Delay to Launch of Royal London
We issued an email communication (also posted on our FB forum) last week advising that despite work between Openwork and Royal London on a solution to permit sales of Royal London on their legacy point of sale System (OWS) in time for launch today, there were unacceptable issues with it.
Openwork, Just Mortgages and Royal London have worked tirelessly over the last few days and we are pleased to now advise that we expect Royal London products will be available to you on OWS in the next 7 days.
Clearly this is a significant move forward to our original communication that Royal London was not going live until the Smartr365 launch, and we are pleased that you only have a matter of days to wait rather than weeks
We will of course confirm formally once the Products are live on OWS.
Name and Number = £14,700!
An experienced broker spotted that his client who owned a portfolio of BTLs, plus a block of flats within a Ltd Company were paying some £3,000 a month for protection policies, the vast majority of which were personally owned and paid for despite the customer having a limited company.
The referring broker made the introduction via Just Refer to Steve Williams, who specialises in Business Protection and is an expert in this field.
Steve took on the long standing client relationship and enhanced it further by drilling down on the needs of the client, taking the 7 policies they had now, advising 1 Death in Service was retained in the company, 2 CIC policies were retained personally, and then advised on 1 new Business loan protection life cover and 2 x SIC2 policies to fund the business should either party fall ill and not be able to work – a total premium on the new policies of £1850 meaning a split to the referring broker of £14,700 – for making the introduction!
The client is now £1000 a month better off due to the tax efficiency of their premiums.
Do you have company owners in your cli t b k i f i personally? Do you have BTL portfolio la exercise tax efficiencies and protect the
To refer Business Protection, simply visit Just Refer (it takes less than 2 minu to do) HERE.
Vitality: Growing your protection business | Income Protection opportunities
With the recent Swiss Re data highlighting another record year for income protection sales, alongside a heightened need for protection, now is the ideal time to discuss income protection with your clients.
Join the Vitality 'Income Protection Opportunity: How to Grow Your Protection Business' webinar on Wednesday 3 July at 10am. Click HERE to register
Coffee with Compliance: Episode 8 – Vouched
Good Morning Everyone and Welcome to our next episode of our regular series - Coffee with Compliance!
Each week, we'll dive into the 'why's and wherefores' of Compliance, shedding light on aspects you may not be familiar with. We'll be featuring various members of our Compliance team, aiming to make you more acquainted with them and the rationale behind our rules and procedures.
This series isn't just about sharing unknown facts; it's also about clearing up any confusion you might have.
This week we are joined by Serena Evans from Vouched For who discusses how to get the very most from the platform, how it keeps you safe and how it can help you gain extra referrals!
So put the kettle on and let's brew some knowledge together!
Click HERE to listen
VirginMoneyareexcitedtobringyoutheir“StayTuned”series–where VirginMoneywillbecoveringinbitesizeform,someoftherecent changesmadealongwithremindersofpolicy
Inthefirstoftheseries,CatMcNeil,oneofVirginMoney’sNational AccountManager’stalksaboutimprovementsVirginMoneyhasmadeto itsaffordabilityandtermoffering,throughtothechangesVirginMoney hasmadetoitsproducttransferwindowandtheabilitytoswitch productsonnewbusinessapplications.Youcanwatchthevideoby clickingoneitherlinkbelow: VisitYouTube» VisitLinkedin»
Forfulldetailsofourcriteria,usefulguides,downloadsandformsplus detailsofyourBDMpleasevisittheVirginMoneyintermediarywebsite»
Co-op Legal Services goes live TODAY!
We hope you may have already been able to join Co-op Legal Services to find out how you can refer your clients for a free legal review.
If you didn’t, fear not, there is still another session this week you can dial into to find out more about this exciting new partnership, details of this call:
3rd July. 12 – 12.45
Join the meeting now Meeting ID: 384 302 769 388 Passcode: xea472
Simply click on the link above, when it is time.
We can also confirm that Just Mortgages will receive 15% of the fee value from any sales generated and you in turn will receive 75% of this creating a valuable earning stream for you.
Visit the Co-op referral hub: HERE to start referring your clients, we recommend you save this URL to your web browser for quick access.
Metro Bank enhances Interest Only and Buy to Let criteria
Metro Bank has made some positive changes to its lending criteria to help you help more clients.
Use the updated Buy to Let Calculator to find out how much your client could borrow. For full details refer to Metro Bank’s Lending Criteria Guide, Product Guides, and Rental Criteria Guide.
In line with the enhancements, Metro Bank is hosting its next webinar series focusing on solutions to enhance affordability and maximize customer income the bank can use. Register for your preferred time clicking on either of the below:
Thursday 4th July 09:30-09:50am
Thursday 4th J