Spice West Mids Newsletter January 2017

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To all Spice members your coordinators would like to extend a belated Merry Christmas and a very ‘Spicy’ Happy New Year to you all…welcome to the winter edition of your Spice newsletter.

Dianne Livingstone Spice London

By now you are either right in the thick of your festivities or just coming out the far side (depending on when this newsletter actually drops on your mat!) and you may be wondering how you are going to manage that last mince pie, the final piece of Christmas pudding, your last Turkey sandwich/curry/pie for a while and also how to rid yourself of all that over-indulgence and excess of the festive period…well that’s why you joined Spice isn’t it? After all the parties, Balls, weekends away, etc. it’s time to start planning your diary for 2017 but don’t worry your coordinators have all been busy arranging lots of things for you to look forwards to. Richard Coulter Spice West Midla Midlands

Of course January through to March see us very heavily involved in the overseas ski trips – if you haven’t already booked anything, are looking for a second trip or maybe are thinking about trying skiing out for the first time then check the Spice UK website as there are still few trips with places to spare! But it isn’t all about skiing of course there are lots of events in your local programmes to start looking forward to so make sure you have a good look through the local event pages of the newsletter and if you want more information on any of the events just pop on line or call your local group. In this issue you’ll see a look about over some of the highlights of 2016…what will you do to make 2017 just as memorable? Plus as well as our usual gallery there is also a special 35th Anniversary Ball gallery because there were just too many to include! Announcement time now…Spice Bristol & Cardiff is changing its name! After much thought Kate, the new coordinator for the region, felt that the current name didn’t really reflect the regional area her group covers and so from the New Year we have Spice South West & South Wales (a bit of a mouth full but much more accurate!). Whatever your interests the Spice programme just gets bigger and better and I’m sure you’ll have lots of adventures to talk about over the next few months – and don’t forget to take your camera’s, phones, etc. with you. We love seeing all your pictures on Facebook often making us all quite jealous of the fun you’re having!

P.S A special mention Happy Birthday to both Scotland and West Midlands groups as they are 25 years old in 2017!

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Ian Purvis Spice UK

Lauren Fawkes er Spice Manchester & Yorkshire

Jamie Morris Jam Spice Scotland Spic

Steve Dell ell ast Spice East s Midlands

Kathryn Buttle Spice Thames Valley & Solent

Kate Alderson Spice South West & South Wales

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Name: Patricia Kilker Which Group are you a member of? Presently East Midlands and West Midlands but with changes afoot who knows which one by this time next year. How long have you been a Spice member? 5 years Why did you join Spice? To do fun and interesting things with like minded people with free time on their hands. What has been your favourite event? The Gower last August where I skinny dipped to assist a TV friend in completing her ‘before 40’ bucket list. Well, \RXÂśYH JRWWD KDYHQÂśW \RX 2QH RI WKH ÂżUVW %ULVWRO &DUGLII bunk barn weekends ran under Kate Alderson. It was a fantastic weekend in itself in a fab bunk barn and in a lovely part of my beloved Wales. The extra activity was very liberating and very freeing; I think I was smiling non stop for about a week afterwards! Thanks Kate! What has been your most challenging event? In the early days, most of them as it can be nerve wracking turning up to things by yourself. However, you soon learn that everyone else has been in the same boat WKHPVHOYHV DQG SHRSOH ZLOO FRPH DQG WDON WR \RX PDNH you feel welcome. This is I think one of the loveliest things about Spice; that we’ve all been newbies ourselves and so we look after and welcome newbies.

Name: Matt Ashman Which Group are you a member of? West Midlands. How long have you been a Spice member? Over 4 years Why did you join Spice? My friends were all getting married and having children, so I thought I’d better meet some new people! I’ve always been interested in going to new places and doing new things so Spice ticked all the boxes for me.

But the most challenging event itself? 7KH *RZHU DJDLQ %XW D ZDONLQJ ZHHNHQG ZKHUH some unexpected ‘scrambling’ was introduced WR WKH GD\V ZDON 7KDW LV VFUDPEOLQJ RYHU URFNV cliff with the sea right below you! Much as I love WKH VHD , GLGQÂśW ORYH WKLV , ZDV SHWULÂżHG P\ legs froze and I had to be rescued by the lovely Gideon. What is your funniest memory in Spice? Steve Dell on the bull in Jersey! Various other moments, generally in the bar after a party night! What would be your advice for a new member? Go along to as many different types of events as possible so that you get to know a wide number of people. Take a chance and try something new! Nothing ventured, nothing gained‌ Have you been on a Spice UK Holiday? <HV , ZHQW WR &URDWLD LQ 6HSWHPEHU 7KH KROLGD\ ZDV IDE brilliant hotel based on a tranquil island. Great food and drink. Great company. Have you had an embarrassing Spice moment? Too many to mention in polite company! (My stockings falling GRZQ DW WKH WK %DOO ZDV TXLWH DPXVLQJ What is your life philosophy in one sentence. %H NLQG Âą LW FRVWV QRWKLQJ

GLGQœW GLVDSSRLQW )ORDWLQJ LQ 7KH %OXH /DJRRQ ZHDULQJ D PXG pack while drinking a beer on a Monday afternoon was real moment. What has been your most challenging event? Not sure it was challenging, but The Zip-wire was certainly something I never thought I’d do. What is your funniest memory in Spice? , UHPHPEHU JHWWLQJ UHDG\ IRU P\ ¿UVW IDQF\ GUHVV SDUW\ ZLWK Spice. I was in my hotel room and a little nervous about walking out.When I eventually left the room, the whole corridor ZDV IXOO RI SHRSOH LQ WKH PRVW DPD]LQJ RXW¿WV ,œG HYHU VHHQ , WKRXJKW HYHU\WKLQJœV JRQQD EH ¿QH What would be your advice for a new member? It’s each to their own, but I found going to smaller events like meals and quizzes was a good way to meet people. Once you know a few people, the world is your oyster. Have you had an embarrassing Spice moment? Afraid not‌..I don’t do embarrassment‌

What has been your favourite event? It is a holiday to Iceland. I’ve always wanted to go and it

What is your life philosophy in one sentence. Everyday is a gift‌so enjoy it.

Name: Ainslie Aitken

What is your funniest memory in Spice? 6XQGD\ PRUQLQJ EUHDNIDVW FKDW DW %DOODFKXOLVK LQ

Which Group are you a member of? Scotland. How long have you been a Spice member? $OPRVW IXQ ¿OOHG \HDUV Why did you join Spice? To try new experiences and travel more. Meeting new friends has been a bonus. What has been your favourite event? Hard choice but probably the quad biking, that was great fun. What has been your most challenging event? , WKLQN WKH ¿UHZDON EXW ZHOO ZRUWK LW DQG , ZRXOG recommend it to everyone. What has been your most challenging event? Not sure it was challenging, but The Zip-wire was certainly something I never thought I’d do.

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What would be your advice for a new member? Try everything at least once and no one bites. Have you been on a Spice UK Holiday? 1RW \HW VWLOO WU\LQJ WR ¿W RQH LQ Have you had an embarrassing Spice moment? Using nature’s loo on an Arrochar walk and a large group of students stopped just in front of us. My bright SLQN MDFNHW ZDVQœW JRRG FDPRXÀDJH What is your life philosophy in one sentence. If you’re not smiling you are doing something wrong.

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White Knight and

White Knight This is an idea that came from Spice founder Dave Smith who based it on a tradition he had witnessed while living on a kibbutz in Israel. On the Kibbutz, families often found themselves split up for long periods of time and WKHUH ZDV D UHDO QHHG WR ¿QG ZD\V WR RYHUFRPH LVRODWLRQ and loneliness by demonstrating that they were part of a community of people who really cared for them.

The Spice version that we call “White Knight and Good Fairy Fortnight” works like this: Members book anonymously onto the event (for obvious UHDVRQV WKHUH LV QR ³ZKRVH ERRNHG EXWWRQ IRU WKLV HYHQW 7KH 6SLFH RI¿FH WKHQ OLQNV HYHU\RQH WRJHWKHU LQ D FLUFOH where everyone is sent details of one other person (their ³9,3´ ZKR WKH\ ZLOO ORRN DIWHU ZLWK VRPH VHFUHW VXUSULVHV over the fortnight. While you are looking after that “someone”, another “someone” has been sent your details and will be secretly looking after you!

“paying it forward” There is much talk these days about “paying it forward” and “random acts of kindness”. However, Spice members have been enjoying spreading the love of anonymous giving for over 35 years now through their regular White Knight and Good Fairy events. SINGLES_2016/17_NEWS_41.14_A.indd 4

The fortnight ends with a meal where everyone is revealed and everyone gets to meet their Good Fairy or White Knight. In the process we learn of all the stories of what has been going on. It’s often hilarious and always touching. touc uch hing g. The ingenuity and creat creativity tivity of some people is unbelievable! u un believable! Ove tthe Over he yyears ears we have heard of gnomes being caught by ys security eccuritty lilights igh g ts whi while hile le putting me messages essages on lawns; cars being be g se secretly ecr cret etly w washed ashed or decorat as decorated; ted; many a takeaway meal m me al b being eing ei ng lef left eftt on a doorstep sec seconds conds before the weary

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Good Fairy Fortnight

“VIP” returns tired and hungry; several instances of people being paged in supermarkets to come to customer VHUYLFHV DQG ¿QG ÀRZHUV RU D JLIW ZDLWLQJ WKHUH $FWV of kindness can also be as simple as a lottery ticket or chocolate bar slipped through the letterbox. 7KH 6SLFH RI¿FH JLYH \RX DV PXFK LQIRUPDWLRQ DV possible about your “VIP” to help you and usually are able to pass on the details of a close friend or relative who ca can an provide the necessary inside knowledge! In the busy society we live in today it can be hugely uplifting to know there is someone thinking of you and d apy y trying to make you feel special. It is equally great therapy to be the person creating such good deeds. Many years ago I gave a lift home to a lady after the White Knight Good Fairy Meal. She was a new member who I hardly knew, yet she had been absolutely elly s overwhelmed by her experience of the fortnight. She was very emotional and kept mentioning how the fortnight en I had restored her faith in the goodness of people. When o dropped her off I realised why the fortnight had meantt so ms of o much to her. Her home was actually a hostel for victims ues!! domestic abuse. Now it was me who needed the tissues!

In society today we really need to encompass the true meaning of ‘pay y it forward’ and it is a really part of the e Spice ethos so anything that make us more giving to each other has to be a good thing.

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““random rand dom acts of kind kindness” dn

7K 7KH 6SLFH RI¿FH JLYH KH 6 6SLFH RI¿FH JLYH you as much informat information tio as possible about your “V “VIP” to help you and usually are able to pass on the details of a close friend or relative who can provide the necessary inside knowledge! knowledge!

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club UK’s leading adventure travel company, Exodus offers Spice members a 5% discount for independent direct bookings! To book your independent holiday with Exodus and claim your Spice member discount call 0845 863 9606. To qualify for the Spice Discount, simply advise them you are a Spice Member at the time of booking. This discount cannot be used in conjunction with any other discount. Further details can be found at exodus.co.uk



Club Dance Holidays has taken hundreds of customers to many exciting destinations over the years - Cuba, Miami, Jamaica, Austria and Malta. We have increased our portfolio of activities to include fitness, ski and golf. They are offering 5% off the price of any of their holidays across all dance styles, call 0207 099 4816 to book and let them know you are a Spice Member at the time of booking. This discount cannot be used in conjunction with any other discount. Further details can be found at clubdanceholidays.com

EVENING AND ONE DAY EVENTS Providing you give us more than seven day’s (includes weekends and bank holidays) notice you will receive a full refund as a Credit Note, less a Cancellation Fee of 20% of the cost of the event OR loss of deposit (whichever is lower) with a minimum of £3 (except where stated otherwise in the Newsletter event description). Credit Notes are valid for 12 months and only redeemable against events.

New You Boot Camp is Europe’s leading boot camp retreat and is offering all Spice members 5% of all retreats. Our clients are extremely diverse and we welcome all different fitness levels and ages. Our stunning venues are in the UK and Spain where we are surrounded by natural beauty. Throughout the week with New You Boot Camp, you will not only see fabulous results in your fitness, weight loss and inch loss but you will be educated on how to change your lifestyle to reach your goals and attain optimal health. Further details can be found at newyoubootcamp.com or call 0207 099 4816 to booking stating you are a Spice Members at the time of booking.

GolfPlanet Holidays, established in 1982, is the UK’s longest-established and most reputed golf holiday company. From short stays in the UK to month-long golf tours along the California coast, GolfPlanet offers the experience and expertise as well as unbeatable rates. Destinations include UK, Croatia, France, Greece, Mauritius, Morocco, Portugal, Slovenia and USA. To claim £50 off your first booking call 01277 284 284 and quote Spice.

GENERAL Where cancellation is received within the cancellation period prior to an event, you will lose all monies paid (and also be liable for any balance) unless we can replace you. If you simply do not turn up for an event without contacting us, you will automatically forfeit any monies paid, and will be liable for any balance.

SHOULD SPICE CANCEL AN EVENT..... Should Spice cancel any event you will be refunded directly back by TICKETED EVENTS the payment method used. Our policy is that wherever possible we will Note: Theatre, Concerts, etc. These are non-refundable unless we always issue a refund. can resell your place, as tickets will have already been purchased. HOLIDAYS AND OVERSEAS TRIPS OVERNIGHT EVENTS AND EVENTS COSTING OVER £100 Note: More than three overnights or outside UK. Cancellation is as per Note: This excludes overseas trips which have a separate Holiday the Tour Operators Terms and Conditions as supplied with Holiday Cancellation Policy. Providing you give us more than 28 days Information Packs. Cancellation must be in writing and a back up phone (includes weekends and bank holidays) notice you will receive a call is recommended. You should assume you are still booked until you have written confirmation of your cancellation. Where cancellation is full refund as a Credit Note, less a Cancellation Fee of 20% of the cost of the event OR loss of deposit (whichever is lower received within the cancellation period prior to an event, you will lose all monies paid (and also be liable for any balance). If you simply do not except where stated otherwise in the Newsletter event description). Credit Notes are valid for 12 months and only turn up for an event without contacting us you will automatically forfeit redeemable against events. any monies paid, and will be liable for any balance.

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Spice South Bristol West / Cardiff & South Wales 0117 971 5593 kate@spicebristolcardiff.com www.spicebristolcardiff.com Spice Thames Valley & Solent 0118 9724810 info@thamesvalleyspice.co.uk www.thamesvalleyspice.co.uk

Spice Manchester 0161 864 3849 info@spicemcr.com www.spicemcr.com

Visit spiceextras.co.uk to start shopping and start saving today.

Spice London 01372 824223 dianne@spicelondon.co.uk www.spicelondon.co.uk

Spice Yorkshire 0161 864 2554 info@spiceyorks.com www.spiceyorks.com Spice West Midlands 0121 353 6161 info@spicebham.com www.spicebham.com


As a member of Spice you can enjoy many exclusive and money saving deals.

Spice UK Emergency 24hr Telephone. 07778 298497 This emergency telephone is strictly for use for serious accidents and emergencies only. It is NOT for general enquiries, bookings, directions, etc.

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Spice Scotland 0131 531 2653 info@spicescotland.com www.spicescotland.com

Spice East Midlands 01827 767150 RIÀFH#VSLFHHDVWPLGV FRP www.spiceeastmids.com


6SLFH 8. 1DWLRQDO 2IÀFH 0161 873 8788 info@spiceuk.com www.spiceuk.com

Promo Code - 15%SPICE Terms & Conditions: £20 Min Spend. Maps and Vouchers are excluded. Delivery only in Mainland UK

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Group contact details

Free Info Pack

us B ran



15% off

Finding events in your local area: 'R \RX ZDQW WR ÀQG D W\SH RI HYHQW HJ ZDONLQJ PHDOV RXW HWF RU HYHQWV LQ \RXU local area? You can do this quickly and simply on your local spice website From the home page click the EVENT button. In the SEARCH EVENTS block you can search for a type of event by clicking on the drop down on CATEGORY for example WALKING, PARTIES, WEEKEND BREAKS etc. <RX FDQ ÀQG DQ HYHQW LQ your area by selecting SUBCATEGORY and selecting your area for example ESSEX , KENT, SURREY etc. You can also search on words, by using WORDS When done click SEARCH to ÀQG ZKDW \RX ZDQW

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Memorable events in 2016...

As we draw close to another year we look over some of the events we have had this \HDU KDV EHHQ TXLWH D \HDU RQ DOO IURQWV and this is a chance for us to look back...

MAY MAR Kate Alderson took over South West & South Wales May

Butlins 70’s night Great event everyone made a huge effort in dressing up the costumes where outstanding. /RRN RXW IRU ¶V HYHQW QH[W \HDU


*OLGHU À\LQJ in Usk, South :DOHV ± VR peaceful, so scary!


Kat Buttle took over Thames Valley 6ROHQW -XO\

MAY Copenhagen Trip ± 2QH of the highlights of the year and a long weekend still talked about fondly on events today. We toured, we drank, we dined and we enjoyed a truly stunning city.

OCT Fire walk Whilst the group was small the feedback was stunning; one of the members enjoyed it so much she did the walk seven times in one memorable evening. We’ll be UHSHDWLQJ WKLV HYHQW LQ ± keep an eye out for dates.

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7KDQNV WR 0LN %DUWRQ for this lovely picture of Helen mastering the trendy sport of wakeboarding on their newly installed cable circuit. We had a few members enjoying this unusual event and incredibly they all managed to th sstay upright!

Ballachulish sh Break ± 7KH OHJHQGDU\ ZHHNHQG WKDW ± 7KH OHJHQGDU\ NHHSV JHWWLQJ EHWWHU ± ZH¶YH GRQH WKLV EUHDN IRU RYHU E WW ¶ G WK VL[ \HDUV DQG SURYHG WR EH DQRWKHU EULOOLDQW ZHHNend. Highlights include a quiet Friday night at the pub and stunning walking in and around Glencoe. We’ll be EDFN LQ GRLQJ LW DOO DJDLQ

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Hot Air Balloons the beauty of watching the balloons rising DW WKH %ULVWRO %DOORRQ )LHVWD LW was hit and miss as the weekend started with no but itit all alll wind - but me good good in came WKH H H HQG G /RYYH WKH HQG /RYH is event eve ent itt is a this Sp pic ice e favourite. fa avou uritte. Spice

Scotland’s Coast to Coast via the Forth and Clyde Canal ± WKLV LV D SDUWLFXODU KLJKOLJKW DV LW WRRN LQGLYLGXDO ZDONV FRYHULQJ NP ± ZHVW WR HDVW :H VWDUWHG FORVH WR WKH (UVNLQH %ULGJH DQG ¿QLVKHG in central Edinburgh passing the Falkirk Wheel, Glasgow suburbs, Edinburgh suburbs and many towns and villages along the route. The only constant WKURXJKRXW ZDV FDQDO , WKLQN ¿YH PHPEHUV PDQDJHG HYHU\ section but we received fantastic support on the individual walks along the way.


Edinburgh Festival is a must do event for all Spicers one for the bucket list and growing year on year. The festival consists of many components that are separate events that make up the event and together they form the largest annual cultural festival in the world.


The Dana Prison Sleepover Experience.

This is one off ‘Night in A &HOO¶ LQ WKLV GHFRPPLVVLRQHG prison was a far cry away from the usual hotel or hostel stays that are usually on offer with Spice. There were no luxury items and members spent the night in a cell on metal bunk bed frames.

FUN RUN± (YHU\ \HDU Spice West Midlands put a team together for the Great Midlands Fun Run made up of runners, walkers, joggers and volunteer race marshals.

2FWREHU 35th Anniversary Ball

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This was an extremely unique experience. Our tag line was “do the time without the crime”


Dining in the dark... Spice are not strangers to adventurous forms of dining out. We’ve dined in a cold war nuclear bunker. We’ve dined on TV. We’ve even dined out at a table suspended at 200 feet from a crane! %XW QRZ ZH KDYH GLQHG LQ WKH GDUN IRU charity!

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International Holiday Programme

yh olid ays fr om your S pice UK team!

Welcome to the Spice international holiday programme, available to all Spice members DV DQ H[FOXVLYH EHQH¿W RI PHPEHUVKLS 2YHU WKH \HDUV 6SLFHU¶V KDYH WUDYHOOHG ZLWK XV to every corner of the world enjoying action and adventure, amazing sights, interesting cultures and always great company with plenty of laughs along the way! Whether you’re after an easy going leisurely break, an active walking week or a trip of discovery we hopefully have something to suit. Over the next few pages we’ve picked out a few of our current holidays to highlight plus there’s a full OLVWLQJ RI HYHU\WKLQJ FXUUHQWO\ DYDLODEOH LQFOXGLQJ WKLV VHDVRQV VNL WULSV ,I \RX GR ¿QG VRPHWKLQJ WKDW you want some more information for then more information is available on the Spice UK website ZZZ VSLFHXN FRP ± DOWHUQDWLYHO\ LI \RX ZDQW WR GLVFXVV DQ\WKLQJ DW DOO GRQ¶W KHVLWDWH WR FDOO 6SLFH 8. RQ

Spice Holidays Date



Spice Trip


Price from











































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Ski Holidays Date



Spice Trip


Price from

























The Spice holida programm e is a rollin y new holid g one and ays are b eing adde so please d all the ti check ww me w .s p ic euk.com for full de tails & up to date availabilit y!

All Spice UK air holidays are protected by the Civil Aviation Authority under the ATOL scheme in the event of failure of the tour operator. rator Each Ea tour operators ATOL number is stated at the end of every holiday writ write up on our website www.spiceuk.com plus full terms and conditions. l ti Your money is protected via our Trust Account in compliance with EC Package Travel R Regulations.

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Highlighted capital on the Baltic Sea, Tallinn is the country’s cultural hub. It retains its walled, cobblestoned Old Town, home to cafes and shops, as well as Kiek in de Kök, a 15th-century defensive tower. It has charm by the sack full, fusing the modern and medieval to come up with a vibrant vibe all of its own.

SKI VAL D’ISERE 8 days, Sunday 05 February 17 from £849 Departs London Gatwick, Manchester & Birmingham It’s easy to see why Val d’Isere remains one of the best loved French skiing destinations. It’s kept the charm and the feel of its rural village roots while growing into a modern resort with a lovely atmosphere. Flaunt some fashion if you must, indulge in the crazy nightlife if you care to, but more importantly come for the skiing as there’s superb terrain and enough variety to suit everyone. The nursery slopes are in the middle of the resort and beginners can discover easy runs in breath-taking scenery above the tree line. Stronger skiers have the vast Espace Killy to explore, from the challenge of the Solaise bumps to the wide open pistes of the glacier at Fornet. Off-piste enthusiasts are spoiled for choice and it’s the perfect place to combine off-piste guiding and instruction.

OSLO MINI BREAK 4 days, Thursday 25 May 17 from £539 Departs London Gatwick, Manchester & Edinburgh

SKI MERIBEL 8 days, Sunday 19 March 17 from £869 Departs London Gatwick, Manchester & Birmingham Spread your wings and explore the three Valleys. The chalet hotel Tarentaise is an ideal base for skiers who enjoy plenty of variety. Intermediates especially will thrive on the 600kms of well-kept pistes; you can ski all week and still leave plenty of runs untouched. In the two villages and higher up, beginners can cut their teeth on a wealth of uncrowded nursery slopes. Experts can tackle the infamous Courchevel couloirs and the Chanrossa bumps. If the weather closes in, forest runs down the valley are the answer, while in sunny conditions Val Thorens, Europe’s highest resort, is the place to head for. Meribel is one of the more lively alpine resorts for après ski and Mottaret a little more reserved, but it has a good choice of bars and restaurants.

Join Spice on a wonderful weekend trip to the city of Oslo, Norway’s capital and largest city, with its vibrant social scene and special combination of nature experiences and city life. Oslo is one of Europe’s fastest-growing cities, and is quickly transforming into a cosmopolitan hub with an abundance of world-class museums, restaurants, and art, while still maintaining the relaxed atmosphere of a much smaller town. It’s known for its green spaces and museums. Many of these are on the Bygdøy Peninsula, including the waterside Norwegian Maritime Museum and the Viking Ship Museum, with Viking ships from the 9th century and the Holmenkollbakken is a skijumping hill with panoramic views of the fjord.

CYPRUS SPRING CHILLOUT 8 days, Saturday 30 April 17 from £719 Departs London Gatwick, Luton, Birmingham & Manchester

ESTONIAN ESCAPE 4 days, Friday 24 March 17 from £569 Departs London Gatwick only Let Spice take you on a wonderful weekend trip to the beautiful city of Tallinn. If the words ‘former Soviet’ conjure up images of dull and grey then Tallinn does all it can to break away from this misconception and will delight in proving you wrong! Estonia’s

Cyprus, in the eastern Mediterranean, has a rich, turbulent history stretching back to antiquity. Known for its beaches, it has a rugged interior with wine-growing regions. It’s separated into a Greek south and Turkish north, with the capital Nicosia also divided. Coastal Paphos is famed for its archaeological sites relating to the cult of Aphrodite as it is believed to be where the goddess first came to earth and is ‘where the gods go on holiday’. The dividing line between Europe and the Orient, Cyprus has so much to offer and that’s not even mentioning the great weather!

All Spice UK air holidays are protected by the Civil Aviation Authority under the ATOL scheme in the event of failure of the tour operator. Each tour operators ATOL number is stated at the end of every holiday write up on our website www.spiceuk.com plus full terms and conditions. Your money is protected via our Trust Account in compliance with EC Package Travel Regulations. SINGLES_2016/17_NEWS_41.14_A.indd 14

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Holidays The story of Cyprus’ tumultuous past is told through its historic sites, Roman ruins, multifaceted museums and dusty urban streets. This sense of living history is highlighted most vividly in Paphos, with extraordinary archaeological sites like the Tombs of the Kings, which sprawls like an ancient theme park.

LA SANTA SPORTS HOLIDAY 8 days, Thursday 12 October 17 from £529 Departs London Gatwick, Manchester, Birmingham & Edinburgh La Santa is quite simply a brilliant sportsman’s holiday and this will be our 29th year. The complex is completely self-contained and situated on the quiet side of Lanzarote. The wonderful thing about it apart from the hot sun is all the free sports you can learn - it’s endless. This is a self-catering break so no food is included and a feature of the holiday are the informal group nights out in local restaurants.

TURKISH BLUE COAST CRUISE 8 days, Saturday 24 June 17 from £799 Departs London Gatwick, Manchester, Birmingham & Edinburgh Take a different look at Turkey from the decks of a traditional gulet as we cruise around the turquoise coast of the Aegean. Do nothing more than relax and recharge your batteries, or find some adventure with optional watersports and hiking. So many people tell us how wonderful this holiday is and many go back time and again. Choose how you want to relax, you can always find a quiet spot to read or just watch the world go by. There’s plenty of time for swimming and snorkelling in the warm turquoise sea; in some bays you can arrange to go water skiing, parasailing, ride a banana or even the Red Mable! We are always being told from members how much they loved the food and that it was so much better than they imagined. All meals are prepared fresh every day by the on-board chef who works non-stop. Using locally grown produce means that tomatoes taste as they should because they’ve been ripened naturally in the sun; salads become an enjoyable part of the meal instead of just a bit of lettuce on the side of your plate. There’s loads of variety at every meal which makes life easy if you are vegetarian or have a special dietary requirement (but remember to tell us beforehand).

LAPLAND ADVENTURE & THE NORTHERN LIGHTS 8 days, Saturday 03 December 17 from £970 Departs London Gatwick, Manchester, & Bristol Finland in winter is a magical experience. A scenic winter wonderland located deep inside the Arctic Circle. Blanketed in snow from December to April, reindeer far outnumber people here, and snow-laden trees form bizarre sculptures in a vast and silent landscape. At night the mesmerising Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis) can shimmer in the moonlight (not guaranteed – unfortunately not even Spice can do that!). By day there are exhilarating reindeer, husky and snowmobile safaris. For some visitors the months of December and January are the most evocative, when the blue twilight of ‘Kaamos’ envelops the arctic landscape and days pass in a palette of rose-coloured dawns and dusks. Days in the Arctic Circle are shortest from early December to mid-January.

To book visit www.spiceuk.com or call Spice UK on 0161 873 8788

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