Dame Bradbury's Year 6 Curriculum Outline

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Cu r r i c u l u mOu t l i ne 2 0 1 9 2 0

Our Learning Wheel explained Our learners Our schools are small enough to ensure that each learner is known. By placing our learners at the centre of our approach, we create an education that allows individuality to flourish.

Developing character Fostering a secure bedrock of self-esteem and a sure moral compass is essential preparation for a future in a complex world.

Learning segments We group our subjects together into six curriculum areas. We teach subjects in an integrated way, because the future belongs

to those who can think way beyond narrow subject boundaries.

Learning to think Education is not just about imparting knowledge. It’s about teaching young people how to think for themselves: critically, creatively and collaboratively.

Outer circle We prepare young people to blaze a trail in whatever field they choose. They leave us equipped with a breadth of skills, ready to become responsible global citizens.

Form teachers 6G - Mrs Graham 6D - Mrs Digby (Mrs Foreman co-tutor) 6K - Mr Kohler

Subject teachers: Humanities - social understanding Mr Evans (humanities), Mrs Graham (PSHEE), Miss Mullaly and Mrs Matthews (RS) Language and Communication Mr Kohler (English), Mrs Matthews (English), Mrs Graham (English), Mr Leggoe (German), Mrs Guo ​(Mandarin) Mathematical Understanding Mrs Digby (Maths), Mr Newnes (Maths), Mr Kohler (maths), Mr Hewlett (Coding) Physical Education and Well-being Mr Evans (Games and PE), Mr Godfrey (Games and PE) Creative and Performing Arts Miss Wynne-Powell (Creative and Design Engineering), Miss Mullaly (Music), Mrs Clark (Drama) Scientific Understanding Mr Hewlett/Mr West (Biology), Mrs Handford (Chemistry), Mrs McKnight/Mr West (Physics)

Humanities - Social Understanding

Key​ ​Topics History this term will focus on World War II and its aftermath, and alongside this we will be considering the wider theme of conflict generally. The children will look at key events of the war and find out what it was like to live under the conditions imposed by a global conflict, and will focus on the lives of children and how they were affected. Historical skills; using primary and secondary sources effectively, suggesting why people acted as they did in the past, and the interlinking of events, will be key. The knowledge and understanding gained through their studies will prove valuable during their Evacuation Day collaboration with pupils from the Junior School and for their Visit to Bletchley Park too. In geography this term there will be a specific focus on current areas of conflict around the world and comparisons with World War Two. This will involve using a range of maps and considering the human and physical effects of war. Pupils will develop knowledge of latitude and longitude whilst also developing their overall global awareness. Digital learning and the use of iPads will be key in lessons.

Personal Social Health and Economic Education (PSHEE) Key​ ​Topics Our first topic for the term will be considering the diversity of the world in which we live and tying that in with one of our learning habits, tolerance, and the global theme in humanities. We will also consider what we mean by stereotypes, and the dangers of this. This will tie in with the Year 6 will attendance at the Holocaust Memorial service at St Mary’s church at the end of January, for which there will be some preparatory tasks developed by the team at SWCHS. We will look at the role of parliament in our democracy prior to our visit to the Palace of Westminster (planned for the summer term). We will also consider the role of the monarch and how that fits into the picture. We are hoping that Kemi Badenoch MP will also visit school again to have a discussion and Q&A session with the children as she did last year. https://www.parliament.uk/ https://youtu.be/RAMbIz3Y2JA We will be looking at how to keep safe and healthy as the teen years approach, and we and to have an open and frank dialogue with our pupils about the temptations and possible dangers they face. Topics will include

There will also be ongoing reminders about internet safety, both for pupils and for parents. See links below for general information or you want to check out anything about apps or websites your child may be using or want to use at home. https://ceop.police.uk/safety-centre/ https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/8_10/ https://www.net-aware.org.uk/#

Religious Studies Key​ ​Topics In RS we will explore further the beliefs and traditions Judaism. We will find out about the weekly religious practices of Jews, the places, people and scriptures that are important and why certain festivals and events hold such significance to them. We will use festivals such as Rosh Hashanah, Hanukkah and Purim to reflect on our own lives and futures. Finally we will link in with pupil’s learning about World War 2 and the Holocaust, reflecting on what happened and how to prevent such an event occurring again.

Language and Communication Key​ ​Topics Creative writing will link to humanities topics, with a focus on the Second World War. Texts will include The Silver Sword (which will be our class reader) and extracts from Goodnight Mister Tom, Carrie’s War and The Diary of Anne Frank. Weekly spellings will be given and tested the following week. Grammar and punctuation skills will generally be taught in context as part of our lessons, although certain topics may be taught discretely as necessary. How to help at home: ● Encourage your child to write a brief comment about their reading each day, focusing on their personal reaction to what they have read. Please ensure that the reading scheme book is read every day. You can supplement the scheme with library and books from home. ● Please encourage your child to participate in the Dame B’s Spring Reading Challenge. ● Help your child to identify key information when using the internet, thus avoiding simply cutting and pasting when engaged in research tasks. ● Museums to visit - Imperial War Museum, Churchill War Rooms, HMS Belfast and The White Cliffs Experience. You may find the following websites of interest: www.annefrank.org/en/ www.iwm.org.uk/collections www.bbc.co.uk/archive/dunkirk/ www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/ks2/ Assessment: ● weekly spelling tests ● Progress in English (PTE) ● Half Termly Writing Assessment

Modern Languages Key​ ​Topics In place of French and Spanish lessons for this term we will be offering a beginner’s course in both Mandarin and German. Aside from the rich cultures of Chinese and German speaking countries, these languages are important business and academic languages and will help to prepare your child for their future. The course will build on the skills already learnt in French and Spanish lessons and will focus on key basic vocabulary and sounds. Emphasis will be on listening and speaking with some reading and writing.

Mathematical Understanding Key​ ​Topics This term we will begin by looking at decimals, including identifying the digits in a number up to 3 decimal places, multiplying decimal numbers by 10, 100, 1000. Multiplying numbers to one decimal place by numbers up to two decimal places and divide numbers with answers of up to two decimal places. We will also convert fractions to decimals and vice-versa and complete worded problems relating to this topic, particularly looking at how we use decimals in a real-life context. Our next topic this term is percentages - finding equivalence between fractions, decimals and percentages, finding percentage amounts and finding percentage increase and decrease. Next we move on to algebra - finding rules; substitution; formulae; word problems and one and two step equations. Our fourth topic is measure. We will be converting between different metric and imperial measures and solving problems relating to measures. Our focus will again be relating this work to a real-life context. We will then focus on the area of triangles and parallelograms and the volume of cuboids. Our last topic for the term is ratio, proportion and scale. We will look at the relationship between ratio and fractions; calculate ratio; use scale factors and solve problems relating to these topics. We will also have a weekly mental maths lesson where we focus on number fluency and also a maths investigation lesson relating to the current topic. Times tables are expected to be reinforced at home. We use a wide variety of resources - concrete, pictorial, abstract and digital - to help pupils to develop mastery in each topic.

Assessment ● ●

In-class topic tests PTM (Progress Test in Maths)

Physical Education and Well-being Key​ ​Topics Indoor athletics and basketball will be the focus of PE lessons whilst football, netball and hockey will form the basis of games lessons for the children this term. Development of key skills, refinement of technique and a focus on integrating tactics into match play will be key features of lessons this term. Do encourage your child to get involved with any of these sports outside of school by joining local clubs, and discuss the importance of a healthy and active lifestyle.

Creative and Performing Arts Key​ ​Topics In music pupils will learn about the role of media and the BBC in opening up a worldwide audience to music during the Second World War. We will understand how music was used to encourage and boost morale but also be used to persuade and influence. We will listen to the music of Vera Lynn, Glenn Miller, Shostakovich’s 7th Symphony and Fanfare for the Common Man by Copland and reflect on how each style would affect the listener. We will each perform an instrumental part from notation in our Glenn Miller Tribute Band and sing famous World War 2 songs. We will prepare barbershop, jazz and blues songs from this era to perform in the Saffron Hall concert on 29 March 2019. Building on the work from last term, we will be developing our own ideas and improving mastery in a technique of their choosing. They will be using the qualities of materials to enhance their ideas and extending their independence in choosing the direction of their work. The final outcome will be on display at Bridge End in the summer term. Spring two will see us combining printmaking skills and collaborating on a class artwork following our reading of Picasso’s Guernica. Woven into the Create sessions will be elements of art and design history and quickfire skills activities that introduce different materials and schema. Listen out for the Cambridge Camera Club Competition later this term - Last year revealed quite a few Dame B’s shutterbugs!

Scientific Understanding Key​ ​Topics Our major topic this term is light. We will look at eyes, both human as well as other examples from the animal kingdom, whilst physics will investigate the theory of light, further developing our understanding of shadows and reflections. Chemistry will investigate the elements and their properties, linking this to the light trace that various elements emit. A study on pH, making natural indicators and developing our knowledge for how this scale works and the evidence that we can see around us will be carried out too. Key Learning Objectives: ● to understand what is needed in order for us to see in black and white and in colour ● to look at how reflections and shadows are formed ● to continue to build pupils’ understanding of the need for – and rigour involved in – scientific investigations ● to continue to expand their scientific knowledge and to become more sophisticated in applying this to help explain scientific phenomenon How you can help: Consider the everyday science that you and your children encounter, and help the children to ask questions and seek explanations. Work with your children to “tell the story” of any graphs or charts that you may come across in the newspapers or brochures. Continue to encourage the mixed reading of fiction and scientific non-fiction books. http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/ks2bitesize/science/ http://www.exploratorium.edu/science_explorer/index.html http://www.sciencemuseum.org.uk/

Trips/curricular​ ​enrichment ● ● ● ● ● ●

Houses of Parliament and National Gallery Holocaust Memorial Day (St Mary’s Church) Bletchley Park (collaboration with Junior School) Evacuee Day (collaboration with Junior School) NRich Roadshow (maths) Saffron Hall Concert

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