Catalogue spicevalley20172018 170728014850

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Categories Peppers 4 White peppers 5 Phu Quoc Pepper 6 Cambodian Kampot Pepper 7 Red Kampot Pepper 8 Black Kampot Pepper 9 Green Kampot Pepper 10 Japanese Shansho Pepper 11 Malaysian Sarawak Pepper 12 Timut Pepper ( Nepal ) 13 Sichuan Pepper ( Nepal & China) 14 Voatsiperifery pepper ( Madagascar ) 15 White Penja Pepper ( Cameroon) 16 Long Pepper 17 Spices 18 Cinnamon 19 Saigon Cinnamon (Cassia) 20 Saigon Cinnamon (Cassia) 20 Cloves 21 Coriander 22 Red chili 23 Nutmeg 24

Saffron 25 Garlic 26 Red Onion 27 Vanilla 28 Javanese Gourmet Vanilla pod 29 Pure vanilla Powder 30 Natural Vanilla Extract 31 Chocolate 32 100g Classic Bean to Bar 33 100g New Flavours 34 Other Cacao Products 35 Mills “Peugeot Saveurs� 36 Packaging fit your needs 37 Company Profile 38 About the Founder, 39 Contacts 40


Pepper ( VIETNAM) The pepper of Vietnam is a pepper with a marked character. The climate of the highlands gives this pepper a pleasant power at the end of the mouth, floral and spicy nose, ideal on all grilled meats. This pepper is especially for lovers of strong pepper It is delicious on a fresh goat cheese, both freshness and fire. Viet Nam has become the world’s largest pepper exporter

Central Highlands Pepper : Natural double washed, No Stone, No Stick. Black Pepper : Density :450g/l/ 500gl/ 550g/l, Moisture 13,5% . White Pepper : Density : 630g/l, mixed black pepper 3% max., Moisture 13,5%

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Phu Quoc Pepper This is one of the finest peppers in the world. If you are after a warm, pungent and strongly aromatic black pepper, this is the one to go for! An essential ingredient in Vietnamese fish sauce from Phu Quoc, but suitable as a finishing pepper for any type of savoury dish.

Black : Density 550g/l Red : Density 550 g/l Green : In Brine .



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Kampot Pepper (Cambodia) Kampot pepper is organically grown and produced and sold in green, black and red varieties, all from the same plant. The climate of Kampot Province offers perfect conditions for growing pepper and the quartz content of the soil in the foothills of the Elephantt Mountains helps to give Kampot pepper its unique terroir. Kampot pepper has Protected Geographical Indication PGI status 2010 marks a turning point in the renaissance of Kampot pepper with the establishment of a PGI (protected geographical indication) by the Ministry of Commerce and the French Development Agency. Kampot pepper is thus the first Cambodian agricultural product to benefit from a PGI (Protected Geographical Indication), issued on 2 April 2010. It was registered at European level in February 2016.

rules (terroir, pepper cuttings from the soil, natural fertilizers, natural pesticides), processing, packaging and traceability. Plantations are controlled by the Kampot Pepper Promotion Association (KPPA) and the independent certification body EcoCert. Only authorized members of the Kampot pepper association, meeting the criteria of the PGI, are authorized to sell pepper under the name "Pepper of Kampot".

The PGI requires growers to comply with very strict specifications setting out production Premium Culinary Ingredients - 2018



Red Kampot Pepper At the peak of the dry season, around the month of March, the grains ripen from the yellow to the red. Harvested by hand at full ripeness, the grains are then washed and dried in the sun. The red pepper of Kampot is the emblematic product of the region. It develops powerful fruity aromas. Its unique taste, less spicy than black pepper, offers sweet notes of red fruits and honey. It embalms and perfumes your dishes and your desserts. On strawberries or pears, its delicate aroma will be highlighted.



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Black Kampot Pepper From January onwards, the ripe grapes are picked by hand. They are then sprouted, washed and dried in the sun for a few days. The black pepper of Kampot develops strong and delicate aromas. Its very intense and sweet taste at the same time reveals flowery notes of eucalyptus and fresh mint. It is a great addition to grilled beef or fish. It is advisable to never cook the pepper but to grind it fresh directly on its plate.

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Green Kampot Pepper In Brine



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Japanese Shansho Pepper Sansho pepper comes from the berry of the Japanese prickly ash, and is closely related to Szechuan pepper – but with stronger lemon flavours. The aromatic shrub is grown in Japan, China and North Korea, and is harvested for its berries. Sansho spice powder has the same tonguetingling hotness as Szechuan pepper, and is most famously sprinkled on kabayaki unagi (grilled eel) - but is delicious with any cooked fish or barbequed meat. Shansho is great also with some French creamy cheese as Roblochon or fourme d'Ambert!

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Malaysian Sarawak Pepper Sarawak black pepper has big, bold aromas, which mellow in the mouth with old spice flavours, and warm, woody notes. Sarawak black is a Malaysian pepper, grown in mountainous Borneo, and widely considered to be one of the best black peppers in the world – recently being awarded a geographical indication (GI) status. Sarawak black peppercorns are picked when they’re green and ripe, and are then dried in the sun until they turn black and wrinkled allowing their aromas to fully develop. Much like wine and oil, the pepper's flavours are affected ‘terroir’, meaning that black Sarawak peppercorns are complimented by other foods of the region. Try using the Sarawak pepper in stir fries, Malay chicken curries, and roughly grind over grilled meat and steaks. The bold flavours also make this a strong enough pepper to hold its own in heavily-spiced dishes, like a tagine or a curry.



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Timut Pepper ( Nepal ) Timut – or timur – pepper is a Nepalese pepper, which has the cold spiciness of a sichuan peppercorn, with remarkable hints of grapefruit. The timut peppercorns is, in fact, related to the Sichuan pepper. Both come from the zanthoxylum family, which helps explain the distinctive tongue-tingling taste shared by both timut and sichuan peppercorns.

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Sichuan Pepper ( Nepal & China) Sichuan pepper is used in Western China’s regional cuisine to bring distinctive cold-heat to dishes. Sichuan pepper falls into China’s ‘ma’ flavour category (mouth-numbing spiciness) rather than ‘la’ (chilli hotness), which results in an unusual, tongue-tingling flavour sensation. Sichuan pepper is often cooked alongside



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Voatsiperifery Pepper ( Madagascar ) Voatsiperifery is an incredibly rare pepper with strong, pine forest nose, and medium heat – distinguished by light, zesty flavours. Voatsiperifery pepper grows in the hot and humid South-Eastern Madagascan rainforests, where the pepper vines can reach 20m tall, and only grow in the wild, making picking very difficult. The unripe berries are all hand-harvested by local village communities, and left to dry in the sun which turns the berries black. The name Voatsiperifery comes from the two words "voa" meaning fruit and "tsiperifery", the name of climbing plants in Madagascar.

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White Penja Pepper ( Cameroon) White pepper from the region of “Penja� in Cameroon. This pepper has a very strong aroma which is best described as an intense, round sharpness. With its marvellous smell the white pepper is best for preparing delicacies and also in combination with mixed herbs.



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Long Pepper ( Vietnam Cambodia/ Indonesia) Black / Red Once hailed by Romans as the ultimate peppery spice, these wild long peppers disappeared into culinary obscurity with the domestication of their cousin, the black peppercorn.Their flavor is deep and complex, with a pepper bite followed by an earthy pungency, a sweet hint of cardamom and nutmeg, and a bouquet of floral notes.

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Cinnamon Origin SRI LANKA From over time, Pure Ceylon Cinnamon production has remained and been conserved in its original nature in Sri Lanka, an island in the Indian Ocean, once known to traders as Serendib, or more famously as Ceylon. It is here, that you would still find Pure Ceylon Cinnamon, promising its real exotic fragrance, unique taste and magical medicinal values.

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Saigon Cinnamon (Cassia) Origin VIETNAM Known as Vietnamese cinnamon or Vietnamese cassia, Saigon cinnamon’s scientific name is Cinnamomum Loureiroi. It comes from an evergreen tree indigenous to Southeast Asia. Saigon cinnamon is closely related to Chinese cinnamon. Saigon cinnamon has around 1-5% essential oil content and 25% cinnamaldehyde in the essential oil, which is the highest of all the cinnamon species. Saigon cinnamon’s bark is similar to that of Tung Hing, but with a more pronounced and complex aroma. In Vietnamese cuisine, Saigon cinnamon bark is an important ingredient in many dishes including pho, the well-known noodle soup. Saigon cinnamon has a volatile oil content of around 7%, which gives it a very bold and robust flavor that is ideal for cooking and for use in sauces.



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Clov es Cloves

Origin :Indonesia

Cloves are originally only native to a tiny group of islands in Indonesia, though they are now grown around the world. During the peak of the Age of Exploration, various European nations battled each other over control for these Spice Islands, which were the only place in the world one could find precious cloves and nutmeg. The buds of clove trees turn pink just before they blossom, marking the point at which they must be harvested quickly. A single tree yields around seven pounds of this rich, sweet spice. In French cuisine, a crucial ingredient to any good stock is a whole onion that has been studded with cloves. In the US, cloves are used mainly to stud pork roast and ham.

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Origin Vietnam Coriander is the dried seed or fruit of the Coriandrum sativum plant, which belongs to the parsley family. Cilantro is the leaf of this same plant and surprisingly, its flavor is vastly different from that of coriander. Cilantro has a complex but delicate flavor with a hint of pepper, mint and lemon. Coriander has a sweet, aromatic taste with a touch of citrus. Coriander seeds are native to Southern Europe and the Mediterranean region.



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Red chili


Origin : Vietnam Our Crushed Red Pepper Flakes have a high heat without being overwhelming. They are often used as a table condiment, adding a pleasant heat and attractive appearance to any dish.

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Origin : Vietnam / Thailand Cardamom is one of the world’s very ancient spices. The Greeks and Romans used it as a perfume. Vikings came upon cardamom about one thousand years ago, in Constantinople, and introduced it where it remains popular to this day.


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Star Anise Origin : Vietnam

Being a charm of Vietnam star anise is a feast for the eyes and a delight to the nose. Its sharp fresh flavor is found in many dishes and pastries, as well as in anisette and other enjoyable beverages around the Mediterranean Basin. Their white or pinkish blossoms yield a star-shaped fruit. Each star contains a very fragrant, dark red oval seแบนd. The stems of the anise plant, which have the same characteristic flavor as the seeds, are eaten as a vegetable. The seeds are processed and used in a number of food products for seasoning including cakes, candy, cheese, cookies, breads, pickles, stews, fish ,,

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Origin: Indonesia The nutmeg tree is a pyramid-shaped tree that grows up to 15 meters high. The fruit is a fleshy, pale-yellow drupe resembling an apricot. Once ripe, the fruit’s pulpy pericarp half-opens into two parts, to reveal a single seed protected by a brown shell. This seed, with high essential oil content, is what is used in the distillation process. It is surrounded by a bright red-orange aril that streaks the hull with color.Productivity increases with age, with an optimum yield occurring when the tree is between 15 and 30 years old. The first crop come after 6 to 7 years.

Dutch for centuries. The Dutch even developed a way of sterilizing the seeds with lime to control spread of the species. In the end, it was the initiative of French missionary Pierre Poivre that led to illegal nutmeg plants being introduced and cultivated on France’s tropical island territories, putting an end to the Dutch exclusivity.

Native to the Indonesian Moluccas, nutmeg long remained unknown in the West. Though used in India and Egypt before Christ, it was imported to the West by the Arabs in the Middle Ages. Like Pepper, this rare and extremely expensive spice led to monopolistic trade, one disputed by the Portuguese and 26


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Origin: Kashmir India The history of saffron cultivation reaches back more than 3,000 years. The wild precursor of domesticated saffron crocus was Crocus cartwrightianus. Human cultivators bred wild specimens by selecting for unusually long stigmas. Thus, a sterile mutant form of C. cartwrightianus, C. sativus, emerged in late Bronze Age Crete. Experts believe saffron was first documented in a 7th century BC Assyrian botanical reference compiled under Ashurbanipal. Since then, documentation of saffrons use over the span of 4,000 years in the treatment of some 90 illnesses has been uncovered. The flower has one three-pronged stigma, which is the distal ends of the plants carpels. Together with its style, the stalk connecting the stigmas to the rest of the plant, these components are often dried and used in cooking as a seasoning and coloring agent. Saffron, which has for decades been the Premium Culinary Ingredients - 2018

worlds most expensive spice by weight, is native to Southwest Asia. By measuring saffron in laboratory conditions against international standards (ISO 3632), we get a measure of its quality and this is used by discerning chefs to ensure that their food has only the most fantastic flavour and aroma.




Dried slice

Origin : India Our Dehydrated Garlic Flakes are known for their freshness, taste and high nutritional content. We are exporter, and supplier of dehydrated garlic flakes. These flakes are simply the best, as we do not adding any kind of chemicals or artificial colors in our Garlic Flakes. They are available in different air sealed packages that prevent any kind of contamination. Dehydrated garlic flakes can be used for seasoning recipes, sauces, vegetable mixes, stuffing mixes and food processing..



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Red Onion

Dried slice

Origin : India We offer high quality red Onions to the clients. Our variety of dehydrated red Onions includes kibbled, chopped, minced, flakes onion. Known for their taste and freshness, the dehydrated red onions offered by us are packed properly in order to maintain their freshness for a longer period. Our products are processed using sophisticated machines of air dried system and are exported worldwide. Dehydrated Onion is a major ingredient in different types of cuisines and dishes.

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Vanilla Today, Indonesia is the world’s second biggest grower of vanilla. Vanilla grows across the Archipelago but predominantly in Bali, Sulawesi and Central Java. Like fine wine, vanilla needs careful handling and aging to produce the best result. After harvesting, the green pods are blanched and then fermented, a process which turns the natural glucocytes in the beans to vanillin, which gives vanilla, its distinctive flavor notes. The beans are then dried naturally in the shade and cured for several months until they are ready to be used. Demand for this amazing product range from manufacturers of premium ice creams and beverages, up to the chefs of fine restaurants and specialist bakeries. Spice Valley sources vanilla beans from all the key areas of Indonesia. Involved in their cultivation, picking and processing .

Javanese Gourmet Vanilla pod Planifolia variety with a size of 15/18 cm . With a Humidity rate of 22 % on average. The Javanese Vanila are dark brown in color. The skins have a beautiful texture, the smoothness and sheen of the pods are evidence of expert curing. The pods are wellshaped and very flexible. These vanilla beans are turgid with caviar.Inside, the vanilla pods are oily and gooey. Sticky strings form as the bean is pulled apart. The aroma is dark and rich, with strong overtones of chocolate and prune. There’s a large yield of thick, moldable, and very oily caviar in each bean.

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Pure vanilla Powder SpiceValley Pure Vanilla Powder is 100% pure and free of alcohol and sugar. It's ideal for dry mixes, chocolate and beverages and has become popular in among raw, vegan and wholefood consumers. Spice Valley Pure Vanilla Powder are dried down to zero percent humidity and ground into a fine powder (300 micron) where two grams is equivalent to one vanilla bean in terms of flavour.



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Natural Vanilla Extract Spice Valley Natural Vanilla extracts are premium, gourmet quality. They contain more vanilla bean extractives making them the best flavor on the market. They are glutenfree, gmo-free, and contain no sugar or other additives – just purified water, sugar-cane alcohol and vanilla-bean extractives

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30g-100g Classic Bean to Bar

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100g New Flavours



Peanuts, Ginger, CinaPepper, Cashew

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Other Cacao Products

Roasted Cacao Nibs

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Pure Organic Cacao Powder

Pure Cacao butter



Mills “Peugeot Saveurs”

Inox • Stainless Steel Edelstahl Inox P

Moulin à poivre 10 cm - 4” Sans boitage


33033 33057

Moulin à sel 10 cm - 4” Sans boitage

33040 33064

BISTRO ANTIQUE Bois de hêtre • Beech wood P

Buchenholz Beukenhout

Moulin à poivre 10 cm - 4” I 30933


Moulin à sel 10 cm - 4” I 30940

BISTRO Bois de hêtre • Beech wood Buchenholz Beukenhout



Moulin à poivre 10 cm - 4”

Chocolat I 22594

Naturel I 800-1

Noir mat I 22730

Blanc mat I 24215


Moulin à sel 10 cm - 4”

Chocolat I 22600

Naturel Noir mat I 9800-1/SME I 24208

Blanc mat I 22440


Salière 9 cm - 3”

Chocolat I 22587

Naturelv I 820-1/S


Moulin à poivre et à sel Chocolat et Naturel 10 cm - 4” I 2/22594


Moulin à poivre et à sel Noir et Blanc 10 cm - 4” I 2/24291

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Packaging fit your needs

Gourmet Retail Packaging 100g/250g/500g

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Horeca Packaging PET Bag 2kg

Plastic Drum Container 100kg


Company Profile About SPICE DISTRIBUTION


Spice Valley Distribution Co, Ltd is a Vietnamese trading house involved in a diverse portfolio of spices and culinary food products. • We successfully aim to bridge the needs of customers and suppliers across the globe by focusing on quality, reliability, and service. Our mission is to supply our customers with quality raw materials at the right price and at the right time.

Spice Valley Distribution Co, Ltd closely monitors developments in the global market. We manage supply risks and ensure quality and timely delivery. We source from selected and audited partners around the globe. Because of our presence in the port of Ho Chi Minh City we are able to provide strategic storage and transport to our partners.

SPICE VALLEY DISTRIBUTION Premium Culinary Ingredient is a registered Trademark 17 4 346 272 INPI France. Alluvia, Peugeot Saveurs are trademarks. The trademarks mentioned are the properties of their authors. Company registration number : 0313980780 Bank : ASIA COMMERCIAL BANK ACB Branch office : 442, NGUYEN THI MINH KHAI STREET, DISTRICT 3 , HCMC , Vietnam Account number : 99999206 Swift code : ASCBVNVX


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About the Founder,

Marc Lambart Marc received an MBA from ESSEC PARIS and a master in marketing from HEC PARIS. After his studies, he worked for decades in international companies in the agri food sector. And before creating his enterprise, he used to be general manager of Annam Group, a south Asian company. Now, his main challenge is to bring to the spices market a selection of organic products.

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Contacts Head Office 91, Nguyen Huu Canh, Binh Thanh, HCMC, Vietnam +841228604680 Sales offices : Thailand, Singapore, Belgium, France, Cameroon,

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