Business Aviation
Bizavindia Conference 2022
BizAvIndia Conference brought together stalwarts from the BA/GA sector to discuss the role and challenges of this high growth sector
GA/BA as Aviation’s Growth Accelerator Held on the sidelines of WINGS India 2022 in Hyderabad, the BizAVIndia conference brought together the industry stakeholders after a transitioned post-pandemic world and streamlined the way forward
Photograph: Ayushee Chaudhary / SP Guide Pubns
By Ayushee Chaudhary After two years of virtual interactions over Zoom calls, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, etc; the business aviation fraternity of India reconvened in Hyderabad for the 6th edition of the BizAVIndia Conference held on March 23, 2022. Organised by the Business Aircraft Operators Association (BAOA), the conference’s theme was GA/BA - The Growth Enabler. The conference also marked the start of the 2022 edition of WINGS India conference. This year, the BizAVIndia conference aimed to capture Social and Economic Impact of Business and General Aviation in India as the overarching theme, to encourage discourse on meaningful contribution of BA/GA on nation’s economy, at a time when the Indian Government appears to be drawing a long-term vision for development of aviation, the association laid out. The theme also scopes out discussions on infrastruc-
ISSUE 4 • 2022
ture requirements in order for BA/GA sector to grow its potential in the coming times. “The Business Aviation industry has undergone a sea change over the past decade in India and has gained much recognition in the recent years. The utility of Business Aviation, as a productivity tool and a contributor to economic development, is becoming more evident and should serve as the prime rationale to put in place an appropriate framework enabling industry’s growth and its role in channelising economic and social benefits throughout India,” BAOA stated. Stalwarts from the GA/BA discussed the role of the industry, the pain points it currently faces as well as the cooperative steps that the industry and the government needs to take going ahead. The industry also discussed that while there are still