Magic Moments 2011 Newsletter

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2011 Review Magic Moments Charity What a year!

Introduction What a year for Magic Moments!

establishment of the Moments late last summer and the gic Ma to e nam of nge cha the undergone a Since d Steering Groups, the charity has lise loca es ativ ent res rep the and charity Charity Board n Spicerhaart employees adopt the see has 1 201 and 0 201 e Lat . major transformation volunteers to assist or The flow of fundraising ideas and sly. viou pre e abl gin ima y onl way in a gic Moments raise in , the result of which has seen Ma ble edi incr n bee has nts eve at s fundraising participate t’s simply amazing and represent Tha . nge cha e nam its e sinc 0 excess of £90,00 s years. running at 3-4 times that of previou rity, cha the by n see er nev ls leve at dge that staff 0 I take great pride in the knowle 201 in rity cha the up d hea to ed Having been ask for and aims to achieve embraced the charity, what it stands and suppliers to the Group have through the newsletters, ly hope that the information flow ere sinc I t. por sup we n dre chil every member for the es of the web site provide each and pag nts eve and es ativ ent res rep children from Charity Board the magic it brings into the lives of and nts me Mo gic Ma into ght of the Group an insi the 11 hospices now supported. ons and PR or making r its direct fundraising, presentati Every thought counts, so whethe ment is a ‘magic moment’. as or Easter eggs, that single mo istm Chr iver del to le ilab ava lf rse you lved in hes to everyone that has been invo wis felt rt hea and ere sinc my s I’d like to expres d more than ever with g but amazing. 2011 has provide our journey so far. Its been nothin ents and 11 ‘Magic d Paris trip with 11 family placem lan ney Dis ual ann the ns, atio don major first return invite . Additionally 2011 has seen the nts eve sed ani org and s ing out s, Moment’ trip the Group’s d trip, courtesy of FLR Spectron, to families from the 2010 Disneylan O2 for a kindly donated their VIP suite at the who y, pan com s tion nica mu com tele Disney production. looking forward to 2012 led over by 2011 and very much What more can I say? I am bow we create to 22 to increase the ‘Magic Moments’ ing hop and h hig ing aim are we where l representative. get involved and contact your loca , out s mis ’t Don ). ted por sup (2 per hospice and drive of everyone and you will understand the passion Visit your local children’s hospice involved. ember. let’s make 2012 another year to rem With best wishes for Christmas and

Steve Lamb Chair & Trustee Magic Moments Children’s Charity

Magic Moments Charity Board




Lisa Hayc


Jonathan Martin

Steve Lamb

Amanda Myers


Mariella P

Kevin Sha



Kelly R

Rob Smit


Stephen Wright

To find out more about each of us, please visit the website.

Fundraising: December-March Grayshott

2011 got off to a flying start with lots of fun-filled activities across the country. Take the team in Grayshott who asked local residents to pop into the branch and pay £1 to take part in their ‘Guess the House Price’ competition. Albeit a competition with a twist. They had to guess the price of a house that was on the market in 1972. At one point it looked like there wouldn’t be a winner but finally someone finally managed to get within £1,000 of the asking price and walked away with a bottle of Veuve Clicquot for their troubles. And best of all we raised for £152 for Magic Moments.

Have you seen our website?

£152 raised Medway

The haart branches in Kent were keen to do their bit as well as in January. But instead of bikes they choose balls - the Medway 8 Ball Pool League to be more exact. Lee Crowhurst and his staff in Rochester created The Oracle Charity Shield 2011 event at the Chatham Pool and Snooker Club. And they chalked up quite a success with 64 people signing up to take part in the special event.

£1,000 raise


Fundraising: December-March Bracknell

Iain Weathrall-King said goodbye to his hair and beard for Magic Moments. He said: “It’s about being able to take these kids away so they can have a laugh and enjoy themselves.” The 46-yearold has had his beard for about a dozen years and has been growing his hair longer than its normal grade two length ready for the sponsored shave on December 3rd 2010.

Darlows awards in March raised£230

£1,923 raised Head office Book Sale raised £146.45


Spicerhaart has a fine tradition of dressing down on Friday’s. But staff at the head office decided to go step further in February by coming to work in their pyjamas. And very fine they looked too although what visitors made of people strolling around in their slippers is anyone’s guess. Needless to say they raised an impressive £178 on the day (with extra penalties for those that didn’t come suitably dressed).

£178 raised

Fundraising: December-March Petersfield

Also dressing up for the occasion were the team from haart of Petersfield who donned coats, scarves, hats, gloves (and long johns) in order to keep warm during their walk from the Liss Forest to Petersfield. It was all worth it in the end with Andrew, Linda and Siobhan braving the freezing temperatures to make £515 for Magic Moments from their efforts.

£515 raised A collection at an end of season pre match luncheon held at Colchester rugby club raised £530.00

Canary Wharf

The fund-raising didn’t stop there though. Another £500 plus was raised in the Charity Raffle at the Felicity J Lord and haart Annual Awards Night in March, which for 2011 was held at the exclusive Pan Peninsula Bar in Canary Wharf.

£500 raised

Fundraising: April-June London

April saw the return of the London Marathon. And we were delighted to have not just one but two people enter the Marathon - Peter Ttouli and Sarah Wood, who was attempting to complete a marathon for a fourth time. Thankfully their Herculean training efforts paid off with both crossing the line in good times and raising lots of money for Magic Moments.


£4,500 raised

Staff at the head office in Colchester took things a little more leisurely than their colleagues in London with a Design an Easter Egg Competition – and raising £300 in the process. A cracking idea, staff from all departments got into the spirit of things particularly Matt Dale from IT whose Yoda inspired egg won the competition. What’s more, staff donated all of their eggs (and more) to the Little Haven hospice in Southend with Julie Francis and Louisa Harding making the trip down the A12 to present the chocolates to the children.

£300 raised

Fundraising: April-June Sheffield Up in Sheffield Haybrook’s Rebecca Copley got to combine her two big loves – being a dare devil and supporting Sheffield United when she took part in a Zip Wire Challenge at Bramall Lane raising over £200 for both Magic Moments and the Sheffield Royal Society for the Blind.

£200 raised

Nick Markham raised £110 cycling 100 miles in one day!

Dragon Boat Race

Over 90 staff from the Spicerhaart Group put on an oar-some display of rowing in May when the raced Dragons Boats across Fairlop Waters near Ilford. The brave seafarers, drawn from haart and Spicer McColl, together with its’ telecoms supplier FLR, braved freezing temperatures to compete against others teams from across the South East of England. Spicerhaart entered five boats of 18 people into the race, which had been organised by the Rotary Clubs of Tower Hamlets, Canary Wharf, Newham & Barkingside. And although complete novices, they equitted themselves very well, with two of the boats finishing in the top six. Even better they raised a whopping £6,000 for Magic Moments.

£6,000 raised

Fundraising: April-June Cumbria

One of the highlights of this period had to be the walk by Divisional Sales Director Rob Smith and colleague Craig Burns together with friends Lee Barber and Miles Holden across Cumbria during the Royal Wedding Weekend. The Four Muskateeers, who had done no training prior to the event, walked upwards of 20 miles each day on foot in the Lake District, for the journey from Ulverston to Carlisle. This included the ascent of High Pike, one of the highest fells in the region, at over 2,100 feet. Thankfully they made it, raising £4,000 for Magic Moments, although they did have to contend with blisters the size of golf balls on their feet for a number of days afterwards!

An auction for Paul’s Chelsea Tickets raised £300!

£4,000 raised


Girl Power was very much in evidence in South Wales in May when 11 staff from as far afield as Merthyr Tydfil, Newport, Pontypool and Swansea walked part of the ‘Taff Trail’ for Magic Moments. They completed the 11-mile journey from Castell Coch to Cardiff Bay in under three hours. It would have been quicker but it would appear they made several detours to well-known pubs along the way.

£1,000 raised

Essex v Anglia charity football match held at Witham FC. £813.00 was raised

Disneyland Paris Trip 2011 Bambi are ter, . We e d P r a d c n t of riella a istmas imself (mos r a h ank M C , n e h oh th big th J g r e in o e r v f a iv a e s d s h D be uch w ma m r an n e e a t e t w b y o le your r has ld like to sa ot tell you h that will ou for ou, and Osca ou y nn k trip n one tly I w eekend. I ca Tha n k y n a t was a telling every a r h o t p ly w e t im it a n le e for pped all gr t more unforgettab was. It defi not sto of you ll !) Bu s e ll n it a a a h im t d o s e t the Olivia are t wa reciat e it a r wha nd how app re and rateful we pitality mad o u t f u f u o g y a os the kind h yed it s for ds how all enjo ories with u own in wor u, and your yo em ut d hold m nnot p o come with a c I Olivia it! nce t oto of a h h p about c a e t!) he us th it righ e of t id m giving o d ial. s c I e e p e e s s p ore st I ho be lovely to the m at lea r ld o u ( o this ! W t with Minnie Mouse ip too. n e s e I hav urite the tr r favo ook during e h h wit ou t s that y ristma photos py Ch p a H very ve a a h u r o y w Yea e I hope N y p Hap x and a Oscar d n a , Olivia a, Dan m m e G


Mickey M ouse


hank ike to t agic I just l nd His M lf of A n a h t a Jon Beha Team on s t n e m o say o M Family,t y m f o and e whol friendly y r e v e r e they w my Whole of helpfull. e trip. joyed th was n e y il m fa ost njoyed m ers My son e eyland Charact n is D tyear meeting uzz ligh B y b d e agic follow I wish M . e id r e long m the luck and d o o g s t re. momen ous futu r e p s o r p and

Tinker Bell

Family Ali and


Dear S t Magic eve, M Novem oments - D be isneyla Thank r 2011 nd Pa ris Tri riella you, Jonath p an, Pe at Ma t gic Mo er and makin g m a fant the Disneyla ents, so mu Mach a n separa stic time. I d Paris Tri for p such am sen te link have u ding y to Kod o p Thank loaded a f ak Gallery u a s e where I which again for a w photos. is very memor a much appre ble holiday ciated Kind r . e Sarah gards, Rich ard, T , and Cecili heresa a. ,

Donald D uck


Fundraising: July - September Nottingham

Most people take the lift (or the stairs at a push) when going from their room to the hotel hobby. Not the staff at haart though in Nottingham. They decided to abseil down the side of the Jury’s Inn instead to raise money for Magic Moments. Luckily for them they were in time to make it for breakfast.

£200 raised


Staff from across Darlows converged on the Hotel Novotel in Cardiff for the Red Carpet Ball in July. Organised in partnership with Convey Law, the focal point for the activity on the night was a very special charity auction featuring a signed Steven Gerrard Liverpool shirt, a signed Cardiff Blues shirt and a family ticket from Glamorgan Cricket Club. The Ball overall raised £3,700.

£3,700 raised

Fundraising: July - September Lincoln

It’s not very often that Sarah Hammond, Branch Manager for haart of Lincoln is lost for words. So when Sarah agreed to a sponsored 24 hour silence in aid of Magic Moments Lincoln, and for that matter Lincolnshire, held it’s breath wondering whether she’d be able to do it or not. Thankfully Sarah, who has been with the company over 20 years, managed to keep quiet the whole time, raising over £1,000 in the process. She’s certainly made up for it since then!

£1,000 raised

23 teams made up of Spicerhaart employees, local solicitors and other estate agents competed against each other raising a fantastic £1200 a very well organised event.


Run, FJL, Run was the order of the day as Lettings Director Sharief Ibrahim and his colleagues from Felicity J Lord joined over 25,000 people from across the UK to participate in the Asics British 10K London Run. Legs Eleven, as they were dubbed, raised an impressive £1,134 for Magic Moments.

£1,134 raised


The haart branches were busy over the summer months appearing at dozens of Summer Fetes. In Colindale for instance Matthew Atack and his team at haart of Colindale caused quite a stir at the Roe Green Primary School Summer Fete with their ‘Guess the Number of Balloon’s competition – raising £100 in the process for Magic Moments

£1,000 raised Richard McCabe and the team at Quicklight donated £2,425 to Magic Moments Quicklight will be providing Magic Moments with a rebate every six months.


Not to be outdone, Haybrook staff from Rotherham and Swinton descended on the Rotherham Show, the largest free show of its kind in the North of England, where they went down a storm thanks to their ‘Guess the Name of the Haybrook Teddies’ competition. The names, in case you were wondering, were Alvin and Bertie.

£250 raised

Fundraising: October - December Colchester £2,400 raised The Colchester Institute was once again the venue for the Annual Spicerhaart Quiz. Over 180 staff took part in the event, which is now in its fourth year, as well as enjoyed what was dubbed ‘Britain’s Biggest Fish and Chip Supper. Special mentions need to go to quiz master’s Steve Sparrow and Mike Graham, who are surely in the running for QI if ever Stephen Fry’s steps down. And it was all worth it in the end with almost £2,400 being raised for Magic Moments.


Staff from Felicity J Lord raised a whopping £353 at their Annual Charity Quiz Night. Teams from across the branches descended on Madisons Bar in the vaults of the original warehouse buildings of the famous Bryant and May match factory in Bow in fancy dress. The evening was a roaring success with Canary Wharf Lettings earning the bragging rights closely followed by Blackheath.

£353 raised

Alison Beech raised £528 doing the Great Eastern Run

Fundraising: October - December Colchester

£285 raised

Spicerhaart staff raised over £285 for charity dressing up for Halloween. They donned an amazing variety of spooky outfits as well as paid to take part in a series of Halloween-themed events throughout the day. And their scary antics paid off with £285.66 being raised. Graphic Designer Jessica Caws beat off fierce competition to win the coveted Fancy Dress prize whilst Financial Administrator Anne Boylen showed off her artistic skills to win the Decorate a Ball competition.

Darlows Awards in November raised £200



Haybrook’s Nick Walsham knows all about the meaning of pain after having his legs waxed in aid of charity. Nick, Branch Manager for Chapeltown Haybrook, raised over £400 after agreeing to let the ladies from nearby beauty salon I-Tan I-Tone loose on him. Explains Nick: “I’ve never had anything waxed in my life so I didn’t know what to expect. Now that I’ve had it done, I don’t think I’ll be doing it again any time soon. Mind you it was for a wonderful cause – so no pain, no gain as they say!”

£400 raised

Fundraising: October - December South Wales and South West England Spicerhaart staff from across South Wales and South West England donned a variety of weird and wonderful fancy dress outfits before hitting the streets in aid of Magic Moments in the middle of December in support of Magic Moments. Divisional Sales Director Thomas RossBason led the way with a very fetching nun’s outfit, popping up in Merthyr Tydfil, Pontypool and Pontypridd, with his charity tin, followed by Baywatch babe Pamela Anderson, who swapped the beach for Bedminster, whilst uber-cool superhero Hong Kong Phooey took time out from making cartoons to fit in a guest appearance at Fishponds.

£4,600 Raised South West London

He walked 21 miles between 10 offices in six hours and twenty minutes - raising over £1,800 so far in the process. Well done to Kevin Shaw, Sales Director, who once again walked his way around as many of the haart branches in South West London as he could manage all in aid of Magic Moments. The region as a whole took park in various activities with the total raised in excess of £4k

£4,000 Raised

Who We Support... The Magic Moments Charity Fund is dedicated to helping children with life limiting illnesses and their families. We achieve this by sending 45 children from supported hospices and their families on annual trips to Disneyland Paris. We also help by donating money raised to the hospices for essential equipment.

Brian House Children's Hospice

Little Havens Children's Hospice

Bluebell Wood Children's Hospice

Richard House Children's Hospice

East Anglia Children Hospice, Milton

Demelza Hospice Care for Children

East Anglia Children Hospice, Quiddenham

Shooting Star CHASE Childrens Hospice

East Anglia Children Hospice, Ipswich

Tŷ Hafan

Little Bridge House Children's Hospice

North East North West



East Midlands


Lincs Norfolk

East Anglia



West Midlands








•Cambridge •Milton Keynes


Monmouth -shire Glamorgan




South West Devon


•Southend on Sea







•Maidstone Kent

Hampshire Sussex

...and where the money has gone


Shaw pre Deme senting ch lza H ospice eque to

Kevin Shaw presenting cheque to Shooting Star Chase Hospice

yers anda M e m A , in t chequ n Mar Jonatha reen presenting G and Jon EACH; Ipswich to

Lisa Haycock presenting che que to Ty Hafan

as Thom to d n a ue ycock ting cheq a H a n Lis prese use acre Bridge Ho n e e r G Little

Staines and Candice Longworth, Gareth cheque to Teresa Callandine presenting Bluebell Wood

Special Thanks Did you know that we have planned travel, insu rance and hotels for 57 people, many of which require special arrange ments to get to Disneyland Paris? We have dealt with charity regi stration information, Gift Aid registrations, created a web site, a image/b rand and held formal Charity Board meetings all requiring detailed minutes and actions. Now your starting to get the picture‌. Special thanks have to go firstly to Sarah She ppard who has been the rock behind everything needing order and structure! The sheer professionalism and quality of Sarah’s work and time makes every moment a pleasure. Thanks also to Jonathan Martin who has injected so many ideas, driven numerous aspects of event organisa tion, become a Trustee and headed the 2011 Disneyland trip. Further thanks go to everyone on the Charity Board for making the launch of Magic Moments a success and to Julie Francis for all her time and creative flair in making the brand com e to life. Without you all it would never have happened. Lastly, thanks to Paul Sm ith for supporting and backing Magic Moments. Without the resource s and staff of the Group, none of it is achievable. Steve Lamb

We hope you have enjoyed an insight into 2011 and this inspires you all to make 2012 even better.

Magic Moments Charity, Colwyn House, Sheepen Place, Colchester, Essex CO3 3LD T: 01206 765599 W: E: Registered Charity Number: 1096180


financial services

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