How blockchain can help in identity management

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How Blockchain can help in Identity Management? At the center of any business, engagement people are there. Trust is vital to every business relationships and it is built on knowing the people over a network. That’s the reason banks and other institutions use KYC to verify and identify people they connect with. Over the digital platform, fabricating real identities is easy these days. In an online exchange of goods or money, it is important to know the other parties. Needless, to say you have to trust. Who knows if you are connecting with a bot or not. This is where blockchain technology comes in the scene. Many organizations believe blockchain technology has the potential to responsibility handle customer information as it hack-proof and unalterable.


Today we are talking about how you can use blockchain for identity management and some tips to follow when an organization is considering blockchain development. Self-Sovereign ID Be that as it may, blockchain has engaging attributes for the character: Rather than only operating virtual money exchange, it's conceivable to implant identity information in the record. The expansive vision is a blockchain could be a carefully designed reference point to confirm individual information without exposing the genuine information to any service provider.

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