Cu r r i c u l u mOu t l i ne 2 0 1 9 2 0
Our Learning Wheel explained Our learners Our schools are small enough to ensure that each learner is known. By placing our learners at the centre of our approach, we create an education that allows individuality to flourish.
Developing character Fostering a secure bedrock of self-esteem and a sure moral compass is essential preparation for a future in a complex world.
Learning segments We group our subjects together into six curriculum areas. We teach subjects in an
integrated way, because the future belongs to those who can think way beyond narrow subject boundaries.
Learning to think Education is not just about imparting knowledge. It’s about teaching young people how to think for themselves: critically, creatively and collaboratively.
Outer circle We prepare young people to blaze a trail in whatever field they choose. They leave us equipped with a breadth of skills, ready to become responsible global citizens.
Form Teachers 4G - Mr Godfrey 4B - Miss Burcher
Curriculum areas and subject teachers Humanities - Social understanding Mr Godfrey (Thematic Learning, PSHEE,), Mrs Matthews (Religious Studies) Miss Burcher (Thematic Learning, PSHEE, Religious Studies) Language and Communication Mr Godfrey (Language and Literacy), Miss Burcher (Language and Literacy), Ms Prowse (French), Mrs Foreman (Spanish), Mrs Fernández Smart (Spanish) Mathematical Understanding Mrs Digby (Maths), Miss Burcher (Maths) Physical Education and Well-being Mr Evans (Games and Swimming), Mr Godfrey (Games), Mrs Parkin (Games and Swimming), Mr Leggoe (Games) Miss Grayson (Games and Swimming) Creative and Performing Arts Miss Wynne-Powell (Creative and Design Engineering), Miss Mullaly (Music), Mr Smith (Drama) Scientific Understanding Miss Burcher, Mr Kohler
Humanities - Social Understanding
Key Topics: ‘Scavengers and Settlers’ and ‘Survival’ In our ‘Scavengers and Settlers’ topic, pupils will look at the Anglo-Saxons, Vikings and Normans; their way of life and how their arrival changed England. They will use a variety of sources - both primary and secondary - and will make links between the different periods and suggest reasons as to why people in the past acted as they did. Our visit to West Stow Anglo-Saxon Village will allow the children to experience what life would have been like during this period in history. Our ‘Survival’ topic will lead up to the residential bushcraft trip. We will continue to develop mapping skills as well as looking at climate change, different habitats and also links to the Foundation’s focus on the UN’s sustainability goals. The children will also have the opportunity to participate in forest school style activities before the residential begins. Humanities work will be closely linked to our literacy work in thematic learning lessons. You may find these websites useful to share and discuss with your child: &aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0l5.5980j1j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#
Religious Studies Pupils will continue to learn about key aspects of Christianity, including ascension and pentecost, the establishment of the early church, parables and prayer. They will also consider what makes Jesus unique among other faith leaders, considering the miracles that were performed.
PSHEE In PSHEE we shall continue to address E-safety looking at how pupils can safeguard themselves online. We will also consider economic well being and discuss issues around money. In the second half of term we shall be focusing on healthy and safer lifestyles thinking about how pupils can ensure their own personal safety by following rules, knowing who their trusted adults are and who is in their support network. We will discuss drug education with the focus being on medicine usage and safe storage. We will also cover physical contact and what secrets are. Finally, we will conclude the year by learning about the different stages of life, investigate perceptions of being ‘grown up’ and consider the responsibilities that parents and carers have for babies and children
Language and Communication
Key Topics: ‘Scavengers and Settlers’ and ‘Survival.’ The key literacy skills of spelling, comprehension and grammar will be taught both discretely in literacy and language lessons and linked with our thematic learning topics. Spellings will continue to be given weekly. Year 4 will cover the following text types over the course of the term: stories, recounts, non-fiction persuasive writing and different types of poetic techniques, including nonsense poetry. The pupils will use a variety of apps, such as book creator and green screen to enhance their skills, as well as written work in their books. Daily reading is a vital part of developing as a writer and children will be encouraged to discuss their reading and record what they have read in their reading records. The following may give you some ideas as to books that your child might enjoy: g-list-for-year-4-pupils-ks2-age-8-9/ Assessment ● ● ●
Summer assessment Half termly writing assessment Weekly spelling tests
Key Topics In French, we will focus on understanding and using adjectival agreements in both written and spoken form with colours. We will look at the basic geography of France and then French speaking countries in the world. Pupils will learn about different school subjects, differences between French and English school routines and talk about their likes and dislikes of school subjects. Pupils can consolidate their learning by using to help reinforce key vocabulary and phrases.
Key Topics Pupils will start the term in Spanish with some number activities to improve their skills and confidence with big numbers. They will then move on to physical descriptions and activities that will complement their Thematic Learning topics. The focus will be on speaking and listening with stories, songs, rhymes and language learning games. There will be plenty of opportunity to explore digital resources and to even create some of their own. Pupils will set up their own Duolingo accounts and are encouraged to use this or Linguascope to learn vocabulary independently. They can also visit the Grow Story Grow website if they wish to read for pleasure.
Mathematical Understanding
Key Topics In maths we will be estimating, comparing and calculating different measures, including money in pounds and pence. We will do a lot of practical work in this topic. Then we will solve simple measure and money problems involving fractions and decimals to two decimal places. Next we will convert between different units of measure (for example, kilometre to metre; hour to minute). Pupils will learn to read, write and convert time between analogue and digital 12- and 24-hour clocks and finally solve problems involving converting from hours to minutes; minutes to seconds; years to months; weeks to days. After this, pupils will be looking at statistics in a very visual way, collecting data and then using bar graphs, pictograms, time graphs and line graphs to present it. We will finish off the term by classifying angles and shapes by looking at their properties and sizes. We will identify lines of symmetry in different orientations in 2D shapes and then draw and complete shapes in the first quadrant using coordinates. As well as our core topics, every week we have a mental maths lesson where we focus on number fluency and also a lesson investigating an open-ended maths problem relating to the current topic. Times Tables are expected to be learned at home. We use a wide variety of resources - concrete, pictorial, abstract and digital - to help pupils to develop mastery in each topic. Assessment ● In-class topic tests ● Summer assessment
Physical Education and Well-being
Key Topics The children are taught a variety of striking and fielding games during their PE and Games lessons alongside athletics. They will learn and refine the skills needed to play and also the basic rules of the games. Pupils will gain an understanding of field positions and basic tactics which can be used by teams in competitive situations. In athletics, the children are taught a variety of track and field events as well as the rules for these. There will be plenty of opportunity for self and peer assessment using the iPads in lessons. How you can help: If your child has a sporting interest, encourage them to join a club outside school and any clubs within school time. Encourage your child to engage in a healthy lifestyle by eating the correct food and participating in sport. Play a mixture of team and individual sports with your child.
Creative and Performing Arts
Key Topics In Music, pupils will continue their exploration of world music through a unit on Samba (vocal and instrumental). Theoretical elements of music will be embedded through the exploration of this practical music making, and an interest into the cultural context of this style of music will be continuously flowing. Pupils will then delve into ‘Out of this World’ music, performing and composing their own acoustic space-inspired pieces of music. Pupils will develop analytical skills as well as ensemble performance skills. Development of recorder and singing skills, particularly in parts, will be a continual focus. Pupils will also be introduced to Garageband, a popular type of music technology. Linked to the ‘Survival’ theme, we will design and sew our own Bento bags, recycling material and maybe even adding our own flourish! We will continue to weave elements of art and design history and quickfire skills activities into our Creative sessions. Come and see our work linked to Da Vinci at our Full Steam Ahead exhibition down at the lovely Bridge End Gardens.
Scientific Understanding
Key Topics Pupils will continue their work investigating electricity; looking at making simple circuits and investigating conductors and insulators. We will use various components whilst making circuits, including motors, buzzers, switches and lights. We will also discuss key safety principles when working with electricity. Pupils will study plant and animal life cycles using the school grounds and dipping pond. We will think about how living things are grouped and classified. We will also spend time looking at food chains and webs, carefully considering the impact that we place upon the food chain and how our actions can cause a major effect on an ecosystem. We will design our own keys thinking about the best way to present information. Work will be recorded digitally for most activities. The children will use apps such as Explain Everything and Notability to demonstrate their understanding of the topics that they have covered.