Why Proof of Concept is important for Blockchain Technology?

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Why Proof of Concept is important for Blockchain Technology? Every projects need a proper plan and you need to document it when you are about to take a dive in any innovative technology. Likewise, Proof of Concept of a Blockchain-basedapplication or any other application is necessary to prove that how the potential product will do.

What is Proof of Concept? According to techopedia, “Proof of Concept (PoC) is a demonstration, the purpose of which is to verify that certain concepts or theories have the potential for real-world application. PoC is, therefore, a prototype that is designed to determine feasibility, but doesn’t represent deliverables.” Curating a PoC can help the product owner to identify gaps that might obstacles the success. It also offers the opportunity to request internal feedback to reduce the unnecessary risk. As blockchain technology is fairly new to the world. Understanding its different aspects is necessary before any company or stakeholder get into it. Most of the Fortune 500 companies already started Research and Development in blockchain proof of concept after exploring the use cases for their own business operations and for users.

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Why Proof of Concept is important for Blockchain Technology? by Julie Baker - Issuu