French phrase book for flip book

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a pocket guide for foreign travel


Pronunciation of Words


Conversational Phrases


So You Have a Problem


On the Town


Numbers, Time and Dates


General Vocabulary

INTRODUCTION Traveling abroad can be a little off-putting. But, to make it a little bit easier we are here with French and France in a nut-shell. If you are traveling to a foreign country and happen to come across someone who speaks spanish (and you don’t) it is always good to have a phrase book on you to make conversating a little bit easier. So since you have this book it means you are either traveling to France or another French speaking country, or you think you might bump into someone who does speak the language. So let’s give you the low down on some facts about the language. • As of 2014 there are 338 million native speakers. • There are 29 different countries which recognize French as their official language. • It is the 4th most commonly spoken language in Europe. • 12% of all Europeans speak French. Go and make your trip a great one! Be Brave! Talk to all the locals and say yes to every opportunity!

Like that of English, unlike almost all the other Romance languages, French spelling is not very phonetic. The same letter used in two different words can make two different sounds, and many letters are not pronounced at all. In general, it’s not impossible to sound out words, but suffice it to say that many experienced non-native French speakers (and even some native speakers) mispronounce words often. One thing to note is that final consonants of a word are usually dropped: allez (go) is pronounced ahl-AY, not ahl-AYZ; tard (late) is pronounce tar, not tard. But if the next word begins with a vowel, the consonant may be pronounced; this is called liaison. A final ‘e’ is also usually silent if the word has more than one syllable, except in parts of southern France, especially Toulouse.


Pronunciation of Words Stress is fairly even in French, but the stress almost always falls on the last syllable. For many French words, it is impossible to write something which, when pronounced as English, sounds like the French word. Use the transliteration as a guide to liaison and the French spelling to pronounce the vowels.

Vowels a, à

like “a” in “fat”


like “a” in “father”


in most cases a central neutral vowel (“schwa”) like “a” in “about”, sometimes not pronounced at all, sometimes like “é” or “è”

é, è, ê, ai, -er, -es, -ez

é is towards “e” in “set” or “ay” in “day”, and è is more nasal, like the a in “cake” in English, except without the “y” sound at the end. They are not equivalent and they make very distinct sounds. 9

i, î o, ô, au, eau u, ù

like “ee” in “see” but shorter and tenser generally like “oa” in “boat” in American English or “aw” in “law” in British English, can be considered equivalent like a very tight, frontal “oo” sound (purse your lips as if to pronounce “oo” as in “soon” but try to pronounce “ee”) -

ou y


uu in transcriptions

like “oo” in “food”, but a pure vowel like “ee” in “see” ; also sometimes used as a consonant, pronounced the same as in English (in ‘yes’ for example). between “ew” in “dew” and “ur” in “burp”; written eu or uh in transcriptions

Semi-vowels oi oui ui


like “wa” in “walk” like “wee” in “week” like “wee” in “week”, but with a French u instead of the w


a bit like “eu” but more “open”. The distinction between œ and “eu” is very subtle and often irrelevant.

Consonants Note: Most final consonants are silent except for c, q, f, l, and r (except in the combination “-er”, normally found in verb infinitives). Note that the plural ending “-ent” for verbs is never pronounced, though it is pronounced in other words.


like “b” in “bed”


like “k” in “sky” (before “a”, “o”, and “u” or before a consonent), like “s” in “sun” (before “e”, “i”, and “y”)


like “s” in “sun” (this letter can only be written before “a” ,”o”, or “u”)


like “d” in “death” (but a bit heavier than in English, and pronounced on the tongue)

f g

like “f” in “fun” like “g” in “go” (before “a”, “o”, and “u” or before a consonent), like “g” in “sabotage” (before “e”, “i” and “y”).


like “g” in “goose” (before “e”, “i”, “y”) 11


h j k l,ll m

like “ny” in “canyon”. This is particularly difficult when followed by oi, as in baignoire (beh-NYWAR) “bathtub”. usually silent, but may sometimes prevent a liaison with the former word like “g” in “sabotage” like “k” in “sky” (not native to French) like “l” in “like”; some exceptions for “ll” in the combination “ille” (pronounced ee-y) like “m” in “me”


like “n” in “nurse” (but see Nasals below)


like “p” in “sport”



most of the time like “k” in “sky” (not like “qu” in “square”); in some words like “qu” in “square” (generally before an “a”) or the same but with a French u (generally before an “i”) guttural; kind of like coughing up a hairball (similar to a German “ch”)


s ch t,th v w

like “s” in “sun”; like “z” in “zero” (between two vowels) like “sh” in “bush”; sometimes like “k” in “sky” (in words of Greek origin mostly) like “t” in “stop” like “v” in “value” only in foreign words, mostly like “w” in “wise” and sometimes like “v” in “value” (in particular, “wagon” is “vagon” and “WC” is “VC”!)


either ks (like “x” in “exit”) or gz


like “z” in “zero”


like “f” in “fun” and like “ph” in “Philadelphia”

Nasals an, en, em

in standard French, like “an” in “croissant” and in Quebec French, like “uh” in “uh-huh” (not always pronounced as a nasal, especially if the n or m is doubled: emmental is pronounced as a normal “emm” sound)


on in,ain un

nasal ô - distinguishing between this and “an” is tricky, it’s a deeper, more closed sound in standard French, like “uh” in “uh-huh” and in Quebec French, like “ain” in “rain” nasal eu (pronounced the same as ‘in’ in Parisian French)

Diphthongs ail ill

like “i” in “fight” either literally, or like “y” in “three years”, with some exceptions (ville is veel, fille is feey)

Exceptions When there is an accent mark on “e”, it prevents diphthongs. Letters should be pronounced separately, following the rule for the accented letter. Example: énergumène, (rowdy character) A diaeresis (“) may also be used to prevent diphthongs on “e”, “u” and “i”. Example: maïs (Indian corn or maize). In the combinations “gue” and “gui”, the “u” should not be pronounced: it is there only to force the prononciation of “g” as in 14

“go”. If the “u” is pronounced, a diaeresis is added on the 2nd vowel : aiguë (sharp). In the combination “geo”, the “e” should not be pronounced, it is only there to force the prononciation of “g” as in “sabotage” (in the case the “e” should be pronounced, it is indicated with an accent mark as in géologie) Note you should not pronounce the “G” where “NG” is used in the prononciation hint.



Conversational Phrases Hey there... The Eiffel Tower is some sight to see. And you would like to take a tour of it before you leave, but you are a little timid about taking the trip. So you reach into your pocket and what do you find? This book. BOOM! We got your back! So go and conquer your dreams, maybe discover an amazing bakery, idk just do whatever feels right. And talk to people! It’s what your mother would have wanted.


Hello. (formal) Hello. (formal) How are you? (formal) How are you? (informal)

Fine, thank you. What is your name? (lit. “How do you call yourself?�) What is your name? (informal) My name is ______ . Nice to meet you.

Please (formal) Please (informal) Thank you. 18

Bonjour. (bohn-ZHOOR) Salut. (sah-LUU) Comment allez-vous ? (kaw-mahng t-AH-lay VOO) Comment vas-tu? (kaw-mahng vah TEW) Comment ça va ? (kaw-mahng sah VAH) Bien, merci. (byang, mair-SEE) Comment vous appelez vous ? (kaw-mahng vooz AP-lay VOO?)

Comment t’appelles-tu? (kaw-mahng tah-pell TEW?) Je m’appelle ______ . (zhuh mah-PELL _____) Enchanté(e). (ahn-shahn-TAY) Enchanté (said by a male) Enchantée (said by a female) S’il vous plaît. (seel voo PLEH) Je vous prie. (zhuh vous PREE) S’il te plaît. (seel tuh PLEH) Merci. (merr-SEE) 19

You’re welcome. (lit. “of nothing”) Yes. No. Excuse me. (I am) Sorry. What’s the time? Goodbye Goodbye (informal) I can’t speak French [well]. Do you speak English? Is there someone here who speaks English?


De rien. (duh RYANG). Oui. (WEE) Non. (NOHN) Pardon. (pahr-DOHN) Excusez-moi. (ehk-SKEW-zay MWAH) (Je suis) Désolé(e). (zhuh swee DAY-zoh-LAY) Excusez-moi. (eck-SKEW-zay MWAH) Quelle heure est-il ? (kel euhr et-EEL?) Au revoir. (oh ruh-VWAHR) Salut. (sah-LUU) Je ne parle pas [bien] français. (zhuh nuh PAHRL pah [byang] frahn-SEH)

Parlez-vous anglais ? (par-lay VOO ahng-LEH?) Est-ce qu’il y a quelqu’un ici qui parle anglais? (ess keel-ee-AH kel-KUHN ee-see kee PAHRL lahng-LEH)

Y a-t-il quelqu’un ici qui parle anglais ? (ee yah-TEEL kel-KUHN ee-see kee PAHRL lahng-LEH)


Help! Look out! Have a nice day Good Day, Good morning Good evening. Good night. Good night (to sleep) Sweet dreams I don’t understand. Where is the toilet? How do you say _____? What is this/that called?


Au secours! (oh suh-KOOR) Attention ! (ah-tahn-see-OHN) Bonne journee (bong zhoor-NAY) Bonjour (bong-zhoo(r)) Bonsoir. (bong-SWAHR) Bonne nuit. (bawn-NWEE) Bonne nuit. (bawn-NWEE) Fais de beaux reves (feh duh bo RAI-vuh) Je ne comprends pas. (zhuh nuh KOHM-prahn pah) Où sont les toilettes ? (OOH sohn lay twah-LET?) Comment dit-on _____ ? (koh-mahn dee-TONG _____ ?) Comment appelle-t-on ceci/ça ? (koh-mahn tah-pell-TONG suh-SEE/SAH?)



So You Have a Problem Whoops... You bit into a baguette and you are choking... on the delisciousness... of FRENCH BAGUETTES. So anyways you need to ask for help. This section will help you figure out what you need to ask in order to enjoy the rest of your trip.


Leave me alone. Buzz off.

Don’t touch me! I’m calling the police. Police! Stop! Rapist! Stop! Thief! Help! Fire! I need your help. It’s an emergency. I’m lost. I’ve lost my bag. 26

Laissez-moi tranquille! (less-ay mwah trahn-KEEL!) Dégage! (day-GAHZH!) Va t’en! (va TAHN) Décâlisse ! (day-kaw-LISSE) Ne me touchez pas! (nuh muh TOOSH-ay PAH!) J’appelle la police. (zhah-PELL la poh-LEES) Police! (poh-LEES) Arrêtez! Au viol! (ah-reh-TAY! oh vee-YOL!) Arrêtez! Au voleur! (ah-reh-TAY! oh vo-LEUR!) Au secours! (oh suh-KOOR!) Au feu! (oh FUH!) Aidez-moi, s’il vous plaît! (aih-day MWAH, SEEL voo PLEH!) C’est une urgence! (seh tuun uur-ZHAHNS) Je suis perdu. (ZHUH swee pehr-DUU’) J’ai perdu mon sac. (zhay pehr-DUU mohn SAK) 27

I’ve lost my wallet. I’m sick. I’ve been injured. I need a doctor. Can I use your phone/mobile phone? What is it? I haven’t done anything wrong. It was a misunderstanding. Where are you taking me? Am I under arrest? I am an American/British/Canadian citizen. (m)


J’ai perdu mon portefeuille. (zhay pehr-DUU mohn POHR-tuh-fuhy)

Je suis malade. (zhuh swee mah-LAD) Je me suis blessé. (zhuh muh swee bleh-SAY) J’ai besoin d’un médecin. (zhay buh-ZWAHN dun may-TSAN)

Puis-je utiliser votre téléphone/portable? (pwee zhuh uu-tee-lee-ZAY vot-ruh tay-lay-FONE/por-tahb-le)

Qu’y a-t-il? (kee ah-TEEL) Je n’ai fait rien de mal. (zhuh nay fay ree-AHN duh MAL) C’est une erreur. (say uhn air-ehur) Où m’emmenez-vous? (ooh mehm-en-EH voo) Suis-je en état d’arrestation? (SWEE zhuh ahn EH-tah dahr-es-tash-ON)

Je suis un citoyen américain/ anglais/canadien. (zhuh swee uhn see-twa-YAHN a-may-ree-CAN/ahn-GLEH/ka-na-DYAN)


I am an American/British/Canadian citizen. (f) I want to talk to the American/British/ Canadian embassy or consulate.

I want to talk to a lawyer.

Can I just pay a fine now?


Je suis une citoyenne américaine/ anglaise/canadienne. (zhe s’wee oon see-twa-YEN a-may-ree-KEN/ahn-GLEZ/ka-na-DYEN)

Je veux parler à l’ambassade ou le consulat américain/anglais/canadien. (ZHUH vuh pahr-LEUR ah lahm-ba-SAHD oo KAHN-sul-aht a-may-ree-CAN/ahn-GLEH/ka-na-DYAN)

Je voudrais parler à un avocat. (ZHUH vood-RAY par-lehr ah uhn AH-vo-caht) (“avocat” also means “avocado” but people don’t normally talk to avocados)

Pourrais-je simplement payer une amende? (poo-RAYZH sampl-MANG pay-AY yn ah-MAHND)



On The Town Nom Nom Nom... Some things in life are best enjoyed once you have worked to earn them. That’s exactly what your experience in the streets of Paris is like. You have worked so hard to understand French and to be able to conversate with whoever you come across. But just in case you need a little helping hand, we’ve got your back. You’ll do great kid.


Eating fixed-price meal Ă la carte breakfast (in France) lunch (in France) tea (meal) dinner/supper (in France) I would like _____. I would like a dish containing _____. chicken beef deer fish salmon 34

menu (muh-NUU) à la carte (ah lah KAHRT) petit-déjeuner (ptee-day-zheu-NAY) déjeuner (day-zhuh-NAY) thé (tay) dîner (dee-NAY) Je voudrais _____. (zhuh voo-DREH _____) Je voudrais un plat avec _____. (zhuh voo-DREH ung plah ah-VEK _____)

(du) poulet (duu poo-LEH) (du) boeuf (duu BUFF) du cerf (dü SEHR) du poisson (duu pwa-SONG) du saumon (duu so-MONG) 35

tuna whiting cod seafood dulse lobster clams oysters mussels snails frogs ham pork 36

du thon (duu TONG) du merlan (duu mehr-LANG) de la morue (duh lah moh-RUU) des fruits de mer (deh frwee duh MEHR) Literally “fruits of the sea”

de la dulse (duh lah DUULS) du homard (duu oh-MAR) de la langouste (duh lah lan-goost) (rock lobster) des palourdes (deh pah-LOORD) des huîtres (dez WEETR) des moules (deh MOOL) des escargots (dez es-car-GOH) des grenouilles (deh gruh-NOOEY) du jambon (duu zhahng-BONG) du porc/cochon (dü POHR/dü coh-SHONG) Note: porc means “pork” / cochon means “pig”.


boar sausage cheese eggs one egg salad (fresh) vegetables (fresh) fruit bread toast coffee tea (drink) juice (bubbly) water 38

du sanglier (dü sahng-GLYAY) des saucisses (deh so-SEESS) du fromage (duu froh-MAHZH) des oeufs (dehz UH) un oeuf (un UF) une salade (uun sah-LAHD) des légumes (frais) (deh lay-guum FREH) des fruits (frais) (frwee (freh)) du pain (dew pang) du pain grillé (dew pang ...) café (kah-FAY) thé (tay) jus (zhuu) eau gazeuse (oh gah-ZUHZ) 39


beer red/white wine May I have some _____? salt black pepper garlic butter vegetarian (male) vegetarian (female) Excuse me, waiter/waitress?

I’m finished. 40

eau (oh) Note: If you ask for “water”, you will get mineral water. To specify “tap water”, say “eau du robinet” (OH doo roh-bee-NEH) or ask for a carafe of water “une carafe d’eau” (OON cahr-AHF doh).

bière (byehr) vin rouge/blanc (vang roozh/blahng) Puis-je avoir du _____ ? (pwee zhuh ah-VWAHR duu) sel (sel) poivre (pwavr) ail (aigh) beurre (bur) végétarien (vey-zhey-tar-YENG) végétarienne (vey-zhey-tar-YEN) S’il vous plaît, monsieur/madame ? (seell voo PLEH muh-syuh/ma-dahm) Note: “garçon” (boy) is offensive and should be avoided.

J’ai fini. (zhay fee-NEE) 41

It was delicious. Can you please clear the plates? The check, please. Bars Do you serve alcohol? Is there table service? A beer/two beers, please. What do you have on tap? A glass of red/white wine, please. A quarter liter of beer, please A pint, please. A bottle, please. _____ (hard liquor) and _____ (mixer), 42

C’était délicieux. (say-tay deli-SYUH) Pouvez-vous débarrasser la table, s’il vous plaît? (poovay voo DEH-bahr-a-seh lah tah-bluh seel voo play) L’addition s’il vous plait. (lah-dee-SYOHN seel voo play)

Servez-vous des boissons alcoolisées? (sur-VAY voo day bwa-sson al-co-ol-ee-SAY)

Est-ce que vous servez à la table ? (Ess-ser ker voo ser-VAY ah lah TAHBL?)

Une bière/deux bières, s’il vous plait. Qu’est-ce que vous avez à la pression (KESS-kuh vooz ah-VAY ah lah press-YUNH?)

Un verre de vin rouge/blanc, s’il vous plait. Un demi, s’il-vous-plaît. Une pinte, s’il vous plait. (oon peent, seel-voo-PLEH) Une bouteille, s’il vous plait. (...) 43

please. whiskey vodka rum water club soda tonic water orange juice Coke (soda) One more, please. Another round, please. When is closing time?


_____ et _____, s’il vous plait. whisky vodka rhum de l’eau (duh loh) soda Schweppes jus d’orange (joo d’or-AHNJ) Coca Encore un/une autre, s’il vous plait. (ahn-KOHR ahn/oon oh-truh, seel-voo-PLEH)

Une autre tournée, s’il vous plait. À quelle heure fermez-vous ? (ah kell er fer-MAY voo)


Shopping Do you have this in my size? How much (is this)? That’s too expensive. Would you take _____? expensive cheap I can’t afford it. I don’t want it. You’re cheating me. I’m not interested. OK, I’ll take it. 46

Avez-vous ceci dans ma taille ? (AH-veh-VOO say-SEE dan sma THAI)

Combien (ça) coûte ? (COMM-bee-yen (SAH) coot) C’est trop cher. (say-TRO-shair) Pourriez-vous accepter _____ ? (poor-yay-VOOZ ahk-sep-TAY)

cher (shehr) bon marché (bong mar-SHAY) (not declined. Elles sont bon marché.) pas cher (pah shehr) (“not expensive”. Less formal but more common.) Je n’ai pas les moyens. (zhe nay pah leh mwah-YAHNG) Je n’en veux pas. (zhe nahng veu pah) Vous essayez de m’avoir. (vooz ess-ey-YE duh mah-VWAHR)

Je ne suis pas intéressé. (zhen swee pahz-ann-tay-ress-SAY)

D’accord, je le/la prends. (dah-kor zhe luh/lah prahn) 47

Can I have a bag? Do you ship (overseas)? I need... Do you accept American/Canadian dollars? Do you accept credit cards? Can you change money for me? Where can I get money changed? Can you change a traveler’s check for me?

Where can I get a traveler’s check changed? What is the exchange rate? 48

Pourrais-je avoir un sac? (poo-REHZH ah-VWAR ung sahk) Livrez-vous (outre-mer/à l’étranger)? (leev-ray-VOO ootr-MEHR/ah lay-trahn-ZHAY)

J’ai besoin... (zhay buh-ZWANG) Acceptez-vous les dollars américains// canadiens? (ahk-sep-tay VOO leh doh-LAHR ah-may-ree-KANG//kah-nah-DYAHNG?)

Acceptez-vous les cartes de credit? (ahk-sep-tay VOO leh kahrt duh kray-DEE?)

Pouvez-vous me faire le change? (poo-vay-VOO muh fehr luh SHAHNZH?)

Où puis-je faire le change? (oo PWEEZH fehr luh SHAHNZH?)

Pouvez-vous me faire le change sur un traveler’s chèque? (poo-vay-VOO muh fehr luh SHAHNZH suur ung trahv-leurz SHECK?)

Où puis-je changer un traveler’s chèque? (oo PWEEZH shahng-ZHAY ung trahv-leurz SHECK?)

Quel est le taux de change ? (KELL eh luh TAW duh SHAHNZH?)


On The Town Take me to _____, please. How much does it cost to get to _____? Take me there, please. How much is a ticket to _____? One ticket to _____, please. Where does this train/bus go? Where is the train/bus to _____? Does this train/bus stop in _____? When does the train/bus for _____ leave?


Déposez-moi à _____, je vous prie. (DAY-poh-zay-MWAH ah _____, zhuh voo PREE)

Combien cela coûte-t-il d’aller à _____ ? (kahm-BYENG suh-LA koo-TEEL dah-LAY ah _____?)

Amenez-moi là, je vous prie. (am-nay-mwah LAH, zhuh voo PREE)

Combien coûte le billet pour _____? (kom-BYAN koot luh bee-YEH poor)

Un billet pour _____, s’il vous plaît. (ung bee-YEH poor ____ seel voo pleh)

Où va ce train/bus? (OO va suh trahn/buus?) Où est le train/bus pour _____ ? (OO eh luh trahn/buus poor ____)

Ce train/bus s’arrête-t-il à _____? (suh trahn/buus sah-reh-tuh-TEEL ah _____)

Quand part le train/bus pour _____? (kahn par luh trahn/buus poor _____)


When will this train/bus arrive in _____? the/this shuttle a one-way ticket a round trip ticket Where is _____? ...the train station? ...the bus station? ...the airport? ...the American/Canadian/British embassy?


Quand ce train/bus arrivera à _____? (kahn suh trahn/buus ah-ree-vuh-RAH ah _____)

la/cette navette (lah/set nah-VET) (also means a tatting shuttle) un aller simple (uhn ah-LAY SAM-pluh) un aller-retour (uhn ah-LAY ruh-TOOR) Où se trouve _____? (oo suh tr-OO-v _____) gare? (lah gahr?) gare routière? (lah gahr roo-TYEHR?) ...l’aéroport? (lehr-oh-POR?) ...l’ambassade americaine/canadienne/ anglaise? (lahm-bah-SAHD a-may-ree-KEN/ka-na-DYEN/ahn-GLEZ)


1 un/une (uhn)/(uun) 2 deux (duh) 3 trois (trwah) 4 quatre (kahtr) 5 cinq (sank) 6 six (sees) 7 sept (set) 8 huit (weet) 9 neuf (neuf) 10 onze (onz) 11 dix (deece) 54

Numbers, Time and Dates 12 douze (dooz) 13 treize (trez) 14 quatorze (kat-ORZ) 15 quinze (kangz) 16 seize (sez) 17 dix-sept (dees-SET) 18 dix-huit (dee-ZWEET) 19 dix-neuf (deez-NUF) 20 vingt (vang) 21 vingt-et-un (vang-tay-UHN) 22 vingt-deux (vant-DUH) 55

30 trente (trahnt) 40 quarante (ka-RAHNT) 50 cinquante (sang-KAHNT) 60 soixante (swah-SAHNT) 70 soixante-dix (swah-sahnt-DEES) 80 quatre-vingt (kah-truh-VANG) 90 quatre-vingt-dix (kah-truh-vang-DEES)

100 cent (sahng) 200 deux cent (duh sahng) 300 trois cent (trwah sahng) 1000 mille (meel) 2000 deux mille (duh meel) 1,000,000 un million (ung mee-LYOHN) number _____ numĂŠro _____ (nuu-may-ROH) (train, bus, etc.)


half demi (duh-MEE) moitié (mwah-tee-AY) less moins (mwihn) more plus (pluus) / no more : plus (pluu) now maintenant (mant-NAHNG) later plus tard (plew TAHR) before avant (ah-VAHNG) after après (ah-PREH) morning le matin (luh mah-TANG) in the morning au matin (oh mah-TANG) dans la matinée (dahn lah mah-tee-NAY)

afternoon l’après-midi (lah-preh-mee-DEE) in the dans l’après-midi (dahn afternoon lah-preh-mee-DEE) evening le soir (luh SWAHR) 57

in the evening dans la soirée (dahn lah swah-RAY) au soir (oh SWAHR) night la nuit (lah NWEE) in the night à la nuit (ah lah NWEE) hour heure (ur) minute minute (mee-NUUT) ___ plus ___ Example: 10h20 dix [hour] + [number] heures vingt (deez er VAGN) __ ‘til ___ [next hour] + moins (mwan) quarter quart/le quart (KAHR/luh KAHR) 7h15 = sept heures et quart (set er eh luh KAHR)

16h45 = cinq heures moins le quart (sank er mwan luh KAHR) half-past : demie (duh-MEE) demi (after midnight or noon, duh-MEE) one o’clock AM une heure du matin (uun er duu ma-TAN)


two o’clock AM deux heures du matin (dooz er duu ma-TAN)

noon midi (mee-DEE) one o’clock treize heures (traiyz er) PM, 13h00 une heure de l’après-midi (uun er duh la-preh-mee-DEE)

two o’clock quatorze heures (KAH-torz er) PM, 14h00 deux heures de l’après-midi (duz er duh la-preh-mee-DEE)

midnight minuit (mee-NWEE) ____ minute(s) _____ minute(s) (mee-NUUT) _____ hour(s) _____ heure(s) (er) _____ day(s) _____ jour(s) (zhoor) _____ week(s) _____ semaine(s) (suh-MEN) _____ month(s) _____ mois (mwa) _____ year(s) _____ an(s) (ahng), _____année(s) (ah-NAY) daily

quotidien (ko-tee-DYENG) 59

weekly hebdomadaire (eb-doh-ma-DAIYR) monthly mensuel (mang-suu-WEL) yearly annuel (ah-nuu-WEL) today aujourd’hui (oh-zhoor-DWEE) yesterday hier (ee-yair) tomorrow demain (duh-MANG) this week cette semaine (set suh-MEN) last week la semaine dernière (lah suh-MEN dehr-NYAIR)

next week la semaine prochaine (lah suh-MEN praw-SHEN)

Monday lundi (luhn-DEE) Tuesday mardi (mahr-DEE) Wednesday mercredi (mehr-kruh-DEE) Thursday jeudi (juh-DEE) 60

Friday vendredi (vahn-druh-DEE) Saturday samedi (sahm-DEE) Sunday dimanche (dee-MAHNGSH)


black noir/noire (nwahr) white blanc/blanche (blahng/blahnsh) gray gris/grise (gree/greez) red rouge (roozh) blue bleu/bleue (bluh) yellow jaune (zhohn) green vert/verte (vair/vairt) orange orange (aw-RAHNGZH) purple violet/violette (vyaw-LEH/vyaw-LET) brown brun/brune (bruhn/brewn) marron (MAH-rohn) 62

General Vocabulary pink rose (rohz) open ouvert closed fermé (shop) barrée (road) entrance entrée exit sortie push poussez pull tirez toilet toilette men hommes women femmes 63

forbidden interdit, défendu toothpaste de dentifrice (deh dahn-tee-FREESS)

toothbrush d’une brosse à dents (duun bross ah DAHN)

tampons de tampons (deh tahm-POHN) soap de savon (deh sah-VOHN) shampoo de shampooing (deh shahm-PWAHN)

pain reliever d’un analgésique (aspirine, (e.g., aspirin or ibuprofen)

ibuprofène);. (dun ah-nal-zhay-ZEEK (ahs-pee-REEN/ee-buu-proh-FEN))

cold medicine d’un médicament pour le rhume (dung may-dee-kah-MAHNG poor luh RUUM)

stomach d’un remède pour medicine l’estomac (dung ray-MED poor less-toh-MAHK)

a razor d’un rasoir (dung rah-ZWAR) 64

batteries de piles (deh PEEL) an umbrella (rain) d’un parapluie (doon pah-ra-ploo-ee)

an umbrella (sun) d’une ombrelle (doon ohm-brehl-ee)

sunblock de crème solaire lotion (deh crehm so-LEHR) a postcard d’une carte postale ( doon kahrt post-AL)

postage de timbres. (deh TAHM-burs) stamps writing paper de papier à lettres. (deh pap-YEH ah LEH-TR)

a pen d’un stylo. (doon STEE-loh) a French- d’un dictionnaire English français-anglais dictionary (uhn deect-shee-ohn-AIR frahn-SEH ahng-LEH)


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