SPI Factsheet

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Strengthening of Public Institutions Name

Strengthening of Public Institutions


Contracting Authority

German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

The goal of the programme is therefore to enable selected public


Bosnia and Herzegovina

institutions to increasingly fulfil the standards of the Public

Lead Executing Agency

Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office (PARCO)

Administration Reform Strategy.

Implementing Partner

Please see Our approach, Paragraph 1


2010 – 2016

Project value

9,7 Mio Euro

Our approach This programme is implemented in partnership with the Public Administration Reform Coordinator’s Office (PARCO) and cooperates directly with the following institutions: the Central

The challenge In 1995, the Dayton Peace Agreement ended one of the worst conflicts in Europe since WWII. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, however, it established a complicated and barely functional administrative structure with a total of 14 governments at different administrative levels: the state-level government, the Republika Srpska, the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which is comprised of 10 Cantons, and the autonomous Brčko District. This heterogeneous political system makes it difficult to implement reforms that would improve political, social, and economic conditions. Even though Bosnia and Herzegovina – with the support of the EU – has already adopted a Public Administration Reform (PAR) Strategy in 2006, its implementation has been very slow. There is still a great need to work on fulfillment of the standards of the PAR by Public Institutions in order to improve the quality of services for the citizens and to support the EU accession process.

Bank, the Statistics Agency, the Public Procurement Agency, the Procurement Review Body, the Agency for Preschool, Primary and Secondary Education, the Agency for Development of Higher Education and Quality Assurance, the Directorate for European Integration, and the Civil Service Agency. Programme operates in three areas which aim to 1) improve the conditions for PAR implementation and coordination, 2) improve the exchange in professional topics of PAR and the generation of knowledge, ideas and proposals, which includes the capacity development, and 3) improve implementation of PAR measures and standards in selected institutions as developed in interinstitutional groups. The programme focuses its work in the following thematic areas: Communications and Knowledge Management, Human Resource Management, Public Procurement and E-Governance, and Quality Management.

Impact – Achievements to Date The aforementioned four inter-institutional groups which work as professional exchange platforms, generate knowledge and provide a valuable basis for the improvement of the PAR. For example, based on the work of the Communications and

L to R: Workshop on questions of transparency in the work processes of public institutions; Conference on strengthening the capacity of the education sector Photos: © GIZ

Knowledge Management group there has already been

Additional Information

improvement in planning of strategic communications and in use of digital media within several partner institutions and this group-

Strengthening of Public Institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina:

generated know-how is also being disseminated by PARCO to


other institutions.


Civil Service Agency is now enabled to manage more efficiently the training measures for civil servants through the use of the

Contact: Reinhard Lüke Reinhard.Lueke@giz.de

programme-developed training management systems. Furthermore, e-training offer of the Civil Service Agency and the Directorate for European Integration is improved with development of 5 new courses that are based on the identified needs of civil servants in light of the most significant issues of the PAR. Close cooperation of the programme with the Gender Agency of BiH ensured that the courses (e.g. e-course on strategic planning) are gender mainstreamed. Efficiency and transparency of central processes within the participating institutions have been increased. More specifically, improvements can be noted in calls for tenders and procurement processes. In the near future, all complaints received since 2012 by the Procurement Review Body and the decisions reached on these complaints will be available online and evaluated based on a number of criteria. Strengthening the technical capacities of selected institutions has already significantly contributed to improvement of their acceptance and recognition of their roles and performance. For example, the reputation of the Agency for Preschool, Primary and Secondary Education significantly improved after it was able – with assistance provided by this project – to submit educational recommendations for the further development of curricular to the Ministries of Education and other relevant institutions. This was possible due to a newly developed IT-based evaluation system that, in accordance with EU standards, reliably, transparently, and quickly delivers information about the development of student performance. Published by

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

On behalf of

Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

Registered offices Bonn and Eschborn, Germany

Addresses of the BMZ offices

BMZ Bonn Dahlmannstraße 4 53113 Bonn, Germany T +49 (0)228 99 535-0 F +49 (0)228 99 535-3500

GIZ Office Sarajevo Zmaja od Bosne 7-7a Importanne Centar 03/IV T +387 33 957 500 F +387 33 957 501 GIZ-BosnienHerzegovina@giz.de www.giz.de Author

Dr. Brigitte Heuel-Rolf

As at


poststelle@bmz.bund.de www.bmz.de

BMZ Berlin Stresemannstraße 94 10963 Berlin, Germany T +49 (0)30 18 535-0 F +49 (0)30 18 535-2501

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