PLAYTIME AT ST PAUL’S Playtime at St Paul’s was created to engage with St Paul’s families and the wider local community. The programme is facilitated by volunteers Louisa Jacob and Sunny Yapar, parents of current St Paul’s students. They share with us about the delivery and content of the programme. Playtime at St Paul’s has been running for over two years. The programme is held on Wednesday mornings (9:00am to 10:45am) during school term, in a classroom in the Kindergarten block. The programme caters for children aged from newborn up to five years of age. The morning consists of free playtime, with an array of amazing craft, puzzles, sensory play, play dough and toys on offer. This is followed by morning tea, story time, then music and movement. The children love this part of the morning where they sing, dance, play games, and finish their indoor time with a parachute game. They then conclude the morning with some outdoor playtime in the Pre-Kindergarten yard. It’s a challenge to fit so many wonderful elements into the morning! The Playtime programme is based on learning through play. Most activities are created purposefully to enhance learning.