- Final Project
Victorieux Magnum x SpĂŠos Creative Documentary and Photojournalism
Presentation text :Â
This serie is about the traditional French Horses in our days through my perspective, I am myself a horse rider and it is my universe. I was fascinated about the anatomy of the horse : the strength of his legs, the raw feeling of his neck and also the people behind it. I wanted to show the different professions which use Horses.  Show the art of riding Horse, taking care of and the strict discipline that goes with. I went to meet the people and the professions behind it to find out what makes the traditional French Horses and why they have chosen this path.
"I'm a blacksmith (marĂŠchal ferrant) because my dad is a blacksmith as my grand father. This profession is transmitted from generation to generation and if I have a boy one day, I will teach him too. I think it's important to keep the tradition, if I don't teach the next generation who will ?" -Tom-
"My parents wanted that I become a doctor, but I knew in my heart that I wanted to work with animals. I had a rough childhood and the only place where I could find comfort was with the neighbor's horses. They were so peaceful and they understood me. I'm a Mounted Police, this job it's extraordinary, we save life as the previous day : we were able to rescue a woman in the parc from her abuser and this is priceless. -Julien-
"I'm from a little village next to Clermont Ferrand, my dad was a horse rider and he gave me this passion for horses. I feel really usefull for the society, my job is to protect people and to serve other. I'm more than happy to be a Mounted Police." -Katy-
"Since I'm a child, I always wanted to become a Garde RĂŠpublicain, I never missed watching the military parade during Bastille Day on tv. I was fascinated by them. They represent what I love, and look what I become ! I'm happy to serve my country and the horses are my passion. I will never drop this job for anything." -Vincent-
My name is Joao de Moura I'm 22 years old IÂ was born and raised in Paris, France I have a Baccalaureate in Photography, CE3P, Paris I was apprentice during one year in the French Police photo-video (DOSTL) I worked one year as a set photographer in Los Angeles I helped one year in Davao, Philippines with Ywam I have always been interested in Documentary photography, it's for this reason that I apply to the program Magnum Photos for Creative Documentary & Photojournalism.
Mail : Website : Instagram : Tel : @joaodefrance +33 6 63 06 77 46