Cu r r i c u l u mOu t l i ne 2 0 1 9 2 0
Our Learning Wheel explained Our learners Our schools are small enough to ensure that each learner is known. By placing our learners at the centre of our approach, we create an education that allows individuality to flourish.
Developing character Fostering a secure bedrock of self-esteem and a sure moral compass is essential preparation for a future in a complex world.
Learning segments We group our subjects together into six curriculum areas. We teach subjects in an
integrated way, because the future belongs to those who can think way beyond narrow subject boundaries.
Learning to think Education is not just about imparting knowledge. It’s about teaching young people how to think for themselves: critically, creatively and collaboratively.
Outer circle We prepare young people to blaze a trail in whatever field they choose. They leave us equipped with a breadth of skills, ready to become responsible global citizens.
Form teachers 1L - Mrs Lodwig 1C - Mrs Barton
Teaching Assistants: 1L - Mrs Chrimes 1C - Mr Blackman
Curriculum areas and subject teachers Physical Education and Well-being Mr Evans (Games and PE), Mrs Parkin (Games and PE) Performing Arts Ms Hyland (Music) Modern Languages Ms Prowse (French) Mrs Foreman (1C -Spanish) Mrs Fernández Smart (1L -Spanish)
Humanities and Social Understanding Key Topics During the first half of the Summer Term our topic will be ‘Hidden Treasure.’ The children have been keen to find out more about treasure, maps and the history of gold among other aspects. At our launch day the children will experience a range of activities. Their thematic learning supports their learning in Science, Humanities and the Arts as well as supporting our learning habits throughout the school. The children will further develop their research skills and diverse methods of recording. Pupils will continue to work on their ability to use correct vocabulary when talking about the past. In the second half of the Summer Term our topic will be ‘Off We Go’ where we will be using images to think about the past, present and future. The children will use their imaginations to think about different places, both fictional and real, and to generate their own ideas. Both of these topics will also see the children cover a range of geographical skills, including world, UK and local map work, and the use of satellite and photographic images.
Religious Studies Key Topics The children will continue to focus on Christianity and Judaism and what it is like to belong to a religious community through stories, pictures and videos. They will learn more about special books and stories, houses of worship and festivals for both religions. When learning more about Christianity, the children will look at the life of Jesus and the stories that he told. They will also study in detail the story of Creation and Noah’s Ark. The children will use the apps Pic Collage, Green Screen and Puppet Pals to record their RS work.
Personal Social Health and Economic Education (PSHEE) Key Topics This term we will be looking at healthy lifestyles, keeping ourselves safe in a variety of contexts including online safety, the safe use of medicines and how to develop an understanding of personal safety. Throughout the term we will continue to think about ourselves and our emotions, exploring the topic through class discussions, drama and art.
Language and Communication Key Topics The children will continue to work through the Read Write Inc programme at their own pace. Children will have daily lessons which include reading, writing, spelling, grammar and punctuation. In our thematic learning, the children will have opportunities to explore both non-fiction and creative writing and will be introduced to a range of text types. The children will have the opportunity to produce both information texts and pieces of fictional writing as part of this topic. They will continue to take home ‘red word’ spelling lists every fortnight to support the work they have been doing in Read Write Inc. During this term the children will continue to work on their cursive handwriting and will continue to learn the different joins with a view to joining letters independently by the end of the term.
Assessment ● ● ●
Regular Read Write Inc assessments (usually every half term) Spelling checks (usually fortnightly) Half termly writing assessment
Key Topics Pupils will focus on a variety of basic fruits, fruit juice drinks and ice cream flavours. They will also have the opportunity to understand how to order these, along with basic sandwich choices. We will use songs, rhymes and stories to facilitate learning and plenty of conversation.
Spanish Key Topics The thematic learning topics will give pupils a good opportunity to practise saying their name and age and to focus on asking and answering questions. They will learn a tongue twister and use this to apply key pronunciation rules. As always, the emphasis will be on confidence in speaking and listening with stories, songs, rhymes and language learning games. Pupils can use the Elementary section of Linguascope if they wish to practise vocabulary at home.
Mathematical Understanding Key Topics This term we will continue working on developing skills within addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. The children will also continue to develop an understanding of basic number concepts such as place value. We will explore sequences, number bonds, doubles, halves, number arrays as well as reading, writing and ordering numbers. The children will develop their skills with 2D and 3D shape, time, position, data handling and measurement. The children will be working at their own pace on their mental maths skills through our Maths Ladder system.
Assessment ● ● ●
Regular Maths Ladder assessments (done orally by the class teacher or teaching assistant) Continuous formative assessment End of term assessments
Physical Education and Well-being Key Topics The children are taught how exercise affects their bodies. We encourage them to see the importance of regular exercise and the importance of a healthy lifestyle. Pupils are encouraged to develop schema patterns for running, jumping, and throwing during P.E. lessons and in their free time. We focus on developing key skills for striking and fielding activities including tennis and cricket. Athletics is also a focus, where a variety of modified track and field events are participated in as preparation for Sports Day. We use a range of equipment and look at control, speed and movement patterns.
Creative and Performing Arts Key Topics In music lessons we will be telling stories through music in preparation for our Pre-prep concert on Friday 14th June 2019. Children will work on composition skills to create their own music at different tempos. We will be using unpitched and tuned percussion and practise playing as a class ensemble. In our art topic work children will create their own still life from treasures they have shown. They will also use clay to make their own treasure box. In our topic Hidden treasures our Plan, Do Learn, Review focus will be the design and making of treasure maps. After half term in our ‘Off We Go’ topic, the children will look at designing their own paper aeroplanes, hot air balloons and vehicles.
Scientific Understanding Key Topics Our Science focus will be delivered through our thematic learning and our Forest School activities. The children will continue to look at seasonal changes throughout the year. They will also study plants. Looking at the plant features, children will focus on the conditions needed for the successful growth. The children will have the opportunity to grow their own plants from seeds and make their own predictions. Year 1 will also continue to explore different materials and their waterproof properties during investigative work when burying treasure in ‘Hidden Treasures’.