Branch-Hasson * Dorothy Zellner Brown * Clarice Wyatt Church * Johnnie Lumpkin Davis * Elise Fortson Gilham * Anna Maxwell Gray * Pauline Riley Hadley * Virginia Moreland Haywood-Smith * Hester Hall Johnson * J. Louise Johnson Jordan *

Alumnae Giving by Class Alumnae support enables the College to make great strides and allows Spelman women the opportunity to demonstrate a personal commitment to their alma mater. This listing recognizes alumnae contributors by class years, showing both total giving and the percentage of participation for each class. Collectively, alumnae contributed $1.2 million in the 2004-2005 fiscal year, with 2,706 donors or 21 percent of alumnae participating. Alumnae giving in fiscal year 2005 was the most successful to date. We are grateful to those who made these achievements possible. Non-Reunion Classes Class

Most Significant Class Gift Class Gift











Highest Percentage of Participation Class Percentage 1949 66% 1947 56% 1946 51% 1933 50% 1953 49% 1951


Thomasenor Walker Pearson * Reba Wilson Perkins * Aserelene Parker Pickett * Barbara Yancey Render * Amy Irving Richardson * Mary Brown Shank * Hortense Edwards Shelton * Elsie Mallory Smith * Eunice Barksdale Strong * Helen Taylor-Thompson * Eleanor Williams Traylor * Joan L. Walton * Carolyn Smith White *

Class of 1956 Amount: $23,810 Participation Rate: 48% Kay Jett Baker * Barbara Atkinson Barham Gloria S. Bolds * Gloria Strong Boyd Joyce Conley Brown * Bernice Woolfolk Bufford * B. LaConyea Butler * Dorothy Gibson Cobb * Carolyn Bailey Collins * Betty Lovett Dabney * Ethel Coleman Davenport * L. Rita Dixon * Carrie White Fuller * Gene E. Gary-Williams * Gwendolyn Gilley-Conley Dorothy Jean High * Helen Callaway Jackson * Julia Ponder Johnson * Lenita McClaren Jones * Mary Madison * Charlotte Butler McAfee Rosa Lee Nichols * Edna Jarrett Pagan * Doris Alberta Patterson * Susie Blasingame Pearson * Margaret Fay Wise Ross * Patricia Moody Sewing * Joyce R. Shelton * Geraldine P. Stephens-Burton * Annie Perry Swanson * Doris Robinson Van Putten * Hulda A. Wilson * Gloria Strickland Yancey * Darlene Yarbrough-Morgan *

Class of 1957 Lillian Carter Lawton * Elizabeth Atkinson Moore * Dorothy L. Pierce * Leona Reddick-Mott * Irene Bennett Reid * Alma Blanton Rountree * Carrie Evelyn Starks Clemmie Sanders Tolmaire * Verna Turner Venning * Maurice M. Williams * Doris R. Winfrey * Dorothy Johnson Woodyard *

Edythe Banks George * Fannie Ruth Gilbert Shirley Statom Henderson * Marion Townsend Jackson * Clara Elizabeth Flagg Johnson * Dorothy Cole King * Hazel Rucker Moore * Emma Jean Franklin Moreland Doris Moultrie Moss * Bessie Nixon Reynolds * Laura Williams Turner * Jacqueline Kirby Wills

Class of 1951

Class of 1953

Amount: $6,075 Participation Rate: 49% Fannye Hopkins Banks * Elayne Bush Bell * Leatrice Traylor Bell Emma Hardnett Bush * Juanita Collier (dec.) Claudette Chapman Cureton * Dorothy L. DeVillars * Clotilda Diggs * Mary Hill Dinkins Vivian Bailey Grier (dec.) Ernie Flinoil Jackson * Louise Hembree Larkin * Mignon Lackey Lewis * Charlotte Knowles Mays (dec.) Mildred Wynn Penson * Gladys Earl Roberts * Lois Johnson Sherard * Barbara Peek Sternick * Claudine Edmonds Wilcox * Effie Brown Williams *

Amount: $26,100 Participation Rate: 49% June McDonald Aldridge * Wylma White Barnett Helen M. Bell * Jeanne Bryant Blackmon Ruth Harvey Brown * Mary McKinney Edmonds * Jean LaRue Foster * Sadie B. Garner * Jean McArthur Grant * Virginia Ruth McKinney Henderson Dora A. Foushee Hobbs Cleopatra W. Johnson * Mable Lumpkin Johnson * Samella Junior-Spence * Dorothy Whited LeBlanc * Barbara Holloway Lee June Thalier Martin * Marilyn Miller Davis Mitchell * Ruby Tolbert Richards * Jacqueline J. Wellington-Moore * Gloria Wade Wingfield *

Class of 1952 Amount: $30,935 Participation Rate: 27% Joy San Walker Brown * Gwendolyn King Butler Lola Ann Blasingame Evans *

*Indicates 1881 Society Membership

Class of 1954 Amount: $8,270 Participation Rate: 44% Emma Jean Bell * Ruby Handspike Clay *

Ruth Minor Crawford * Catherine A. Cummings Joan Ealey-Sawyer * Phyllis Dansby Fisher * Gwendolyn Walker Garrison * Veleria F. Henson-Fulton (dec.) Lucia Bacote James * Christine Dixon Jones Otha Anne Larkins * Gloria Gardner Rosemond * Ora Sterling-King * Emily Davis Stinson * Ossie Smith Tuggle * Fannie Ballard Woodard *

Class of 1955 Amount: $52,735 Participation Rate: 80% Altona Johns Anderson * Roberta Parnell Barnes * Lynette Fields Byrom * Evelyn C. Campbell * Yvonne Parks Catchings * Gwendolyn Bishop Chambliss * Claudia Finger Chavis * Lillian McKinney Cooley * Elizabeth Collins Davis * Leautry Shipps Davis * Alice Zuber Dunston * Essie Jewell Eason * Cecelia Gartrell Evans * Thelma B. Ferguson * Margaret Beverly Hancock * Janie C. Holman * Clestell Byrd Hunt * Amelia Strong Irons * Trellie James Jeffers * Ellen Pierce Jones * Ruby Jones Leaphart * Nannie Kate Lindsey * Audrey F. Manley * Erin Goseer Mitchell *

Amount: $11,360 Participation Rate: 43% Margaret Smith Adair Judith Fisher Arrington * Ruth Etta Baines * Renelda Cross Belcher * Alvia Alexander Boone * Dollie G. Brown * Lucinda Lecounte Capers * Ray Frances Chatman-Scott * Mamie Russell Darlington Deanna Davis * Barbara Ponder Elias * Sylvia Blackmon Ellis * Elizabeth Bryan Fortson * Rosa Rice Hadley * Nannie Archie Henderson * Harvenia H. Hill * Hazel Howard * Rebecca Gorden Jackson * Janet Williams Johnson Rose Harris Johnson * Prethenia Kent Jones * Shirley Leaphart * Fannie B. Malone-Nash * Ernestine Miles Mann Bettye Earl McCoy * Harriette Owens-Wright * Bettye Whited Robinson * Bettye Lovejoy Scott * Winona Paul Walker* Vivian Stodghill Williamson * Daisy Slappy Willis Clarice Lampkin Wright

Class of 1958 Amount: $8,257 Participation Rate: 32% Kathryn Johnson Broughton * Phyllis McKinney Bynum * Shirlee Bartlett Chatman * Evelyn Nichols Clowers * Sylvia Fields Cook * Pearline Adamson Davis *

Pauline E. Drake * Yvonne Brown Fortson * Eurtistine M. Holt * Evelyn Lyons Jackson * Janet Webster Jones * Jerelean Miller Lattimore * Helen Davis Little * Yvonne Harris Meadows Bettye Thomas Peters * Helen Sawyer Plump * Carolyn Tucker Sims Barbara Fisher Troup

Class of 1959 Amount: $11,550 Participation Rate: 40% Minnie Alderman Barnes * Geneva Evans Bishop * Barbara Garlington Carrier Jean Strickland Fleming * Julia Martin Gilmore Helen Kerr Hall * Elizabeth O'Kelley Harper Charlene C. Herbert-Williams Irene Stokes Ingram * Sara Jean Jackson-Moore * Marilyn Francis Krigger Jane Bond Moore Ara Ann Yates Patridge * Dorothy Coleman Peay * Janie Owens Peters * Margaret Rucker Sheftall * Roslyn Washington Sylvester * Dorothy Robinson Tucker * Patricia Carter Walker * Geneva Hood Watson-Dean * Frances Glover Weaver *

Class of 1960 Amount: $34,675 Participation Rate: 51% Brenda Wilson Alexander * Celestine Bray Bottoms * Vivian Welch Brinson * Marian Pitts Coles * Jacquelyn Shivers Daniel * Elizabeth McDugle Davis * Gloria Watts Davis * Clarice Walker Dukes * Joyce Wilson Gordon * Marjorie McClendon Hardy * Barbara Elaine Parks Hendricks * Barbara Neal Hicks * June Gary Hopps * Gloria Thornton Inman * Bobbie Ann Irvins * Virginia Powell Jeffries * Mary Echols Kendrick * Barbara Stokes Lewis * Pearl Johnson Logan * Henrietta Reid Lundy-Lasiter * Sinclair Head Maddox * Mildred Thomas McDaniel * Lucille Brown McIver * Carolyn Dawson McLemore * Wilma Abbott Nichols * Gwendolyn Hood Osby * Virginia Pattman * Barbara Lockhart Robinson * Mattie Bembry Sims * E. Delores B Stephens * Mary Bacon Toole * Dwynell Hamm Williams * Joycelyn Harper Wilson * Frances Odom Young *

Class of 1961 Amount: $3,050 Participation Rate: 27% Mamie Adams Benjamin * Anne Ruth Borders-Patterson Floris Barnett Cash * Bette Ann Davis N. June Davis * Gwendolyn Ferrell Elmore * Anne Amelia Grimes Faith Neal Hemphill * Jacqueline S. Marshall * Gwendolyn H. Middlebrooks * Ruth Huling Morgan * Gertrude C. Norman * Lola V. Roberts-Richards Eleanor Jeanette Tinnon * Carolyn N. Stinson Traylor * Gwendolyn Lawson Williams *

Class of 1962 Amount: $5,222 Participation Rate: 38% Melvis Evans Atkinson * Sadie Brinson Brooks Merdis Davis Burns * Emily Cuby Eberhardt * Idella R. Fryar * Alma Willis Fulton * Minnie L. Riley Harris * Priscilla Rowe Huff Annette Y. Huffman * Maggie Patricianne Hurd * Carolyn E. Jackson Henrietta Laster Jones * Dorothy A. Kelsey Bettye Clark Little * Joan Few Maner * Gwendolyn Ann Morgan-Lindsey Mary Ellis Odum Patricia J. Pace * Clarella Y. Cooke Pratt * Anita Louise Spann-Peek * Vivien Shivers Stocks * Anna Hankerson Thornton * Mary Worthy

Class of 1963 Amount: $11,876 Participation Rate: 23% Barbara Jean Andrews * Ernestine Walton Brazeal * Barbara Ann Brown * Barbara A.P. Chandler * Brenda Hill Cole * Bettie J. Durrah * Catherine Ferguson * Billie Mack Greene * Nancy Fesson Hawkins * Edith Simmons Jackmon-Hunter * Andrea Jackson * Audrey Irvin Johnson * Gwendolyn Kenner-Johnson * Eula Persons Krashen * Florine Mack Rattliff * Katie Coleman Rayford * Dorothy Myers Stepteau * Robbie Welch Christler Tourse * Carolyn Willis Trammell * Ora Mae Bruno Wagoner *

Class of 1964 Amount: $5,225 Participation Rate: 28% Mary Reeder Abrams * Betty Wilson Durden Dorothy Jenkins Fields * Louisa Steward Fisher * Alice Morgan Grant * Barbara Jean Gresham Virginia Lee Griggs * Betty Jean Hall * Wendolyn Murphy Harding * Earnestine Wideman Harris * C. LeJeune Hickson * Lucia Anita Holloway McSloy * Eleanor Hoytt * Leola E. Hubbard * Edwina Palmer Hunter * Nelda J. King * Carolyn Sims Lamar Malinda Clark Logan * Bettye Dixon Lynn Joan Andrews Mills Joyce White Mills * Laura Virginia Morgan * Joyce H. Nottingham Charles Julian Reid * Anna Weaver Scruton Willenor Caruthers Sheftall * Joyce Smith Veale Elizabeth Parnell Warrick * Geneitha Delores Welch Wilhemena Richardson Williams * Ridgely Renwick Worthy

Class of 1965 Amount: $44,876 Participation Rate: 63% Doris E. Bebee * Dorothy Harden Borum * Aurelia E. Brazeal * Sandra L. Burton-Hughes * Leila Potts Campbell * Jeannie Holloway Carter * Janice Webb Chappelle * Velma Charles-Shannon *



Theresa H. Cox * Marguerite P. Creecy * Karen Cooper Daniel * Ruth A. Davis * Victoria Borom Davis * Gwendolyn Williams Demps * Barbara Henry Ferguson * Linda Watley Goodlett Dorothy J. Fuqua Grayson * Edith A. Hammond * Yvonne Kyles Hammonds * Mary Jane Hendrix * Mary Franklin Hilliard * Emma Allen Jackson * Millicent Gamble Jackson * Queen Hardnett Jackson * Alice Goseer Jennett * Vernyce Jenrette * Carolynn E. Jones * Karen Kerry Lehman * Gloria Willis Lightfoot * Gwendolyn Ledbetter Lipscomb * Sandra A. Marshall * Clara Prioleau McLeod * Camille Durden McWilliams * Carmen Fennoy Moody * Mary Ann Morris * Charlotte Harris Owens Gloria B. Person * Patricia Dixon Pillow * Willena Kimpson Price * Marian V. Rucker-Shamu * Mary Dupree Sherman * Marian C. Shivers * Patsy E. Stephens * Eloise Stevens-Jones * Sylvia Inez Suitt * Jacqueline Hunter Townsend * Sandra Montgomery Tudos * Delores Turner * C. Jean Whipple Brown * Christine Williams * Grace Kelly Williams * Faye Powell Wilson * Anna Jefferson Woodard * Katie Mae Davis Zellars *

Class of 1966 Amount: $6,535 Participation Rate: 32% Anne Harvey Allison Birdie Harris Anderson * Phoebe Lydia Bailey * Margarette Butler Bolden Helen Carithers * Juanita Robinson Carter * Olga Cook Charles * Deborah Peek Crockett * Beverly Carroll Daniel * Carolyn Reynolds Daniel * Mary McMullen Francis * Claire Brooks Franklin Beverly L. Guy-Sheftall * Ralphine Thompson Hammett * Berlyn Chatard Hargrett * Anita B. Housier * Martha Holmes Jackson * Helen Coleman Jones * Michael Purify Jones Charlotte O. Lewis * Bernice Dowdy McDaniel * Carolyn Odom * Connie Curry Phipps Marilyn O'Bryant Robinson * Judith Fennell Ruffin * Camille Annette Smith * Charlie Gardner Smith * Mary L. Waters *

Class of 1967 Amount: $7,087 Participation Rate: 23% Joyce J. Akridge * Mary Alice Blossomgame Bernita McMillan Boddie * Jacquelyn Ann Kirby Boyette * Yvette Savwoir Bradford * Carlene Henderson Bradley Dianne Wilson Caesar * Connie Johnson Cole Sylvia H. Cordy * Barbara Harper Denson * Frances Dyer * Debra Houston Edwards * Mary Kidd Gardner * Alice M. Graham * Berdie Ricks Hardon *

Agnes Houston Harper * Thalia Gray Langley * Thelma Rollins Mason * Augustine McDaniel * Cynthia McEwen Leonia Jacqueline McRae * Mildred Walker Monroe * Barbara Naylor-Hill * Jeanie Dixon Peagler * Martha Jones Welch *

Class of 1968 Amount: $10,866 Participation Rate: 20% Etta M. Atkinson * J. Veronica Biggins * Patricia Broomfield Bradley Johnetta Cross Brazzell * Jeanette Faucette Brummell * Susan H. Burroughs Laura J. Burton Odem * Stephanie Georgelyn Bush * Herlena Harris Byrd * Rachel Strickland Cook Carolyn Ann Edwards Sarah Merritt Finley * Elaine Martin Freeman * Juanita Woodard Graham Ernestine Steward Gray * Barbara Jean Hardaway Freddye L. Hill Sandra Lee Holliday * Vernita Jackson Irma Hawkins Jeffrey Jolie Gaillard Johnson Amelia Arnold Jordan * Andrea W. Lawrence * Jeanne H. Lenhardt * Dorothy Ann Morton Brown * Margie Richardson Mosley * Patricia D. Reeves-Moore * Ojetta Pearson * Marjorie Rich * Shirley Pompey Sheats Mae Smith Sheftall * Jane E. Smith * Linda Burnett Smith E. Paulette Smith-Epps * Wilma Strong-Webb Henrietta E. Turnquest * C. Eileen Watts Welch * Jean Shipp Williams Laverna King Williams * Gaye Moore Wilson *

Class of 1969 Amount: $8,755 Participation Rate: 29% Carolyn Allen-Mingo Colleen Ammons * Everetta Yvonne Beauford-Oliver * Marilyn Bryant-Taylor * Carolyn Jones Cartwright * Starlett Russell Craig Delores Loraine Crockett * Gloria Cunningham-Sneed * Jettye Hasben Dash (dec.) Carolyn L. Davenport Sandra Bohannan Dolphin * Barbara Dancy Edwards * Patricia Ann Freeman Zenobia S. Gardner * Mamie Louise Garnett Delores Hudson Garrett Bonnie Bohannon Gissendanner * Bettieanne Childers Hart * Jane Brown Jelks-Jones Betty June Johnson * Sonja King Marilyn Hunt Lewis-Alim Dorothy Kent Mabry M. Akua McDaniel * Delores G. Myers * Freida G. Perry G. Joyce Ricks-Drayton Willodene Jenkins Scott * Beverly Y. Simons * A. Michelle Smith * Daisy Wynette Smith * Myrtle Y. Smith * Carnella A. Stewart * Madeleine Cooper Taylor * Taffii Vincent Patricia Eason Walker * Mary Susan Wheeler * Kathryn Stovall Williams * Merchuria Chase Williams *


Avonia Lemons Wood * Lydia Alzoria Wynn *

Class of 1970 Amount: $89,113 Participation Rate: 35% Bettye Joyce Atkinson * Brazellia Baker * Judy Jannelle Barton * Lynda Cobb Boatwright * Jo Ann Bowden * Marsha Hightower Brightwell * Glorious Leatherwood Broughton * Dallas Anderson Campbell * Patricia Wilson Campbell * Alvetta K. Carroll * Deborah A. Carter Mary Elizabeth Catchings * Frances Burnette Cleveland * Gail Paulette Davenport * Joyce Jacquelyn Dorsey * Luella Nichols English * Miriam Blalock Frank * Gloria Singleton Gaston * Rosalyn Clark Gray * JoAnn Reddick Guest Patricia Anne Harvey * Yvonne R. Jackson * Joyce E. Jelks * Donice Thomas Jeter * Yvonne Bryant Johnson * Jacqueline Jones Royster * Melody Quinn Kenner * Rosa King Kilpatrick * Maria Sims Lay * Sara W. Lucas * Ollie Irons Manley * Gloria D. Manson * Ave' Lindsay Marshall * Mona Hamlin Martin Cheryl V. May-Holmes * G. Jeannette McCall * Carolyn McClain * Sherry Willingham Mitchell * Jacqueline P. Moore * Gaile Johnson Mynatt Henri E. Norris * Gwenelle Styles O'Neal Marilyn Jeanne Olmstead * Marie Gaston Palmer * Bentley L. Patterson * Sandra Sims Patterson * Brenda Kate Richardson * Theresa North Rogers * Bettie McCall Rounsaville * Carolyne Hall Simmons * Angela Alexander Stamper * Joyce E. Thornton * Laraine Alexander Vance * Doris Ann Walker * Harriette Debro Watkins * Jeannette Hughes Whittenburg * Teresa Diane Wilbon * Cynthia Arrington Wright *

Class of 1971 Amount: $7,201 Participation Rate: 19% Natalie Kennedy Beard * Mary Cofield Boykin * Patricia Reeder Bradford * Deborah Hudson Broadwater * Helen White Brock * Pearl Michelle Cleage * Beverly Jordan Davis * Reka Richardson Eaton * Gloria Smith Elder * Pamela Garrett Elliott Edith A. Gibbs * T. Clintina Hankerson * Bernadette Weston Hartfield * Stanlie M. James Sheila King Wanda Smalls Lloyd * Sharon E. Milligan * Millicent Drake Norman * Oni Nailah Oluremi-Minnifield Sandra F. Penn Deirdre Pate Pierce * Sadye W. Potter Kathryn D. Staats Gloria Curry Tatum Vanessa Hamilton Thomas * Wanda Walker Truesdale * Rosalyn Johnson Truitt * M. Anita Finch Warren * Gwendolyn Jones West *

Isa Patterson Williams *

Class of 1972 Amount: $5,900 Participation Rate: 18% Dorothy M. Bethel * Sibyl Sims Carley * Sylvia Deloris Carlisle Judy Dorsey Davis * Tamara M. Deplanter * Hope Alexis Dowdy * Rosa L. Drayton Janet Woods Earle * Diane Prather Ferguson * Sheryl Riley Gripper * Janet Lane Martin * Kathleen McGhee-Miles * Sharon Bartow Mitchell * Shelia Morrow Moore * Marlene Hunt Moss * June Hayward Owens * Linda Gail Quillian * Josephine Reed-Taylor * Melva Wilder Sloan Emogene Johnson Smith * Wilma Ann Smith * Denise L. Stewart Teresa Jo Styles Cheryl Phillips Taylor * Karen Roberts Thompson * Evelyn Shelby Vaughn * Barbara P. Williams * Gwendolyn Ward Williams *

Class of 1973 Amount: $14,150 Participation Rate: 25% Kathleen Jackson Bertrand * Peggy Sims Brown Gloria Devaughn Burr A. Toy Caldwell-Colbert * Cordelia L. Coleman * Brenda Gayle Cotton Anita Elizabeth Dabney Patricia Ann Davis * Nadine Laverne Dobbins * Ginger Dowell Karen Denise Edwards * Virginia Davis Floyd * Mary Glenn Forbes * Judy Lynn Turner Francis * Mae Whitlock Gentry * Jeanissa Joanne Ginn * Harriet Pritchett Grigsby * Harriett Miller Halmon * Betty Mitchell Hampton Veronica Wells Haven * Ida Muse Henderson * Paula Hicks-Hudson * Michele Clark Holmes Denise Ramona Hooks * Pamela Carson Ireland Fleda Mask Jackson * Louise Jackson-Williams * Patricia Graham Johnson Valoria White Latson * Cynthia Patterson Lewis * Sheila Hamilton Louder Audrey Chisolm Magee * Veloisa Tate Marsh * Marilyn Singleton McCain * Delores LaRheine McCollum * Regina K.M. Muhammad Edith Bennett Pitts * Shirley Curry Porter * Janet E. Ransom * Audrey C. Richards * Emmie Denise Roberts * Alma Wyden Simmons * Alfreda Talton-Harris * Stephanie Adkins Tate * Deborah Hunt Woods *

Class of 1974 Amount: $14,350 Participation Rate: 24% Beverly Colwell Adams * Deborah Yvonne Allen * Gail Patrice Baity * Brenda Norman Bennett Janice Franklin Bess Regina Mayweather Black Trojanell Bordenave-Wilson * Arletta Theresa Brinson * Sheila Smith Butler Unetia Ross Byrd * Patricia Williams Davis *

Jennifer Bryant Dossman * Denise Trimier Glanton * Tresa Gordon * Stephanie McKinney Gregory * Mattie Pearl Hall Gail Adams Harden * Jocelyn Harris * V. Lynne Howard-Brown * Merna Kent * Beverly Branton Lamberson * Gloria Bridges Locke * Carol T. McClendon LaVerne Laney McLaughlin Mable L. Millner * Shirley L. Montgomery Diane Moseberry * Diane Powell Murray * Ernestine Walker Owens * Rosalia G. Parker * Dedra Bryant Partridge * Audra Patricia Pender Tonya Pressley-Toliver * Paula Caruthers Renfro * Wanda Jackson Robinson * Lillie Lathan Searles * Doris Nicholson Shields * Cassandra Wiggins Smith * Glenda Brooks Smith Wynelle Washington Scott * Janice Killan Sasser Watson * Tandelyn Atkinson Weaver * Denise Y. White-Jennings *

Class of 1975 Amount: $23,910 Participation Rate: 43% Maxine Elaine Anderson * Scharla E. Ashe * Brunetta Lucas Bolton * Diane Nannette Brewer * Charlene Thompson Bridges * Janet Leotine Brown Vernita Souder Burford * Rosalyne Cypress Cameron * Deborah Childs-Bowen* Sheilah Patrice-Webb Clay * Marian Louise Cobb * Linda S. Coffee * Thomasine L. Coleman * Kathy Hood Culmer * Carla M. Curtis * Bernadette Yvonne Dickinson * Phyllis Dooley Ellis * Sandra Farragut-Hemphill * Valerie Rice Ferguson * Deborah A. Finley * Sherry Shaw Gearing * Sharon Greer * Amelia Kay Hamilton-Morris * Betty Jo Harris * Yvonne Ellis Hicks * Annette Norwood Hill * Sheila L. Jack * A. Charisse Jackson Diane Allen Johnson * Georgette Woodward Johnson * Jeanne Primus Johnson * Loretta Greene Johnson * Valerie Jones-Bland * Rhonda Lynn Jones-Jointer * Jewel Andrews Jordan * Yakini Belinda Kemp * Theresa Brockenberry Lee * Adine Andrea Mable-Lee * Sandra Davis Mapp * Janetta D. Marbrey * Toni McKinley McClelland Cheryl McDonnell-McGee * Deborah Hasan Najee-ullah Deborah Hale Nickens * Valerie D. Pittman * Deborah Prothrow-Stith * Tawana Cook Purnell * Juanita Yvonne Reaves * Evelyn Lorraine Reuben Shirley Battle Robins * LeeNovia Veneshia Robinson * Lenita Davis Rosser-Iverson * Terry Cornwell Rumsey * Shirley Peters Searcy * Brenda Claire Siler * Sheree Stephens Simpson * Lisa Marie Sims-Stewart Beverly Ingrid Sinclair * Cheryl Smith * Phyllis Mims Spruill * Priscilla Starr-Woods *

Daphne Burgess Stowe * Alester E. Teagle * Elaine Ross Thomas * Barbara W. Thompson * Donna Garnier Turk * Gloria Chenault Turner Eva Washington Tyler * Patricia Ann Varnado * Peggy Ann Wagner * Cynthia N. Walker-Derrico * Denise Wade Warner * Alice Jean Washington * Monique Jackson Washington * Pamela Hampton Wells * Patricia C. Williams * Kathryn Jackson Woods * C. T. Woods-Powell * Adena Smith Wright * Margaret Wright * Carletha Wilkerson Youmans *

Class of 1976 Amount: $10,835 Participation Rate: 29% Beverly Alexander * Jill Haywood Allen * Casaundra Yvonne Bass * Catherine Bland * Cynthia Wyatt Cody * Cameia Culmer Collier * W. Gale Crews * Sharon Y. Cribbs Debra Bolden Datcher * Denise Alesia Duvernay * Margaree Cheek Fant * Pamela Johnson Garvey Nancy A. Gresham-Jones * Mary Elizabeth Grimes * Maxine Harris Heard Jann Washington Honore' * Peggy Moore Jackson * Carol Lewis Jefferson * Marilyn M. Joseph * Jacquelyn E. Lee * Margaret Carol Lee * Joan Redmond Leonard * Brenda Marie Macklin * Cassandra Martin * Wanda Bland Meyers * Andrea V. Mills Zinora M. Mitchell-Rankin * Emily Richardson Moorer * Rosemarie Morse * Sharon Elaine Owens * Marta Pearson-Troutman Alfreda J. Phoenix-Belton * Jeanette D. Sabir-Holloway * Blanche Mickle Smith * Patricia Cousins Smith * Soneni Bryant Smith * Beverly A. Smith-Roberts Erie Gray Stelly Marilyn McClendon Thornton * Cynthia Ann Tucker-Curtis * Gwynn Martin Washington * Jacqueline Hill Whatley * Belinda Johnson White * Linda Womack

Class of 1977 Amount: $6,955 Participation Rate: 23% Geneva Hampton Baxter Patrice Darcelle Boddie* Mary C. Burney Bolling * Clara Lillian Brewer * Yolanda Smith Brown * Cheryl Bronner Buffalo * Emma Louise Caldwell * Shirley Henderson Coleman * Sheila Davis-Kinui * Mary Lynne Diggs * Sanquinetta M. Dover * Rochelle Flemister * Holly Johnson Friar * Johanna Holmes Greer Mary Joyce Henley * Zenobia Lawrence Hikes * Patricia Huff-Wycliff Toni Jean Ireland Cynthia Guthrie Johnson * Susan Grace Johnson Michele Yvette Jones * Judith Jones McKinley * Theresa L. Knight * Rosalyn R. Lewter-Aaron Beryl Thomas Mitchell *

Nelwyn McDuffie Mpare * Lynn Pride Richardson Cheryl Ann Stanley * Rose Sprott Swain * Valencia Wilson Thomas * Sheryl W. Washington * Robin Jones Watson * Cheryl Lewis Wright * Jeanette Wright * Deirdra Y. Yarbrough *

Class of 1978 Amount: $11,075 Participation Rate: 25% Cherrie B. Boyer * Denise Brooks-Hervey* Bonita Buford * Debra Rucker Bunkley * Robin Burton * Darele Brown Campbell Yvonne E. Cary Jessie J. Chapin * Anita Edwina Coats Josette M. Cole * Roslyn Moore Crisp * Deborah Lynn Dallam * Donna Marie Dixon * Adrienne M. Dunnock * Pamela Sanders Ellis * Donna Hawkins Gardner * Evelyn McBride Govan * Lynne M. Hicks Doleda Jackson Howard * Roxie Hughes-Jackson * Sybil L. Jamison * Bridgette A. Jenkins Norma Carol Keel * Karen Kendrick Law * Camille Christine Lewis Kimberly Shepard Lewis * Maureen Angela Lewis * Sharon White Mackel * Deborah Robinson McCloud Jackie C. McLean * Joann McLean * Beverly Hall Mosby Ericka J. Orina * Selena Ruth Ramey Patrice Paul Robinson * Deborah K. Ross * Diane M. Rowe Monice Hodges Sanders * Gwendolyn Shumate-Williams * Sherolyn Burton Simmons * Andrea Battle Sims * Deatra Adkins Singletary Michele Smalley * Cynthia Neal Spence * Mildred Walton Thorpe Althea Sample Truesdale * Alyson McCall White *

Class of 1979 Amount: $70,055 Participation Rate: 18% Keva Wright Berry * Phyllis Diane Gilreath Bland Rhonda Benjamin Bland * Therese White Bowen * Kathy D. Carter Hazel Hill Crawford Vanessa E. Cullins * Verbena Brown Cummings * Constance Taylor Davis Jerri L. DeVard * Phyllis Edwards-Daniel * Pamela Spruill Fletcher * Vanessa Smith Hawkins * Lisa C. Henley-Hyde Robin Harmon Henry * Renee D. Hicks Ernesta Blackmon Ingram Joanne Jackson-Jones Charis L. Johnson * Barbara J. Kent Darnita R. Killian * Sharon E. Kirkland-Gordon Gloria L Leak Sharon K. McGahee Sheryl McNeill * Veronica Houston Moore Carol E. Parks-Little * Camille Watson Peay Helen Smith Price * Dana Grace Randolph * Phyllis Ward Rich * Marcia Riley *

*Indicates 1881 Society Membership

Angela Anita Simpson * JoAnn Smartt-Gaither Elizabeth S. Stewart Smith Paula R. Smith Jonnelle Sweetner-Stephens * Nola S. Taylor * Itauma Ufot * Pamela J. Wilson Lynda Scott Wright

Class of 1980 Amount: $63,604 Participation Rate: 24% Christie L. Adams * Karen Anthony Gina Rene Aranzullo (dec.) Sharon Wynez Ardrey * Sharon E. Barnwell-Miller * Rhonda Lynn Beatty Moore * Angelia S. Blackwell * Jocelyn Wolffe Bonner * Sherry L. Brooks Bowins * India Burton Breedlove (dec.) Neysa D. Brown * Michelle L. Browne-Barnum * Sharon LaGrande Carter * Dana Franklin Chambliss * Deirdre L. Clawson Denise Howard Clemons Valeria Collier-Vick * Cheryl D. Crayton Alison Lynn Culpepper * Pamela M. Cunningham * Karen Dowdell Deborah Williams Foy * Andrea Cooper Gatewood * Gaile Pugh Gratton * Christi Len Harris (dec.) Avadawn T. Hayes-Hargett * Melanee Rose Haywood * Cathy Renee Henry Cristell L. Holloway * Pamela D. Jackson * Nedra Patrice James * Anita H. Johnson * Marsha Montgomery Johnson * Cheryl Bickers Jordan * LaDonna Jordan * Emmalyn Jordan-Gattis Michelle A. King * Marcia King-Johnson Alison Walton Leland * Diana E. Lewis-Crosby Karen Willie Malveaux * Laverne Matthews * Donna McQueen * Carolyn Yvonne Meadows * Karen A. Moore * Karen P. Moore * Kim Theresa Morris * Carol Virginia Peoples-Procter * Lisa Perry-Gilkes * Vanessa Gale Phillips * Debbie Porter-Greene * Rometta E. Powell * Sandra J. Reed * Rosetta Lawson Riddle * Patricia Je Taun Rivers Gilbert * Hazella Rollins Sandra Trimble Sampson * Alfreada Hildreth Sanders * Ylonda Fauntleroy Schoonmaker * Launice P. Sills * Wanda M. Sims * Dedra Herron Slack * Daphne L. Smith * Taronda Elise Spencer * Karen McCullen Sullivan * Debborah Marlene Truesdall Terri Renee Vismale-Morris * Marjorie Whigham-Desir * Wendie A. Willis * Alice E. Wilson * Wanda Reid Wilson * Ingrid Wilson-Johnson * Christy Lynn Woodson (dec.)

Class of 1981 Amount: $18,637 Participation Rate: 20% Phyllis Sawyer Anderson * Tollese Harris Bankett * Angela Denise Benson * Collette Valerie Boardley Renee Walton Cawley * Karla Hurley Cherry * Arlene Y. Coleman *

Stephanie B. Cooper * Carolita Jones Cope * Angela Birch Cox * Michelle D. Dacus * Nancy Denise Davidson Kimberly Browne Davis * AnnaMaria O. Ellis * Cheryl Huntley Everett Patricia Hailes Fears * Helen Marie Forbes Fields * Wilma A. Foreman * Kimberly Henderson Gossett * M. Renee Summers Haygood * Ramona Marsalis Hill * Cynthia E. Jackson * Carole Johnson Jones * Omelika Kuumba Maxine D. Lawson-Conway * Teresa I. Lee-Momon * Tiffany Lovett * Patricia Spencer Mickens Donna Stephens Morgan Beverly J. Moss Angela Denise Nickerson * Sheron C. Patterson * Waltina Deloris Perry-Holston Jann P. Primus (dec.) Suzette I. Randolph * Leslie Hill Raymond Rhonda Strawter Respress * Debra J. Sharp * Patricia Elaine Simples * Georgetta Polite Singleton * Kiron Kanina Skinner * Sheryl Sutton Smith * Lisette Spraggins Cynthia Williams-Clinton Vera M. Woods * Phyllis Wright-Davis *

Class of 1982 Amount: $6,465 Participation Rate: 16% Adrienne Elizabeth Adams Janet A. Anderson * Patricia Ann Blackwell * Genora Kendrick Boykins * A. Kathy Bradshaw * Angela Whitfield Calloway Nadalynn Seymour Carpenter * Bridgett Maria Davis Cheryl A. Dixon Ann Marie Drummer Adrienne Watts Haggins * Carol Lynette Hamilton-Roy Claudia Harris * Jean C. Haynes Sonya A. Hill Gracie Mae Hutcherson Angela Rosita Johnson * Karmen Johnson Melanie Bradford Johnson * Charlene Leasure Cynthia Diane Marshall * Deirdre Wilson Matthews * Michelle L. Matthews * Rhonda J. Mills * Cheryl Moore-Harris Cassandra T. Morgan * Julie B. Rainbow Wanda J. Rosemond * Jodi Clement Smart * Veronique L. Thompson * Deaderia Warren Morris Gambi Sanita White-Tennant * Dana Reed Wise *

Class of 1983 Amount: $13,950 Participation Rate: 18% Mildred Alexander Gena Hudgins Ashe * Susan Warren Baskin Anita H. Bohannon Renee A. Boone * Aleta M. Bradford Althea Betty Bradford Lisa C. Bronson Maria Earl Burrell Shawnee M. Daniels-Sykes Hazel D. Dean * Edwina Wilson Divins * Michelle Byrd Fielder * Rhonda Rush Frazier Chris Andrea Gabriel Sheila Artimese Hall Wendy Jo Haynes

Deirdre Woodard Holland Lydia J. Hunlen * Jennifer E. Hunter * Zina Gatling Jemison * Rose L. Johnson * Kim Canavan Jones * Paula E. Jordan Cynthia Harris Kelly * Leah Dancy Lawson Sonya Maria Maxwell * Denise E. McGill Shawna Lynn Napper-Acker * Dawn Neblett-Cross Kimberly D. Packer * Amelia Page * Charlene L. Rivers Lovette Twyman Russell * Sharon Sellers-Clark * Tonya McMillan Smoot * Valerie Jean Tartt Elaine A. Terry Michelle Felicia Thomas * Gayle B. Tyler-Stukes * DeAna Jo Vivian * Alfredia Shelton Wingate * Sarah Adams Yeary * Veronica Strong Young

Class of 1984 Amount: $12,036 Participation Rate: 17% Vida L. Avery * Stacy Smith Bailey * Rasheda Owens Bell * Edna Genell Bolton * Rosalind Gates Brewer * Karyn Cole * Karen Yvette Cooper * Belinda K. Cross-Livingston * Gwendolyn T. Dyson * Valjeanne Estes * Davida Jo Felder * Myrna F. Foster * Deidra Lynne Fryer * Rosalind Gates * Celeste I. Gore * Karen Burroughs Hannsberry Deirdre Haywood-Rouse * Kim Sheftall Humphries * Eme Nsikitima Isok-Nsuk * Christel N. Jackson * Katura Williams Jackson Jayne Middlebrooks Jimenez Sharon Yvette Jones * Yvette B. Kinsey * Nancy E. Kofie Jennifer Doggett LaPoint * Adrienne Yvonne Lewis Eloise LaVerne Luke * Michelle Diane Mason * Dominique Simpson Milton * Lora Mitchell-Wills * Lisa A. Morris * Jina Billups Pearce * Stephanie Dianne Poole-Byrd * Dorothy Marie Reid Penny Gibson Rumph * Debra P. Seay Angela Patrice Shannon-Reid * Cassandra Verneika Smith Karyn Smith * Angela Bryant Starke * Terri Dawn Tanner * Antoinae Mertice Webb * Stephanie L. White Evans Cynthia Whitehead-LaBoo Tracy Phillips Whiteman * Kellee Wilson Rochelle Patrice Young

Class of 1985 Amount: $47,450 Participation Rate: 28% Sonia Denise Bell * Patricia Willis Bradford * Kim Elise Bronson * Cora L. Bullock * Kim Christian Calhoun * Angela Jackson Carlton * Mary M. Carter * Tamyra Suzanne Childs * Pamela Yvette Cook-Montague Karen E. Crawford * Audrey Denise Culpepper * Suzanne Wilson Davis * Terri Renee Dunn Dawkins * Laurie Elam-Evans *

Emma C.V. Ferguson Kimberlynn R. Fisher * Marvealavette D. Jackson Francis * Patricia Anne Fuller * Cecilia E. Gaines-Williams * A. Jayn Garth * Angelique DeVold Gloster * Kristi Lee Goldner * Carolyn Grant * Genine Marguerite Grant * Avis Denise Green * Nina Echols Greenwood * Florence Theresa Greer * Alyson Lee Hall * Cherita Brown Hardie * Jama R. Haynes * Mary Jean Hines Anita Rebecca Hollins * Stacee Utsey Horton Vickie Letecia Hughes Deirdre Spencer Jackson * Meryl Johnson Jackson * Montina Golphin Jackson * Alice Eason Jenkins * Robyn Joya Johnson * Joyce Elaine Johnston * Kelly Michelle Laurent Patrice Kirsten Matthews * Lisa Renee Maxwell * Robin McCallum * Yolando McGriff-Chatman * Gina Ealy McIntosh Carolyn Taylor McQueen * Jacqueline W. Miller * Maria Dawn Miller * Daphne Goodson Morris * Verna Roxane Moses * Carla Anne Owens Sydney Ann Perkins-Payne * Sabrina Lynn Polote * Lisa M. Potts * Kimberly Christina Riley * Daphne Sykes Scott Michelle A. Shorter * Terri Lynne Smith * Jaynell Maria Smith-Cameron * Deidra Stubbs * Shree Sullivan * Sabra Amy Talley * Cheryl Renee Teamer * Aquilla McIntosh Thomas * Cynthia Trawick-Harmon * Pamela Joy Ulmer * Valerie Bright Vinson * Cheryl Lewis Vowels * Jennifer Denise Walton * Marilyn Whitley-Carter * Andrea Ellen Williams-Kingslow * Tami Flicia Williamson * Phyllis Wills * Yolanda Williamson Wilson *

Diana Toomer Andrea Abrams Turner * Monica Freeman Waters * Valjean M. Whitlow * Michelle Curney Willis * Sharon Michelle Yearwood *

Class of 1986

Class of 1988

Amount: $7,752 Participation Rate: 15% Eloise A. Alexis * Michele Marie Bondurant DeVita Olar Bruce * Renee Tana Cavor Debbie Marable Clements * Lisa DeNell Cook * Judy Carter Davis * Lisa Annette Dixon * Cynthia Brenda Duh Mildred Forbes-Beal * Deirdre Colston Graddick Christel Alea Hooper Curtis * Laverne Hawkins Jones * Kimberly Ross LaBoone Marcella Law Cynthia Lawrence Sharman Denise Lomax Sherri Richards Mason Angela Brown Mathis * Valerie Elaine McClure * Monette Coleman McIver * Telicia L. Mims * Kathaleena Edward Monds Karen Campbell Moore * Bari Alexis Parks-Ballard * Myra Pitts * Sheila Purnell-Jones * Jacquelyne Daniels Sears * Donna Michelle Stafford * June Stewart * Monique Ariel Sugarmon * Anita Wallace Thomas *

Amount: $12,664 Participation Rate: 18% Natalie E. Frazier Allen Michelle Joan Bahner * Iva Michelle Baldwin * Adelaide Barringer * Pamela Bigelow Denise Blake Paulette Yvonne Bradley * Marion Dawn Brooks * Monica Grayden Brooks Nata Kathleen Brown * Lonetta R. Bryan Greta Mitchell Bryson * Lesa Melaniece Campbell * Renita Barge Clark * Pamela Yvonne Cooper * Valerie Vershone Davis-Howard Kim M. Deshields Cynthia Cousin Durant * Maliaka Leah Essameldin * Portia E. Felder * Sydney Ferguson * Bille' Lachell Lynne' Frazier * Judith A. Green * Lisa Lynette Harris * Nina Pauline Harris Stephanie Theresa James * Tina Monique James Angela Rochelle Jenkins-Oduro Iretta B.C. Kearse * Tracy R. Laden Esther Yiyi Lamnyam Vanessa Lawrence

Class of 1987 Amount: $16,315 Participation Rate: 17% Triphenya Zachery Bailey Nicole Blackwell * Gail McNamee Bolden Traci Toi Williams Bolling * Janie Dukes Brinkley * Edwina Neal Britt Crystal Brown-Lewis * Tara Leigh Buckner * Debra Clawson-Jackson * Melanie Beatrice Cook * Tanya Yobesen Dean * Melanie F. Eley Tracie Gregory Goffe * Schuyla M. Goodson-Bell * Gloria Listenbee Goolsby * Karin Virginia Green * Miriam Yvette Grimes Dorotha Alisa Harrell * Djuana Denise Herron * Jennifer Charlene Horton Kelli Diane Johnson Jada Monique Johnson Speller Kirstin Marie Johnson-Nixon Melanie Grant Jones * Dorothy M. Kenner * Renee M. Knight * Deneen Marie Law * Muriel T. Lawrence * Cereesa E. Longest Lacey * Cheryl Denise Mapphall Cassandra Anita McCloud Sherri Ann McGee * Tishria Lachan Mindingall * Cynthia E. Morris Marilyn Morris * Annamary Vernell Parker * Herbertta Frances Pearson * Karen Arlicha Purnell * Teresa Ann Reese * Kimberly Reed Robbins * Tracy Matthews Roberson Veronica Louise Scott Dayna D. Stewart * Kami Lindsey Strickland * Donna Marie Thompson-Bennett * Tracey Lynn Wells-Campfield Leslie S. Whitlock Anja Yvette Williams Joni Johnson Williams * Lori M. Willis * Patrice Wright-Lewis *



Angela Yvette Lewis Gail Cleo Lewis * Kimberly Ann Lewis * Melinda Tate Little Genice Rosena Loadholt Carol Yvette McGee * Leslie Meadow Jennifer Means Cherise K. Newell * Sybil Pepper-Spencer Margo V. Perkins * Natalie Minter Plumlee Erin Michelle Redwine * Babette Reid * Kellie Rhodes-Gayles * Rashidah Nadirah Shakir * Deborah Ann Sims Tonja Campbell Smith * Alzada Taylor-Robinson Tracey Thurmond Watts * Juliette Lisa Wilkerson * Brucetta Marie Williams * Karen Callaway Williams * Lisa Jackson Williams Kristie Y. Woods

Class of 1989 Amount: $19,314 Participation Rate: 19% Nefatiti Anderson * Regina Elizabeth Arnao * Alison Yvonne Ashe-Card * Josette Davis Ayres * Tujuana Davie Bajgett (dec.) Jacqueline Renee Bazy * Nikki Daniele Bellamy * Sarah Anitria Boswell * Carla Lanisha Byrd * Bonnie S. Carter * Andrea Robin Chambers Dawn Evans Cromer * Terri Sherice Davis * Tomika Michelle DePriest * Cherie Rebecca Dotson Chae Maureen Downing Christine Marie Givens Jacqueline Jones Glen * Latanya P. Hammonds-Odie * Cathy Hampton * Felecia Hannett-Syphoe * Zelma Marie Harrison Heather Lynn Hawes * Angela Lavone Hawkins * Rashidah R. Heath * Kim Lee Hughes Myra I. Ingram-Allen * Jacqueline Maurice Jenkins Alonia Parks Jernigan Adriane Kapayl Keepler * Joyce Rochelle Kelly Stephanie Lynn Kelly * Annissa M. Lambirth-Garrett * Deirdre Michelle Lawrence * Debbie Levi Dawn Katrina Lewis * Mia Nichelle McClendon-Ellison Angela Dionn Middleton * Kimberley M. Miller-Dempsey * Sheronda LaRisia Minton * Sonja Arnold Mitchell * Sheila Holman Mullins * Yvette Michelle Myers Kimberly Louise Nichols Monica McCoy Purdy * Trina Smith Pyron * Bridget Ray-Canada * Michika R. Reynolds-Quillin * Terri Denise Robertson * Rita Ann Robinzine Kya Renette Robottom Lisa Monique Rogers-Cherry * Belinda Monique Samuda Charlisa L. Scott * Jacqueline Renee' Scott * Angela F. Sims Luana K. Slaughter Dana S. Smith Kathryn Velma Stanley Marcella V. Starks * Loren Ingrid Statia * Theresa Lynn Townsend * Tracey Clark Washington * Rostine Patterson Webb J. Rita White * K. Heshima White * Simone Baxter Whitmore * Chanda Jones Williams

Shelly Robinson Pullian * Karen Williams-John * Chalanda Latasha Williams-Tucker * Michelle Rainey Juandalyn Ashmore Richards Anita Louise Richardson * Class of 1990 Onjada A. Richardson * Amount: $88,849 Kendra Corr Roberson Participation Rate: 37% Williette Robertson-Crowder Tara Regina Addison * Lori Sasai Robinson * G. Erica Allen * Kelly M. Robinson-Bethea * Melissa Ann Anderson Vikki Roy * Chandra Britt Armstrong * Jiea M. Rutland-Simpson * Janine Jeff Baah Romeldia Hearn Salter * Melanie Elaine Babb * Jaye Mia Sanford * Brigitte Ruth Bailey Jamehl Demons Shegog * Josette Terese Bailey * Melanie Smith Carmen Yvette Bandy Thelma Morrison Spencer * Schonay M. Barnett-Jones * Linda Moody Swain * Donna M Batts * Denise T. Swingler-Sweet Kimberly Sisson Blackwell * Lisa Ann Tavares * Adrienne Montinea Booker * Colleen Janessa Taylor * Deborah Ann Boone * Traci Lynnette Trammell (dec.) Sherrine Boseman-Rives * Stephanie Elaine Turner * Jocelyn Jones Boustani * Eunice Elizabeth Vines Maria L. Bowles Bridgette Garrett Watts Stacey Brandon Dineen Joelle White * Cynthia Harris Brantley * Karyn Elaine White * Cynthia Montgomery Bridges Kendal Kia Whitlock * Cherrlyn Brockington * Staci Massey Williams * Mary Kathryn Brown * Kelly Jo-Anne Wilson * Robin Camille Brown * Angela George Wood * Stacey Michelle Brown Carmen Maudette Woods-Hollowell * Tammy Miles Brown Tiffany Georgette Burrell Paulette Vance Burton * Class of 1991 Faith Renee Cargile * Amount: $14,046 Nikki Childs Participation Rate: 18% Tonya Paulette Claude * Noelle Denise Allen Kimberley D. Cole-Murray Nicole Dore Avery * Gretchen R. Cook-Anderson * Jeanna Catherine Bailey Ruby Chaurice Corbin Angie Barrington-Jeter * Stacee Bain Crittenden * Rita Sinkfield Belin * Janet Saunders Currie * Tasha Harden Bing LaQuita Mechelle Dance * Cynthia Harris Bowman Victoria S. Darrisaw * Antoinette Maria Burriss Danielle Cooper Daughtry Kimberley Denise Byner * Lanita Monae Dawson-Jones * Janee Cornelison Camp Anjanette Elligan * Diana Campbell Lynn Marie Ellis * Lori Ann Cargile * Aeneid Mignon Espy * Melissa Hope Claude * Sabrina Tanis Finney * Cherry A. Collier * Dawn D. Florence Kimberley Collier * LaToria G. Frierson Leslie Deneice Collins * Sheryl Lanette George Georgina Donyuil Crawley Sonja Zaneta Gerald * Kimberly Williams D. Haene Nitsa Du Rell Gilbert * Denise Danielle Daniels Che A Glover Phyllis A. Dilworth-Weaver Montiel Weeks Goldwire Danyale Price Dumas * Alison Graves-Calhoun * Kathryn Renee Dungy * Dawn Beatrice Griffin * Keceya Durham Teicher Turner Hazzard Susan Elaine Ellis * Tracey McFadden Hembrick * Elizabeth Nicole Espy Yvette DeRamus Hicks Keisha Adele Evertsz * Askhari Johnson Hodari * Kimberly Celosia Felder * Kimberly Hudson-Wright * Yolanda L.A. Gillen * Tracey Denise Hughes * Crystal Michele Harris * Kelli Rose Hunter * Kelly Fleming Harris * Renee McDonald Hutchins * Kimberly Ann Hayes * Sonya Lawson Hutchinson * Angela C. Hill * Frances Marie Jackson * Tamara Hill-Bennett * Veronica Y. Jackson Michelle Daneen Hodgkin * Teresa Leary Jenkins * Rychelle Liesl Hooper * Donna Rae Johnson-Harvey * Jill E. Hughes * Loree Dionne Jones * Deshaun Giselle Hunter * Gillian B. Lakhan * Stephanie Lachelle Jackson-Pace Adrienne Colette Lance Lucas * Tracey Summers Kearney Tracy Patricia Leary * Paula Louvette Landry * Allyn Leftridge * Stephanie M. Lawson-Muhammad * Marie Harris Lewis Dawn Michele Lee * Sabrina Rene Lewis Regina Rene McCray Pamela Bowden Logan * Audrey Michelle McKay * Danyelle Monique Loveless * Valerie Leah Mckinney Kimara Ngai Mason * Adrienne Goolsby Minley Sharon Hawkins McDougal * Gina M. Morton Joni Michelle McGhee * Mary Jackson Mosley * Debra Jean Mitchell * Harriett Lanelle Reaves Lyssa-Michelle Morris * Renee J. Rhem Delitha L. Morrow Coles * Tampa Letitia Rhodes * Felicia J. Morton * Monica Lynn Rodgers * Kirstin Stinson Newby * Michelle Lisa Rogers Karen Jenkins Newkirk * Felicia L. Sadler * Kandance Weems Norris Gretchen Patrice Satcher * Crystal Doranne Owen * Monique Allene Sharpe Suzanne Henry Parker Kelli Nicole Smith Renee Foggo Paynter * Latricia Lyn Stephens * Tonya Sonia Pierson Deirdre Nicole Stewart * Volyia Senteria Plain * Sydne L. Tarry * Nichelle Anissa Poe * Donna L. Terry-Newsome Crystal Lynette Powell * Nicole Yvonne Venable *


Tess Marie Vismale * Kimberly Rosa Warren * Che' D. Watkins * Wendi Lynn West * Angela Wilbert-Southwell Pamela Berry Williams Shandra Denise Williams * Syronnica LaTrece Wyatt * Deidre Michelle Young Evans

Class of 1992 Amount: $5,915 Participation Rate: 17% Jeanine Elise Avent Kim W. Barnette * Tracey Charisse Bostwick * Kwanza Clay Bowe * Charren L. Brooks * Maria Antoinette Canty * Edith Beverley Cash Pamela N. Clark * Meiuttenun Chong Marie Clay Wendi Cherie Cleveland Rosalyn Comer Tracey Lynn Cornick * Ellen Natasha Davis * Sharon Camille Dickson * Angela Denise Duley-Harrell Cheryl Elaine Durgans Winifred Dye * Mia Dionne Falls Robin Mahlika Fields Krishna Lynne Foster-Connor Devonne Carla Fouch Jennifer Lynn Geter Jeneena Leonard Greer Lori Ann Guy * Allecia Alexander Harley Suzanne R. Harris Marlisa R. Johnson * Carol Leticelia Jones Nagawa Kakumba * Karen Denise King * Angela Denise LeBoyd-Taylor * Jennifer Helen Lewis Crystal Renee McCollum * Stace Anderson Millander Vanessa Kaye Mims * Michelle Renee Moody * Laura B. Morse Mioshi Lanique Moses * Monica B. Moss * Terri Lynn Newby Helene Pamon * Letitia Plummer * LaTonya Sarita Prioleau Hillary Reeves Reeves * Renee Christine Ross * Nekko Noel Rucker * Kimberlee LaVerne Scott Electra-Chanel Smallwood Tiffanie Renee Spearman * Cristal L. Squaire * Natasha Altina Stinson Charelle Stokes-James Theresa Thompson Goode Rhonda Rena Waller * Shannon Washington White Aimee Schnell Wilson

Class of 1993 Amount: $14,101 Participation Rate: 18% Leah Raynell Alexander * Stephanie A. Anderson * Alsion Barnes Baker * Delicia Desiree Ballard Andrea Denise Barnwell * Sherita Patrice Beard-Lee * Kimberly Nicole Bennekin Dionne Antoinette Blue Keria Lanetta Blue * Carolyn Green Boone Kali Nneka Bracey * Cynthia Michele Brooks * Geronda Vertasha Carter * Jessica F. Carter * Crysta Allen Caruthers Kimberly Cambria Chambliss * Cynthia Megan Child * Carla Alfrendetta Cobb * Rita Arnette Collins Shondria Nicole Covington * Adrienne Michele CrenshawRowland Laura Elizabeth Cutrer Tammie K. Daniel

Sherry Robinson Darby Janith Alyssa Davis LaTonya S. Davis Tangia A. DeLaHoussaye Pamela Talley Dobbins Uche N. Egemonye * Jamellah Braddock Ellis * Cassandra Denise Fair Tiffany P. Few Carrie Allison Givhan Angela Yvonne Glover * Bridget Yolanda Gray * Kelly Gray Kirsten Carter Hadley * Saran Nalo Hartley * Kimberly King Hartwell * Lisa C Hawkins Stephanie Regina Hawkins * Gayle Denise Herrington Ayanna Niambi Hudson Chaundra Michelle Hughes * Kelli Dionne Humphrey * Sarah James Irby Shannon Isom * Joanna Jackson * Sannye Katrill Jones * Tiffini E. Jones Alisha Renee Knight LaTonya Bailey McClam * Angela Meeks * Trina Lee Middleton Latondra Murray * Dionne Nelson Tamala Elayne Newbold * Rosalyn Benita Nix Kimani Norrington-Sands * Nikita Collins Patterson * Cassandra Aleasha Pennington * Brenda Phillips * Angela Renee Powell Antoinette Shari Quinn Maranda Markell Randolph * Robin Jeannetta Raschard * Lynette Yvonne Ray * Tandi H. Reddick * Rae Ellen Reynolds * Riche Deianne Richardson * Linda Thomas Sanders * April Savoy Crystal L. Sidberry-Turner Sonia Lewis Simpson Raquel Cheatham Skinner Heather Louise Smith * Jennifer Saporia Smith-King * Jacqueline Felicia Steger * Elyce Cecile Strong Monya Aletha Stubbs * Contente Leasure Terry * Beverli Beth Varner Wynn-Euell Cynthia Lee Wallace * Sabrina B. Warden Melanie Denise Washburn * Imoni Malaika Washington Kimberly Sherrille Weems * Benise Lejoy Williams * Nikita Lavon Williamson * Pamela Yvette Willis Angela Dash Winfrey Maricia Bennekin Woodham Monica Davis Woods * Anne Margaret Young

Class of 1994 Amount: $10,905 Participation Rate: 15% Nicole Lynn Alston-Abel Andrea Marie Anderson Encarnacion Cheryl Anderson * Karen Lynette Anderson-Scott * Kelesha F. Armand * Keisha Davis Berkley Latasha Latrice Blissett * Dineo A. Brinson * Cynthia Wyatt Brown * Shavondelia Alene Brown * Sonya M. Buchanan * Jineki C. Clark Keisha Smith Cook * Kanya Intim Cornish Angela Curry Kimberly Adina Ford * Marla Frederick-McGlathery * Andrea M. Harris * Cherell Moneak Harris * Aracelis Lucia Hartley-Lewis Ayanna Damali Hawkins * Tara Ayodelle Heyliger *

Tanisha Shonta Holloway Atiya Nataki Hoye * Cecily Denise Jackson * Jennifer Lucille Jackson * Monica Andrea Johnson * Nicole E. Johnson Nikki A. Johnson-Tucker * Catrina Marie Jones * Emily Joy Jones Kimberly Nicole Jones * Sallee Joseph * Sherri Jennifer Keene Caya Beth Lewis * Tiffany Cherise Lipscomb (dec.) Charlita Mays * Erica Darlene McGhee Sophia Lonette McIntyre * Nannette P. Napier Ina Nichol Owens * Natalie S. Palmer * Nicole Lynn Peoples * Nia Aisha Phillips Kelly Irene Rankin Alicia Lynnette Redrick * Charlnette Anastasia Richard Crystal Marquette Roach-Mchardy Curtrice White Scott Raveen Seaton Demetria Michele Smith * Shanon Whitney Smith * Lisa Dawn Shyder * Chrystal Joy Stokes * Kristina Lynn Sylvester Ama Pasua Thomas * Erika Sandra Van Putten * Ayanna VanSluytman * Kamili Alama Williams * Piper K. Williams * Tara Tenitra Williams-Hart Erica Nicole Wright Rebecca Paschal Young *

Class of 1995 Amount: $34,780 Participation Rate: 26% Stacey Y. Abrams * Melinda Ruth Alexis-Hayes * Detria Lynnette Austin * Aretta Louise Baldon * Dawn Nicole Banks Kyendria K. Banks * Anderia Afua Bishop * Keitha Elise Blackburn * Deance Deria Boseman * Denise Natasha Brewley * Brandi Clay Brimmer * Tamika Spirling Brooks Rochelle Mashani Bryant Monica Lynn Burch Lisa Michelle Burns Stacey Janise Burson India Nicole Calhoun Angela Felicia Chatman * Donna Lynne Cherry Yocunda D. Clayton * Karen Jarcelyn Cook * Ruby Rucker Cooper * Shani Y. Curry * Riche Jeneen Daniel-Barnes Lumbe Kibebe Davis * Jennifer Davis-Magwood Arnitra Duckett * Aaliyah El-Amin * Kianga Majenzi Ellis * Lisa Michelle Farmer * Heather A. Fatzinger * Nicole Martin Franks * Eumeko Kawana Fuller * Lashawda Virginia Gilchrist * Mimi Charles Givens * Robin Jeannine Grant Dawn L. Hankin * Shonda Latrice Hanks * Leetra Janeen Harris * Leona Ann Harris Nicole D. Harris-Blackwell * Teion L. Wells Harrison * Mikkal Annette Hart Marsha Nidanie Henderson * Tanya Amy Henneman * Anjanette M. Hogan * Michelle D. Hugghis * Maleka Naahamma Ingram Danielle Baptiste Jackson * Teronda Veronique Jackson * Natalie L. Jenkins Tawakalitu Moromoke Jogunosimi *

REUNION 2005 EXCEEDS $500,000 GOAL !!!! There was excitement in the atmosphere throughout the evening of the Reunion Banquet in anticipation of the class gift presentations. At last, the moment came when a representative for each reunioning class came forward to present their class gift. Following the presentations, Dr. Beverly Daniel Tatum was elated to announce that reunioning alumnae raised a grand total of $596,729, exceeding the $500,000 Reunion Giving Goal. Listed below are giving totals and class participation percentages announced at the Reunion Banquet. CLASS


1925 $ 100 1930 $ 100 1935 $ 1,700 1940 $ 6,025 1945 $ 14,625 1950 $ 20,360 1955 $ 50,940 1960 $ 31,175 1965 $ 44,440 1970 $ 85,508 $ 21,575 1975 1980 $ 60,113 1985 $ 43,875 1990 $ 77,834 1995 $ 32,935 2000 $ 5,425 Anonymous gift $ 100,000 TOTAL $ 596,729

Dr. Tatum presents award to Taronda E. Spencer, C’80 representing Class of 1940 for Highest Four-Year Percentage Class Participation – winning Class of 1940.

DONOR PARTICIPATION 33% 14% 17% 32% 24% 47% 42% 44% 53% 25% 30% 18% 23% 26% 23% 14%

The enthusiasm continued as the winners of the Alumnae Philanthropic Achievement Awards and Attendance Awards were announced. Contributions from alumnae from classes ending in 0 and 5 continue to be received by the College, increasing reunion giving over the amount announced at the Reunion Banquet. By the close of the 2005 fiscal year, $633,111 had been received in Reunion gifts.

Dr. Tatum presents award to Queen Hardnett Jackson, C’65 for Reunion Class with Highest Percentage Participation – Reunion Year – winner Class of 1965.

Chair of Trustee Board Yvonne R. Jackson, C’70 presents award to Audrey Forbes Manley, C’55 for Reunion Class with the Highest Percentage of Attendees – winner Class of 1955.

Chair of Trustee Board Yvonne R. Jackson, C’70 presents award to Leetra Harris, C’95 for Reunion Class with the Highest Total Attendees for Reunion – winner Class of 1995. Dr. Tatum presents award to Cynthia Arrington Wright, C’70, for the class of 1970, which won Most Significant Four-Year Class Giving and Most Significant Class Gift – Reunion Year.

*Indicates 1881 Society Membership



Gail C. Johnson * Nicole Elaine Johnson Alia Michele Jones * Dominique Rekaye Jones * Shea Denese Jones * Malaika Kamunanwire * Susie A. Kay * Arnita Louise King * Karen Denise King Milandria King * Tawnya Plummer Laughinghouse * LaSherri Ann Leathers Jennifer Kristen Legardy-Williams * Noelle Candace Leveaux * Jeannine Nicole Lewis * Brigette Denise Lumpkins Sonya Denise Marks * Tifany C. McCall-Cheatham * Javonne Lanette McKoy * Candace R. McLaren * Tinia Robin Merriweather Shona Davidson Morgan * Joneida Lechea Nelson * Monica Louise Newman * Na'Taki Y. Osborne * Cheryl Denise Parker Tiffany J. Reese * Morrisa B Rice Angela Lynnette Ross * Derykka Albright Ross * Gertrude Katrina Shaw * Lavenia Simmons Anika Maaza Simpson Ayanay Ferguson Smith * Laqusha Dachell Smith * Sherique Moshelle Smith * Tosha Dionne Smith Yolanda Yvette Spearman Carlettra Troynez Stanford * Lori Diane Stith * Rashida Aisha Sykes * Nicole Jacquelyn Thomas-Jackson Staci D. Tillman Stephanie Nicole Turnage * Angelia G. Vernon Teraesa Suzanne Vinson Sandra Elaine Waite * Jeanette Celeste Walley * Crystal Lashan Washington Jenene R. Washington * Theresa Dione Watts * Ardythe Elynn Williams * Tamara L. Williams Felicia Wilson Adria Jones Wright * Ursula Loretta Wright *

Class of 1996 Amount: $8,345 Participation Rate: 16% Melissa A. Alexander Cynthia Alexandra Allen * Nikeya C. Allen Kisha Tawana Bailey Gisha Roshelle Bayless Sharita R. Beamon * Laurel Anne Beatty Genesis Anastasia Bowen Yani Selana Brinson Kemia Shonta Carlyle * Blessed Ngozi Chuksorji * Tracie Monique Comer Tajahnee Vaughan Cross * Alana Davis * R. Malene Dixon * Libya Sia Doman * Melodie Billups Echols Kimberly Nicole Edwards Renee Alice Fox * Pamela Hicks Giles * Devrae Tenee Gilreath-Hudson Kimberly Kwanza Haynes Kelly-Ann Iola Henry * Letricia Carol Henson Glenda A. Hodges * Monique Julia Holamon Demetria Howard-Wright Jamila Sheree Hunter * Twila Vereese Jackson Candice Marie Jenkins Tracy L. Jimerson Andrea Lewis Johnson * Rea R. Johnson Jylon V. Jones Mulubirhan Kidan Kassahun *

Lakesha Yolanda Lawrence Monica Anne Lloyd * Makia Lewis Lofton Siti Aisha Lowery Adrienne R. Matthews * Jennifer Rose McZier * Katrina Alvarez Medley Jennifer Anne Miller * Tameika Gail Miller * Rhonda Gowans Mitchell * Johnita Walker Mizelle * Mary Frances Morris Dekimberlen Joneka Neely Kara L. Nelson * NeSonya Renee Parker Tabia S. Patton * Dekisha Michelle Pendergrass * Dawnyale Micol Phifer Kenya Thacker Pierre * Darilyn Danita Davis Pigford * Marla L. Posey-Moss * Reisha Lene Raney Nakia D. Robinson * Darva R. Satcher * Garnet Tana Seraile Kakuya Amala Shakur-Coleman Niambi N. Sims Anne Collins Smith * Deidre Antrenette Solomon Renisha Lashawn Spivey Darra Crowder Thomas Julayaun Maria Waters Celeste Michele Watkins * Cheryl L. Williams * Lynn Jennings Winder Sonya Demetria Winton Kimberly Ann Worthy * Dorlisa G. Young

Class of 1997 Amount: $8,360 Participation Rate: 13% Jennifer Eileen Allen Christina Bannerman Alston * Faith Ayers Tori Lynn Bailey * Danielle Vivian Barnes * Keisa F. Betts Aisha C.W. Bond Rhonda Danyale Brooks * Laraye Brown Ebony Mishana Coleman * Kinita L. Copeland Nia Cross * Ayana Mandisa Davis * Beandu Dorley * Ayanna Elizabeth Marie Dunn * Adrienna Michelle Edwards Carrie Lenise Ellis * Tikenya Sheree Foster-Singletary Helen Gordon Gary Pauline Geter Adrienne Alana Grainger Nikki L. Williams Grantham * Cara Therese Grayer * Erica Lynne Harris Miriam Jackson * Beth Michelle James * Patience T. Lewis Charlotte Lusby * Tiffany Rene Mayo * Treasure Latifa McClain * Jamarcy L. McDaniel Piper R. Miller * Iyabo Abena Morrison * April Danielle Moss Shani Jamila O'Neal Sidnee Nicole Paschal Shani Harris Peterson LaTonya M. Phipps * Tamara Elizabeth Rasberry * Angelique Pilar Redus Sondra Denise Reese Tiaudra Raschon Riley * Shana Miki Rooks * Darlene Anita Scott Lisa E. Sharif * Tanesha Brown Shelton Andrea L. Shoemore Jalyn Sarya Spencer Nia Aisha Tuckson Nzinga Temple Tull * Erika Monique Walker-Cash Lawren Ann Ward * Chandi Kaya White


Class of 1998 Amount: $5,445 Participation Rate: 12% Asmaa Abdul-Haqq Kellie Terese Alexander Latiefa Abi Alston * Nana A. Annan Orien Nicole Barnes * Shani Kizuwanda Bastiany Jamela M. Benjamin * Mary L. Blatch * Alicia Dionne Bonaparte Shannon L. Burton Nicole Annette Calloway Alexis Clark * Ayana K. Corbin * Monica F. Cox Camille Roxanne Daniel * Azure Vee Davis Jakeema Dawkins Lauryl Denise Dodson * Jaymie Anne Dorsey Sharon H. Faulk Erika Latrice Ford-Preval * Darsheika S. Giles Kamola Lasika Gray Daphne Renee Harris Annalisa A. Henderson * Jennifer Denise Hilliard Jennyfer A. Holmes * Brandi Iryshe Ivy V. Jack * Felicia Rena Jackson Nichole Renee James Jerri Lynn Jones * Shemetha Q. Jones Candace A. Joyner * Elizabeth G. Kirkland * Rashidah Sonya Lopez Becca Lynne Martin * Margaret Monique McCloudManley * Kari D. McGriff-Miller Christy M. Mountain Keishia Renae Pittman Angela Terry Randall Patrice N. Richards Kimberly Robinson Santos Safiyyah Shahid * Nareissa Latoi Smith Nova N. Smith Reiko Renee Tate * Kia N. Tucker Azure Cardwell Utley Sherri Lynette Walston Sylvia Sakura Watts * Kimberly Lenise Williams Shana Romaine Word *

Class of 1999 Amount: $4,314 Participation Rate: 16% Shaakira N. Akbar-Anthony Aisha Kinda Anderson Fabiola Aurelien Veronica Avery * Nchang Mantoh Azefor Cheryl Kalisha Booth Dara Amanda Ayana Bourne Zarat Y. Boyd Nadiyah Raushanah Bradshaw * Lasheka Monique Brown Ninita H. Brown * Lina Buffington Ayana Georleen Cannon Constancia Elena Carter Hadiya C.J. Claxton Denise Marshelle Cooper Dionne Verniece Cowan Arquita Shaunille Cunningham Erica Tiffany Davis * Salisha Evans Alaina Fields Stacey Alanna Frazier * Kwasi Larrissiera Gause Dana Michelle Gill Aisha L. Goens Ayofemi Rashida Tulani Grundy Keesah Jamelah Hall Aliah Tyshawn Harrison Trasha Nicole Hickman Aisha Margaret Holder * Monica Yvette Jackson Tanisha Anne Jackson * Tiffany Jennifer Jackson * Afrieya K. James Kimberly Patrice Johnson *

“Will Ever Faithful Be… Throughout Eternity” These words from our noble hymn, sung by many Spelman women throughout history, communicates to us that we, as daughters of our dear alma mater, must be faithful, diligent, and enthusiastic to assist our institution in whatever way possible to ensure its duration… throughout eternity. As a recent graduate of Spelman College Class of 2004, I can recall my encounter with dear Spelman as I made my way to my dorm. The feelings of angst, excitement and somewhat of sorrow all filled me as I said goodbye to my weeping parents and embraced an experience that would eventually change me forever. My four years are very memorable, but more than anything, I remember my professors that would not let me quit, who pushed me to my highest and most immense potential, and refused to have anything less than my best. And as I reflect on my many experiences, I realize that my good days far outweighed the bad ones. I made lifelong friendships with some of the greatest women the world has seen. We were taught by some of the most passionate and well-renowned professors in their respective fields of knowledge, and we are well prepared. Spelman has prepared me for future endeavors in regards to my career goals, but more than anything, I am prepared for my destiny. I say this most sincerely, “If it were not for Spelman, where would I be?” For all of these reasons, I give back to Spelman College. I feel I owe Spelman, my alma mater, my financial support and gratitude. I will continue to give back, because Spelman has given so much to me. Tamika L. Sea, Class of 2004 made her first gift to Spelman College as an alumna in the 2004-2005 fiscal year. She is a second-year medical student at University of Tennessee Memphis, where she plans to become an OB-GYN.

Christina Kimoko Joseph Candace C. Kearney Valerie Lafond-Favieres * Elizabeth Anne Langford Nicole Danielle Lawson * Katrina Nichole Lind Erin Marie Lott Jennifer Lynn Love Nabulungi Abeo Mack-Williams * Erica Michel Martin Joy Tennille Massey * Mashadi Ione Matabane Asha Z. McCauley Shani Khalil McLoyd Lise-Pauline Milton * Sonia Williams Murphy * Shana Tiffany Nichols Hilary Anna Oliphant Joyann Nicole Phillips Rohan India Kyra Phipps Lola Olubisi Pyne Stephanie Nicole Saulsberry Keeana Serene Saxon-Kiberu Shannon Janine Smith Kaija Necole Spencer Akilah Taylor Heather Joy Thompson Shameika A. Vailes Cherese Paulette White Brandan Nicole Wilburn * Ava Shareese Williams Naima Tamaki Wong

Class of 2000 Amount: $6,445 Participation Rate: 18% Natalie Pearl Bargeron * Tai Monique Beauchamp * Kimberly R. Berry Shawn Lynette Blue Heather Marie Brandenberg *

Dana Michelle Brown * Sara Renee Buchanan Janinah Kalee Burnett * Stacey Janelle Callis Joslyn Sanders Chandler Kendolyn Grace Cooper Estari Nicole Cuffie Tamika Cummings * Ayana Douglas * Darienne Brenda Driver Phylicia Eugenia Fant * Rozalynn Suzanne Frazier * Geniece R. Granville Lia Elizabeth Hackerson Nicole Denise Hamlin * Mercedes Alexis Harris * Lezli A. Harvell * Raena Jamila Harwell Tanya Michelle Huelett Allison Kimberly James Khadeja Jamilia Johnson Kimberly Ann Johnson Latasha Diane Jones Amika E. King * Aisha Naeemah Lalor * Crystal Lynette Lawrence * Kraytina Louise Lawrence * Janelle Elizabeth Layne Teresa Yvonne Lee * Veronica Nicole Lee * Kanika Marjani Lyon Casey Rebecca McCants * Shameka C. McCaskill * Carla Jevonne McClendon * Afiya McLaughlin-White Ayanna Kai McPhail Jessica R. Milton * Kristin Denise Morrow Hanifah Muhammad Grace Okrah Jessica Robin Page

Shaka A. Phillips * Kendra Williams Pierson * Kia Rahman * Adrienne Charisse Richards Rosalind LaPearl Ross * Ainka Mopualola Sanders Rochelle Evette Sanders Tamisha Nate' Scott * Jennifer J. Scott Williams * Erikka Juliette Searles Adriana Michelle Spikes Erika Christina Stallworth Jessica Victoria Steele Robyn Catherine Stokes * Natelege Ntianu SwainsonHemmings Danielle L. Thomas Shantay Danielle Thomas Jamila Zahra Wade Najeema Davis Washington * Latoya Shavon Wells * Andrea Nicole Williams Brandi Lynee Williams * Nicole Y. Williams * Joni Lachelle Williamson Jacqueline Nicole Wills * Kalilia Dawn Wilson Kia Lorren Winston * Jemima Abena Yakah

Class of 2001 Amount: $2,900 Participation Rate: 10% Kaisha Ladia Alabi * Staci Denise Arnold Ama Terasha Nkumah Arthur Kimberly Nicole Avis Nana Afua Nyarko Banful * L. Erin Frances Barnes * Kristen Danee Barr Rashida Mari Barton

Aziza Asha Belcher Rayna Nichelle Brown Emille Kennae Davie Sadiqa Edmonds-Myles * Anissa De Anne Floyd Trudy Janelle Freeman * Tiffany Danielle Gilbert * Dionne Cherise Griffiths Kendrea Childers Hart Andrea Renee Jackson Erin Marie Johnson * Laina Nicole Jones * Malaika Ann Jones * Marie Gabrielle Crucita Jones Melanie Elayne Jones Heather Joi Kenney * Ryane Danielle LeCesne Khiya Joi Marshall Porsche Latrice Martin Adrienne Clarissa Matthews Shannon Monic Mayers Alison Willis McAfee * Shelley Merritt * Crystal Lewis Nelson Angela Mechelle Phillips * Devi Susan Registre Kia Danielle Sears Renee Shante Spruiel * Jacqueline Nicole Williams Precious Latonia Williams Onenyka Evette Wiseman Kristin Delena Wyckoff *

Class of 2002 Amount: $2,850 Participation Rate: 15% Sumayyah Abdullah Joya L. Abrams * Yewande Ebony Ayodele Joy De Lois Beckwith Philathia Bolton Stephanie Bowman Natalie Samantha Brown Alesia Lana Bryant Kerri Marie Burrus Angela Jayne Butler Charisse Toomer Byers * Shawnetta Faye Cotton April China Crenshaw Rebecca Ruth Dailey * Cynthia Marie Daniels * Afton Laura Donald Genesis Elaine Draper Maya LaRah Eady Kimberly Turwueese Edwards Carmen Jackson Elston Adrienne Patrice Floyd Ja'Near L. Garrus Taneya Denyelle Gethers Alyssa Joy Gowens Erin Arnise Harper Calandra Yvette Harris Carmen Darice Harris Michelle Renee Harris Tamika D. Haymon * Catherine Anne Henderson Latisha D. Hensley Oshea Kamari Hill Dajuanicia Nicole Holmes Argenail Tenisha Howze Jamille Annette Jackson Kwajelyn Jade Jackson * Alexis Bernadette Lester * Keisha Leverette Sherita Dari McCain * Carmen Jeanine McCutcheon * Kimberly Michelle McMiller Erica Mcknight La Kinta Mechi Morrissette Dione T. Moultrie Tiffany Monique Norman Shana Makeva Oglesby Dana Olivia Peart Marcia Simone Price Mari-Yan Lauren Pringle Tamara Shera Redic Chimere Love Reeves * Denise Adele Riley Chanele Teonka Rita Smith Amanda Charlette Spires Stepahnie Surae St. Louis Tamika Nicole Stembridge Renada Mignon Stovall Calissia Monique Thomas Jennifer Christine Thomas Maranda Carrie-Lynette Ward Nicole Antoinette Ware

*Indicates 1881 Society Membership

Angela Warren Candice Marie Young * Kisha Janelle Young

Class of 2003 Amount: $2,393 Participation Rate: 14% Dana Nicole Anglin Candace Marie Barriteau * Kalia Lynne Booker Ashley Yvette Brookins April Dyjon Broussard Arica Ryan Brown * Whitney Vielka Cabey * Veronica Nicole Chapman * Shanitha Dionne Coats Asha Ife Daniels * Rehema Safiya Davis * Yevita Sonya Davis Brittania W. Dennard-Moodie Danielle Nicole Ducre Naima Jewell Glenn Michelle Marilyn Gonzales Shayla A. Gordon Jessica Marie Graves Salena Nicole Gray Jessica Evonne Green Patrice Belnora Gregory Adrienne Ordaniel Harris Angelique Nicole Harris Tiffani Marie Harris Ehimwenma Izehiese Iyamu April Janae Johnson * Cara Joan Johnson Devaki Ebony Jordan Eva-Marie M. KalamId-Din Tyan LaShai Keyes Shelby Renee Larkin Dedra Deann Lemon Nathalie DonNora Means Shantisa Nicole Norman Chanta Diann Parker Carolyn Elizabeth Perry Cherie Atwell Phears Rashida Rafat Rawls Loren Kathleen Robinson * Cindy Tawana Salley Erin Jessica Searles Crystal Antrease Smith Leigh Ann Solomon * Sarah Marie St. Louis Kimberly Denise Stevenson Lauren Gerri Teague Tandra Talisa Turner Diana Elaine Veiga * Constance Necole Wallace Loren Suzanne Wheeler Princess Victoria Wiggins Angela Jenise Williams April Louise Williams

Class of 2004 Amount: $2,470 Participation Rate: 16% Noor-Jihan Ahmad Rebecca Ann Allen Carole-Eden Ayanna Ball Rashida Shani Barner Christian Marie Bell Tangela Yvette Blakely Renee DaVann Burwell Rebecca Lynn Chattman Nia Aisha Chiphe Courtney Lynne Clayton Monique Renee Clemons * Kyndra Akisha Cottingham Nicole Cecile Creecy Tia Marie Dabney Kenya Monet Datari Patti Jeane Davis Michelle Shervon Deal Decia Nicole Dixon Camille Marie Edwards Shakira DaAiyah Fardan Prudence Julia Goss Daria Cristel Grayer FloJuane Christina Griffin Tiffany Renee Griffin Saida Uzoma Sala Grundy Capri Lakesha Gunn Alexis Shea Hammond Johnecia Hardaway Shonte Monique Harrell Danielle Renee Harris Sharrissa Renee Harrison Avise Renee Hayes Nekima Sheron Hill

Kristen Nicole Hodge Marjorie Letitia Holden Ashanti Moneek Hollingsworth * Suneye Rae Holmes Lola Jean Jenkins Asha Camille Jennings Hiliary Olivia Virginia Johnson LaToya Nicole Johnson Nicole Danielle Johnson Shacara Denisia Johnson Karen Alexis Joye Latosha Elizabeth Key Lola Elizabeth Keyes Eva Rachelle Lewis * Melissa Alethia Mapp DaNita McClain Priscilla McCutcheon Brandy W McNeal Crystal Marie Menzies Takara Monet Miller Nicole C. Moore-King * Amanda Newsome Erika Denise Parrish Aimee Lynette Pierre Akilah Marie Robinson Keyona Sha'Relle Samuels Tamika Louise Sea * Natalie Sarita Sims Kia Genean Smith Daiquiri Steele * Takeena Monette Thompson Nailah Ellis Timberlake * Nandi Aliya Troutman Jolawn O. Victor Krystle N. Watler * Tiffany Nicole Wells Denise Marie White Ivy Michelle Williams Rhona Delphena Williams Niki Cheavonne Willis Maria Wright Shanequa Denise Yates Katrina Rolanda Young Candice Jamice Youngblood

Class of 2005 Amount: $756 Participation Rate: 9% Raven Amiran Ali Rahila T. Andrews Melanie N. Baptiste Bianca M. Bellinger Brittany A. Bellizeare Corrine G. Black Adrienne T. Brown Myra C. Brown Clanci M. Cochran Cerrone G. Coker Nonya S. Collier Andrea N. Daniel Jessica C. Dawson Erica Regina Dixon Katrina M. Evans Carmen B. Fields Erica B. Fields Milan A. Griffin Jasmine E. Guy Mikell A. Hampton Danielle Marie Hewson Lillianne Marie Lewis Lillianne M. Lewis Tashiana Nicole Mayo Tasheeta L. Miller Cristen M. Mills Kelly R. Mitchell Jennifer L. Moore Mwikali N. Muindi Priscilla D. Nellis Chesla T. Nickelson Gail N. Nwanze Kasharii Parker Jacquelin Y. Pinkston Missale C. Priest Janeen Lynette Rawls La-Nikqua T. Thomas Tynisha DeAndrea Thomas Maxine W. Thompson Daphne T. Todd Millicent J. Whitaker Lauren M. Turk

Non-Degree Alumnae Elayn Holt Ansari Terry Bell Rachel Jackson-Gregg* Aprile Yvette Kearney

TRUSTEES * Indicates 1881 Society Membership Theodore R. Aronson* Aurelia E. Brazeal, C’65* A. Toy Caldwell-Colbert, C’73* Lisa DeNell Cook, C’86* Russell Edgerton* June Gary Hopps, C’60* Yvonne R. Jackson, C’70* Juan D. Johnson* Terry Jones* Rosa King Kilpatrick, C’70* Wanda Smalls Lloyd, C’71* Cynthia R. McIntyre* Susan McLaughlin* Vicki R. Palmer* Ronald B. Richard* Ray Robinson* Anna Roosevelt* Bradley T. Sheares* Jonathan L. Smith* Robert D. Storey * Ronda Stryker* David N. Sundwall* Beverly Daniel Tatum* Valerie Rockefeller Wayne*

FORMER, HONORARY, & LIFE TRUSTEES Anne Cox Chambers* Johnnetta B. Cole* Shirley C. Franklin* Gertrude G. Michelson* Donald Stewart* Eoin Trevelyan* Lucy C. Vance*

FACULTY/STAFF John W. Adams Sharon Akiele* Eloise A. Alexis, C’86* Angela R. Allen Marsha N. Allen Dacia Amey* Sandy Y. Anderson April J. Austin* Andrea Denise Barnwell, C’93* Delores K. Barton* Askia H. Bashir Geneva Hampton Baxter, C’77 Gladys S. Bayse* Barbara J. Bell Nicole-Marie Bell Edna Genell Bolton, C’84* Sylvia T. Bozeman* H. Edward Brazil* Marquette J. Brown B. LaConyea Butler, C’56* Jamila Canady* Beatriz Cardelino* Peter C. Chen Evelyn Willis Chisolm, C’49* Pearl Michelle Cleage, C’71* Cynthia Cooke John E. Cunningham* Tomika Michelle DePriest, C’89* Etrenda C. Dillon Pauline E. Drake, C’58* Thomas E. Engram* Christine King Farris, C’48* Robert D. Flanigan* Nancy Goler Freeman Margery A. Ganz* Thresa Gay Cornelia Gillyard* Sheena L. Glover Beverly L. Guy-Sheftall, C’66* Latanya P. Hammonds-Odie, C’89* Donna Akiba Harper* Oliver J. Henderson Lisa B. Hibbard* Rosalyn Hines* Demetria N. Holloway Anne R. Hornsby* Gracie Mae Hutcherson, C’82 Toni Jean Ireland, C’77

Joyce F. Johnson* Iretta B.C. Kearse, C’88 Judith N’Gina Kenney* Geneva Y. Lane Frederick H. Langhorst Ingrid Lassiter Andrea W. Lawrence, C’68* Harry G. Lefever* Arturo Lindsay* Renita D. Mathis* Germaine McAuley* DaNita McClain, C’2004 M. Akua McDaniel, C’69 Rosa M. McQuay Gwendolyn H. Middlebrooks, C’61* Lev T. Mills* Beryl Thomas Mitchell, C’77 Colm K. Mulcahy Abena T. Otudor Marian Parker Sandra Sims Patterson, C’70* Desiree S. Pedescleaux Willis Perry Kathleen E. Phillips-Lewis* Ethel S. Poole* (dec.) Monica Lynn Rodgers, C’91* Dr. Rosetta E. Ross* Lawrence Schenbeck* Anna Augusta Scott* Bernice DeGannes Scott* Olivia Scriven Liane B. Sewell Nagambal S. Shah* Christine W. Sizemore Yvonne E. Skillings Cynthia Neal Spence, C’78* Taronda Elise Spencer, C’80* Jo Moore Stewart Beverly Daniel Tatum* Joyce L. Thompkins* Albert N. Thompson* Carmen Travis-Kemp Sherry Lynn Turner* Yoko Ueda Gloria Wade-Gayles* Anne Bradford Warner Daryl White* Brandi Lynee Williams, C’2000* Sylvester Wilson Quisa Foster Wittingham* Ernest Wright* Farley Hayes Youman

PARENTS Calvin & Doris Alexis Lorenzo Bailey* Ruth V. Bailey* Ann Kathleen Burlew* Judith A. Cabral Bebe Moore Campbell & Ellis Gordon, Jr.* Gil Chapman* Katherine Collier* Michelle D. Dacus, C’81* Jerry L. Dixon* Judith Jordain Earl* Clifton Edwards Jimmy & Canary El-Amin Casper T. Glenn* John V. Golding, Jr. Deborah Mann Graves Mia F. Greene* James M. Griffin Robert G. Howard Marcella & Terry Jones* Perry A. Little* Janet Lane Martin C’72* Theodore & Bernice Mason* Merritt S. Matthews* Tyrone E. Monro* Andrea B. Pitts Wellington T. Pitts Colin H. Reid Jewel E. Rodgers Kathleen L. Royal Cynthia Neal Spence, C’78* David J. Stewart* Clarence W. Tignor Donna Garnier Turk, C’75* Robert V. Veiga Valenta G. Ward-Gravely Susan Wright*

FRIENDS Laretta R. Abington* Maurianne Adams Basile Akiele Pamela C. Alexander* William C. Ames Henri Anderson* Winnie P. Anderson Dwight Andrews* Janet S. Armato Lawrence E. Arnett Mary S. Arnold Phyllis Arnold Barbara G. Arrington Janet M. Ashley Arlene Avakian Andrea Ayvazian L. Fred Ayvazian Barbara Bacon Juan K. Bailey* Yvonne E. Bankston Calvin J. Barnes Isaiah E. Barnwell, Jr.* Lisa Baskin Beverly Bates Mary Catherine Bateson* Gwendolyn L. Battle* Robin H. Bearden* Marvin Beasley Derek L. Benton Ramona A. Berry Edith Y. Biggers* Trevor Bilhorn James J. Bishop* Carroll W. Blake Willa Blasingame* Lisa K. Bloomenkranz June A. Blue Wiley Bolden Richard Bonifazi William G. Bounds, Jr.* Ricky Boyd Horace C. Boyer* Robert Bozeman* Thelma E. Bradford Mary Bowne Brandt Philip W. Brickner Anne-Marie Lemal Brown Olga Brown* Phyllis C. Brown Teresa Brown Carol Brownlee* Edward L. Brownlee* Joseph B. Bruns* Mary L. Bullock Lucinda W. Bunnen* Douglas & Ann Burch* Jethar Burkett Anthony Burley Birgit Smith Burton* Elizabeth Butler John Byrd Rochelle Calhoun W. Byron Calhoun* Willis P. Callins Emily J. Campanella Dorothy Cannon Portress W. Caple Joseph Selvin Carlos Pamela G. Carlton* Veronica Carpenter-Thomas Julia Carr-Bayler* Steven E. Carter* Kelly Cass-White* Herbert L. Charles* Teresa A. Cherry-Cruz Reatha I. China Mirian E. Chivers Aleia Y. Clark L. A. Clark Augustus L. Clay, Jr.* Caryn M. Clayton* Arthur J. Clement* Ellawease J. Clemons Lucy J. Reuben Cole Jackie Coleman Cleo P. Coles, Jr.* Lillian E. Collins Katheleen M. Compere T. Coombs Sandi Cooper* Louis W. Corrigan Audrey Covington Robert A. Cowie Rosa Mary Crawford* Mary S. Crew



A. Cheryl Curtis Mary E. Custard Gerald B. Cutting Annie O. Dancy Robert A. Daniel* Sallie Adams Daniel* William A. Darity* Emma Darnell Margaret R. Davie* Margie L. Davie* William H. Davie Bertha K. Davis* Beverly T. Davis Eldred Dennis Davis Walter F. Davis Sarah C. DeChamps Kim Dennis Lisa R. Desamours Rebecca D. Desmarais Justine P. Devan Jim Devlin Charlotte Dixon* Bertha S. Dockett* Susan E. Donner P. C. Dove Sam B. Dowdy Joseph Draper Frances W. DuBose* Tiffany L. Dudley Eileen T. Duff Miriam S. Duff George Dunbar John D. Dunn J. Frazer & Cree Durrett Juanita M. Eber Faber L. Eberhard Frederic M. Edelman Malik Ellis* Hallie J. Ennis Gerald A. Epstein Susan M. Etheredge Adrian Evans* Dolan P. Falconer, Jr.* Walter Falconer* Myra Marx Ferree* Laura T. Fine Craig W. Finley* Sandra Y. Fitzpatrick Herman E. Fletcher Conrad L. Forbes, Jr.* Mary Lavo Ford* Alnita Foster Marvin A. Foxworth* Merle A. Franklin John Franks* Clinton Frazier Theresa Freeman Adam L. Frey Josephine Fulcher-Anderson Denise B. Gardner Margaret C. Gardner Joy Garrett Karen Garth-Lee Janie Massey Gatewood Elodie George Karin L. George* Michael A. Gerber* Junie J. Germain J. R. Gibbons Nita D. Gilbert David N. Githuku* Hiwatha Glover Alan Goldenberg* Trudie Yanuck Goldstein* Uldine Goler* Mignon S. Goode Alix A. Gordon Garland W. Gossett* Gary R. Grant Jessica Graves T. Herman Graves* Christina G. Graybard* Karlise Y. Grier Sarah Grolnic-McClurg Julia Sprunt Grumbles* Marva M. Hackney Charles Haight Nancy M. Hall Selena Hall Robert S. Hammond Cathy Hampton* Chester A. Hancock P. Dianne Hankerson Barbara B. Hanks

Linda Hannibal-Wheat Howard M. Harding Debbie Hardy Lewis Hargett* Meredith M. Hargrove Deborah V. Harrison Faizah N. Harrison-Toler Glenda E. Hawkins Emily C. Haygood Gregory N. Haynes, Sr. Greg Head* Carolyn Reese Henderson Virginia A. Hepner* Alan L. Hermesch Walker Heyman Beverly G. Hill Susan H. Hilton James W. Hobbs Josette Hochman Barbara F. Holland* Melvin L. Hollowell* Lynn R. Holmes Samuel G. Holmes* Willie A. Howard George L. Howell* Duane L. Hughes Ray Hunter Crystal Lane Ingram* Barbara L. Jackson James Warren Jackson Kai Jackson Kathryn Jackson Nora B. Jackson Patricia P. Jackson Stephon A. Jackson* J. H. Jacobs JoAnn James Shirley A. James Thomas D. Jarrett George L. Jeffries* Kimberly D. Jimmar Cathryn Brown Johnson John D. Johnson* Kenneth & Carolyn Johnson Raymond L. Johnson* Robert Johnson Toni D. Johnson-Chavis* Ida F. Jones Ingrid Saunders Jones* James N. Jones Kenneth Jones Paul R. Jones* Rose Marie Jones Schalyse D. Jones Denise A. Karuth Alan M. Katz Patricia D. Keenan Shirlie Keith Judy Kent Woodrow Keown, Jr.* Brenda Kidd* Alfred M. Killian* William H. Killian, III Kamau King Jill Kneerim* Juliette Knowles-McCrary* Alfred L. Knox Walter Korzec Anne C. Kubic* Phyllis Labanowski* Mary Beth LaBelle* Clarice Lackey* Jennifer Ladd Mark E. Lammers Judy Morris Lampert* Mae Lance* Arvel V. Langley Alvin W. Larkins* Sandra M. Lawrence Ramona Lawson Vera Mae Lee Yvonne W. Lee Joyce M. Leonard Berry Lewis* Ernestine Lewis Robert B. Lewis, III* Selma B. Lewis* Virginia T. Lewis Vivian S. Lewis* Beth S. Lilly Darlyne Lilly Elinor Lipman Guy T. Logan* Henry S. Logan Richard A. Long


Lee Lorch* Audrey Yanthis Lucas* Ingle Marie Luster Eric Mack Kerry MacNeil Anita Magovern Gwendolyn J. Mallett* Alex J. Malone Mzamo P. Mangaliso Robert Marquez Arthur Martin, III Barbara G. Martin Clara H. Martin Susan Kennedy Marx* Eleanor F. Massell Joe B. Massey Robert H. Massey Rhonda L. Matheison Lois S. Matthews R. Eric McCarthey* Charles McClaren Henry McCormick Malachy McCourt Clint G. McCrory Iris McLaughlin Beulah H. McNair Alfred McWilliams* Margaret N. Mermin* Nathan Metzger Steven Meyn John M. Michael Will J. Millard Charlotte Free Miller* Janet D. Miller Kenneth A. Mines Lilla A. Mitchell* Peggy A. Montes* Kevin Montgomery Sarah S. Montgomery Eugene T. Moore George R. Moore Daniel Glenn Morris* Eunice C. Morris Frances Kenney Moseley* Onawumi Jean Moss* Ouleye N. Ndoye Lucile W. Neely Blondean Nelson* David Nelson* Quy N. Nhan Sonia Nieto Kathleen Nixon Martha L. Ntiforo Susan Overton Lillie Owens Lewis A. Parker Scott Patton Lorna M. Peterson Willie R. Philpot Carlton Pickron Joseph Pierson* William H. Pillow* Laura M. Pinkney Sandra P. Pointer Terrence J. Porter Valeria P. Porter* Dionne Poulton Arnold C. Powell A. President Amelia B. Prillerman* Bessie H. Prince Robert C. Pringle Patricia G. Ramsey Mattie C. Ransby Veronica Ransom Joan A. Rasool* Laura & Norman Rates* Bamby Z. Ray Calvin Reeves, Jr. Ruth G. Richards Kanika A. Richardson Carol Rinehart Beatrice Ringgold Laura G. Ringor Lillie H. Roacher Janine Roberts* Felecia R. Robinson James D. Robinson, III* Jonathan K. Robinson* Kim L. Robinson Ray M. Robinson* Patricia Romney* Sharon C. Ross Susan J. Ross Angela R. Sailor*

John H. Sandoz Allie F. Saxon Gus A. Sayer Janice Shelby Kumea Shorter-Gooden Suzanne Shull Cynthia D. Singleton Michael A. Smart* Annabelle Smith Candace N. Smith* Cedric Smith Cheryl A. Smith Emily A. Smith Eva Sue Smith Georgia Smith Phillip A. Smith Rufus Smith, Sr. Theophus H. Smith* Vicki Smith-Williams Robert L. Smothers Robert D. Smulian Nancy Solomon* Anne T. Stanley Shirley Earlise Starke Mary B. Starnes Ruth D. Starnes Larry Steele Lee B. Stephens, III* Marcus L. Stephens Jessica Stephenson Michael Sykes Dorothy G. Tarr Elvira M. Tate* Robert Taylor* Teresa A. Theisen Henry M. Thomas, III Annie Bell Thompson Hazel M. Thompson Mary Ann Toles* Remy W. Trafelet* Robert H. Truesdale* Lonnette R. Tuck Mildred O. Tucker Willie Tucker* Wenetta M. Turner Deborah Twine* Joyce Underwood Reginald Van Lee* Henry S. Van Putten, Jr. Alma Lee Vaughn James E. Vaughn Russell Vernon-Jones Carol R. Vieth* Michele R. Walker Thomas Walker Ruth L. Wall Marjorie Vinson Washington Nodie M. Washington* Regina Washington Dexter G. Watson* Donald G. Webster Bobby W. Welch Claudia Wells* Steven S. West Eric A. Westley Edward L. Wheeler* Joffre T. Whisenton* Jo R. White Dolores J. Whitman-Marshall Lawrence A. Wicker Lee Wilder* Andrew B. Williams* Dorothy Williams Earl L. Williams Fred Williams Jacqueline Williams Juanita W. Williams* Sara C. Williams Shirleen Dooley Williams Wilmoth L. Williams Bernice C. Wilson Alison Leah Wing Camille Winslow Ovetta B. Winslow Edward Wolf Guy E. Wood Stanley K. Woodard William E. Woods* Catherine Woolner Julia Holloway Wright* Cordell Wynn Hisako Yanaka* Ximena Zuniga

STUDENTS Selamawit Y. Abed Mizanelle A. Akiele Aisha P. Armstrong Keyna A. Austin Valerie R. Austin Bianca A. Baird Margaret Ball Petrina K. Barnett Victoria Audele Beeks Rachel E. Bland Andrea E. Blanton Sierra A. Bloxson Whitney Bond Ashley L. Boykin Daye A. Brake Latriecia T. Brown Amber E. Browne Lauren A. Bush Christina D. Camps Patrice Capers Jerelle Y. Carriere Justinia L. Carter Tasia L. Cerezo Tanea Lee Chane Jacqueline R. Clifton Jamita L. Cobb Brooke Cobbs Melissa L. Collins Raven A. Collins Shara S. Conway Miltonette O. Craig Tara Glenise Culberson Shannon A. Cumberbatch Jennifer L. Dailey Crystal N. Daniels Amber K. Davis Tara D. Davis Florene E. Dixon Rosalyn C. Douglass Keshee Danee Dozier Tulani N. Elisa Asha B. Ennett Samantha S. Evans Kasha N. Ferguson Maya T. Forrester LaTrishia D. Francis Melanie D. Gardner Nicole E. George Tiffaney M. Graham Laureine Guilao Ashlee F. Harvey Eva Hrdinova Sydney W. Hull Brantriesa Hutchinson Alana J. Ingram Teresa E. Ingram Barthinia M. James Brittany L. Johnson Marisa K. Johnson Sharice Jones Marian B. Jordan Ketlynne S. Joseph Nicola A. Jourdain-Earl Brittne M. Kelly Chari Lawrence Lakeisha M. Lee Ann K. Lister Tracey M. Lucas Quinnisha L. Marion Jade L. Martin Keia J. Martin Garnette E. Mason Jameela R. Mason Jessica B. Mayberry Sara McLeod Naomi R. Moir Lamesha A. Moore Aryen S. Moore-Alston Shalanda L. Moten Jalilah M. Muhammadi Tanisha R. Paisley Elizabeth M. Palacios Amber C. Parrish-Hall Chelsy R. Paschal Janelle W. Payne Britney Payton Porsha V. Pettaway Yana S. Pinto Tashay S. Pratt Ali Najah Prevard Jasmine M. Printup Joianne C. Pyram Laura L. Reese Danielle K. Reid Tamara L. Rogers-Gant

Elizabeth C. Rountree Kendra A. Sanderson Amber M. Scott Michelle V. Shaw Jaunice Sills Ariel N. Simpson Shechianh Stewart Kandice A. Sumner LaDawn K. Thomas Shanna N. Thomas Michelle E. Vines Brittany N. Ware Adriane C. White Calendra F. Williams Janet N. Williams Shakira E. Williams Tarika L. Williams Juliette E. Wilson Melissa G. Wise Keli-Dionne C. Wood Angel C. Young Carmen Y. Young Elisheba Z. Young

ALUMNAE ORGANIZATIONS Athens Area Chapter, NAASC Birmingham Chapter, NAASC Chicago Chapter, NAASC Columbia, MD Chapter, NAASC Columbus Chapter, NAASC Decatur Chapter, NAASC Detroit Chapter, NAASC Houston Chapter, NAASC Los Angeles Chapter, NAASC National Alumnae Association of Spelman College New York Chapter, NAASC Northern New Jersey, NAASC Orlando Chapter, NAASC Philadelphia Chapter, NAASC Washington D.C. Chapter, NAASC

CORPORATIONS/ CORPORATION FOUNDATIONS Key * Indicates Matching Gift Company 3BKN Limited, LLC 4 L.I.F.E, Inc. Abbott Laboratories Fund Acacia Technology Group LLC Accenture Foundation, Inc. * Aetna Foundation * AGL Resources, Inc. Alan Hermesch Public Relations LLC Alpharetta Women's Medical Group Altria Group, Inc. * American Express Foundation * American Honda Motor Co., Inc. AOL Time Warner Foundation, Inc. * Assurant Solutions AT&T Foundation * Atkinson Counseling & Training Services Atlanta Celebrates Photography Automatic Data Processing, Inc. * Avnet, Inc. Avon Products Foundation, Inc. * Avon Products, Inc. Bank of America Bank of America Foundation * Bank of New York Beiersdorf, Inc. Bell South * BellSouth Telecommunications Belvedere, Inc. Bernard C. Harris Publishing Company, Inc. BMW of North America, Inc. Boddie Medical Boehringer Ingelheim Cares Foundation, Inc. Boeing Company * Campbell Soup Foundation * Chinn Dental Clinic Choice Hotels International Foundation Cingular Wireless * CITGO Petroleum Corporation *

Citigroup Foundation * Clement & Wynn Program Managers Cordy and Company, Inc. Cosmetic Dentistry of Texas Pearland Cracker Barrel Old Country Store, Inc. Creative Minds Enterprise CSR Incorporated Cummins. Inc. DaimlerChrysler Corporation Fund David Foster Photography, Inc. Delta Air Lines Foundation * E. I. Du Pont De Nemours & Co. Ed America Education First Marketing, LLC Entergy Services, Inc. Equifax Foundation * Exelon Corporation * ExxonMobil Corporation ExxonMobil Foundation Federated Corporate Services, Inc. Federated Department Stores Foundation * Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Fleetguard, Inc. Follett Higher Ed. Group

Forbes Forbes, Fields and Associates Freddie Mac Foundation * Gannett Foundation * Gap Foundation * GE Capital GE Foundation * General American Mutual Holding Company General Motors General Motors Foundation * Georgia Power Company, Inc. Georgia Power Foundation, Inc. * Georgia Student Finance Commission Georgia-Pacific Corporation Georgia-Pacific Foundation * Global Impact * Global Lead, Inc. Goldman, Sachs & Company * Hallmark Cards Incorporated Hallmark Corporate Foundation Harris Bank Foundation * Home Depot * Hospira * Hughes Management Consulting, Inc. IBM Corporation

IBM International Foundation * Imudani Medical Supplies, Inc. International Paper Company Foundation * John Wieland Homes, Inc. Johnson & Johnson * JP Morgan Chase JP Morgan Chase Foundation * KeyBank Kimberly Clark Corporation Kimberly-Clark Foundation, Inc. * Lance Lucas, Price & Associates, LLC Levi Strauss Foundation * Lockheed Martin Aeronautical Systems Lubo Fund, Inc. Mandalaray, Inc. MBNA America * Mellon Bank * Merrill Lynch Michael B. Scott, M.D., Inc. Microsoft Corporation * Mobile Media Enterprises, LLC Morgan Stanley & Company, Inc. * Motorola Foundation National Education Loan Network, Inc.

NCCI Holdings, Inc. * New York Life Foundation * Norfolk Southern Foundation * North Perimeter OB GYN, LLC Northwestern Mutual Foundation * Novartis * PepsiCo Foundation, Inc. * Pfizer Foundation * Pfizer, Inc. PG&E Corporation * Pharmacia Foundation * Philips Consumer Electronics Company * Procter & Gamble Public Service Electric & Gas Company Publix Supermarkets Radio Shack * Richard H. Sewing & Associates Rufus Smith and Associates Russell Corporation S.J. Wright Insurance SAIC * Sara Lee Foundation * Schering-Plough Foundation, Inc. * Shell Oil Company Foundation * Siemens Automotive * Siemens Corporation

Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. Standard Insurance Company * State Farm Insurance Companies Foundation * Storagetek Foundation * Sun Microsystems Foundation, Inc. * Sunni Gyrl, Inc. SunTrust Bank Atlanta Foundation * Talbott International, LLC The Allstate Foundation * The Anderson Firm, LLC The Atlanta Journal and Constitution The Campbell Dental Group, LLC The Coca-Cola Company * The Home Depot Foundation * The Humana Foundation, Inc. * The K. Group, LTD The May Department Stores Company The May Department Stores Company Foundation * The Medtronic Foundation * The Merck Company Foundation * The Prudential Foundation The Scholarship Foundation * The Stanley Works

The UPS Foundation, Inc. * The Wachovia Foundation of Georgia * Tiffany & Co. * Toyota Motor Sales, USA, Inc. * TSI Engineering, Inc. UBS Financial Services, Inc. UBS Warburg * UNCF Special Programs Corporation United Black Fund of AL, Inc. United Technologies * Universal Music Group, Inc. * US Bank National Association Verizon Verizon Foundation * Virginia Military Institute Research Laboratories, Inc W.P. Walker's Vack, Inc. Washington Hospitality Group, LLC Washington Mutual Bank WellPoint Foundation * Wells Fargo & Company Wells Fargo Foundation * Women to Women Words Without Music, LLC World Reach, Inc * Xerox Corporation

Spelman College and Pfizer, Inc: A Partnership to Improve Global Women’s Health African American and other women of color disproportionately suffer from what the National Institutes of Health have described as the “burden of disease and death.” HIV/AIDS, obesity, diabetes, kidney failure, heart disease, and breast and cervical cancer are among a litany of often preventable diseases which increasing impact Black women, robbing our families, communities, and the nation of leadership and talent. As part of its commitment to corporate citizenship and community improvement, Pfizer, Inc. has awarded the Spelman College Women’s Research and Resource Center a $300,000 grant focused on Global Women’s Health. The project’s goal is to focus attention on the health status of African-descended and other women of color and to make a positive impact through collaborative research, curriculum development, and service-learning efforts. The grant also supports the women’s health concentration, the newest component of the Comparative Women’s Studies major. Prof. Aline Gubrium, Assistant Professor of Women’s Studies, has been hired to teach courses related to women’s health, while Dr. Lisa Egbuonu-Davis, the first Pfizer Medical Scholar-in-Residence, teaches a seminar on “Health Disparities,” and spearheads the inaugural Pfizer Lecture Series. As part of that series, Elizabeth Ofili, M.D., M.P.H., Director of Clinical Research Center and Chief of Cardiology at the Morehouse School of Medicine, spoke to a standing-room only audience of faculty and students on “African American Women and Cardiovascular Health.” The second lecturer was Claudia Baquet, M.D., M.P.H., Professor of Medicine, Associate Dean for Policy and Planning, and Director of the University of Maryland’s Medical School Center for Health Disparities Research Outreach and Training, who spoke on “Reducing Cancer Health Disparities.” *Indicates 1881 Society Membership

Other the next three years, the Women’s Center will implement a number of other activities, including a week-long Summer Institute in 2007 to help faculty at other HBCUs explore strategies for incorporating women’s health issues into the social sciences, humanities, and natural sciences curricula at their respective institutions. One of the most rewarding aspects of the Global Women’s Health project is the support it provides to students. Adrienne Brown, a 2005 computer science graduate of Spelman, was the first Pfizer Scholar. Brown received support for study this summer at the University of Cape Town, South Africa before entering a doctoral program in biomedical engineering where she hopes to research health technologies that improve women’s health. The Women’s Center will name two additional undergraduate Pfizer Scholars this academic year and another six before the grant concludes in 2007. The culminating event of the project is a studentorganized conference on women’s health. The Pfizer Global Women’s Health initiative continues Spelman’s long history of producing African American women in science and the health professions. Georgia Dwelle Rooks, the first Spelman alumna to attend medical school and founder of the first obstetrical hospital for black women in the city of Atlanta, is representative of this long standing tradition. The Pfizer project is under the direction of Beverly Guy-Sheftall, the Anna Julia Cooper Professor of Women’s Studies and Director of the Women’s Research and Resource Center. The Women’s Center has been engaged in similar efforts to foster cross disciplinary collaborations between the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences, as well as facilitate collaborations with other universities and organizations in the area of women’s health. In 1999,

the Women’s Center receive a $250,000 grant from the Ford Foundation to strengthen the women’s studies major by inaugurating a new women’s health concentration and enhancing the natural sciences curricula by mainstreaming a range of race and gender issues into the natural science curricula. More recently, the Women’s Center, with support from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), ExxonMobil and Pfizer sponsored an international conference on “Women, Girls, and HIV/AIDS in Africa and the African Diaspora,” which took place in June 2004. Delegations of scholars, healthcare professionals, community activists, graduate students and women living with AIDS attended from the Caribbean, Brazil, South Africa, and West Africa. Pfizer, Inc. is the world’s largest researchbased pharmaceutical firm devoted to healthcare. In May, the Pfizer Foundation announced a new grant program aimed at preventing the spread of HIV/AIDS in the southern United States, with particular focus on under-served African-American and Latino communities in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Texas. “Comprehensive HIV/AIDS prevention programs focused on communities most at risk are our best defense against this deadly disease,” said Hank McKinnell, member of The Pfizer Foundation Board of Directors and Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Pfizer Inc. “By partnering with organizations in small towns and big cities across the South, we hope to help slow the increasing incidence of HIV/AIDS.” The Pfizer project enables Spelman College to contribute to the eradication of HIV/AIDS and other diseases that disproportionately impact people of color around the globe. SPELMAN COLLEGE ANNUAL REPORT



Albert E. Manley Endowed Scholarship Audrey Forbes Manley, C’55

Abby and George O'Neill Trust Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, Inc. Florence & Harry English Memorial Fund Ford Foundation Frances Wood Wilson Foundation, Inc. George Link Jr. Foundation Inc. GGM Trust Harriet McDaniel Marshall Trust Katherine John Murphy Foundation Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation, Inc. Ronda E. Stryker & William D. Johnston Foundation The Cleveland Foundation The Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta, Inc. The David Geffen Foundation The Freeman Foundation The John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation * The Kresge Foundation * The Starr Foundation The Thomas J. Watson Foundation Thomas Guy Woolford Charitable Trust Walter H. & Marjory M. Rich Memorial Fund

Alberta W. King Memorial Fund for Music & Nonviolent Studies Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Fleetguard, Inc.

RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATION Emmanuel Baptist Church in Brooklyn Friendship Baptist Church Mount Moriah Baptist Church New Generation Learning Center & Christian Academy Presbyterian Women in Radcliffe Volunteer Service Guild Zion Hill Baptist Church

Alumnae Empowerment Fun Scholarship – Lilly/UNCF Pamela Bigelow, C’88 Chicago Chapter of the NAASC Columbia MD Chapter of the NAASC Delta Air Lines Foundation Denise Alesia Duvernay, C’76 Berdie Ricks Hardon, C’67 Nichole D. Harris-Blackwell, C’95 Nancy Fesson Hawkins, C’63 Tanya Amy Henneman, C’95 Houston Chapter, NAASC Tawakalitu Moromoke Jogunosimi, C’95 Andrea Lewis Johnson, C’96 Johnita Walker Mizelle, C’96

Carrie Clements Wright National Alumnae Association of Scholarship Spelman College Northern New Jersey Spelman Club Iva Michelle Baldwin, C’88 International Paper Company Tamara Elizabeth Rasberry, C’97 Foundation Celeste Michele Watkins, C’96 Gloria Wade Wingfield, C’53 Carrie W. Buggs Scholarship Carrie White Buggs-Fuller, C’56 Ashe Endowed Scholarship Jacqueline Jones Royster, C’70 Catherine Maxwell Daniel Lilla A. Mitchell Endowed Scholarship Beverly Daniel Tatum Aurelia D. Robinson Scholarship Cherie Stawasz Memorial Eldred Dennis Davis Scholarship Aurelia Doris Robinson, C’47 Phyllis Arnold Birmingham Chapter, NAASC Beiersdorf, Inc. Carol J. Adamski Book Award Birmingham Chapter of the NAASC Chrysler Business Fellowship BMW Scholarship DaimlerChrysler Corporation Fund BMW of North America, Inc. Clarence E. and Jennie L. Boehringer Ingelheim/ Marshall Endowed Health Careers Scholarship Scholarship Lawrence N. Paper Boehringer Ingelheim Cares Foundation, Inc.

Class of 1949 – Marguerite Simon Endowed Scholarship Fund Joy San Walker Brown, C’52 Rubye Singleton Cooke, C’49 Maenelle Dixon Dempsey, C’33 Lavaughn Force Elkins, C’49 Elizabeth Yorke Holloway, C’49 Vernyce Jenrette, C’65 Lucile Logan Nix, C’49 Marguerite F. Simon, C’35 Muriel Ketchum Yarbrough, C’49

Etta Zuber Falconer Endowed Scholarship in Mathematics Gladys S. Bayse Emma Darnell Raymond L. Johnson Lee Lorch Nagambal S. Shah The Coca-Cola Company Nzinga Temple Tull, C’97 Kimberly Sherrille Weems, C’93 Alice E. Wilson, C’80

Decatur Chapter, NAASC Scholarship Decatur Chapter, NAASC Sharon Greer, C’75 Veronica Wells Haven, C’73 Annette Norwood Hill, C’75 Georgette Woodward Johnson, C’75 Beryl Thomas Mitchell, C’77

Robert Grant Scholarship Katherine Collier

Cleopatra Whittington Johnson Scholarship Cleopatra W. Johnson, C’53

A Day of Recognition and Appreciation On Thursday, April 21, 2005, Spelman students and scholarship donors enjoyed a special day of recognition and appreciation. The occasion was the Honors Day Convocation and Scholarship Donors Appreciation Luncheon. These annual programs acknowledge the academic achievements of Spelman students and the generosity of alumnae, friends, trustees, and corporations who sponsor scholarships for deserving students. Scholarship supporters were invited to attend the Honors Day Convocation held in the Camille O. Hanks Cosby Auditorium with guest speaker, The Honorable Daphne Walker, C’94, Chief Judge, Clayton Country Magistrate Court. Immediately following the Convocation, scholarship recipients join with their scholarship benefactors for lunch in the Johnnetta Betch Cole Living and Learning Center, II. During the luncheon program, guests were deeply moved by the inspirational remarks made by scholarship recipients Shamin Okolloh, C’2005 and Maxine Thompson, C’2005. As a souvenir of the occasion, each scholarship contributor received a framed photograph of her scholarship recipient.


Rosa King Kilpatrick, C’70 and Joyce Jelks, C’70 representing the NAASC Donald M. Stewart Endowed Scholarship with scholarship recipients Miata Jones and Myra Brown.

AARP Associated Black Charities Atlanta Symphony Orchestra The Bo Peeps Bridge Club Dogwood City Chapter of the Links, Inc. Eta Kappa Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Fulton County Community Action Authority The Georgia Foundation for Independent Colleges, Inc. Harold Hirsch Scholarship Fund Howard Hughes Medical Institute National Philanthropic Trust Once For All, Inc. The Philanthropic Collaborative, Inc. Southern Area of The Links, Inc. United Negro College Fund United Way United Way of Buffalo & Erie County United Way of New York City United Way of the Bay Area Youngstown Chapter Jack & Jill, Inc.

Tujuana Davie Badgett Memorial Scholarship Winnie P. Anderson Marvin Beasley Denise Blake, C’88 Mary L. Bullock John Byrd John & Margaret Davie Margie L. Davie William H. Davie Walter & Lovie Davis Eileen T. Duff Thomas Duff John D. Dunn Herman E. Fletcher Clinton & Pearl Frazier Bobby Freeman Marva M. Hackney Cathy Hampton Barbara B. Hanks Carolyn Reese Henderson Shirley A. James Tina Monique James, C’88 Jacqueline Maurice Jenkins, C’89 Ida F. Jones James & Johnnie Jones JP Morgan Chase Foundation Shirlie Keith Alfred M. Killian Anne C. Kubik Yvonne W. Lee Joyce M. Leonard Roderick, Selma, & Jenifa Lewis Clint G. McCrory Beulah H. McNair George & Ruth Moore Willie R. Philpot Sandra P. Pointer Shirley Curry Porter, C’73 Mattie C. Ransby Calvin Reeves, Jr. Daisy Wynette Smith, C’69 Emily A. Smith Lamar & Eva Sue Smith Rufus Smith and Associates Rufus & Mary Smith Wilma Ann Smith, C’72 Mary B. Starnes Ruth D. Starnes Colleen Janessa Taylor, C’90 Annie Bell Thompson Joyce Smith Veale, C’64 Barney L. Washington Bobby & Geraldine Welch Benise Lejoy Williams, C’93 Sara C. Williams Victoria Durant-Gonzalez Scholarship Fund Avnet, Inc. P.C. Dove Vernyce Jenrette, C’65 The Merck Company Foundation Tiffany & Co.


Edgar & Bessie Palmer Scholarship Edwina Palmer Hunter, C’64

Student Government Association

Elynor Grant Scholarship Associated Black Charities Katherine Collier

SCHOLARSHIPS Accenture Student Leadership Award Joy T. Massey, C’99 Adelaide F. Forde & Dorothy Forde Bolden Award Gladys Inez Forde, C’40

Speaker Shamin Okolloh, Friends of Spelman and Bank of New York Scholarship recipient.


Mozel Spriggs, representing the Mozel Spriggs Scholarship, with scholarship recipient Shani Glaude.

Ereina Christin Smith Memorial Fund Josephine Jackson-Smith, C’46 Theophus H. Smith Ernestein Walker Baylor Endowed Scholarship Ernestein Walker Baylor, C’49

Emma Stone Jeffries, C’49 Kenneth L. Johnson Judge Harriet Mitchell Murphy, C’49 Lucile Logan Nix, C’49 Esther M. Smith Endowed Scholarship Award Sharon Greer, C’75 Eleanor Williams Traylor, C’55 Florence M. Read Scholarship Fund Josie Latimer Williams, C’47 Frances Wood Wilson Foundation Inc. Scholarship Frances Wood Wilson Foundation, Inc. Frederick Gaston & Mignon Lewis Scholarship Mignon Lackey Lewis, C’51 Gateway Endowed Scholarship Pauline E. Drake, C’58 General Motors Foundation Award United Negro College Fund

Julia Elinor Pate Borders Memorial Scholarship Ossie Smith Tuggle, C’54 Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation Scholarship Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation, Inc. Mandy L. & Signal Lockhart Thesis Award Anne R. Hornsby Martin Yanuck Memorial Scholarship Fund Gretchen R. Cook-Anderson, C’90 Kathryn Renee Dungy, C’91 Margery A. Ganz Trudie Yanuck Goldstein Anne Bradford Warner Kimberly Williams D Haene, C’91 Maurice M. Williams Community Service Award Maurice M. Williams, C’50 Minnie F. Jackson Scholarship Fund Laretta R. Abington Janet Lane Martin, C’72 Alice Holmes Washington, C’38 Muriel Ketchum Yarbrough, C’49

Georgia Dwelle Scholarship – Chicago Chapter, NAASC Minnie Whited F. Floyd Book Award National Alumnae Association of Shirley Leaphart, C’57 Spelman College Dorothy Whited LeBlanc, C’53 Bettye Whited Robinson, C’57 Hazel & Spencer Dean Jonathan K. Robinson Award United Technologies Hazel D. Dean, C’83 Mozel Spriggs Scholarship Mary S. Arnold Helen M. Bell, C’53 Wiley Bolden Ida and Roosevelt Peterson Mirian E. Chivers Foundation Scholarship Ruby Handspike Clay, C’54 Ellawease J. Clemons Estate of Ida G. Peterson T. Coombs Bertha S. Dockett JP Morgan Chase Foundation Scholarship Sam B. Dowdy Sylvia Blackmon Ellis, C’57 JP Morgan Chase Foundation Jean LaRue Foster, C’53 Margaret C. Gardner JPMorgan Chase Study Abroad Scholarship Fund Nancy Fesson Hawkins, C’63 J. H. Jacobs JP Morgan Chase Foundation Cathryn Brown Johnson Shirley Leaphart, C’57 Jacqueline Larkins Crook Barbara Holloway Lee, C’53 Music Award Virginia T. Lewis Otha Anne Larkins, C’54 Clara H. Martin Alvin W. Larkins Janet Lane Martin, C’72 Mozel J. Spriggs Jane Hope Lyons Marshall & Veronica Thomas Scholarship Fund – Washington D.C. Chapter, Donald G. Webster Juanita W. Williams NAASC Camille Winslow Washington D.C. Chapter, NAASC Hunter-Foxworth Endowed Memorial Scholarship Johnnie Hunter Foxworth, C’43

Jann Patrice Primus Scholarship Fund Angela Birch Cox, C’81 Carolita Jones Cope, C’81 Equifax Foundation Latanya P. Hammonds-Odie, C’89 Kiron Kanina Skinner, C’81 Daphne L. Smith, C’80 The Coca-Cola Company John Thomas & Mary Frances Lewis Betsch Endowed Scholarship National Philanthropic Trust John Wesley & Irene Dobbs Scholarship Fund Michael A. Smart

A life remembered through the Dr. Tujuana Davie Badgett Scholarship The Dr. Tujuana Davie Badgett Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in June 2004 to commemorate the life of Tujuana Davie Badgett C’89. Margie Davie started the Badgett Scholarship which provides financial assistance to a Spelman student pursuing a career in medicine to honor her late daughter. Tujuana graduated from Newnan High in 1985 and remains the only Black valedictorian in the school’s history. She completed her undergraduate degree from Spelman in three years and graduated magna cum laude. She was accepted for early admission to Boston University School of Medicine and served as chief resident of Ob-Gyn at the University for three years. Torrice Davie Smith, sister of Tujuana, is happy the scholarship will honor her successful, caring and well-respected sister. “She really excelled at Spelman,” she said of Tujuana. “When my sister passed last year, we wanted to do something that would keep her alive in everyone’s memory. The object is to aid a Spelman student en route to her goal of becoming a medical professional,” “Tujuana was a very giving person. We wanted to continue that process of giving because Spelman gave her so much,” says Mrs. Davie. The family will continue to raise funds to support and increase the scholarship fund in order to endow the scholarship in the future. The family attended the Honors Convocation and Scholarship Appreciation Luncheon in April 2005 where they met the first recipient of the Dr. Tujuana Davie Badgett Memorial Scholarship, LaTiffany Gordon, a biology/pre-med major. She has a 3.7 grade point average and received a $2,000 award to further her studies. LaTiffany’s goal is to become a trauma surgeon and to give back to the world what has been invested in her future.

New York Chapter, NAASC Scholarship & Book Award New York Chapter, NAASC Norman M. and Laura Lynem Rates Scholarship T. Herman Graves Olivia Josephine Madison Hicks Endowed Scholarship Curtis M. Graves Patria Prize Arturo Lindsay Procter & Gamble Scholarships Procter & Gamble

Joy San Walker Brown Endowed Scholarship for Rev. Payton Brailsford & Science Mary Murray Cook Joy San Walker Brown, C’52 Memorial Scholarship Melanie Beatrice Cook, C’87 Lisa DeNell Cook, C’86

*Indicates 1881 Society Membership



Robert K. & Gwendolyn L. Battle Scholarship Fund for Teachers Maenelle Dixon Dempsey, C’33 Laura & Richard Fine Elodie George Deborah V. Harrison Yvonne R. Jackson, C’70 Clarice Lackey Vera Mae Lee Ernestine Lewis Ingle Marie Luster Janice Shelby Andrea Battle Sims, C’78 Shirley Earlise Starke Alma Lee Vaughn Ruth Gandy Washington Memorial Scholarship Trevor Bilhorn & Aimee Beeson Starr Foundation Endowed Scholarship The Starr Foundation The Damali A. Booker Memorial Scholarship Carolyn E. Perry, C’03 David Geffen Endowed Scholarship The David Geffen Foundation The Hampton Barnett Award Emily Thompson The O.W. Eagleson Award Michele Clark Holmes, C’73 Avnet, Inc.

In Memory of India Burton, C’80 Jocelyn Wolffe Bonner, C’80 Sherry L. Brooks Bowins, C’80 Valeria Collier-Vick, C’80 Debbie Porter-Greene, C’80 Ingrid Wilson-Johnson, C’80

In Memory of Christi Len Harris, C’80 Margaret Smith Adair, C’57 Diana Mattison Anderson, C’47 Amanda Keith Bailey, C’47 Yvonne E. Bankston Barbara Atkinson Barham, C’56 Helen M. Bell, C’53 Jeanne Bryant Blackmon, C’53 Gloria Strong Boyd, C’56 Ruby Handspike Clay, C’54 Rubye Singleton Cooke, C’49 Leanora Butler Davis, C’47 Joseph Draper Gwendolyn Walker Garrison, C’54 P. Dianne Hankerson Daisy Phinazee Harris, C’47 Thomas D. Jarrett William H. Killian, III Dorothy Whited LeBlanc, C’53 Barbara Holloway Lee, C’53 Lucile W. Neely Jeanne Willis Pearson, C’47 Presbyterian Women in Radcliffe Veronica Ransom Ruby Tolbert Richards, C’53 Barbara Fisher Troup, C’58 Volunteer Service Guild Darlene Yarbrough-Morgan, C’56 Ella Gaines Yates, C’49

In Memory of Juanita Collier, C’51 Frederic M. Edelman

In Memory of Edna Douthard Hubbard, C’34 Leola E. Hubbard, C’64

In Memory of Jettye Hasben Dash, C’69 Marilyn Hunt Lewis-Alim, C’69

In Memory of Abiodune B. Johnson Ama Pasua Thomas, C’94

MEMORIALS In Memory of Elaine Johnson Adderly, C’27 John D. Johnson In Memory of Henri Anderson Laura Hill Anderson, C’40 In Memory of Gina Arnett, C’80 Angelia S. Blackwell, C’80 Karen Dowdell, C’80 In Memory of Alicia Backstrom, C’90 Michelle Rainey, C’90 In Memory of Calvin A. Brown Joy San Walker Brown, C’52

In Memory of Valeria Fulton, C’54 The SAIC Spelman Scholarship Ossie Smith Tuggle, C’54 SAIC Vaughncziel R. Burch Memorial Scholarship Douglas P. Burch

In Memory of Vivian Bailey Grier, C’51 Karlise Y. Grier

XEROX Academic Excellence Scholarship Xerox Corporation

In Memory of Virginia Rose Hannon, C’34 Alice Holmes Washington, C’38

Xerox Corporation Scholarship Xerox Corporation

In Memory of Tiffany Cherise Lipscomb, C’94 Gwendolyn Ledbetter Lipscomb, C’65 Delores Turner, C’65 In Memory of Josephine Harreld Love, C’33 Alice Holmes Washington, C’38 In Memory of Charlotte Knowles Mays, C’51 Barbara G. Arrington Bertha K. Davis Juanita M. Eber

Julitte Knowles-McCrary Mark E. Lammers Eunice C. Morris Bessie H. Prince Beatrice Ringgold Ruth L. Wall Dolores J. Whitman-Marshall In Memory of Sarah Sage McAlpin UBS Warburg

In Memory of Audrey Yanthis-Lucas Avon Products, Inc.


FEDERAL AGENCIES Agency for Children and Families (ACF) In Memory of Mary E. Army Research Office (ARO) Parker, C’42 Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Willie A. Howard Environmental Protection Agency Ella Gaines Yates, C’49 (EPA) NASA Jet Propulsion Lab In Memory of Ethel S Poole National Aeronautics and Space Daryl White Administration (NASA) National Endowment for the In Memory of Jann P. Humanities (NEH) Primus, C’81 National Eye Institute (NEI) Jennifer Anne Miller, C’96 National Security Agency (NSA) National Science Foundation In Memory of Georgia Smith (NSF) Thelma E. Bradford National Center on Minority Health and Health Disparities In Memory of Traci Lynnette (NCMHD) Trammell, C’90 National Institute of Child Health Renee Foggo Paynter, C’90 and Human Development Donna Rae Johnson-Harvey, C’90 (NICHD) Adriane Kapayl Keepler, C’89 National Institute of General Hal Lance Medical Sciences (NIGMS) Sabrina Rene Lewis, C’90 U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Cherie A. Phears, C’2003 Services (DHHS) Anita Louise Richardson, C’90 The Office on Women’s Health Colleen Janessa Taylor, C’90 (OWH) Carolyn Willis Trammell, C’63 U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) In Memory of Helen Rice U.S. Dept. of Defense (DoD) Walker, C’43 U.S. Dept. of Education (DoEd) Jacquelyn Ann Kirby Boyette, C’67 Fund for the Improvement of Education (FIE) In Memory of Ruth Gandy Fund for the Improvement of Washington, C’48 Postsecondary Education Trevor Bilhorn & Aimee Beeson (FIPSE) In Memory of Christy Lynn Woodson, C’80 Kathleen M. Compere Mildred Collier Walton, C’47

FOUNDATIONS Annenberg Foundation The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Bush Foundation David & Lucille Packard Foundation

Ford Foundation Freeman Foundation Lilly Endowment, Inc. The Community Foundation of Greater Atlanta The Merck Company Foundation CORPORATIONS Amgen, Inc. CH2M Hill DuPont Exxon Mobil Corporation Oracle CampusEAI Consortium Kimberly-Clark Corporation Toyota Motor Sales Xerox Office of College Relations STATE/COUNTY/MUNICIPAL AGENCIES Atlanta Public Schools (APS) Fulton County Arts Council Georgia Department of Education Georgia Humanities Council Georgia Office of Highway Safety ORGANIZATIONS Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) Museum Loan Network @ MIT United Negro College Fund COLLEGES/UNIVERSITIES California Institute of Technology Clark Atlanta University Colorado State University Emory University Georgia Institute of Technology Georgia State University Morehouse College Morehouse School of Medicine Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Rutgers University University of Georgia University of Wisconsin IN KIND DONATIONS Morgan Stanley Delta Airlines ExxonMobil Atlanta Journal/Constitution

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